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didrocksgood morning07:21
didrocksKaleo: when you are there, so the ubuntu-desktop ppa contain both an accessible Qt and a qt-at-spi package to install07:29
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MacSlowgreetings everyone08:02
Kaleodidrocks: rock!08:56
Kaleodidrocks: even the patches for QML?08:56
didrocksKaleo: right, I can see some structures in accerciser which means that it works :)08:56
didrockshave fun, play with it (and qt-at-spi)09:02
Kaleodidrocks: libqtbamf FTBFS does not make a lot of sense: it should have FTBFS in Natty back in April :/09:04
Kaleodidrocks: thanks for the fix though09:04
didrocksKaleo: well, agateau reviewed it09:04
didrocksKaleo: but with C++ mangling system and after changing the toolchain, I have no more surprizse with gen symbols ;)09:04
Kaleodidrocks: yeah, I suppose the change in the toolchain made the checks stricter09:05
didrocksyeah, the mangled file seems to be quite different, not sure why…09:07
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Guest0Goodday! I have a problem with a lens Im working on that I've been stuck on for a while now.. I populate the result model the icon field is set to a http address as all icons I use are thumbs got from a web based database.10:27
Guest0the problem occurs when two thumbs have the same thumb and therefore the same http address in the icon field.10:27
davidcalleGuest0, what's the problem exactly?10:29
Guest0If one address is loaded more then one time, the second and third and so on wont load.10:29
Guest0The dbus address is already registered10:29
davidcalleGuest0, I don't seem to have this problem. I use a lot of similar icons http adress in the Books lens.10:31
Guest0I can post the error unity tells me.10:32
davidcalleGuest0, let me see10:32
Guest0** (<unknown>:3812): WARNING **: static void IconLoader::LoadContentsReady(GObject*, GAsyncResult*, IconLoader::IconLoaderTask*): Unable to load contents of http://o.scdn.co/thumb/e2c9c8a108fec09ce028a5762fa5da546fc0cab7: Automatisk montering misslyckades: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered10:32
Guest0For every thumb that has the same address as one already loaded.10:33
davidcalleIs your code hosted somewhere?10:33
Guest0I can put it up on my server. 2 secs.10:34
Guest0At the end you have the method get_thumb_path. Theres where the http address is got.10:36
davidcalleGuest0, I don't see anything wrong with it...10:42
Guest0I've looked at other lenses, your book lens for example, and could not see what I've done different that could be the reason.10:44
davidcalleGuest0, I remember having this bug, but I thought it had been fixed in libunity.10:45
davidcalleYou should ping njpatel about it.10:46
Guest0Okey. Thank you for the help!10:47
davidcalleGuest0, no problem, I hope I'll be able to test your lens soon :)10:48
Guest0Ahh, I just remebered. Can I take a few more minutes of your time davidcalle ? I cannot get the lens to launch correctly. Asked here yesterday but everyone was idleing then.10:49
davidcalleGuest0, it doesn't start?10:50
Guest0It seems like when unity tryes to sync with my lens, the deamon is not up and running. But if I, in the terminal, restarts unity, it loads.10:51
davidcalleGuest0, does it do this all the time?10:51
Guest0Sometimes, not often, it loads.10:51
Guest0on startup10:51
Guest0But for the most time I have to restart unity to have it load.10:52
davidcalleIt's bug #75883910:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 758839 in unity "Lens doesn't start on login" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75883910:52
Guest0Okey. So this is a problem with unity.10:56
davidcalleGuest0, yep.10:57
Guest0Thank you for the help davidcalle :)10:59
davidcalleNo problem! Ping me here or on Twitter @untriangle if you need a tester. :)10:59
Guest0I will :)11:01
Guest0njpatel: I have a question about a problem Im haing with a lens for unity. Ping me back when you have time.11:48
njpatelGuest0, I'm having a few computer issues right now, so I might drop off, but what's up?11:50
Guest0unity gives me a dbus error when my lens returns the same http address to load an icon from more then one time.11:53
Guest0njpatel: this error: ** (<unknown>:3812): WARNING **: static void IconLoader::LoadContentsReady(GObject*, GAsyncResult*, IconLoader::IconLoaderTask*): Unable to load contents of http://o.scdn.co/thumb/ee693e41d6e261fca5f80d4e059afe0498a54f26: Automatisk montering misslyckades: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered11:55
Guest0njpatel: I get that warning everytime I use a http address to an icon that has already been loaded before.11:59
njpatelGuest0, weird :/12:04
njpatelGuest0, I haven't seen that before. We use gio for loading http icons async12:04
njpatelGuest0, but it seems like it's trying to do something silly12:04
njpatelGuest0, is this natty or O?12:04
Guest0njpatel: I've looked at other lenses, for example the books lens, to see if Im doing something strange but I can't see anything special.12:08
Guest0njpatel: davidcalle looked over my code as well. He could not find anything strange.12:09
njpatelGuest0, and the strings you send are always valid http right?12:13
njpatelurls, I mean12:14
Guest0always according to the pattern: http://o.scdn.co/thumb/an ID12:16
njpatelGuest0, I guess I'll need to test it out, is the code available?12:17
njpatelGuest0, hold up, is it the colon at the end of the uri that's confusing gvfs?12:18
njpatelGuest0, oh, wait, that's from the error message12:19
njpatelalso, nice album choice :)12:19
Guest0njpatel: I can put an tar.gz with the code on my server or send it to you. ok?12:19
njpatelGuest0, feel free to send it over neil.patel at canonical.com . I'll try and check it out t12:19
njpatelGuest0, tonight12:20
Guest0njpatel: ok. Thank you :)12:20
njpatelnp ,hopefully it's nothing huge to fix ;)12:20
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om26erkenvandine, Hi! when is gwibber getting the facelift?16:56
kenvandineom26er, now16:59
om26erkenvandine, now like just now?16:59
kenvandinewell, almost ready to upload to oneiric :)16:59
kenvandinetedg, does that dbusmenu release block anything?18:22
kenvandinei put it behind all the indicators i my queue and probably can't get to it today18:22
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jcastro~10 minutes until the Unity contributor meeting!18:52
NafaiI'll be here this time. :)18:53
andyrockjcastro, i'm lating?18:57
jcastroright on time19:00
jcastrook everyone19:00
jcastrowelcome to the weekly Unity meeting19:00
jcastrolet's give it another minute for the stragglers19:01
andyrockjcastro, see this: https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/launcher-devices-improvement/+merge/6553719:01
jcastroI've added a quick agenda there if someone wants to add19:02
jcastroalso feel free to toss your name in in Attendees19:02
andyrockjcastro, i have just made the merge proposal :)19:02
jcastroI saw it scroll by19:03
jcastrook, so let's get started, raise your hand if you're here for the meeting19:03
jcastroNafai: you're new to the meeting so why don't you introduce yourself (in like 3 lines or less)19:04
jcastrosao: and then when he's done introduce yourself!19:04
hungerCould you guys please make it easier to push a window right up to the launcher without having the launcher hide? It is really hard to move a window such that there is no wasted space right now.19:05
hungersome edge resistance for the launcher (and other windows, too) would be really nice to have.19:05
NafaiSure.  My name is Travis, I live in Utah, USA, just south of Salt Lake City.  Long time Debian and Ubuntu user, former Canonical employee.  Want to help make Unity be more awesome than it is.19:05
andyrockhunger, there is already an option!19:05
hungerandyrock: In natty?19:06
NafaiI'm a developer in Python and Scala during the day19:06
andyrockhunger, sure... "Never"19:06
andyrockhunger, install ccsm...19:06
hungerandyrock: No, then the launcher stays on top of the window. That sucks, too.19:07
jcastrook, let's deal with that after the meeting19:07
jcastrolet's get the other stuff out of the way19:07
hungerandyrock: I just do want to be able to properly align windows (and the launcher).19:07
saoAll right: My name is Oliver Sauder and live in Switzerland near Zurich. Have been using Ubuntu since the very first version. Have been hacking around various Linux projects19:07
hungerSorry, need to run...19:07
jcastrosao: ah, so first time meeting, long time contributor. Excellent.19:08
tedgkenvandine, I think it's just bug fixes, but the tricky part there is that dbusmenu is FTBS until the json-glib update to 0.3.1419:08
jcastrook so I've published the report for the week: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/the-unity-report-carving-away-the-stone/19:08
jcastroandrea fixed a backlog bug, so he gets a bonus "woo hoo" for the week19:08
jcastroanyone else been working on a specific bug?19:09
jcastro(trevino made a bunch of fixes to bamf that are in the queue right now, but he couldn't make the meeting)19:09
Nafainot yet, unfortunately19:09
saoCurrently I'm working on 79804019:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 798040 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "run command histroy not shown first time after reboot" [Undecided,In progress]19:11
andyrockjcastro, i'am working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/79989019:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 799890 in unity (Ubuntu) "In Unity the distinction between GVolume, GDrive and GMount is a bit confusing." [Undecided,Confirmed]19:11
jcastrook, looks awesome19:11
jcastronow is a good time to mention19:11
jcastrothat you can do code reviews of each other's branches19:11
jcastrobefore they get submitted19:11
andyrockand on this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/72790119:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 727901 in unity "When dragging and dropping a file on to the Launcher, the Launcher icons that are valid drop receptacles don't highlight until the cursor is over the launcher." [Medium,Triaged]19:11
jcastroas we'd like to have people get experienced reviewing each other's code so they can eventually just do it directly in trunk19:12
jcastroNafai: ok, are you looking for an easy bug?19:12
jcastrook sure, one sec19:12
NafaiAnd I definitely have time for code reviews19:12
jcastrosao: andyrock: if you each could review each other's branch on whatever you fix next19:12
jcastrothat would be swell19:12
jcastrook so let's go over a review real quick19:13
jcastrothe way we are doing it now is currently the DX team is doing all the "real" code reviews, as in launchpad.19:13
andyrockjcastro, i hate python :)19:13
jcastromy goal is to get someone not-on-DX those priviledges, eventually19:13
jcastroso what we're doing is you pick a branch19:14
jcastrofrom here19:14
jcastroand then you do the review, but then just leave them as comments on the merge proposal19:14
Nafaiandyrock: I can help with Python code reviews and fixes, I'd rather do that than C++ :)19:14
jcastroso basically, amongst yourselves19:14
jcastrojust review branches in there19:14
jcastroideally, we'll catch problems before someone on DX gets to it19:15
jcastrothen they'll do a review19:15
jcastroover time as people submit branches and stuff we'll get to doing real reviews in LP19:15
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jcastrobut for now we can help each other with mentorship and all that "good stuff" by just leaving comments in each other's merge proposals19:15
jcastroandyrock did one last week, but I can't find it, so if you have that link handy andrea it'd be a great example19:16
jcastroNafai: ok here's the list of the bitesize bugs: http://goo.gl/tiheb19:16
jcastro(I always keep a link in the topic)19:16
andyrockjcastro, just a moment19:17
jcastrotheoretically those should be the easier ones, let me know if they're too hard or too easy, or just any kind of feedback actually on those19:17
jcastroalso important this week, unity's gone gtk3 so there are new source building instructions, njpatel posted on the ayatana-dev mailing list, it's probably a good idea to get up to speed on that19:18
Nafaithanks, will take a look a bit later19:18
jcastrook so here's an example of a review that andyrock did on one of Marco's branches19:18
jcastrobasically, if we can get everyone doing that that should make reviews easier19:18
jcastroanyone have any burning merge proposals that are stuck or anything like that that they need help unblocking?19:19
NafaiYeah, I'd like to do a review this week if anyone has anything19:20
andyrockjcastro, i made a stupid error last week...19:21
saoI'm currently stuck on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/798040 I fixed 50% of it but now it is unclear how to move forward (see last comment)19:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 798040 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "run command histroy not shown first time after reboot" [Undecided,In progress]19:21
andyrockjcastro, so i ve a merge proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-769335-and-798318/+merge/6509819:22
saoandyrock: I'm currently reviewing this one19:23
andyrockjcastro, the device branch is too complicated and it need coding reviews, and i've just done it19:23
andyrocksao, great19:23
jcastroyeah, no fair, you just submitted this one19:24
jcastroany other ones that have been sitting around or something?19:24
andyrocksao, marcobiscaro branch...19:24
andyrocksorry sao is not for you :)19:25
jcastroandyrock: ok so next up for you is a review on that19:26
jcastroI'll see who is around19:26
jcastroDBO: around today?19:26
jcastrolamalex: or you?19:26
lamalexwhats up19:26
lamalexjcastro, ^19:26
jcastrolamalex: andyrock's got hot launcher review action and sao's stuck on a bug if you can lend a hand19:27
jcastrolamalex: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/79804019:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 798040 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "run command histroy not shown first time after reboot" [Undecided,In progress]19:27
lamalexsure thing19:28
lamalexsao, what do you need exactly?19:29
lamalexand andyrock i'll go review your branch19:29
saolamalex: Take a look at the last comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/798040 Tried to outline the issue there.19:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 798040 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "run command histroy not shown first time after reboot" [Undecided,In progress]19:30
kenvandinetedg, think i can get a speedy review of indicator-me gtk3 port?19:31
kenvandinei have the packaging all ready and i need to leave in a little over an hour :)19:31
tedgkenvandine, Heh, I doubt LP can generate a diff in that time ;-)19:31
kenvandinetedg, should be simple :)19:31
lamalexandyrock, do you know why pointerX and pointerY aren't working? that sounds like the real issue that should be fixed19:33
andyrockpointerX and pointerY are compiz value19:33
lamalexso what19:33
andyrocki have no idea...19:33
lamalexi mean this makes me wonder how many places are suffering from the same issue19:33
andyrockwe use pointerX19:34
andyrockand pointerX19:34
andyrockonly here...19:34
lamalexthis might be an ok workaround, but how many issues will be fixed (or new issues crop up!) from pointerX and pointerY not really behaving19:34
andyrockand in edge trigger...19:34
andyrocki do not remember the name function...19:34
andyrockit is located in launcher.cpp19:35
om26erwhere did didrocks go?19:35
andyrockbut there is not issue here... i think that using the dash doesn't update pointerX/y19:35
andyrocksmspillaz, what do you think about this? ^^^19:36
lamalexom26er, it's way after his end of day19:36
lamalexhe's probably with his friends or eating or something19:36
tedgkenvandine, looks good19:37
om26erlamalex, ah, didnt know that ;)19:37
kenvandinetedg, woot, thx!19:37
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lamalexandyrock, yah, this looks good19:39
lamalexi'll approve the merge19:39
lamalexseeing as it's only used in this file twice it's not really a big deal to just query x19:39
andyrocklamalex, i know... maybe we can add a FIXME19:40
lamalexyah, i'm a little bit curious why pointerX doesn't get updated. One of 10 million compiz bugs..19:40
andyrocklamalex, when pointerX/Y work fine, we'll remove this workaround19:41
lamalexyeah, that sounds good. can you push a new rev with the comment?19:41
andyrocksmspillaz, sure...19:41
andyrocklamalex, there is another fixme:     // FIXME: remove when we change the mouse grab strategy in nux.19:44
andyrocki have to add another line without FIXME19:44
andyrockor i have to add another FIXME?19:45
lamalexjust add a 2nd19:45
lamalexi thought the nux grab strategy thing was already changed though19:45
lamalexthat one fixme might be already fixed19:45
smspillazandyrock: ?19:45
lamalexDBO, ^ whenever you find yourself around care to look? or jaytaoko ^^19:45
andyrocklamalex, i think not!19:46
smspillazandyrock: pointerX and pointerY only get updated when compiz gets a motion event or an enter/leave event19:46
andyrocklamalex, is a my commet19:46
smspillazif nux has got the grab those values aren't updated19:46
jaytaokolamalex: hi19:46
andyrocksmspillaz, so... we need not a fixme commet19:46
andyrocksmspillaz, thx19:47
smspillazandyrock: I would suggest hooking the nux event handler for MotionNotify events and caching those values19:47
smspillazXQueryPointer is expensive19:47
andyrocksmspillaz, i will look to that19:48
lamalexsao, can't you just send the load places signal when super a/f is typed?19:49
andyrocksmspillaz, not now... i my country is 21:00... i need to go out :)19:49
saolamalex it is implemented this way currently. However the loading needs some time and the dash is shown before the places are loaded successfully19:49
lamalexsao, do results eventually show if you wait a second?19:50
saolamalex nope either you close the dash and open it again or you start searching19:50
andyrocksmspillaz, by the way this problem will go away as soon as nux grab strategy will change...19:50
lamalexhm i thought the dash was supposed to populate async19:50
lamalexmaybe that's only true once places are loaded?19:51
smspillazandyrock: ah, you're just hitting the clubs now ? :) I was just out then, only got back just now (3am)19:51
saolamalex seems to19:51
lamalexsao, so if you want to fix this bug you need to have it watch for places connection and then grab results19:51
lamalexwould be nice if we had some kind of spinner to show that it's working19:52
andyrocksmspillaz, do the small hours... :)19:52
lamalexgord, any insight? ^19:52
andyrocksmspillaz, i don't know if "small hours" means something in Englihs... :)19:52
smspillazandyrock: you mean "sane" hours right ?19:53
saolamalex hmm yeah have to take a look how easy that is. Currently the results are populated e.g. when the places gets a activated messages.19:54
saolamalex such message however does never come to the place as it is not connected19:54
saolamalex it would somehow mean that those events have to wait until place is loaded before there are sent19:54
lamalexthere's got to be some 'connected' signal19:54
lamalexand holding the signal until connected isn't hard19:55
andyrocksmspillaz, if "sane hours" means the early hours of the morning... yes19:55
andyrocksmspillaz, in Italian -> "hai fatto le ore piccole" :)19:55
saolamalex yes there is19:56
lamalexsao, ok. so go for it!19:57
lamalexwhen you show the dash, wait for the connected signal, then fire off an activate signal19:57
saolamalex I give it a shot ;)19:58
lamalexsao, let me know if you have any more questions and ill see what i can do19:59
saolamalex ok thx19:59
jcastrohey alright, this turned out to be useful!19:59
smspillazandyrock: eh, need to let off some steam before dublin20:00
andyrocki have to go...20:02
lamalexjcastro, of course it did, i'm a genius- did you forget?20:06
lamalexwho consistently forgets to do his laundry..20:08
jcastrothanks everyone20:08
jcastrothis turned out well20:08
kenvandinelamalex, "but your consistent"20:08
saolamalex I would actually love to write a unit test for this to reproduce the issue however not sure how to tackle this.20:18
lamalexso good place to start is in your setup disconnect places and instantiate a new dash?20:19
lamalexthumper, you might be able to help here. do we have anything like mock places for doing unit testing?20:20
saolamalex well it seems that I need a mock for GDBusProxy20:34
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aeraI've got a question about unity. am I right here?22:21
tedgaera, Sure22:23
aeraanyway: I'm using a Full HD monitor in 27" and I'm really annoyed by the sidebar, showing only eight icons. is their any movement toward more flexibility and customisability?22:24
tedgaera, You can drag and drop icons into the launcher.  You can also reorder them as you wish.22:25
aeraI'd also really like the dock to be in the bottom of the screen instead of the left side of my monitor...22:25
aeraoh, is that possible?22:25
aeraotherwise, good work on the look. I've just installed 11.04 ... it's different, but good. :)22:26
tedgaera, There's no way to move the location today.  That'll probably be added someday.  No one is working on moving it that I know of.22:26
aerathanks, tedg.22:26
aerawell, if I could make a wish - add more customisability, like moving the dock. :)22:27
tedgIt's hard, as each option adds exponentially as much work to testing as you need to look at the combinations.22:28
aeraI can understand that. but why would you make the transfer from gnome to unity if that only chops off functions of the desktok then? I can see the usefulness on netbooks and small screens in general, but it leaves normal users with less options..22:32
aeraAnd I don't criticise using unity, but i'd like the options I had on Gnome 2 ^^22:33
tedgThere were a lot of cases that GNOME didn't work because of the flexibilty it provided.  Like resizing your screen to give a presentation.22:35
tedgConsistency allows you to make many things work better overall because you can understand that built in constraints better.22:35
aerabut it takes away some of my freedom that made me use linux in the first place..22:38
aeraI mean, I don't need a system as complex as KDE. I really never liked that. but just a little more for users to be customisable ^^22:42
tedgIt doesn't take away from your freedom.  You have lots of choices, including as you mentioned KDE.  Freedom is a bit of an overstatement.22:43
tedgIn reality, configuration will probably grow in time more than anything.22:44
aerayou mean the configuration options in unity?22:45
aerathat's good news then.22:47
aerathanks for the info, I'll get going. :)22:51

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