
apacheloggerQuintasan, jussi, persia: http://i.imgur.com/f4J0A.jpg00:55
persiaapachelogger, Heh.  Now you need a touchscreen :)00:57
apacheloggeryes I do, just wonder which one 01:00
apacheloggerpersia: do you happen to know if we have gles drivers for the quickstart?01:03
apacheloggerrbelem: upstream broke plasma-mobile big time01:04
apacheloggerthough it seems to get in shape again (somewhat)01:05
apacheloggerrbelem: do we know the browser nokia is using on the n9?01:06
* apachelogger just installed arora as to not break his nice trunk build ^^01:06
rbelemapachelogger, a browser made by them using qtwebkit01:07
apacheloggeris it available somewhere?01:07
rbelemapachelogger, not yet afaik01:08
persiaI don't think there are any in the archive.  There is supposedly source code for some GLES drivers for the AMD Z180 on Freescale site, but it's behind a registration gateway.01:08
* rbelem checks the license01:08
apacheloggerpersia: I only saw debs, gotta check again01:08
persiaAnd the linaro freescale landing team doesn't seem to have an IRC channel, so I don't know where to send you to find people who can help :(01:08
persiaYou want "i.MX53 Linux Multimedia Codecs Source Code".01:10
persiaI have absolutely no idea whether that will compile under Ubuntu.01:10
persiaNor do I have any knowledge of the licenses.01:10
apacheloggerahhh, arora is horrible01:11
apacheloggerit is downloading SecureDownloadServlet no01:11
persiaI have a suspicion that a direct download from there will come with unfriendly license terms.01:11
apacheloggeroh yes01:15
apacheloggerpersia: only codec stuff inside01:18
persiaHrm.  I'm now unsure.  I thought that for the i.MX51, the graphics accelleration was delivered as part of the multimedia stuff.01:20
persiaYou might try downloading the linux evaluation image, to see if it has accelleration, or just ask in #ubuntu-arm: someone there might know better than I.01:21
apacheloggerI know they have driver debs in their image source tar01:21
apacheloggerthe codecs tar only contains codecs + openmaxil/sal01:22
persiaAh, right.01:22
apacheloggergood thing I swiped my downloads folder and now the tar with the debs is gone ^^01:22
persiaAnd the source packages from which the driver debs were generated don't seem to be anywhere?  (and you got the right names by playing around in /var/lib/dpkg/ ?)01:23
* apachelogger downloads 70mib at 140kbs and delays bed for a bit01:23
apacheloggerpersia: need to take a look into that after I got the tar back01:23
apacheloggermaybe ti i the GPU_SDK tar01:24
persiaThat name certainly raises suspicions.01:24
persiaThe other trick is to look at the changelog in the binary deb, and contact the person who made the last source change (accountability for the win)01:25
apacheloggertrue ^^01:25
apacheloggerhttp://repository.timesys.com/buildsources/a/amd-gpu-demos-mx51/amd-gpu-demos-mx51-1008/ that seems to be the same source01:27
persiaWith a remarkably uninformative patch sitting next to it :)01:30
persiaBut I suspect you need the patch to build it if you're not cross-compiling under windows (or something)01:31
apacheloggerAll GPU drivrs and header files are in the BSP and not replicated in this SDK01:39
apacheloggerah well, time for bed01:41
apachelogger4 hours ago01:41
persiaSleep well (and fast).01:41
JontheEchidnahttp://tinyurl.com/3hlzdaf Moral of the story: always check to see if Qt has something before doing it yourself04:51
JontheEchidnaI wrote the first queue stuff right after writing a queue in Java, so I blame the evil Java empire :P04:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: did you get a chance to ponder kde bug 274809?04:52
ubottuKDE bug 274809 in installer "Muon crashes with SegFault after quitting" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27480904:52
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: Did I ever tell you that I think I love you?05:10
DarkwingDuckI <3 yakuake05:11
valorieme too!05:27
valoriefinally have really switched to it05:27
valoriejust removed the Konsole icon from my taskbar05:28
valorieJontheEchidna did yakuake?05:28
DarkwingDuckHe introduced me to it.05:29
LinkmasterI tried to add my idea for the 12.04 release to the ubuntuwiki thing, but I couldn't get it to work. Could someone give my idea for me?06:04
valoriewhich page?06:06
valorienew wiki!06:06
valoriesame old problems!06:06
LinkmasterHeres what it was: Paladin Pangolin: Paladin because Ubuntu is like a knight in shining armour for Linux, the first in the fight, the last to leave, and the pangolin because its armour reflects that of the knight, showing that it is made of tough stuff, and will preserve past the weak. Feel free to doctor it up if necessary06:15
valorieI don't see the animal though06:21
valoriethere is always an animal06:21
Tm_Tadjective and animal06:21
valorieunless pangolin is an animal?06:22
Linkmasteryeah, its like an armadillo06:22
* apachelogger better not writes what he thinks06:22
LinkmasterI probably spelled it wrong06:22
valorieah, I might have heard of it06:26
valorieMark might like that -- he's getting rather obscure lately06:26
Linkmasterwell, can someone vouch for me to him? :)06:27
rwwPangolin's a System76 computer :<06:27
valoriehang out in various channels, and you'll meet up06:30
valoriehe's not shy06:30
Linkmasterwhats his nick?06:31
valorieyou'll see him here sometimes as safbl ?06:31
valoriesomething close to that06:31
LinkmasterI think I've seen that before actually06:32
LinkmasterI need some sleep, so I'm heading out. If Mark ever shows up while I'm gone, please refer me and my idea to him. thanks in advance06:51
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apacheloggerpersia: ~/Downloads/L/L2.6.35_11.03.00_ER_source/pkgs/xserver-xorg-video-imx-11.03.0007:35
apacheloggergood thing I am now at university all day long :S07:35
apacheloggeramd-gpu-bin-mx35-11.03.00.tar.gz and amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51-11.03.00.tar.gz07:35
apacheloggerQuintasan: do you haz time today?07:36
apacheloggerif so get the L2.6.35_11.03.00_ER_source thingy and build amd* and xserver* stuff on the board, then try to get GL running07:36
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
persiaapachelogger, Looks like binaries, but even binaries can sometimes be mangled into multiverse.  Nice find.08:16
agateauScottK: yes, the appmenu branch finally got merged in08:29
apacheloggerpersia: hai08:34
apacheloggerif they work that is :S08:34
Mamarokfolks, there seems to be a problem with amarok-common 2.4.1 in the PPA, people get reports of broken packages08:43
apacheloggerbroken packages?08:44
Mamarokyes, it suggested an update of amarok-common this morning, then suggested to remove the packagge amarok08:44
Mamarokwhich they guy did, and now he can't reinstall it08:45
Mamarokmoment, just checking with him08:45
apacheloggeramd64 likely08:46
apachelogger-common is built on i386 only08:46
apacheloggerso it can be available before amd6408:46
valoriethat seems weird08:47
apacheloggerwhy is that?08:47
valorieI thought you could always build 386 on either08:47
apacheloggerthat is not the problem ... -common only contains shared data (i.e. such that does not require compliation etc)08:48
apacheloggerso to save resources it only gets built on one platform08:48
apacheloggerthe de-factor standard platform, which is i38608:48
Mamarokyep, impossible to reinstall amarok now08:48
apacheloggerMamarok: apt-cache policy amarok08:49
apacheloggerand same for amarok-common08:49
Tm_T2:2.4.1-1ubuntu1~natty1~ppa2 for amarok-common08:52
* Mamarok waits for the answer08:52
MamarokTm_T: not you :)08:52
Tm_Twell, if I go and install that, I lose amarok08:52
Tm_Tso this is the same issue I believe08:52
Tm_T2:2.4.1-1ubuntu1~natty1~ppa1 for amarok08:53
Tm_Tso ye, amarok-common is there with newer package version number without amarok being updated yet08:53
Mamarokbrilliant :(08:53
Tm_Tnormal, it's not built yet entirely08:54
Mamarokbut why was it even rebuilt?08:54
Mamarokwe didn't ship anything new since the 2.4.1 release08:54
Tm_Tbugfix that is08:55
MamarokTm_T: a downstream bugfix then08:56
Tm_Tamarok can be reinstalled now if they force the -common version back08:57
apacheloggerwhat package manager removes amarok anyway?08:58
Mamarokapachelogger: apt-get08:58
apacheloggersilly thing08:58
Tm_Tnone of them removes without asking08:58
Mamarokyep, totally silly08:58
Mamarokwell, some people don't think...08:58
Tm_TMamarok: ah, user have used dist-upgrade08:59
apacheloggerpoke whoever did the upload outside of staging08:59
Tm_Tdebfx: ^08:59
apacheloggerthere is a reason I wanted that archive08:59
Tm_Tapachelogger: indeed08:59
* apachelogger goes to sleep for panel discussion08:59
Mamarokapachelogger: sleep? Now?08:59
Tm_TMamarok: hmmh, people shouldn't use dist-upgrade without carefully reading what its doing ):08:59
Tm_TMamarok: anyway, "sudo apt-get install amarok-common=2:2.4.1-1ubuntu1~natty1~ppa1 amarok" should do it for now09:00
MamarokTm_T: I just tell him to wait till it finishes to build, there09:01
Mamarokthat's his punishment :)09:01
Mamarokhe sais he didn't do dist-upgrade09:02
Mamarokhe switched on his computer and was suggested to update his system, that's it09:02
Tm_Tso he didn't use apt-get then?09:02
Tm_Tif it was kpackagekit, it does warn clearly that proceeding will remove amarok09:03
Tm_Tso does apt-get if user pays attention09:03
MamarokI guess so does apt-get, no?09:03
Tm_TMamarok: FYI its built now09:43
MamarokTm_T: thanks, I will tell the user he ha update then :)09:52
MamarokTm_T: nope, it still has ppa1 for amarok09:55
Tm_Tsure he updated package lists?09:57
Mamarokyes, and so did I, it still shows the same package09:59
Mamarokand I am on the main server, he is on a mirror09:59
Tm_Twell, this is ppa, so that doesn't matter09:59
Tm_Tbut I just did install the new amarok package 15 minutes ago09:59
Mamarokah, now he tells me it's OK :)09:59
debfxthe problem with the staging ppa is that it's misused for other things (pim 4.6) and never cleaned up10:57
Tm_Tdoes the misuse prevent it to be used properly?11:07
debfxit might pick up wrong dependencies11:11
debfxalso if the package requires other packages from the target ppa you need to copy them to staging first11:13
Quintasanapachelogger: I haz some time11:23
Quintasanapachelogger: L2.6.35_11.03.00_ER_source where do I get this magic?11:42
ScottKagateau: Congratulations then (on getting appmenu upstream)12:08
ScottKQuintasan: Another Qt upload in Debian (and it's in New).12:09
* Quintasan looks12:10
ScottKdebfx: Or temporarily add the target PPA to the staging dependencies until that item is done and moved to the target PPA.12:10
ScottKI agree it ought to get cleaned up properly.12:11
debfxScottK: yeah but imho it's a bad workaround for unsynchronized publishing / user not looking at packages that are removed / package managers not displaying big enough warnings12:13
debfxJontheEchidna: does muon support safe upgrades?12:13
fabodebfx: Qt Creator uploaded with the latest changes. it requires latest Qt and Qt WebKit upload 12:15
* fabo looks to Quintasan looking to my latest changes :)12:16
* Quintasan wonders what to start with12:16
QuintasanRight, let's finish the merge12:17
faboprivate headers at least12:17
jussiQuintasan: you know what? you are a superstar. As are many others in here. 12:17
* jussi hi 5's the channel :D12:17
debfxfabo: unversioned private header package, sounds dangerous :)12:18
* Quintasan hi5 jussi back and goes to work12:18
ScottKdebfx: It's private, so anyone who gets hurt by it wasn't paying attention to the name.12:18
fabodebfx: see the package description :)12:19
* Quintasan just got plasma-mobile running12:19
debfxthat doesn't help qtcreator users though12:19
QuintasanIt's sloooooooow12:19
debfxif it were versioned qtcreator could hold back qt updates until it's rebuilt12:20
fabodebfx: that's not a big deal. getting the qml designer plugin help and the situation isn't perfect since the begining12:24
fabos/help/help users/12:24
kubotufabo meant: "debfx: that's not a big deal. getting the qml designer plugin help users and the situation isn't perfect since the begining"12:24
Quintasanfabo: qt4-x11_4.7.3-2.dsc?12:24
* Quintasan goes on a unicorn stampede first12:29
* debfx already sees the apport generated qml designer crash reports coming12:30
Quintasanjussi: Start throwing bricks (ping me like a madman) at me in an hour, k?12:30
jussiQuintasan: ok12:31
fabodebfx: ?12:32
Quintasan~np Quintasan12:33
kubotuQuintasan is listening to "Alexander the Great" by Iron Maiden [Somewhere in Time, 1985] [http://open.spotify.com/track/3idw02L7HbP78lnAd9RNhI] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/Quintasan for more12:33
debfxfabo: whenever someone uploads qt with a new upstream release or a new patch that touches the private api qtcreator might crash, right?12:43
fabodebfx: not necessarily. it's affected by the changes to the private headers. it isn't broken on every new upstream release. Qt Creator doesn't use all the the private APIs.12:46
debfxfabo: yeah, but it might. I have no idea how often that will happen. I guess we'll see12:48
JontheEchidnadebfx: yeah Edit -> Cautious Upgrade12:51
ScottKdebfx: Now think about this for every KDE module that's split into multiple tarballs and any accompanying lib ....12:51
ScottKJontheEchidna: What the heck is a 'cautious upgrade'?12:52
JontheEchidnaScottK: "Upgrade but don't do any upgrades that either install or remove packages"12:52
JontheEchidnayou helped me pick out that name, I'm surprised you don't remember12:52
ScottKI don't remember at all.12:52
JontheEchidnaI think it was that you told me not to call it a "safe upgrade", iirc12:53
ScottKProbably since that actually means something specific in aptitude.12:53
* davmor2 belts ScottK round the head with a mallet see if it knocks some stuff out for him12:54
davmor2ScottK: Any time12:55
agateauScottK: thanks!12:59
JontheEchidnawelp, off to work.12:59
JontheEchidnaagateau: ah, I wanted to talk to you but I have to go now :(12:59
JontheEchidnaI was having trouble getting the size hint for the HistoryDialog in Muon to work. Do I have to implement the size hint in the dialog itself rather than the only widget I put in the KDialog?13:00
agateauJontheEchidna: I would have expected implementing it on the widget would be enough, but it's not an exact science13:01
JontheEchidnaIt seemed to ignore it completely13:01
agateauJontheEchidna: if it works by implementing the sizehint on the dialog itself, go for it13:01
agateauJontheEchidna: it may also depends on the size policy of your widget13:01
JontheEchidnahmm, I don't know if I played with that. I'll give that a shot later, thanks13:02
agateauJontheEchidna: if it is set to Preferred, Preferred it's not gonna work13:02
agateauJontheEchidna: set it to something like Minimum, Minimum13:02
JontheEchidnathanks for the advice :)13:02
* JontheEchidna really leaves13:02
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
Quintasanjussi: well, I am done playing, shitty match was shitty, back to work13:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: freescale site, obviously :)13:55
apacheloggerMamarok: computer sleep13:55
Quintasanthere is a shitload of stuff there13:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: the quick start page13:55
apacheloggerthere is downloads tab13:55
apacheloggerthere you can find aforementioned targz13:55
apachelogger~160 MB IIRC13:55
Mamarokapachelogger: ah :)13:56
apacheloggeras I have not seen frescale servers go beyond 140kbs I suppose ti will take some time13:56
QuintasanScottK, debfx: Test building, what's the average compilation time for Qt?14:28
ScottKA day and a half on a single Efika MX smarttop, IIRC.  Less on a faster machine with more RAM.14:28
* Quintasan just hopes he got the right patches14:29
Quintasanfabo: splits, splits everywhere14:30
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Quintasanapachelogger: L2.6.35_11.05_ER_SOURCE?14:33
Quintasanapachelogger: also, should plasma-mobile be sooooooooo sluggish on arm?14:33
faboQuintasan: libqt4-dbg is now ~100 Mb14:33
Quintasandebfx: ping14:41
QuintasanScottK: http://paste.kde.org/8598114:42
Quintasanis this armhf really invalid?14:42
QuintasanDebian has it :O14:42
ScottKIt's in Debian ports.14:42
ScottKDefinitely leave it there as Ubuntu may have it too.14:42
* Quintasan ignores14:42
QuintasanScottK: What about two patches that are exactly the same but one if from Kubuntu and on comes from Debian?14:43
ScottKQuintasan: You might try a newer lintian.14:43
* Quintasan would delete Kubuntu one14:43
ScottKQuintasan: Keep the Debian one and drop ours.14:43
debfxQuintasan: pong14:43
ScottKIt's in Debian now since I pointed out they needed it for armhf.14:43
Quintasandebfx: nvm, was wondering about those patches you mentioned and it turned out I just messed up the name :S14:44
* Quintasan prays to got14:46
Quintasanburp durp build started14:46
QuintasanGoing back to C magic14:46
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
Quintasanbuild failed at linking15:37
Quintasanthen I restarted the build with dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -nc15:38
Quintasanand it works15:38
* Quintasan goes skateboarding15:46
QuintasanWill get to that later15:46
ScottKIf you type an IP address in the address bar of Dolphin it assumes http and tries to surf the web.15:55
ScottKI'd have guesses a file manager should assume you want to do some kind of file managing.15:55
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=== darkwingduck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
cndshadeslayer, ScottK says you have been able to run two kdm's at the same time for a project you were working on17:33
cndI was hoping to do something similar17:33
cndthough with gdm I suppose17:33
ScottKshadeslayer: Remember your Neon demo in Orlando.17:33
cndwould you have any tips on how to do this?17:33
LaserJockis anybody running Kubuntu in oneiric? does it boot?  I was thinking of upgrading my VM17:39
ScottKI'm not, but I know people are.17:52
ScottKIt's still KDE 4.6 in Oneiric, so if it doesn't boot it's not likely a Kubuntu specific problem.17:53
QuintasanLinkmaster: ping17:57
LinkmasterQuintasan: pong17:57
QuintasanLinkmaster: In case you are still up for your 12.04 name suggesting sabdfl is online now17:58
sabdflYOU CALLED?17:58
LinkmasterHe called for me: I have a name idea for 12.0417:58
sabdflfire away17:58
macosabdfl: Ptolemaic Pterodactyl?17:59
macoit's alliterative!17:59
sabdfli think you meant yappety yikes17:59
LinkmasterHeres what it was: Paladin Pangolin: Paladin because Ubuntu is like a knight in shining armour for Linux, the first in the fight, the last to leave, and the pangolin because its armour reflects that of the knight, showing that it is made of tough stuff, and will preserve past the weak. Feel free to doctor it up if necessary18:00
bambeedebfx: have you time enough to review a merge? (a short merge)18:02
QuintasanScottK: any idea why Qt may fail at linking without any error beforehand?18:03
QuintasanThere are some warnings but no errors18:03
debfxbambee: sure18:04
ScottKSince it worked on the retry, I would guess it's a linking order issue.18:04
ScottKIn 4.6 you have to do them in the right order.18:04
debfxQuintasan: what's the error message of the linker?18:04
QuintasanScottK: I'll retry the build with a clear log file18:04
bambeedebfx: https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/language-selector/missing-language/+merge/65395 :)18:07
bambeetwo bug fixes:  a missing translation and a dialog shown at the wrong time18:08
bambee(+ a cleanup, see my last comment)18:08
debfxbambee: ok, I can't merge it though since I'm not a core-dev18:10
shadeslayercnd: it was 2 X servers actually18:20
shadeslayercnd: want me to tell you how to do that?18:20
cndshadeslayer, I managed to get what I wanted by running "startx -- :1"18:20
cndthat ran the X server as root18:20
cndthough if it's easy I would prefer to get a second gdm :)18:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: Try the following, add Lancelot to panel18:21
cndif you don't know how to do that off the top of your head, don't worry :)18:21
Quintasantry opening it18:21
shadeslayercnd: you could export DISPLAY=:1 and then try sudo service gdm start18:22
shadeslayerbut i'm not sure if that would work or not18:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: done18:22
cndshadeslayer, I think I tried that, but it didn't work18:22
shadeslayerwhat now?18:22
Quintasanshadeslayer: works?18:22
shadeslayercnd: oh ... no idea then18:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: in neon, yes18:23
QuintasanI mean normal KDE18:23
cndshadeslayer, ok, thanks anyways :)18:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: what happens?18:24
shadeslayeri'd rather not log out because i have to jump through a couple of hoops to get this mobile connection up and running18:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: When I add it to the panel it crashes :D18:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: backtrace?18:27
shadeslayerah ok18:27
QuintasanEven less output after installing dbg libs18:28
shadeslayeroh yay, kdevelop crashed18:29
* Quintasan purges setting and retries18:29
QuintasanWhy is scrolling in applet list so horrible?18:29
shadeslayerdefine horrible18:29
Quintasanlike, I do a 360 with the wheel at it scrolls only half of an option18:30
Linkmastersabdfl: did you see my idea?18:31
shadeslayerQuintasan: pastebin whatever you have18:32
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://paste.kde.org/8611918:34
shadeslayerthat backtrace is kaput18:35
Quintasankdeplasma-addons-dbg depends on plasma-wallpapers-addons18:35
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Quintasanshadeslayer: I have kdeplasma-addons-dbg installed18:36
shadeslayer!find /plasma_runnerscript_javascript.so18:36
ubottuFile /plasma_runnerscript_javascript.so found in plasma-scriptengine-javascript18:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: do you have qt-dbg?18:37
shadeslayeri mean libqt4-dbg18:38
Quintasani A   libqt4-dbg                                                                                          4:4.7.2-0u18:38
shadeslayerQuintasan: well ... i need plasma-scriptengine-javascript dbg symbols to debug that crash18:39
shadeslayerand there's no debug package for that18:40
charlie-tcaLaserJock: no guarantees, but I can install, update, restart, login to oneiric in VBox18:40
ScottKshadeslayer: Look in the ddeb repo.  That's got ~everything.18:41
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^18:44
QuintasanNo ddeb for 4.6.418:45
LaserJockcharlie-tca: k, thanks for the info18:46
QuintasanIf we had 4.6.4 in oneiric I would pull that18:48
* Quintasan grabs the source and rebuilds18:48
QuintasanScottK: Any idea how to make pbuilder create ddebs?18:51
ScottKNone.  I'm sure it's non-trivial.18:52
ScottKYou'd essentially have to change the pacakge to make a -dbg packcage.18:52
persiaHrm?  Is installing pkg-create-dbgsyms not enough?  That works for sbuild.18:53
sabdflLinkmaster: i like pangolin18:54
sabdflgood suggestion, thanks :-)18:54
shadeslayermaking ddebs sure doesn't look trivial18:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: i think the plasma-scriptengine-javascript-dbgsym should work, i mean the symbols wouldn't have changed for a minor release18:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw have you ever over drawn on the prepaid card? is that even possible?18:57
shadeslayersomeone mentioned it on the GSoC ML that they did it, but citi page says you can't ... so just curious18:57
ScottKThere's a usually a window between making a charge and when it gets applied to the card.  If you do multiple charges close together in time, it's possible.19:01
ScottKDunno about the GSoC card specifically, but I'd seen it with other prepaid cards.19:01
shadeslayerhmm ... well .. i'll get to know in another 10 days ^_^19:02
Linkmastersabdfl: You're welcome, glad that I could show you19:03
Quintasanld eating 1,6GB or RAM19:05
shadeslayer^^ :P19:05
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QuintasanScottK: Disregard that linking stuff. Turns out I have been building on / and it didn't have enough space19:19
ScottKOh.  That'll do it.19:20
Quintasanomfg, my system does three builds at once and I still can normally work19:22
Quintasanthough it gets slow somethimes19:22
Quintasanpersia: Thanks, it worked.19:25
yofel_Quintasan, ScottK: actually, creating ddebs in pbuilder is trivial, login and install pkg-create-dbgsym19:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKInteresting.  Thanks.19:25
Quintasanyofel: Too lazy to build kdeplasma-addons in a pbuilder :P19:25
Quintasandpkg-buildpackage :P19:25
shadeslayerdebuild-pbuilder > *19:26
Quintasanyofel: Though installing is not really sufficient, I read that  pkg-create-dbgsym is a wrapper around dh_strip so only packages on which dh_strip is called will get ddebs19:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: What on earth is that evil technology?19:27
yofelisn't that called by default? Since all packages are stripped19:27
QuintasanNo idea yofel. Let's see when dpkg-buildpackage is done with make -j1619:28
shadeslayerQuintasan: checkout the man page19:28
QuintasanScottK: I think we should reconsider kdeplasma-addons-dbg depending on kdewallpapers19:28
QuintasanIt's a 90mb download with graphic files, isn't it?19:29
QuintasanOR if kdewallpapers provides those "live" wallpapers like Marble stuff then we could probably split it19:30
yofelabout that, right. The debug package probably shouldn't depend on all of the binary packages19:30
ScottKNo.  I don't think it should.19:30
Quintasanyofel: Consider that kdewallpapers might have those "live" wallpapers which are compiled :D19:30
Quintasan"Hey I am compiling a wallpaper"19:31
QuintasanSounds strange :D19:31
yofelnope, kdewallpapers is just /usr/share/wallpapers/*19:31
Quintasanoh I see19:31
Quintasanapachelogger: ping19:32
Quintasanshadeslayer: Oh damn, I was building the wrong package19:34
shadeslayer. . .19:34
Quintasanshadeslayer:  plasma-scriptengine-javascript debug stuff is needed?19:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: i think so, because the symbols for that are missing19:34
* Quintasan builds counting that ddebs will be generated19:35
Quintasandebfx: ping19:35
QuintasanScottK: http://paste.kde.org/86191 <--- from Qt build, do we want this?19:36
ScottKYes.  We build it separately.19:36
QuintasanScottK: Should I install it in libqt4-dev.install?19:40
Quintasanapachelogger: L2.6.35_11.05.01_ER_source_bundle.tar.gz <--- 712MB19:40
ScottKQuintasan: Not the webkit stuff.19:40
QuintasanScottK: /usr/include/qt4/Qt/* yes? What about QtWebKit?19:41
ScottKIsn't that all webkit stuff?19:42
ScottKCheck what we have now, it shouldn't (I don't think) change.19:42
QuintasanScottK: That paste I gave you is the list-missing from qt4-x11 build, should I install them or not?19:46
QuintasanThat looks like QtWebKit stuff19:47
* Quintasan can't connect to any website19:47
ScottKQuintasan: I suspect so.  If you build the existing package I expect you'll get the same list-missing.19:49
ScottKIt's be nice if someone documented this.19:49
shadeslayerdon't we have a seprate qt webkit build? if so, why do we need the webkit from qt sources?19:50
ScottKWe need it to avoid a circular build-dep.19:51
ScottKWe just don't install it.19:51
QuintasanScottK: So I am not supposed to install them at all?19:55
ScottKI don't think so.19:55
QuintasanCool, then debfx ping ping19:55
QuintasanScottK: Merge is ready19:55
ScottKBut I'd have to build the current package and see it's list-missing output to know for sure.19:56
ScottKQuintasan: Of -2 or -3?19:56
debfxQuintasan: yes?19:56
shadeslayeragateau: when you're around, could you ping me?19:57
Quintasandebfx: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/mege.tar.bz219:59
QuintasanQt -3 upload merge19:59
QuintasanShould be fine now19:59
QuintasanIt builds just fine19:59
shadeslayerQt 3? 0.o19:59
Quintasan4.7.2-3 upload from Debian19:59
shadeslayerah ok19:59
* Quintasan waits for apachelogger20:00
Quintasandebfx: Be sure to throw bricks at me if I made some stupid thing20:01
debfxQuintasan: is there a difference between kubuntu_23_arm_memory_barriers.patch and armv6_Add_support_for_ARMv7_atomic_operations.patch?20:04
debfxI haven't checked the whole file but it looks suspiciously similar20:05
Quintasandebfx: There is,  our patch has some sort of license header on top20:06
QuintasanThere are some minor differences in the code as well but I can't tell if they are better or not20:06
debfxour patch says "This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed."20:07
QuintasanThe Debian one says nothing, should we drop our?20:08
Quintasan ours20:08
debfxyes, if there is no difference in the code changes20:09
ScottKI didn't look at what fabo did with the patch.  He may have needed a bit more complexity since he has to support more than armv7 + thumb2 in Debian.  The Debian patch should replace ours.20:15
Quintasandebfx: Anything else apart that patch?20:17
fabothe patch is the same20:19
faboI restored original author only if I remember correctly20:19
debfxQuintasan: debian-to-merged contains 95_neon_flags.patch and x-0003-Use-GCC-intrinsics...20:19
debfxapart from that it looks good20:20
fabox-0003-Use-GCC-intrinsics is dropped20:20
Quintasanand 95_neon_flags?20:20
faboit's deprecated20:20
fabo95 neon flags too20:20
fabofixed upstream in an other way20:20
fabo-> Fix_builds_with_compilers_without_--with-fpu_neon_as_default.patch20:21
debfxQuintasan: you've removed them from the series file but not the patches themselves20:22
Quintasank, removing20:22
faboScottK: I was lucky for the IT instruction patch for Debian. it's used only on armv6 and only armhf is armv6 ;)20:22
ScottKOK.  Good to know.20:22
Quintasandebfx: 95_neon_flags.patch and x-0003-Use-GCC-intrinsics and kubuntu_23 should be removed and dropped from series, right?20:23
debfxhm you seem to have purged all ubuntu changelog entries20:25
* Quintasan blames merge-changelog20:26
Quintasanyes I did20:26
* Quintasan undoes that20:26
bambeehow to add a blueprint to http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kubuntu.html ?20:27
Quintasandebfx: http://paste.kde.org/8622120:31
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ulysseswhat's up with kde 4.7 packages in kubuntu?20:48
yofel_see 4.6.80 link in the topic, not much progress yet21:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ulyssesdue to lack of time/resource?21:03
bambeeyofel: I am on vacations now, so tomorrow I will help you to merge some packages and also to bump kde 4.6.80 ;)21:03
yofelulysses: mostly21:03
yofeldid anyone hear a new date for 4.6.85 yet btw.?21:04
yofelbambee: yay!21:04
ulyssesI wish I could help, but I have three exams next week, before the summer begins21:04
bambeeso you won a packager :P21:04
yofelwell, you're not the only one...21:04
bambeeyofel: me or ulysses?21:05
ScottKulysses: Emulating shadeslayer's complaining about exams is not the sort of thing we were looking for.21:05
shadeslayerhahahah :P21:06
bambeeulysses: exams are more important imho, go ahead!21:06
ulyssesScottK: shall I complain about something else? :)21:07
ScottKMaybe how yofel isn't doing a better job of motivating peopel to work on packaging.21:07
bambeeeven if the best way is to be multi threaded : you can work on your exams and on kubuntu in a parallel manner :P21:08
* bambee => [ ]21:09
\shScottK, how can you motivate people to work on packaging when they are doing it for a lifetime ? ;)21:24
ScottKWell, yofel needs to learn about such things.21:25
ScottKYou're probably far too old to be susceptible to motivation, but others aren't.21:26
\shScottK, harhar...I'm doing more RPM crap nowadays than debian..which is a bad thing btw...but yeah21:27
\shthat reminds me...I need an irc client for my sgs21:27
ScottKI'm sorry to hear that.21:27
neversfeldeno access to ktown again21:29
neversfeldeyofel: would you add my ssh key, I can help packaging 4.6.80. Holidays :)21:34
\shIrc on android 2.3.421:34
yofelneversfelde: ktown is down IIRC, try ftpmaster.kde.org21:34
neversfeldeah I missed that21:35
\shHey neversfelde21:35
neversfeldehey  \sh21:35
\shScottk: col is just rhel21:36
ScottKktown is not just down, it's dead.21:37
ScottK(at least for this function)21:37
neversfeldeftpmaster.kde.org is anonymous only and for uploading files?21:38
JontheEchidnabambee: still need a merge?21:43
bambeeJontheEchidna: for language-selector? yes21:45
bambeelook at https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/language-selector/missing-language/+merge/6539521:45
JontheEchidnaCool, I'll merge it then21:46
bambeeeverything is commented out21:47
bambee(in the description, I mean)21:47
bambeeok thanks ! :)21:47
JontheEchidnaHmm, it's a shame, Rob Bean didn't stay around for that long21:49
JontheEchidnabambee: merged, thanks for the fixes21:52
bambeethanks ! :)21:53
ksa618I want to start contributing to kubuntu. I'm a C++/Qt/Python developer. Where do I start?22:23
ScottKRight here.22:36
ScottKksa618: What are your interests?22:37
ScottKmaco: ^^^22:37
* maco is in an Accessibility Team meeting22:38
ksa618Nowadays my interests are mostly becoming a better C++ and Python programmer.22:40
ScottKksa618: One thing we could perhaps use some help with is the KDE part of Ubiqtuity (the live CD installer).22:41
ScottKIt's written in PyKDE, so it's right in there.22:41
ScottKmaco is doing most of the work on it this cycle.22:41
ksa618Sounds like fun22:42
ScottKhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-installer and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-accessibility will give you a general idea of what we're planning.22:43
ScottKOnce maco is done with the Accessibility Team meeting she's in, you can discuss it with her.22:44
ScottKksa618: ^^^22:44
ksa618I'll stick around for a while then22:46
macoksa618: hello23:07
ksa618maco: hello, I'm still here23:07
macoksa618: before much else can go on with ubiquity, there's a crash that needs to be fixed that im a bit O_O on23:07
macothe quick easy way to make it go away would be to change our keyboard switcher to be like the GTK one -- just a list of keyboard layout names23:08
macocurrently, ours shows you a picture of what your keyboard layout would look like, which is quite nice23:08
macoerm, not keyboard switcher... keyboard *chooser*23:08
* maco looks for bug number23:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 791883 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ubi-console-setup.py:set_keyboard() gets error 141 (crashes) in Kubuntu" [High,Confirmed]23:10
macoksa618: on the basis that two heads are better than one, want to try to figure out how to make ubiquity happier with xkb-data's new api?23:11
ksa618maco: OK, but I've only got about an hour before I'll need to get a good night's sleep23:12
macoksa618: i dont mean *right now* -- im still at the office23:13
macoi was going to poke at it a bit this weekend23:13
maco(up until a few days ago, reaching this crash wasnt possible due to an earlier crash that just got fixed)23:13
ksa618maco: Weekend is a better time, yes.23:13
micahgdoes kpackagekit install recommends on upgrade?23:16

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