
gary_posterwill be a few min late, but fine for call12:50
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb, call in 1, about to run lp2kanban13:29
gary_posterbug 734765 and bug 77569113:39
_mup_Bug #734765: Show linked upstream projects to the translatable templates in the +templates page <escalated> <not-pie-critical> <upstream-translations-sharing> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/734765 >13:39
_mup_Bug #775691: Empty translations on one side do not get translated by the other side <escalated> <not-pie-critical> <upstream-translations-sharing> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/775691 >13:39
danilosgary_poster, the bug I mentioned yesterday about access to feedback RT system: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rt-launchpad/+bug/79460013:46
bacgary_poster: lp:~bac/launchpad/bug-77643713:49
bacgary_poster: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/630795/13:53
bacgary_poster: lp-shell dev devel13:54
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
gary_posterdanilos, thanks, just highlighted it to flacoste.  For those two escalated translatations bugs, have you taken a look at either of them yet?  If not, how about this: take a look at them tomorrow morning, and put whichever one you want to mentor first as task bugs in the kanban board.  If it doesn't matter, put 'em both.  It would be nice to have your guess as to difficulty/time available too (maybe in description?)15:29
danilosgary_poster, sure thing, I'll take a look tomorrow morning then15:30
gary_postercool thanks15:30
gmb gary_poster Our HTTPS-access-plz-kthxbye ticket is RT #46497.15:33
_mup_Bug #46497: easyubuntu depends on python-glade2 - not in kubuntu <EasyUbuntu:Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/46497 >15:33
gmbShush, mup.15:33
gary_postercool thanks gnb, I'll pass that on15:39
gary_postergmb, should we ask for a server volunteer for now?15:40
gmbgary_poster: I have a VM that should be able to cope with it. All it does is run bip at the moment.15:40
gmb(So if I go offline, you know it's cos lp2kanban ate all my RAM)15:40
gary_poster:-) gmb, ok cool.  do you have the credentials?15:40
gary_posterI'm suggesting we use credentials that are not ours15:41
gary_posterI mean15:41
gary_posternot ones that we use regularly15:41
gary_posterso I have credentials for the lp2kanban robot user15:41
gmbgary_poster: I have the ones we've been using for test runs; your gmail address and password.15:41
gary_poster(that use an email address of mine)15:41
gary_posteryeah ok cool15:41
gary_posterthat's it15:41
* gmb goes to blow the dust off his vm15:42
* danilos goes to blow the dust.15:57
danilosbye-bye all, tty tomorrow15:58
* gmb -> spousal collection.16:03
gmbgary_poster: I've installed it and set up the cronjob. We'll see at 16:00 UTC whether it's all working :)16:03
* gmb -> really going this time. BBIAB16:03
gary_postergmb, awesome :-)16:04
* benji goes to pick up his clunker from the shop.17:43
gmbgary_poster: bugs2cards.py seems to be working fine.17:44
gary_posteryay, gmb! :-)17:44
gary_posterthank you17:45
benjigary_poster: have you seen http://plone.org/products/plone/security/advisories/pre-announcement-20110622 ?18:51
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
benjiit's so vague that I don't know if there's anything we *can* do18:51
gary_posterZope 3 too18:52
gary_posterbut no, benji, I had not18:53
benjithat's my reading: "All recent versions of Zope are affected."18:53
gary_posterI'd be fairly surprised if it had anything to do with Zope 3, and more with LP, but it's something to keep an eye on18:53
benjiI wonder if a careful reading of recent commits would reveal anything.18:55
benjiNothing that I can see, other than a segfault in acquisition on 64-bit machines, but I doubt that's it.19:01
gmbgary_poster: Are you okay with me having Friday afternoon as a half swap-day? I can't remember whether I told you about the request or not. I've also entered my sick leave from the other week into CanonicalAdmin.19:05
gary_postergmb, I am, and apologies19:05
gary_posterI'll go look now19:05
gmbgary_poster: No problem. If I've forgotten, I don't expect you to remember for me :)19:06
gary_posterbenji, I have an email about the security thing: "A vulnerability in Zope 2.8 to Zope 2.13 (Plone 2.5 to Plone 4.0)"19:08
gary_posternot a prob for us19:08
benjivery good19:09
gary_postergmb, officially approved19:09
gary_posterEEK!  I forgot CHR19:47
* benji waits to do CHR until Gary is finished. <mwa ha ha>20:01
gary_posterbac, reminder on https://support.one.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=266520:22
* bac looks20:22
bacgary_poster: thanks for the reminder.  will do now.20:23
bacgary_poster: it was actually handled on the 17th.  marking ticket closed.20:24
gary_posterbenji, ok, I bequethe you https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+questions?field.search_text=&field.sort=RELEVANCY&field.sort-empty-marker=1&field.actions.search=Search&field.language=en&field.language-empty-marker=1&field.status=OPEN&field.status-empty-marker=1 and https://launchpad.net/projects/+review-licenses20:41
benjigary_poster: will do20:42
gary_postersorry, bequeathe20:42
* benji wonders what the inheritance tax is on work items20:42
benjigary_poster: I have 54 slides thus far, and figure I'll add about 20 more21:14
gary_posterbenji, wow, sounds like plenty21:15
gary_posterbenji, do you have a personal conclusion yet, like, "yeah, let's do it" or "cool but not sure it's worth it myself"?21:15
benjipersonally, I don't think there's any question, it would be a big win for our day-to-day sanity21:16
benjiI settled on a leading of the horses to water approach.  I the water is tasty and the horses are smart.21:19
bacbenji: what program did you choose for your slides?21:30
benjibac: s521:31
benjiit was the easiest to get up and going21:31
benjiI dropped colorized source though. :(21:31
gary_posteryou could use git for that :-P21:31
gary_posterThey seem to colorize nicely21:31
gary_posterIt seemed like they even had coffeescript21:32
gary_posterbut maybe I was on drugs at the time21:32
benjiwell, once I realized I was going to be doing so many slides, I decided I needed to have as low a per-slide time cost as possible21:34
gary_poster:-) agreed21:35
gary_posterI would have done the samne21:35

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