
mwhudsoni have a x220, it's some intel gpu00:01
mwhudsonthe codenames confuse me :(00:01
Ian_CorneI doubt you'll have many issues with it00:02
Ian_Corneyou're just upgrading the kernel on a natty system or?00:02
mwhudsonah no, it's sandy bridge00:02
mwhudsonyeah, external monitor support is ... flaky00:03
mwhudsonIan_Corne: yeah, just looking to try out a newer kernel00:05
mwhudsonbut don't want to run into e.g. filesystem eating bugs00:06
Ian_CorneDon't think I've ever had such bugs, altho they can happen ofc, but I'm a good boy and stay with ext*00:12
mwhudsonIan_Corne: yeah, me too00:14
mwhudsonso... how do i find the oneiric kernel?00:14
mwhudsongiven that i used to be on the launchpad team i should really be able to figure this out for myself :)00:15
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Ian_Cornekernel ppa00:26
Ian_Corneit doesn't seem to be uptodate tho00:27
DaekdroomI have the impression the 2nd is not an actually ppa.00:33
Ian_Corneno, i don't think so either, but the actuall ppa doesn't have the newest kernels..00:40
ChilaquilesI installed Ubuntu, Windows and Debian on 2 diferent disks but I can just boot either Windows 7 and Debian or Ubuntu and Windows7 but not all three. I have been messing around with grub but nothing works sombody that can help me_01:58
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oconnorehi, why is gnome-desktop-environment broken?06:26
oconnorethere is a conflict between seahorse and gnome-keyring... and it would be sweet if it were easy to fix...06:27
litropylightdm displays nothing but a blank black screen upon loadup. Any ideas?09:00
* genii-around sips12:38
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coz_ guys I have to break here,,, be back later16:21
lucidfoxTyping in Oneiric in Empathy is very slow17:26
lucidfoxany idea why?17:26
lucidfoxempathy-chat consumes 100% CPU17:27
charlie-tcaThat would slow it down, right?17:28
lucidfoxit happens whenever I open a new chat window17:29
lucidfoxand do nothing else17:29
charlie-tcaSo, you have to type hello, at least, to make it work right?17:29
lucidfoxit's *always* at 100% CPU17:30
lucidfoxand I can't type17:30
lucidfoxit just hangs17:30
charlie-tcaweechat! it works17:31
charlie-tcaor even xchat17:31
Ian_Cornepidgin works too17:31
lucidfoxInstalling another software will *not* fix the bug in Empathy.17:32
Ian_Cornei know17:32
lucidfoxAnd it just so happens that I quite like Empathy17:32
Ian_Cornejust giving you temporary alternatves17:32
Ian_CorneI like empathy too17:32
Ian_Cornebut it's a known issue17:33
Ian_Cornemaybe I should have said that to begin with :)17:33
lucidfoxany ETA on a fix?17:33
lucidfoxI've temporarily downgraded it to the GTK2 version from natty17:34
lucidfoxthat one works17:34
Ian_CorneI don't know, not even sure there's a bug reported17:35
Ian_Cornehmm did I report one... lets see17:35
Ian_Cornedoesn't seem like it17:38
Ian_Cornelucidfox: can you report, i'll confirm17:38
lucidfoxdone: bug #80078817:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 800788 in empathy (Ubuntu) "[oneiric] empathy-chat eats 100% CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80078817:40
Ian_Corneyou should report with ubuntu-bug next time, but ok :)17:46
Ian_CorneIt gives alot more information the devs might need17:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 800800 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity launcher doesn't allow nautilus new nautilus window when file transfer is only left" [Undecided,New]18:15
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junglejimHi - Does any know if this line in /var/log/messages means that X crashed? Pid: 32462, comm: Xorg Tainted: G         C  2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu FJNB19C/LIFEBOOK S702021:06
BookmanI am trying 11.10 in virtualbox and it installed and started up fine.  I get the icon bar on the left side, and a bar on the top and the rest of the screen is blue.  My problem is that when I hit the applications icon, a text box comes up and then disappears.  I cannot type anything into it at all.  I can open the Home folder and also switch desktops.  I just cannot execute any command as I cannot find the icons or find it via that text box.  Ideas?21:25
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BookmanOk, I found out how.22:08
litropylightdm displays nothing but a black screen upon load. I'm prepared to post logs.23:45
litropyI'm using another computer for IRC.23:46
trismlitropy: /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log may have useful information, as well as the other logs in that directory23:47
litropytrism, ^^23:50
trismlitropy: is lightdm-greeter-example-gtk installed?23:51
litropySo, it seems lightdm either doesn't come with a theme, or it's looking in the wrong place.23:51
trismlitropy: it should install lightdm-greeter-example-gtk by default23:51
trismlitropy: oh, it only recommends it, that may be the issue23:52
litropytrism, no it's not, and I'm installing it now.23:52
litropyrebooting ...23:53
trismlitropy: shouldn't need a reboot, just sudo service lightdm restart23:53
litropytrism, Aaaand it works. Sweet, thanks.23:54
trismlitropy: excellent, you're welcome23:54

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