
jasoncwarner_TheMuso bryceh RAOF robert_ancell (who is on holiday) Meeting time https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-06-2100:00
jasoncwarner_morning TheMuso , how is the ashcloud over SYD this morning?00:01
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Still there according to the news, but they reckon flights will be happening again by this afternoon.00:02
TheMusoI am not going to be really concerned till Friday, and only if ash is still an issue in the media.00:02
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: sounds like a plan...00:03
jasoncwarner_ok, let's get started and when bryceh and RAOF join we can get to X00:03
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: could you catch me up on what is happening with ubiquity bp?00:03
jasoncwarner_looks like you have quite a few WIs on there for A200:04
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Still talking to design about UI matters with regards to how we present the availability of accessibility profiles.00:04
TheMusoOnce thats settled, coding will begin in urnist, and shouldn't take that long.00:04
TheMusoHense the INPROGRESS with some of the WIs on that blueprint.00:04
jasoncwarner_we need to give deadline to design on that...we can't be going into A3 still "designing". Who is the person you are working with in design?00:05
TheMusoChristian Giordano, however we are still firing emails back and forth, as a few clarrifications need to be made from my end, I am not always the best explainer. :)00:06
TheMusoSo I will continue that today with an email, and I hope to get it sorted by EOW.00:06
jasoncwarner_TheMuso, ok...could you please make it a hard goal to get it sorted by EOW? We need the 2 weeks before A2 to get it all done!00:08
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Re RAOF, I think he may have recently been traveling, at least according to a tweat I received from him last night.00:08
jasoncwarner_RAOF tweets?00:09
brycehah sorry I'm here00:09
jasoncwarner_ah, bryceh !00:09
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Will do, I need to look over those WIs and see if something needs to be pushed back to Alpha 3.00:09
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Yes he does.00:09
jasoncwarner_bryceh: [TOPIC] X.update...00:09
brycehxdiagnose got in this week :-)00:10
brycehso that means xfailsafe and the apport hooks are moved to their new home00:10
brycehalso, been doing lots of hardware testing and upgrading00:10
LLStarksbryceh, is xfailsafe behavior the same?00:11
brycehbeen pushing in patches incl. sru's for natty as well.  There's a couple items I want to chat with RAOF about this meeting when he shows up00:11
brycehLLStarks, for now it is00:11
brycehLLStarks, going forward plan is to enhance it to be more suitable for the types of problems people have these days, e.g. black screen on boot bugs and so on00:11
brycehmesa 7.10.3 got in, and there's new xorg and -nvidia00:12
brycehaside from that, still fielding a lot of questions with X issues on natty00:12
jasoncwarner_bryceh: new nvidia? awesome...I'll update..I wasn't able to use unity last couple days b/c of x/mesa nvidia issues00:13
jasoncwarner_bryceh: anything else?00:14
brycehI think with linux 3.0 hitting, that may affect nvidia a bit, but not sure00:14
jasoncwarner_everyone, how are your A2 WIs coming? anything blocked that I need to track down?00:14
brycehjasoncwarner_, nothing else for X.  Been doing some LP stuff but nothing worth discussion here.00:14
brycehdoesn't appear that I have any A2 items00:15
jasoncwarner_bryceh: ok...00:16
TheMusojasoncwarner_: As above.00:16
jasoncwarner_alright everyone, TheMuso try to get design of ubiquity sorted and we'll go from there.00:16
jasoncwarner_see you all in dublin!00:16
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Will do.00:17
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TheMusoYay for hybrid isos.00:41
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pittiGood morning05:47
TheMusoMorning pitti.06:14
pittiRAOF: is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-rootless-x something you actually want for oneriric, or should we postpone this again? (I'd be happy with postponing)06:14
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?06:14
pittiTheMuso: wrt. your discussions with Christian, perhaps scheduling a mumble meeting would be faster? lots more bandwidth, and faster turnaround for explanations06:15
TheMusopitti: I'll see what he comes back with, and if we are not getting any further, I will attempt to rangle with mumble, given that its QT and all.06:27
pittiTheMuso: or classical phone, if mumble doesn't work for you :)06:28
TheMusoYeah thats an option.06:28
didrocksgood morning07:21
pittihey didrocks07:28
didrocksguten morgen pitti :)07:28
didrocksTheMuso: hey07:58
didrocksTheMuso: so, we have an accessible Qt in the ubuntu-desktop ppa07:58
didrocksTheMuso: just upgrade from, install qt-at-spi as well, and then, to launch apps with accessibility enabled: QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 <app>07:58
didrocksaccerciser and Orca are quite happy with this there :)07:59
TheMusodidrocks: Cool! Will try out tomorrow, I am aware of the environment variable.08:04
didrocksTheMuso: from my experience, it's still a little crashy, but not as much as it was :-)08:04
didrocks(only with the variable enabled)08:04
didrocksTheMuso: do not hesitate to confirm/infirm08:04
didrocksI'll try push to oneiric tomorrow08:05
TheMusoNo hurry.08:05
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seb128hey desktopers08:24
pittibonjour seb12808:24
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?08:25
pittiseb128: gut, danke!08:25
didrockssalut seb128!08:34
seb128lut didrocks08:35
seb128how was your IRC presentation yesterday?08:35
didrockswas nice, a lot of question, got dead hands typing restless for a full hour and half :)08:36
jasoncwarner_morning everyone...09:06
pittihey jasoncwarner_, how are you?09:06
jasoncwarner_hey pitti, pretty good, thanks. you? getting ready for summit?09:07
jasoncwarner_pitti: also, assuming you guys found like 50mb of cd space since earlier this week...so, no point in talking about that ;)09:07
didrockshey jasoncwarner_09:07
pittijasoncwarner_: I'm half-done with preping my "efficient bug handling" talk for the DX team, otherwise not much prep done yet09:07
jasoncwarner_didrocks: !09:07
pittijasoncwarner_: no, only 12 :)09:07
jasoncwarner_pitti: well, 12 is nothing to sneeze at...now if we could remove german from the cd ;)09:08
jasoncwarner_pitti: how is localization bp? you feel good about showing that off next week?09:08
pittijasoncwarner_: we can't, as it's not on the CD any more ..09:08
pittinot on amd64, anyway09:08
pittijasoncwarner_: yup, I have enough of it working to demonstrate it09:08
pittijasoncwarner_: source package is in NEW (archive admin HINT HINT)09:09
jasoncwarner_dang it...I don't know who I can mess with about languages on CD anymore...perhaps rodrigo__ and spanish09:09
jasoncwarner_or maybe robert/raof/bryce etc and english (though I think that might be really problematic ;)  )09:09
didrockspitti: hint taken! looking :)09:09
pittididrocks: j/k really -- it's not really that urgent09:09
seb128hey jasoncwarner_09:09
didrockspitti: tomorrow, you will have my qt-at-spi package to review then :-)09:09
pittiyou can run the stuff from bzr09:09
pittierk, I knew it comes with strings attached!09:10
* pitti hugs didrocks09:10
pittididrocks: sure, will do09:10
* didrocks hugs pitti back09:10
seb128pitti, we dropped .es from the CD?09:10
pittino, not yet09:10
pittiI didn't drop any language since natty yet09:10
didrockspitti: and as soon as agateau got some upstream ack, sni-qt as well :-) I think you will loose in number of NEW packages ;)09:10
pittididrocks: also, in size; ubuntu-defaults-builder is tiny09:10
didrocksI can imagine :-)09:11
didrockspitti: sounds good apart that perl hurts my eyes ;)09:19
pitti*shrug* debhelper..09:19
pittibut I tried to keep it clean, I even used strict09:19
didrockspitti: just a small hickupp: everywhere you set the licence to GPLv3, but in the man of dh_ubuntu_defaults, you tell: licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later.09:19
didrockswhich is compatible of course, just weird ;)09:19
pittididrocks: oh, c&p error09:21
pittididrocks: it doesn't even build the manpage yet, as it's still a stub09:21
pittididrocks: fixed in bzr, nice catch!09:21
didrockspitti: right, but nothing blocking anyway, just fix it in the next upload09:21
pittithe remaining features, manpages, etc. will come in 0.209:22
didrocksok, looks good, do you want to do another upload or it will be for later?09:23
pittididrocks: 0.1 is good for testing; I don't plan to upload 0.2 today yet09:24
didrockspitti: ok, ack then :)09:24
didrockspitti: I hope that unity-2d will use soon the gsettings key so that you don't have to do this postinst hack (the one which were in the -settings package at some point)09:25
pittididrocks: unity 3d and 2d using the very same gsettings key would indeed be appreciated09:25
didrocksI didn't test, but from the code, it seems that local (absolute path) desktop key works as well, which will be interesting for loco team for isntance09:26
didrocksbtw, tell me when you need loco testing, I'll do it this cycle for the french respin and report what's working and what's not (0.2?)09:27
didrocksor rather, if I was puzzled in trying to use something :)09:27
pittididrocks: 0.1 works with ffox bookmarks, startpage, unity (2d) launchers, RB radio stations (banshee needs a patch), extra packages, and background images09:29
pittididrocks: so if you want to test these, go ahead09:29
pittididrocks: I also provided a script to build an "enable all example" ubuntu-defaults-test package, FYI09:29
pittijust run /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-defaults-builder/examples/make-example in /tmp/09:30
pittididrocks: but for manual creation, run ubuntu-defaults-template ubuntu-defaults-french09:30
didrockspitti: I'll try to toy with it tomorrow or Friday to give you feedbacks at the sprint then! Thanks for the links :)09:31
pittididrocks: we can also do that together on the sprint; I hope I can get banshee working this or next week09:31
pittithe code doesn't look too complicated, but I still need to get used to C# a bit09:32
* didrocks will set njpatel as the wallpaper background with an "awesomeness" shiny text light in the French respin :)09:32
alex3fmvo: morning, you around?09:32
didrockspitti: oh code, let's plan on that then ;)09:32
pittibah, and it promptly FTBFSed09:32
didrocksyeah, was working there, didn't try in a pbuilder09:32
alex3fdo you know why import crashes like this: http://pastebin.com/thPAXBgb, when importing gtk *before* gio.repository?09:33
pittitest/run -v09:33
pittimake[1]: test/run: Command not found09:33
pittier, what?09:33
didrocksinteresting :)09:33
njpateldidrocks, :D09:34
pittialex3f: does packagekit import any GTK bits by any chance?09:34
njpatelso, er, daily cd is not working great on intel09:34
njpatelit just hangs at the "welcome" screen in the installer09:34
alex3fpitti: posible09:35
pittialex3f: you can't mix GIR GTK bindings with static gtk binding09:35
alex3fthe introspection data is pretty new, I guess it mixes packagekit with packagekit-gnome09:35
pittialex3f: also, you need to use the same GTK as packagekit09:35
seb128pitti, could you look at the amd64 retracer when you have a minute please?09:35
seb128pitti, it errors out on "    os.unlink('/var/lib/dpkg/info/%s:%s.%s' % (c.name, self.get_system_architecture(), script))" with "self" not being defined09:35
pittialex3f: so perhaps try with "from gi import Gtk" instead, to use the GI bindings09:35
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apport/packaging_impl.py", line 793, in fetch_unpack09:35
seb128pitti, not sure if that's an apport multiarch issue or what?09:35
alex3fpitti: thank you09:35
pittiseb128: oh, dang; will fix09:36
alex3fthe problem is that I'm trying to integrate it with software-center09:36
seb128pitti, thanks09:36
alex3fwhere there is a lot of gtk09:36
pittialex3f: ah, this is currently being ported to GTK3/GI as well09:36
pittibut right, tricky right now09:36
alex3fI guess a right thing to do in the meantime is try to separate the gnome/gtk bits from packagekitglib09:37
pittialex3f: do you need PK? you might also use aptdaemon or python-apt?09:37
pittialex3f: (note that we don't install PK by default, as it doesn't work very well in Ubuntu)09:38
alex3fpitti: ahh, i need it, this is my project :)09:38
pittivery well == not good enough to be the default package installer09:38
pittialex3f: ok; then I guess avoiding any GTK bits of PK will probably be the best solution right now, if possible09:38
pittiseb128: fixed in 1.21.1-0ubuntu2, just uploaded09:42
pittisorry about that09:42
seb128pitti, \o/09:42
seb128pitti, thanks09:42
pittiso, now back to this weird defaults-builder FTBFS09:43
seb128pitti, I guess I need to update apport in the chroots right?09:43
pittiseb128: right; easiest to just wait 80 minutes and run apport-chroot upgrade09:43
seb128I will be lazy, wait on the publisher and do an apport-chroot upgrade09:43
seb128pitti, great mind ;-)09:43
* seb128 hugs pitti09:44
* pitti ^5s seb12809:44
seb128rodrigo__, hey09:44
pittididrocks: ah, silly me09:44
pitti$ head test/run09:45
pittiI want to be on the edge!09:45
* pitti adds b-dep09:45
didrockspitti: stop being that on the edge :-)09:45
didrocksthe error was quite misleading though09:45
seb128oh, versions has quite some dx red lines09:47
seb128nice to see indicators and unity tarballs ;-)09:47
didrockswell, next step will be to have working tarballs ;)09:48
didrocksyour version page doesn't catch that? :p09:48
seb128didrocks, no, but patches are welcome! ;-)09:48
seb128didrocks, did you figure the libunity-misc build issue? do you need help on it?09:49
* didrocks starts to think about pushing all version.py new detection in a pbuilder directly build on seb128's machine :-)09:49
didrocksseb128: it's working in a pbuilder for libunity-misc, so yeah, timestamp issue09:49
didrocksI just don't push as if we can't push nux/unity, it will create some NBS09:50
seb128is there anything blocking that upload? (just curious)09:50
seb128didrocks, NBS are fine09:52
seb128didrocks, we have a ton of those for i.e libpanel-applet-209:52
seb128old e-d-s09:52
didrocksok, let's push it now then09:52
didrocksjust not tested as can't build new unity for now09:52
seb128they need to be sorted during the cycle09:52
seb128didrocks, well at least we can see if it builds fine, get it published etc so it's ready and out of your queue09:53
didrocksok, let's go for it then, it's just a dput away :)09:53
rodrigo__hey seb12809:54
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seb128rodrigo_, how are you?09:56
seb128rodrigo_, I'm running the http_proxy grep on main btw, so I will let you know what's coming from it when it's done09:58
rodrigo_seb128, ok, cool09:59
seb128didrocks, cleaned libunity-misc from the pad gtk2 list ;-)10:03
rodrigo_I am going to upload, after some more testing, g-s-d 3.1.2, for the NTP stuff, so anything against it?10:20
pittirodrigo_: this doesn't depend on anything else from GNOME 3.1.x?10:27
rodrigo_pitti, gnome-desktop and gsettings-desktop-schemas at least10:28
rodrigo_have been testing the jhbuilt version, so not sure yet about the versions needed10:28
rodrigo_will find out in a bit, starting to package it now10:28
seb128rodrigo_, what about gpm and gcm?10:28
seb128rodrigo_, is the color stuff optional?10:29
seb128rodrigo_, does that version conflicts or deprecated gpm or not?10:29
rodrigo_it uses colord10:29
seb128because that's not packaged yet, so it would need to be packaged and promoted before you do the update10:30
rodrigo_no, not optional, but we can make it so10:30
seb128ok you should probably10:30
seb128rodrigo_, what about gpm?10:30
rodrigo_about g-p-m. I really thought it was deprecated, but hughes released 3.1.x versions, so will find out10:30
seb128rodrigo_, do you want me to do the gnome-desktop3 updat?10:30
rodrigo_yes, I'll do it10:30
seb128rodrigo_, yes or you will do it? those are different replies ;-)10:31
seb128i.e do you want me to do it and gsettings-d-s10:31
rodrigo_seb128, sorry, misread :)10:31
seb128to spare you some time, i.e split work10:31
rodrigo_so the answer is: I'll do it, so don't worry :)10:31
seb128rodrigo_, gpm I think still has the stats ui and some bits10:32
seb128rodrigo_, but the service code moved to gsd10:32
seb128rodrigo_, it means you will need to update gpm together I guess to avoid conflicting services10:32
seb128or they will both try to manage the same thing10:32
seb128we will loose the indcator on the way10:32
rodrigo_oh, why?10:33
seb128rodrigo_, because they dropped the gtkstatusicon10:34
rodrigo_ah, ok10:34
seb128rodrigo_, but that's ok, dx is working on a proper power indicator10:34
seb128we can do without the icon for some weeks10:34
rodrigo_ok, I'll prepare any packages I need locally before doing any upload10:35
rodrigo_and upload all at the same time when all is ok10:35
seb128rodrigo_, use the gnome3 ppa maybe10:35
seb128so you can ask other to test as well10:35
pittijasoncwarner_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/630731/10:43
mptmvo, good morning! I'm making a list of things in USC that could be implemented if we had debtags. I have (1) better categories, (2) maturity ratings, (3) system requirements for packages. Can you think of any others?10:46
seb128pitti, no desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3 ?10:47
pittiseb128: -ECONTEXT :) (in meeting with jasoncwarner_, will brief you later)10:47
seb128pitti, oh ok, I though that was a list of the team specs for the cycle10:48
pittiseb128: it's the list of things which we could potentially drop if needed10:48
mvompt: not from the top of my head, I think that is the immediate list10:51
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone10:55
chrisccoulsonwell, only just ;)10:55
pittihey chrisccoulson10:57
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?10:57
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks! how are you?11:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - quite tired, i had a late night last night. but otherwise, good thanks11:01
rodrigo_hi chrisccoulson11:01
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo_11:02
mptok, thanks mvo11:11
rodrigo_hmm, in the last couple of reboots I've done, gnome-shell and classic sessions complain about a window manager already running on the display11:11
rodrigo_unity seems to work ok, so not sure what's up11:11
rodrigo_and there was, at least last time (didn't check now) a metacity process for the gdm user11:12
rodrigo_so seems gdm is again not killing all its processes11:13
pittididrocks, seb128: FYI, libunity-misc binNEWed11:17
seb128pitti, danke11:18
seb128hey chrisccoulson "morning?"! it's middday, did you work all the night again? ;-)11:18
pittispeaking about which, I'm off for lunch and some errands11:19
didrockspitti: thanks :)11:19
chrisccoulsonhey seb12811:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, it was a late one last night11:19
seb128pitti, enjoy!, hum, food, should do that soon as well11:21
* micahg can empathize with a late night...11:36
didrocksseb128: did you use merge-upstream or just merge for latest unity release?11:53
seb128didrocks, urg, I might have just merged :-(11:54
seb128sorry about that, do you want me to fix it?11:54
didrocksseb128: no worry, I think it's fine, I just add to manually add a tag11:54
seb128ok, sorry again11:54
didrocksseb128: it's not like autotools where you need additional files to build :)11:55
seb128I didn't do a merge-upstream upload for a while11:55
didrocksseb128: no worry, just to confirm why the tag wasn't there ;)11:55
didrocks<disclaimer: no this is not to intend that I prefer cmake to autotools> ;)11:55
didrocksseb128: oh, that's why you had to repack manually the tarball!11:56
didrocksconfirm, merge-upstream does the right thing for you :)11:57
seb128I completely zappy merged upstream after a month of GNOME3 in oneiric11:57
didrockshum, conflicts though11:58
seb128didrocks, it might be easier to uncommit, redo it using merge upstream and push --overwrite11:58
didrockshum, not sure it's because of what you did TBH11:59
TheMusopitti, seb128, are we still likely to have GTK2 on the CD for oneiric?12:13
seb128TheMuso, yes12:13
seb128TheMuso, the rdepends list is on the etherpad if you want to check it but it's not likely that firefox and some others will be ported this cycle12:14
TheMusoOk thanks, just realized one more a11y dep is needed in the meta after doing a fresh installn and finding some things not speaking. :)12:14
TheMusook thats fine.12:14
TheMusolibgail-common used to be pulled in by other bits, but is no longer, and still needed.12:15
seb128TheMuso, could you check on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcanberra/+bug/790608 and see if you have an opinion about it?12:15
ubot2Ubuntu bug 790608 in libcanberra "libcanberra needs to depend on sound-theme-freedesktop" [Medium,Confirmed]12:15
seb128TheMuso, or do you know who else would be better placed for that?12:15
seb128TheMuso, why is libgail-common still used?12:16
TheMusoseb128: I will have a read through that complete bug tomorrow and comment.12:16
seb128TheMuso, btw do you know if onboard is actively maintained? it still use gtk2, pygtk and gconf12:16
TheMusoRe libgail-common, for some reason the libgail.so gtk module is in that package.12:16
seb128TheMuso, thanks12:16
TheMusoseb128: yes someone is working on onboard, I will prod them re moving to GTK3/Gsettings.12:17
seb128TheMuso, thanks12:17
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* rodrigo_ lunch13:28
alex3fmvo: hi13:37
alex3fI'm trying to run https://code.launchpad.net/~mmcg069/software-center/gtk3again - but it hangs at http://pastebin.com/yjHKjhAM13:37
alex3fah, ./software-center-gtk313:48
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mvoalex3f: I have a look, not sure whats wrong with it at this point, its pretty volatile14:27
alex3fmvo: I'm rebuilding gtk+, I've seen some similar bug report14:28
alex3fcaused by an incomplete build of cairo14:28
mvoaha, ok14:28
mvogood luck!14:28
mvoI hope that I can merge the gtk3 stuff soonish14:29
mvolets see how it goes, but i definietely want to have it in even if its a bit rough currently14:29
seb128mvo, hey14:35
alex3fmvo: it would be glad to have something merged14:35
seb128mvo, how would you like the "software-properties should stop depending on synaptic", bug, work item? not tracked?14:35
alex3fsince I'm currently unable to run any pk part together with pygtk14:35
jasoncwarner_hey seb128 , question for you on oneiric. when I open the keyboard settings window, I don't have any sliders for 'delay' or 'speed'. I can't change those?14:36
pittimvo, seb128: does s-p just call synaptic for the package cache? that could use aptdaemon, right?14:36
jasoncwarner_I have an annoying slow key repeat rate right now and it is messing with my typing kung-fu! ;)14:37
pittimvo: a quick grep for synaptic seems to show only that14:37
pittimvo, seb128: want me to look into this?14:38
pittiseb128: I take it you want to drop synaptic from the default install?14:39
mvopitti: thanks, feel free to grab that WI14:40
pittiI'd like to unseed it; right now it's being pulled in through software-properties anyway, but it should go away once that dependencies is dropped14:40
seb128jasoncwarner_, they should be in the keyboard capplet on the first ab?14:40
seb128can't type!14:40
mvopitti: sounds good to me14:40
seb128pitti, if you want please, I would like to get synaptic off the CD14:40
pittibzr commit -m "remove synaptic; it's spelled 'software-center' now"14:41
jasoncwarner_seb128: nope, not showing up...sliders are there, but no circle to move the values...I'll take screenshot14:41
mvo(or software-centre, depending on your part of the world ;)14:41
pittiseb128: oh, is that our last remaining gksu rdepends?14:41
pittiI'd so love to get rid of gksu, it's quite a GUI inconsistency14:42
pittiah, no; network-manager and gdebi, plus a few others14:42
jasoncwarner_seb128: http://img861.imageshack.us/i/selection002g.png/14:43
seb128pitti, gdebi is not installed by default right?14:45
seb128pitti, could we use gksu-polkit14:45
jasoncwarner_seb128: I was also wondering if we could get a transparent resize gripper for terminal now that we use overlay scrollbars there...it looks a bit odd/stands out a bit from the rest of the desktop... http://img163.imageshack.us/i/selection003s.png/14:45
seb128pitti, or pkexec?14:45
pittiseb128: pkexec doesn't work for X programs; I haven't tried gksu-polkit14:45
pittiseb128: check gdebi's Task: header; it's on some images14:46
seb128jasoncwarner_, oh you are right for the keyboard, seems like a bug14:46
pittinot on ubuntu, though14:46
seb128pitti, synaptic seems the only thing using gksu on my install14:46
pittiseb128: apturl also depends on synaptic, though14:47
pittiseb128: network-manager-gnome, gnome-codec-install, checkbox-gtk, apturl, update-notifier, gnome-system-log <- here14:47
seb128jasoncwarner_, dunno for your second question14:47
seb128pitti, how do you list those?14:48
pittisudo dpkg -P gksu14:48
seb128pitti, thanks, I will fix the buggy gnome-system-log depends, it comes from debian14:48
seb128we use the admin group for logs in ubuntu14:48
pittiyou mean "adm"14:48
seb128pitti, well we rely on the admin users having access by group permissions14:49
seb128so we don't use gksu14:49
seb128but ok, still a few rdepends14:50
seb128ups, got disconnected14:56
seb128rodrigo_, there?14:56
rodrigo_seb128, yes14:56
seb128rodrigo_, do you know if jasoncwarner_'s keyboard capplet issue is known?14:57
seb128rodrigo_, the 2 first slitders of the capplet has no round you can drag14:57
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, what issue?14:57
seb128rodrigo_, slider14:57
* rodrigo_ looks14:57
rodrigo_oh, indeed14:57
rodrigo_hmm, doesn't happen in 3.1.x from jhbuild14:58
* rodrigo_ looks at the code14:58
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seb128kenvandine, not sure if bug #656329 is fixed in your rewrite but I milestoned for oneiric15:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 656329 in gwibber "should use gsettings rather than gconf" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65632915:19
kenvandineseb128, yup :)15:19
* kenvandine just finished porting the backend to gsettings 15:20
seb128dobey, kenvandine: bug #80071715:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 800717 in ubuntuone-client "Should stop using gconf in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80071715:34
seb128dobey, kenvandine: basically since g-s-d and nautilus are on gsettings, gtk3 it means ubuntuone is having no desktop integration in oneiric15:34
seb128the gsd code is not loaded neither is the nautilus one15:34
dobeyweird, but ok15:35
seb128dobey, why weird?15:36
rodrigo_hey dobey15:36
kenvandinefta, can you disable the gwibber daily builds?15:36
seb128dobey, nautilus changed their abi number since they can't mix gtk2 and gtk3 in the same process so u1 is using the wrong dir and ignored15:36
rodrigo_dobey, the nightlies use the same package branch as the one in oneiric, right?15:37
dobeyseb128: don't see why it matters if the extension uses gconf or gsettings in terms of the extension being loaded15:37
dobeyrodrigo_: no15:37
kenvandinei am close to merging the client rewrite into trunk, which will break the dailies packaging branch about 2000 ways :)15:37
seb128dobey, the "enable" key is in gsettings for g-s-d15:37
kenvandineand we should switch to using LP for dailies anyway15:37
dobeyseb128: that is a separate bug from the gconf one then15:37
rodrigo_dobey, ok, so you'll have to copy the patch that is failing to apply as soon as I submit it15:37
seb128dobey, GTK is bug #80072315:38
dobeyrodrigo_: i looked at fixing it the other day, but saw you completely decimated that code for some reason; does trunk still build against evolution 2.x?15:39
seb128dobey, but yeah, both techs are an issue for different reasons15:39
rodrigo_dobey, yes, it's just the plugin code, which I refactored a bit to share some code for the tasks and contacts plugin15:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 800723 in ubuntuone-client "should use GTK3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80072315:39
seb128dobey, the gconf use is an issue because gsd reads gsettings to see what to enable and gtk2 is an issue since nautilus is on gtk315:39
dobeyseb128: the gconf thing is not an issue because g-s-d reading gsettings to see what to enable is completely separate from whether the plug-in itself uses gconf or gsettings for its own configuration; if we have to toggle an "enable" bool or add some schema to gsettings for having the plug-in load, i think that is still a separate bug from whether or not the extension itself is using gconf15:41
seb128dobey, right, in any case both gconf and gtk2 should be off the CD by next cycle so it would be nice to start porting this cycle ;-)15:41
seb128dobey, there is part of functional need there and part of cleaning15:42
dobeyah, i fixed the gtk2/gtk3 issue though in trunk, but haven't made a release yet, because we have lots of other underlying issues to fix as well :)15:42
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ftakenvandine, sure, done15:52
kenvandinefta, thx15:52
pittimvo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/main/revision/668 works for me15:52
pittitook a bit to get the async handling worked out15:52
seb128pitti, \o/15:53
pittiseb128: now the blame is entirely on apturl15:53
seb128pitti, indeed15:53
pittiwhich needs porting to GI and to aptdaemon15:54
pittimvo: do you want to review, or should I just upload?15:54
seb128pitti, do you still need the gksu depends?15:57
pittiright now yes15:58
seb128or to run software-properties-gtk with gksu?15:58
pittiyes, for that15:58
pittiit edits /etc/apt/sources.list, etc.15:58
pittiideally all that should be offered in aptdaemon as well, and s-p should use it15:58
mvopitti: I'm in a meeting currently, if you feel good about it, just upload, otherwise I review in ~30 min or so16:02
pittimvo: ok, I'll upload and take the bullets16:02
mvopitti: but looks good on a first glance16:03
mvothanks a bunch pitti!16:03
* pitti hugs mvo16:03
* mvo hugs pitti back16:04
kinouchouhello seb128, didrocks & fredp16:06
seb128lut kinouchou16:06
didrockssalut kinouchou16:07
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didrockscan anyone binNEW nux on amd64 and i386 (soname change)? I'm about to push unity :)16:56
mterryronoc, heyo.  I just realized indicator-sound wasn't ported to gtk3 yet.  I'll propose a merge if you're not already in the middle of that16:58
didrocksseb128: ^ ?16:59
pittigood night everyone!17:00
pittiFYI, national holiday tomorrow; I'll probably get online a bit, but not much17:01
kenvandinegood night pitti17:01
pittiso, see you on Friday!17:01
* kenvandine wishes his new motherboard would arrive... i need my build box back!17:01
chrisccoulsonhave fun pitti!17:01
didrockssee you pitti!17:01
rodrigo_have fun pitti17:03
seb128pitti, 'night, have fun17:05
seb128didrocks, can do17:05
didrocksseb128: thanks :)17:06
didrockspowerpc came to life as well17:06
chrisccoulsonheh, leDidRocks ;)17:06
didrockschrisccoulson: heh! ;)17:08
seb128didrocks, NEWed17:13
didrocksseb128: thanks :) will you be available for the unity ones? (more complex though)17:13
seb128didrocks, you can NEW the armel build yourself later if you want17:13
didrocksseb128: thanks : )17:13
seb128didrocks, not sure since it will take until 20:00 for nux to be published now then unity needs to build17:14
seb128didrocks, but ping jdstrand for example if I'm not around17:14
seb128or StevenK17:14
didrocks20:00, not 19:00?17:15
seb128didrocks, I will try to have a look when I'm back but I need to run in half an hour for sport and I might have dinner outside then17:15
seb128didrocks, the next publisher run is at 19:03 or something and publishing takes almost an hour17:15
didrocksseb128: ok, anyway, not that important, can wait17:15
didrocksI'll try to take a normal evening tonight, 7:30PM to get out  :)17:16
seb128didrocks, but feel free to NEW it yourself otherwise, I will double check it for you tomorrow ;-)17:16
rodrigo_ok, need to get out for some errands, bbl17:18
seb128rodrigo_, see you17:19
seb128rodrigo_, btw the grep for the http proxy returned several application17:19
seb128including ubiquity and update-manager, I'm opening bugs for those17:19
seb128rodrigo_, rhythmbox and banshee as well17:20
mvoseb128: hm? whats wrong with http_proxy?17:21
seb128mvo, gnome-control-center uses gsettings17:21
seb128mvo, so it doesn't write to gconf17:21
seb128mvo, we were discuting on whether we still need the bridge rodrigo_ wrote which still write those values to gconf for compat17:22
seb128mvo, but those code will need to be ported to use gsettings rather than rely on compat bridges17:22
rodrigo_seb128, ok, let me know the bug # once you file it17:23
rodrigo_ok, now really out, later all17:23
seb128rodrigo_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=gnome3-gsettings17:23
seb128rodrigo_, you can watch that list, they are in it17:23
seb128mvo, bug #656332 btw, I milestone it to oneiric17:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 656332 in update-manager "should use gsettings rather than gconf" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65633217:24
seb128or didrocks assigned it to himself, maybe he will do it for you ;-)17:24
didrocksupdate-manager? yeah, I'll have some fun with it :)17:25
mvodo what you want, I have dinner now ;)17:25
* mvo &17:25
seb128mvo, enjoy!17:25
didrocksseb128: argh, you broke it! :-)17:26
seb128didrocks, broke what?17:26
didrocks(mvo process in background and I tried to "fg" to bring him back in the foreground ;))17:26
seb128ok, need to go, see you later!17:29
ronocmterry, not at all in the middle of it, merges welcome :)18:12
mterryronoc, cool, almost done, but hitting some odd issues with finding the currently selected menuitem in gtk3  :)18:13
ronocmterry, ah the keypress callback in indicator-sound.c ?18:14
mterryronoc, yeah18:15
ronocmterry, other than that was it painful ?18:15
mterry(actually, not even dealing with gtk3 right now, just non-deprecated gtk2)18:15
mterryronoc, no, just some ifdefs and switching from deprecated to non functions18:16
ronocgood stuff18:16
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ogra_didrocks, i tried to log in with unity instead of -2d today on my armel netbook ... the auto detection is just awesome, but metacity seems to have all composite effects enabled18:43
ogra_in the unity-2d session if you select it from the DM, composite is on but effects are off18:43
ogra_would be good if they could behave the same18:43
didrocksogra_: right, we discussed that there with you 2 weeks before, seems it's urigo who enabled that, and I told you to speak with him IIRC :)18:44
didrocksKaleo: ^18:44
ogra_didrocks, no, thats something different18:44
didrockson the session18:44
didrocksyeah, for fallbacak18:44
didrocksthis is a known issue18:44
didrocksfrom the beginning18:44
didrocksthe gconf keys aren't applied18:44
ogra_there is a discrepancy between the unity-2d session i get when the auto fallback og unity kicks in18:44
didrocks(on fallbacking)18:44
ogra_vs the session i get if i select unity-2d directly18:45
didrocksthe evil master plan is to make this detection in lightdm itself18:45
didrocksbefore choosing the session18:45
ogra_well, whatever works18:45
didrockswhich I will try do to next week :)18:45
ogra_having composite on isnt that big of a showstopper ... as long as the effects stay off18:45
didrocksI think Kaleo is aware of that :)18:46
ogra_i think it actually speeds up all the QML stuff18:46
ogra_while metacity itself gets a bit slower18:46
ogra_i.e. in alt+tab i usually dont get to see the app switcher (takes abotu 1sec to render) , the switching is fast though18:47
Kaleohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/791205 is a prerequisite to fix that18:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 791205 in unity-2d "Metacity needs command line options to activate capture before unmap and compositing without effects" [High,Confirmed]18:47
didrocksso you need:18:47
didrockscompositing on18:47
didrockseffects off18:47
ogra_which is the default in the -2d session already18:47
ogra_but if the issue is known anyway i will keep quiet :)18:47
didrocksogra_: we'll think to it, do not hesitate to ping/hurt me during the sprint :)18:48
ogra_yeah, no worries :)18:49
ogra_i'll hurt you by forcing you to drink a beer :)18:49
didrocksI like this kind of the pain18:51
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mterryronoc, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-sound/gtk3/+merge/6555220:20
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ronocmterry, thanks - will do now22:06
mterryronoc, yw; I don't know why I missed it when doing the others  :)22:06
* ronoc takes a look22:07
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mterrytremolux, heyo.  Did donations in software-center get discussed last UDS?  Curious what the plan of record for those are22:32
tremoluxmterry: hey! we did not have a session for donations and in fact we don't have an active blueprint for it for oneiric unfortunately22:35
tremoluxmterry: here is the spec for it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareDonations22:35
tremoluxmterry: we have a lot of other work for s-c this cycle including a full UI refresh (with spec is coming next week), and so donations will have to be postponed for this cycle22:37
mterrytremolux, yeah.  Just curious what the state of art is.  I'm excited about the UI refresh.  The mockups on omg ubuntu were pretty fancy22:38
tremoluxmterry: haha, indeed  :)22:38
tremoluxseems highly unlikely we'll be able to do all of that in 4 weeks or so before feature freeze, but we are going to try to hit as much as we can based on priorities22:39
jasoncwarner_hey guys22:40
mterryjasoncwarner_, hello!22:40
TheMusoHey jasoncwarner_.22:40
jasoncwarner_hey mterry TheMuso and tremolux. how is everyone?22:40
TheMusoWell thanks.22:40
tremoluxheya jasoncwarner_!22:40
tremoluxvery well, thanks22:40
* bryceh waves22:41
tremoluxjasoncwarner_: I just sent you an email in response to your email  ;)22:41
jasoncwarner_tremolux: cool...I keep refreshing OMG ubuntu to see if the designs are finished yet ;) (sarcasm)22:43
tremoluxjasoncwarner_: LOL22:43
jasoncwarner_tremolux: :)22:44
jasoncwarner_tremolux: just read the email. next week at the rally lets talk about some rough idea of scope of the list just so we can start communicating that out; set expectations again...thanks22:49
brycehjasoncwarner_, btw have you seen that gfx corruption / window clicking bug again, that you mentioned yesterday?22:49
jasoncwarner_bryceh: I did, but I was in unity again...switched to it after using classic all day22:51
jasoncwarner_thinking it is a unity issue22:51
brycehjasoncwarner_, ok, makes sense22:51

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