
Sidewinder1Good Afternoon all.17:15
Sidewinder1A suggestion: In #ubuntu, whenever someone asks a question regarding wubi, I cringe; would never go anywhere near it, with all due respect to the developers. Would it be possible to add to the "factoid" something to the effect of "wubi is intended to allow windows users to try ubuntu, within the win. OS. If you like ubuntu, install it as dual-boot", and perhaps provide a link like: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php17:16
Sidewinder1with the existing links.17:16
Sidewinder1I guess what I'm getting at is that it appears that many wubi users love ubuntu but then, try to use it, on a long term basis rather than installing it and that seems to lead to problems. I think even ActionParsnip and dr_willis would agree. What do you think? Or am I just creating additional problems. Please take the above in the spirit of me just trying to be helpful, not only to the users but the OPs and the other volunte17:16
Sidewinder1Wow! That looks horrible; must be 'cause I pasted from gedit; sorry.17:19
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe17:20
Sidewinder1vish, Yes, obviously I've seen that...17:20
charlie-tcaI agree with Sidewinder117:20
charlie-tcaThat factoid does sound like it should be a permanent install17:20
Sidewinder1Thanx, I just felt that a little more elaboration in the factoid would be helpful to those that are trying to use wubi on a long term basis...17:21
* Sidewinder1 Is now wondering if a "factoid" has a size limitation.17:22
pleia2it does, it's bound by standard length limitations of irc17:22
Sidewinder1Ok, I guess that's it.17:23
vishwe could remove the "file bugs" part and just add it about being an easy way for testing Ubuntu17:23
Sidewinder1Testing! Yes I like that17:24
pleia2I know some people who do run it permanently (actually got a complaint from one that he felt people were marginalizing it too much), so I think such a change in how it's handled in #ubuntu should be discussed17:24
pleia2and if the decision is to treat it as testing only, the wubi folks should be made aware17:24
Sidewinder1That wouldn't be a bad idea either; something that when wubi's installed enumerating that it's not really intended for long term use.17:26
Sidewinder1As in try it without having to mess with the NTFS partition, formatting ext4, etc.17:26
marienzthe main downside to wubi I can see is that how it boots is relatively black magic, so it's hard to get help if that part of it fails17:27
Sidewinder1Exactly, most if not all of the knowledgeable folks in #ubuntu probably have never used it and have some problems trying to help.17:29
Sidewinder1Or if they did, it's been a long time and perhaps some aspects of wubi have changed.17:29
Sidewinder1Either way, it was just a suggestion in an attempt to avoid some frustration not only for the ones using wubi but for the volunteers that are trying to help.17:31
Sidewinder1Thanks for listening...17:31
Sidewinder1Have a great day all!17:32
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