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nigelbtumbleweed: still stuck, yes. Let me get the debdiff. I got past one problem and hit another.06:31
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dholbachgood morning08:05
X3lectricis there anyone who is a expert with debian packaging? I require some help with some packaging that should work on ppa and fails to build yet teh only differnce is the version of the packges being built11:24
X3lectricthe nvidia drivers fail to build yet the packaging is identical to https://launchpad.net/~team-iquik/+archive/nvidia-vpau/+packages11:25
X3lectrictried variatons of the packging and erros make 0 sense + im not that savvy11:26
* X3lectric n00b11:26
tumbleweedX3lectric: what are you trying to do? backport drivers?11:30
X3lectricer no11:32
X3lectricnot backport11:32
X3lectricits actual debian packages for those distros11:33
X3lectricsee the drivers there were built ok on this ppa https://launchpad.net/~x3lectric/+archive/nvidia-vdpau11:33
tumbleweedX3lectric: backport means build for an older release11:33
X3lectricI know11:34
X3lectricbackpost mean using the current debian packaging which is not the case11:34
tumbleweedthe version that's failing to build on lucid and karmic (which is out of support, btw) is the version currently shipping in oneriric11:34
X3lectricyea but look at the 270 version bilt ok back then11:35
tumbleweedI'm not suprised it's not building on lucid or karmic, they look like complicated packages and could easily depend on things only available in newer relaeses11:35
X3lectricnow it wont even build those11:35
X3lectricnot a dependency issue11:35
tumbleweedwell, not a stated dependency11:36
X3lectricok lemme explain11:36
X3lectricthe packages there for drivers11:36
X3lectricthey built ok11:37
X3lectricnow if I upload ppa7 to superceed the same packages and rebuild with no changes except that it fails11:37
tumbleweederr no, I see a different version in that PPA11:37
X3lectricShow details nvidia-graphics-drivers - 270.41.19-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa4 (changes file) x3lectric 2011-05-23 Published Lucid Misc All builds were built successfully.11:38
tumbleweedyes. 270.41.19. Your failing build is 275.09.07. Not identical11:38
X3lectricI tried to uplaod same packages because the 275 were failing and now the 270 also fail11:39
tumbleweedyou can't upload an older version. Version numbers can only go up11:39
X3lectrici tried it on a differnt ppa11:40
micahgtumbleweed: well, if the binaries were never published you can (even if they were you still can)11:40
X3lectricproblem is the 270 can no longer be built evn if they suceeded a few weeks ago11:41
X3lectricthey fail with same error as the 27511:41
tumbleweedmicahg: sure11:42
tumbleweedX3lectric: the exact same source package that built before? Is it not because of something else in the ppa that was updated?11:42
tumbleweedanyway, let's look at one issue at a time11:42
X3lectricI didnt do the packaging for lucid or karmic Im reusing previous packaging by other people only modifying the drivers versions on the stated files11:43
X3lectricif you can help and guide me11:44
X3lectrictumbleweed: I used dget -xu https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/+files/nvidia-graphics-drivers_270.29-0ubuntu1%7Elucid%7Exup2.dsc11:51
X3lectricthat I modifies for the 270.41.1911:52
X3lectricso every file that mentioned the 270.29 I updated it to match the newer version11:53
X3lectrictook 6 tries to build on ppa11:54
* tumbleweed is having a quick look, but these packages are big and gnarly. I'd suggest getting more familiar with debian packaging, with simpler packages.11:54
X3lectricsince no one guided me at all untill now11:55
tumbleweedbasically, as you can see from the build log, the error is in debian/nvidia_supported11:55
X3lectricand i dont have problems with smaller packages11:55
X3lectricso something in nvidia supported wasnt correctly updated?11:56
X3lectrici dont understand the error11:56
tumbleweedread the source, and you can see where it came from11:57
tumbleweedhowever, in this case I'm guessing the problem is that rules.lucid isn't included any more (and thus presumably the logic that would make it use rules.lucid, so maybe you need to see what that was doing differently11:59
tumbleweedor you could talk to the guy who maintains it, but I doubt he's that interested in backports to karmic :P11:59
X3lectriccorrect me if im worng11:59
X3lectricbut the debian packages as long as their origin is the distro they inteded for they should build any version of drivers or packages as long as the changes point to new versions where applicable12:00
tumbleweedtheoretically yes, assuming the maintainer cares enough to specify all the correct versioned dependancies and all the necessary quirks for older releases12:01
tumbleweedpractically, *well* maintained packages tend to be backportable to supported releases, but may require other backports too, and complicated packages are very likely to require modifications12:02
X3lectriceven if the origin of the packages are based on official releases12:02
X3lectricthose since are official should already be sorted that way12:02
X3lectricwhat you mean no12:03
tumbleweedjust because a package is in an officaial release doesn't mean it can be backported with no changes. There is no such requirement.12:03
X3lectricbut im not backporting12:03
X3lectricwhat tells the ppa to build the official version should work and already account for all dependencies12:05
X3lectricheck the fact that what use to build ok now doesnt tells me the error is somewhere else12:05
X3lectricbut since im not any sort of expert its illogical and i dont have skills to correct what not only doesnt make sense why it fails but its beyond my skills12:06
X3lectricfor e,g thers a erro it says Failed to find the list.... what list?12:09
tumbleweedread the script that outputs the error. I don't know what list either, it looks like a symbol list, but I'm not about to invest an hour or two in understanding this package12:09
Laneythe source will tell you12:09
X3lectricif [ "$ret" -eq 0 ]; then12:10
X3lectric    printf '%s\n' '# List generated by nvidia_supported. Do not edit manually.'12:10
X3lectric    while read id; do12:10
X3lectric      printf 'alias pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv*sd*bc03sc*i* %s %s\n' \12:10
X3lectric        0x10de "0x$id" "$modname" "$pkgname"12:10
X3lectricive extracted the driver packages and the output except for the driver verdion is same12:12
X3lectricheck all files are same12:12
X3lectricexcept for in this case driver version numbers12:12
tumbleweedbut what's inside them is different, and this script looks inside them to generate the modaliases12:14
X3lectricI actually dont need the modaliases since im not using gdm12:15
X3lectricthers a note on the drivers12:16
X3lectric# This is a nasty kluge, but it seems to work. Better check the output when12:16
X3lectric# upgrading to a new release of the nvidia driver, though.12:16
X3lectricthast on the nvidia_current12:17
tumbleweedyes, I read that file12:17
X3lectrici mean nvidia_supported12:18
tumbleweedif you don't need it, don't call it from debian/rules12:18
X3lectricill try and see13:33
c_kornhow can I prevent that quilt edit opens a new instance of gedit? in 10.10 just a new tab was opened14:07
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c_kornhow can I prevent that quilt edit opens a new instance of gedit? in 10.10 just a new tab was opened15:00
tumbleweedc_korn: export a sensible value for $EDITOR ?15:03
c_kornactually I have an alias for quilt: alias quilt="EDITOR=gedit quilt"15:04
Ampelbeinc_korn: add --new-document to $EDITOR15:05
c_kornAmpelbein: this has strange effects. if I open a new gedit instance and type something without saving, quilt edit now opens the to be edited file in the same instance as a tab but also creates a new empty tab. if I open a text file in gedit and then quilt edit then the to be edited file is opened in a complete new instance and also a new empty tab is created.15:12
Ampelbeinc_korn: that sounds indeed strange. can you test what happens if you manually open some files with gedit fromt he command line?15:14
c_korngedit <file 1> creates the first instance of gedit and opens the file (the gedit process runs in the terminal so I cannot run another command there). I open another terminal and run gedit <file 2>. the file is opened in the same gedit instance as a tab and the gedit process ends there in the terminal so I can type another command15:16
c_kornAmpelbein: ^15:19
Ampelbeinc_korn: that sounds about right (you can prepend '&' to the command line to continue work in one terminal)15:21
tumbleweedalthough quilt will need to have a way of knowing that you've finished editing (normally when the command returns, it's done. I'm a vim user, so I don't know how you are supposed to do that)15:22
c_kornwhy does quilt have to know about finished editing? It should just pick the state when I do quilt refresh. If I was still editing there, then it is my fault.15:23
tumbleweedoh, fair enough15:23
c_kornquilt edit for me is just a shortcut for me for quilt add and manually opening the file15:24
* tumbleweed is sufferincg from lack of sleep, which is probably why I'm lurking on IRC15:24
c_kornheh ;)15:25
Ampelbeinc_korn: after some testing it seems to be a gedit problem. If I do 'gedit doc1 &' and (in the same terminal) do 'gedit --new-document doc2' I get a new empty tab15:25
ScottKtumbleweed: Sounds like the perfect time for a complex merge.15:30
c_kornAmpelbein: what is --new-document supposed to do now? is the new empty tab intentional when opening a file with --new-document?15:43
Ampelbeinc_korn: hmm, maybe I read the man page wrong and it just means to open a new document in a new tab.15:45
Ampelbeinc_korn: I thought it was an option to open the file in a new tab instead of new window.15:45
Ampelbeinc_korn: but testing it further it seems that 'gedit doc1 & gedit doc2' does the right thing and only opens one instance of gedit.15:46
c_kornAmpelbein: which would mean the problem is in quilt?15:48
Ampelbeinc_korn: fwiw, I can't reproduce the issue in oneiric.15:50
c_kornhm, ok. which means it is already fixed.15:51
c_kornnow we need to backport the patch15:51
Ampelbeinc_korn: quilt hasn't changed in over a year15:52
c_kornhm, so it has to be gedit which changed15:53
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c_korndoes someone know about a policy for packaging gem applications?18:19
paultagc_korn: they just changed policy, I got a mail about it18:20
paultagc_korn: let me see if I can dig it up, I got it a bit ago18:21
paultagc_korn: http://pastebin.com/2d1Wa1KS18:21
paultagc_korn: http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/RubyInWheezy#Changes_to_rubygems_packaging ← that might be what you're looking for18:22
c_kornpaultag: awesome, thank you very much!18:26
paultagc_korn: rock on, man18:26
pcprattshi.  is there a way to dynamically build a menu for a debconf template?18:54
pcprattsI tried to modify the appropriate templates file in /var/lib/dpkg/info18:54
pcprattsis there a tool I need to run to re-sync the modified template?18:55
pcprattsokay I got it19:04
pcprattssorry for bothering19:04
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