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=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Firefox 4.0.1 10.04-10.10 http://is.gd/5Fyywu | Firefox 5.0b7 10.04-11.04 http://is.gd/WUM9i5 | Firefox 3.6.18 (10.04+10.10) Thunderbird 3.1.11 in http://is.gd/dsudW need testing | Firefox 3.6.17 (10.04-10.10) Firefox 5 (11.04)/Thunderbird 3.1.10 in Stable Releases | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1
kmqso I am firing up  11.04 this morning to be greeted by "your browser has been updated. plz restart" and I did. Now I have  Firefox5 with many of my extensions (notably firebug) not working07:50
kmqis this something I could have avoided by changing some sort of update setting, or does this warrant a bugreport ?07:50
micahgkmq: well, extension compatibility was at about 83% upstream07:53
micahgkmq: Firebug released an update to work with Firefox 5, do you have a system copy installed?07:53
kmqno, I installed via addons.mozilla.org07:54
micahgkmq: hmm, you should have received an update for it then07:54
micahg1.7.3 works with Firefox 507:55
kmqI have 1.7.3 in the addons list and it's disabled - searching for updates gives me nothing07:56
kmqI am installing 1.8 manually07:56
micahgkmq: maybe ask in #firebug on  irc.mozilla.org07:57
kmqwell, 1.8 works07:58
kmqI am just surprised, I usually disable auto-updating. checking in 'update-manager' I see the 'Automatic update' radiobuttons all looking like this (-)07:59
kmqlike all of them are 'half' selected07:59
kmqso I m guessing autoupdating is the default until I make a selection.07:59
kmqwell, sorry for the noise and thank you for the help08:00
* micahg wonders why 1.8 works and 1.7.3 doesn't08:00
* micahg will dig further in the morning08:00
kmqalso: http://getfirebug.com/swarms/Firefox-5.0/ :-)08:01
kmqyou get there by clicking 'get your swarm'  on the getfirebug page08:01
chrisccoulsoni can't believe we have someone actually asking to stay on an old firefox version - bug 80063713:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 800637 in firefox "Firefox 5 shouldn't be a security upgrade to Firefox 4" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80063713:28
fta2chrisccoulson, i know a lot of people happy with what they have. Once they consider it stable enough for their needs, they don't want to touch it14:05
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kmqchrisccoulson: re that bug. I got bitten by that this morning and I can kinda sympathize with 'someone' - noone likes broken tools16:07
kmqin the comments you were asking for the firebug version: I had 1.7.316:08
chrisccoulsonwell, 1.7.3 is already compatible with 5.016:23
ftahttps://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa/+build/2583323  :(16:41
chrisccoulsonfta - lucky you! i uploaded some builds yesterday morning which just finished 1 hour ago16:58
chrisccoulsoni'm getting seriously annoyed now :/16:59
chrisccoulsoni've given up trying to do daily builds entirely for now16:59
chrisccoulsoni've no idea when the missing builders are going to come back16:59
chrisccoulsoni've asked a couple of times in #launchpad now and didn't get a single response17:02
ftasame here, i stopped asking. they obviously don't care about their users17:09
bhearsumanyone know how to work around this error: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1255345 ? i get it at the start of the second pass of a PGO build17:11
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, that's on our toolchain?17:12
bhearsumyeah, compiled on my x86_64 11.04 machine17:12
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, i'm not too sure about that. it might be worth reporting a gcc bug, but i don't know what information you'd need to provide17:13
bhearsumalright, will do! i was hoping it was a common problem :S17:13
chrisccoulsoni haven't tried doing a PGO build recently ;)17:13
chrisccoulsoni guess i might hit the same issue17:13
chrisccoulsoni suppose i could give it a try in a bit17:13
chrisccoulsonoh, there's a new unity version now. probably not the best time for me to upgrade17:14
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, are you familiar with the process for bumping addon compatibility on addons.mozilla.org? ie, is the version number bumped? and if not, how does firefox detect that there is a new addon version to upgrade to?17:19
chrisccoulsonor am i misunderstanding how it works?17:19
bhearsumchrisccoulson: kindof, but i'm on a call, so i'll get back to you17:19
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, sure, no problem17:20
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think it's time for me to switch my work mail from evo to thunderbird now17:26
chrisccoulsonit makes no sense for me to constantly have 2 e-mail clients open17:26
chrisccoulsonfta - https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa/+build/258471517:37
chrisccoulsonalthough, "Start in 20 hours" is a lie17:37
chrisccoulsonlanguage packs are scored at zero, and don't start until there is literally nothing else left in the queue17:38
chrisccoulsonand that hasn't happened once in the last week yet17:38
ftachrisccoulson, in my case, it was "Start in 10 hours" but "created 14 hours ago"17:41
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, i didn't see that bit ;)17:42
chrisccoulsonin any case, that will run long before mine do17:42
ftano, it won't, because the next one will have been uploaded and this one will be superseded17:43
ftaso i'll get no valid build in days17:43
ftablocking the upgrade of the all the x64 bit users because of the arch-all debs17:44
bhearsumchrisccoulson: i'm actually not sure if the version number is bumped or not, i would _guess_ that it isn't, and that there's some mechanism used in combination with that to determine newness, maybe a distversion or something -- i'm certain #amo on irc.m.o could answer that with certainty, though17:44
ftaso it's a total mess17:44
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, the only reason i asked is because we got a couple of users who ended up with an incompatible version of firebug installed after the upgrade (1.7.3, which is compatible with 5.0 according to a.m.o)17:45
chrisccoulsonand i wasn't sure how this is meant to work :)17:45
bhearsumhmm, i heard other reports of issues with firebug17:47
bhearsumi'd be surprised if Firebug got autobumped, to be honest17:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, me too17:48
chrisccoulsonm_conley, http://uds.ubuntu.com/18:37
chrisccoulsonit has a nice pool!18:37
m_conleyHey, awesome! :)18:37
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, PGO isn't enabled by default on current mozilla-central builds is it?18:44
chrisccoulsonhah, my daughter has figured out that by touching the base of my lamp, she can adjust it's brightness18:50
chrisccoulsoni now have a disco going on this room18:50
bhearsumchrisccoulson: it is for linux and windows AFAIK18:55
bhearsumerr, wait18:55
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, i thought it got disabled again on linux?18:55
chrisccoulsonunless it was re-enabled again18:55
bhearsum"by default" means "if i don't specify it in mozconfig" or are talking about our CI builds?18:55
chrisccoulsoni don't know how to find out ;)18:55
bhearsumlemme check18:55
bhearsumi know my local aurora build that keeps crashing has PGO on :P18:56
bhearsumi'm seeing make -f /builds/slave/cen-lnx/build/client.mk profiledbuild in the logs, which means it's on18:57
bhearsumat least, for our CI builds18:57
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, ah, ok. thanks. i guess i should think about switching it on as well then18:57
bhearsumyeah, that'd be great. though, i haven't heard that PGO has made a massive difference on linux18:59
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, does it make the binaries smaller by any chance?19:01
chrisccoulsonthat would help to fit thunderbird on our CD ;)19:01
bhearsumi don't know that it makes a difference either way19:02
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, oh - http://twitter.com/#!/shaver/status/8359591362863104019:05
bhearsumi knew i saw something about that :)19:07
chrisccoulsonheh :)19:08
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wonder if pitti will score all my language pack builds up so i can actually copy firefox 5 to the stable PPA sometime this year :/19:14
micahgchrisccoulson: fta: the builders should've been back already, there was an unfortunate glitch which caused them not to return, please don't think they don't care about their users19:46
ftamicahg, sorry but this is a recurrent issue. builders always disappear without any kind of proactive or even reactive notification, and never any ETA for their expected return.19:56
micahgfta: that much maybe we can do something about, I'll ask :)19:57
ftamicahg, and i've personally filed enough bugs about lp that have been touched passed their triaged state, showing me they don't care19:57
ftahave +never19:57
ftai'm sick of writing workaround scripts19:58
micahgthey're working through the backlog, it's ~50 people and ~6k bugs19:58
micahglaunchpad has come a long way in the last year19:58
micahgand the new split between features and maintenance will help as well19:58
ftarotating people every few weeks mostly killed the little activity there was on my bugs20:05
ftaskills are lost faster than bugs are fixed20:06
chrisccoulsonnice font - https://mozillademos.org/demos/dashboard/demo.html !20:45
ftachrisccoulson, hm, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/insecure-scripts.png20:54
chrisccoulsonfta - sorry, my laptop died21:11
chrisccoulsoni guess you see that because the site loads http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js21:12
chrisccoulsoni haven't tried it in chromium though21:12
debfxchrisccoulson: have you seen my message about language packs pulling in firefox?21:13
chrisccoulsondebfx, yeah, sorry, i haven't had a chance to reply yet21:14
chrisccoulsonthat's not going to change in natty now though, and i think that they *should* depend on firefox too (the thunderbird-locale-xx packages also depend on thunderbird)21:15
chrisccoulsonthe issue here is that we have this transitional period where the main language packs need to recommend the firefox language packs21:15
chrisccoulson(which will go away after the next LTS, when we just rely on language-selector to pull in the right firefox translations)21:15
debfxwhy do the firefox locale packages have to depend on firefox?21:16
chrisccoulsoni guess for oneiric i could drop the depends, and add some Breaks in there so that we still have a way of preventing people from updating firefox without updating their language packs21:16
chrisccoulsonwhy wouldn't they depend on firefox though? why would you install them without installing firefox?21:17
chrisccoulsonand like i said, the thunderbird-locale packages have depended on thunderbird since the beginning of time21:17
debfxI just don't see much practical gain in having the dependency so if it causes problems I'd just drop it21:19
chrisccoulsonwell, the dependency in the current nightly builds is strict so that we avoid the constant issues where users upgrade firefox without upgrading language packs21:23
chrisccoulsonthen their installs totally breaks because they have the addon compatibility reporter installed, which enables the old language packs (which should have failed the compatibility check)21:24
chrisccoulsonso, it's definitely there for a reason21:24
chrisccoulsonif we can do it another way, then i don't mind that, but i'm not going to spend any time changing things like that21:24
debfxyou could keep the dependency for nightly builds only21:30
debfxor like you said use breaks instead of a dependency21:31
chrisccoulsondebfx, well, the dependency in the nightly builds will flow down in to the distro (which is where we have the problem)21:36
chrisccoulsoni should probably report a bug upstream about disabling the compat check for language packs. i think that setting should just be ignored tbh21:38
chrisccoulsoni can't think of a situation where you would want to disable the compat check for translations, as it's always going to end in tears21:38
chrisccoulsonthen we wouldn't need the strict relationship between firefox + translation packs at the packaging level21:40
chrisccoulsonright, finally uploading the latest tbird beta :)22:03
fta..and you'll get your build for christmas ;)22:06
ftasorry, couldn't resist22:07
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, this is to the main archive ;)22:07
chrisccoulsonso, i should get them quickly :)22:08
ftalucky you22:08
chrisccoulson(although, i am also going to upload to the thunderbird-next PPA, which might not get them until christmas)22:08
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micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, the locale packages shouldn't depend on firefox, but a Breaks is more appropriate, otherwise, we force kubuntu users to install firefox23:13
chrisccoulsonthat seems like a desirable side-effect ;)23:13
micahgand this is the type of stuff I was hoping to avoid with my call for testing...23:14
chrisccoulsoni'll change that in the nightlies in a bit then23:16
* micahg looks up exactly which syntax is proper23:24
debfxmicahg: yeah someone should have caught that while the language packs were in natty-proposed23:28
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, breaks w/version guards sounds good23:28
debfxthough I wonder why they don't have a tracking bug23:28
micahgdebfx: why who23:28
debfxthe language pack uploads23:28
debfxto track regressions23:29
micahgthey were normal, it was Firefox that was unusual in this case and causing issues23:29
chrisccoulsonthey don't usually, do they?23:29
chrisccoulsonnormally, a call for testing goes out for translators23:29
micahgFirefox did have a tracking bug23:29
chrisccoulsonand the language packs have sat in proposed for pretty much a fortnight23:29
micahgdebfx: does kpackagekit install recommends by default?23:30
micahgon upgrade that is23:30
chrisccoulsonthe issue really is that we attract all the wrong people to -proposed ;)23:30
chrisccoulson(ie, people enable it without understanding what it's for. these people don't read mailing lists and don't realize they've become guinea pigs)23:31
micahgah, is bug 800857 what you're all referring to?23:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 800857 in language-pack-en-base "language-pack-en-base 1:11.04+20110607 adds firefox as dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80085723:31
debfxmicahg: I'd hope so but I can't say for sure23:31
micahgchrisccoulson: is there another bug you know of tracking this issue?23:32
debfxmicahg: I didn't know there was a bug report about it23:32
chrisccoulsonmicahg - no, and i generally don't track language pack bugs ;)23:33
micahgk, thanks, will hijack it then23:33
micahgchrisccoulson: it's hitting servers :(23:34
chrisccoulsonhmm, i wish i hadn't started on the beer now23:38
* micahg should prepare an update for natty23:41
micahgchrisccoulson: sorry :(23:42
chrisccoulsonplease don't make any changes without first fixing it in the firefox-trunk branch23:42
chrisccoulsoni'm trying to avoid that, as i'm going to end up dropping changes if they don't go there first ;)23:42
micahgchrisccoulson: can I add it there once I get it uploaded?23:43
micahgit's going to take 19 hours to build23:43
chrisccoulsonthat's armel isn't it?23:44
chrisccoulsonturn off the test suite for this build, there's no point in running it again23:44
chrisccoulsonthat will get that down by a few hours23:44
micahgk, will do, still, can I upload this first and fix trunk later?23:45
chrisccoulsonwell, if you just remove the dependency entirely in the current version, i will add a breaks in trunk23:45
chrisccoulsonwe will want the breaks in future stable releases once we've figured out how it works though, so we avoid these constant issues where users upgrade without new language packs and trash their installs :)23:46
chrisccoulsonbut just removing the dependency is fine for now, as there's no strict relationship in the current version23:46
micahgk, well, I think we need the breaks here as well or they can have a 5 langpack with 4 installed23:46
chrisccoulsonthey can already have that, even with the dependency23:46
chrisccoulsonit's not a new issue23:47
micahgah, good point :)23:47
chrisccoulsonthe current nightly changes the loose dependency to a strict one23:47
micahgk, will get this uploaded then23:47
chrisccoulsonand we want some sort of strict relationship in future stable versions23:47
chrisccoulsonbut we don't need it for this release23:47
chrisccoulsonmicahg, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/revision/89023:57
chrisccoulsoni *think* that will do the job23:57

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