
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
ch1lihi im new here16:22
EgyParadoxwelcome ch1li16:23
ch1liuser linux arent u ??16:24
EgyParadoxhow youve been an ubuntu user?16:24
EgyParadoxi mean i use linux yes16:24
ch1liyup me oso16:24
EgyParadoxhow lonf*16:25
ch1lijuz 1 month using16:25
EgyParadoxoh ok 16:26
* ch1li hi16:27
ch1linice ubuntu...‫im using ubuntu ver 10.0416:27
EgyParadoxso am i16:28
ch1lii c16:28
ch1liwhat the diferents among version ??16:29
EgyParadoxbetween which version and which version u have to be specific16:29
ch1limeans the upper version ...16:29
EgyParadoxu mean 10.10?16:30
ch1liyup and 11.04 too16:30
EgyParadoxwell 11.04 the default environment is unity 16:30
EgyParadox10.04 is a long term support release16:31
EgyParadoxin 11.04 libreoffice  instead of openoffice.org16:31
ch1lii c ... 16:31
ch1lium wat is unity ??16:33
ch1lilibreofc n openofc is it similiar ??16:33
EgyParadoxumm the interface is almost the samem16:34
lubotu2Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.16:34
ch1lii c meaning unity is new envirnment instead clasic like gnome16:36
ch1likool ...16:37
ch1liok how about features ... is it same ??16:39
EgyParadoxfeatures about what16:41
ch1liu know software n everything ...16:44
EgyParadoxnautilus is in unity as well16:45
EgyParadoxits a shell for GNOME16:45
EgyParadoxso u can still find GNOME applications16:45
EgyParadoxi mean Unity is a shell foir GNOME16:46
ch1lii c ...16:47
ch1lii love to learn about linux16:48
ch1lithnks 4 xplaination 16:49
EgyParadoxur welcome to ask16:52
ch1lithnks 16:53
ch1liim new comer open source hee16:53

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