
ubottuIn #kubuntu, vadrao said: ubottu: There is no Natty guide in that link.. and using apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop does not solve my problem..00:07
genii-aroundHm, "IRCAnswersBot" in #k ... aren't all bots supposed to be vetted?00:14
Picithats a vetted bot00:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:28
genii-aroundPici: OK, cool00:28
Picigenii-around: see the bottom of the page of the last link there00:28
bazhangrandom gulzar questions06:25
bazhangwants to purge all MONO and now has 25MB php file06:25
rwwbazhang: I will hit them with my logical reasoning stick. Undoubtedly this will be effective.06:30
bazhanghe was doing something similar the other day06:30
bazhanghe really pushing the limits06:34
bazhangso now he'll start in #u with the mono again06:46
ubottuFirefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as a security update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/13:55
Tm_TI'm a bit confused how it is labeled as a security update, is 4-series now unmaintained?13:56
PiciMaybe I should just change that to 'an automatic' update to lessen the confusion.13:56
Tm_Tthat would work13:57
charlie-tcayeah, firefox no longer issues updates to the series. firefox4 is updated by firefox5, as I understand it now13:57
Pici!ff5 s/a security/an automatic/13:57
ubottuPici: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:57
Pici!ff5 =~ s/a security/an automatic/13:57
ubottuI'll remember that Pici13:57
Tm_Tcharlie-tca: hmmm, is this possibly documented somewhere?13:58
charlie-tcaon mozilla, maybe13:58
charlie-tcalet me try to find it. They no longer issue updates the same way. instead of 4.?? update, it will be 5.13:58
PiciMy windows install of 4 got upgraded to 5 by the internal updater.13:59
Tm_Tyup, I undestand this is happening, but some documentation would be nice. I'm sure there's plenty of users beside me who are also bit buzzled of this14:00
charlie-tcaTm_T: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2011-April/012541.html14:02
charlie-tcais the easiest explanation for me14:02
Tm_Tthanks (:14:02
charlie-tcaIt still took me this long to figure out what they were really doing :(14:06
Tm_TI hate trying to search release notes or other useful information from mozilla.com these days14:09
bazhangalienmindtrick is using the gnome3 ppa14:10
genii-aroundHehe, cheeky ubottu PMs!14:39
charlie-tcaTm_T: http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/06/22/172229/No-Additional-Firefox-4-Security-Updates19:06
PicioCean: ?19:30
oCeanyeah, nvm. Seem to have quite a lag19:31
PiciThat went better than expected with tortib.19:34
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