
rumpprepend_delivered_header rather00:03
lifelessSpamapS: ping00:24
SpamapSlifeless: pong, howdy00:26
lifelessI've installed lxc00:26
lifelessbut it didn't bring in cgroup-bin00:26
lifelessis that optional ?00:26
lifelessor a missing dep ?00:26
lifelessalso, my /etc/lxc directory is empty00:27
lifeless(I have no basic.conf)00:27
lifelessSpamapS: ^00:27
SpamapSlifeless: /etc/lxc is in fact intentional00:30
SpamapSlifeless: but I think cgroup-bin seems like it should be in lxc's Depends or at least Recommends00:30
SpamapSas its not much use w/o cgroups00:31
lifelessSpamapS: so, can I have your basic.conf ?00:35
SpamapSThats it00:37
lifelessI'm filing bugs on the missing dep00:38
lifelessdoes it need libvirt-bin too ?00:38
SpamapShallyn: if you're around.. lifeless is working with LXC and curious why it doesn't recommend/depend on cgroup-bin (I am also curious about that)00:40
SpamapSlifeless: I believe hallyn is EDT or CDT US, so he may be past EOD today00:41
lifelessbug 80045600:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 800456 in lxc "no dependency on cgroup-bin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80045600:41
SpamapSnew baby at home tho so there's no telling when he's sleeping or awake. :)00:41
* SpamapS confirms that00:41
SpamapSlifeless: note that it may be related to bug 78409300:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 784093 in lxc "lxc broken by cgroup-bin" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78409300:42
SpamapSI posted a workaround for that bug which I'm using now00:42
lifelesshttps://dev.launchpad.net/Running/LXC#preview is what I'm building up00:44
=== medberry is now known as med_out
RoAkSoAxDaviey can look at the by end of week00:47
lifelessSpamapS: how do you tell lxc-create to use the local proxy ?00:47
keyboardtalkI cannot access my printer on ubuntu server 10.04 from other computers (windows) on network. How can I fix this? HP printer with CUPS00:52
SpamapSlifeless: it runs debootstrap, which respects the appropriate environment variables I think. If they're being stripped, add them to /etc/default/lxc00:54
lifelessit was sudo00:55
SpamapSlifeless: I use MIRROR= in mine.. which is the path to my local approx cache00:55
lifelesssudo http_proxy=... lxc-create...00:55
lifelessSpamapS: lxc-start: open /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/lucid-test-lp/devices.deny : No such file or directory01:01
lifelesslxc-start: open /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/lucid-test-lp/devices.deny : No such file or directory01:01
lifelessSpamapS: I have that workaround in place already01:01
lifelessls /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu01:02
lifelesscgroup.clone_children  cgroup.event_control  cgroup.procs  cpu.rt_period_us  cpu.rt_runtime_us  cpu.shares  notify_on_release  release_agent  tasks01:02
SpamapSlifeless: did you restart cgred ?01:04
lifelessSpamapS: robertc@lifeless-64:~$ sudo service cgred restart01:05
lifelesscgred start/running, process 2171101:05
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~$ sudo lxc-start -n lucid-test-lp01:05
lifelesslxc-start: open /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/lucid-test-lp/devices.deny : No such file or directory01:05
lifelessthere is a devices.deny under the devices tree01:06
lifelessuhm, i think I managed to flub the copy-paste01:06
SpamapSdouble Argh!01:07
* SpamapS knows how Charlie Brown feels when Lucy pulls back the football01:07
lifelessok, *now* have this:01:07
lifelessmount {01:07
lifeless        cpu = /sys/fs//cgroup/cpu;01:07
lifeless        cpuacct = /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu;01:07
lifeless        devices = /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu;01:07
lifeless        memory = /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu;01:07
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~$ sudo service cgred restart01:07
lifelesscgred start/running, process 2176601:07
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~$ sudo lxc-start -n lucid-test-lp01:07
lifelesslxc-start: open /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/lucid-test-lp/devices.deny : No such file or directory01:07
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~$ ls /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu01:07
lifelesscgroup.clone_children  cgroup.event_control  cgroup.procs  cpu.rt_period_us  cpu.rt_runtime_us  cpu.shares  notify_on_release  release_agent  tasks01:08
lifelessSpamapS: cgconfig restart appears to be the magic01:10
SpamapSAH right01:10
lifelessthis doesn't look brilliant;01:11
lifelessUbuntu 10.04 LTS lucid-test-lp /dev/console01:11
lifelesslucid-test-lp login: init: ssh main process (45) terminated with status 25501:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #800468 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80046801:12
lifelessSpamapS: also lxc-stop doesn't seem to stop t01:14
SpamapSlifeless: that is actually normal, its caused by sshd starting before the network, and I believe it gets started later when the ifup finishes01:14
SpamapSheh.. impossible to tell because there's no syslog01:14
SpamapSlifeless: installing rsyslog seems to have made sshd not die.01:16
lifelessSpamapS: interesting; as you say its cosmetic though01:17
lifelessso I'll note that its weird and move on; I can file a bug somewhere if you like01:17
SpamapSlifeless: lxc-stop actually does stop the container01:17
SpamapSit just says it can't01:17
lifeless sudo lxc-stop -n lucid-lp-test01:18
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~$ echo $?01:18
SpamapSwhich is annoying01:18
lifelessI dispute this 'says it cannot' thing :)01:18
lifelessgiven I can ssh into the container after running that01:18
SpamapSMine went away01:21
SpamapSlxc-stop: failed to stop 'lucid-test2': Operation not permitted01:21
lifelessmine hasn't :)01:21
SpamapSAfter saying that01:21
hallynSpamapS: it doesn't work well with cgroup-bin right now, in fact01:21
lifelessshould I file a bug ?01:21
hallynneeds some lubin01:21
SpamapSI'm able to halt it from inside too.01:21
lifelessSpamapS: I can poweroff internally01:21
lifelessjust not -stop externally01:21
SpamapSlifeless: hallyn can probably answer your questions with an order of magnitude more authority than I can. :)01:22
hallyni'm guessing your problems are due to cgred01:23
hallynrecommend just doing mount -t cgroup cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup and thart's that01:24
hallynwe do need to fix cgroup-bin interaction01:24
SpamapShallyn: but it would be cooler if it worked with cgroup-bin. :)01:25
lifelesshttps://dev.launchpad.net/Running/LXC#preview is what I'm writing pu01:25
hallynSpamapS: patches welcome :)01:25
hallynSpamapS: might work on that at the sprint01:26
ntoombsi have a question01:26
ntoombsi am recieving an error that looks like:01:26
ntoombsSIOCADDRT: Invalid argument01:27
ntoombsFailed to bring up eth1.01:27
ntoombs   ...done.01:27
ntoombsafter i try to restart networking using the sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:27
SpamapSntoombs: thats not actually a valid way to "restart networking"01:27
ntoombsi have my network set up on static using the device eth101:28
ntoombswhat is a valid way then?01:28
ntoombsi've done it before using dhcp01:28
ntoombsbut static messed it up01:28
SpamapSFor static it *should* work...01:28
ntoombsright but for some reason it's not01:29
SpamapSntoombs: all that does is ifdown -a and ifup -a01:29
ntoombsi've been into my /etc/network/interfaces file and made sure everything is "correct" as far as i know01:29
SpamapSntoombs: can you do 'ifdown eth1 ; ifup eth1' ?01:29
ntoombsi have before and i've gotten errors01:29
ntoombsi will post them01:29
ntoombsone sec01:29
ntoombssudo ifdown eth101:30
ntoombsifdown: interface eth1 not configured01:30
ntoombssudo ifup eth101:30
ntoombsSIOCADDRT: No such process01:31
ntoombsFailed to bring up eth101:31
qman__first check that eth1 exists in 'ifconfig -a'01:31
ntoombsi've looked in about every ubuntu and linux server forum there is out there and i still havn't fixed it01:31
qman__those errors are usually hardware/driver level01:32
ntoombsi know it's there01:32
ntoombsi put it there01:32
qman__yes, but does it show up in ifconfig -a?01:32
ntoombs:( don't tell me that01:32
qman__configuring it and it showing up are different things01:32
ntoombsyes it does01:32
qman__does setting it manually with ifconfig work?01:32
qman__sudo ifconfig eth1 up01:33
ntoombsi've tried that too but i'll try again01:33
qman__if it does work, it's likely an issue with the configuration or ifup01:34
qman__if it doesn't work, try this first01:34
ntoombsi use the internal ip right?01:34
qman__sudo ifconfig eth1 down01:34
qman__sudo ifconfig eth1 up01:34
qman__then configuring it with the IP you want01:34
ntoombson doing the ifconfig eth1 up i got a right bracket pointing to my cursur01:36
qman__that's a syntax error01:36
qman__check that you didn't put in any \ or " or '01:37
qman__press ctrl+c to escape01:37
ntoombsyea i did it wrong01:37
hallynlifeless: do you need cgroups-bin for some other reason, or was that just how you were getting cgroups mounted?01:37
ntoombsk this time no result01:37
ntoombsjust a new line01:37
qman__that means successful01:38
qman__now 'ifconfig eth1' to verify01:38
hallynlifeless: assuming this is on natty or oneiric, can you try without cgroups-bin, and just with fstab mounting cgroups?01:38
hallynI suspect that'll allow lxc-stop to work01:38
ntoombsyea it's 11.04 natty narwhal01:38
ntoombsifconfig eth1 gave me what it gave me before01:39
lifelesshallyn: just following SpamapS instructions :)01:39
qman__if it shows the address you set, it worked and there's nothing wrong with your interface01:39
qman__and the problem is either with your /etc/network/interfaces or something in ifup01:39
ntoombswell when i had my interface setup up on dhcp01:40
qman__if it shows a different or no address, you probably have something else hooking it01:40
qman__like dhcpcd01:40
ntoombsi could ping anything all day long01:40
ntoombsit showed the ip address that i set to it staticaly01:40
qman__so the interface is fine01:40
qman__next most likely is an error in /etc/network/interfaces, pastebin it if you can01:41
ntoombsyea and the netmask is
ntoombsok one sec01:41
ntoombsi'll block out the ip01:41
qman__showing your IP isn't a security risk, everyone in here is publicly showing theirs01:41
qman__by connecting to freenode at all, you are01:42
qman__plus, if it's behind a NAT, it's meaningless to anyone but you anyway01:42
ntoombsi'm a networking noob01:43
ntoombsthank you so much for helping me :)01:43
qman__looks fine01:43
qman__try this01:43
ntoombsi can access my router with that gateway in my browser01:43
qman__sudo ifconfig eth1 up; sudo ifup eth101:43
ntoombssame error i've been getting01:44
ntoombsSIOCADDRT: No such process01:44
ntoombsFailed to bring up eth1.01:44
hallynlifeless: ok, cool, then just don't use it :)01:45
hallynI just have01:45
ntoombsi don't understand hallyn01:46
hallyn(in fstab)01:46
hallynntoombs: sorry wasn't directed at you01:46
ntoombsoh sorry01:46
ntoombsi guess i'm missing the other side of the conversation01:46
hallynntoombs: just having a very async conversation with lifeless :)01:47
qman__ntoombs, try changing in your /etc/network/interfaces file01:47
qman__so that 'address' is just like that, with only one space01:47
qman__on all the lines01:47
qman__and try ifup again01:48
ntoombssame error01:49
ntoombssudo ifconfig eth1 up; sudo ifup eth1 right?01:49
qman__just sudo ifup eth101:49
ntoombsyea same error01:50
qman__unless your interfaces file is somehow different01:51
ntoombsthe networking restart thing worked with dhcp01:51
ntoombsit doesn't work with static01:51
ntoombsdoes that count as different?01:52
qman__paste/pastebin the result of 'sudo route -n'01:52
qman__that error message means that it can't add a route because it's outside the valid range01:52
keyboardtalkHow do I share a cups printer?01:53
ntoombsthe was assigned by dhcp01:53
ntoombsi didn't change it01:53
ntoombsroute doesn't seem to recongnise my default gateway01:54
qman__it isn't set01:54
ntoombswithout -n it just shows an asterix01:54
qman__try this01:54
qman__change your /etc/network/interfaces to that, and reboot01:55
qman__assuming .15 is not already in use01:56
qman__you can use another one if it is, just choose one outside the DHCP range01:56
qman__which is probably 100-20001:56
ntoombsnothing is different01:57
ntoombsand i'm working on a headless server from an ssh connection from my mac so if i reboot i'm afraid i won't be able to get back01:57
ntoombsi'll check the range01:57
qman__well, you can't very well change network settings without disconnecting01:58
qman__are you connected to a different interface?01:58
ntoombsit's from 1 - 253 :P01:58
qman__well, you should limit that01:58
ntoombsyou can if you use networking restart01:58
qman__and then choose an address outside of it01:58
qman__using 'networking restart' would, in fact, disconnect you if the settings changed01:59
qman__if you did not get disconnected, it means the settings didn't change01:59
ntoombsyea it did last time01:59
ntoombsand i had to reconnect01:59
ntoombsi guess i just got lucky01:59
ntoombsok i'll reboot01:59
ntoombsyour pastebin file... what was different?01:59
qman__I just added network and broadcast02:00
qman__and removed the extra spaces02:00
ntoombsoh i had that earlier02:00
ntoombsbut i didn't reboot02:00
ntoombsi'll try it02:00
qman__what is most likely, is something is hooking your interface and preventing the change from being made02:00
qman__a reboot would solve that issue02:00
ntoombsi don't see the network and broadcast in there02:00
ntoombsits network
ntoombsand broadcast
ntoombsno problem :)02:01
ntoombsand should i change the dhcp range in my router?02:02
qman__if the router tries to hand out the IP you're using, it'll be troublesome02:02
ntoombsk i'm doing all that right now02:02
qman__so you should open a gap in that DHCP range, and use it for your statics02:02
twbOr simply instruct the DHCP server to statically allocate leases by MAC for specific IPs02:03
ntoombsshould i unplug my router for changes to take effect?02:04
qman__unless your router is a really poor quality one02:04
qman__it should apply once you click save02:04
ntoombsit's not that bad02:04
ntoombsit's applied but my desktop isn't assigned a local ip anymore02:04
ntoombsi'm on my laptop02:05
ntoombsbut it's no problem for now02:05
lifelesshallyn: sorry, was on the phone for a bit there02:05
ntoombsi'll edit my interfaces file now02:05
lifelesshallyn: I'd rather not be telling folk to mount cgroups by hand in my docs - https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/LXC#preview02:05
hallynlifeless: not even using fstab?02:05
lifelesshallyn: particularly as folk may have cgroup-bin installed for other reasons02:05
lifelesswhich would presumably clash in fun ways02:06
hallynnot-quite-sleeping baby in lap, would you midn talking tomorrow?02:06
ntoombsrebooting now02:06
hallynlifeless: i think the real problem with the cgroups is that lxc-init doesn't start in cgroup:/ like it expects.  (Since you seem to have all cgrousp compsited under same dir, that's the only thing that should be going wrong)02:06
hallynlifeless:  if this is high priority, i can take a crack at solving this tomorrow02:07
hallynshould be about a day's work, and like i say, it needs to be done sometime02:07
lifelesshallyn: well, I have a workaround (the new cgconfig from SpamapS) for folk using natty, which most lp devs are atm02:08
ntoombsqman__ looks like it's gonna time out and it's still not showing up on my router02:08
lifelessonly a few are brave enough to be on oni yet02:08
lifelesshallyn: if we can get it sorted for oni release, that would be awesome02:09
qman__ntoombs, it's not getting a DHCP lease, so it won't show up in the router02:09
qman__try pinging the IP address you gave it02:09
hallynlifeless: so it all works with SpamapS'  config?02:09
lifelesshallyn: well, it doesn't shutdown on lxc-stop02:09
lifelesshallyn: but poweroff inside it appears to work02:09
ntoombsqman__: it would ping once then timeout02:09
hallynlifeless: ok, cool, if you can get work done with that, that's great02:10
lifelesswe certainly can; I like to report all friction I run into though.02:10
qman__ntoombs, does it keep doing so?02:10
ntoombsqman__: dont i need it to show up on the router to do port forwarding and connect to the internet?02:10
lifelesshallyn: I'll file a separate bug about the lxc-stop not working02:10
hallynlifeless: cool, i'll put cgroup-bin interaction high on todo list meanwhile02:10
qman__as in, one response per ping?02:11
hallynlifeless: ok, thanks02:11
lifelesshallyn: sweet, thanks02:11
ntoombsqman__: yes it times out every time after the first packet02:11
lifelesshallyn: one thing that would be -awesome-02:11
lifelesshallyn: would be a template that bind mounts /home and uses the same uids02:11
qman__so if you stop and start a new ping, the first packet gets a response, but none after that?02:11
ntoombsqman__: i get one good packet then it times out every second after02:11
ntoombsqman__: correct02:11
qman__that's either a hardware problem, a driver problem, or a really bizarre firewall problem02:12
hallynlifeless: shouldn't be too bad.  would you want just /etc/shadow entries for uids 1000+ copied over, or the whole thing?02:12
lifelesshallyn: let me describe my use case; then you can decide :)02:12
qman__physically, how are you connected?02:13
qman__direct to the router, or through a secondary switch?02:13
lifelesshallyn: I want to do LP development in a lxc container rather than a VM02:13
hallynlifeless: the thing i've been using a lot (from ppa) is lxc cloning with LVM.  Seems like something which could be good for lp dev02:13
ntoombsqman__: well the server is connected by ethernet direct to the router. and i connect via ssh from a terminal on my mac02:13
lifelesshallyn: so in the container I want to install rabbitmq, postgresql, apache etc02:13
lifelesshallyn: and I want my source code sitting in my /home/robertc02:13
qman__mac is over ethernet or wifi?02:13
lifelesshallyn: where I can edit it as normal, commit with my bzr & gpg keys etc02:14
keyboardtalkHow do I access a shared printer from Windows?02:14
ntoombsi can do eathernet though02:14
qman__try plugging into ethernet, and trying02:14
qman__it might be a wifi thing on the router02:14
lifelesshallyn: then run the tests within the lxc container, using the lxc postgresql, rabbit apache02:14
ntoombsand again thanks a ton for helping :)02:14
ntoombsmost people would have given up by now02:14
ntoombsthis might disconnect me02:15
qman__not a problem, some routers do some strange things in the name of 'security'02:15
lifelesshallyn: so inside the lxc it needs to write to me homedir without messing stuff up, but I don't care about service accounts02:15
hallynlifeless: would you want the whole /home bind-mounted?  just ~/src or something?02:15
lifelesshallyn: whole home/$me would be easiest to reason about I think02:16
hallyn'without messing stuff up' meaning not changing owner uids, right?02:16
lifelessoh for bonus points,02:16
hallynlifeless: i think i'd use that myself :)  would that be higher prio for you than cgroup-bin?02:16
lifelesshallyn: bug 798476 is also a very interesting one for me02:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 798476 in lxc "it would be really useful to be able to make i386 lxc containers on a amd64 machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79847602:17
lifelesshallyn: LP memory use is much lower on i38602:17
ntoombsqman__: my router says i'm still connected wirelessly and my ping comes back the same. i have airport turned off co i can't connect to anything wirelessly02:17
lifelesshallyn: shall I file a bug about the developer bind-mounting template [option, whatever - i dunno how it all hangs together yet]02:17
hallynlifeless: sure, that's good.  (not sure hwo kosher it is to just add things to the blueprint right now)02:18
qman__well, I don't know anything about macs, but you didn't even time out, so you'd have to have the same IP address02:18
qman__which is unlikely if you switched to wired02:18
hallynlifeless: hm, people *have* run i386 containers on amd6402:18
hallynbut i can't remember who02:19
ntoombsqman__: i really think i just have a dumb router02:19
lifelessits probably just a case of passing the arch flag to debootstrap02:19
twbhallyn: I do it02:19
qman__ntoombs, entirely possible02:19
lifelessit *should* be trivial02:19
twbActually, I did it only to see if I could; I don't in productioin02:19
lifelesstwb: is it more than ^02:19
twbLook in there for references to $arch02:20
qman__if you think that's the case, I'd give the router a reboot then02:20
lifelesstwb: thanks02:20
ntoombssounds good02:20
twbLooks like only issue is debootstrap02:20
twbAnd as a knock-on effect, which debootstrap cache I copy02:20
hallyntwb: nifty, thanks02:22
lifelesshallyn: bug 80048202:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 800482 in lxc "a home/$me bind-mounted template would rock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80048202:24
twbWould it?02:24
lifelessit would02:24
ntoombs_qman__: i'm back02:25
qman__any luck?02:25
ntoombs_qman__: now i'm getting errors like ping: sendto: host is down02:25
ntoombs_and ping: sendto: no route to host02:25
ntoombs_but now my router says i'm on ethernet :)02:26
hallynlifeless: cool, thanks02:26
qman__I'd try restarting the server again now that the router has rebooted, if you can reach the power button, just press it once quickly and it should power down02:27
qman__then press again to boot up02:27
qman__otherwise, if you can plug in a keyboard and press ctrl alt del02:27
keyboardtalkHow does one access a shared printer (CUPS) hosted on ubuntu 10.04 from Windows client?02:27
ntoombs_quick press of a button did not a powerdown make02:28
ntoombs_i could hold it but i'm assuming that is not advisable?02:28
qman__generally no02:28
qman__but if you're not running any software yet it shouldn't cause too much trouble02:28
qman__what filesystem are you using?02:28
ntoombs_ext4 journaled so it's good02:28
FeadinJust did an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and it wants to upgrade language-pack-en which now suddenly has LOTS of crazy dependencies, including firefox and many X libs... anyone noticed this? I'm using v11.0402:29
ntoombs_to change anything i have to swap the hard drive to my desktop02:29
ntoombs_but we're just doing a reboot right?02:29
qman__if it still doesn't come online at all, you might have to do that though02:29
twbFeadin: no, but I know how to bypass the "helpful" locale packages and just generate the one you want02:29
qman__may be that your router is filtering it out02:29
ntoombs_whad do you suggest i change in my router?02:30
twbFeadin: uninstall those, then "locale-gen en_AU.UTF-8; update-locale LANG=en_AU.UTF-8", where "en" is your language and "AU" is your country.02:30
ntoombs_its a 2WIRE 2701HG02:31
qman__ah, that's the issue exactly then02:31
FeadinSo you're suggesting we should bypass bugs and pretend that they don't exist? :) Just wanted to check if this is actually a bug or a new "feature" to simplify the maintainers jobs ;)02:31
twbFeadin: I'm suggesting you should do it the Debian way02:31
twbBasically because I don't like the "feature"02:31
qman__sounds odd but 2wire DSL routers ONLY allow connectivity with DHCP-leased clients02:31
qman__if you want to get around that limitation you need a better router02:31
ntoombs_how about different firmware?02:32
qman__theoretically possible but I don't know of any02:32
qman__that firmware would allow it, but I don't know that it would run on your router02:32
ntoombs_i was wanting to change it to that anyway02:32
twbFeadin: AFAICT ubuntu default behaviour is more or less to installing *every* english locale for every CLI package as "language-pack-en-base", and every english locale for every GUI package as "language-pack-en".02:32
FeadinI get it, but if I wanted to use Debian I'd be using Debian man :) Come on I'm not talking about personal preferences here. I'm just asking if anyone knows anything about this crazy dependencies which IMO shouldn't be on a server02:33
qman__plus you need to make sure your ISP isn't doing some funny things with it02:33
twbFeadin: so in a default lucid server network install you lose about 200MB to thunderbird and firefox localization02:33
qman__AT&T U-verse is notorious for this02:33
twbFeadin: shrug.  Report a bug, then.02:33
ntoombs_its actually windstream02:34
qman__if the router allows DHCP reservations, that may be the easiest way to go02:34
FeadinYeah I know I should report a bug, but only if it is actually a bug. I came here to ask if anyone knew anything about this issue in particular.02:34
qman__Feadin, does it actually depend on them, or just recommend them?02:35
FeadinI mean, adding 144MB of multimedia dependencies for a metapackage on a bew server installation is not cool02:35
twbFeadin: if it's not a bug, the maintainer will just close the ticket with "not a bug"02:35
ntoombs_where would i find dhcp reservations?02:36
FeadinIt depends on them02:36
twbFeadin: IIRC language-pack-en shouldn't be installed, only -base02:36
twbFeadin: IIRC the preseeds on optical media installers are supposed to be set up to behave this way02:36
ntoombs_qman__: would it work if i simply turned off dhcp?02:36
qman__ntoombs_, that's a good question, it would have to be something like "reservation" or "static IP" or some other "computer settings"02:37
ntoombs_like this forum post says how to do. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r22286649-How-do-I-turn-off-DHCP-on-2Wire-2701HGG02:37
FeadinI installed these servers a couple of weeks ago selectiong only "OpenSSH" and leaving everything else on default, after that just added mysql-server and that's about it02:38
qman__that might work, but be prepared to reset it if it doesn't02:38
twbFeadin: yes, I get it too, but I don't get a preseed file02:39
qman__was the router provided by your ISP?02:39
twbFeadin: I just manually uninstall those packages02:39
qman__sometimes they hack them up02:39
ntoombs_upon a $100 fee02:39
qman__breaking basic functionality like this02:39
qman__I need to go for a few minutes, I'll be back soon02:40
FeadinAnyone has a default 11.04 server installation to try and do an "apt-get update && apt-get -s upgrade"?02:40
Feadinjust want to be sure this is actually a bug and not my mistake02:41
Gaming4JCHey guys, I have a VPS running and I did an update of MySQL. I bumped into this error now everytime the system starts I cannot get MySQL - ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)02:59
Gaming4JCif I type... sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start02:59
Gaming4JCI can get it running again. But that's not much of an option since I need this to be stable and working 24/702:59
Gaming4JCI tried purge/reinstall of mysql, error persists.03:00
Gaming4JCideas? :(03:00
JasonnGaming4JC: I can get you a vds real quick if you are looking for that03:00
Gaming4JCJasonn: hmm?03:01
Jasonncheck PM03:01
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ntoombsqman__: you there?04:51
josePhoenixHi all06:14
josePhoenixI seem to have broken my server :D06:14
josePhoenixThis is a great development in my evening06:14
josePhoenixCan I display the grub config from a grub prompt?06:15
josePhoenixI just ran a normal dist upgrade and it rebooted and then I got "error no such device"06:17
lifelesstwb: is that template you hav esomething you're going to put fforward as a patch ?06:22
lifelesstwb: it seems to be structured rather differnetly :)06:22
josePhoenixBut really. What's my first thing to try when I'm at a grub prompt?06:24
lifelesstwb: is that template you hav esomething you're going to put fforward as a patch ?06:28
lifelesstwb: it seems to be structured rather differnetly :)06:28
josePhoenixtwb: well, it does go to a new line.. doesn't do much else06:29
twblifeless: it's in-house shite06:29
twblifeless: I'm happy to publish it but it's not exactly merge-ready06:29
lifelessI think I have a minimal (fugly) patch to do i386, I'm just testing now06:31
josePhoenixIs there any way to list drives or see the grub configuration from the grub> prompt?06:33
josePhoenixor am I better off using a livecd and trying from there06:33
lifelessfor drives just tab complete06:33
josePhoenixDoesn't seem to show anything06:34
lifelessthats unusual :)06:34
josePhoenixthe worst thing to hear :P06:34
josePhoenixWell the error message is something like "unknown device" but from googling I've seen this mentioned in conjunction with LVM and with unused floppy drives being enabled06:35
twbjosePhoenix: depending on the bash, you will have tab completion06:36
twbjosePhoenix: (hd<TAB>, (hd0)/<TAB> etc06:36
twbhd0 = sda, hd0,1 = sda106:36
twbOh, except I think in grub2 the numbering is from 0 for partitions as well :-/06:37
josePhoenixay de mi....06:37
twbNote the parens around (hd0,1) are important06:37
twbIf this is all too hard, just get a live CD and fix it that way06:37
josePhoenixhmm partition 0,1, ext2; partition 0,5: unknown filesystem06:37
josePhoenixBut if the kernel + initrd was installed to a /boot partition it shouldn't have trouble reading it06:38
twbthe latter might be swap06:38
twbCertainly it SHOULDN'T have trouble :-(06:38
josePhoenixThe only thing that didn't go perfectly smoothly in this upgrade was that at one point the screen went blank and I hit enter to get it back without thinking06:40
josePhoenixand it chose N on the 'reboot now?' prompt and I had to start over06:40
josePhoenixbut I thought ubuntu was too polished for that to fuck things up...06:40
lifelessso if its just got an old config06:44
lifelesssubtracting 1 from the entries it was trying to boot with06:44
lifelessshould make it all happy06:44
josePhoenixCould you elaborate on what that means?06:46
lifelessyour config should be present by default06:47
lifelessyou can edit it in the grub prompt, or manually issue the commans06:47
lifelesshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Command Line and Rescue Mode06:48
lifelessexplore the fs's using tab complete to find the right partitions and then boot by hand06:48
lifelessif the stage2 loader couldn't be found thats more of a problem06:49
lifelesshow far through is it getting ?06:49
josePhoenixIt drops me at a grub> prompt after saying "unknown device"06:50
josePhoenixthough that message only flashes on screen for an instant06:50
josePhoenixhmm does the grub prompt include a pager? I can't see the beginning of this config file -.-06:50
lifelessroot@lucid-test-lp:~# arch06:53
lifelessroot@lucid-test-lp:~# dpkg --print-architecture06:53
josePhoenixMan, I used to know all of this back when I used Gentoo.06:56
airtonixis it possible to provide an option in ~/.ssh/config to limit-rate (the scp has an argument -l that takes Kbits/s)06:56
josePhoenixAnyone know if ubuntu wants initargs?07:12
josePhoenixinit= bootarg?07:12
josePhoenixIs there a pager in the initrd shell?07:14
twbinit=foo is not necessary by default07:14
josePhoenixOr any way I can see the top half of this file that scrolls offscreen?07:14
twbThe busybox program provides a bunch of applets; which ones depends on how the team are feeling that week.07:15
twbDebian's busybox includes more (or less?) nowadays, but I think Ubuntu's is a 100kB smaller and containers less stuff :-(07:15
josePhoenixmore doesn't work and less is missing07:15
twbjosePhoenix: if all else fails, you have to write to a file then use head and tail to get the page you want07:16
twbjosePhoenix: I've seen that problem with more not working before, I think it's because the emergency environment's terminal capabilities are buggered – I never solved it myself07:16
twbre head/tail – or grep, sed, etc., of course07:16
josePhoenixokay, here is what I have figured out so far... I have a /boot at (hd0,1) that contains no vmlinuz/initrd.img but it does have vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-server + corresponding initrd07:18
twbThe symlinks are in root, not boot, by default07:18
josePhoenixah good to know07:19
josePhoenixthere is also a partition at (hd0,5) which grub says is an 'unknown filesystem' but must be an LVM group because I know there's supposed to be a swap partition on here07:19
josePhoenixand there are only two primary partitions07:19
josePhoenixI think the problem is that I need to guess root= based on the startup output from the initrd stage07:19
josePhoenixor not07:21
josePhoenixI'm not sure how grub and kernel lines and LVM work07:21
josePhoenixwell that's interesting.07:25
josePhoenixYAY IT BOOTED07:31
keyboardtalkI need some help enabling php5 on apache2. php code is not being parsed by the server07:37
SpamapSkeyboardtalk: did you install libapache2-mod-php5 ?07:37
SpamapSkeyboardtalk: did you then run 'sudo a2enmod php5' ?07:42
twbSpamapS: doesn't it do that implicitly in the postisnt07:43
slyboots_twb: Ah it should07:44
keyboardtalkSpamapS: yes07:44
SpamapStwb: not sure07:46
SpamapSwould make sense07:46
SpamapSkeyboardtalk: at this point you probably need to add a config file that adds the PHP handler07:49
SpamapSWould have hoped that happened automatically too but I guess not07:49
twbIt *is* automatic provided he follows the conventions that the automatic scripts expect07:50
twbe.g. the mod_fcgi package sets up fast CGI only for *.fcgi files07:50
SpamapSbeen a while since I dropped it on a bare machine and tried it out. :-P07:51
keyboardtalk SpamapS: okay php seems to be working in /var/www, but not in other directories, namely /home/<user>/public_html/07:54
keyboardtalkdo php directories & files need certain permissions to work?07:55
jmarsdenkeyboardtalk: Read /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf and note the deliberate turning off of PHP in user directories there, as a security precaution...07:58
jmarsdenkeyboardtalk: You can edit it if you want PHP in userdirs.07:58
twbI have a host running mod-php5, but I've locked it down as much as I could so it won't reflect the defaults07:58
jmarsdenOr I think you could override it in .htaccess on a per-user basis07:59
twbjmarsden: assuming you leave .htaccess turned on :-)07:59
jmarsdenYes :)07:59
SpamapSkeyboardtalk: if you want to run per-user php.. you'll want to look into something to keep them from attacking eachother. :)07:59
luitemod-php5 isn't terribly suitable for servers with multiple users anyway07:59
* twb waves the "static HTML or GTFO" banner08:00
SpamapSchrooted fastcgi .. lxc containers.. whole vms.. just don't turn on mod_php for user dirs08:00
keyboardtalkOkay, thank you very much08:00
twbI hate fastcgi08:00
twbI'd rather just have an app server daemon speak HTTP to the reverse proxy "real" web server08:00
luitehmm, fastcgi has been working fine for me (for php), but it does eat a lot of memory08:01
greppyI've been liking fcgi and/or suphp for a while :)08:01
luitehehe I can't really say that I like it, but it works (mod-fcgid, suexec and fastcgi)08:02
twbluite: are you running an httpd on the same host, or are you running fastcgi over a trusted network?08:02
luitesame host08:02
twbYeah see I do that but I don't like it08:03
twb<user> – <varnish> – <apache> – <fcgi app>08:03
twbI would prefer <user> – <varnish> – <http app>08:03
keyboardtalkOut of curiosity, what is the risk with enabling php for all users?08:03
twbkeyboardtalk: that they'll use php08:03
luitekeyboardtalk: all php scripts run under the same user id, so users can read each others php files08:04
luitekeyboardtalk: (that's for mod-php for all users)08:04
keyboardtalkokay, good to know08:05
SpamapStwb: you can do that, just run your http app w/ mod_php ..why not?08:05
twbSpamapS: my app is written in C, not PHP08:05
twbAt least this time it is08:05
SpamapStwb: In that case, libevent FTW08:05
twbSpamapS: how would that work?  I am talking to upstream about it this week08:06
SpamapSfull http server code built in.. :)08:06
twbI've only ever seen libevent used in rxvt08:06
luitetwb: I like it that apache tries to automatically starts the fastcgi apps, fewer things to watch :) , but I use apache reverse proxy for my non-php web apps08:06
luite(written in haskell)08:06
SpamapStwb: recent versions of libevent have evhttp.h ...08:07
twbluite: yeah, I am actually using apache not varnish, but that devalues my argument a little :-)08:07
twbSpamapS: neat08:07
SpamapStwb: you just register a callback per URI, and a default callback for dynamic URI's08:07
twbSpamapS: can I quote you (i.e. mail the scrollback to their list)?08:08
twbIt'll save me paraphrasing08:08
SpamapStwb: sure, I'm just quoting from the docs08:08
SpamapSI played around with it a few months ago.. VERY easy to write an HTTP server08:09
twbI suppose it would be ironic if he switched to libevent and I couldn't get a new enough version into lucid08:13
SpamapSlucid is new enough08:14
* SpamapS shudders, recalling using CentOS 5's 4 year old libevent08:14
SpamapSwhich is now.. 7 years old I think08:14
twbThat's odd... urxvt appears to not use libevent in sid, but I thought it did08:15
SpamapSweird that a gui terminal would use it08:16
SpamapSI guess it makes sense.. but seems a bit heavy08:16
twbAh, here http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html08:18
twb"A full-featured and high-performance (see benchmark) event loop that is loosely modelled after libevent, but without its limitations and bugs."08:18
twbNice and objective there schmorp :-)08:18
luitethe same lib that's used by the framework that I'm using :) ( http://snapframework.com/ )08:21
twbluite: which, ev or event?08:21
alex_21Hi all,08:21
alex_21I am tring to clean everything off my server.08:22
alex_21I want to return to a minimal installation. Is there any command to do this?08:22
twbalex_21: markauto most/all packages that are not Section: metapackages08:23
twbThis is not a perfect rollback, tho08:23
alex_21I want to completely reinstall everything, config and all without reinstalling Ubunut.08:24
twbYou can't have that08:24
twbYou can make it re-ask you most configuration options with "dpkg-reconfigure --all", but this is not the same.08:24
twbNor it "aptitude reinstall ?installed"08:25
twbFeel free to try them anyway, once you have working backups.  I think it'll be easier to do a full reinstall.08:25
SpamapSalex_21: for the future, this is why configuration management helps.. :)08:28
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alex_21How can I reconfigure ldap.08:29
twbOh ldap08:40
twbyou are totally fucked08:40
twbldap HATES changes08:40
twbEspecially if you're still using FDS or that other one.  OpenLDAP is a little better08:40
alex_21Allright guys. Thanks for the help. Reinstalling it is.08:51
alex_21Good night.08:51
nickmoeckIs there a reputable PPA with mysql 5.5 packages for lucid?08:58
sorennickmoeck: I *seriously* doubt it. It's not even in Debian experimental or Ubuntu Oneiric yet.09:06
twbPackaging mysql isn't exactly trivial09:07
nickmoeckYou're kidding, right? MySQL 5.5 was released in December! How are there no packages for it yet?09:11
nickmoecksurely it doesn't take more than 6 months to package09:11
twbnickmoeck: well, are you helping?09:14
nickmoecktwb: obviously not, I don't really know much about packaging. But I would think for something as important as mysql, packages for the latest version would be made within 6 months of the release09:16
twbWell, *I'm* not helping because the sooner mysql dies the sooner people will switch to sqlite and postgres, which are IMO infinitely better suited to toy and production usage respectively09:18
twbYou can make a shit package in an afternoon, but getting it release-quality is difficult, especially since, as you say, so much gank relies on mysql and thus so many people will complain if you screw it up.09:19
twbOr it could just be that the guy responsible for packaging mysql for Ubuntu has gotten a job or a girlfriend in the last six months...09:19
lifelesstwb: I've put up a patch for doing i386 lxc's09:19
twblifeless: hmm?09:20
lifelesstwb: would be interesting to know if it would suit your needs09:20
lifelesstwb: bug 79847609:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 798476 in lxc "it would be really useful to be able to make i386 lxc containers on a amd64 machine" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79847609:20
larsemilold computer running md0 with lvm crashed. no i want to mount it on new hardware. It can find all volumegroups and logical volumes but it does not put them to /dev so that i can mount it. How do i import it? i am afraid vgimport does not work as it was not exported before old computer died.09:21
twblarsemil: lvm2 vgscan -ay?09:22
twblarsemil: something like that; last time I did it I RTFS'd the ramdisk to work out the details09:22
larsemilit finds it allright, but it does not make it mountable...09:24
larsemiltwb: vgchange -ay was the solution09:25
larsemilthanks for pointing me in the -ay direction!09:26
twb-ay means "bloody well do it" in LVM09:26
phretorany idea of why this error is occurring? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/416826/ "Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on util-linux" or how to solve it?09:56
sarit!paste | sarit11:05
ubottusarit, please see my private message11:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #800597 in postfix (main) "Latest postfix update breaks hash-based aliases.db (potentially other .db files too?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80059711:22
m3asmi(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address !!11:37
cloakablem3asmi: There's something listening on port 80. Are you running a httpd already?12:01
m3asmicloakble : I fix that problem12:02
m3asmiI ask about the :   The requested URL /www was not found on this server.12:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #800340 in ipxe (universe) "[MIR] ipxe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80034012:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #800656 in etckeeper (main) "Update Manager can not proceed if there is a lock on /etc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80065613:37
sommermorning all13:54
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uvirtbotNew bug: #800543 in dbconfig-common (main) "Installing zabbix-frontend-php fails in noninteractive mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80054315:13
hallynoh man, ppa build started yesterday morning still hasn't started15:23
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ScottKHeya sommer.15:30
^^rcaskeyI've got an old server i'd like to get onoboard with automatic security updates. Just dist-upgraded to lucid, is there just a package i need to add or reconfigure?15:34
zulhallyn: around?15:42
hallynzul: yeah, what's up?15:43
zulhallyn: we said we can drop the 9022-allows-lxc-containers-with-lxcguest.patch right?15:43
hallynzul: are you doing 0.9.2?15:44
zulhallyn: yeah if we dont it needs to be rediffed15:45
hallynyou're pulling from sid, or upstream?15:45
hallynzul: fetching.  But in any case, so long as it has the patch from upstream adding the LXC_UUID, then yes15:46
zulhallyn: ok ill drop it then15:46
hallynthough, hm15:46
hallynzul: we'll have to make sure then that the lxcguest package for natty has the LIBVIRT_LXC_UUID fix15:46
zulyou mean for oneiric15:47
hallynzul: no15:48
hallynzul: lxcguest runs in the guest, so natty guests on oneiric hosts will need to do the right thing15:48
zulhallyn: oh right15:49
hallynzul: can you take care of SRU'ing that?  (i'ts not in natty, just checked)15:49
zulhallyn: yeah i can probably do that15:49
hallynzul: cool, thanks.  Should just be able to cp debian/*.upstart from the oneiric version15:49
hallyni'm getting my ass kicked by the lxc template stuff (trying to consolidate the templates into one)15:49
zulhallyn: heh sucks to be you when is a new version of lxc suppose to be out15:51
hallynwhenever dlezcano feels there's a new feature15:51
hallynzul: heh, found my biggest problem - missing ':' after option in getopt.  doh15:59
hallynnew template is gonna rock15:59
zulhallyn: doh!15:59
RoAkSoAxDaviey: when are we looking into having cobbler in main?16:01
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ^^16:02
DavieyRoAkSoAx: We'll check on it start of next week i think16:02
Monotokohey guys...I'm following this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html and when I try to connect I get kicked out by this: http://pastebin.com/WQ3e99Dq, what should be at "private/auth-client"?16:02
kirklandRoAkSoAx: personally, i have no strong need for cobbler to be in main16:03
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but i think Daviey and your team will probably need it so16:03
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ok cool!16:04
RoAkSoAxkirkland: thought orchestra was gonna have to be in Main by this cycle16:04
kirklandRoAkSoAx: that's up to you guys16:05
RoAkSoAxkirkland:  ok ;)16:05
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lynxmanping Daviey16:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #800744 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80074416:22
w00Isn't that cute.. install munin wants to also put x11-common on my system ;/16:23
Doonzhas anyone set up openvpn server in ubuntu 10.0416:24
RizDoonz: yup16:26
SpamapSlynxman: generally nick: ping is more reliable.. some people (like me) don't have their name highlighted in all instances.. just when its the first word16:32
SpamapSDoonz: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openvpn.html16:32
lynxmanSpamapS: will have that in mind, he normally replies though :)16:33
Doonz1 sec damn work is getting in the way16:36
medberrySpamapS, ah, I've never heard of that setting/behavior. Probably comes in handy if you have a ubiquitous nick.16:42
SpamapSmedberry: its the default in irssi16:42
pmatuliscan one install a kvm guest running the devel release with vmbuilder?16:47
DoonzSpamapS: ive tried that guide a few times and it didnt work16:57
Doonzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html#bridging Ive tried following that guide but it wont bring up the bridged connection16:57
ScottKDoonz: Please file a bug with details against the ubuntu-docs project.16:58
Doonzits not a bug. just a stupid user trying to do something he doesnt know anything about16:58
Doonzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openvpn.html <-- im going to retry this guide and ill pastebin the errors16:59
SpamapSpmatulis: should be doable17:04
pmatulisSpamapS: do you know how?  i mean, is it done with hacking?17:05
pmatulisSpamapS: b/c suite=oneiric doesn't work if host is natty17:05
Davieylynxman: sorry, was otp17:06
SpamapSpmatulis: not sure. I just use iso's + virt-manager. :-P17:06
pmatulisSpamapS: ok17:06
lynxmanDaviey: no problem17:06
Doonzwell its official im an idiot17:14
Doonzso anyone wanna set up openvpn server for me17:15
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Doonzheres what i get after i follown the openvpn guide http://pastebin.com/RUq5Mtup17:44
maxoI'm using Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (Eucalyptus). If I terminate an instance, any configuration made is lost. How can one get round this problem?18:17
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: ping18:19
RoAkSoAxlynxman: pong18:22
fowlduckWe have an Intel Xeon E5645 and we're not seeing the 2 threads per core in lscpu, cat /proc/cpuinfo, etc, despite the processor being capable of hyperthreading. Is there a way to determine what features are supported by the kernel? I'd like to check if hyperthreading is enabled18:22
fowlduckbtw, `uname -a` # => Linux 358015-domain 2.6.38-8-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:49:04 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:22
fowlduckwe're using a bare-metal host and we're trying to prove that the issue isn't with the OS (or fixing it if it is), so I can't exactly check the BIOS or anything18:25
ameroi have a question about socks proxy server. for a socks server to be able to accept and forward incoming connections back to clients behind the proxy, what does it need to have?18:34
SpamapSfowlduck: if the CPU can do it, it should be in the flags in /proc/cpuinfo18:43
SpamapSfowlduck: it may still be disabled in the BIOS18:43
SpamapSfowlduck: I'd say 90% of workloads see no real benefit to HT18:43
fowlduckSpamapS: thanks for getting back to me, I got some help from the guys in #ubuntu-kernel on the problem18:44
fowlduckYou're right, too. It seems to be disabled in the BIOS18:45
fowlduckdespite the minimal performance improvements, we'd like to get the potential benefits if its available18:45
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RoAkSoAxSpamapS: should postinst/postrm scripts call "service XYW restart" or similar? or should that be done with invoke.rc-d19:13
SpamapSinvoke-rc.d is the *only* way allowed19:13
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: that's what I thought! Thanks19:14
rumpdoes rsyslogd miss anything besides apache on a default install?19:17
pmatulisi didn't know apache was part of the default install19:24
RoyKpmatulis: it isn't19:31
pmatulisRoyK: rump is mixed up19:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #800824 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init-nonet times out in lxc" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80082419:36
voozei just switched from debian til ubuntu-server (or trying to) but for some reason, the ubuntu 11.04 server CD cant see my main harddrive.. debian can just fine.. any ideas?19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #800833 in amavisd-new (main) "package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.6.5-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80083319:56
RoyKvooze: sound strange - but just a thought - if you plan to setup a server, why don't you use an LTS release such as 10.04?19:57
RoyK11.04 will only be supported for 18 months19:57
RoyKLTS server releases are supported for a full 5 years from release19:57
AlfafaHi I haven't followed this channel. But you are aware that a aptitude full-upgrade today will pull in a lot of irrelevant packages? like firefox,synaptic etc..gui programs?19:58
AlfafaI also found a forum post from one experiencing the same http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178815919:59
RoyKAlfafa: sometimes dependencies change - but really - if you don't have any graphical stuff installed, an apt-get dist-upgrade (I guess that's like aptitude full-upgrade) really shouldn't add much new19:59
RoyKAlfafa: which version?19:59
AlfafaIt is 11.0419:59
RoyK11.04 has a few dependency issues - I know20:00
Alfafaapt-get dist-upgrade does the same..pulling in gui stuff20:00
* RoyK sticks to LTS releases for servers20:00
AlfafaOk..I would just make sure someone knew :-)20:00
voozeRoyK: yeah, trying that now.. burning atm.20:00
ScottKAlfafa: No.  No it doesn't.  You added something.20:00
RoyKAlfafa: report a bug20:00
ScottKI've upgraded servers from 10.10 to 11.04 just fine.20:01
RoyKScottK: the dependencies in 11.04 are rather patchy20:01
* w00 same20:01
ScottKRoyK: Point to bugs please.20:01
RoyKI've just been testing on a test VM, and had lots of wierd issues20:01
AlfafaI didn't add something I ran a perfectly normal aptitude full-upgrade yesterday and today the same pull in a lot of gui packages not needed20:01
ScottKAlfafa: What does apt-get upgrade do?20:01
RoyKScottK: so I just ditched the VM and let it go20:02
Alfafaapt-get upgrade should work much better20:02
Alfafabut you wouldn't get kernel updates i believe by using that20:02
RoyKScottK: upgrade to the latest version of packages within the distro version (say, 10.04.1), but it won't upgrade to 10.04.2 - dist-upgrade would20:02
ScottKAlfafa: OK.  How about apt-get dist-upgrade?20:02
ScottKRoyK: No.  That's wrong.20:03
ScottK10.04.2 is nothing more than all the updates released for 10.04 on a certain date.20:03
RoyKhm.. I thought it was a new subversion, slightly newer packages etc20:03
ScottKThe difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade is that dist-upgrade will add/remove packages if needed and upgrade won't.20:03
RoyKnever mind20:03
ScottKGenerally in stable releases that just comes up with kernels that break ABI and need new package names.20:04
RoyKwhat's ABI?20:04
ScottKApplication Binary Interface.20:05
ScottKIf the binary interface changes there are packages that need to be rebuilt against the newer ABI so they change the package name.20:05
RoyKI'm running 2.6.35 on my Lucid servers atm - haven't seen any issues there20:05
ScottKThat means a kernel upgrade (if it breaks ABI) needs dist-upgrade.20:05
RoyKah - IC20:05
RoyKthanks for the info20:05
RoyKI generally only use dist-upgrade, though20:06
RoyKguess that should be safe, then20:06
AlfafaI think it may be a new upgradedable package today which have a rather weird recommends. I can look at the packages it will upgrade to see which one of them pulls in the 57 new(mostly gui packages) packages20:06
ScottKLucid was released with and has now.20:06
ScottKEvery time the 4th number changes it's an ABI break and there's new binary packages.20:06
RoyKScottK: there's a maverick backport of 2.6.35-25 in the repos20:07
RoyKScottK: and that's recommended because of some bugs not fixable in 2.6.3220:07
RoyK(last I checked)20:07
ScottKIt's got a completely different set of package names.20:07
RoyKdist-upgrade won't pull it, though, you'll have to apt-get install it20:07
ScottKI think it's recommended only if you're having issues with the normal one.20:07
ScottKMy LTS servers are running the regular 2.6.32 with no problems.  YMMV.20:08
RoyKwell, I just updated my boxes - all 20-odd servers are running 2.6.35 now without issues20:08
Alfafaok..i think the bug is the recommends for language-pack-en-base which recommends firefox-locale-en which then depends on firefox maybe? but I am not sure..i believe aptitude full-upgrade sometimes install the recommended packages which apt-get upgrade doesn't?20:10
ScottKLet me look into it.20:11
RoyKvooze: any luck?20:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #800845 in munin (main) "plugin postfix_mailvolume invalid output when log file missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80084520:12
ScottKAlfafa: I don't think that's part of the standard server install.20:13
AlfafaScottK: Hmm..ok I will look into why it is there then20:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #800856 in cloud-init (main) "resizefs module causes problems on LXC containers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80085620:21
Alfafaapt-get -s install apt-rdepends20:22
=== raubvogel1 is now known as raubvogel
lifelesshallyn: SpamapS: thanks for your aid - this is what I have now - https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/LXC#preview20:26
AlfafaScottK: Ok. Couldn't find any reasonable rdepends...so removed the language-pack* maybe it has been put in some time earlier (it has been upgraded to 11.04 and not reinstalled)20:29
AlfafaScottK: Sorry for wasting your time20:30
ScottKNo problem.20:30
ScottKSometimes this is how you find out.20:30
AlfafaScottK: I will just answer the other ones forum post..then somebody else can find it ;-)20:30
RoyKanyone around that knows a good L2 network discovery tool?20:42
=== lullabud is now known as warzauwynn
lifelessSpamapS: hallyn: next fail point - fuse fails to install in the lxc21:11
Davieylifeless: wow, that is a suprise.. fails to dpkg unpack/configure?21:13
lifelessSetting up fuse-utils (2.8.1-1.1ubuntu2) ...21:13
lifelesscreating fuse group...21:13
lifelessmknod: `fuse-': Operation not permitted21:13
lifelessmakedev fuse c 10 229 root root 0660: failed21:13
lifelesschgrp: cannot access `/dev/fuse': No such file or directory21:13
SpamapSlifeless: yeah you have to mknod outside of lxc IIRC21:14
lifelessSpamapS: where should I file the bug ?21:14
SpamapShallyn: ^^ ?21:15
lifelessdevpts fs doesn't help21:15
lifelesshttp://jtrancas.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/fuse-filesystems-lxc-container/ perhaps21:17
Davieylifeless: looks like an lxc issue then... with the template.21:19
lifelessadding that stuff to the config seems to be enough21:21
lifelessbug 80088621:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 800886 in lxc "lucid fuse-utils fails to install in lxc container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80088621:23
RoyKbug 121:23
Davieytimeout \o/21:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:23
Davieyi'm wrong!21:23
Davieythanks lifeless21:24
RoyKthis pool is FAST http://paste.ubuntu.com/630972/ :D21:25
hallynlifeless: SpamapS: no bug.  edit the container's config (/var/lib/lxc/<container>/config) and add a devices whitelist eception for /dev/fuse21:26
Davieyhallyn: can we not ship that?21:27
hallynDaviey: we shouldn't.21:27
Davieyhallyn: oh?21:27
lifelesshallyn: why not ?21:27
hallynbc we pretend containers aren't 100% unsafe as is :)21:27
lifelesshallyn: could we ship an option21:27
lifelesshallyn: so folk don't go off of random internet sites like I just did.21:28
hallynlifeless: right, just add the option to the config21:28
hallynlifeless: no problem, the lp bug shoudl steer people :)21:28
hallynwhere is that link you pasted before21:28
lifeless http://jtrancas.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/fuse-filesystems-lxc-container/21:29
hallynah there it is21:29
lifelessseems to be for udev21:29
lifelessso perhaps not relevant to lucid21:29
hallynlifeless: thx :)21:29
Davieyhallyn: I wonder if handling the fuse failure could be better handled in the fuse package giving reasoning for failure, and suggesting uncommenting it on the config?21:29
Daviey(ship it commented out?)21:29
hallynDaviey: could be21:29
lifelesswhats the security issue with this?21:30
hallynpresumably it allows the conatiner to load arbitrary fuse filesystems?  and abuse any holes which might exist in the /dev/fuse api21:30
hallynsecurity issue is just 'a big blog tying into the kernel'21:31
lifelessbut fs's are contained21:31
hallynmaybe i'm being unreasonably, i dunno21:31
lifelessif fuse is unsafe21:31
hallyncontained by what?21:31
lifelessI thought they were namespaced ?21:31
hallynthat's not the angle i'm worried about,21:32
hallynit's that the kernel is calling out to functions in userspace,21:32
hallynand the container is writing those functions21:32
DavieyI love the fact that fuse is a userspace implementation for filesystems... and yet, we are still blocked on the kernel module :)21:32
lifelessbut that doesn't seem intrinsically insecure21:32
hallynit's intrinsically fragile21:32
lifelessas long as the kernel doesn't trust the userspace implementation blindly21:32
hallynlifeless: it's the same reason why we want to sandbox containers so that any fo the 100 newest syscalls can't be used :)21:33
* lifeless would like to not need fuse, but is installing gnome inside the lxc container :(21:33
Davieylifeless: you sir, are a crazy man.21:33
hallynlifeless: well again, containers aren't secure to begin with,21:33
lifelessDaviey: windmill tests21:33
lifelessDaviey: for LP21:33
hallynlifeless: so i don't want to make it too hard.  But is adding that entry to the config too much?21:33
Davieylifeless: interesting!21:33
lifelessDaviey: https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/LXC21:34
Davieyhallyn: it seems a discoverability issue21:34
lifelesshallyn: well, the less it Just Works21:34
lifelesshallyn: the harder it is to use.21:34
lifelesshallyn: so I accept that if there is an issue, we shouldn't do it.21:34
hallynDaviey: so being a discoverability issue, i'd lean toward fiing it in fuse-utils21:34
lifelesshallyn: but I'd rather concrete 'we need to do X to fix it' objections rather than 'it might break'.21:34
hallynlifeless: the issue will become more meaningful when we have user namespaces.  I just don't want toopen all the doors in the meantime so that then user namespaces will be worthless21:35
lifelesshallyn: wearing my obstinate user hat rather firmly.21:35
lifelesshallyn: anyhow - that wiki page I just linked documents doing the home bindmount21:35
Davieylifeless: So are you thinking of doing this to integrate with the tarmac pre land testing?21:35
lifelesshallyn: the one bit I'm missing is user mirroring21:35
hallynlifeless: maybe we should as on #ubuntu-hardened how safe they feel with /dev/fuse API.  I know little21:35
lifelessDaviey: we don't use tarmac :) - and no.21:35
hallynlifeless: you can use the lxc-ubuntu template I linked to in the bug21:35
lifelessDaviey: doing it to have less memory footprint than the lucid VM I currently use.21:36
hallynlifeless: let me post some debs actually to people.canonical.com, one sec21:36
Davieylifeless: oh right21:36
hallynlifeless: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc_0.7.4-0ubuntu7.1clone3_amd64.deb21:37
hallynlifeless: with that deb, you can do 'lxc-create -t natty -n natty -f /etc/lxc.conf -- -b lifeless21:38
hallynand user lifeless will be bind-mounted and created in the container21:38
hallynit also supports '-a i386'21:38
lifelessthat will be in oneiric?21:38
hallynyeah, unless it hits resistence upstream (unlikely for this)21:38
hallynlifeless: actually yo uneed to add '-r natty', as the default container is lucid21:39
lifelesshallyn: well, I want lucid :)21:40
hallynlifeless: excellent :)21:40
lifelesshallyn: launchpad.net deploys on lucid21:40
hallynlifeless: then until lp gets aroudn to compiling the ubuntu-virt ppa's lxc, you'll need to add '-x' to trim the container (as it can't install the lxcguest package)21:40
lifelesslxcguest ?21:41
hallynoh yay, it built21:41
Davieyhallyn: Hmm, i don't think lifeless wants to deploy in lxc... just devel21:41
hallynlifeless: yes, lxcguest works around some blotches where upstart can't deal with not beign on hardwrae21:41
hallynDaviey: so?21:41
lifelesshallyn: so I should install that in my lucid guest ?21:41
lifeless$ apt-cache show lxcguest21:42
lifelessW: Unable to locate package lxcguest21:42
lifelessE: No packages found21:42
hallynlifeless: only if you want it to be safe across udev upgrades21:42
hallynright, it comes from ppa:ubuntu-virt/ppa.  It's in natty and oneiric, but not lucid and maverick21:42
lifelesshallyn: is it needed for lucid?21:42
Davieyhallyn: Ahh.. i missunderstood "then until lp gets aroudn to compiling the ubuntu-virt ppa's lxc21:42
hallynnot if you create a trimmed container (which the lxc-lucid template did, and which the new template does if you add -x)21:42
hallynDaviey: oh yeah, it just took over 24 hrs for it to get around to it21:43
hallynlifeless: are these 'run and delete' contaienrs?21:43
lifelesshardware testing have solten all the builders21:43
lifelesshallyn: nope21:43
hallynyou're going to keep themaround and upgrade?21:43
lifelesshallyn: we install a GB of dependencies21:43
lifelessso i doubt folk will treat them as transient things21:43
hallynthen yeah, use lxcguest21:43
Davieyhallyn: You know, having someone on the launchpad team that wants to use a package from a PPA oddly increases it's build time :)21:44
lifelesslet me know when its available for lucid?21:44
hallynit does things like bind-mount an empty fiel over /lib/init/fstab, so that if mountall/udev gets updated it still boots21:44
Daviey(err, decreases)21:44
hallynlifeless: it's available now in the ubuntu-virt ppa21:44
hallynlifeless: it must have just compiled21:44
hallynlifeless: I assume there is no way to add that package into the official lucid  archive at this late date21:45
lifelesshallyn: sure you can, its not trivial but it is doable21:45
lifelesslxcguest wants to futz with /etc/init/console.conf21:45
hallynlifeless: that file only exists bc the lxc-lucid template created it21:46
lifelessok, so I21:46
hallynso yes, the idea is the template doesn't change the container, you just run lxcguest in a plain VM, then you can boot it either in kvm or a container21:46
hallynno changes21:46
Davieyhallyn: backports baby!21:47
hallynDaviey: well, it's in ubuntu-virt ppa...21:47
hallyni thought that was a reasonably official place to put it21:47
lifeless https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/LXC#preview now with lxcguest info21:47
* Daviey watchs hallyn stir the beehive of PPA's vs Backports.21:47
hallynlifeless: I just want to get my lxc-lvmcreate script back itno my pacakge, then I will push it to ppa:serge-hallyn/lxc-natty and blog about how to use it to do the arch and home bind mounting21:49
lifelesshallyn: let me know as things improve and become accessible, I'll happily update this wiki page21:50
hallynlifeless: great,thanks21:51
hallynjdstrand: kees: does one of you have any input on the safety and sanity of the api used with /dev/fuse?21:51
hallyn(regarding bug 800886)21:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 800886 in lxc "lucid fuse-utils fails to install in lxc container" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80088621:51
hallynif you gusy tell me it's safe, I'll just add it to the whitelist int he template21:52
* jdstrand does not otoh, but I am going to point mdeslaur at this too (who might have more up to date info) ^21:52
hallyncool, thanks.  yeah i just meant top of head.  if research is required i'll go read the code.21:53
keeshallyn: my understanding is that the fuse perms are checked at the kernel level.21:54
keeshallyn: I haven't though much about how that might behave with a container, though.21:54
keesin _theory_, it should be fine, but I've never tested it21:54
hallynkees: oh i wasn't even thinking about uid translations over namespaces.  (that'll be my job :)21:55
hallynkees: I'm wondering how... 'rich' the API over /dev/fuse is.  Do you trust people who connect to it?21:55
hallynkees: or does it have a small, ilmited API that I can sort of trust21:56
hallynby 'do you trust people' i meant 'do you *have* to trust people'21:56
keeshallyn: well, it's designed for non-root users, but I haven't spent any time auditing it.22:02
hallynkees: so it's world writeable usually?22:02
hallynso it is22:03
keeshallyn: yes22:03
hallynso why would i worry about it22:03
hallynkees: thx :)22:03
keesheh, np22:03
hallynof course,22:03
hallyni assume th kernel code checks uids.  but again that just means its up to me to clean that up when time comes22:03
hallynneato, even22:03
hallyngah, i *still* haven't asked for lxc upload perms22:22
hallynzul: can you help a brother out? :)22:22
hallynDaviey: still there?22:24
hallynDaviey: could you push http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc_0.7.4-0ubuntu11/lxc_0.7.4-0ubuntu11.dsc   for me?22:26
huatshallyn, is it just uploading it ?22:29
huatsor do you need anything special on it ?22:29
huats(well you mean to ubuntu just to be sure)22:29
huats(I am asking if the great Daviey is not around)22:30
hallynhuats: yeah, just uploading it22:32
* SpamapS shouts "CHOO CHOOO" after riding the sl train23:30
=== lullabud is now known as warzauwynn

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