
dpmgood morning all07:59
andrejzgood morning07:59
yurchorHi! Just a quick question, will the translations obsoleted by upstream (like gftp or kipicmd) be used for 11.10?08:35
dpmhi yurchor, I'm not sure what you mean by "be used". If gftp and kipicmd are from the universe repositories, 11.10 will ship exactly the same translations as upstream08:42
yurchorI mean that they are in general list. However gftp is excluded from Gnome (http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2011-June/msg00005.html ) and kipicmd is excluded from KDE/digiKam.08:43
andrejz@yuchor: i believe gftp exisiting translations will still be sued08:47
andrejzthose packages have been removed from gnome, since nobody is working on them and therefore it probably doesn't make much sense to translate them08:47
andrejzbut rather focus on actively maintained packages, which more people will tend to use08:48
yurchorandrejz: But there is no upstream now, right? What is the sense to have them in list?08:48
andrejzoh you mean to disable them in ubuntu translations ?08:49
andrejzi think that's a good idea08:49
andrejzdpm, do you agree?08:49
yurchorKipicmd have 5-6 Ubuntu only translations, but Gilles removed it from upstream more that a month ago.08:49
dpmyurchor, could you please be more specific? You are referring to the "general list", but I'm not sure what you mean by that08:52
yurchordpm: just a minute...08:53
yurchorgftp: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+lang/uk/+index?start=1350&batch=7508:55
dpmyurchor, ok, I get you08:55
andrejzdpm, i think it would be smart to disable those templates08:56
yurchorkipicmd: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+lang/uk/+index?start=975&batch=7508:56
dpmyeah, just a sec...08:56
dpmhm, wait a second - gftp is still in main08:58
dpmso I don't think we should disable it until it's been demoted to universe08:58
dpmeven if it's not maintained upstream, as long as it is in main, we should ship its translations in language packs08:59
dpmso reenabling it...08:59
yurchorOk. Thanks. I just wanted to know if Ubuntu will transtate unmaitained packages.08:59
dpmyurchor, that's the good thing about the language packs. If the packages are shipped in Ubuntu, its translations can be maintained for the whole lifecycle of the Ubuntu release, even if upstream has stopped shipping translations09:05
yurchorThanks for the explanation.09:05
dpmon the other hand, oneiric is still in development, so if those packages are demoted to universe during the development cycle, we'll probably want to disable them in Launchpad09:05
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serfusi can't find where ne (nice editor) is translated, can anyone give me a hint?14:50
dpmserfus, looking at the website and the tarball, I'm not even sure it's translatable15:10
dpmthe tarball does not contain any po files15:10
serfusi'v searched the web and didn't find15:14
serfusso could be it's not translatable?15:14
dpmyeah, that was my impression15:30
serfusdpm, and a package in universe is not translated in launchpad, right?15:34
dpmserfus, correct15:38
serfusmany thanks15:43
RawChiddpm, thanks for you suggestion yesterday on getting LP status info via JSON/CSV. I'm very busy at the moment, maybe I'll do something with this in the future16:27
RawChidI'll keep it in mind ;)16:27
RawChidOne sidenote, your page is updated daily? That is less real time than my screen scraping solution (which works so far:P)16:30
dpmRawChid, hehe, yeah, screen scraping is a quicker option if you want higher refresh frequency, but real data is nicer to process. I was just mentioning it in case it could be useful to you, no need to use it if you're happy with the current implementation17:00

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