
JGJoneslook interesting...plus as Google claim that WebRTC is open-source/royalty-free too, so I guess Empathy'll support this too if licence permits?00:26
ali1234so wait, what is this text relay thing supposed to actually do?00:38
JGJonesali1234, what it does? you mean how it works?00:39
ali1234what it does, and what exactly it achieves00:39
ali1234and how it works00:39
JGJonesBeing deaf it mean I can't hear a telephone. Even if I could hear it, I still can't make it out - all voices are just random noises to me00:39
JGJonesSo I can't use a telephone.00:39
JGJonesWith a text relay, there is a 3rd party operator. In UK - I dial any number with 18001 prefix00:40
JGJonesthis prefix mean it automatically goes to Text Relay (www.textrelay.org) and then dial the usual number I put in after 1800100:40
JGJonesonce it get thru, there's another delay while I wait for an operator to become available (mostly short times...)00:41
JGJonesdepending on the person I'm calling - they might have run out of patience and hung up on me and I'll have to redial or if it's a call centre, wait until the message repeat ;)00:42
ali1234ok i get this part00:42
JGJonesthe operator's job is to act as a relay...I type to the operator using a text phone. in text.00:42
JGJonesThe operator then speak what I type to the person I'm calling.00:42
ali1234yes, and then they type out the reply to you00:42
JGJonesThe person speak to the operator and the operator relay it to me by typing00:42
ali1234this part i understand00:42
ali1234so, why do you need a modem dial out?00:43
JGJonesA video relay does the same thing except that it use BSL (British Sign Language)00:43
ali1234yeah, i saw a link to sign language video relay the other day, was it from you?00:43
JGJonesmodem - ok the current technology is that I have to use a rather old minicom (textphone) plugged into phone line to make calls.00:43
JGJonesyeah that was me - they wanted android app devs so I thought someone here might be interested00:44
ali1234ah yeah that was it00:44
JGJoneshowever if I'm outside of the house - I can't use text relay00:44
JGJonesit doesn't work on mobiles00:44
webpigeonthat sucks :(00:44
JGJones*must* have a landline with a operator that support the 18001 prefix (most does now)00:44
ali1234it sucks cos there's no reason why it can't work... any mobile phone can do modem calls00:45
JGJonesso I was thinking of setting up a computer with modem...ssh in if I want to make calls etc.00:45
ali1234so what you actually need is a piece of software that emulates textphone and runs on linux console00:45
ali1234or is textphone just a standard dumb terminal?00:46
JGJonesali1234, it could...but you'll need a laptop with the necessary software to use the mobile as a modem and then support the communication protocol that the text relay use.00:46
ali1234i bet a N900 could do this standalone if the 18000 prefixes worked from mobile operators00:47
JGJonesa textphone is basically a minicom unit that use the Baudot or V18 protocol00:47
JGJonesThe old Nokia Communicators was certainly capable of it.00:47
JGJonesand it use sound to transmit00:47
AzelphurJGJones: probably could rig something up with VOIP and asterisk00:48
Core_UKanyone have an understanding of openpgp?00:48
ali1234you don't need asterisk or voip for this00:48
JGJonesyes...it make a series of loud beeping noise...thankfully newer units now just plug direct into the line.00:48
Azelphuroh ok then :p00:48
ali1234all you need is minicom/picocom and a modem00:48
=== GingeryDog is now known as GingerDog
ali1234like how we used to connect to BBS in the old days00:49
JGJonesTo be honest I DON'T want to do this, but because the Government is cutting Access to Work fund, I need to seek "cheaper" alternatives just in case00:49
webpigeonCore_UK: depends what aspects00:49
JGJonesAccess to Work was actually designed for one off lump sums - ie person in wheel chair - pay for a ramp etc.00:49
ali1234well the cheaper alternative is just stop using telephone calls and use IM instead00:49
AzelphurJGJones: funny enough, I actually know a couple deaf guys who use android00:49
JGJoneshowever for deaf people - it's ongoing support costs that's a drain.00:50
JGJonesAzelphur, to do what? (got Android myself :))00:50
AzelphurJGJones: mostly text based communication00:50
Azelphurthe deaf guys I know just rely heavily on SMS00:50
Core_UKwebpigeon: If I sign my mail with my openPGP key how do people know it is me?00:51
Core_UKI sent a test mail and it only showed an attachment with random letters/numbers00:51
JGJonesAzelphur, I've actually had a mobile since 1999 - for SMS then.00:51
webpigeonCore_UK: you publish the key on known keyservers00:51
Azelphurhehe :)00:51
Core_UKwebpigeon: i see00:52
JGJonesAzelphur, rather expensive then. Got even more expensive with 3G video calling about 10 years ago...00:52
webpigeonCore_UK: then a pgp aware client can work out if the signed message is signed with your private key using your published public key00:52
JGJonesAzelphur, now - with android/iOS - there's whatsapp, google talk, Tango (video chat), facetime etc etc so it's getting easier.00:52
JGJonesBlackberry are surprisingly very popular among the deaf due to BBM.00:52
ali1234GSM data calls from 3G mobiles are rather expensive so an Ip based dialout service is going to be cheapest00:52
AzelphurJGJones: I love gtalk with android, I use it a lot :D00:53
JGJonesAzelphur, now with a tablet, I use Gtalk for video chat too00:53
AzelphurJGJones: you hear gtalk video chat is coming to phones too soon?00:53
Core_UKwebpigeon: do you know if I could send an email to a person so only they could see using openpgp?00:53
ali1234n900 already has it00:53
ali1234Azelphur: ^00:53
ali1234skype video too, for like a year now00:54
Azelphuryea, n900 is kinda abandoned now though00:54
ali1234it was abandoned at birth00:54
ali1234it still works as good today as it did then00:54
Azelphurindeed :(00:54
ali1234as a skype wifi phone you can't beat it00:54
webpigeonCore_UK: if you have their public key, you can encrypt your message using their public key and the person has to have the private key to decrypt it00:54
ali1234the built in skype works better than the PC client does even on windows00:54
Core_UKwebpigeon: ok great, thanks :)00:55
ali1234JGJones: is there like a loopback textphone test service?00:55
webpigeon<sidenote>Wonder if you could replace it with a speach to text & text to speech system on a box somewhere :/</sidenote>00:57
ali1234the hardest thing about setting this up is going to be finding a modem with drivers that still work on a recent linux00:57
webpigeonali1234: most modems are really dumb?00:57
ali1234not any more00:57
webpigeonawww :(00:57
ali1234most modems are now softmodems00:57
ali1234= winmodems00:57
ali1234loads of them don't work00:57
webpigeonwinmodems = lose :(00:58
ali1234and nobody cares because nobody uses modems any more00:58
ali1234although i just remembered i have a couple of standalone serial modems00:58
webpigeonali1234: if that were true we'd not be having this convosation :P00:58
ali1234hey what's this on textrelay.org01:00
JGJonesali1234, I don't think there's a loopback service01:00
ali1234is there some automated phone line that i can ring without annoying anyone?01:01
JGJonesI can plug in my minicom and enable it to autoanswer01:01
ali1234could try that tomorrow01:01
JGJonesyou should get a message from it "caller not at home, leave a message GA" something like that01:01
ali1234or some time01:01
JGJonescommunication protocol for minicoms are in baudcot or V18 as far as I can remember01:02
ali1234internet says v.1801:02
JGJonesmy biggest issue really for me is having someone call me.01:02
ali1234how does that fit in?01:03
JGJonesI never give out my number, I can't answer voice calls.01:03
ali1234ok, so why would anyone call you?01:03
JGJonesif I used text relay exclusively, then my number would be 180020123456789001:04
JGJones18002 is the prefix for a hearing person to call someone deaf via text relay01:04
JGJonesas for why would anyone call me - cos they love me :)01:04
ali1234but... ok01:04
JGJonesseriously - I'll like to start a business :)01:04
ali1234so someone calls you using the relay01:04
ali1234your modem answers and gets the text01:04
ali1234and sends it to your mobile over jabber01:05
JGJonesand obviously having a number for someone to call is a no-brainer for any businesses01:05
JGJonesjabber...hmm...sound great....01:05
ali1234the whole thing can be done over jabber01:06
ali1234in fact someone probably already did it01:06
JGJonescurrently I'm use a London based number with a 4 digit extension for people to call me - this goes to SignVideo actually (hence london number) and leave a message01:06
ali1234hell, it's probably how that texbox product works01:06
JGJonestexbox - it's usually used by councils etc01:08
JGJonesfor example Bristol - http://goo.gl/8M76X01:09
ali1234^ that's pretty much all you need01:09
JGJonesone issue with jabber....01:09
JGJonesI assume that incoming calls would be automatically answered and goes onto jabber?01:10
ali1234an incoming call would cause the terminal emulator to emit "RINGRING" message01:10
ali1234which would then go to you over jabber01:10
ali1234you would need to type 'ATA' to make the modem answer01:10
JGJonesAh...that would work...01:10
ali1234the devil is of course in the detail but i think this is very much doable01:11
JGJonesjust need a jabber client that would actually make my phone vibrate the hell out of my pants instead of 2 brief vibrate I get01:11
ali1234yeah that too01:11
ali1234details :)01:11
JGJonesbut yeah...details...01:11
JGJonesI could also make calls using jabber too...01:12
ali1234yeah just "ATDT18001....."01:12
JGJoneswould be perfect as an alternative solution01:12
ali1234this all hinges on whether a normal modem and terminal emulator can act like a textphone. but i see no reason why it can't01:13
JGJonesIt can - well at least on Windows, you could use any modem with Hyperterminal01:13
ali1234well if hyperterminal can do it then linux can do it for sure01:13
JGJonesto use typetalk01:13
JGJonestext relay (typetalk's the old name for it)01:14
JGJonessome other chap earlier on mentioned cutecom01:14
webpigeon!package cutecom01:14
ali1234!info cutecom01:14
lubotu3cutecom (source: cutecom): Graphical serial terminal, like minicom. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.0-2 (natty), package size 53 kB, installed size 204 kB01:14
ali1234yeah you don't want a graphical one for this01:15
webpigeondamned bots01:15
ali1234you want a text console only one, so it can be forwarded over jabber/xmpp01:15
JGJones!info minicom01:15
lubotu3minicom (source: minicom): friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5-1 (natty), package size 278 kB, installed size 1164 kB01:15
JGJoneslike that one?01:15
ali1234so minicom, picocom, microcom, maybe even cu01:15
webpigeonali1234: or a software interface which can talk telepathy?01:16
ali1234maybe even a direct jabber-tty bridge would be even better01:16
ali1234webpigeon: yeah ^01:16
ali1234that would involve coding though :)01:16
webpigeonWonder if there is a tty library for c/c++ :/01:16
ali1234prototype it with jabber-terminal and see what problems you hit, then you'll know what not to do if you implement it directly01:16
ali1234programming tty is trivial01:17
webpigeonnever done it01:17
ali1234you've never used stdout?01:17
webpigeonyeah, but that's just an output stream01:17
ali1234that's all a tty is01:18
ali1234input stream, output stream01:18
webpigeonso to forward it over telepathy is pretty trivial then, and considering telepathy will do the jabber stuff...01:18
webpigeonwhy hasn't anyone done that :/01:19
ali1234well jabber-terminal pretty much has01:19
JGJonescos there's not many deaf people using linux :)01:19
webpigeoni mean it's basiclly just echoing input and output over jabber01:20
ali1234there's a guy in this channel who has a highlight set on jabber and xmpp... one of the matt* guys i think01:21
ali1234he seems to know a lot about jabber anyway, can probably give some useful advice01:21
webpigeonJabber \o/ (rebbaj as well if he's not removed it)01:21
webpigeonnext time i decide to type telepathy into google and expect meaningful results - :/01:22
webpigeonalthough that is my 3rd year project :P01:22
ali1234wow i just found out there is something called "ToIP"01:24
webpigeontext over IRC :P01:25
JGJonesali1234, ToIP - it's actually real-time text01:27
Muionixconnect irc.anonops.li01:28
JGJonesnot like IRC - type a sentence, click send etc. Instead each character is sent instanstly.01:28
ali1234i found a page where there's a bio of a guy who apparently works on tty-toip bridges for cisco01:28
ali1234tty is real time too01:28
ali1234jabber is not01:28
ali1234that could be a problem01:28
webpigeonsend and recv on end of line markers?01:29
webpigeonassuming it has them...01:29
ali1234jabber does, yeah01:29
ali1234splits messages into packets01:29
JGJonesali1234, the difference between tty and ToIP is that...when I am typing in textphone, the other end cannot interrupt etc.01:29
ali1234but if the person does not hit enter after typing a line01:29
ali1234then you won't see it01:29
JGJonesreal time - both person can type and both see characters etc instantly01:30
ali1234i would guess that is just a limitation of the textphone interface01:30
webpigeonJGJones: when you get messages on your text phone, do they appear char by char or as lines01:30
JGJoneswebpigeon, yes char by char01:31
webpigeonah I see01:31
JGJonesbut you can't type anything until they've finished01:31
webpigeonso there must be some kind of finished signal then?01:31
JGJonesToIP allow for two way real time conversation01:31
JGJonesI think it's more that the protocol is so slow, it's not easy to interrupt01:32
JGJones(and that on a minicom I have a single line of text display)01:32
webpigeonah, okies01:32
JGJonesa bit like calling call centres?01:33
webpigeonali1234: that might be a problem then (if you can't tell when a message has finsihed, you can't foward it on to jabber)01:33
JGJonespress 1 for annoying twat and music, press 2 for more crap, press 3 fo......press 32351 for others01:33
JGJoneson a minicom I have to WAIT until they've relayed the entire thing.01:34
JGJonesToIP would mean I could just say 2 GA and be done with it.01:34
JGJonesGA = it's a shortcut on text conversations, just mean "Go Ahead, your turn"01:34
webpigeonso there is a kind of unoffical end of message?01:35
JGJoneswhen you've done your waffle - GA at end for next person's turn01:35
webpigeonlike \r\n in irc messages01:36
webpigeonokay, apples and oranges01:36
JGJonesit's pretty much the official textphone-speak to use GA at end of your speak as it let the other person that they can finally start typing.01:36
JGJonesand when the call is finished - SKSK (Stop Keying)01:37
webpigeonSo it could use it as a signal to send the message to jabber?01:37
JGJoneswell if I was typing in jabber I would just say "hello how are you, it's joe here ga"01:37
JGJonesthey reply....ga01:38
JGJonesyeah I won the lottery, gonna buy the moon ga01:38
JGJonesthey reply...ga01:38
JGJonesand so on01:38
JGJonessometime a bad habit...when I started using IM, I kept using ga all the time.01:38
webpigeonI was just thinking from a technical point of view, as to how to tell that it was time to send the message (because you can't send letter by letter)01:39
JGJonesyeah...ga/sksk was used because even though a minicom might do it letter by letter you still couldn't get a letter in while the other party is talking01:39
JGJones1 way01:39
webpigeonI see01:40
ali1234ok i need to get back to my excel spreadsheet01:41
ali1234but some time i'll look into this01:41
webpigeonYeah, I should probably sleep, but it seems like it's something very do-able01:42
JGJonessleep? what's that?01:45
JGJones!info sleep01:45
lubotu3Package sleep does not exist in natty01:45
JGJonesthought so.01:45
zaahirgood night ! how are you ?01:57
=== mar_33 is now known as xx23
AlanBellmorning all07:52
diploMorning AlanBell, Morning all08:00
TheOpenSourcererIs it possible for HMG be more incompetent? http://blogs.computerworlduk.com/the-tony-collins-blog/2011/06/officials-write-off-874000-on-rushed-website/index.htm08:30
MartijnVdSI'd like to make £800k on a website08:34
TheOpenSourcererI can't believe we (UKGov) are just _so_ rubbish.08:34
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: Dutch gov isn't much better08:34
TheOpenSourcerer~£1m on a website! that didn't bloody work.08:34
TheOpenSourcererNot only that but rather than getting the money back from the suppliers they just write it off.08:35
MartijnVdSWe've had several multi-million migrations to new systems cancelled because the new system didn't work08:35
AlanBellyeah, they are scared of their suppliers because the suppliers will sue them08:35
AlanBellbecause the suppliers get paid so much they can afford masses of lawyers08:36
AlanBellhmm, home office thing08:37
* AlanBell is presenting a proposal at the home office next week08:38
TheOpenSourcererMight want to tell them that websites don't generally cost nearly a million.08:38
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: or I might want to put the price up08:38
AlanBellby £874,00008:38
TheOpenSourcererI also wonder what "rushed" implies? The story indicated the project went live in 2007 and crashed repeatedly until 2009. What's rushed about that nit?08:40
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: governments think in 4-5 year increments08:49
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: <4 = rushed08:49
MooDoohello all08:55
MartijnVdShowdy MooDoo08:55
DJonesMorning all09:05
MooDooDJones: morning09:07
DJonesHi MooDoo09:13
MooDoomorning allhay hay09:13
TheOpenSourcererlol: http://techbuket.net/37609:17
MooDoovery good09:18
MooDoolol oops wrong channel09:29
popeyMorning all09:34
MooDoomorning popey09:34
oimonTheOpenSourcerer: that story is depressing09:34
andylockranGood Morning! :)09:38
AlanBellMooDoo: good summary, bung that to the list as well09:38
MooDoothanks will do09:39
AlanBelland s/post/pre/09:39
oimonmy employer thinks that teaming up with big suppliers means they are experts and it will be a success. my experience is that i've ended up training those guys myself09:39
AlanBelloimon: they are experts, but not experts at doing the job09:39
AlanBellthey are experts at getting the job09:40
MooDooAlanBell: ok post corrected thanks09:40
popeyMooDoo: "their"09:41
popeynot "our"?09:41
MooDooarrrggghhh :)09:41
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
MooDoopopey: ah i get you :)09:43
MooDooi think i'll change that sentence :09:43
popeythe last sentence09:44
MooDooI've changed it.09:45
bigcalm"Out for delivery"09:50
* bigcalm stares out of the window for the rest of the day09:50
MooDoobigcalm: awwwwwww ;)09:51
* DJones throws an egg at the window ....Splat09:51
popey23:03:24 < bigcalm> popey: know if we can add DNS entries on the superhub?09:53
popeyno idea09:53
MooDoomorning czajkowski09:55
dauberso/ czajkowski09:55
czajkowskiMooDoo: nice blog post09:55
MooDooczajkowski: thanks09:55
czajkowskiMooDoo: you do know anyone from any team can come to a loco council meeting at any time and raise issues? not just for re approvals ?09:56
* daubers waits for wiki.ubuntu.com to sign me in09:56
DJonesThis make my wife happy, ITV have released a player app for Android09:56
MooDooczajkowski: i'm still learning ;) i do now :D09:56
daubersDJones: \o/ I'm getting 1 android phones in the next 2 weeks09:56
czajkowskiMooDoo: no tis cool, many people don't realise that09:56
DJonesdaubers: http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/40651/itv-player-app-lands-on-android09:57
czajkowskiyou don't have to be a loco contact to attend and voice stuff except when we're voting or discussing a team09:57
czajkowskibut people can raise issues and add to the agenda09:57
bigcalmpopey: I have to either add host entries to the router or the tablet. Without rooting the tablet, not sure that's possible09:57
MooDooczajkowski: all interesting stuff :D09:58
daubersbigcalm: Or get your router to hand out dns addresses to a different DNS server09:58
bigcalmdaubers: indeed, but I haven't found an option to add or edit DNS server IPs09:59
daubersVM suck09:59
bigcalmIn this instance, yes09:59
BigRedSI thought that was the general case?10:00
bigcalmThat said, the replacement modem/router hasn't dropped my connection since insterlation10:00
daubersBigRedS: Personally I believe it is10:00
davmor2morning all10:01
MooDoodavmor2: morning10:01
davmor2MooDoo: 'ow you diddling10:02
MooDoodavmor2: crackin lad10:02
daubers*sigh* _still_ "Waiting for wiki.ubuntu.com"10:03
davmor2MooDoo: is it just me or do you automatically hear Wallace's voice when you read the Crackin'  and do you also expect to hear "Cheese Gromit" after it10:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Paul Mellors] LoCo Council Meeting - http://paulmellors.blogspot.com/2011/06/loco-council-meeting.html10:04
MooDoodavmor2: that's what i think when i say it :D  nice bit of wendleydale10:04
davmor2MooDoo: :D10:05
daubersOoooh.... cheese10:05
* davmor2 prods czajkowski to see if she's with us10:06
* czajkowski rolls over and goes back to sleep 10:06
bigcalmczajkowski: that's what you get for having mass so late :10:07
bigcalmMy better half has the day off and tweeted "But a day off at home comes with tea-fairy duties!"10:16
bigcalmDamn straight it does!10:16
MooDoobigcalm: oh yeah!10:17
LaneyTesco have sold out of £20 off kindles :(10:17
DJonesI'm more & more tempted by a Kindle, although can't decide whether the extra £40 for 3G is worth it, its not as if its a tablet that I'd use for web access10:19
DJonesLaney: Have you got a link for the offer so I can have a look10:19
gordwhy would you ever need 3g on a kindle?10:20
popeybuying books abroad10:20
popeyusing internet when not at home10:20
popeywhen sat in an airport10:20
popeylots of reasons10:20
LaneyDJones: http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/deals/cheap-ebook-readers-kindles#kindle10:20
DJonesI'd agree with the downloading books when not at home/near a wifi station10:20
Laneytry tomorrow morning I guess10:20
gordall of which can be combated by waiting five minutes until you find wifi10:20
MartijnVdSpopey: I just load my e-book reader with 200 books -- I'll run out of battery before I run out of books to read :)10:20
gordor if you have your phone and your phone does tethering10:20
popeygord: airport wifi is almost always pay-for10:20
daubers\o/ tethering10:21
popeyand I go plenty of places where there is no wifi10:21
popeye.g. daughters ballet school10:21
popeysit there for an hour bored out of my skull10:21
LaneyI'm hardly ever in range of usable free wifi when away from home/work10:21
popeyor, go online via 3g10:21
czajkowskiannoying dublin airport you pay for wifi10:21
czajkowskishannon small ickle airport free10:21
* daubers kicks wiki.ubuntu.com and gives up10:22
gordi'm just saying that i'v had my kindle for about a year and not once have i thought "i need an internet connection on this right now"10:22
popeypeople in different use cases non-shocker10:22
Laneyalthough, apparently there's colour e-ink displays now10:23
Laneymaybe this is a ploy to dump old stock :-O10:23
MooDoodaubers: oooo it is slow isn't it10:23
popeyalthough having said that, i haven't actually touched my kindle since I got an ipad10:24
gordnot heard of any colour e-ink devices yet, maybe i'm out of the loop, every "ereader" (that i have seen for the pedantic peoples) labelled as colour has been an lcd display10:25
Laneyfiver and a packet of salt n shake for it?10:25
popeyI _love_ salt n shake10:25
dauberspopey: They _will_ blend!10:25
MooDoolittle blue salt bag :D10:25
popeyI'll probably take it on holiday in Aug and then get rid10:25
MooDoodaubers: i HATE that man and blend site.....grrrrrr10:31
daubersMooDoo: I love it10:32
daubersDestroying stuff is what the interwebs is for!10:32
MooDoodaubers: not when you want stuff he's blending....what a waste10:32
daubersMooDoo: but I want the blender :(10:32
daubersOr this10:33
MooDoonow that looks good10:34
daubersAnother house viewing booked10:40
nigelbdaubers: buying or selling? :-)10:41
daubersnigelb: Buying10:41
directhexmake sure there are no bodies buried under the floorboards. be sure to ask.10:41
MartijnVdSAlso, strange-coloured stains10:42
MartijnVdSAlso, muffled sounds from the basement10:42
DJones& broadband speed/cabled area10:42
MooDooMartijnVdS: liminol on the walls and floors ;)10:42
bigcalm_Humm, what's with the connection drops?10:44
bigcalm_Not restricted to freenode10:44
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
* bigcalm eyes VM10:44
daubersDJones: it's in an area covered by BT Infinity10:44
DJonesdaubers: Was that investigated before looking for houses that would be in Infinity area10:45
directhexhas anyone got infinity yet?10:45
daubersMartijnVdS: I';d be surprised if it had a basement10:45
daubersDJones: There may be a map at home with that marked on...... there may be not10:46
daubersdirecthex: Yup. BT where complaining about how long it takes to roll out. Some people have FTTP from BT, but that takes 2 engineers 7 hours to install per house (apparently)10:46
directhexdaubers, i meant anyone here10:47
MartijnVdSalso, lots of fibre engineers are being "hoarded" by a Dutch company (I've seen crews from 6 or 7 countries digging fibre in my town)10:47
directhexdaubers, and i'd love to know what BT's plan is if i ever need to call them out again to fix my line. apparently they've already written off one of the two copper pairs in my wall as defective.10:48
MartijnVdSdirecthex: Aren't they legally required to pull new wire if the current one is beyond repair?10:49
dogmatic69what does this mean? http://bin.cakephp.org/view/89914491910:49
directhexMartijnVdS, yes. the wiring is their property, after all. i just wonder *how* they'd fix it10:49
daubersdirecthex: They'll probably run a new one from the nearest mast.10:49
daubersdirecthex: That's what they did for me when I was in Swansea10:50
directhexdaubers, it's all underground until the cabinet10:50
daubersdirecthex: Then it should be ducted10:50
daubersdirecthex: That, or they'll put up a mast :)10:51
MooDooping AlanBell11:19
oimonis it safe to defrost bacon in the microwave?11:20
* oimon feeling rather unwell today11:20
JGJonesnot really11:20
JGJonesas bacon cook quickly, you'll be actually part-cooking it rather than defrosting11:21
oimoni gave it a good nuke when i cooked it though11:21
oimonstill feel nauseous though :(11:21
JGJonesI've cooked bacon in the microwave in the past just fine.11:21
dogmatic69JGJones: most bacon is smoked afaik, and thus already cooked11:21
TheOpenSourcererI've defrosted bacon in the microwave before.11:22
Laneyme too, very many times11:22
JGJonesjust not for defrosting - however I don't have a microwave anymore11:22
oimoni do have a rather sensitive tummy11:22
TheOpenSourcererAs with most meats - just make sure you cook it properly.11:22
* TheOpenSourcerer happens to have a cast-iron stomach.11:22
JGJonesstudents...fun....along with mislabelled tins (a common prank is to swap labels around)11:22
oimoncommon cause of fire alarm on campus was due to first year students microwaving tins of beans without opening11:23
oimon1) they are metal 2) they explode11:23
dogmatic69no medium rare pork, mkay11:23
MooDoomedium rare?  pah!11:23
MooDoooh i read pork as steak11:23
dogmatic69stake should be passed over the pan, without actually touching it11:24
oimonif i had proper food poisoning i would have known at 4am11:24
MooDoodogmatic69: BLUE steak :D11:24
dogmatic69oimon: had any salad? head its a killer lately11:24
oimonit's for girls11:24
* dogmatic69 hides his lunch :S11:25
JGJonessteaks...hmm..I'm hungry...11:25
JGJoneshoping to go to France this summer - depends if I can grab some time at my dad's place...buffulo farm a few miles away...11:26
* TheOpenSourcerer had a rather large rib-eye on Sunday (Cooked Medium Rare BTW)11:26
AlanBello/ MooDoo11:26
MooDoo:) hello AlanBell11:26
oimonit's funny how it's considered sophisticated to eat rare meat11:27
* oimon doesn't succumb to peer pressure11:27
JGJonesoimon, news to me....I've always had mine rare from a young age.11:28
MooDooi love blue steak and then it's not raw enough11:28
JGJonesI second that :)11:28
daubersYou people are weird11:28
MooDoono you're wierd :p11:29
AlanBellsteak tastes best if it looks like a decent vet could get it back up on it's feet with a bucket of hot water some soap and a towel11:29
daubersSeriously... man created fire for a reason.11:30
MooDoodaubers: yeah to keep you walm :)11:30
daubersMooDoo: And to ensure dinner is dead11:30
DJonesdaubers: Sure, so you can see what you're eating at night11:31
popeymmmmm blue steak11:31
MooDoodaubers: what's this dead you're referring to?11:31
popeymight get some steak on the way home to night i think11:31
daubersYou bunch of weirdies :p11:31
TheOpenSourcererOne should note that red meats are generally OK rare. White meats and Pork need to be well cooked11:31
popeywhere "well cooked" != "burnt to a crisp"11:35
popeyjust remembered I have some nice big prawns in the freezer11:35
AlanBelland tasty little fishies can be eaten raw if fresh and appropriately cleaned11:36
TheOpenSourcererOh blimey - here we go again: http://www.boingboing.net/2011/06/22/leaked-uk-copyright.html?dlvrit=3676111:36
bigcalmI do a lovely and moist pork steak 'n stuffing11:36
popeymmmm fishies11:36
TheOpenSourcererApparently "moist" is one of the most popular words in the English language.11:36
bigcalmAlanBell: best frozen 1st to kill off bacteria11:37
popeymmmmm moist11:37
bigcalmDamn it VM!11:37
oimoncrispy :P11:37
popeymight do some prawns in a light batter tonight11:37
JGJonescan't stand white meat that are so well cooked they're more dry than the driest place on earth11:37
popeyditto JGJones11:37
bigcalmThe router part is going weird. I lose connection to my dev box as well as the 'net11:37
oimonslow cooked meats are the best. you could slap a piece of leather in a slow cooker and it will come out succulent11:38
JGJonesoimon, that's true...I bought a slow cooker as a student11:38
TheOpenSourcerersucculent is another good word11:38
JGJonesturns out to be a big mistake.11:38
oimonwe cook 50% of our meals in a slow cooker11:39
oimoncurry, casserole, pasta sauce11:39
dogmatic69oimon: i dont have enough foresight for that11:39
JGJonesas everything  I put in, after a day when I come home, it's all bloody eaten.11:39
JGJonesand I am left with just the smell wafting around. And a tin of beans. sigh.11:39
MooDoodogmatic69: pah fell for it again11:39
oimonwifey has a knack for churning out curries that are at least as nice as my favourite curry house11:40
dogmatic69MooDoo: lol11:40
oimontypical that the only night she isn't around for dinner i get a gippy tummy11:40
dogmatic69s/shes not around/im left to fend for my self/11:42
oimoni used to be a good cook11:43
oimonhaven't cooked for ages though11:43
oimonno time11:43
dogmatic69my take-aways are awesome11:43
JGJonesI like to cook...I think I do pretty well11:44
dogmatic69cant beat them11:44
s-foxGood day.11:45
MooDoos-fox: greetings :)11:45
s-foxHello dogmatic69 . How are you?11:45
s-foxMooDoo! :)11:45
s-foxHow you doing?11:45
kvarleyWhy can't I download my purchased music to banshee? This is outrageous! I didn't realise there were limits on how many times you can download it11:45
MooDoos-fox: fab thanks :)11:45
kvarleyUbuntu going down the subscriptions path was a bad idea =/11:46
MooDoos-fox: whats new?11:46
bigcalmYay, tablet is here \o/11:46
MooDoos-fox: how did you do on your poker night?11:46
* bigcalm wills it to charge more quickly11:46
oimonbigcalm: the kugon?11:46
s-foxMooDoo:  It went really well thanks - http://twitter.com/#!/_Silver_Fox_/status/8253939379300352011:47
JGJoneskvarley, you mean from Ubuntu music store? it does tell you on download screen how many downloads left11:47
bigcalmoimon: Kogan, yes11:47
oimoni always forget the name...i keep thinking of dagon the amorite fish god http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagon11:48
kvarleyJGJones: Yeah, just shocked by the limit is all.11:48
bigcalmIt's heavier than I had expected11:48
oimonbigcalm: that may be good - more battery :)11:48
MooDoos-fox: fab, mental note, never play with you11:48
kvarleyJGJones: I clicked the Subscribe button and it's now syncing. Has that charged me money?11:48
s-foxMooDoo:  I am okay thank you, trolling the ubuntu forums listening to Jean Michel Jarre11:48
bigcalmHopefully that indicates a beefy battery11:48
MooDoos-fox: oxygene?11:48
s-foxHad that on earlier. Got magnetic fields on atm :)11:49
davmor2s-fox: Popcorn11:49
directhexbuilt a new pc at the weekend \o/11:50
MooDoodirecthex: yay11:50
s-foxMooDoo:  Poker is easy, if you can quickly work out chance and read people.11:51
directhexMooDoo, it's wifey's though. not mine. i have no pc powers.11:51
oimonJGJones: got my transcend class 10 sd card :)11:51
bigcalmpopey: http://twitter.com/#!/bigcalm/statuses/8348725015073587211:52
MooDoos-fox: i'm rubbish at it :) lol11:52
s-foxMooDoo:  lol , practice.  play me ;)11:52
MooDoos-fox: looking at that twitter update.....no chance i was to be left with something lol11:52
MooDoonice kit11:53
bigcalmPizza \o/11:54
directhexMooDoo, wife runs windows on her desktop.11:54
MooDoodirecthex: mine does too11:55
DJonesMine doesn't :)11:55
oimonmine runs ubuntu11:55
DJonesoimon: +111:55
oimonshe asked for it, cos it was faster and less annoying popup notifications11:56
* daubers runs OS X on his desktop.....11:56
oimonand the windows wobble11:56
directhexnot much gaming to be done on an ubuntu box. otherwise she'd go for that11:56
MooDoodirecthex: xbox and wii is for gaming :)11:56
gordi hate the pop ups in windows, its like bloody clippy, they just got rid of the cartoon11:56
directhexMooDoo, wife likes kb+m, not joypads11:57
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: Cheers for the recommendation of Joomla.11:57
DJonesdirecthex: Mine is always playing games on farcebook11:57
andylockranLooks to be quite user-friendly for creating content.11:57
MooDooDJones: bejeweled11:57
oimongord: especially when there's installshield, adobe, java, roxio, and windows update all popping up within 20 secs of each other "hey updates here"11:57
daubersI was talking about that with a chap I know who does some gaming stuff. He reckons that part of the problem is that there is no standard IDE for building those kind of things in Linux.11:57
daubersWas an interesting PoV11:57
MooDoodaubers: http://www.tuxgames.com/11:57
DJonesMooDoo: Nah, city/farm/jungle/insert random comment-ville games11:57
directhexDJones, well, yes, facebook games. i mean real games.11:58
DJonesdirecthex: To her, they are real games, almost real life at times :)11:58
directhexdaubers, i don't think that's it at all. especially given some consoles have traditionally used linux-based development environments11:59
directhexdaubers, it comes down to simple economics11:59
daubersdirecthex: I don't think it's the whole of the problem, maybe a small part11:59
DJonesTried to get her interested in Minecraft, but she decided that it was too complex and she wouldn't have the patience/ability for it11:59
directhexdaubers, paying a dev to make a linux version costs money. even if they do it free of charge, you need the support structure in place to support it. and linux support costs more than windows support due to infinite variability - why spend that on a tiny market?12:00
directhexwifey is currently playing mass effect 2.12:00
daubersdirecthex: Also, those consoles would provide (I suspect) some mangled version of eclipse as their IDE with standard components and bits. Where as doing that for a linux distribution will be a lot more spread out tool wise12:00
oimonwhy do we always try to get our wives interested in stuff we like? my wife never tries to get me knitting12:00
directhexdaubers, less the IDE, more the libs. even the games that *do* exist for linux don't usually run anymore after a year or two, due to lib changes12:01
daubersdirecthex: Just thought it was an interesting point :)12:01
directhexoimon, we were playing videogames together in our teens. no coercion.12:01
gorda year or two is a bit misleading12:01
gordmaybe 5-8 years12:01
directhexgord, they already target old versions of libs, to have a chance of working on the greatest number of distros12:02
directhexnobody wants a "your libc is too old" message12:02
gordgames tend to rely on very little libraries, basically sdl -> X and audiolibraryfoo -> alsa12:02
s-foxAmazing video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJIXXyQYyHA12:03
JGJonesso copying OSX's packaging method would work for games? everything self-contained12:03
gordthat is pretty much how games are shipped12:03
directhexJGJones, except for the one thing they don't copy, that'll break, guaranteed.12:03
gordits not copying, its just "having it all in the same directory"12:03
gordits been done for years12:03
directhexi've seen games break by shipping their own libpng, fr'example, rather than using the distro one12:03
daubersAlanBell: One of your twitter links doesn't make sense12:04
AlanBelldaubers: which one?12:04
gordin the end, closed software has a shelf-life, hard to get old windows games working on windows too12:04
daubersAlanBell: http://t.co/hddljPz <- That one, just takes me to a sign in page12:04
directhexyeah, some windows games are hard to get working. some are pretty much impossible12:04
* daubers has gone back to board games12:05
directhexi love the irony that older games are often easier to coax than newer ones12:05
directhexe.g. maddeningly, Broken Sword 1-3 are fine on a dualcore cpu, 4 is not12:05
AlanBelldaubers: ok, will fix, should link to this http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/show/Search_View.aspx?ID=JUN09390312:06
daubersAlanBell: Oooh... more interested now. danfish would probably also be interested I suspect12:07
AlanBellyeah, I have registered interest and emailed the chap running it12:07
daubersCool :)12:07
AlanBellI understand Canonical have too12:07
dwatkinsAlanBell: I am interested to know how that goes - reminds me of when the Munich council chose Linux for their desktops12:09
AlanBellyeah, interesting that it is in Scotland12:10
dwatkins(this was about 8 years ago, I don't know how the project is going)12:10
dwatkinsI live in Scotland.12:10
AlanBellthey tend to like to not repeat the mistakes made south of the border12:10
dwatkinsSince moving here, I've noticed that compared to England, some things work significantly better north of the border.12:10
danfishahoy, hoy! Who's taking my name in vain ;)12:10
* danfish scrolls up 12:11
dwatkinsBuying and selling property being the major difference I've noticed.12:11
oimoni see a similar thing with denmark - however a country of 5m people is manageable12:11
danfishAlanBell: that looks very interesting12:11
AlanBelldwatkins: well the whole separate legal system12:11
AlanBellnot entirely sure how the scottish NHS relates to the rest of the UK NHS12:12
danfishthe NHS in scotland is very different to England12:12
dwatkinshttp://www.muenchen.de/Rathaus/referate/dir/limux/89256/index.html - more information on LiMux, there may be a translation on there, or just use googletranslate12:12
dogmatic69how can i make something like *.site.dev work on my localhost?12:12
dwatkinsyeah, danfish? I have only experienced it from the perspective of donating blood and a brief visit to a GP, which both seemed similar to England12:12
dogmatic69that in hosts is fail12:12
danfishnone of the same political garbage - no commissioning, etc12:12
BigRedSOh, name resolution12:13
BigRedSI think you'd likely need a local DNS resolver12:13
oimonOn 04/13/2011 it was time: half of the planned computer workstations, namely 6000, are migrated to a Linux operating system.12:13
bigcalmFinally goto use my tablet. It's like having a bigger phone that can't make phone calls12:13
danfishdwatkins: at the point of contact - ie the GP etc, much the same, but behind the scenes, waaay different12:13
bigcalms/goto/got to/12:13
dogmatic69BigRedS: is that hard to setup?12:13
dwatkinsdanfish: aha I see12:13
BigRedSnot especially so, no. There's probably several tutorials12:13
BigRedSit's not simple, but it's not fiendishly difficult either12:14
* danfish has often thought of relocating north of the border, but can't get Mrs Fish to agree12:14
TheOpenSourcererandylockran: NP12:15
daubersdanfish: Very hard to migrate back afterwards.... (as my aunt is finding out)12:18
TheOpenSourcerernom nom - left over curry for lunch :-D12:18
danfishdaubers: I can imagine. I'd just keep heading further North until I encountered reindeer ;)12:20
danfishTheOpenSourcerer: how are the chilis doing?12:20
TheOpenSourcererHi danfish - OK Thanks. Flowers on some - plants seem quite happy.12:21
gordgraze.com have invented raspberry cranberries and blueberry yoghurt raisins. its the greatest thing ever12:22
bigcalmI really should take graze off my highlight list12:24
DJonesAlanBell: TheOpenSourcerer Just noticed this http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/22/health_boss_goes/12:24
AlanBellDJones: yeah, surprisingly it appears heads are rolling12:25
danfish"Connelly's interim replacement is Katie Davis. She previously revelled in the title of executive director of operational excellence in the Efficiency and Reform Group. Prior to that she worked on ID cards at the Home Office"12:25
danfishworked on ID cards. Ok good lord :(12:25
oimonhas anyone used cryptoluks to encrypt folders in ubuntu one? don't wanna have to install truecrypt on all my pcs12:28
dogmatic69BigRedS: have you got a name of one / link i can look at? all im finding is dns issues :/12:30
danfishoimon: I thought cryptoluks was for partitions than folder?12:32
oimondanfish: i use it for my memory stick partition . was hoping it could find i way to encrypt a folder within ubuntu one12:33
danfishI used to do the same with a memory stick, and then use freeOTFE on windows as needed. Worked well.12:35
daubersBah, I hate blacklist companies12:36
danfishoimon:  I think for folders, encfs may be more suitable12:36
TheOpenSourcererDJones: You on twitter? What's your twitter name?12:37
BigRedSdogmatic69: djbdns or bind?12:37
BigRedSbind's more popular12:37
BigRedSdaubers: are you on the extorting sort's list?12:38
daubersYou can always tell a dodgy blacklisting company by the fact they use a self signed cert and have a whole page you have to agree to to convince you their cert is trustworthy12:38
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: DG_Jones12:38
DJonesFor twitter12:38
daubersBigRedS: It's some company called SORBS12:38
oimondanfish: thanks i will check encfs12:39
TheOpenSourcererty DJones12:40
daubershttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_and_Open_Relay_Blocking_System#Criticism :(12:43
MooDoodaubers: SORBS pah!!!!! :(12:44
BigRedSI propose an rbl blacklist12:45
dogmatic69is there any way to get the dns server name? tutorial is telling me to change ns1.site.com to <dns_server_name>.site.com and idk what it is :(12:48
TheOpenSourcererYummy - Now wifey brings in some Sticky Toffee Pudding and cream for pudding :-D12:49
TheOpenSourcererTo be shortly followed by moar coffee I hope.12:49
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: That's just wrong12:50
TheOpenSourcererWhat davmor2? Coffee12:50
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: he's jelous12:51
TheOpenSourcererI see,12:51
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: no the sticky toffee pudding you'll be asleep this afternoon :D12:51
TheOpenSourcererIt was VERY nice.12:51
BigRedSdogmatic69: you decide what it is12:51
danfishTheOpenSourcerer: followed by port, brandy, a cigar and a nap12:51
TheOpenSourcererOnly a small portion mind you.12:51
TheOpenSourcererNow that sounds like a grand way to spend an afternoon danfish but unfortunately that won't be happening today.12:52
TheOpenSourcererI used to love, and was rather an expert at, the LONG lunch with lashings of good claret.12:52
TheOpenSourcererThose days are largely gone it seems to me now though.12:53
danfishahhhh. we all lead far too busy lives.....I think a 3 day week, with 4 hour days would be great for the nations health (but not wealth)12:55
AlanBellI think I would find something suitably unhealthy to do with the time12:57
Azelphuroh wait, horrible update at the bottom makes it less funny :(12:59
daubersHow can I setup a mailserver to just forward email to another email server?12:59
AlanBellyeah, some kind of hoax that got all the media excited12:59
jpdsAzelphur: Dude, keep up.13:00
Azelphurwould have been funny :(13:00
AzelphurI just woke up :o13:00
oimonAzelphur: did you miss 24 hrs?13:00
danfishAlanBell: I forgot add that in your spare time you'd all be busy contructing a huge statue of me in my honour....mwah, ha, ha!13:00
TheOpenSourcererdanfish: Only your statue would need to be made from finest Stilton :-)13:02
Azelphuroimon: *shrug*13:02
oimoncan't go to lunch yet :(13:02
oimonterrible rain outside13:02
* TheOpenSourcerer is wondering why my coffee hasn't arrived yet. Might have to get up and go find it.13:02
jpdsoimon: I'm sure that's what the cavemen said.13:04
oimonjpds: especially if the prey was hiding in caves13:04
* MooDoo is trying to organise an ubuntu hour in nottingham :D13:06
ali1234the funny thing about lulzsec is how everyone dismisses them as "punk kids" yet if you actually read anything they write they are obviously not13:12
popeyyeah, clearly emo13:13
ali1234and the alleged census pastebin actually *does* read like something written by a punk kid13:13
webpigeonali1234: doesn't most of the stuff on pastebin?13:19
popey"A programming contest for13:21
popeyyoung people in Europe"13:21
TheOpenSourcererNice popey. That is quite relevant to a discussion I was engaged in on twitter recently.13:25
dogmatic69dns install fail :/13:30
oimonhttps://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com/img/aabb523e9605d363cc2374ffa1a85dc21cb40db2/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f507652776e2e6a7067 :P13:35
oimon^^ makes me smile13:36
dogmatic69oimon: makes me lulz13:36
oimonmainstream newspapers make me lol too13:37
dogmatic69more like *facepalm* imo13:37
oimonin fact, anytime i see *anything* represented in the media/news/TV/papers that i know something remotely about shows that journalists/media know nothing about anything worth knowing :)13:39
Azelphurwhere's MattJ when you need him :(13:40
directhexAzelphur, in hiding.13:41
Azelphurindeed :(13:41
webpigeonAzelphur: he got eaten by an XML tag...13:44
directhexassuming we're after the same in-hiding mattj13:44
webpigeondirecthex: jabber \o/ = mattj13:45
directhexyeah, i might've scared him off. sorry13:45
webpigeondirecthex: how?13:46
directhexasking for support on prosody@conference.prosody.im!13:46
Azelphurdirecthex: haha, that's what I'm doing now XD13:46
Azelphurgot no replies though :(13:46
AzelphurAzelphur: Hi, I run my own XMPP server at home with prosody, trying to get my phone to connect to it externally, I forwarded the ports, but when I try to connect to it I just get this in the prosody error log, Jun 22 13:39:50 s2sinf06410infoIncoming s2s connection || Jun 22 13:39:53 s2sinf06410 infos2s disconnected: nil->home.azelphur.com (stream closed)13:47
Azelphurcross posting ftw, if you have any ideas :)13:47
webpigeonAzelphur: are the serv records correct?13:47
directhexyeah, SVR records for all13:47
directhexum, SRV13:47
directhexfree SRV records with every happy meal!13:48
Azelphuroh dear, SRV records... I'm on a dynamic IP now13:48
MartijnVdSWould you like CNAMEs with that?13:48
Azelphurdirecthex: no wait, I never had SRV records13:48
Azelphureven when it was working13:48
oimoni read that the fbi came in the night and took 3 racks of servers away from the hosting provider, "Mr. Ostroumow said. However, the agents took entire server racks, perhaps because they mistakenly thought that “one enclosure is = to one server,” he said in an e-mail."13:48
=== issyl0 is now known as Guest38554
Azelphurazelphur.com has SRV records, but home.azelphur.com never did13:48
oimonmore likely they didn't wanna have to make a 2nd visit, and don't need to apologise13:49
webpigeonAzelphur: odd, usually that's what it uses to get the host for the service13:49
webpigeonoimon: *yoink*13:50
Azelphurthe azelphur.com SRV records point to google apps, but home.azelphur.com is for my XMPP server I run at home with spectrum13:50
webpigeonoimon: i hope they were'nt anything important... and attaully were the FBI, someone didn't just walk out with a bunch of servers13:51
Azelphurand it's always been like that, and it worked before13:51
webpigeonAzelphur: okay, just a thought13:51
oimonwebpigeon: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/21/f-b-i-seizes-web-servers-knocking-sites-offline/13:51
webpigeonoh dear.14:01
brobostigongood afternoon everyone.14:03
webpigeonAfternoon brobostigon14:04
brobostigonafternoonings webpigeon :)14:04
MooDoobrobostigon: hello matey14:05
webpigeonHow are you brobostigon?14:05
webpigeonHey MooDoo14:06
brobostigonMooDoo: hello, :)14:06
popeywell. posting a referal link to spideroak was useful! http://t.co/uephzJJ has been clicked on by quite a few people who then chose to sign up and get 1GB free for themselves, and 1GB free for me!14:06
popey*recommended* :D14:06
brobostigonwebpigeon: tired, but a good driving lesson, 9/10. and you?14:06
MooDoopopey: what you got now then?14:06
MooDoowebpigeon: hullo :)14:06
popey2G free, and another 24GB via referral!14:07
webpigeonbrobostigon: I'm alright thanks14:08
brobostigonwebpigeon: :)14:08
* daubers wants nice tea instead of pg tips :(14:09
oimonlol: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-1387309114:10
andylockranwebpigeon: oimon  - that's well scary14:11
webpigeonoimon: Who's bright idea was that?14:12
oimonin wonder if the hollywood movies accurately reflect the FBI, or FBI now act that way as a result of the movies :S14:12
andylockrananyone used apache authentication? htpasswd .etc.?   I want to set it up so that you're only forced to enter a user/pass if you're accessing from outside a certain few subnets...14:16
diploI've done it in the past andylockran14:17
diploallow from and deny from ?14:17
andylockrandiplo  -ta :)14:17
andylockranmy brain is mush..14:18
diploThink it's under mod_access in http docs online14:19
diploFrom memory, not done it in a while14:19
dogmatic69$ uptime14:20
dogmatic69 14:21:31 up 33 days14:20
oimonrebooting is for losers14:20
oimonthat power icon is supposed to be red :)14:21
dogmatic69thats not even a server, just my work pc14:21
oimonmy servers are on 549 days14:22
dogmatic69oimon: what version you running?14:23
webpigeonoimon: isn't it meant to be white? :P14:23
oimonservers are running Scientific linux14:23
oimondekstop running ubuntu14:23
dogmatic69should have been called scifinix14:24
=== Guest38554 is now known as issyl0
popeylooks sweet14:39
AlanBellit does. "Password: meenee" in the description is a bit odd14:40
popeywonder if unity will run on it14:42
TheOpenSourcererReading one the comments I wonder why they didn't use the OEM install?14:43
TheOpenSourcererXWayland est ici http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTU4NA14:45
gordunity really only needs a certain feature set, so anything new, fast or slow, generally works as long as the drivers aren't terrible. can't find any specifications for that laptop though14:46
andylockrandoes <Directory /> apply to all subdirs of the apache config.. I thogut it did but Order deny, allow and deny from all.. and /var/www/site/ still displays...14:47
MartijnVdSandylockran: <Directory /> applies to all directories on the _filesystem_ it, unless overridden :)14:53
andylockranMartijnVdS: I thoguth do..14:54
andylockranI thought so14:54
MartijnVdSpopey: but what is it?15:00
MartijnVdSpopey: a map.. of what?15:01
popeypeople who make the laptop linked above15:02
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
TheOpenSourcererNot a very compelling website with the first chuck of text restricting my freedoms.15:02
gordisn't it people who own the laptop?15:03
TheOpenSourcerer:-) http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2011062119251077715:06
* directhex moos15:08
popeygord: the map is15:09
popeythe website isnt15:09
gordah - gotcha15:10
TheOpenSourcererOooh shiny and fast: http://www.fastcompany.com/1761475/rocketplane-zehst-eads-paris-tokyo-jet-concorde15:11
gorddidn't groklaw stop? i'm sure i remember reading that and  thats why i removed it from my rss15:12
TheOpenSourcerergord no. PJ sort of retired.15:12
BigRedSgord: sort of15:12
TheOpenSourcererBut she handed over the reins.15:12
BigRedSyeah, with an "I'll try to retire" sort of message15:12
gordah, worth re-adding back to my rss reader?15:13
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: i'm thinking of adding a tab labelled "App Store" to my blog ;)15:21
MooDooi********** :)15:22
daubersdirecthex: \o/ How's the .net 4 portage going?15:42
directhexdaubers, http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono210TransitionTODO and http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/mono.html15:43
directhexdaubers, basically, all apps need to be done, then all libs and plugins can be done in one go15:43
directhexdaubers, some things will need rebuilding more than once, for obtuse reasons. and some stuff needs more than a simple recompile15:43
daubersdirecthex: Cool :) I failed in my attempt to build it so I could use the newer monodevelop stuffs :(15:44
directhexdaubers, monodevelop is one of the problematic ones. haven't had time to investigate. i'm largely handling the ubuntu side of the transition myself15:44
directhexdebian side is a team effort, but hasn't started in the archive yet15:44
daubersdirecthex: I'm happy to wait at the moment.15:45
daubersdirecthex: When i get impatient, I'll find some time and help sorting stuffs where I can15:46
ali1234directhex: i spent the last 5 days writing excel macros using the office interop clr and now i'm about ready to stab someone in the face. i just thought you might like to know that15:47
directhexali1234, wouldn't know, i've never written an excel macro15:48
ali1234someone needs to tell .net developers that making every single exception return "exception in HRESULT" and nothing else is not acceptable15:48
directhexand i only used word macros in the 90s for hacking the school network15:48
ali1234it must be karma i guess15:49
ali1234oh well, it was either this or do it all by hand15:50
oimonlol@ the picture of my driveway on the ubuntu-uk.org home page16:43
gordwhich one is yours, the train? or the mountains?16:44
oimonthe classic cars outside big mansion16:44
oimoni notice BBC Click the other day mentioned Windows, Mac and Linux, and popped up an icon on screen for each one...when they said "linux", they showed the ubuntu symbol !16:45
dogmatic69took 25 reloads16:45
dogmatic69oimon: they know nothing about computers :/16:46
oimonbbc click to real tech is what John Cravens newsround was to the news16:46
davmor2oimon: haha16:47
* popey tweets that16:47
gordheh nice, newsround is still going16:48
oimonnotice you spared bbc click from a twitter mention :P16:48
oimoni wonder what age range john craven rings a bell with..prob 28-4216:48
* popey fits in that range16:49
oimonalong with the grange hill theme featuring "the sausage"16:49
popeyon a fork16:49
=== cking_ is now known as cking
gordi've watched spaced so many times over the years, i now associate the grange hill theme more with that than with the original show :(16:50
popeyi watched spaced in bed last night16:51
popeyafter getting really narked with the iplayer hanging16:51
popeyswitched to 4oD player16:51
popeybtw oimon "my driveway"?16:53
gordhrm, do you have to have a tv licence to watch 4oD? i mean morally/legally not technically obviously16:53
ali1234only for live tv16:53
oimonmaybe my driveway in my sims house16:54
ali1234not for iplayer catch up or 4od16:54
ali1234according to iplayer website anyway16:54
gordmorally i don't watch iplayer stuff, i don't pay for that content so i don't think i should watch it16:54
ali1234well some of the licence fee goes to 4 as well16:54
ali1234so you shouldn't watch that either16:54
gordyeah thats what i'm thinking, but they do have ad's16:55
ali1234well you could just watch half the show16:55
ali1234but seriously, bbc gets funding from other sources than the licence too16:55
oimonmrs oimon just said "when we were in the pound shop he was saying "dada" over and over again at the top of his voice. think he knew it was ur fav shop"16:56
oimonwifey talking about my one yr old child16:56
ali1234have you seen that guy that reviews stuff he buys in the pound shop?16:57
oimoni get bottles of purdeys in there 2 for £116:57
oimonsainsbury sell them £1.29 each at least16:57
ali1234yeah that's the one16:58
gordashens is top notch entertainment16:58
brobostigonhttp://www.ebuyer.com/product/262273 why is it showing the video playback time,as being longer thanthe audio playbacktime, when video playback takes more power.16:58
ali1234does it though?16:59
ali1234DSP codecs are funny things17:00
ali1234N900 will play h264 video for longer than it will play ogg vorbis audio files17:00
brobostigonoh, ok.17:00
ali1234because one is DSP accelerated and the other isn't17:00
brobostigonmaybe, that explains it.17:00
ali1234is that a tegra 2 one?17:01
ali1234cos you can get the advent one for same price, and it's supposed to be really good17:01
brobostigonali1234: it doesnt say,17:02
AzelphurMattJ: yay your here, jabber \o/17:09
AzelphurMattJ: when I try to connect to prosody from my phone using Xabber, It won't connect, and I get this in my prosody.log: infoIncoming s2s connection || infos2s disconnected: nil->home.azelphur.com (stream closed)17:09
AzelphurI just bought my second expensive device that I know doesn't have Linux drivers :D17:16
Azelphurfun fun17:16
Azelphura logitech G13, http://www.bravophotographers.com/JonathonBravoBlog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/logitechg13.jpg17:17
Azelphurextra bindable keys for gaming \o/17:18
bigcalmRight handed only?17:18
popeyYeah, dont want none of those stinking lefties round here!17:19
bigcalmNot sure how I'd use it myself, but I'm not everybody :)17:19
bigcalmI really must stop making holes (though the bedrock cavern streching off into the dark is kinda cool)17:20
popeythe hall of JGJones ?17:24
bigcalmNo, my own17:25
bigcalmMC wiki is down17:26
* bigcalm gets back to work17:26
* davmor2 hits popey with his left hook and walks off mumbling about him hating lefties17:27
* czajkowski trips davmor2 up17:29
* davmor2 tickles czajkowski till she is in tears and ribs hurt from laughter17:30
* MooDoo chuckles17:30
* czajkowski glares17:30
czajkowskieh no17:30
czajkowskithere shall be none of that17:30
MooDooczajkowski: did you know i may be meeting davmor2 this weekend and all we're going to talk about is ways to annoy you lol17:30
* popey puts a cat in the room17:30
* MooDoo cackles17:31
czajkowskipopey: oi17:31
czajkowskiMooDoo: so you'll meet davmor2 but not me17:31
davmor2czajkowski: Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah!17:31
davmor2czajkowski: only cause we happen to be in the same place at the same time17:31
MooDooczajkowski: don't worry i love you more17:31
MooDooczajkowski: we both happen to be in bakewell this weekend17:32
MooDooczajkowski: to make it up to you, i'll get you a bakewell pudding sent to your house ;)17:33
davmor2popey: how dare you call MooDoo a tart, creep yes! but not a tart...17:33
MooDoodavmor2: shush i'm being nice to czajkowski for once17:34
MooDoook back on later...speak soon17:34
davmor2bye bye MooDoo17:35
AlanBelldavmor2: in the same place at the same time O_o17:58
AlanBellthat will disprove one of my pet theories17:59
AlanBellmore of a conjecture I suppose17:59
AlanBellphotographic proof will of course be required17:59
davmor2AlanBell: Well different Campsites but both in bakewell18:00
davmor2AlanBell: Yeah it's not just me on 2 computers with different nicks18:00
danfishI'm really liking drupal 718:05
danfishmuch better IMO18:06
czajkowskidanfish: weirdo18:06
Azelphurdanfish: me too, it's nice :)18:06
davmor2daubers: ping-a-ling how's you getting on with win 718:06
danfishczajkowski: be nice ;)18:06
danfishyou're eating MooDoo's Bakewell tart this weekend....but remember that laxatives don't taste of anything when mixed into cake :P18:07
davmor2danfish: don't give me ideas18:08
davmor2czajkowski: tell him, he's given me ideas18:08
* danfish has a severe case of foot in mouth disease18:09
* czajkowski peers at danfish 18:09
czajkowskidanfish: you won't be allowed hang around with davmor2 or MooDoo any more if you keep this up18:10
danfishczajkowski: hah - I can give you better methods for revenge ;)18:11
bigcalmHayley is out for the evening, so that means Chinese Take-away!18:12
bigcalmBut, what to have?!18:12
danfishbigcalm: easy, a number 4, 28, 62 and 318:12
gordalllll the chinese food18:13
czajkowskipretty sweet video18:13
bigcalmdanfish: 4: Chicken and noodle soup, 28: Spare ribs - plum sauce, 62: Roast pork and pineapple fried rice, 3: Chicken and mushroom soup18:14
danfishbigcalm: ah, one too many soups..try a 4718:16
bigcalm47: Roast pork and roast duck fried rice18:16
bigcalmI do fancy as a starter 11: Yuk-shung (minced pork and vegetables with lettuce)18:18
danfishthat does sound good18:19
* danfish slams in the lamb18:19
=== tom__ is now known as aquilum
bigcalmI fear I shall be spending far too much at the Chinese Take-away, yet again18:20
ali1234^ is that guy speaking english?18:45
Core_UKevening jacobw18:45
gordali1234, nope, Chinese18:46
ali1234its really hard to tell when every other words is "OEM group"18:46
ali1234i guess they're the OEM group??18:46
gordtheir the shanghai branch18:46
gordthey work with the OEM team18:46
jacobwthere's a very similar video by cisco kicking about18:49
jacobw'why be an engineer'18:49
jacobwo/ daubers18:49
jacobwactually, i've downgrade my comparison from very to similar to just similar18:50
* daubers needs to send a very important question to apple :(18:50
czajkowskigord: no videos of you yet18:53
czajkowskifew of TREllis knocking about18:53
gordwhy would there be videos of me? i'm not important18:54
gordalso, when they say "Multicultural" i don't think they really mean "northern"18:54
ali1234but but but i thought canonical makes you feel special18:54
BigRedS'northern' is quite specificall not 'cultural'18:59
jacobwnotherners have a lot of cultures :P19:00
AlanBellso does yoghurt19:18
BigRedSyeah, that was the sort of cultures I suspected he was referring to19:21
gordbloody southerners, the lot of you :P19:26
hamitrongord +119:27
popeydirecthex: does the banshee U1MS plugin support linking to music in the U1MS?19:30
popeylike what the rhythmbox one does19:30
AlanBellbug 72396019:31
lubotu3Launchpad bug 723960 in banshee (Ubuntu) "[FFE] u1ms: links are not handled by banshee" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72396019:31
Core_UKok when i do not move my mouse i get a faint (but annoyin) buzzing sound on my headphones...19:33
Core_UKthink my front port is goofed?19:34
popeydoes that work for you then AlanBell19:35
AlanBellhmm, launches banshee19:36
AlanBelland if I click it again after clicking on the Ubutu one music store in banshee it works19:37
AlanBellok, so it works if banshee is already running19:37
AlanBellif it has to launch banshee it doesn't actually go to the right place19:38
gordCore_UK, fairly common with onboard sound19:38
gordCore_UK, i have a usb adapter, works great because it means its a digital signal going over the motherboard rather than analogue19:38
AlanBellCore_UK: does it do the same with the power unplugged (assuming it is a laptop)19:38
Core_UKIt is mains only AlanBell19:39
Core_UKyeah it is on-board sound19:39
jacobwsounds like EM interference then19:39
Core_UKI dont understand how moving the mouse stops it though19:39
AlanBellprobably cursor moving rather than mouse19:40
AlanBelldoes running something like glxgears stop it too?19:40
Core_UKill test19:40
AlanBelljust to get movement on the screen19:40
gordits really just because there is a change19:41
Core_UKits not screen movement19:41
gordso the computer is doing something different19:41
gordwhich means you get different interference19:41
ali1234yes. if you provide no input the the computer it will just run through the same input polling loops over and over in a deterministic way, which gives a fixed frequency interference19:42
Core_UKon windows I could use my mic-in port for headphones19:42
ali1234if you move the mouse then that's pseudo random input - the interference will move around all frequencies and become less noticable19:42
gordall my different video games end up making different interference sounds on mine :)19:42
Core_UKok :)19:43
gordbut yeah, little usb thing will do wonders19:43
ali1234btw the way you fix that problem is to turn the master mixer down and turn the wave mixer up, or vice versa19:43
Core_UKhow do I get to that from within 11.04 ali1234 ?19:44
ali1234good question19:44
Core_UKthe sound utility doesnt seem that have that option19:44
BigRedSalsamixer might do it?19:44
BigRedSor alsamixergui19:45
ali1234alsamixer will do it, yes19:45
ali1234pavucontrol won't do it19:46
Core_UKalsamixergui only offers master and capture19:49
Core_UKcan anyone recommend a usb sound card that works well with linux?19:58
Core_UKor will any work?20:04
gordCore_UK, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Griffin-GC16031-Quality-Recording-Playback/dp/B000BVV2IC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1308769480&sr=8-1 has worked wonders for me20:04
gord"just works"20:05
dwatkinsI have a Griffic iMic, the older style one, it works fine.20:25
Core_UKCan anyone recommend a good sci-fi series with a few seasons worth of content not stargate or startrek (finished them all :P)20:33
gordhalf its episodes are just awful but the other half are really good20:33
Core_UKby first half you mean the first 2 seasons?20:34
Core_UKoh it has the main guy out of SG:A in it :)20:35
dwatkinsCore_UK: Fringe20:35
Core_UKsomeone has recommended Fringe before20:36
Core_UKthe fact it is not in space puts me off though :|20:36
dwatkinsIt's excellent, I can completely understand why they would do that ;)20:36
dwatkinsIt's fine, you don't need fake sounds in space to make good sci-fi :)20:37
dwatkinsBSG is set in space but I found it as boring as Eastenders at times.20:37
dwatkins[the new series, that is]20:37
Core_UKyeah i found that20:38
Core_UKBSG made number 1 the top 50 i am reading ><20:41
Core_UKbeating SG and ST o.O20:41
AlanBellhttp://gong.ust.hk/nanogong/nanogong42.html does this work for anyone?20:43
AlanBelljava applet to run, does the top one record sound and play it back OK?20:43
dwatkinsooh, food time20:44
Core_UKAlanBell: yeah seems to work20:51
AlanBellthanks, seems to be some temporary pulse oddness here, mine works now too20:52
suprengrTopic for #ubuntu-uk-meeting is: Next meeting Wednesday June 22nd at 21:00 BST [cough] ;)21:13
popeyhappens more often than you'd imagine!21:14
bigcalmThought it was quiet21:14
bigcalmCan anyone join?21:14
suprengrso quiet... /me hears Bjork ???21:14
* brobostigon is there.21:14
BigRedSis that now?21:15
BigRedSah yeah21:15
MooDoohello all21:26
=== db is now known as Guest58519
* MartijnVdS gives popey a glass of water21:33
* popey gargles21:33
MartijnVdS.. a song?21:33
* brobostigon says BOO near popey 21:34
* brobostigon was evil, and is sorry,21:35
* bigcalm kicks iTunes into life21:35
AlanBellan Alan heavy episode21:35
* MartijnVdS pokes Google Listen21:36
* brobostigon hasnt found much usefor google listen.21:36
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I'm in public transport 2 hours/day.. it's useful for UUPC, TIMC and several other podcasts :)21:37
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ah, yes, in that case :)21:38
popeyyay TIMC21:38
popeyI also enjoy The Doctor Who Podcast21:38
gordthis is just weird now, every day my xbmc install's on my revos have x crash21:38
gordi haven't upgraded them or modified them, its so strange21:38
brobostigonMartijnVdS: thats allong time, and you need entertainment.21:40
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: exactly, and I can't read books all the time :)21:41
MartijnVdSso I have audiobooks and podcasts21:41
brobostigonMartijnVdS: :)21:41
MartijnVdSHarry Potter read by Stephen Fry++21:41
* brobostigon wants hhgttg as an audiobook.21:41
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: there's the radio broadcasts21:42
brobostigonMartijnVdS: a few,yes.21:42
* brobostigon reads21:42
brobostigon£49, umm.21:43
marsilainenhi, how should I go about ripping my (movie) DVDs? I want to keep them in full quality format, and watch them with menus still active etc, just without putting the physical discs into the machine21:43
MartijnVdSonly 22.22kg :P21:43
brobostigonMartijnVdS: true,21:44
MartijnVdSwait.. I'm converting the wrong kind of Pound :P21:44
diplo-marsilainen, can just take a copy of the iso21:44
brobostigonMartijnVdS: quite, i wasnt concentrating.21:44
diplo-Depends if you want to save space as well21:45
jacobwTIMC is *awesome*21:45
diplo-programs like dvd9to521:45
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: you can try dvdbackup21:45
marsilainendiplo: I'm not interested in saving space - I'm happy to just take a full iso21:45
diplo-If you are not worried about size just copy the iso21:45
marsilainenwhat is the easy way to copy from physical disk to iso?21:45
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: dd?21:45
MartijnVdS(does that work on encrypted DVDs? I don't know)21:46
marsilainenand then how do I view the menus on that?21:46
popeymarsilainen: dvd::rip21:46
dwatkinsmarsilainen: Handbrake21:46
* dwatkins grins at popey 21:46
diplo-Handbrake won't  leave menus dwatkins ?21:46
popey^^ marsilainen21:46
marsilainenok, thanks21:46
diplo-marsilainen, from MartijnVdS comment, just this will copy dd if=/dev/dvd of=mydvd.iso21:47
jacobwdvd::rip is good because you can rip the data [fairly] quickly and transcode it later21:47
MartijnVdSdiplo-: except if it's encrypted21:47
marsilainenso, hang on, the dd option is no good for encrypted dvds?21:47
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: I think so, yes. You can always try of course21:47
marsilainendvd::rip will keep the full quality of the dvd with menus?21:47
brobostigonthe iso will therefore also be encrypted.21:47
diplo-Fine if libdvdcss is installed afaik21:48
jacobwit'll do exactly what its supposed to, create an exact copy of the disc21:48
MartijnVdSdiplo-: dd doesn't know about libdvdcss21:48
brobostigonjacobw: exactly.21:48
marsilaineneven if it's encrypted then I can still watch it with vlc or whatever right? I mean, wont that do the unencrypting using libdvdcss or whatever?21:48
diplo-No but the programs mounting/playing the iso's do21:48
brobostigoni suppose you couldplay the *.iso with vlc, with libdvdcss installd ?21:49
jacobwwhy wouldn't that be playable using a libdvdcss aware media player?21:49
diplo-yeah, + alot of media players will auto mount iso's21:49
marsilainenok, so if I rip with dd to a .iso, and then use vlc I should be good?21:49
marsilainenI shall give it a go...21:49
brobostigonmarsilainen: with libdvdcss installed, yes,21:49
jacobwunless there's something i don't know about css21:50
marsilainenok, thanks guys, I'll give it a go and report back :)21:50
* jacobw downloads the popeycast21:53
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Ubuntu-ie and Canonical Meet up in Dublin - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/06/22/ubuntu-ie-and-canonical-meet-up-in-dublin/22:05
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S04E09  Brave New World - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/06/22/s04e09-brave-new-world/22:05
marsilainenok, using dd to rip a dvd to a .iso, and then vlc to watch it worked for 1 disc22:05
marsilainenfor another couple though it failed to copy with dd22:05
marsilainencopy protection maybe?22:06
marsilainenI got: dd: reading `/dev/dvd': Input/output error22:06
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: try vlc on the disk first (to unlock it)22:06
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: _then_ dd22:06
marsilainenhmm, ok22:06
marsilainenso what, run vlc on the disc, then close vlc and dd?22:06
marsilainenor leave vlc running the whole time?22:07
MartijnVdSI don't know, try several permutations and see which one works :)22:08
marsilainenI tried that and it got further - it got up to 1.2GB this time instead of failing soon after starting22:11
marsilainenbut it still failed in the end :/22:11
TheOpenSourcererFun and a bit weird - Only in Sweden: http://t.co/Dns7Q8222:13
diplo-dirty disc marsilainen ?22:13
marsilainendiplo-: I don't think so, I keep my discs well, and I've tried with 2 discs from the same box set now with same result22:14
marsilainenthe distributor is Sony Entertainment which makes me wonder if copy protection issue...22:14
marsilainenI can watch these discs fine if I use vlc direct on the disc to watch22:15
daubershttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13874049 <- That is ace!22:19
daubersSpongiforma squarepantsii ftw \o/22:19
diplo-I've had a few issues with a few discs copying them marsilainen ended up using dvdshrink with wine worked in the end22:20
diplo-But i rip most of mine to mkv's to keep chapters but loose the menus22:20
marsilainendiplo-: ok, sure, thanks, will bare that in mind22:21
marsilainenI'd still like to keep the extra features etc22:21
marsilainenI literally want a copy of all my discs in a more convenient way to watch them22:21
marsilainendd seems like it will work for some at least22:21
diplo-yeah I debated that, but I thought the amount I ever watch extras is that I get the dvd out if i ever wanted that, saves loads of space then22:22
marsilainenyeah, everyone is different I guess :)22:22
marsilainenfor me, I don't have so many discs and disk space is cheap so I'd rather have everything on tap22:23
diplo-#600-700 dvd's22:23
diplo-So yeah space is an issue for me :)22:23
marsilainenyep, fair enough :)22:29
marsilainenI guess I've only bought ~50 DVDs so far, so it's not a big deal for me :)22:30
marsilainenI only buy things I really like22:30
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.22:31
directhexpopey: i think that was the plan. i no longer develop the plugin, canonical people do22:35

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