
seidosphilipballew: cool.00:00
philipballewhows yours?00:00
philipballewi would rather fix whats broken then buy something new00:00
seidosme too00:00
seidosi installed fluxbox...again00:00
pleia2ok, finished adding our 2011 events so far and put in the goals we discussed at the last meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/ApprovalApplication201100:04
philipballew^nice! good job working hard. Thanks!00:05
seidospleia2: i wonder why links wouldn't work just as well, just thought that because i wondered if the ubuntu hours are something that would be good on there00:06
seidossince the last thing i did was attend the pasadena ubuntu hour00:06
seidosthat is, outside of this computer00:06
seidosoh yeah, i wonder if Mindshare is something00:07
pleia2seidos: links to what?00:07
seidosnah, probably not.  i would have to frequent it for awhile before i could try to inject some ubuntu there00:07
pleia2I can link to every single ubuntu hour ever, but we do that in team reports and it's a lot of tedious work to copy them all over00:07
seidospleia2: the events00:07
* seidos reopens00:08
pleia2we could just link to the event page for each, but this is prettier :)00:08
seidosi guess the council doesn't want to click anything00:08
seidosjust a thought, nevermind00:08
pleia2it's the same format we used when we were originally approved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/ApprovalApplication00:09
* seidos nods00:10
=== BrightAmbition is now known as Hollyweird
=== Hollyweird is now known as MsHollyweird
MarkDudeNext weekend08:36
=== darkwingduck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
=== seidos is now known as Disney
=== Disney is now known as seidos
MarkDudelol Molly Wood just cut loose with a sudo make me a sandwich line on Buzz out loud :D21:13
seidosa friend i met in SF linked me this:  http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_amazon/96.php22:06
seidosi should ask her if it's real, it looks like a tree pattern etched into the ground22:09

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