
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== anyoneofus|tu is now known as anyoneofus
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
vubuntor268co ai hong cho em hoi cai di di di05:42
vubuntor268uhm anh oi05:43
vubuntor268cho em hoi cai05:43
vubuntor268fedora voi red hat la gi vay05:43
vubuntor268co giong thang ubuntu nay khong05:43
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
vubuntor268co ai hem cho em hoi di05:45
nobawkdùng nó hơi khác05:48
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== vubuntor259 is now known as GeekComp
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
vubuntor346co anh nao da su dung phan mem uniconverter de chuyen 1 file duoi CDR thanh SVG chua a?11:25
vubuntor346lam on chi cho em cach su dung uniconverter trong ubuntu voi a ?11:25
vubuntor346nhung anh co biet su dung uiniconverter ko a ?11:26
C4NoCko luon11:27
vubuntor346cam on anh a11:27
vubuntor346a ma anh co biet cai nay muon biet phai hoi o dau ko a ?11:28
_Tux_vubuntor346: google11:28
_Tux_man uiniconverter11:28
_Tux_.g uiniconverter cdr svg convert11:29
bkphenny_Tux_: No results found for 'uiniconverter cdr svg convert'.11:29
_Tux_.g uniconverter cdr svg convert11:29
bkphenny_Tux_: http://sourceforge.net/projects/uniconvertor/11:29
_Tux_vubuntor346: móa cái tên cũng sai được11:29
vubuntor685cho minh hoi ty11:29
vubuntor685cai muc recent document trong ubuntu 11.04 o dau nhi11:30
vubuntor685oh, ko co ai het  a?11:32
_Tux_vubuntor685: uhm11:36
_Tux_không có ai11:36
vubuntor478lam sao de cai cac soft tren ubuntu center nhanh nhi?11:40
C4NoClắp ma.ng Fiber11:41
C4NoCdown cho lẹ11:41
vubuntor478em chua hieu cach lam nhu nao, anh chi dan ky hon dc ko a?11:41
_FirePhoenix_kiếm mấy cái repo nào nhanh add vào :P11:42
C4NoCvubuntor478: go.i fpt hay vnpt, lap 1 duong ca'p quang11:43
_Tux_C4NoC: hố hố11:43
_Tux_Làm mình nhớ đến 2 con card fiber ở con NAS :x11:43
vubuntor478tuong gi, goi no den lap xong thi em cung cai xong het roi11:44
vubuntor478cac bac oi, may cai chi dan chuong trinh thay the tuong ung voi win o trang nao nhi?11:46
C4NoC.g linux software replace windows11:47
bkphennyC4NoC: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm11:47
C4NoC.g linux software replace11:47
bkphennyC4NoC: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html11:47
C4NoCvubuntor478: do'11:48
C4NoCca'i na`y cu~ roi11:48
C4NoCkiem ca'i trang na`o moi a'11:48
vubuntor478vang, thanhks11:49
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
C4NoCvubuntor478: do'11:49
Stanley00#join Stanley_0011:52
=== anyoneofus is now known as anyoneofus|tu
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
codai2810.g memory mapping os concept12:12
bkphennycodai2810: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_memory12:12
vubuntor685cho minh hoi muc recent document cua ubuntu 11.04 nam o dau vay ?12:21
C4NoCrecent ?12:22
C4NoCno' la` link thoi12:22
C4NoCko co' thuc12:22
vubuntor685co 1 cai muc liet ke cac file da mo lan trc ay'12:22
C4NoCno' chi la` ca'i list thoi12:22
vubuntor685nhung no nam o dau trong ubuntu 11..0412:23
vubuntor685minh tim ko thay :(12:23
C4NoCko nho nua12:23
C4NoC.g recent document ubuntu12:23
bkphennyC4NoC: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6682112:23
C4NoCvubuntor685: va`o do' doc. xem12:23
vubuntor685do la noi ve thu muc chua cac file list roi12:24
vubuntor685minh hoi ve cai list ma12:24
* C4NoC ko nho+'12:24
vubuntor685lam sao de hien cai lisst ra12:24
C4NoC~LG ?12:47
CoconutCrablife is good12:47
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== kid__ is now known as kid__away
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
vubuntor075Có ai ko cho mình hỏi chút13:24
vubuntor075Mình đang định cài ubuntu thì h nên cài bản nào13:24
vubuntor075Ai trả lời hộ mình cái13:24
_Tux_vubuntor075: thế dùng Ubuntu lần nào chưa ?13:25
vubuntor075Rùi bạn13:26
vubuntor075Theo bạn bản nào ổn định13:27
_Tux_vubuntor075: thích ổn định hay thích mới nhưng hơi unstable chút13:27
vubuntor075Mình sài bản 11.04 gặp nhiều lỗi quá13:27
_Tux_vubuntor075: lỗi gì mà nhiều ?13:27
vubuntor075h đang định cài bản 10.04 hoặc 10.10 bản nào ổn định hả bạn13:27
vubuntor075wifi ko connect đc13:28
vubuntor075hay bị treo13:28
=== kid__away is now known as kid__
_Tux_vubuntor075: card broadcom hả13:31
=== anyoneofus|tu is now known as anyoneofus
=== anyoneofus is now known as anyoneofus|tu
=== anyoneofus|tu is now known as anyoneofus
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== chungbd|away is now known as chungbd
=== anyoneofus is now known as anyoneofus|tu
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== chungbd is now known as chungbd|away
=== chungbd|away is now known as chungbd
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== chungbd is now known as chungbd|away
hellonearthhú hú hú , còn ai onl ko ?20:12
C4NoCgiờ mà hú cái gì20:13
hellonearthcó ai giúp mình với , đang cần phần mềm chụp sreenshot cho movie trong opensuse kde20:13
hellonearthđã cài thử cái dhyana nhưng ko dùng được20:14
GeekCompmịa, cứ phóng to hết cỡ movie ra xong chơi cái shutter vô cho nhanh20:15
hellonearth??? ko hiểu20:16
GeekComphhm , /me chuồn20:16
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
hellonearthok thank , đang tìm hiểu xem cậu đang nói cái gì :))20:17
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off

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