
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakeranother spam bug 80067614:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 800676 in loco-directory "SPAM in the Microblogging widget (affects: 3) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80067614:23
nigelbmhall119: jealous of cjohnston and me yet?:P16:33
mhall119though jamalta has you both beat16:50
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb fwiw I was told by james_w that they are not using Summit in August, so we are free!18:35
james_wbreak it to your heart's content! :-)18:38
cjohnstononly if you help :-P18:38
cjohnstonand if it is already broken, is it possible to break it18:39
=== daker is now known as daker_
nigelbjames_w: Any specific reason you aren't?19:22
james_wnigelb, we're not using blueprints for setting schedules19:23
nigelbAh, yes19:23
nigelbjames_w: and what are you folks using instead of summit?19:23
james_wthe wiki19:23
nigelbheh, WIN.19:23
mhall119james_w: I bet that'll work out just fine...19:51
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston, daker_: first concept: http://ubuntuone.com/p/10gg/20:25
cjohnstonlookin good20:35
mhall119Ronnie: looking very good21:02
Ronniei think the homepage needs more info to be tab worthy, but i dont know what we are missing21:08
cjohnstoni think thats a good start21:08
Ronnietrue, we can expand it later21:09
mhall119Ronnie: as long as we get "more" tab worthy, we're making the right kind of progress21:09
mhall119Ronnie: my only concern is the image size21:09
Ronniemhall119: that was mine too21:10
mhall119if this is going to be on a tab I go back to, I won't want to scroll down each time to see the content21:10
Ronniei tried a slide of 3 images but that feeled not right21:10
Ronniei also tried variations without the second navbar, which isnt very usefull on the homepage21:11
mhall119Ronnie: I like how you placed the google maps, but it might need a caption to explain what the markers are21:12
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston: new version:21:35
Ronniemaybe we should separate the home page and the social page. therefore the social (tab-worthy) page will be smaller21:40
YoBoYgreat Ronnie but like the others, the photo is taking too much space, big pictures like that are more suitable for static informative pages21:41
RonnieYoBoY: if you want to play with the design: http://ubuntuone.com/p/10gf/21:42
cjohnstonRonnie: the size on cloud.u.c isnt bad21:43
mhall119Ronnie: I like the headers21:44
Ronniemhall119: just normal h2 for the main-content ;)21:45
mhall119yeah, but it makes it much clearer what the content is21:48
YoBoYhow can you work with so many layers :D21:50
RonnieYoBoY: Gimp 2.721:52
Ronnielayer grouping21:52
YoBoYok, I understand, only have the 2.621:52
YoBoYand i'm more used to inkscape21:52
RonnieYoBoY: you should update, 2.7 has single window modus21:52
Ronniemhall119, YoBoY: new update http://ubuntuone.com/p/10gg/21:53
YoBoYyes I know, you already told me that once :)21:53
YoBoYwhat do you plan to put on the 4 blocks under the images ?21:55
RonnieYoBoY: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5184/5763041728_9d776baccd_o.jpg21:56
YoBoYha yes jono mockup right ?21:57
Ronnieputting the right content in the blocks add an additional 8 layers ;)21:57
YoBoYhaving these blocks and an empty second level navigation seems strange to me22:00
RonnieYoBoY: true, i noticed that before22:10
YoBoYerasing the menu is not the solution, you lost the search field :)22:16
cjohnstonRonnie: i like that one better.. then we can have a global jam advertisement image on the right.. and two other things22:34
Ronniecjohnston: that should be possible22:34
mhall119I agree with YoBoY, we should keep the sub-nav for the search field23:21

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