
nessitaok, I'm gone for the day00:06
nessitabye all!00:06
hyperairhi. i've just rsynced over my entire ~ to a new machine, and have changed the hostname of this machine. how do i re-setup ubuntuone?05:53
hyperairit's still connnected to ubuntuone under the old device nmae05:53
hyperairi actually removed the old device name, and can't add this device to my account now05:54
hyperairwhen i click "I already have an account!" it just briefly shows another screen and then reverts back05:54
duanedesignhyperair: hello'09:06
hyperairduanedesign: hello.09:06
duanedesignhyperair: you may need to remove the token manually. What version of Ubuntu?09:07
hyperairduanedesign: natty.09:07
hyperairduanedesign: where is the token stored?09:08
hyperairi purged .local/share/ubuntuone, .cache/ubuntuonee, and .config/ubuntuone09:08
duanedesignhyperair: ok, the token is in 'Passwords and Encyption Keys'09:08
hyperairah i see09:08
hyperairgnome keyring eh09:09
hyperairshould have known09:09
duanedesignunder the Passwords Tab09:09
hyperairyeah i've found it, thanks09:10
duanedesignhyperair: if you r-click and delete it, you should then be prompted to readd the computer09:10
hyperairright click and delete what?09:11
duanedesignhyperair: the 'Ubuntu One' token09:12
hyperairright, i've done all that already09:12
hyperairand added the machine09:12
duanedesignhyperair: cool09:12
hyperaircase closed =)09:12
duanedesignhyperair: let us know if you get the result you are looking for09:13
duanedesignhyperair: great09:13
hyperairi think it would have been better to still be able to re-add the machine without having issues with the oauth token09:13
duanedesignhyperair: yes. i thought that bug was fixed...09:14
hyperairi use dropbox on this machine as well, and the procedure of removing and re-adding the machine was really smooth.09:14
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
claritaralsina: muy buenos dias!11:11
claritaI do hate a greeting left unresponded to11:11
ralsinabuen dia claire11:11
claritahow were your hols?11:11
claritaor should I say 'were your hols hols?11:12
ralsinawell, I spent half of them in brazil against my will, so that was strange. But I am now much more rested and energetic :-)11:13
claritamuito bem!11:13
ralsinaAnd I am programming now, so it's a nice change of pace11:14
mandelralsina: did the qt reactor fix your problem?11:17
ralsinamandel: yay!11:18
* mandel is glad11:18
ralsinamandel: in fact, the branch (with 4 silly tests) passes now11:18
mandelso we are getting there little by little11:19
ralsinamandel: yep.11:19
ralsinamandel: the "modern" thing is running u1lint instead f pylint, right?11:19
mandelralsina: yes, that is the deal, is better11:20
ralsinamandel: ok, will change it11:21
ralsinahmmmm --ignore doesn't work with u1int. I need a pylintrc?11:22
* mandel away for 15 min11:31
ralsinaoff to take the kid to school, will be back in about 1 hour11:49
* mandel back12:13
duanedesign'lo all12:22
nessitahello everyone!12:26
nessitamandel: ping12:33
mandelnessita: pong12:33
nessitamandel: hi there! question re http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/630651/12:33
nessitamandel: why is the ussoc that alecu is trying using pb? I thought we replaced that with txn12:34
mandelnessita: one thing is the transport you use, the other is the protocol, protocol is still pb. I understood we were not going to add the shellExtensions for the internal beta we are doing this friday12:35
nessitawe are not12:35
mandelnessita: txnamedpipes is just a protocol over namedpipes, then we can change that to txjsonrpc12:36
mandelnessita: exactly, so let get things working with a well known tested protocol, which is pb and later we can merge the changes in the protocol used for the IPC12:36
mandelnessita: I have one question for you, I have problems implementing the start method from SDTool12:37
mandelnessita: shuld I just propose the code as it is so it does not block and implement it in a diff branch?12:37
nessitamandel: ah, I guess that answers the question I just asked by replying to your email :-)12:39
mandelnessita: oh, then I read the email :)12:39
mandelnessita: so, I propose the merge and we move on from there, right?12:39
nessitamandel: yeah, please read the email and answer it (so we all are in sync). But regarding to your question, yes, please propose12:40
nessitamandel: besides that branch, do you have any other pending branch?12:40
nessitain the sense of coded branch waiting for something else12:40
mandelnessita: no, we have all the sd methods ready besides start and is just because we have to agree in the best wway to do so, but I'm guessing looking in the reg and using subprocess is the best option12:41
mandelnessita: so I can work on the start method and the examples and give alecu a hand with the sso problem, but it should be easy to fix12:42
nessitamandel: I would advice you to stop using the word "easy" ;-)12:42
nessitapast experience has proven nothing is easy so far12:42
mandelnessita: I think that my idea of hard is harder than the average :P12:43
nessitamandel: ok, please propose the branch ASAP without the start so I can take a look12:43
mandelnessita: I'll do it right now then12:44
mandelgime me a min12:44
ralsinahello nessita!12:45
nessitahola ralsina. Could you build your tests after mandel's suggestion?12:45
ralsinanessita: yes, they even pass!12:45
nessitaralsina: is the branch ready for re-review?12:46
ralsinanessita: I would like to add another test, and then yes12:46
nessitaralsina: great, let me know12:46
nessitaand hopefully, your next branch was TDD'd :-)12:46
ralsinanessita: welll... let's say the next one after the next one ;-)12:47
ralsinanessita: the next one is about changing to u1lint, surely that is not TDD ;-)12:49
nessitaok, deal12:49
mandelnessita: running test on linux and then I propose12:52
nessitamandel: great12:52
thisfred¡hola a todos!12:53
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
thisfredJust had a very exciting morning: the greyhound we're dogsitting got away from me in the park. Luckily he stopped running after 500m or so, or I would have some explaining to do...12:54
nessitathisfred: lol12:55
thisfredPoop-for-brains, we affectionately call him12:55
thisfredMakes our own dog seem smart and normal12:55
thisfredFor those who like electronica: now playing the new fabric CD on u1rocks ;)12:56
nessitamandel: have an ETA? I need to buy some groceries to have breakfast and I wanted to see if I shall wait or leave now :-)12:59
mandelnessita: tests are running, but If you go now I'll take advantage and take the dog out, shall we both go then?13:00
nessitamandel: let's. I'll be back in 15 minutes~13:00
mandelnessita: I\ll take a little longer but not much more13:00
* mandel walks dog13:00
ralsinanessita: rady for re-review of https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800383/+merge/6541613:02
nessitaralsina: looking13:28
nessitaralsina: why did you remove ./setup.py build from run-tests?13:32
ralsinanessita: no reason, probably missed it13:32
nessitaralsina: could you please restore?13:33
alecuhello all!13:33
ralsinanessita: sure13:33
ralsinahola alecu!13:33
nessitahola alecu, how's amelia doing?13:33
alecunessita, still sleeping. She was fine last night, but during the afternoon she kept crying whenever she coughed. She said "her mouth hurt", but she pointed *inside*, so we went to the doctor to check her throat.13:35
alecunessita, btw: by removing on_credentials_error_cb, I'll be removing exception NoAccessToken too.13:35
alecunessita, I think it would be fine, because we are treating all errors returned in the deferred as a NoAccess condition.13:36
nessitaalecu: why the exception? I know knows handles it, but we need to be consistent with the linux implementation13:36
alecu(the find_credentials and register deferred)13:36
nessitas/knows/no one13:36
alecunessita, right.13:36
alecunessita, then we'll need to turn every exception gotten into a NoAccessTokenException.13:37
alecunessita, does that sound right?13:37
nessitaalecu: hum, I'm a little lost. The linux side alreedy raises a NoAccessToken exception13:37
nessitayou say we change it everywhere?13:38
alecunessita, no. only on windows/ipc.py.13:38
nessitaalecu: that's my point: we need to raise the (exact) same exception in both implementations13:38
nessitato provide a consistent API to upper layers13:38
alecunessita, if any error is found while calling find_credentials and register in ipc.py, we'll wrap it in a NoAccessToken.13:38
alecunessita, great. But upper layers are not even caring what type of exception it is.13:39
alecunessita, they just see any exception, and they treat it as an error.13:39
nessitaalecu: yes to the first, and yes to the second, but let's not change linux side on this branch13:39
alecunessita, ok.13:40
nessitaso, let's use the same exception in both sides without breaking API for now, let's file a bug for whatever we want to improve13:40
nessitaactually, there is one bug... let me find it13:40
ralsinanessita: ok, found the reason setup.py is not on run-tests: I copied it from control panel13:40
nessitaralsina: the control panel does setup.py build13:41
alecunessita, actually I'll need to change a little bit the linux side: I need to move that exception to a non-platform-dependent place.13:41
nessitaalecu: as long as you imported on the l;inux side and remains "importable" from the same path, +113:41
nessitaalecu: bug #61988513:42
ralsinanessita: you are right, added and pushed13:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 619885 in ubuntuone-client "Syncdaemon doesn't handle NoAccessToken exception (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61988513:42
nessitaalecu: maybe you wanna add something to that bug :-)13:42
nessitaralsina: we kinda use some ad-hoc styling things like:13:43
nessitafrom ubuntuone_installer.gui.qt.ui import (13:43
nessita    license_ui,13:43
nessita    congratulations_ui)13:43
nessitashould be:13:43
nessitafrom ubuntuone_installer.gui.qt.ui import (13:43
nessita    license_ui,13:43
nessita    congratulations_ui,13:43
ralsinanessita: ok by me, will change it and re-push13:44
nessitaralsina: thanks. Question: any reason to change self.ui for self.page_ui in LicensePage?13:44
ralsinanessita: to make pylint shutup about it without addding disables. Then I added a pylintrc. I should change it back13:44
nessitaralsina: please, so we remain more consistent between our codes13:45
ralsinanessita: ok13:45
nessitaralsina: next question: are this signed-off texts? "Agree && Install" my concern is the double &13:45
nessitaI don't think && is a "word" in english13:45
nessitaor QT does some magic with it?13:46
* nessita will expect so since she just saw "&Print"13:46
ralsinanessita: & is used to mark accelerators, && is one &13:46
nessitaralsina: got it, thanks. In that case, shouldn't we add accelerators to "Agree && Install" and "Disagree && Cancel"?13:47
ralsinanessita: yes, but I want to have all the pages up and do a bug "add accelerators" to make sure I am consistent13:47
ralsinanessita: in fact the &print one kinda slipped away ;-)13:47
nessitaralsina: ah, ok13:47
ralsinanessita: pushed with .ui13:47
nessitaralsina: when we started the panel, we agreed we will be pep8 consistent in our code, unless QT forced us otherwise. So, we should be using snake_case for our method names (except when defining callbacks where we may have on_my_widget_valueChanged)13:49
ralsinanessita: ok, will check that13:49
mandelnessita: I'm back, pushing the branch right now and will propose the merge13:50
nessitamandel: YEY13:50
nessitastandup in 10 crowd13:50
ralsinanessita: thanks for the reviews, you are really helping me!13:50
nessitaralsina: :-)13:51
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
ralsinanessita: there, my only non-inherited method is now PEP8 ;-)13:52
nessitaralsina: you missed and ending comma after  congratulations_ui, otherwise you will get lint issues. So, final version should be:13:53
nessita    congratulations_ui,13:53
ralsinagrmbl... ok13:53
nessitaralsina: are initializePage ad13:54
nessitaand printDocument inherited methods?13:54
ralsinaprintDocument is now print_document13:54
ralsinainitializePage is inherited13:54
nessitaah, ok :-)13:56
* nessita needs more QT foo13:56
ralsinanessita: noone remembers all the methods, don't worry :-)13:56
mterryChipaca, hello!  Any word on a DD reviewer?13:57
Chipacamterry: give me 10 minutes plz13:57
mterryChipaca, sure13:58
nessitaralsina: can you use the sme pylintrc as controlpanel? so, for example, we don't get the report after the test run13:59
nessitaand that would be all :-)D13:59
ralsinanessita: sure thing!13:59
alecunessita, mandel, ralsina, dobey, thisfred, fagan, standup!14:00
* ralsina finishes notes14:00
nessitathisfred: you go first (my client reports we both said me at the same time)14:01
thisfredDONE: couchdb rererepackaging | reviews TODO: whatever I can to help | unity bugs BLOCKED: no NEXT: nessita14:01
nessitathisfred: but after alecu! :-D14:01
nessitafagan: , mandel!14:01
nessitaralsina: is fagan still with us?14:01
nessitaalecu: go!14:02
alecuDONE: a branch to fix bug #799958, some reviews14:02
alecuTODO: a few fixes on the above branch, work on bug #80066914:02
alecuBLOCKED: no kinder today14:02
alecuNEXT: thisfred14:02
thisfrednessita: get a better client, xchat works ;)14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 799958 in ubuntuone-client "windows ipc is not using the credentials management tool (affects: 2) (heat: 369)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79995814:02
ralsinanessita: he's doing some work for josh14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800669 in ubuntu-sso-client "InsecureJelly exception thrown when SD requests credentials (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80066914:02
thisfredDONE: couchdb rererepackaging | reviews TODO: whatever I can to help | unity bugs BLOCKED: no NEXT: nessita14:02
nessitaDONE: bug #798413, bug #800362, tons of reviews14:02
nessitaTODO: bug #800161, fill missing mobile info in Services tab14:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:02
nessitaNEXT: ralsina14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 798413 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Provide a method in backend to list only devices info without querying local settings from syncdaemon (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79841314:02
fagancrap slept in14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800362 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Refactor devices tab to stop using faked data (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80036214:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800161 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Do not allow folder creation in a folder containing an UDF (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80016114:02
ralsina* Windows catchup call14:02
ralsina* MGMT call14:02
ralsina* Started work on meta-bug #80020414:02
ralsina* fixed bug #80021814:02
ralsina* fixed bug #80028214:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800204 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "The installer has no UI files (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80020414:02
ralsina* fixed bug #80030314:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800218 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "There is no script to run the installer (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80021814:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800282 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Closing the window should stop the reactor (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80028214:02
ralsina* fixed bug #80034614:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800303 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Add a page to the installer showing the license (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80030314:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800346 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "The logger contains controlpanel references (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80034614:02
ralsina* fixed bug #80033014:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800330 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "There is no run-tests script (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80033014:02
ralsina* fixed half of bug #80038314:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800383 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Implement "congratulations" page to the installer (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80038314:02
ralsina* initial work for bug #80038114:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800381 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Add "sync now or later" page to the installer (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80038114:02
ralsina* bunch'o'reviews14:02
ralsina* bugs #800357 #800359 #800363 #800364 #800366 #800368 #800374 #800375 #800376 #800377 #800379 #80038114:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800357 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Add page for "Installing Ubuntu One" (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80035714:02
ralsinaBLOCKED: NO14:02
nessitaralsina: are you doing aaaaaaall those bugs today? :-)14:03
ralsinanessita: as many as I can ;-)14:03
dobeyλ DONE: bug #800294, reviews, u1-win-installer on tarmac, chase people14:03
dobeyλ TODO: fix more stuff, chase people14:03
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 800294 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Support new fdo secrets API property names (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80029414:03
ralsinanessita: UI-wise, maybe14:03
dobeymandel: go :)14:03
* fagan slept in14:03
mandelDONE: Finished most of the implementation of SDTool on windows for bug 800671. Looked at how to implement the start and listen to signals methods which are hard to map in the windows case.14:03
mandelTODO: Write an example or examples that use SDTool on windows.14:03
mandelBLOCKED: no14:03
mandelfagan, go14:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 800671 in ubuntuone-client "There is no SyncDaemonTool windows implementation (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80067114:03
fagan* Porting the FAQ to rst for josh14:03
fagan* nope14:03
nessitadobey: I reviewed your branch yesterday, is not fully working on natty for me14:03
faganIm on AR time for today :D14:03
nessitafagan: you slept in till 2pm your time?!?!?!14:04
nessitaany comments, anyone?14:04
fagannessita: yep14:04
fagannessita: my alarm didnt go off14:04
ralsinacomment: fagan, 2PM dude, not cool.14:04
alecufagan, your inner alarm?14:04
mandelnessita, alecu, ralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/windows_sdtool/+merge/65493 for review14:04
ralsinamandel: will look in 5'14:04
nessitaok, EOM14:05
ralsinanessita: pushed pylintrc14:05
dobeyralsina: can you put all your "DONE" bugs on one line, instead of separate lines so it's easier to read?14:05
nessitaralsina, mandel, alecu, Chipaca: mumble in 10 minutes14:05
ralsinadobey: sure14:05
faganalecu: hah inner alarms are for people with a regular sleep cycle14:05
mandelnessita: sure, I'll have lunch after mumble :)14:05
Chipacamterry: essentially fine; only problem was in startup where one of the times the default in 'storage' was ftp for some reason14:05
blajk1muffinresearch, lisette, I am ready when you are14:06
nessitaralsina: also, in an ideal world, we list as ToDo what we are "pretty sure" we will be finishing today (of course that unknown issues may arise later)14:06
ralsinadobey: yes pylintrc, I will switch to u1lint later (can't make it ignore folders, and you weren't around to ask ;-)14:06
lisetteblajk1: me too14:06
nessitaralsina: if you're pretty sure you'll work on all that, you rock :-P14:06
ralsinanessita: ok, will do that. And I *do* rock.14:06
mterryChipaca, you mean you had set your backup location to something else and it changed to ftp on you?14:06
* ralsina has spent his unfounded bragging allowance for the week14:07
Chipacamterry: no, i mean, on first run14:07
mterryChipaca, that shouldn't happen!  ;)14:07
Chipacamterry: yeah, i figure it's a bug14:08
Chipacamterry: plus that it's throwing a traceback every time i try to actually back up14:09
mterryChipaca, ah, well, I wasn't able to reproduce that when you first mentioned it, but I tried again recently and got it14:09
mterryChipaca, I uploaded a new ubuntuone-couch that fixed that SSL error you saw14:09
Chipacamterry: but those are not blockers in the "u1 needs to sign off" sense14:09
mterryChipaca, you should be able to backup now if you have up to date 11.1014:09
* Chipaca gets excited14:10
Chipacahmm... same traceback14:10
mterryChipaca, it was a new upload of python-httplib2 enabling ssl verification by default, which Ubuntu One apparently fails?14:10
mterryChipaca, yeah, check your version of ubuntuone-couch14:10
nessitaralsina: big approve!14:11
ralsinanessita: yay!14:11
nessitaralsina: now you need another one :-)14:11
Chipacamterry: i suspect we need to do some merging of that and 0.2.0-0ubuntu414:11
mterryChipaca, ah...  grab distro's version for this14:11
mterryChipaca, I filed a bzr merge request with the fix14:11
mterryChipaca, but it isn't accepted yet, as ya'll figure out the right way to fix the ssl error14:12
mterry(mine was just a band-aid)14:12
Chipacathisfred: ping re ubuntuone-couch ^?14:12
* thisfred reads14:12
nessitaI need reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/refactor-devices/+merge/6542514:12
mterryChipaca, thisfred: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntuone-couch/no-ssl-validation/+merge/6538414:13
dobeyChipaca: mterry's "fix" is disable_ssl_validation=True (what a horrible API "disable=True" is). but i think we should do the right thing and require validation, but we need to point at the right CA cert or something14:13
mterrydobey, agreed14:13
thisfredYeah, so I saw dobey's comment come by, and sort of spaced out: dobey: how do we fix this properly?14:14
Chipacayeah, they should've gone with disable_not_validating_ssl=False14:14
nessitaChipaca, ralsina, mumble pliz?14:15
ralsinanessita: ack!14:15
dobeywell, ideally it would "just work" because the CA certs we're chained against should be picked up by default in Ubuntu, but alas14:15
mterryChipaca, so are you saying that U1 is comfortable with signing off on DD (except of course for the bugs)?14:17
Chipacamterry: we're comfortable with signing off on it, period. bugs are bugs are bugs.14:17
ralsinadobey: could re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800383/+merge/65416 ? The Popen stuff is temporary and will file a bug about it.14:18
mterryChipaca, awesome.  You are no longer my blocker.  /me whisks away to poke someone else until they give in   ;)14:18
mterryChipaca, thanks!14:18
pmatulisnessita: my u1sdtool setup seems to be working at bootup.  i'm still a bit pissed that it created a '~/Ubuntu\ One' folder however14:20
dobeyralsina: can you at least change it to run the -qt version instead of -gtk? pretty sure we're not supporting the latter on windows :)14:21
ralsinadobey: we are not installing -qt anywhere yet, so that would mean it doesn't "work" IRL14:21
ralsinadobey: besides, shouldn't we use alternatives to install one without -qt or -gtk ?14:22
dobeyralsina: and with this it doesn't "work" IRL either, because ther eis no -gtk on windows :)14:22
dobeywindows doesn't have alternatives14:22
ralsinadobey: it doesn't work on windows yet ;-)14:22
* dobey looks at the project name again "ubuntuone-*windows*-installer"14:22
dobeyand from last night:14:23
dobey17:36 < nessita> dobey: I agree we should open the -qt panel14:23
ralsinadobey: I agree too. I just say we can't do it *now*. Which is why I will open a bug.14:24
dobeywouldn't it be better to make *this* do what it should be doing, and then file a bug against control-panel that says "install the qt control panel script" instead, that way you don't have to fix it in two places later? i mean, it has to work in 2.5 days anyway, right? :)14:27
ralsinadobey: weeeeeeeeellll14:29
ralsinadobey: pretty please? ;-)14:29
dobeynessita: ^^ what do you think?14:30
nessitadobey: on mumble, one sec14:31
lisetteralsina: nessita: we are ready when you are15:03
ralsinalisette: still on mumble, sorry15:03
lisetteralsina: no worries, we are too, just drag us somewhere when you want us to join15:04
ralsinalisette: can it be in 30 minutes?15:04
lisetteralsina: sure15:04
ralsinaok, at :30 of ehatever hour it is now there :-)15:05
lisetteralsina: we will jump in at 35 past sharp :)15:05
ralsinalisette: ;-)15:05
nessitapmatulis: the Ubuntu One folder will be there always, is not optional15:11
nessitadobey: regaring your concern, let me ask ralsina this15:11
nessitaralsina: why you don't want to have the -qt version there?15:11
ralsinanessita: because if I put that there you can't see that the button works IRL.15:12
nessitaralsina: you can, if you set the PATH properly15:12
ralsinaok, I will change it;15:12
pmatulisnessita: too bad.  thanks for your help15:13
nessitapmatulis: yq15:13
dobeywell boo. guess my yard work won't get started today thanks to weather :-/15:14
dobeypmatulis: what is so bad about the folder btw?15:14
ralsinaThere, pushed it with -qt. And while we are at it, please review https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800381/+merge/65502 (now with tests!)15:15
nessitaralsina: could you please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/refactor-devices/+merge/6542515:16
ralsinanessita: on it!15:16
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
* dobey wonders if anyone is going ot package qtreactor at all15:18
gordhey all, i'm guessing its known that u1 doesn't quite work on O right?15:20
dobeygord: yep15:20
gordcool cool15:20
nessitamandel: there are no tests for SDT on windows :-(15:21
ralsinanessita: +115:25
dobeyralsina: +1 now that it's -qt15:26
ralsinadobey: thx15:26
nessitaChipaca: ping15:27
Chipacanessita: pong15:27
nessitaChipaca: why do you have ubuntuone-client without a trunk inside, and with several other projects in it? I'm confused15:28
Chipacanessita: I don't know, I didn't do that15:28
Chipacanessita: note there's also a Escritorio and such in there15:28
dobeyeh? sounds like mail faux pas?15:29
mandelnessita: hmm ok I'll fix that15:30
nessitaChipaca: there is also a Canonical dir in it15:30
mandelnessita: it should pass the same ones as in linux15:30
Chipacaso, not sure15:30
nessitacan I remove that? (The whole u1client dir) and start over15:31
nessitamandel: mmmm for most of them, yes, they should. There may be an old one using dbus stuff, maybe15:31
Chipacanessita: sure15:32
alecunessita, when you have a minute please re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/fix-cmt-usage/+merge/6543815:32
Chipacanessita: you can nuke all of ~/Canonical and start over fwiw15:32
nessitaChipaca: ack. How can I rm -rf? :-D15:32
nessitaalecu: yesmister!15:32
Chipacanessita: rmdir /a /s AFAIR15:33
ralsinanessita: del /s /q whatever  and later rmdir /s /q whatever15:33
Chipacadunno what happened to good ol' deltree15:33
ralsinaor do it from explorer ;-)15:33
ralsinaChipaca: went to live with xcopy to the old commands home15:33
Chipacadeltree and xcopy, sitting in a tree15:33
nessitaralsina: explorer makes me sick, so let's pick our battles15:33
nessitaChipaca: any reason why we're not using the terminal from cygwin?15:34
Chipacanessita: not really, other than not wanting to break stuff15:34
Chipaca(cygwin libs have broken build envs form me in the past)15:34
nessitaalecu: branch looks great! +115:35
Chipaca"a+ programmer! would review again!"15:36
nessitaralsina: doing yours now, I was waiting for the prerequisite to land15:36
nessitamandel: you back?15:36
alecunessita, the cygwin terminal runs stuff inside it's own env, that is not usually the same as the env that every other program runs in, so, not recommended to use it unless you are developing stuff that will run with cygwin. (which we are not)15:37
mandelnessita: yes15:37
alecuoh, the same that chipaca said a few lines above :P15:37
nessitaalecu: I understand. Thanks for un-donkey-me15:39
nessitamandel: great! shall we have the meeting?15:39
mandelnessita: lets do it!15:39
nessitaralsina, lisette, Chipaca, alecu, blak1?15:39
mandelnessita: mumble again?15:39
ralsinanessita: ack, to the bat-mumble!15:39
nessitamandel: yeah, sorry15:39
nessitalisette: shall we?15:39
alecunessita, you meant blajk1, right?15:39
lisettenessita: cool, let us wrap up web talk15:39
aleculet's crash the web talk!!!!15:40
nessitaalecu: yes, thanks15:41
nessitaChipaca: can you make it?15:41
lisetteclarita, do you wanna mumble?15:41
Chipacanessita: I always make it15:41
claritayars will be right there15:42
Chipacaalecu: are you familiar with the phrase "si era hombre era feo"? that's u-c-p on windows right now :)15:43
alecunot familiar with the phrase, tho.15:44
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Chipacaalecu: ah well. deconstructing it is fun, but not funny :)15:45
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faganmumble is a terrible name15:47
faganwanna mumble just sounds like something completely different :)15:47
dobeyChipaca: que ella eso ;)15:55
ralsinamandel: any hints about installing txnamedpipes on windows?15:59
alecumandel, when you can, please re-review this branch, because otto is complaining about a new revision that was not reviewed: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/fix-cmt-usage/+merge/6543816:00
mandelralsina: just use the setup.py and if you hav issues alecu has an experience with that16:02
ralsinamandel: ok16:02
mandelalecu: +1 already16:03
dobeynessita: where the heck do control panel/sso logs go to?16:06
nessitadobey: .cache/sso/16:10
dobeyah ok, thanks16:10
dobeyevil secrets api :(16:11
alecumandel, thanks.16:11
nessitadobey: yw16:13
* alecu brbs16:14
nessitaralsina: finishing your review now...16:14
ralsinanessita: cool16:14
nessitaralsina: can you please use snake_case for all the widget names in the ui files? that way we'll have snake_case for the widgets in out python code16:15
ralsinanessita: ok16:15
nessitaralsina: in test_sync_now_shows_message there is something I don't fully understand. You're calling "congrats_page.setField("syncNow", True)" and then you're asserting over that with "self.assertEqual(congrats_page.field("syncNow").toBool(), True)". I'm not sure I see the point in that assert16:17
ralsinanessita: well, it didn't work at first! It tests that the radio buttons are mutually exclusive in the page ;-)16:19
nessitaralsina: but you set syncNow and the test for syncNow. If you want to test mutually exclusive, shouldn't you be setting syncNow and tetsing syncLater?16:19
ralsinanessita: yes, right16:20
nessitayou fix? :-)16:20
nessitaralsina, mandel, dobey: how can I install u1client on windows? python setup.py install does not work :-)16:23
ralsinanessita: I was about to ask the same thing ;-)16:23
ralsinait fails for me because I have no intltool-update16:24
nessitaralsina: you're asking about u1cp16:24
nessita(I think(16:24
ralsinaoops, right16:24
* ralsina is about to take a break before he does something stupid16:24
dobeyi have no idea16:25
dobeyinstall intltool for one :)16:25
dobeybut uh, why doesn't setup.py work in client?16:25
mandeldobey: because there is none16:25
dobeyis none what?16:25
nessitadobey: in ubuntuone-client, there is no setup.py16:26
nessitadobey: to install all the python libraries16:26
dobeyoh right16:26
dobeynessita: why did you say that then16:26
nessitadobey: ?16:26
dobeydoes not work != there is none16:26
nessitaI said:  dobey: how can I install u1client on windows? python setup.py install does not work :-)16:26
dobeyyes, you implied there was one :)16:26
nessitathe commnad does not work16:26
nessitabecasue it fails :-P16:26
nessitamy bad, sorry16:27
nessitaalecu: lint issues in your cmt branch16:27
nessita ./ubuntuone/platform/windows/ipc.py:     29:  'Failure' imported but unused16:27
ralsinanessita: I filed bug #800750 for the snake_case and fixed the tests.16:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 800750 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "use snake_case on widget and field names (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80075016:28
nessitaralsina: can you please fixed the syncNow, syncLater and syncSOmething in this branch, since that code is new?16:28
ralsinanessita: ok16:28
nessitadobey: so, how can we install in windows with the current tools? or shall we create a setup.py to install syncdaemon libs?16:29
dobeyunder cygwin16:29
dobeyask mandel how he does it16:29
dobeyi have done no work on u1 on windows :)16:29
nessitadobey: right, but since you knew autotools, you may know how to use it on windows16:30
nessitamandel: shall we create a setup.py for being able to installing the syncdaemon libs?16:31
dobeyyes, it works under cygwin, but our stuff isn't set up to build without nautilus/g-s-d/libsyncdaemon stuff currently16:31
dobeyi am not sure we should make a setup.py there, but my brain hurts now16:32
nessitadobey: right, and we don't need them as well. From my POV< this is a strong point to separate the syncdaemon lib into another project16:32
ralsinanessita: pushed with snake_case16:32
nessitaralsina: yey!16:32
mandelnessita, dobey: I think we should have the setup.py since it is a bit of an overhead to be use autotools for the python code to generate the logging cong and the clientdefs modules..16:33
alecumandel, +116:34
ralsina+1 from me too. Purely selfish, but I need to install that to get ubuntune.logger16:37
dobeywell you need to set PYTHONPATH16:37
dobeyless rushing into things plzkthx16:38
dobeyand my spam folder needs to stop filling up with bug reports :-/16:39
ralsinadobey: silence the u1-zomg-windows tag16:39
dobeythat is not why they are going to my spam16:40
nessitadobey: I don't see this a rushing, but as something that needed attention long time ago that we have delayed because we couldn't reach consensus. We have talked about splitting the syncdaemon code into a separate project a lot16:40
nessitaand now that we're going nultiplatform this need is more evident16:41
nessitaChipaca: I would like to revisit the splitting u1-syncdaemon into a separated project. Not necesarily before this Friday, but soon16:42
dobey*you* (and maybe chicharros) have talked about splitting syncdaemon code to a seaprate project a lot16:42
dobeythat is *not* we16:42
nessitadobey: and Chipaca and ralsina and mandel16:43
nessitadobey: and you were involved as well, in the sense that you were in those discussions as well16:43
dobeyno i wasn't16:43
nessitadobey: I have logs! :-)16:44
dobeyi was involved in one discussion once a long time ago, and i said it was the wrong soluteion to the problem you were trying to solve then16:44
dobeyas it was the wrong solution to your problem16:44
nessitadobey: fair enough. Is your opinion now different?16:44
dobeymy opinion is that windows is a different problem and we need to approach it differently, and ideally we should have had this argument 2 months ago :)16:46
nessitadobey: not sure what that means...16:49
nessitaralsina: how can I export PYTHONPATH in windows?16:50
dobeyit means i am willing to discuss and implement an optimal solution for this new problem, but we really should have done it 2 months ago, rather than now; as we're going to end up rushing in "band-aid" solutions to cover up the problem16:50
ralsinanessita: set PYTHONPATH=xxx;yyy16:51
ralsinaremember that the separator is ";"16:51
nessitadobey: well, there is not much we can do about the "we should have done it". I'm interested in the first part. Would you agree to split syncdaemon out of the current source tree?16:52
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dobeynessita: i won't blindly agree to that, no. i will agree that the cross-platform issue is an issue that needs more thought and discussion. but moving syncdaemon out of u1client tree means that u1client includes no actual clients, which is just totally lame. :)16:53
ralsinamandel, alecu: can I bother you with reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800715/+merge/6552416:54
dobeyperhaps the solution is move everything out and not have an ubuntuone-client project any longer; but needs thought/discussion16:54
dobey(and i need lunch right now)16:54
dobeyotherwise thought isn't going to be very good :)16:55
nessitadobey: or move all non syncdaemon out into a dedicated project is another possibilty16:55
ralsinalunch, I used to have those :-)16:55
ralsina+1 to moving every non-syncdaemon elsewhere16:55
nessitaralsina: how do you build clientdefs on windows? just make?16:55
dobeyit's not that simple16:55
ralsinait just works, doesn't use much ;-)16:56
nessitaImportError: no module named clientdefs16:56
nessitaralsina: I'm just tyring to run syncdaemon16:56
ralsinanessita: oh, that you hacve to ask mandel16:56
nessitahe's gone to run an errand...16:56
ralsinaI haven't used syncdaemon on windows this week yet16:56
nessitaralsina: well, but that is no news, clientdefs is there since day 0~16:57
nessitaralsina: did you recall building it somehow?16:57
ralsinanessita: nope16:57
nessitadobey: what do you got?16:57
dobeyi will look more at the problem and think of possible solutions, as soon as i eat some lunch16:59
dobeyso bbiab :)16:59
nessitadobey: thanks17:03
hrwis it normal that U1 ubuntu client says "to login in or create account in ubuntu one, network connection is required" (kind of that - I use Polish in system) even when network is working and one.ubuntu.com is reachable?17:05
alecuralsina, reviewing17:08
alecuhrw, are you using Oneiric?17:09
hrwalecu: yes17:09
alecuhrw, u1 currently has a bug on Oneiric regarding the network connection.17:10
hrwalecu: I do not use U1 (bug have account) - just checked option in indicator17:10
hrwalecu: so if release==oneiric then u1_working=false/17:11
hrwbug 791548?17:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 791548 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 10 other projects) "Oneiric: Never sees NetworkManager connection (affects: 18) (dups: 8) (heat: 108)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79154817:11
alecuhrw, that seems to be the bug, yes.17:14
hrwwill have to remember not to use u1 to share files between machines again17:15
alecuhrw, it's probably fixed on the Ubuntu One nightlies, but I think that there's another related issue where the gnome-keyring changed it's interface.17:15
hrwalecu: is there a way to enable u1 to generate logs usable for u1 devs?17:16
alecuhrw, I don't think logs would be useful in this case, since it's a known issue.17:18
alecuhrw, perhaps you should mark the bug as "affects me also"17:18
hrwalecu: not this case17:18
alecuoh, ok.17:18
hrwalecu: during UDS-O I used u1 to keep firefox profile - got insane amount of u1conflict* files (with just one machine using u1) and that took me out of u1 usag17:19
alecuhrw, interesting use case, we should definitely work to improve that. Let's ask the right people on how to work around that:17:20
alecurye, ping ^17:20
alecufacundobatista, verterok: ping as well ^17:21
hrwI did that way cause laptop was packed and I forgot to copy profile from desktop17:21
hrwthis time I will copy all required/useful stuff directly to machine - lost trust in u117:22
facundobatistaalecu, hrw, we have a bug that could explain that if firefox wrote on those files a lot really fast... though to say without DEBUG logs17:23
alecufacundobatista, hrw is offering to enable the debug logs to help us solve this issue.17:23
hrwduring next week I will be in Dublin at ubuntu platform sprint - can use firefox with u1 profile during that time17:24
hrwwill curse a lot and reinstall userscripts few times per day but I can do that17:24
alecuhrw, also, there's a project called oneconf that's aimed at that: synchronizing installed applications and application settings using UbuntuOne.17:26
alecuhrw, I don't know what's the support for firefox in it yet.17:26
hrwsounds interesting17:27
nessitaalecu: would you how to workaround the IMportError for clientdefs on windows, when trying to run the u1syndaemon?17:28
facundobatistahrw, alecu, actually, we'd need TRACE logs just to prove that is the same issue... it's a very complicated situation that happen in rare situations... that could not be that rare if the same file is written with only milliseconds of difference17:28
hrwfacundobatista: I have no idea how it happened and how often firefox is saving its files17:29
alecunessita, I usually do "gnome-autogen.sh&&make" in linux, because I share the folder with the VM.17:29
nessitawill generate the file locally and copy it17:30
nessitaalecu: thanks!17:30
hrwfacundobatista: for me (as a user) it was really weird - one machine is using u1 and gets multiple per-file conflicts17:30
nessitaalecu: how's your debugging going?17:30
nessitaralsina: your branch, approved!17:31
facundobatistahrw, yes, :(17:31
ralsinanessita: thanks!17:31
ralsinaI need a second review for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800381/+merge/65502 if anyone can check it...17:32
nessitaok, lunchtime!17:35
alecudobey, I made fix for a lint warning in this branch, and otto wants me to get more rubberstamps for it: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/fix-cmt-usage/+merge/6543817:46
dobeyno, it just wants you to be patient17:48
dobeyalecu: you'd set it back to approved before lp had finished rescanning after you pushed the fix17:48
alecudobey, great, thanks.17:50
dobeyfacundobatista: btw, did you make any headway with that KeyError issue with new pyinotify?17:56
facundobatistadobey, not yet, but I'm on it17:59
dobeyfacundobatista: ok, thanks18:00
nessitaalecu: did you do the same (build in local linux machine, copy over) with the logging.conf file?18:12
alecunessita, I just do "make"; it's the same folder for both the linux host and the windows guest, so I guess the logging.conf gets generated too.18:17
nessitaalecu: do you have to do something special re: xdg package?18:17
dobeyyes logging.conf is generated too18:17
nessitadobey: what for is generated? setting DEBUG if nightlies?18:18
alecunessita, I got it from lp:~mandel/+junk/.... something.18:18
nessitamandel: ping, ping18:18
alecunessita, it's on the wikipage18:18
dobeynessita: it's generated to have DEBUG during development cycles, and INFO in stable releases18:18
nessitaalecu: sorry to bother again, but, would you know where the syncdamon.log file is located?18:25
alecumandel, ping: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/630898/18:27
alecunessita, let me check...18:27
nessitaI'm getting a Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectError: An error occurred while connecting 2: ENOENT18:28
nessitawhen trying to start SD18:28
nessitadoes that ring a bell? ralsina ^18:28
dobeyalecu: http://www.themacaque.com/?p=885 ?18:28
nessitaalecu: mandel sent us a pywin32.dll with the patch applied18:29
ralsinanessita: do you have the patched win32.zip?18:29
dobeymandel: ^^ btw, the link to the bug report in that post is broken :)18:29
alecunessita, ralsina: I do, and I installed it, but still I get those errors.18:29
nessitaralsina: you mean the pywin32.dll?18:29
nessitaralsina: does that dll have anything to do with the twisted connecterror?18:30
alecunessita, afaik no18:30
ralsinanessita: it may be a permission problem that DLL helps with18:30
ralsinaor I may be completely wrong because I am trying to untangle SSO ;-)18:31
nessitaralsina: the dll fixes a problem when dealing with unicode paths18:31
alecuso, it's not a dll, but the whole c:\python27\lib\site-packages\win32 folder18:31
nessitaso I don't think is related18:31
ralsinaok, no idea then18:31
alecuthe .zip that mandel sent is to replace that whole folder18:31
alecubut after installing it, the tests keep failing18:31
nessitaralsina: do you have mandel's cell phone? can you please share that with me on private?18:32
alecuok, I'm having lunch now. bbl18:32
ralsinaoh, wait, are you trying to connect to SSO when you get that error?18:32
alecunessita, do you have sso running when you get that error?18:33
alecunessita, you should18:33
ralsinaif that's the case, you need to start it18:33
nessitaok, no, sso is not running, I'll start it18:33
=== alecu is now known as alecu-lunch
nessitahow can I cancel a process? CTRL-C does not work, nor CTRL_Z18:35
nessitaor how's the "process manager" executable called? (I can't do ctrl-alt-del)18:36
dobeytaskmgr.exe i think18:36
facundobatistanessita, right button in the task bar?18:37
nessitathat one!18:37
nessitafacundobatista: and then? :-D18:37
facundobatistanessita, choose "task manager" or something18:37
nessitafacundobatista: there is none in that menu18:37
nessitabut dobey's suggestion kicked in18:37
m_conleyhey all - I've got the Oneiric alpha 1 here, and I'm trying to get Ubuntu One set up for some development work I'm doing...and on opening Ubuntu One, it's complaining that an internet connection is required to join / sign in.  I definitely have an internet connection working on this machine.18:50
m_conleyhas anybody seen this?  solution or workaround?18:50
dobeym_conley: yes it's known, we're working on getting fixes out18:51
m_conley(this is a fresh install of Oneiric A1)18:51
m_conleydobey: cool.  Is there an ETA on that fix?18:51
dobeym_conley: as soon as all the necessary fixes we have to make to get stuff running on oneiric, are fixed :)18:53
m_conleydobey: gotcha, cool - thanks18:53
alecu-lunchnessita, ctrl-shift-esc will open task manager; since you'll be using it often here's the shortcuts: sort by process name, then type the first letter of the process, then Alt-E to finish the process; ESC to close task manager.19:14
nessitaalecu-lunch: all those keys re being caught from my "real" desktop19:15
=== alecu-lunch is now known as alecu
nessitaalecu-lunch: anyway, run - > taskmgr.exe worked19:15
dobeyyay all the sso milestones are set to inactive now. don't know why they weren't before, but i'm guessing some other projects haave similar problem :(19:33
nessitaChipaca, alecu, ralsina: when trying to use sso on xp, I'm getting 'SSLError'. Any clues?19:36
alecunessita, can you post the whole exception?19:37
dobeynessita: what version of python-httplib2 do you have?19:37
nessitaalecu: that;'s all I have19:37
dobeyoh wait, sso, nevermind19:37
nessitadobey: no idea19:37
dobeyi don't think sso uses httplib2 does it?19:37
alecunessita, then no clues.19:37
nessitaalecu: seems to come from lazr19:37
dobeyoh, lazr does19:38
nessitadobey: we use lazr, and that's where the ssl magix happens19:38
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dobeynessita: please check the veresion of your httplib2 then. this sounds like the same error that happened recently on oneiric19:38
alecuisn't this lovely? http://pastebin.com/1QBCXf0s19:39
nessitadobey: any clues how can I check that? from a python interpreter?19:39
alecuI've just got my first u1client segfault. Cheers!19:39
dobeynessita: httplib2.__version__ maybe?19:39
nessitaalecu: congrats?19:39
nessitadobey: httplib2.__version__ -> 0.7.019:44
* alecu will be afk for an hour or so.19:46
dobeynessita: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-couch/+bug/79728119:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 797281 in ubuntuone-couch (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 5 other projects) "LP API broken in oneiric with python-httplib2 0.7.0-1 (affects: 3) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,Fix released]19:46
nessitadobey: thanks19:47
ralsinayay, it seems the only thing I still have to do to get SSO working on the installer is reimplement parts of ubuntu_sso.qt.gui :-)19:56
nessitaalecu: ping19:58
nessitaalecu: were you able to use show_gui in your w7 in a way where you get the QT ui and you enter username and password and all the login dance succeed?20:04
karniralsina: What installer :)?20:47
dobeythe installer that doesn't install anything20:48
dobeyie, the control panel wizard :P20:48
karninessita: Remember you told me the PING_URL uses HMAC SHA1 signer? Well, Ubuntu One itself needs a plaintext signer. I haven't tested end-to-end my SSO so I haven't tried the ping url with plaintext signer instead of HMAC, but from what I've seen, the ping_url may be the only using HMAC which would be quite odd.20:49
karnidobey: ah :)20:50
nessitakarni: where does it need plaintext???20:50
karninessita: I use plaintext message singer when using the Files REST API.20:50
nessitakarni: that works, but HMAC should work as well. And you should n ot be using plaintext20:51
dobeykarni: they should both work20:51
karninessita: ok, will you stick around for a while?20:51
dobeykarni: well, unless the oauth library you're using to sign the URLs does the HMAC-SHA1 wrong20:51
karniI'll check and be back in few minutes.20:51
nessitakarni: yes, at least one more hour20:51
karnidobey: signpost, it's used all over android apps, so I don't think it get's that wrong (but who knows!)20:52
karninessita: coolio20:52
nessitakarni: if it does not work, there may be another bug (it happened to me)20:52
ralsinadobey: ok, the first run wizard. buzzkill! ;-)20:52
dobeykarni: well i did a lot of work to fix it to be correct with the 1.0a spec, back in the day, in python-oauth and ubuntu one20:53
karnidobey: heh.. :/20:53
karnidobey: I mean.. you fixed a lib or u1 ??20:53
karnikk guys, lemme verify that one again.20:53
dobeykarni: i fixed the python-oauth lib, and the u1 server's usage of it20:53
karnidobey: nice :)20:54
dobeykarni: no it wasn't :)20:54
* ralsina loves the fact that 1.0b is older than the 1.0a spec20:54
dobeyralsina: what are you yammering about? there is no 1.0b :)20:54
ralsinaok, 1.0 then. I remember it was insane ;-)20:55
dobeyyes 1.0 is older than 1.0a20:55
ralsinaWell, the *first* 1.0 is20:55
ralsinadobey: this is the *new* 1.0 ;-) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc584920:56
dobeythere is only one 1.020:56
ralsinaok there is the 1.0 draft that is superseding 1.0a20:56
dobeyralsina: no, that is 1.0a20:57
ralsinadobey: nope. Read it :-)20:57
dobeyyes, i did. and it is 1.0a20:57
ralsina"This specification provides an informational documentation of OAuth20:57
ralsina   Core 1.0 Revision A, addresses several errata reported since that20:57
ralsina   time, and makes numerous editorial clarifications."20:57
alecunessita, I'm back. Yes, I got show_gui in w7 to do all the dance, and after I tweaked it a bit I got it to shut down when the auth dance is done.20:57
dobeyralsina: read what you just typed again :)20:58
alecunessita, I didn't find out why it was not getting the credentials, though I think it should be registering the callbacks first.20:59
ralsinaYes, this has fixes for 1.0a. So, it is not 1.0a by definition ;-)20:59
ralsinadobey: it is also a year newer than 1.0a20:59
dobeyralsina: well yes, the rfc was created a year after 1.0a, but that is 1.0a. "errata and editorial clarifications" is vague and could only be about the document itself, not the protocol21:01
dobeylike "fix a spelling error" is an errata for the doucment :)21:01
ralsinadobey: ok, maybe this will convince you: http://oauth.net/core/1.0a/ "This specification was obsoleted by RFC 5849: The OAuth 1.0 Protocol."21:01
ralsinaSo the versions are 1.0, 1.0 revision A, "RFC 5849 the OAuth 1.0 protocol"21:02
dobeyralsina: as far as i'm concerned any version of OAuth was obsoleted by HTTP Basic Auth, which exist 20 years ago :)21:02
ralsinait's OAuth Core 1.0, Core 1.0 revision A, Oauth 1.021:02
ralsinadobey: be a good sport and accept there are two OAuths 1.0 ;-)21:03
dobeyi have. there is 1.0 and 1.0a :)21:03
ralsinaok, then there are 3 1.0s ;-)21:03
nessitaalecu: thanks. So, in win XP, ussoc crashes very bad with what it looks mem corruption at python.exe level (when using trunk)21:04
dobeywell there is 1.0 1.0a and 1.0a published as rfc, but it's still 1.0a :)21:04
alecunessita, have you unpacked the .zip by mandel?21:04
nessitaalecu: if I use r720 (before txnamespipes), it shows the ui but I get the SSLError issue, that dobey mentioned may be the one casued by httplib221:04
nessitaalecu: no, I have not, but mandel was there in the VM and didn't suggest that can be the casue21:05
nessitaalecu: you think it can be related?21:05
dobeyit is definitely caused by httplib2 :)21:05
alecunessita, not. I was suspecting the .zip being the cause of the crash you and I experienced.21:05
nessitadobey: nice, would you know how I can get the fix? (Branching is not an option since bzr branch tries to creates a symlink which fails on XP)21:05
ralsinadobey: ok, I will stop. I am a kind and merciful winner of arguments ;-)21:06
nessitadobey: meaning, would you know if the fix is released?21:06
dobeynessita: eh? bzr should work on windows just fine21:10
nessitadobey: I got this message "attenopting to create symlink bla and failed" or something like that21:11
nessita(I don't have the vm to copy and paste the error)21:12
karninessita: Sorry it took so long, I had to request removal of one paste haha ;> All right. That's my simple terminal client, notice last two lines https://pastebin.canonical.com/48915/21:13
karninessita: This happens with HMAC only, Plaintext singer works well.21:13
karninessita: oh sweet! I can test this with a "REST console" plugin for Chromium and see if my oauth lib is broken or it's a general issue.21:14
nessitakarni: that may be caused by the following:21:14
dobeynessita: weird; you can pull the patch off launchpad, and just apply it by hand i guess?21:14
dobeynessita: or just downgrade httplib221:15
nessitakarni: you build the resquest foo and you sign it with tokens and HMAC encryption. When our server grabs that, it decrypts the HMAC and gets the tokens from there, and validate. The process of applying the HMAC encryption *depends* on the url being sent, so server side may decruypt it differently depending or url encodes21:16
nessitakarni: thisfred is great explaining that ^21:16
karninessita: oh :O21:17
thisfredright, so the url on both sides has to be the same21:17
karninessita: indeed. it might be the issue with encoding the "Ubuntu One @ foobar" get parameter21:17
thisfredwhich is fun if there's an apache mod rewrite in the mix that insists on decoding/encoding some characters21:17
karniwas it get..21:17
nessitakarni: very likely21:17
nessitakarni: you should debug that failure with vds21:18
dobeyoh right, the new tokens that have spaces21:18
dobeyshould work though21:18
karninessita: He's not around. But I'll try to work with this a little. Thanks for the hint.21:18
thisfredkarni: could be. Also all of the header param keys have to be lowercased (I think, not 100% sure on that) and alphabetized21:18
nessitakarni: is this for the ping only, or all the rest calls?21:18
karninessita: no, this paste was just call to me()21:19
nessitakarni: ... are you mixing our rest api call with SSO's?21:20
karninessita: eee.. authenticate() actually.21:20
nessitame() is SSO21:20
nessitaauthenticate is SSO21:20
karninessita: I'm talking purely about SSO.21:20
nessitakarni: then we have no idea if it accepts HMAC or what21:20
karninessita: And what singers (plaintext / hmac) I was using21:20
* karni bitchslaps himself21:20
karninessita: You're right.. I'm so sorry :)21:21
nessitakarni: all those needs to be addressed with pindonga21:21
karninessita: I'll do that.21:21
karniit all works nicely with plaintext signer21:21
karniI guess I wanted to incorporate the Ubuntu One ping() into SSO, which basically is not part of SSO..21:21
nessitakarni: we (me, you) are just a high level client of SSO. Even ussoc is higher level that you since we use lazr and do not do any rest call "by hand"21:21
karniat least not in general sense21:21
nessitakarni: no, those are 2 different things21:22
nessitakarni: ping is *all* ours21:22
karninessita: right :)21:22
nessitakarni: SSO is all, well, SSO's :-D21:22
karninessita: one correction though - I'm doing all the low level rest calls by hand :)21:22
karninessita: ;D21:22
dobeykarni: is the url you're signing one.ubuntu.com or login.ubuntu.com? :)21:22
karnidobey: one.21:22
karnidobey: in case of ping()21:22
nessitakarni: that is what I mean: Even ussoc is higher level that you since we use lazr <- that "we" is me as in ussoc21:23
ralsinayay, the wizard can sign in and get a credential, all in-window (in windows :-)21:23
nessitakarni: then that should be HMAC and it should work21:23
karninessita: hahahah right :)21:23
karninessita: thank you so much!21:23
nessitakarni: all one. should be HMAC, all login. should be whatever pindonga says21:23
karninessita: interestingly, we use plaintext singer in the files app.. is this bad?21:23
karninessita: we used it since evar..21:23
karnimaybe I should change that21:24
nessitakarni: I would say very bad, but I'm not an OAuth expert21:24
karninessita: Well, I've seen other apps use it, so it can't be that bad.. especially that we're using https :)21:24
nessitakarni: if I understand correctly, using PLAIN allow anyone to intercept the call and stole the username/password21:24
ralsinanessita: I am taking a break but will put a few more hours late tonight. I am now confident we will have SSO in the wizard today :-)21:24
karni(as in: other apps use it is not a good argument, but you know by common sense what I meant)21:24
nessitaralsina: that's  good news! and even better if it's done for today :-)21:24
dobeynessita: well since we're on SSL it shouldn't matter. but you def don't want to send PLAIN over plain HTTP21:25
ralsinanessita: today as in "ready for review tomorrow"21:25
nessitadobey: right21:25
nessitaralsina: great, drop us an email and I'll review when I can21:25
karninessita: right. so, we're on https, plus oauth uses nonce and timestamps etc etc, it's not easy to do man in the middle with oauth21:25
ralsinanessita: I'm afraid I had to do some not-pretty things because if I import things from SSO at the module level it installs a reactor21:25
karninessita: I think it's been https that kept us safe.21:25
karniNo, I'm sure of it :)21:25
karniFiles never used http (it simply can't, because it won't work :) )21:26
nessitaralsina: that should be fixed instead of ugly-patched (maybe this is not the case), but I can help when I look at the review :-)21:26
ralsinanessita: if it gets fixed it's just copy&paste on my side :-)21:26
nessitaralsina: fixed where?21:27
ralsinanessita: on SSO21:27
nessitaralsina: as far as I know is not broken21:27
ralsinanessita: well, if I import it it installs its own reactor. That seems a bit broken.21:27
nessitaralsina: the reactor should be installed only when running the app, not in the lib modules21:27
ralsinanessita: thus broken ;-)21:27
nessitaralsina: I'll take a look21:27
nessitakarni: ok. I repeat I'm not an expert, so I will not say "you're good" :-)21:28
karninessita: Understood, thanks :-)21:28
ralsinanessita: wait until tomorrow and I'll show you. Or you can look at this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_80035921:28
nessitaralsina: ack21:28
dobeystupid invalid properties21:29
dobeykarni: it's really easy to do mitm with oauth PLAIN sig, if you're the mitm :)21:30
karnidobey: point taken21:31
dobeykarni: the signature is "token&secret" at that point :)21:32
dobeythisfred: bah, the Time Bandits scene I was going to twit you in reply with, is not on youtube :(21:41
nessitaralsina: you gone already?21:43
ralsinanessita: not really, just relaxing a bit21:43
ralsinaI've been here since 7AM :-)21:43
nessitaralsina: style issues to adrees before proposing: 2 empty lines between all def's at module level21:43
ralsinanessita: ok. pylint doesn't get those?21:43
nessitaralsina: no, pep8 does21:44
nessitaralsina: also, one empty line between import blocks (so from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks should have an empty line before the from ubuntuone_installer.... block)21:44
thisfreddobey: I promise to watch it on netflix ;)21:44
ralsinayou mean on the fix_800359 branch? That's not really clean, it has lots of cruft :-)21:44
dobeythisfred: you haven't seen it? oh, well. you must watch then21:44
nessitaralsina: ok, I was just letting you know. Will ignore then21:45
dobey"I must have fruit!"21:45
ralsinanessita: cool, thanks for letting me know21:45
thisfreddobey: I have, but a long time ago, so it's hazy21:45
ralsinathisfred: are you a Time Bandits virgin? You are in for a treat :-)21:45
thisfredralsina: the benefit of a leaky memory, you get to have lots of treats ;)21:45
ralsinanessita: that branch was really rough on my Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V keys ;-)21:46
ralsinathisfred: there is a good alzheimer joke there somewhere ;-)21:46
dobeythisfred: unfortunately, having firefox crash randomly is not a treat :)21:46
dobeyah, finally got sso to work right again21:47
dobeynow to fix the tests again21:47
nessitaralsina: after a quick review I don't see what problem there may be with having the reactor installed by importing ubuntu_sso modules, but you can show me tomorrow21:48
ralsinanessita: sure thing21:48
thisfredhmm, mouseclicks are mysteriously being ignored. Maybe too many usb thingies21:52
alecuthisfred, yeah, you should unplug that usb beer-cooler.21:59
ralsinathe usb foot-fan is overkill21:59
thisfredactually it's the emacs-foot-pedals21:59
ralsinaI would like an Esc pedal for vim22:00
dobeythisfred: you have 127 usb devices?22:01
* ralsina was a drummer long time ago. Shouldcome natural :-)22:01
* nessita has usb-slippers22:01
thisfreddobey: considerably less, but after plugging in an external drive, my mouse started misbehaving22:01
* alecu was a plumber not so long ago. That's why he tends to look like mario nowadays.22:01
thisfredmaybe it's a faulty splitter22:02
dobeythisfred: or system is having disk i/o issues. i am getting that sometimes without so many devices :)22:02
* thisfred used to be dumber, but not by much22:02
thisfredcould be22:02
* ralsina is plumper now22:07
alecunessita, ralsina, it looks to me that signals are not working right on txnamedpipes22:09
alecudo you guys know anything about that?22:09
ralsinaalecu: nope22:09
nessitaalecu: no, but may be related to having crashes on sso + xp when using txnamedpipe?22:09
alecunessita, I get no crashes, but I don't get the signals called either.22:10
alecuralsina, you have a windows dev env on seven?22:10
nessitaalecu: do you have any other specific detail?22:10
ralsinaalecu: yes22:10
alecuralsina, can you try this branch?22:11
ralsinaalecu: sure22:11
alecuralsina, start bin\windows-ubuntu-sso-login in one terminal (with set PYTHONPATH=.)22:12
alecuralsina, and "python ubuntu_sso\qt\tests\show_gui.py" in another term22:13
ralsinaalecu: will do it in 2', sorry22:13
alecuno problem22:13
alecuif signals work, then pdb should start.22:13
alecubut it does not, and it's puzzling22:13
ralsinaalecu: branching now22:18
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
ralsinaalecu: I get the regular SSO screen, no pdb on either terminal22:20
alecuralsina, perfect. Now try logging in22:21
ralsinaalecu: seems successful22:22
alecuralsina, it should pdb after it returns the credentials, when the signal to return the credentials from the sso to the show_ui gets run22:22
alecuralsina, right: that's the bug, because it should.22:22
nessitaalecu: does it work if using r720? (no txn)22:23
alecunessita, will try it, good idea.22:23
ralsinaok, EOD now, will work late tonight but probably won; t connect to IRC so email if you need anything!22:29
alecunessita, it does not work either22:29
nessitaralsina: ack22:29
nessitaalecu: ouch22:29
dobeygrr, rhythmbox22:29
alecunessita, perhaps I'm connecting the signals in the wrong way... :P22:29
nessitaalecu: so, we may be missing something since mandel is sure that the whole SSO dance (from top to bottom) was working22:30
nessitaalecu: so, questions:22:30
nessita* are the signals within the sso code working?22:30
alecunessita, but his show_gui.py was not doing the whole dance at all.22:30
nessitaalecu: how can you tell? (I mean, what is your way of diagnose)22:30
nessitaalecu: I'm asking this becasue if we tell mandel "the dance is not happening" we need to show why, since he's convinced is all working22:31
alecunessita, look here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/broken-signals-questionmark/revision/72222:31
* nessita looks22:31
alecunessita, the show_gui.py on trunk is not printing the results of the signal22:32
nessitaalecu: :-(22:32
nessitawhere is the callback_wrapper used?22:32
nessitais it the signal decorator?22:33
* nessita browses her code22:33
nessitaugh that decorator is not pretty22:35
alecunessita, right. The callback wrapper is inside the @signal decorator22:35
alecunessita, and that pdb is not being started either22:35
nessitaalecu: right, we *could* think that if the callback is called, somehow, in a thread, you will not get the pdb22:36
alecunessita, so it looks like the signal is not being sent either after and before txnamedpipes22:36
nessitaalecu: what about adding a HUGE print?22:36
alecunessita, will try22:36
nessitaor an assert False, or something more visible22:36
nessitaalecu: I know this implementation has "several" threads, so I will not count the callback is called in the main thread22:37
nessitaalecu: what I don't know is if we will see the print if the callback is being called in another thread :-/22:38
alecunessita, don't think so. This is called by twisted, so it should happen on the main twisted thread.22:39
alecunessita, and loggers always work from every thread.22:39
nessitaalecu: everything that is blocking is ran in a Thread22:41
nessitawith deferToThread22:41
nessita(see def blocking on windows.py)22:41
alecunessita, I think I found a clue. The list of connected clients is empty on the server, so the signal is being sent nowhere22:44
alecunessita, so you may EOD at will, and I'll keep looking there22:45
thisfredgotta walk the hounds22:48
nessitaalecu: ok, I'll try to jump in later22:50
nessitamy sister is coming to visit, but I'll do my best22:50
nessitaalecu: thanks!22:50
nessitaalecu: I know!22:52
nessitaalecu: you need to call register_to_signals, I think22:52
alecunessita, just found that!22:53
nessitaalecu: that way you get appened to the self.clients list22:53
alecunessita, don't worry22:53
alecunessita, wonder why show_gui didn't call that :-(22:53
nessitaalecu: no idea :-(22:54
alecuand, it's a stupid API, because if the client dies, the server will keep the client registered.22:54
nessitaalecu: I'll stay until you confirm is working22:54
alecunessita, it workED!22:59
alecuusing txnamedpipes23:00
alecuthe whole dance worked fine.23:01
alecu(there's an error when sso is not started, but that's a different one, bug #800887)23:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800887 in ubuntu-sso-client "UbuntuSSOClient fails when starting the SSO process (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80088723:02
dobeylater all23:08
nessitaalecu: GREATTTTTTTT23:15
nessitaalecu: congrats23:16
nessitaI'm off now23:16
nessitabye all, see ya tomorrow23:16

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