
LINKSWORD2Did you get your problem with Helvetica figured out?00:00
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: I believe I am going to switch to trebuchet. It looks quite nice, and if I remember correctly, its a Linuxy font00:00
LINKSWORD2Well, that's cool.00:01
LinkmasterYup. When I used to use Libreoffice, it recognized helvetica just fine, and by monkeying around I made it the default font. I'll give trebuchet a change though, otherwise I'll stick with DejaVu00:02
LINKSWORD2Linkmaster: Do you know where firefox would install by default?00:03
LinkmasterHmm, I believe I recall seeing it somewhere, let me see where it dumped mine..00:04
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: its in /etc00:07
LINKSWORD2Hidden directory?00:07
iconmefistoTorch: was that to me? nvidia driver is broken in 11.04?00:08
Torchiconmefisto: yes.00:09
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: I don't think so...I opened up Dolphin, went to root, looked in /etc, scrolled to the f part, and it was right there00:09
Torchiconmefisto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/76063200:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 760632 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system" [High,Confirmed]00:09
iconmefistoTorch: ok thanks. useful to know. I have nvidia graphics:)00:09
LINKSWORD2... That's weird. It's not installing when I try to extract into that folder.00:13
LINKSWORD2And I can't Trash the old one.00:16
TorchLINKSWORD2: you're trying to extract something to /etc?00:17
TorchLINKSWORD2: don't do that.00:18
TorchLINKSWORD2: it's a system directory. if you don't know what it's for, don't go near it.00:18
LINKSWORD2I need to install an older version of Firefox.00:18
TorchLINKSWORD2: that has nothing to do with /etc then00:19
LINKSWORD2Then I need to know what to do.00:19
TorchLINKSWORD2: you could probably download a binary tarball from firefox and unpack it to your home dir00:19
LINKSWORD2Into my documents and stuff?00:19
TorchLINKSWORD2: into your home dir. that's one level above documents00:20
LINKSWORD2I have the tarball.00:20
TorchLINKSWORD2: unpack it then. in your home folder.00:20
TorchLINKSWORD2: i have no idea how firefox distribute their binary tarballs though.00:21
LINKSWORD2I have another idea that I'm going to try.00:21
LINKSWORD2Anybody know how to find the GDeb installer?00:23
LinkmasterTorch: where does firefox install then??? Because its located in /etc for me00:25
TorchLinkmaster: that sounds rather unlikely.00:26
TorchLinkmaster: on a shell, run dpkg -L firefox00:26
Linkmasterlet me rephrase it: where *should* it install then?00:26
LINKSWORD2Good question.... lol00:26
TorchLinkmaster: this will list you all the files the firefox package installed00:26
LinkmasterIts in /usr, which is the first place I checked for it...thats so wierd00:27
TorchLinkmaster: a few of those will be in /etc, but that's only default settings, no program code00:27
TorchLinkmaster: that's where it belongs though00:27
xevilLinkmaster: mine installed in /usr/lib00:27
Linkmasteryeah, some libs and stuff00:27
Linkmasterahh, I see it. I have00:28
LinkmasterI've got myself a partitioning question: I want to have three OS's installed on my computer, for different things. I'm going to put winblows for my one proprietary software I need, so thats not hard. I know I'm going to have a swap space. Thats two partitions already, and that leaves only two left to put my linux installations. What is the best way to make sure that /home stays in the partition that I made the first00:32
Linkmasterinstallation in? and what is the best way to do this without causing problems, unless this is just a bad idea in general00:32
TorchLinkmaster: make a primary partition at the beginning of the drive for windows00:33
TorchLinkmaster: and an extended one on the rest of the drive.00:33
TorchLinkmaster: create logicals inside the extended for linux00:33
LinkmasterSo what does that do exactly?00:33
TorchLinkmaster: use UUID in /etc/fstab00:33
TorchLinkmaster: don't reference partitions by their device node (like /dev/sda13)00:34
TorchLinkmaster: reference them by their UUID00:34
TorchLinkmaster: google for it ;-)00:34
LinkmasterIs the UUID the awkward hash of numbers and letters that represent the drive in /media?00:35
TorchLinkmaster: that might be hardware id's, not UUID00:35
TorchLinkmaster: but it does indeed look weird. doesn't matter, you don't have to remember or understand it, just use it once00:35
TorchLinkmaster: so that whatever you do the numbers don't change00:35
LinkmasterHaha, alright00:35
LinkmasterI'm planning on wiping my drive and starting over; winblows at the very beginning, maybe 10gigs, Kubuntu next using about 100gigs, LFS afterwards at about 20gigs, and then the swap for 8gigs00:36
TorchLinkmaster: sounds workable. i'd still recommend an extended partition00:37
TorchLinkmaster: linux deals with those alright.00:37
Linkmasterhow does an extended partition work exactly? I know I'm running one, though it was set up automatically by the kubuntu installation00:37
TorchLinkmaster: you can have up to 63 logicals inside an extended00:38
TorchLinkmaster: while you can only have 4 primaries00:38
LinkmasterAHH, and since an OS only needs a logical to work..00:38
TorchLinkmaster: yep, linux can boot from those. windows cannot, iirc.00:38
LinkmasterHmm...yet another thing winblows can't do xD00:39
TorchLinkmaster: logicals have a disadvantage: they're chained to each other, which isn't a problem as long as you don't delete one.00:39
Linkmasterdelete one, and everything goes to hell I assume?00:39
TorchLinkmaster: but if you have /dev/sda10, /dev/sda11 and /dev/sda12 and then delete /dev/sda11, /dev/sda12 gets renumbered to /dev/sda1100:40
TorchLinkmaster: no, the names change. that's all00:40
LinkmasterOh. but if you have scripts that rely on the number...THATS when it'l all go to hell00:40
TorchLinkmaster: so if you reference the names in /etc/fstab, linux won't be able to mount the file systems until you fix that manually.00:40
TorchLinkmaster: so just use UUID and you're safe00:40
LinkmasterI'll need to figure out what UUID is exactly then00:41
TorchLinkmaster: open a shell, run "blkid"00:41
TorchLinkmaster: it will list all UUIDs for all file systems in use00:41
Linkmasternothing came up o:00:41
TorchLinkmaster: hmm00:42
LinkmasterTorch: any idea as to why that would happen?00:43
TorchLinkmaster: not really. what's your kubuntu version?00:43
Linkmaster11.04 KDE4.6.400:44
TorchLinkmaster: i don't run 11.04, but i can't imagine it not having a working blkid... that's pretty basic.00:45
LinkmasterHuh...not sure D: I did roll up from 10.10, though I doubt that would cause issues00:45
TorchLinkmaster: that should not affect this.00:46
LinkmasterDidn't think so. Hrm. I wouldnt have a clue00:46
TorchLinkmaster: you might try installing kde partition manager and check if it shows you uuids in partition properties00:46
Linkmasterkparted? yeah, thats on my computer, let me boot it up00:46
TorchLinkmaster: no, kde partition manager00:46
LinkmasterI thought they were the same...00:46
TorchLinkmaster: they are not ;-)00:47
Linkmasterwell, kde partition manager is whats on my computer00:47
LinkmasterI can't see any UUID00:49
TorchLinkmaster: right click on a partition, pick properties. check the dialog.00:49
TorchLinkmaster: it should list uuids00:50
LinkmasterI found it. I was right clicking on the wrong thing00:50
Linkmasterso how does this hash of stuff help me at all?00:51
TorchLinkmaster: you can use it in /etc/fstab to reference partitions00:51
Torch(or file systems, to be precise)00:51
LinkmasterBut...what does that do?00:51
TorchLinkmaster: hmm, well, maybe you should google on read up on some of the concepts involved here ;-)00:52
LinkmasterI'm planning on wiping my drive completely clean before I install anything new on it00:52
TorchLinkmaster: nothing wrong with that00:52
Linkmasteralright, I'll find something about what a UUID is and what its useful for00:53
TorchLinkmaster: wikipedia will have something about it00:53
LinkmasterThen I shall start there00:53
TorchLinkmaster: and it's not mandatory for what you plan to do00:53
TorchLinkmaster: just some advice00:53
Linkmasternah, it'll be useful for me in the long run. I can't learn as much as possible if I don't look up the seemingly 'uneeded' stuf00:54
LINKSWORD2Well... I've gotta go.00:54
LinkmasterI'm planning on helping my mom transition to kubuntu[if she likes it] and I want the installation to be as painless as possible. I'm going to use 10.04 as the installation because of its better support, though I believe her computer is a 64bit computer. Would it be a bad idea to put a 32bit installation on it? I know that 32bit has fewer problems, and as said, I want her first experience to be utterly painless01:12
Unit19332bit should work just fine on 64bit hardware01:13
PortalGunzHello, will Kubuntu keep the KDE windows manager as Ubuntu is changing it's ?01:19
Linkmasteralright, I figurd as much. I just don't want her computer to go bonkers while I'm gone[I'm going to remove her from the sudoers list so she doesn't accidentally screw something u]01:20
LinkmasterPortalGunz: Kubuntu follows KDE; if KDE decides to stop using Plasma, then thats their choice01:20
PortalGunzLinkmaster: so pretty much I shouldn't be shafted in the GUI with Kubuntu like Ubuntu ?01:21
LinkmasterPortalGunz: definitely not. KDE is doing magnificantly with Plasma, its very pretty and extremely customizable. Unity is extremely young, give it time to mature and become better if you're bigger for Ubuntu. Though, you can also remove Unity and put Gnome3 on, though that also had a huge change compared to Gnome201:24
PortalGunzLinkmaster: I was just looking to use LTS'01:27
LinkmasterPortalGunz: The LTS of Kubuntu is running KDE4.4 I believe, its Plasma as well, and 12.04 is either going to run 4.6 or 4.7, both of which are the same. If you're thinking of shafting like gnome2->Unity, you missed it a long while ago[KDE3->KDE4]01:28
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PortalGunzLinkmaster: OK, so pretty much nothing to worry about seems like01:55
PortalGunz(While using Kubuntu)01:55
LinkmasterYep yep01:55
PortalGunzLinkmaster: Does it have FireFox 4 though?02:10
PortalGunzOr still 3?02:10
PortalGunz(if I was to install FireFox)02:10
LinkmasterI know that 10.10 and 11.04 have FF4, 10.04 might have FF4, not sure, I don't use it02:11
PortalGunzI'm assuming the regular releases are only a few months while the LTS is 3 years ?02:11
PortalGunzAlso they just released 5.02:12
LinkmasterPortalGunz: LTS happens every fourth release, so it looks like this: 10.04[LTS], 10.10, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04[LTS] etc etc02:29
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LinkmasterWhats the latest release for oneriec, and where can I find it? I tried some web searching, but came up with nothing I'd readily trust03:28
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teddy_yo sup guys04:43
teddy_gots a question..04:43
teddy_how do I use this?04:43
Linkmasterdefine "this"04:44
betoalguem sabe n novo biglinux?06:19
betocolocar icones na area de trabalho06:19
betohey ..y r sleeping??06:22
LinkmasterI'm not :P06:23
betohave others rooms ,here?06:23
LinkmasterSuch as?06:23
valorieLinkmaster: if you want the very latest, check out #project-neon06:57
valoriebleeding edge KDE06:57
LinkmasterI have it installed, I just keep forgeting to use it. Its also hard on my computer due to the small amount of RAM/swap06:58
PortalGunzIs the ease of Samba sharing only in the new 11.04 ?07:08
PortalGunzI'm assuming you can still use samba anyway on LTS07:10
hamtHi all07:11
hamtExit from full screen applications logs off user.07:11
hamtAny help?07:11
hamtExit from full screen applications logs off user.07:13
hamtAny help?07:13
szal!repeat | hamt07:14
ubottuhamt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.07:14
szalmore details please07:14
hamtszal: asking me?07:15
szalhamt: who else?07:15
hamtszal: Exiting stellarium from fullscreen logs off the user07:16
szalnever heard of07:16
hamtszal: Does not happen when stallarium opens in windowed mode07:16
hamtszal: I think the problem lies with opengl07:17
=== Linkmaster is now known as Linkmaster|away
naftilos76hi, during the last days i had two or three total crashes meaning that the system hangs, screen freezes (no black screens) and no virtual consoles work whatsoever. Any idea what log files i can search in ?08:13
naftilos76I am on Kubuntu 11.04 & KDE updated to 4.6.408:14
Torchnaftilos76: nvidia graphics card?08:31
zedoritywhy would all windows in a KDE/kwin environment be opening up automatically maximized, and missing their titlebars?08:39
zedoritywhen i resize the windows, the titlebar comes back. it's weird.08:39
naftilos76Torch: i just discovered something amazing. I was playing an MMS stream. The same thing happened with Amarok and vlc. After some time of playing the stream (or any MMS stream) i experienced the total system crash or the event of driving the CPU to 100%. The mouse could barely move and so i tried shuting dowm apps to see whether a running app is causing the problem. After shutting down vlc the system is up and running with CPU ocuppied at 008:39
szalwrong display settings?08:39
szalnaftilos76: sounds like failing PSU, I had similar symptoms when I had one dying08:40
zedoritythe maximized window, sans titlebar, fits the desktop space perfectly08:40
Torchzedority: graphics card?08:41
naftilos76szal: what can be causing this? I didn't have any problems with graphics (GeForce 9600GT)08:41
zedorityTorch: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller08:42
Torchzedority: my uninformed guess would be it's a graphics driver bug.08:43
zedorityTorch: it would not surprise me. This isn't the first time I've tried KDE4 on this laptop.08:44
zedorityI was just hoping such a problem would be related to the kwin configuration rather than the graphics driver08:44
Torchzanoi: try turning off desktop effects and see if that makes it go away08:44
zedoritynope, no change. tried running kwin --replace to update, still no change in behaviour.08:48
zedoritymaybe a config file somewhere?08:48
Torchzedority: sounds unlikely.08:48
Torchzedority: you could try #kde later today and see if any of the kwin folks is there08:48
zedoritytorch: will do. thanks.08:49
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CanvasianHi! I'm just testing out Quassel IRC. This channel was here by default. Is it the Kubuntu  support channel?09:45
CanvasianI guess this is a bad time to test x3 I will come back later09:47
SeySayuxHi, how do I set the default resolution (the one of the log in window) in Kubuntu?10:22
DdpbfSeySayux: do you have xorg.conf ?10:31
SeySayuxDdpbf: nope10:32
Ddpbftry to configure it10:32
DdpbfAre you farmiliar with process?10:33
SeySayuxnot really, no10:33
Ddpbfwrite this instructions on paper10:34
Ddpbfyou should do it from tty10:34
SeySayuxIt's in a VM, and I'm on the host now, so go ahead10:35
Ddpbffirst get in tty10:36
DdpbfCTRL + ALT + F210:36
Ddpbf(f1 to f6 are all good)10:36
SeySayuxjust tell me the commands I need ;)10:36
Ddpbffirst log in in tty10:36
Ddpbfit is same as normal except no gui10:36
Ddpbfsudo service kdm stop10:37
Ddpbfsudo Xorg -configure10:37
Ddpbfsudo mv ~/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:37
Ddpbfsudo service kdm start10:37
SeySayuxokay, thanks, I'll try that10:38
SeySayuxFor some reason I'm not quite sure of, ctrl+alt+f2 simply switches to my second desktop. Are virtual terminals even enabled anymore?10:40
SeySayuxOkay, shutting down kdm did the trick, I'm in the vt now10:42
Ddpbfkonsole and gnome terminal are virtual terminals10:44
Ddpbf(terminal emulations in gui)10:44
Ddpbftty is real console10:44
SeySayuxActually, it's called a virtual terminal. Xterm-alikes are terminal emulators: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_console10:46
SeySayuxA real console would involve a hardware console10:46
Ddpbfthanks for info10:46
SeySayuxI'm more of a server Linux person10:48
SeySayuxHmm, there seem to be some problems with generating the xorg.conf file... 5 seconds10:51
SeySayuxgtg now, if there are more problems I can't fix, I'll ask again10:53
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inc_kdeHello. Quick question: How do i override Edid DPI on kubuntu 11.04? Using nvidia gt 430 w/LCD tv, dpi autoprobed to 46,46 -> 4 pixel fonts all around.12:39
dnivraHello. Is there a desktop typing tutor application for kubuntu 11.04 for the Dvorak layout?12:46
mudassarhello anybody there ?12:52
CanvasianIs this channel for tech support?12:54
dnivraCanvasian: the topic says it all :)12:54
mudassarcan somebody plz tell me, how can I call the sched_getcpu function from glibc2.* (where 64 bit kernel is compiled with gcc) in a c program that is compiled in icc ?13:00
mudassarthe glibc library seems to be built using gcc and it says incompatible when I build c program using icc13:00
noaXesshey all13:03
noaXessis there now a good m$ visio alternative?13:03
mudassaropen office draw13:08
mudassarcan somebody plz tell me, how can I call the sched_getcpu function from glibc2.* (where 64 bit kernel is compiled with gcc) in a c program that is compiled in icc ?13:11
mudassarthe glibc library seems to be built using gcc and it says incompatible when I build c program using icc13:12
noaXessmudassar: ooo draw don't have a library eg. for network symbols ...13:24
noaXessmudassar: got one.. Dia... nice tool with a lot of shapes..13:43
mudassarcan you share its link ?13:44
noaXessmudassar: http://dia-installer.de/index.html.en .. dia is in ubuntu repos13:44
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noaXessjust sudo apt-get install dia... three packages..13:44
mudassarthat will be helpful for me as well, thanks brother13:44
noaXessno problem :)..13:44
mudassarare you a linux guru ?13:44
mudassarmarvelous tool13:47
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Quadropheniahi there! can someone help me to fix a bug in natty, please?14:37
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mudassaranybody there  ?15:19
mudassarI need libc.a and libc.so built using icc15:19
rickeyyear, ago i had kubuntu604 , or something like that.but that computer went down, a friend gave me kubuntu 10.10 and i installed it everthing is different. i need a little help getting started again15:34
rickeywen i went to install games and other things , nothing looked the same15:35
rickeyi need to set up aim or facebook15:36
* szal_ wonders what's there to set up w/ Facebook15:38
rickeyok ill come back later wen morte peopel are here15:38
=== szal_ is now known as szal
szal!patience | rickey15:39
ubotturickey: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.15:39
rickeyAIM clovers facebook  now15:39
rickeywell it dose on windows15:39
szaland of course 11.04 looks differently than 6.06; it's been 5 years and a major overhaul of KDE ;)15:40
rickeysorry i have 10.1015:40
Ddpbfok it is 4 years overhaul then15:41
szalsame applies for that..  and you may wanna get rid of 10.10 as long as you don't have too much important data on it since it will fall out of support in 4 months or so; so get 11.04 and upgrade ^^15:42
rickeygood ideal15:42
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:43
rafaelpreciso de ajuda15:56
rafaelalguem ai pode me ajudar15:57
DarthFrog!es | rafael15:57
ubotturafael: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:57
tsimpsonszal: 10.10 is supported until April 201216:00
szalis it really that long?  I thought it's only the 2 latest versions + LTS..16:01
szal!pt | rafael16:01
ubotturafael: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:01
tsimpsonLTS is 3 years on the desktop, 5 on the server16:01
szalDarthFrog: language recognition fail ;)16:01
tsimpsonso 10.10 isn't LTS16:01
* szal never said that 10.10 is LTS16:02
tsimpsonoh, misread16:02
tsimpsonit's 3 releases for normal releases16:03
tsimpsonie, 18 months16:03
DarthFrogszal: It does that. :-)16:03
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mudassarhello genius people16:39
mudassaranyone who can answer me ?16:39
PiciAnswer what?16:39
mudassarI have a problem, I am trying to solve it since three days, please help me16:39
LinkmasterTheres lots here, ask away16:39
mudassaractually I am trying to link glibc with icc compiler ....... I want to use a function sched_getcpu in my c code to get the core id, but the library libc is incompatible with intel c++ compiler (icc)16:40
mudassarwhat is the best short cut solution for it? should I build a private glibc using icc ? or there is a way to have some kind of wrapper that can be linked with icc ??16:41
mudassarplz suggest some solution16:41
Picimultipass: ##C++ would probably be the best place to ask your question.  You'll need to be registered and identified to join though.16:43
Picimultipass: sorry, mistab16:43
Picimudassar: ^^16:43
Pici!registe | mudassar16:43
Pici!register | mudassar16:43
ubottumudassar: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:43
jorgeshow can I disable KDe sounds completely? is it possible?16:46
jorgesI mean, I don't need pulseaudio, it conflicts with flash sounds and jackd...16:47
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CanvasianI'm not sure, I'm new to KDE myself, but I'm poking around in hopes of stumbling upon an answer x316:49
DarthFrog!pulse | jorges16:51
ubottujorges: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions16:51
DarthFrogjorges: There is a section in that document about removing PulseAudio.16:51
jorgesaha, I'll have a look then... thanks16:51
Ddpbfjorges: removing pulse is not what you want16:56
Ddpbfin any *buntu16:56
jorgesDdpbf: then?16:57
jorgesI don't want sounds in KDE16:58
jorgesI just want sound in flash player and jackd16:58
jorgesthose don't use pulseaudio16:58
jorges...but I can't make this work :-/16:58
jorgeswell, rebooting... :(17:00
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Ddpbfjorges: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=220d210f6996de60143a479240aab117&p=7077359&postcount=217:06
Ddpbfi presume you want to remove system notifications sounds17:07
jorgesno sound... :(17:07
DdpbfI told you not to play with pulse17:07
jorgesDdpbf: no, I want KDE not to touch alsa17:07
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jorgesI mean, I don't mind if amarok loses sound too17:07
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jorgesI just need flash and jackd sounds17:08
jorgesno pulseaudio invonved there17:08
Ddpbfkde could use alsa17:08
jorgesbut I think my problem is also with alsa17:08
Ddpbfbut alsa has very few options in compare to pulse17:08
jorgesI don't need them really17:10
jorgesjust want alsa free, to load jackd17:10
jorgesDdpbf: ie. now, I have kded4 and knotify4 using libasound... how can I avoid that?17:20
jorgesthat doesn't let me use what I need, and If I kill them... well, bad things happen :)17:20
Ddpbfi gave you link17:21
Ddpbfhow to turn off system notifications17:21
jorgesok, rebooting...17:24
jorges_ok, no proccesess using alsa :)17:28
jorges_no, they're back again17:29
jorges_kded4 is using libasound17:30
Ddpbfremove phonon entire kde would be mute17:33
jorges_emm... plasma-desktop and lots more packages depends on it :(17:35
Ddpbfthen dont use kde it is designed to interact with your sound hardware17:36
Ddpbfor compile kde without multimedia support17:37
DarthFrogjorges_: The best you can do is turn off system sounds.  And have you considered simply turning off your speakers when you're not listening to what you want to hear?  Disabling/removing pulseaudio *will not* do what you're asking.17:38
jorges_I just want to use jackd sound server17:39
DarthFrogThe system and its various apps are designed to use the sound system; that's part of the reason you have that resource, to use it.17:39
jorges_don't mind systems sounds, phonon, pulseaudio, etc...17:39
DarthFrogPhonon is the KDE sound subsystem.  It uses pulse by default but it doesn't have to.17:40
palodequesojust got an asus eee pc, the specs claim it has an intel gma 3150 which I"m pretty sure is supported by linux almost fully. But when I open up KInfoCenter it shows an Intel N10 which is not supported. Anyway to force a try of the 3150 drivers in 11.04?17:40
Ddpbfyou could tell phonon to use jackd17:41
DarthFrogMind you, sound on Linux is a right royal dog's breakfast.17:41
Ddpbfpalodequeso: intel gpus do not have proprietary drivers17:42
palodequesoright, intel provides the linux community with their source and specs17:42
jorges_I know... I've been fighting with this for years...17:42
Ddpbfintel writes floss drivers for allmost all its hardware17:43
jorges_I always got jackd running any way or another, but now with kubuntu 11.04... :S17:43
palodequesoright now my opengl is running on mesa... which is poop considering I'm working on some 3d code.17:43
palodequesoand I have an intel gma 3150 elsewhere which works fine17:43
jorges_I also have a problem with alsa, because it's got a critical bug with my soundcard delta66, but I know a workaround for that17:43
palodequesoDdpbf: I wonder why kubuntu didn't pick up on the gma3150 then?17:44
jorges_but KDE always gives me problems when I install/upgrade17:44
jorges_DarthFrog: would it be possible to tell phonon to use jackd, and flash/firefox to use it too? always?17:45
Ddpbfpalodequeso: i know that there is driver for it in archlinux17:45
Ddpbfthen must be in *buntus17:46
palodequesoone would hope.17:46
Ddpbfgive me few secs to check17:46
palodequesookey doke, thanks a lot!17:46
palodequesoI've never had an intel gma card not automagically work.17:46
palodequesoI'm used to setting up nvidia cards17:46
DarthFrogjorges_: No idea but if you've got Phonon using it, I'd expect everything to be putting sound through it.  I don't think apps use the sound system independently.17:46
macopalodequeso: that the poulsbo chip that intel doesn't support the driver for?17:47
palodequesomaco: not sure17:48
palodequesomaco: lspci?17:48
macohmm...nah looks like poulsbo is gma 50017:48
palodequesoweird, even lspci claims it's an N10 Family Integrated Graphics Contrtoller17:48
palodequesobut specs everywhere claim it's the 315017:48
palodequesothis is a netbook with an intel atom17:49
palodequesowhich I know has it's own issues, but so far everything but this works out of the box... even the webcam!17:49
Ddpbfwhat lsmdo says?17:49
jorges_now I'm using phonon ---> gstreamer17:50
Ddpbfpalodequeso: wait, all is working? 3d etc?17:50
jorges_so why is kded4 using libasound? :(17:51
palodequesoDdpbf: no, that's the only thing that's not. It's running in mesa :(17:51
Ddpbfjorges_: because kded4 starts all proceses in kde session17:51
Ddpbfpalodequeso: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_GMA#GMA_500_on_Linux17:54
palodequesoDdpbf: sorry, I got booted, my wife called and I was tethered to this ol' netbook18:00
palodequesosince I have verizon, that kills the tether18:00
palodequesowhat should I grep for in lsmod to see the vid card stuffs18:00
Ddpbfpalodequeso: wait it is hybrid gpu18:00
Ddpbfie you have both intel and nvidia?18:01
palodequesono no no18:01
Ddpbfor it isn ot case?18:01
Ddpbfasus ee pc wich it is18:02
Ddpbfion, p1215...?18:03
palodequesoone sec18:03
palodequesoI had the model number18:03
palodequesoboth newegg and best buy say it's an intel gma 31018:03
linux-beginner-his there a known issue with dimap and kontact? I have expired 6000 mails but on the google server... all mails are still there...18:04
Ddpbferr i tought of this18:04
linux-beginner-hon the first sync after expire... kontact tells me... deleting messages on server... but this seems to be wrong18:04
DarthFrogpalodequeso: Run "lspci | grep VGA", which will tell you what the system thinks it is.18:05
Ddpbfthere is dozen netbooks with asus eee pc18:05
DdpbfDarthFrog: probably he got model with gma50018:06
Ddpbfit is only intel gpu with bad linux support18:06
DarthFrogpalodequeso: "lspci -v" will also tell you what kernel modules are used for it.18:06
Ddpbfpalodequeso: it seem ther is launchpad ppa with correct drivers18:10
Ddpbffew of ppa actually18:10
palodequesodo you know which one?18:15
palodequesoI'll grab it quick18:15
palodequesothat would rule!!! :)18:15
Ddpbfpalodequeso: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=gma50018:16
palodequesoyou rock!18:16
Ddpbfbut i do not know if  you actually have that gpu18:16
Ddpbfthats why i am asking type of eee18:17
palodequesoit's the asus eee seashell 1015PE-BBK60318:18
palodequesothat's the full model of eee pc18:18
palodequesofrom asus18:18
palodequesothe specs say a gma 3150 online, but the lspci says some Intel N10 Integrated graphics card18:19
BluesKajDdpbf, lshw -C video , that will tell you the graphics card make and model , look at "product" in the output18:20
palodequesoThe machine itself doesn't actually say the model number on it, but I got it from best buy, and that is the only model on their site that matches the specs of my machine18:20
palodequesoI suppose I could use the asus serial number18:20
Ddpbfpalodequeso: [19:20] <BluesKaj> Ddpbf, lshw -C video , that will tell you the graphics card make and model , look at "product" in the output18:21
palodequesoN10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller18:22
Ddpbfwhat lspci -v says18:24
palodequesoIntel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller18:25
palodequesoand it says it's using the i915 driver18:25
Ddpbftry some of ppas18:26
Ddpbfit wont do any harm18:26
palodequesoalthough, I doubt it will autoswitch drivers :(18:28
palodequesoI'd have to try different ones I guess18:29
Ddpbfpalodequeso: do you have xorg.conf?18:32
palodequesoI do not... I don't think it's there by default anymore18:33
Ddpbftry to configure it18:34
Ddpbfdkms knows to mess up all18:34
Ddpbfdo you know how to configure?18:35
BluesKajsudo Xorg -configure18:36
Ddpbfreplace gdm with kdm and you ll be fine18:36
DdpbfBluesKaj: yes, but it must be done from tty18:36
Ddpbfand with root permisions18:37
BluesKajhmm really , we used to reconfigure xorg.conf in the terminal as root ..has xorg permissions changed that much ?18:38
palodequesoI used to do that too18:38
BluesKajit's not as if he has to stop the kdm service18:38
BluesKajmay nedd to relogin18:39
Unit193.ubottu would like to disagree18:39
Ddpbfi think it is necessary to restart kdm to aplay changes18:40
BluesKajanyway i haven't had to reconfigure Xorg.conf in several yrs so I guess that's changed too18:40
BluesKajseems a reboot is in order if you want immediate changes18:42
Ddpbfit is lonly logical18:43
BluesKajyeah, my memory fails me again18:44
Peace-BluesKaj: :)18:44
BluesKajhey Peace-18:44
palodequesohmm, is the Xorg driver tag the name of it?18:46
palodequesolike nvidia for nvidia cards18:46
palodequesoand nv for open source nvidia drivers?18:46
BluesKajnv could be the nouveau experimental nvidia driver18:47
palodequesoI think I need to run pineviewgm18:50
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palodequesoit seems there are others that lspci claims N10 Family integrated but the specs claim GMA315018:51
palodequesoso confusing18:51
BluesKajpalodequeso, look for video or grphics controller, intel may also have audio onboard chips18:53
BluesKajor other bridges18:53
palodequesoone quick thing to try would just be the intel testing ppa18:53
bomberi was wondering if they stopped supporting 2.6.31-23-generic18:54
bomberi havent had any updates in over a month18:55
BluesKajbomber, which kubuntu ?18:55
bomberim using kubuntu though18:56
bomberthats not right?18:56
BluesKaj bomber , lsb_release -a18:56
bomberUbuntu 9.1018:57
palodequesofinally found a good link, and a good ppa to update my gfx driver with18:57
BluesKajyup , that's no longer supported , bomber18:57
bomberi tried installing or actually just running the live version of the 11.04 but it gives me the menu then the screen goes into no signal mode and the computer seems to still keep running and the cd drive light looks like its still running the cd18:58
bomberok thanks... any tips on why i cant run or install any of the newer versions?18:59
bomberim gonna try and remove my video card and see what happens with just the onboard video19:00
Ddpbfbomber: what kind of internet connection you have?19:00
palodequesofingers crossed, time to try it all out19:00
palodequesothanks for the help everyone!19:00
BluesKajbomber, internet upgrade to 10.04 , sudo do-release-upgrade19:00
bombercable...... 20/1019:00
bomberive tried that and after the upgrade i get no video... the screen goes blank after reboot and nothing happens19:01
bomberi then have to reinstall the 9.10 version19:01
BluesKajno tty prompt  , bomber ?19:02
bombernope... nothing.... the screen says no video input device found so its not recognizing my vid card it seems19:03
BluesKajok which video card ?19:03
bomber1 sec i'll open it up... i forget.. i know its nvidia19:03
BluesKajno need to open19:04
BluesKajrun sudo lshw -C video , look at product19:04
bomberG94 [GeForce 9600 GT]19:05
bombernice thanks19:05
BluesKajbomber, that card should work with the nvidia-current driver , I know it works on 10.10 and 11.04 ...dunno why it isn't on 10.0419:07
bomberi tried running the 11.04 and get the same results19:08
BluesKajbomber, ok the live cd ?19:09
bomberyes amd 64 live cd19:09
bombershould i try the 32 bit?19:09
BluesKajhow old is your pc ?19:09
bombernot too old...... quad core amd phenom 2 processor so its fairly current19:10
BluesKajhmm, that's really odd19:10
bomberi know... its been pissing me off for some time19:10
BluesKajmaybe the HW is a bit exotic ..perhaps the alternate install might work for you19:10
bombermaybe i'll remove the card and see if i can run the live cd and install it then try putting it back in19:11
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal19:11
bomberok  i'll try that first19:11
bomberthanks for your time, i appreciate it19:12
BluesKajnp bomber , hope it works for you19:12
bomberniiiiiiice way faster today than yesterday... getting almost 2 megs a sec19:15
bomber4 minutes remaining for a 650 meg download... lol19:15
BluesKajI'm in the boonies so 750kbs is max for here19:16
bomberthats still pretty darn good...  sure beats the old 28.8 modem days... i remember being sooooo excited i could afford a 56k..lol19:18
bombergood talking to you... im headed out but when i get back i'll burn that and light a few candles and pray it works19:19
BluesKajhehe, yeah ...we had no dsl for the first few yrs ...finally in 2002 it came down the pipe ...the first was 125kbs ..we thoght that was really fast ...10X the ave of the previous19:20
BluesKajwell bomber  , come back if you need to , use the other live cd to logon if heeded19:21
CanvasianI am using the Netbook Plasma workspace and I can't get anything to show up under "Contacts" in Search and Launch19:24
CanvasianI thought I just had to put them into the Kaddress book, but that doesn't seem to work19:24
CanvasianAnyone know?19:24
BluesKajtry contact19:25
CanvasianWhen I click on contact in the search and launch menu, nothing comes up19:25
CanvasianWhen I search for it, it just gives me KAddressBook19:26
BluesKajCanvasian, type it in search19:26
BluesKajdunno what your problem is ..isn't kaddressbook what you want?19:27
CanvasianNo, on the plasma netbook workspace on the search and launch screen, there is a "Contacts" category19:28
Canvasianbut nothing shows up in it, and I can't figure out how to make my contacts show up there19:28
Canvasianeven though I have them listed in KAddressBook19:28
BluesKajok Kontact?19:28
CanvasianThat might work19:29
CanvasianHmmm... nope19:30
BluesKajKaddressbook in apps>office19:33
CanvasianRight, that's what I tried first. I have my contacts listed in there, but it doesn't show under Contacts in Search and Launch19:33
CanvasianAh well, I will try some more later19:35
CanvasianThank you19:35
rafaelhello i am rafael19:36
rafaelquero saber tem algum chat em br19:36
rafaelalguem ai me ajuda19:37
BluesKaj!br | rafael19:38
ubotturafael: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:38
palodequesowell, nothing worked. blah19:43
palodequesomesa it is I guess19:43
eamelinkHi, I have just installed Kubuntu 11.04, and I have a question about the network manager applet (is that it's name?) It discovered my HSDPA modem, and now I'm connected (obviously ;)), and I see a cellphone-icon.19:46
eamelinkIf I left-click it, I get a menu with 'WLAN interface Create network connection', 'Enable networking' and 'Enable wireless'19:47
eamelinkAnd 'Manage connections', where I can define connections.19:47
eamelinkBut how can I tell it for example to disconnect?19:48
eamelinkOr, if I'm disconnected, to reconnect?19:48
eamelinkIf I right-click on the icon, nothing happens which seems very odd to me. I would expect the missing functionality to be there.19:48
eamelinkSo my question is, are you supposed to see something when you right-click on the network manager systray icon?19:48
BluesKajeamelink, yes , not responding ?20:06
eamelinkBluesKaj: I think so, there's just nothing happening if I right-click on the icon.20:14
eamelinkWait, it does now, after a reboot!20:14
eamelinkBut only once...20:15
BluesKaj-deneamelink, what happens if you just click on it ?20:15
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eamelinkIt did not work after all, not even a single time.20:16
eamelinkIf I just click on it (left mouse button), I see my configured wireless network, that I can click on20:17
eamelinkIf I click on that, it makes the wifi connection20:18
BluesKaj-denok . check on connect automatically20:18
eamelinkBluesKaj-den: I had that on for the HSDPA connection, but disabled it now.20:20
eamelinkActually, it seems to work quite nice; it always makes a 3G connection, if I connect to WiFi as well, then it uses the wifi connection, and if I disconnect from the WiFi, then it still has the 3G connection20:21
eamelinkBut I'd like to manually manage my 3G connection as well20:21
BluesKaj-deni have no knowledge of 3G stick connections ..just remove it if you want to use 3G20:22
eamelinkI never remove it; it's builtin in my notebook, not a stick :P20:23
eamelinkThanks for all your help :)20:23
BluesKaj-deneamelink, well there must be an option to disable 3G and vice versa20:25
david___i am trying to use make command but it wont work idk why and it's my first time using it20:26
eamelinkBluesKaj: That's what I would expect, but I can't seem to manually manage my 3G connection with it.20:27
szaldefine "wont work"20:27
david___trying to install the galaxium-
szaldoesn't answer the question20:27
david___make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.20:27
eamelinkBluesKaj: I removed the checkbox before 'enable networking', and that killed my 3G connection, but now I can't get it to reconnect :P20:27
szaldavid___: are you following the build instructions?20:28
david___i did20:28
david___and this is the next step20:28
david___what i do now20:28
szalpastebin the build instructions20:29
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BluesKajare you cd'd into the galaxium dir/folder , david___ ?  and did you run ./configure ?20:31
david___well i am in the dir20:31
szalpastebin output of sh autogen.sh20:32
david___but for the config w820:32
szalBluesKaj: the instructions don't say anything about configure20:32
szalthe autogen.sh should take care of that20:32
BluesKajlook at the readme20:32
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david___look i did the configure but it give me same error20:33
david___i even installed the automake thing20:34
* szal doubts that 'configure' throws the same error20:35
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david___configure didn't do anything20:35
david___i run that configure and i tryed the make but it didn't work20:36
david___what i must do???20:37
BluesKajwhat's the file extension on that app ?20:38
david___on what app?20:38
david___it was zip file20:39
BluesKajdavid___, are you on gnome or kde?20:42
BluesKajthem why not use kopete20:42
david___it don't have xifre20:43
david___idk but the make command is not working20:44
david___can u help me to fix it plz20:44
BluesKajyou may need some gtklibs installed since it's a gnome app20:44
BluesKajdavid___, did you install build essential ?20:45
david___whats that?20:45
BluesKajmake is part of that app20:45
BluesKajwell it calls it20:46
david___yes i have it20:46
david___ok what i must do now :(20:48
BluesKajinstall  Libegg  and Mono20:49
david___what are they?20:49
david___when i search there is a lot with mono20:51
BluesKajthey're requirements , look here http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Communications/Chat/Galaxium-Messenger-3546.shtml20:51
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david___kk w820:51
david___what s GTK#20:53
david___look idk what is Mono and i think it don't have to do anything with make command20:55
david___i tryed make command but it wont work at all20:55
david___for everything20:56
BluesKajno it doesn't you just have to have it for the gtk20:56
david___i even tryed it on Ubuntu20:56
BluesKajno no20:56
david___whats GTK?20:56
BluesKajgnome base20:56
david___whats GTK# then?20:57
BluesKajyou already have it20:57
BluesKajI'm sure20:57
BluesKajI think you need to start over ...get rid of the unzipped galaxium folder20:58
david___this is mono?20:58
david___ok w820:58
BluesKajyup that's it20:58
david___how install mono-devel21:03
david___what was the command?21:04
david___get app idk what lol21:04
david___then what was it?21:05
david___nvm got it21:06
david___ok deleted the folder21:11
david___as u told me21:11
david___so what now21:11
BluesKajextract it to your /home/"user"21:15
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BluesKajthen study the readme and install textfiles in that folder for proper instructions21:19
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david___oh ok21:29
david___i get the mono thing then i try it21:29
david___i gtg take care21:29
NotQcan anyone lend me a hand upgrading to 11.04?21:46
BluesKajNotQ, which version are on ?21:52
BluesKajdo yo have a good internet connection ?21:53
BluesKajok , sudo apt-get update first21:54
BluesKajthen , sudo do-release-upgrade ..but make sure you disable any ppa repos that you added since the install21:55
NotQya i tried that, it says no new release found21:56
BluesKajNotQ, run lsb_release -a21:57
NotQsays 10.10 maverick21:58
netsurf3hello ladys and gents does anyone know how stable the kde backports are for lucid?22:02
NotQany idea why it cant find the new distro?22:03
BluesKajNotQ, check your servers , or maybe change the server ,,,something is wrong with them/it22:03
NotQsorry, im fairly new to linux, how do i change the server?22:04
BluesKajnetsurf3, uhm lucid is a mature release , how stable does it need to be22:04
netsurf3BluesKaj, the stock lucid kubuntu (kde 4.4) seems finicky there is a kubuntu ppa for backporting 4.6 and I think 4.5 I was wondering how likely this is to be more unstable than what I have already. Right now dolphin seems to crash fairly often and the indexer stringi keeps crashing also22:07
BluesKajopen the kpackagekit > settings>edit origins>download from22:07
BluesKajnetsurf3, not sure how kde 4.6 will behave on lucid ..sorry22:08
BluesKajNotQ, try the main server . it's in the UK where kubuntu is based22:11
NotQhow do i connect to it?22:12
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BluesKajNotQ, did you change it in the kpackagekit , then run sudo apt-get update again , after closing22:14
gomiboyNotQ: under edit origins-->updates-->release upgrade set it to "Normal releases"22:15
BluesKajgomiboy, good point ...didn't think to look that far down22:18
NotQok, changed it to uk server and it is set to normal releases22:18
BluesKajok sudo apt-get update , then try sudo do-release-upgrade22:19
NotQgah, still says no new release found22:20
BluesKajNotQ, alt+f2 type  /etc/apt/sources.list ...copy and paste the text on pastebin22:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:22
NotQthat doesnt seem to bring anything up in alt+f2 bar22:24
NotQin konsole it says that that directory doesnt exist22:24
BluesKaj /etc/apt/sources.list ...copy and paste that into the run command (alt+f2)22:26
NotQthats what did22:26
NotQthats what i did*22:27
BluesKajand nothing ?22:27
NotQnothing at all22:27
NotQdoesnt open anything22:28
BluesKajok run this in the terminal ,  sudo sed -i 's/lucid/maverick/' /etc/apt/sources.list22:28
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NotQthat doesnt seem to do anything either22:30
NotQdoesnt even give me an error message22:30
NotQjust brings up a new line22:30
BluesKajhttp://repogen.simplylinux.ch/   try this NotQ22:31
BluesKajBBL gotta go for now22:31
NotQok, thanks for your help22:32
jwash|2hey guys, i use xvnc quite heavily. when i disconnect a session and reconnect my programs get lost/hidden. its like i'm connecting to a console session first and another session second.22:37
jwash|2is there any way to make sure thati always connect to the same session when i reconnect to a disconnecte xvnc session?22:37
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slackmeistergood evening23:02
slackmeisterquestion, in Ubuntu you can click on a .jar file and have it launched by java, can you do this in Kubuntu?23:04
slackmeisteri know i can't do it with the KDE end of suse23:04
Ddpbfslackmeister: systemsettings->file asocciations and choose what you want23:06
Ddpbfjust type .jar and then select app23:06
slackmeisterDdpbf: thanks :)23:07
lcbguys and gals - when you drag any window to the top edge (touching the cursor on it) you'll have a border snap zone marked. If you release the mouse button that window will stay/snap on that border . Do you now the settings option to manage the sizes of it?23:46
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