
paul_hcan anyone tell me if there's a way to change my alias on here using Pidgin so that I can indicate that I'm away?03:43
TheMusopaul_h: You're better off using /away IMO, people tend to get annoyed when people change their nickname to indicate status.04:16
paul_hTheMuso: just tried that, did it do anything?04:21
charlie-tcawhois paul_h04:22
TheMusopaul_h: You need to do something like "/away away message goes here."04:22
TheMusopaul_h: And then type /away to remove your away status.04:22
TheMusoThats what I do in irssi anyway.,04:22
TheMusocharlie-tca: paul_h is Paul Hunt.04:23
TheMusoFrom the ubuntu accessibility mailing list.04:23
charlie-tcayeah, whois should show status too, shouldn't it?04:23
charlie-tcaI typed it wrong. It should have a / in front04:23
paul_hhehe so tried "/away off to bed" did anyone see anything?04:27
TheMusopaul_h: It won't show up in the channel, which is the idea.04:30
TheMusopaul_h: But if someone messages you or does a whois query, they will see your away message.04:30
TheMusopaul_h: But yes your away message is showing now.04:30
paul_hTheMuso: thanks :)04:31

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