
=== the-internet is now known as fw0rd
=== koolhead11| is now known as koolhead11
=== USER__ is now known as weweje
wewejewhat's the timezone of kim0 // cairo?09:10
kim0weweje: hey09:45
wewejekim0 plop10:40
kim0what's up10:41
wewejesent you a mail about the clouds banners10:41
kim0weweje: Bruno ?10:42
wewejeand came here to know more about what's needed10:42
wewejeyes ;)10:42
kim0great :)10:42
kim0Thanks for your interest man10:42
kim0Well we'll mostly need a few front page banner images .. I haven't exactly defined exactly what it should be though10:43
kim0so .. I'll ping you back once we've settled on something to be done .. sounds good ?10:44
kim0weweje: thank you :)10:46
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
smoserSpamapS, just random bit of infomration i just thought about.  there were 2 reasons for the .tar.gz rather than .img.gz .  1, we have extra files that are useful, and small, so makes sense for archive.  2.) the images are 2G, largely of zeros.  there was very real savings in using tar's sparse file handling rather than compressing hundreds of megs of zeros.16:36
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
jamespagesmoser: do you have a good reference for accessing the ec2 API from behind a firewall?  Need to open up the right outbound access and it ain't working right at the moment17:00
SpamapSsmoser: *OH* the sparse file handling does make sense.17:02
smoserjamespage, you just have to be able to access the end point over http (or https, depending on url)17:05
smoserbut if you need IP addresses, its annoying.17:05
smoseri think they add load balancers every once in a while, and redirect from the main end point, and then your firewall rules don't work.17:06
smoserfrom time to time our image builds start failing to reach a region and i have to ask for IS to open something else up.17:06
smoserthat said, there is this: http://aws.amazon.com/articles/3912?_encoding=UTF8&jiveRedirect=117:07
smoserincomplete bugs suck17:08
smoser * user opens bug17:08
smoser * triagers asks some (silly or legitimate) question17:09
smoser * new user opens clear duplicate, but doesn't see the incomplete bug because its incomplete17:09
smoser * no one realizes there is a duplicate17:09
jamespagesmoser: thankyou!17:21
SpamapSsmoser: so, the template I wrote up for lxc downloads the SHA256SUMS, and the .gpg, and verifies that, and then verifies the tarball against it..17:28
SpamapSsmoser: I'm not sure why we don't just have a .gpg for every file in that dir tho17:29
smoserSpamapS, probably no good reason.  the checksums are generated by some tools that also run on cdimage and they have some whitelists of what to checksum17:50
SpamapSwell it works17:52
smoserhallyn, bug 79542718:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 795427 in libvirt "Upgrade Libvirt up to 0.9.1 generates new bug with Virt-Manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79542718:07
smoserdid you try to reproduce using /dev/sdX rather than /dev/vdX ?18:07
hallynsmoser: yes i tried both18:11
hallynsmoser: did you reproduce?18:12
Kyle__Er.  Is there a virtual graphics device on the vms started?18:25
=== daker is now known as daker_
smoserhallyn, no. it just sems like it should b reproducible18:52
SpamapShallyn: got a link to that wiki page you used to get dnsmasq working in your resolv.conf ?19:15
hallynsmoser: you'd think so19:32
hallynSpamapS: i think it was the one for vm-tools, testingenvironment, one sec19:33
hallynSpamapS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/TestingEnvironment19:33
SpamapShmmm... avahi19:38
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
SpamapShallyn: so, if I don't use cgroup-bin , whats the magic way to mount cgroups?21:06
hallynfstab :)21:06
SpamapShallyn: meaning what?21:06
hallyncgroup          /sys/fs/cgroup          cgroup  defaults        0       021:06
SpamapSjust that?21:06
hallynput that in fstab and do mount -a21:06
hallyni wish i'd have succeeded in getting my blog on planet.ubuntu.com so more than 3 people would read it :)21:07
hallynnot that i deny having named it precisely so that i coudl remain anonymous.  originally.21:07
SpamapSyous hould be an ubuntu member by now21:07
hallyni can't write to that bzr tree.  tried very recently21:08
SpamapSYou asked?21:08
hallynno.  figured that would happen automatically bsaed on membership21:08
hallynautomation.  it's good for the soul21:08
hallynjust like, i need to have lxc suggest debootstrap.21:09
SpamapScgroups on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (rw)21:13
SpamapSThat was already there, w/o the fstab entry21:13
SpamapSdid cgroup-bin do that?21:13
SpamapSumount: /sys/fs/cgroup: device is busy.21:14
SpamapShallyn: I can't seem to get things working w/o cgroup-bin .. and with cgroup-bin, lxc-stop always "fails" (but works anyway)21:15
hallynwhy aren't things working w/o cgroup-bin?21:15
hallynthe cgroup-bin is second on my list to address21:16
SpamapSlxc-start: open /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/lucid-test2/devices.deny : No such file or directory21:16
hallynhave you rebooted?21:16
SpamapSsince when?21:16
hallynsince removing cgroup-bin21:16
SpamapSew, no21:16
SpamapSI have to?21:16
hallynyeah, i'ma fraid.  cgroup composition is not flexible21:16
hallynkernel magic21:16
hallynwell, you can try just umounting all cgroup fs's,21:17
hallynthen doing mount a- to mount /cgroup21:17
SpamapSit won't let me21:17
hallynwhat does it say?21:17
SpamapSdevice busy21:17
hallynbtw the fstab line i gave you was for /cgroup existing.  you probably want to make it /sys/fs/cgroup ?21:17
hallynok, yeah you'd have to reclassify all tasks i guess21:17
SpamapScgroup /sys/fs/cgroup cgroup defaults 0 021:17
hallynthumb up21:18
SpamapSSo there are things that already have used my cgrou-bin thing? Its a package that can't be safely removed w/o reboot?21:18
hallyncgred reclassified tasks21:18
hallyni thin it's be possible to do it, but it woudl take work21:19
hallyni.e., manually rmdir child cgroups,21:19
hallynreclasiffy tasks as needed,21:19
hallynthen youc an umount21:19
hallynand *then*, im unsure as to whether you can remount with all cgroups composed21:19
hallynused to be, no.  i know patches were  floated, but not sure if they went in21:20
SpamapSrm: cannot remove `/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.rt_period_us': Operation not permitted21:20
SpamapSok so cgroups is still crazy21:20
SpamapSwill just reboot21:20
hallynSpamapS: i didnt' say rm -rf21:21
hallynyou can nev er delete the files21:21
hallynbut you can rmdir empty cgroup dirs21:21
hallynpoorly documented issue :(21:21
SpamapSwell either way, reboot solved it21:28
SpamapShallyn: is there a command like lxc-ls but for running containers?21:29
hallynlxc-ls shows running containers21:31
hallynin the second line21:31
hallynimproving lxc-ls and lxc-ps is one of those things everyone wants done (but noone wants to do) :)21:31
SpamapSno it shows all containers21:31
SpamapSrunning or not21:31
hallynin the second line?21:31
SpamapSthere is no second line21:31
hallynnot in mine21:31
hallynthen none are running21:32
SpamapSI have 2 running21:32
SpamapSoh they were starting up still21:32
SpamapSso .. -1 then.. is kind of ... useless21:32
SpamapSthe output is actually kind of hard ot use.. have to run through until I see one I've seen before and thats where running containers start :-P21:33

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