
tdr112morning all09:38
slashtomgood morning09:40
tdr112hey slashtom09:44
tdr112good blog post czajkowski09:58
airurandomorning all.11:01
airurandoI've bitten the bullet and tried to write a small blogpost about the June Geeknic.11:02
czajkowskitdr112: thanks11:11
czajkowskitdr112: Inwas getting poked in places about info easy to chuck stuff up there when needed11:11
czajkowskiairurando: tdr112 also easier when yer members11:11
airurandoanyone know how to get my blog on the ubuntu-ie agregrator?11:15
czajkowskiI think you have to log into the website site add the rss feed11:19
czajkowskiairurando: if you give me the RSS feed I can add it11:21
czajkowskiand title of it11:22
airurandocrikey how the heck do I get one of those?11:22
airurandowill pester the guys when I meet them next11:23
airurandothanks czajkowski11:23
moylanfeed for airurando  http://airurando.wordpress.com/feed/11:25
airurandohey thanks moylan11:26
airurandosimple as that is it?11:26
moylanlooks like it.  firefox seems to process that url correctly as a feed.  chrome doesn't but then chrome isn't good with rss in general11:27
czajkowskiairurando: title of your feed?11:29
airurandoonly 16 months between posts.11:29
airurandoAirurando's Blog11:29
airurandoI suppose11:29
czajkowskimoylan: got a blog11:30
czajkowskijulie ha sa blog also11:30
airurandocheers czajkowski11:30
czajkowskiwould be great to have more blogs on there11:30
czajkowskijust sent an email around11:31
moylannot at the mo.  keep saying i'll start one but never do.  who wants to hear my 1000 page rant on the evils of nokia? :-)11:31
czajkowskimoylan: we do11:31
czajkowskithe idea is to get to know your community11:32
czajkowskiit doesnt have to be on ubuntu11:32
czajkowskiits a team planet11:32
airurandojpichon is at http://www.jpichon.net/11:32
czajkowskiI'll wait till she says its ok11:32
moylanthen again i always said sony was evil and i bought an xperia x10 mini.  love, *love* that phone!11:32
czajkowskiwould be great to have hers there11:32
airurandowill check if she wants it added11:32
airurandoI'll poke her on identi.ca11:32
czajkowskimoylan: did it meet the *click* noise test :)11:32
airurandowhat about tdr112 is his blog on it yet?11:33
moylani have to set it completely silent but yes it is quiet.  and a flash.  and a keyboard.  and an fm radio.  and some neat touches to software and hardware.  some whoopsies but overall would recommend.11:34
czajkowskiairurando: he is11:34
czajkowskithere are over 100 people on the list11:36
czajkowskiso if we even get 10 more blogs11:36
czajkowskiit'll encourage more people to interact with one another11:37
airurandostill seems a bit alien to me11:38
airurandojust need practise11:38
czajkowskiadded another11:39
czajkowskiAidan Delaney’s weblog11:39
moylani'll try and knock one together later11:43
czajkowskiwe have 8 there atm11:44
czajkowskiand tdr11211:44
airurandowhat about ebel and slashtom11:44
ebeli don't really have a blog per se. more a static website without an rss11:45
czajkowskiebel: all tbhe hits you could have had last week11:45
airurandoI've poked Julie on identi.ca11:45
ebelah well that too :P11:46
czajkowskiand anothe added11:51
czajkowskiHarryHaaren: has been added11:51
ebelwell you could add my kindle-maps.com if you want. I'll have to make up one for technomancy.org, which is a bit more techy focussed11:53
czajkowskiwhats the rss feeds?11:53
slashtomwhat about slashtom's what?11:54
ebelslashtom: do you want your blog post on the ubuntu-ie planet?11:56
ebelhere be my kindle maps feed http://www.kindle-maps.com/blog/feeds/all.atom.xml11:56
* slashtom doesn't really have a blog11:57
ebeltomsalmon.eu!!! IPv6!!!!!11:57
czajkowskiebel: title for it ?11:57
ebeleh, "ebel's kindle maps" ? :)11:57
ebelah "Rory's Kindle Maps" might be better11:57
ebel(since I notice lots of people trying to get there after hearing "rory mccann kindle maps" on the radio)11:58
czajkowskimaking progress today :D11:58
slashtomhttp://tomsalmon.eu/feed/rss/ but it's not ubuntu specific11:58
czajkowskislashtom: doesnt have to be11:59
czajkowskiit's about us being a community11:59
czajkowskiand sharing information with one another11:59
czajkowskido you want slashtom as the title or Tom Salmon11:59
ebelyou need a little bit of randomness in order to discover new things.11:59
slashtomTom Salmon please12:01
czajkowskihmm did I do http://harryhaaren.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default right ?12:02
HarryHaarenczajkowski: I wouldn't know, I haven't subscribed to my own RSS yet ;D (PS: Yeah it pops up "add to reader" here so should be fine.)12:03
czajkowski11 :D12:05
airurandohe he just looked at the aggregrator.12:06
airurandowas set to check mine every 15 mins12:07
airurandoconsidering I've only posted twice in 16 months i thought that was a bit overkill12:07
airurandodaily will suffice.12:08
airurandoalso, on reflection, I changed the title on my feed to Mike O'Donohue12:09
czajkowskiairurando: can you dent http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/06/23/planet-ubuntu-ireland-lets-get-chatting/12:10
airurandodamn you're fast with this blog thing12:12
airurandowill do12:12
czajkowskiairurando: just have a lot of free time on my hands and need to write 2 presentations for community week12:15
airurandoI'm looking forward to that although it is my bad week at work :(12:15
airurandoit will mostly be logs for me.12:16
czajkowskiyeah there is never a good time12:16
czajkowskiand this time mostly suits EU12:16
czajkowskiwhich isn't making USA folks happy12:16
faganwin 412:23
fagancrap forgot the slash12:24
airurandoczajkowski: still I think the logs come a close second for all these IRC sessions.12:31
airurandohowdy fagan12:31
czajkowskiairurando: aye they do indeed12:31
czajkowskiairurando: you can never please everyone however ;)12:32
airurandoof course12:32
czajkowskiebel: you got that mail for me to send to IS13:34
ebelczajkowski: ah no. not yet13:35
ebelneed to look at BK hosting details first13:35
czajkowskihmm we got lots of new content today on the planet17:34
tdr112ah slashtom has a blog , did not know17:50
czajkowskiwe now have a good few there17:54
czajkowskimissing julies17:54
czajkowskinice to have a bit of variation there as well17:54
czajkowskinot all about Ubuntu17:54
moylanrss feed for mine is http://angryearthling.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default17:56
czajkowskimoylan: title for it ?17:56
czajkowskiMoylans Rants17:57
moylanwill give me something to do when at night when i can't sleep.  title would be 'ramblings of an irish gobdaw' :-)17:57
tdr112so would people be up for a ubuntu hour the night cztab is back in dublin18:49
slashtomi think it's a good plan18:52
tdr112i did not wait for feed back :)  i made the event up http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/1031/detail/19:00
tdr112email sent ->19:05
mokmeisteranybody here tried firefox 5 yet?19:23
tdr112i used it on xp19:56
moylanusing firefox 5 on xubuntu 11.0419:58

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