
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
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* apw yawns08:45
* jjohansen waves goodbye09:46
apwppisati, morning10:16
apwppisati, i see you looked at CVE-2011-1090, i assume you are just looking at the versions which are a straight cherry-pick there?10:17
ubot2apw: The __nfs4_proc_set_acl function in fs/nfs/nfs4proc.c in the Linux kernel before 2.6.38 stores NFSv4 ACL data in memory that is allocated by kmalloc but not properly freed, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (panic) via a crafted attempt to set an ACL. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-1090)10:17
ppisatiapw: yep10:24
ppisatiapw: actually when i posted it i just wanted a couple of acks, but an apply is even better :)10:24
apwppisati, tim likes to get things moving along10:26
apwppisati, i closed out your oldest active CVE, 2010-3859 turns out it was already applied when i fixed the upstream commits10:33
ppisatiapw: CVE-2011-0711 is marked as "needs-triage" in fsl-imx51 but the fixes have already been committed10:50
ubot2ppisati: The xfs_fs_geometry function in fs/xfs/xfs_fsops.c in the Linux kernel before 2.6.38-rc6-git3 does not initialize a certain structure member, which allows local users to obtain potentially sensitive information from kernel stack memory via an FSGEOMETRY_V1 ioctl call. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-0711)10:50
apwppisati, ok let me look at that10:51
apwppisati, ok that was cause by the fact that there are two sha1s for the possible fixes upstream10:58
apwppisati, and for lucid and lucid only someone used the other one for one patch10:58
apwppisati, can and will fix it now10:59
ppisatiapw: and i just noticed that i forgot one of the patches in maverick/ti-omap4... uhmmm....10:59
apwppisati, which is presumably why its also needs-triage10:59
apwppisati, so just slap that one on the next pile and it will sort itself out11:00
ppisatiand luckily mav/omap4 didn't go out... it seems SRU has enough work...11:01
apwppisati, it actually doesn't matter, as the CVE would not be deemed fixed until the second patch was detected as applied so they would get half the fix (which in this case is useful and safe) but not an entire fix11:03
apwppisati, this is one of the advantages of the new scripted detection, it really knows if you are done11:04
apwbefore you would have said "released" and the world is bluffed11:05
apwppisati, ok 0711 is now fixed for fsl-imx5111:08
ppisatiapw: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/80108311:10
ubot2Ubuntu bug 801083 in linux-ti-omap4 "CVE-2011-1012" [Undecided,New]11:10
apwppisati, done11:10
ppisatibtw, why don't i have the nominations right? i mean, this why i don't way to beg anyone11:11
ppisatithis way11:11
apwppisati, because stupidly nomination rights are part of being an uploader or a very very high up in release managment option11:11
apwppisati, which frankly makes no sense to me what so ever, but that is how it is11:11
ppisatiso how do i become an uploader?11:12
apwi think there are plan afoot to split nomination off so we can ask for you to get that11:12
apwto be an uploader you need to learn all the stuff that herton is doing basically11:12
apwthen convince someone outside the group to let you11:13
apw(there is a committee)11:13
apwi am sure you will be asked to get that over time, but the nominations thing should be separate11:13
ppisatiok, let's hope for the rights split11:13
apwas it is simply very very anoying11:13
apwit was worse when noone in our team in the EU had them, smb and i had to wait until tim woke up11:14
apwand that made us very mad11:14
ppisatiwhat a waste of time11:14
apwppisati, yeah and its on our "please fix this" list for launchpad, it should be a separate acl so we can add canonical-kernel-team to the nominations one11:16
ppisatiapw: sounds logical11:20
ppisatibtw, here's another one11:20
ubot2ppisati: The blk_rq_map_user_iov function in block/blk-map.c in the Linux kernel before allows local users to cause a denial of service (panic) via a zero-length I/O request in a device ioctl to a SCSI device. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4163)11:20
ppisatiit's made of 2 patches11:20
ppisatibut the second one supeseded the first one11:20
ppisatithus i apllied only the second one11:20
ppisatiand the CVE matrix marks it as "needs-triage"11:20
apwppisati, lookin11:23
apwppisati, so does one get reverted or something? 11:25
apwppisati, ok i see so one adds it and the other moves it11:26
apwppisati, so what did you do, just add it in the second place?11:27
apwin the second commit?11:27
apwif so then the new single commit should mention both sha1s as it is both11:27
ppisatiapw: just committed the second one11:27
ppisatiah, ok11:27
apwbut the second one is a move11:27
apwso it wouldn't apply without the first right?11:27
ppisatimodified it11:27
* apw will sort this out somehow11:28
ppisatiok, thanks11:28
apwppisati, ahh good its not been 'released' yet so i can just re-write it11:30
ppisatiapw: can't you just fix the tracker?11:30
apwppisati, i can only fix the tracker by telling it that your commit actually should say two things11:31
apwppisati, and as this has not yet been closed i can rewrite it safly11:31
apwppisati, so its simpler to fix the history so its accurate11:31
apwppisati, i see why you only got half the fixes ... as only one is marked in the lucid history, as we got half via stable11:39
apwyou do need to check the tracker for all the ids11:39
ppisatiapw: and there's another one in the same state, somehow...11:43
ubot2ppisati: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4655)11:43
ppisatiit's made of 2 commits11:44
ppisatithe first one was in lucid/master (and i cherry picked it)11:44
ppisatiwhile the second one was made to resolve a conflict with nother commit (and we didn't import)11:44
ppisatiso it was not committed in master11:44
ppisatiand thus i didn't bring it in11:45
apwppisati, ok so we are in the right place there (fsl-imx51 yes?)11:45
ppisatiapw: yep11:45
ppisatiapw: both fsl-imx51 and mav/omap411:46
ppisatibut in the CVE tracker ios marked as "needs triage"11:46
apwyes as the tracker says you need both to make that CVE 'applied'11:46
apwfor those i will tell the tracker applier those ones only needed the one sort of11:46
ppisatiso, do i import the clashing commit and the second fix, or what?11:47
apwif we truly only need the first fix to fix the CVE then i can tell the tracker that11:49
apwppisati, ^^11:50
ppisatiapw: as far as the CVE goes, yes, we need only the first one11:50
apwthen good enough11:50
apwtgardner, any idea if lsattr is related to xattrs or if its something else13:29
apwstupid naming13:29
tgardnerapw, haven't the faintest.13:31
tgardnerlsattr - list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system13:31
tgardnerdoesn't seem to display extended attributes13:32
ogasawarasmb`: can I mark your iscsitarget work item as done?14:33
ogasawarabah, forgot he's away today14:34
tgardnerogasawara, I applied his patch, so I would say yes14:35
* ogasawara back in 2014:36
tgardnerapw, do you remember which firmware bug number you pointed me at yesterday? the only update for Oneiric that I see is for  iwlwifi-5000-5.ucode14:44
apwtgardner, hmmm14:44
tgardnerapw, nm, I can probably find it through LP14:45
apwtgardner, i filed it so i should be able to find it pretty quick14:45
tgardnerapw, bug #80067814:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 800678 in linux-firmware "ath9k firmware out of date for kernel 3.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80067814:46
tgardnerits ath9k, not iwlwifi14:46
apwtgardner, heh how did you find it quicker than i can from my own list ... bah14:46
tgardnerapw, if you look at the package page (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware), it gives you a link to new bugs14:47
apwtgardner, point14:58
tgardnerapw, ogasawara: where can I find the list implied in this work item: '[timg-tpi] review assigned set of Ubuntu delta patches and push upstream where applicable: TODO'15:04
ogasawaratgardner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs/KernelOneiricUbuntuDeltaReview15:05
ogasawaraTim Gardner15:05
ogasawaraubuntulo1: SAUCE: Disable building the ACPI debugfs source15:05
ogasawaraubuntulo1: Sony laptop: Some Sony Vaia laptops do not enable wwan power by default.15:05
tgardnerogasawara, ack. thanks. you're as efficient as always :)15:06
apwogasawara, do i see your nick completion getting out of wack there ?15:23
* apw pops out to do some rally prep errands15:24
ogasawaraapw: nah, cut and paste from the wiki turned out weird15:25
ogasawaraapw: s/ubuntulo1/UBUNTU/15:25
apwogasawara, i think thats nick completion though as that sub is actually a nick on this channel15:25
apwogasawara, i suspect you have : as auto nick complete15:25
ogasawarahrm, /me check15:26
apwtry typing tga:<space>15:26
ogasawaraapw: you're right, it's set in my preferences15:27
apwright hairy backson15:27
tgardnerapw, re :bug #800910 - are there any flavours other then -generic and -server that ought to have grub-efi as a bootloader ? I can't imagine any of the 32 bit platforms needing it.15:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 800910 in linux "Kernel Upgrade forces removal of grub-efi due to missing recommends entry" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80091015:49
apwtgardner, i wouldn't imagine so, if we had a -xen we might want it there16:54
* apw is now officially shawn16:54
tgardnerapw, what is shawn?16:54
apwtgardner, it is what you do to a sheep16:55
tgardneroh, you got your ears lowered16:55
apwtgardner, i see we have grub-efi all the way back to hardy, i wonder if we should have that anywhere earlier than natty16:56
tgardnerapw, what are the odds that machines will work with grub-efi in environments that old?16:57
tgardnerwill the kernels even work?16:58
apwtgardner, i assume we won't put it on by default just allow it to already be there, dunno if the kernels work of course16:58
tgardnerI don't think kernels prior to Natty will support native EFI16:58
apwtgardner, i am a little worried about it being first, does that have any meaning16:59
tgardnerapw, not as far as I can tell16:59
apwi am wondering if that is the one it would cause to be on the CD16:59
tgardnerapw, its a recommends. we could always ask cjwatson or slangasek17:01
apwtgardner, ok the rule according to steve is the first one is the preferred one17:02
apwso if nothing else asks for anything then we only put on grub-efi17:02
tgardnerapw, so I shold swap it17:03
apwi suspect that means we should put it second on natty at least17:03
apwtgardner, thats my take yes17:03
tgardnerwell, likely the same for oneiric17:03
apwyeah likely17:03
tgardnerok, I'll fix it up17:03
apwpgraner, what is it you use to keep your tunnels open17:21
=== cking_ is now known as cking
cjwatsontgardner: grub-efi should definitely never be first17:42
cjwatsonand "forces removal due to missing recommends" is nonsense17:42
cjwatsonan unsatisfied recommends should not force removing a package17:42
cjwatsonalso, the real packages involved are grub-efi-amd64 and grub-efi-ia32 - grub-efi is a metapackage17:43
cjwatsongood grief, that apt-get output is incredibly weird17:43
cjwatsontgardner: in my book, that's an apt bug and you should give mvo a task for it - adding non-first grub-efi-amd64 | grub-efi-ia32 Recommends won't hurt though17:44
tgardnercjwatson, well, should I reference the meta package, or the underlying package (since they are somewhat arch dependent, right?)17:44
cjwatsonit doesn't matter if you recommend something that's missing17:44
cjwatsonespecially when it's one of several alternatives17:45
tgardnercjwatson, ok, can do17:45
cjwatsonreferring to the metapackage: consider the case where somebody has grub-efi-amd64 installed but not grub-efi17:45
tgardnermakes sense17:45
cjwatsonI still think it's not really your problem, but fixing apt's resolver in a stable release probably isn't happenng17:46
pgranerapw, gstm17:52
apwpgraner, ta17:56
* tgardner is off to pack and get the road show organized, remembering the wifi AP for the hotel room.18:43
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-afk
apwtgardner-afk, yeah wired only, how backward18:46
* jjohansen -> lunch20:01
keesapw: hm, why the not-affected -> pending changes? (rather, why was it ever not-affected?)20:20
kees-devel_linux-ti-omap4: not-affected20:20
kees+devel_linux-ti-omap4: pending (2.6.38-1309.13)20:20
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apwkees, likely the version is it pending in is one from -release or before therefore not-affected ... after you do your usn processing20:59
apwkees, our agreed approach was move to pending if the version changes, so here it was n-a (no version) and now is (version) so it moves pending ... i assume you will process to n-a (version) and we are good21:00
apwor you will issue the usn cause it was wrong21:00
keesapw: but there are no USNs for devel releases21:01
keesapw: it was only the devel_* ones that I was curious about.21:01
keesapw: I would have expected them to just stay as "not-affected", but I guess once the tool found the commits, it made it "pending".21:02
keesI guess that's fine. our other script will fix this up as expected. okay. :)21:02
keesapw: heh. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/788684 changelog entry says "CVE-1011-..."  time travel! :)21:33
ubot2Ubuntu bug 788684 in linux "CVE-2011-2022" [Undecided,In progress]21:33
keesapw: where can I find the lucid mvl-dove tree? I'm trying to identify 'Revert "econet: fix CVE-2010-3848"22:04
ubot2kees: Stack-based buffer overflow in the econet_sendmsg function in net/econet/af_econet.c in the Linux kernel before, when an econet address is configured, allows local users to gain privileges by providing a large number of iovec structures. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3848)22:04
kees' in the changelog22:04
keesto make sure the fix came in from the upstream update, but I can't find the tree. (or rather, the one I know about doesn't have the revert)22:04
keesapw: oh-ho, I see it in master-next.22:05
keesis there an mvl-dove -next ?22:06
keessconklin: do you know where I can find the -next trees for the other kernels? now I'm trying to hunt stuff for fsl-imx51 :)22:13
=== tgardner-afk is now known as tgardner
tgardnerkees, the only -next trees we carry are for the master branch because they are typically the only branches that have multiple committers22:22
tgardnerrather, the only -next branches....22:23
sconklinkees: what he said22:29
keestgardner: okay, that makes sense. I guess I'm just trying to figure out how to review a kernel in -proposed when it one of the ports22:34
tgardnerkees, check it out based on the tag ?22:35
keestgardner: I'm not sure what you mean? for example, I was looking at mvl-dove, but it's tree didn't show that is in -proposed22:39
tgardnerkees, well, the git repo doesn't really reflect the state of the package. is that the association you're trying to make ?22:41
sconklinyou have to check out the tag associated with the release22:41
keesit works for the master branches since there are versioned tags, etc22:41
keessconklin: how would I do that for mvl-dove? I didn't see an associated tag22:42
sconklinwhich is especially necessary for branches like arm which are rebased22:42
tgardnerabout all you can say is that at each tag _something_ was uploaded, but it may not have been pocket copied from the c-k-t PPA22:42
sconklinkees: looking22:42
sconklinwell, not 100% true, because things have been tagged and then failed to upload. But mostly true22:42
apwkees, there are tags for every upload so those should be the contents of the upload22:43
apwthey are not linear on teh branches, but they should exist22:43
kees"not linear on the branches"22:43
sconklinbranches which are rebased from other branches do not have a linear history across releases22:44
apwa rebased tree like mvl-dove is not linear in time, it jumps about, each release is tagged but you can only find the released version via the tag, as after rebase the commits it was made from are no longer findable from the head of the branch22:44
keessconklin, apw: okay, so I see "Ubuntu-2.6.32-217.34" which is the version for mvl-dove, but I guess that tag isn't visible when I look at the mvl-dove branch?22:44
keesaaah, so what I see in mvl-dove is basically the "next" rebase22:45
keesor, next next.22:45
sconklinso do a 'git checkout -b mybranch Ubuntu-2.6.32-217.34'22:45
apwkees, the tag has mvl-dove in it doesn't it?  Ubuntu-mvl-dove-version22:45
sconklinor the last one22:45
apwbut either way there is a tag and thats the way to get it22:45
sconklinapw: no, people have been very inconsistent in their tagging22:45
apwsconklin, yep and we are going to talk about htat at Rally, and i suggest fix them too22:46
sconklinapw: ack +122:46
sconklinsconklin@xps-1:/src/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid$ git tag | grep mvl22:46
keesokay, so I guess what tripped me up is that I can't navigate those tags via the gitweb interface.22:46
sconklinsconklin@xps-1:/src/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid$ 22:46
sconklinnever tried that. 22:47
apwkees, ok, so of course you could checkout the bzr branches the importer is importing22:47
keesapw: right, I'll do that. the rebase confused me since I saw no tags after I looked into the branch.22:47
keesI feel saner now! :) thanks guys :)22:47
apwheh ... kees lets get together at rally and make sure you can find what you want22:47
sconklinkees: np, it does take a bit of head-wrapping22:47
sconklingenerally, if in doubt you can take the version from the package without decoration, i.e. '2.6.32-416.33' and grep for that in the tags22:48
keesapw: well, see, that's the problem, I don't know what I don't know. I keep hitting these weird situations while going about what I thought was a standard process. heh22:48
keessconklin: yeah, that's my way forward22:48
sconklinwhen we standardize our tags it will be easier22:49
apwkees, yeah thats how the cve tracker updater does it too22:49
apwsconklin, ^^22:49
* kees nods22:50
sconklinall this reminded me that we should schedule some testing of running all the stable tools across a 3.0 kernel so we don't spend the week after release picking up pieces22:50
apwsconklin, oh you will :)22:50
apwsconklin, perhaps i should upload one into ckt for giggles22:50
sconklinapw: I know we will. I wrote some of the regex's we use . . . ;(22:50
sconklinapw: don't do it when I have easy access to you.22:51
sconklinmeaning within a 12 hour flight22:51
apwsconklin, :)22:51
sconklinAlthough it will be easy enough to grab the development branch and try to prep a package22:52
sconklinit's going to explode hard22:52
* apw wanders off again22:53

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