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MootBotMeeting started at 09:58. The chair is NCommander.15:58
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:58
davidmG'day NCommander15:59
* NCommander sleeply waves15:59
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review15:59
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review15:59
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110526https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011052615:59
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110526https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011052615:59
NCommanderer, none15:59
NCommander[topic] Standing Items16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items16:00
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:00
NCommanderI just realized I posted the wrong link16:00
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011062316:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011062316:00
NCommander[topic] NCommander to get Documentation spec approved16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to get Documentation spec approved16:01
NCommander[topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:01
NCommander[topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:01
ograwe look bad ...16:02
ograbut with dublin ahead that should not matter16:02
NCommanderanything else or can I move on?16:03
NCommander[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)16:03
NCommanderSlow week. Did some work creating udebs, and determined my panda was fried.16:04
ograthe existing PXE code is uploaded though16:04
ograhavent tested how complete it is yet16:05
NCommanderwe've got the sprint, we'll catch up there16:05
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:05
ppisatinothing exciting: usual tons of cve fixes16:05
ograany news regarding the usb issue ?16:05
ppisatithe usb issue has been fixed & committed :)16:05
ppisatibtw i'm bit low on stuff, so if you have any outstading issue16:06
ppisatifeel free to throw it to me16:06
ograwe'll get you stuff next week, dont worry16:06
ppisatiBTW, bring some otg stuff to dublin since it seems i can't make it work16:07
* NCommander throws a trout at ppisati 16:07
ograsprints are good for collecting bugs16:07
GrueMasterOhhh yeaaa.16:07
ppisatiyou can move from my pov16:07
ppisatiah no16:07
GrueMasterppisati: I'll bring you an OTG cable.16:07
ppisatiGrueMaster: i've all kinds of otg cables but it seems it doesn't make any difference for my xm16:08
ppisatiGrueMaster: anyway, bring it, thanks16:08
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:08
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:08
NCommandertelepathy-glib has kicked out asses16:08
* ogra looks at infinity 16:08
ograyour sync ftbfs16:09
ograsadly empathy gets uninstallable through that16:09
ograso we dont get images16:09
NCommanderanything else?16:10
* ogra would like to have a recent image before the sprint ... 16:10
davidmYes that would be nice16:10
ograshould we drop ampathy for now ?16:10
davidmYes if need be16:10
ograi'm not sure if there is more in the desktop seed16:11
davidmI really don't want to block on that16:11
ogramore depending on telepathy-glib i mean16:11
infinityErr, oh.  Right.  Meeting.16:11
infinityNCommander: tp-glib is suffering from "lp-buildd is broken" issues.16:11
infinityogra: No need to drop empathy, I'll just bump the test timeout in tp-glib to something stupidly high to work around twistd.16:12
* infinity will throw a test upload at his PPA right now and see if it sticks.16:12
ograinfinity, ok, if we dont have a binary by tomorrow evening i'll drop it though16:12
infinityogra: *nod*16:12
ograso we have a chance to get an image over the weekend16:13
infinityogra: If you do, file a bug against soyuz, it's not actually a tp-glib issue.16:13
ograwell, thats only temporary indeed, we can corner StevenK in dublin to fix it ;)16:14
* NCommander packs duct tape and a staple gun16:14
NCommandercan we ove?16:14
ogranothing else from me16:14
ogra(and partially also already the image topic :) )16:14
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)16:15
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)16:15
* GrueMaster hasn't ove'd in years16:15
ograGrueMaster, oh ? why not ?16:15
ograwell ... image status, headles builds fine, i havent tested a single one since a while though16:15
ogradesktop doesnt ... see above :)16:16
NCommanderis there anything else?16:16
GrueMasterTested headless omap4 on Tuesday.  Still works.16:16
* NCommander doesn't have anything to add16:16
GrueMasterGood progress on netboot.16:16
ograjasper will need preseed file support for server preinstalled16:16
ograwe need to discuss where to put that file in dublin16:16
ograsince unlike in d-i images it will persist on the FS16:17
NCommanderogra: /var/cache/installer/preseed?16:17
ograsomething like that16:17
NCommanderoro something like that16:17
NCommanderanything else?16:18
ograthe coding will be trivial, but i somehow cant make up my mind about the file :)16:18
ogranothing else here16:18
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)16:18
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)16:18
GrueMasterOh, that's me.16:18
GrueMasterI have my relay now fully operational and online.  I can remotely control 2 pandas atm (limited to pandas on hand).16:19
ograyou should patent that and sell it to zoos ;)16:19
GrueMasterWork progressing on ramping up jenkins automation environment.  Lots of questions for the QA guys next week.16:19
GrueMasterfilesystem benchmark testing is very slow & manual.  Each run takes 84 hours and then I have to reformat & restore the rootfs.16:20
ograhow do you benchmark exactly ?16:21
GrueMasterI'm using the phoronix filesystem benchmarks.16:21
ograi think actually just producing different bootcharts for different filesystems should already show some markers16:21
GrueMasterAll the fs benchmarking tools in one convenient package.16:21
GrueMasterNot reliable.16:22
ograreliable for boot time measuring16:22
ograindeed not for a full filesystem benchmark16:22
GrueMasterfilesystem testing is more than just booting.16:22
ograi didnt say it isnt :)16:23
GrueMasterAnd my task is to benchmark filesystems.  This seemed the best way.16:23
ograbut getting a bootchart is a matter of seconds16:23
NCommanderogra: but bootchart is mostly read and sequencish IO16:23
NCommandernot nightmarish abuse that phoronix does16:23
ograits only one aspect16:23
ograbut low hanging fruit wrt data gathering16:24
NCommanderinvalid datat though.16:24
NCommanderwould give us skrewed results16:24
GrueMasterOur boot performance isn't the issue (actually boot time is very impressive).16:24
infinitybootcharting (especially with intelligent readahead stuff in play) isn't testing your filesystem at all, just the speed of your disk.16:24
ograwould give us tendency about reading on different filesystems while the full suite runs16:24
infinitySince most boot tricks are designed to work AROUND the filesystem. :P16:24
GrueMasterMy panda boots nearly at the same speed as my netbook with SSD.16:24
ografrom power on to desktop ?16:25
GrueMasterogra: You would be looking at a few milliseconds in differences.16:25
infinityAnd yeah, my Panda boots impressively quickly.16:25
infinityAnd then takes 20 minutes to load Firefox while I go for lunch.16:25
ograintresting, your netbook must have a slow bios :)16:25
GrueMasterThe u-boot delay is close to the bios init time on my netbook.16:25
ograinfinity, far from whats possible16:25
* rsalveti waves16:25
ograu-boot steals massive amounts of time16:26
rsalvetishould we change u-boot count time for 1, 2 seconds?16:26
GrueMaster4 seconds of u-boot countdown.16:26
GrueMaster10 on beagle.16:26
ograplus about 10-12 for loading initrd and kernel16:26
rsalvetiGrueMaster: I believe 10 will be fixed in next u-boot upload16:27
rsalvetithat should be coming today or tomorrow16:27
rsalvetinops, it's fast now16:27
rsalveti2, 3 secs to load16:27
rsalvetiat least on panda/beagle16:27
rsalvetibecause of the multi block read16:27
ograoh, then it improved16:27
GrueMasterogra: Not sure why you are seeing such slow kernel & initrd load times.  Mine is maybe .5 seconds.16:27
rsalvetijust firefox that's a pita atm16:28
rsalvetiI can make a fresh coffee when I decided to start it16:28
ograGrueMaster, from end of countdown to the "ucompressing kernel" message its .5s ?16:28
GrueMasterroughly for each, yes.16:29
ograi'm surely not seeing such times16:29
infinityrsalveti: Firefox may as well be the "vicious filesystem test" we're looking for, once it's been used a bit.  Cause loading the profile and parsing history, etc, is just evil on a randomly-accessed/abused SD.16:29
GrueMasterI'll try to time it with a stopwatch.16:29
ograthough i havent tried oeniric on my panda yet16:29
rsalvetiinfinity: yeah, did you try to profile it already?16:30
GrueMasterThat was true even with natty beta+16:30
ograwill pull a headless image, thats actually something i want to see16:30
infinityrsalveti: No, I just plugged in an external hard drive, thus preventing my urge to launch my Panda out the window.16:30
GrueMasterheadless & netbook should have the same start times prior to mounting rootfs and running init from there.16:30
* ogra just uses chromium :)16:30
NCommanderanything els or can I move on?16:31
GrueMasterchromium is not on the image.  invalid test procedure.16:31
ograwell, surely not invalid :)16:32
NCommander[topic] AOB16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:32
GrueMasterfor filesystem abuse?  yes it is if it doesn't do the same thrashing.16:32
* ogra is pretty sure fta likes to get arm bugs from actual users :)16:32
ograGrueMaster, no, for having a usable browser :)16:33
infinity(The real fun is when you start swapping to a swap file on the SD, and realise that you probably would have rather just had the OOM killer pick something at random to slaughter than put up with swapping to the same SD you're trying to randomly read/write to)16:33
ogranot for FS abuse testing16:33
NCommanderif nothing else will close the meeting out16:33
davidmFolks for the ARM Server Project test against USB HD16:33
ograinfinity, well, tell that to the guy with the 200 page writer document open he just wrote :)16:33
davidmnot SD card time please16:34
infinitydavidm: Yeah, and I'm VERY pleased with the Panda with a USB HDD.16:34
NCommanderthanks davidm16:34
ograi rarther wait 20min for my system to return than having OOM kick in in such a case16:34
GrueMasterdavidm: planned on it.16:34
davidmI do want to figure out the SD card issues but that may be a hardware issue16:34
davidmand un fixable by us16:34
NCommanderogra: you can force that by smacking with knobs with sysctl)16:34
davidmI'm looking forward to next week16:35
ograNCommander, i can also have a swapfile and swppiness set to 116:35
GrueMasterdavidm: The idea behind the filesystem benchmarking & improvement was doing the best with what we have.16:35
NCommanderanyway, can I close the meeting now?16:35
ograwhich gets me the overflow memory on disk16:35
NCommanderguess not16:35
GrueMasterNCommander: Wait 5.16:35
ograinstead of stealoing from another app16:35
ograclose :)16:35
* ogra doesnt have anything16:36
infinitydavidm: And I concur.  I'm loooking forward to seeing everyone again.  Face-time makes a huge difference sometimes.16:36
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:36.16:36
* NCommander goes back to faceplanting16:36
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