
JarvisIs it valid to advise somone to upgrade from karmic > lucid, for futher updates? The package the users bug report refers to (miro) appears to be a new major revision in lucid and above.00:18
cjwatsonJarvis: well, karmic is no longer supported ...00:26
Jarviskk, i just wanted to make sure before i went ahead and did so :p00:26
directhexkarmic->lucid is a supported move to make, and lucid still receives updates. so "yes"00:30
highvoltagehey broder00:36
Jarviswould someone mind tagging 423514 as won't fix for me please? Thanks.00:39
paultagJarvis: just because Karmic is EOL does not mean it's WONTFIX00:40
Jarvisoh ?00:40
paultagJarvis: you should have asked to test on the most recent version and verify it's not still present00:40
paultagJarvis: bryce marked that high, so it was a bug and an important one at one point00:41
broderhighvoltage: hey, how goes?00:41
Jarvisthanks paultag00:49
paultagJarvis: sure. Keep rock'n.00:49
highvoltagebroder: hey good thanks and you? tomorrow I'll have some time for backports, not 100% sure where to start though but I guess I'll just dive in and get an idea of what seems important right now00:57
broderhighvoltage: lucid-backports is probably the best place to start, just because it's the worst off at the moment01:00
highvoltagebroder: yep I thought so too01:02
broderhighvoltage: certainly a lot of those bugs aren't actually backports bugs01:02
broderor affect packages too core to legitimately test01:03
broder(i think someone requested an natty -> lucid openssh-client backport, for instance)01:03
broderwhen i've had time, i've mostly focused on trying to keep maverick and natty under control, so i haven't really done much triage on lucid01:03
highvoltagebroder: at work we're planning to upgrade a lot of hardy servers (and vz guests) to lucid so I'll probably look into lucid server backports too if I find ones that are interesting01:07
broderhighvoltage: sounds awesome. feel free to ping me if you find bugs that are ready to go, but don't feel like you need feedback before asking the reporter for additional work01:08
highvoltageok great, thanks01:10
highvoltagebroder: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lucid-backports/+bug/795602 requests the backport from natty. would it be better to get it from oneiric instead or should a backport come from a stable release?01:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 795602 in lucid-backports "Please backport aptitude 0.6.3-3.2" [Undecided,New]01:33
broderbackport aptitude> ahhh. that on its own sounds terrifying, but let me take a look01:34
brodergenerally we're fine with backports from dev releases01:34
broder(we do have packages in natty-backports already, for instance)01:34
highvoltagewell if it looks like aptitude will be complicated for some reason then I could probably find something simpler to start with01:36
broderi dont' think it's necessarily complicated, although i do see a bunch of problematic factors in play01:36
broderso here's what i see when i look at that bug:01:37
broder(a) i bet aptitude has a fair number of rdepends01:37
broder(b) an oneiric -> maverick backport would also require a oneiric -> natty backport, with all the testing that entails. natty -> maverick would definitely be easier01:37
broder(c) "I've just run into this nasty bug in aptitude" immediately says to me "maybe this should be an SRU of some sort"01:37
highvoltageah I haven't really considered B much01:38
highvoltagebut yes it does indeed sound more like a candidate for an SRU01:39
broderlooking at the debian bug, the patch to support preferences.d is pretty miniscule. i would probably ping the SRU team and see what they thought of SRU'ing that patch01:39
highvoltageso what usually happens during upgrades? does update manager remove backports or do you just stay with your backport until a newer one from the archive arrives?01:40
broderupdate-manager will leave backports turned on01:40
broderwhich is why we require the intermediate upgrades01:40
broderif maverick has 0.1, natty has 0.2, and oneiric has 0.301:41
broderand you want to backport oneiric to maverick01:41
broderyou also have to backport oneiric to natty01:41
broderthere should never be a valid release upgrade path (LTS or normal) that causes the version number of a package to decrease if you have backports turned on on both ends01:42
highvoltageok, I don't quite understand why yet but I'll remember that01:47
broderi think update-manager might treat it as vanished from the archive or something like that01:48
highvoltageah yes01:49
highvoltageis there a tracker for SRUs?01:50
highvoltage(I guess I should just google for that instead of pesting :p)01:51
broderthere is an sru tracker, but i can't find it at the moment01:54
broder(linked from !sru)01:55
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:55
highvoltageyeah I smikked through that just before asking :)01:56
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paultagHey, MOTU. Anyone know if there's a feed anywhere of uploaded packages?04:38
micahgpaultag: the $RELEASE-changes lists on lists.u.c?04:39
micahgan actual feed? idk...04:39
ajmitchthere used to be an rss feed from that04:39
paultagmicahg: I'm looking for something easily machine digestable, so I can report stuff back to my Nook04:39
paultagyeah I remember something like that ajmitch04:39
ajmitchseveas used to have that somewhere, I don't know what currently exists for it04:40
micahgpaultag: the archives for lists.ubuntu.com should be machine parseable to some extent04:44
ajmitchhttp://feeds.ubuntu-nl.org/UbuntuChanges says they were going away only last month, fwiw04:44
paultagI wonder if it's not worth it to integrate into Launchpad, since it parses all this (and has time data) anyway04:45
ajmitchlaunchpad already has some feeds, hidden somewhere04:46
ajmitchbut I don't know if there's anything for packages accepted into the archive like -changes is04:46
lifelessnot of uploads04:46
lifelesspatches accepted to add one04:46
lifelessor you can use the API04:46
paultaglifeless: I don't want to klobber lp over the api04:46
paultagI try to be nice :)04:46
ajmitchpolling the API is probably less efficient than adding a rss feed view04:46
paultagajmitch: yar, and moreso if it's statically rendered04:47
lifelessefficiency is very hard to judge without looking at the implementation :)04:47
lifelessthe feeds are not static04:47
paultagsomething like ubuntu changes should (and can) be :)04:47
lifelesspaultag: we do 4M API requests a day; we can handle the odd query from you04:47
lifelesspaultag: making it static is only a win if its accessed more often than it changes.04:48
ajmitchnow I remember, it was bugs that had rss feeds that I could see04:48
lifelessajmitch: yes, and projects04:48
lifelesswe have a framework to add feeds; its a bit over engineered04:48
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dholbachgood morning07:53
dholbachhey tumbleweed08:27
dholbachhow are you doing?08:27
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c_kornwhat could be the reason why dpkg-gensymbols does not output anything for a package which definitely has a shared library in usr/lib ?11:04
Ampelbeinc_korn: libraries not in debian/tmp and wrong -P option?11:06
c_kornthe library has to be in debian/tmp also?11:07
c_kornthe files are here: $ ls debian/libsph1/usr/lib/*.so*11:09
X3lectriccan someone help me fix this https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73961702/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.nvidia-graphics-drivers_275.09.07-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa9_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:09
c_kornand now dpkg-gensymbols -plibsph1 outputs nothing11:09
c_kornAmpelbein: ^11:09
Ampelbeinc_korn: 'dpkg-gensymbols -plibsph1 -Pdebian/libsph1'11:10
c_kornAmaranth: oh, ok. did not know I had to give both arguments. thank you!11:11
c_korneh, Ampelbein11:11
tumbleweeddholbach: hi. sorry, busy morning11:15
dholbachtumbleweed, no worries :)11:15
X3lectricmorning tumbleweed11:15
X3lectricmorning dolbach11:16
X3lectrictumbleweed I fixed the erros but now I get a really odd one11:16
dholbachhi X3lectric11:16
tumbleweedX3lectric: you know you can build and debug the build locally rather than try an dguess from PPA build logs11:17
tumbleweedbut in this case, the reror seems pretty clear11:18
X3lectrictubleweed, prolly but like I said I dont know jack about packaging11:18
X3lectricits all a stab in the dark11:18
X3lectricyes but the rules file i dont get where its causing that11:19
X3lectricI the first extraction happens and then a second11:21
X3lectrici cant see how that happens11:21
X3lectricthe only way to prevent it is to commnet out the only 86_64 --extract after the driver has been made executable11:25
X3lectricsince I have no clew where the first extract is ocurring11:26
X3lectricIve emailed one driver maintainer but hes got 3 emails didnt wanna spam him11:31
X3lectrictumbleweed: commenting the only extract worked O.o11:48
X3lectricits built 138611:48
X3lectricmakes zero sense11:49
X3lectricdanged ISP11:55
X3lectricits building ok for karmic and lucid just waiting for the amd64 builds12:39
X3lectricthx for your "help"12:40
X3lectricdefinetly thank you for taking the time12:40
* X3lectric thinks tumbleweed is doing exactly what nick suggests12:41
Laneythere's really no need to be rude to people12:45
X3lectricwho was rude12:59
X3lectricLaney: I hope that wasnt directed at me, since i dont see where any rudeness was implied13:01
cjwatsonX3lectric: making comments about people's nicks and associated inactivity is generally considered rude13:35
dholbachbarry will give a session about porting to dh_python2 in #ubuntu-pyjam in 24 minutes13:36
X3lectriccjwatson: only if you dont have a sense of humour and thats the first time I ever heard such "unspoken" rules beside if it was rude im sure Tumbleweed can tell me himself.13:38
X3lectricas I said no rudenss was implied, your guys are suggesting staright away some sort of malice, that is kinda jugdmental which is actually rude...13:40
X3lectricdholbach: do you have some packaging experince as in starting from source?13:45
dholbachX3lectric, I would suggest looking at similar packages and how it's done there and also check out http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/packaging-guide/html/debian-dir-overview.html13:46
dholbachX3lectric, I need to take my dog for a walk now - best just ask questions in here - I'm sure somebody else can help you find an answer13:46
X3lectricoh what dog you have? have a nice walk...13:47
X3lectricim looking for a partner/mentor not necessarily help13:48
dholbachhttp://murphy.holba.ch/_IMG_2563.html - thanks - see you later :)13:48
X3lectriclaters :p13:49
X3lectricoooooohhh cute...13:49
tumbleweedX3lectric: I chose my nick for a reason, sure :) I'm happy to provide some help, but not going to do all the work for you. (I'm also a full time student who has a thesis to finish, and I can't spend all day playing with linux)14:35
X3lectricI wouldnt expect anyone do do all work for me.... some people think that because i made a commnet about your nickname that was rude [12:41] * X3lectric thinks tumbleweed is doing exactly what nick suggests14:41
tumbleweedX3lectric: no problem14:42
X3lectricHonestly im shocked that peopel are so jugmental since there was no malice intended14:42
* X3lectric actually thinks being jugdmental is actually very rude, more so then making some innocuous/humourous comment14:44
tumbleweedX3lectric: I have no desire to continue that part of the discussion, don't worry about it. But also, be patient.14:45
X3lectrictumbleweed: I actually managed to fix the problems with the slew of erros and kicked the ppa backside into gear14:45
X3lectrictumbleweed: ya I think im patinet after being at this for nealry a week14:46
X3lectrictumbleweed: good luck with thesis14:47
tumbleweedX3lectric: it took me months to get my first packages into ubuntu. A week isn't much. And I think everyone has to prioritise their time based on their own idea of what's important.14:48
ScottKX3lectric: If you're trying to get a package into Ubuntu, you might also consider trying to get it into Debian from where it will be automatically sync'ed into Ubuntu.  See mentors.debian.net.14:53
tumbleweedScottK: he's maintaining some backported drivers in a PPA14:54
* ScottK is busy with $work and not following the details.14:54
X3lectricits not backported lol14:56
X3lectricits actually new upstream releases14:57
X3lectricScottK: I would release into debian but I already have enough problems to be jusmping through more hoops15:01
ScottKIt may actually be easier for new packages for updates to existing ones though you'd have to work with the existing maintainer.15:02
X3lectricthe keyowrd being having to work with someone else most likely in another timezone and not intersted in doing what Im doing15:04
X3lectriccurrent maintainers dont want to do it and stopped doing anything less than natty they no longer intersted15:05
ScottKNevermind then.15:05
X3lectricim neverminding hehe15:06
X3lectrici wouldnt mid some help and mentoring15:06
X3lectricthats not likely either ;)15:07
ScottKIf you have specific questions I may be able to answer them.  I can't promise any general help.15:23
X3lectricnotanymore but thx15:23
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nigelbjtaylor: I remember you once told me what the most common fix for the LD change fix was when using autotools.17:32
nigelbjtaylor: What was it it? I forgot and my grep of logs don't find it :(17:32
jtaylorwrong use of LDFLAGS instead of LIBS or LDADD17:32
nigelbso, switching that to LIBS or LDADD should possible fix it?17:33
jtaylorif autotools orders the commandline wrong, yes17:33
nigelbawesome, I'll try that. thanks!17:34
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Laneywarp10: I am uploading sparkleshare to oneiric now21:44
directhexrealization: i'm not enough people to shepherd the mono 2.10 transition solo, given pressures on my time.22:05
ajmitchok, order in some minions22:06
directhexone of the biggest bits of work needing doing is getting monodevelop working in pure 4.0-only form. i don't have time to work on the little bits22:14
Laneywrite an email to the lists calling for help22:20
Laney(and mention to check with us if unsure)22:21
* ajmitch digs around for a local branch of monodevelop22:22
directhexLaney, ubuntu-motu@ you reckon?22:40
Laneydirecthex: probably too dead. that and devel22:40
micahgthere'e already a nice pretty transition for mono :)22:41
directhexmicahg, needs more warm bodies though. i can only do a handful of packages a day if that22:43
* ajmitch heard that Laney has plenty of spare time for it22:43
Laneybusy writing perl22:43
ajmitcha likely story22:43
ajmitchdamn alioth22:44
ajmitchfinally able to clone with git+ssh on a new sid VM, had to run ssh-agent & add the other ssh key22:44
micahgdirecthex: after I get the stuff I need for the libnotify transition done, I might be able to help, is a no change rebuild usually enough?22:45
ajmitchhttp://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono210TransitionTODO is the debian list, there are a bunch of other possible fixes22:45
directhexmicahg, mostly no-change or simplistic changes (e.g. tweaked build-deps). the trick is that *apps* need to be done first. when all apps are done, libs & plugins can be done22:46
directhexmicahg, sadly the apps are more likely to need tweaking than the libs22:47
directhexanyway, back to monodevelop22:47
micahgdirecthex: I assume the transition hierarchy reflects that?22:47
directhexmicahg, nah, ben is stupid and shows pretty much the exactly wrong order.22:47
micahgdirecthex: well, apps first is the exact opposite of everything else22:48
directhexmicahg, basically, a 4.0 app can load 2.0-3.5 libs. the reverse is not true.22:49
micahghi xnox` are you still interested in xiphos22:49
micahgdirecthex: ah, that's a nice feature, makes sense, but wouldn't the 2.0-3.5 libs be NBS and still around for the apps?22:50
jtaylorwill it does not always work, keepass2 for example does not run with 2.0 libs22:50
micahgoh, now I remember, mono has a special way of "registering" libs22:54
ajmitchmono is special in lots of ways22:55
Awsoonnhi all, I'm wondering if there is a wiki page for debugging unity that you can point me to23:11
AwsoonnI just upgraded to unity and got myself a blank desktop. :(23:12
micahgAwsoonn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/FilingBugs23:18
Awsoonnmicahg: thax23:19
xnox`micahg: yes, I'm kinda interested in xiphos. xulrunner is getting killed right?23:42
xnox`micahg: I'm going to sleep. I have commented on the xiphos bug on lp. I see it's targeted for alpha2. There is similar bug report in debian. I will look into them.23:50
xnox`I'm off to sleep now. Hopefully will catch you tomorrow (~UTC time)23:50

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