
liquiasI am using mythbuntu for the first time in my life, I can't understand how to watch avi videos I have on a DVD disc. what do I need to do ?00:00
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context-so uh question :x02:19
context-the WinTV HVR-1600 is showing up as a V4L device02:19
context-do i have to use this retarded 'blaster' thing for it to change channels or  can it change channels itself02:19
context-i just kind of want something that works. ;)02:20
context-there really isnt much document wise that i see as far as actually getting this up and running02:21
context-ive got all this disk space and cant use it02:27
bruderbellHi folks, anyone here have ideas on troubleshooting IR remotes?05:24
patdk-lapnever liked ir, use bluetooth myself05:24
bruderbellI've got the network remotes just fine, but my wife (and I) would like to use IR remotes..05:25
bruderbellAny ideas on channels where I should see if any merciful souls would like to help out?05:26
patdk-lapwhat kernel you using?05:26
bruderbellOne sec05:26
bruderbellI'll look it up05:26
bruderbellKernel 2.6.32-32-generic05:30
patdk-lapso using the old ir stuff05:31
bruderbellMy remote works like a mouse, but I can't get other buttons to function05:33
bruderbellThe arrow keys move the cursor, etc05:34
liquiashow can i see avi movies i have on dvd in mythbuntu07:19
context-so... anyone experience myth being retarded and not inserting data it gets from schedulesdirect into the database07:53
liquiashow can i watch avi movies i have on dvd in mythbuntu?08:32
liquiashow can i watch avi movies i have on dvd in mythbuntu?11:03
liquiasanyone ?11:03
patdk-lapdefently not easily11:35
liquiasHow then ?11:47
liquiasHow come this is not trivial ?11:48
liquiaspatdk-lap, isn't this something mythtv should be able to support ?11:49
patdk-lapit's open source, it can *support* anything you wish to write :)11:50
liquiaso good ! your here ! :)11:50
patdk-lapbut no one I guess has cared to do so, since harddrives are so cheap11:50
liquiasyou mean to say it doesn't have the option to do so at the moment ?11:51
liquiasisn't is supposed to act as a DVR ?11:51
liquiasWhat an I missing ?11:52
patdk-lapplaying avi files from a dvd has nothing to do with a dvr11:53
patdk-lapdvr is recording and playing back files from a tv tuner11:54
patdk-lapplaying avi files from a dvd would be a hacked up dvd player11:54
liquiasany DVR machine I know can play back DIVX and XVID formats.11:54
liquiasright from the box.11:55
patdk-lapnone that I have ever owned could, they only did mpeg11:55
liquiasim not talking about tivo or anything, just plain dvrs.11:55
patdk-laptivo is a dvr11:55
patdk-lapso what is your so called *plain dvr*11:56
liquiasim from israel. we literally do not have any dvd players or recorders that do not support divx and xvid formats.11:56
patdk-lapdvd players are not dvr's11:56
liquiasI might be confused.11:57
patdk-lapmythtv is was not made to be a dvd player11:57
liquiasisn't dvr, a DVD recorder ?11:57
patdk-lapit has very limited dvd support11:57
patdk-lapdvr is a TV recorder11:57
liquiaswhat is it then ?11:58
patdk-lapdigital video recorder, used to record tv, so you can watch it later11:58
patdk-lapaka, tivo11:58
liquiastivo records to a harddrive.11:58
patdk-lapyep, so does myth11:59
patdk-lapmyth doesn't support recording to anything besides a harddrive11:59
patdk-lapafter it's recorded you can optionally choose to export it to something though11:59
liquiasi guess i am confused.11:59
liquiaswe do not hqave those in israel. ( maybe something called yes max )12:01
liquiasis there any way you know if (other than writing it myself) to watch avi movies from a previously burned dvd ?12:02
liquiasmaybe an addon or application ?12:03
patdk-lapI have no idea12:03
patdk-lapthe easest way would be to find a program that can do that12:03
patdk-lapand get myth to use that instead of it's internal player when playing dvd's12:03
liquiasdo you know of any ?12:03
patdk-lapI'm not sure if making a dvd drive a storage group is a good idea or not, but that might work too12:03
patdk-lapnope, I never put avi's on dvd's12:04
liquiasi guess i am looking for some kind of media center that can record either to hd and or DVD media ?12:04
patdk-lapI don't think I even have any avi's12:04
liquiasdo you d/l movies from the internet ? ever ?12:04
patdk-lapthat would be illegal12:05
liquiasi c12:05
liquiaswell, do you know of any media center application that can also record either to hd or DVD media ?12:06
liquiaswell, do you know of any media center application that can also record either to hd or DVD media ?12:12
tgm4883patdk-lap, you could probably just add the /media folder as a frontend video location14:42
tgm4883then just scan for changes in mythvideo to find the avi on the dvd14:43
rhpot1991or just copy them to your hard drive15:35
bobdole369Mythbuntu 11.04 64bit - Does anyone know if Mythnetvision is currently working? I add an RSS feed of a video podcast and it opens to a web page of the show for some reason. If I press download, a message: "Downloading xxx" appears in mythfrontend.log but that file doesn't exist.  Also not able to change anything in the rev3.xml file to subscribe to shows that way (and that method also opens a web page for some reason in15:59
ddnmfuemsis mythbuntu 11.04 100% compatible with ubuntu 11.04 ?21:16
ddnmfuemsor xubuntu21:17
superm1ddnmfuems, yeah21:17
superm1they all use the same ubuntu packages as a base21:18
ddnmfuemsok thank you21:18
superm1ubuntu 11.04 has more gnome stuff than mythbuntu21:18
ddnmfuemsi imagine21:18
quentusrex_Anyone know of a solution to the mythbuntu 11.04 pchdtv-5500 issue?21:48
quentusrex_I'm getting no audio, and I can't watch any along channel other than channel 221:49
tgm4883quentusrex_, there is an issue with that?21:59
quentusrex_tgm4883, something about dsp support dropped in the latest ubuntu kernel and pchdtv-5500 needing it for sound.22:38
tgm4883quentusrex_, odd, hadn't seen that.22:39
quentusrex_Anyone familiar with the 'error opening jump program file buffer' error?23:40

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