
kbmonkeymorning ladies and germs06:29
* superfly wonders when the gents are going to be greeted06:43
kbmonkey... and the gents ;)06:45
kbmonkeygerms, gents, same difference he he06:45
kbmonkeybbl gents and ladels, time to hit the road06:46
nuvolarimornings 07:26
sakhihi nuvolari 07:38
nuvolarilo sakhi 07:41
nuvolarien ons sakhi-sakhi, en ons toi-toi :P07:49
inetprogood morning08:08
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
drubinhttp://ubuntudeal.co.za lol08:48
nlsthznDoes ZA have something like this?  - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/06/23/planet-ubuntu-ireland-lets-get-chatting/14:27
superflynlsthzn: http://ubuntu-za.org/planet14:54
nlsthznsuperfly: I need to start bookmarking sites... 14:56
nlsthznthanks btw :)14:56
nlsthznI see the blogging has died down a bit...14:59
drubintumbleweed / superfly : did you disable the cron job?16:12
tumbleweedbut the box is prennially short of ram16:13
superflydrubin I also updated everything recently16:51
drubinsuperfly: ^517:14
superflydrubin: would high-five back, but I don't have a caret key on my phone's physical keyboard17:30
Kerberomarcog: sorry we did not make it at the end22:56
Kerberogot stuck at Paulaner22:56

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