
SovekOK, so after one boot where the touchpad failed to work (due to the damn numpad plugged in) I get an Aufus mount failed or some such00:00
Sovekbrb, made a new disk, trying again00:01
* sudokill coughs*00:04
TrDi have a psad problem external script can't run on a scan00:05
Tarovendr_willis: Gonna give UNetbootin a shot, looks suitably awesome for the purpose.00:07
TMechanicel nuevo es el 11.0400:07
Tarovenwizardmonster: Ubuntu.00:08
ProtiXi need help00:08
wizardmonsteris this the offical Ubuntu chat room?00:08
TMechanicesta feo eso00:08
TMechanicusa el 10.04 LTS00:08
TMechanici use it00:08
ToastdudeWow... Lot's of people here...00:09
biamianyone knows any ppa of GNOME3 that actually works...00:10
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.00:10
OerHeksnot really biami, wait for 11.1000:10
itudr_willis: thanks. it got it00:11
biamiubottu: i did that... it crashed unity... and G3 looked nothing like the screenshots00:11
ubottubiami: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:11
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ZykoticK9_biami, you could try Fedora00:11
TMechanic11.10 coming in october right?00:12
bazhangTMechanic, yes00:12
[Raiden]biami: try this http://paste.org.ru/?tr8vix00:12
bazhang[Raiden], thats not helpful00:13
biami[Raiden]: that doesn't work...00:14
bazhangbiami, dont bother, its installing the ppa then purging it00:14
[Raiden]work for me http://storage8.static.itmages.ru/i/11/0623/h_1308784463_bae6d4a091.png00:14
biamiwill wait for 11.10... can't move away from Ubuntu... :(00:14
bazhang[Raiden], dont recommend things not supported here.00:14
OerHeksif you like cutting edge testing you could download oneiric 11.10 > support in #Ubuntu+100:15
Zeelothey guys, if I wrote a little CLI script, how do I go about adding autocomplete for it?00:15
OerHeksthe alpha1 that is *00:16
Tarovendr_willis: Problem in the install process. Using the alternate install iso, it's failing at the detect/mount step. Tried 'mkdir -p /dev/loop && ln /dev/loop0 /dev/loop/0' in terminal 2 on an offchance that it'd do something, no joy. Any ideas?00:16
qinZeelot: You mean putting it in path, or "in script" autocomplete.00:16
ZykoticK9_Zeelot, "autocomplete for it" what do you mean?  If you create a ~/bin and logout/login it will be in your PATH if that's what you mean.00:16
Zeelotqin: No, I mean autocomplete for the arguments00:16
Tarovendr_willis: Think using the standard install iso would work better?00:16
Rrunehi, is anyone using a fusionio iodrive (or iodrive duo) with ubuntu? Im wondering if it shows up in lspci and if the debs provided by iofusion works well00:16
Rruneas it seems that atleast with dell hardware they officially only support suse and rhel00:17
Zeelotsomething like ./my-script foo bar biz (I would like autocomplete for the 3 arguments)00:17
ZykoticK9_Zeelot, there is no way to autocomplete arguments - do you expect it to read people's minds?  Arguments are ways to add options?!?!00:17
Zeelotthen how does git checko[tab] autocomplete?00:18
dr_willisTaroven,  could be a bad iso file.  I tend to use the pendrivelinux tools that put grub2 and the iso file on a flash drive. that way i can have several isos on the same pendrive00:18
quidnuncI get the following error when trying to install postgres "/var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main is not accessible or does not exist"00:18
biami<Zeelot>: you need default arguments... if there is no supplied argument, go with the default ones...00:18
ZykoticK9_Zeelot, actually the same for apt-get as well....  so my bad.00:18
quidnuncwhat gives?00:18
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:18
OerHeksRhune Binaries and source code are available from Fusion-io support site00:18
dr_willisthe bash auto completion feature is amazingly handy and flexiable.00:19
dr_willisbbl ya all.00:19
RruneZeelot, check out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2784605/how-to-define-your-own-terminal-tab-completions seems to adress what you are looking for :)00:19
Zeelotbiami: I don't know what you mean by that00:19
ZeelotRrune: perfect, thanks!00:19
Tarovendr_willis: Could be. Should've run a hashcheck to be sure. I'll give the normal ISO a shot real quick before getting too far into this.00:19
wifi-issuesWould anyone be able to assist me with wireless internet issues? My wifi is downloading at 20kb/s average. I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 to my Acer Aspire 7551 notebook.00:20
RruneOerHeks, hi, thanks, Im using those debs and everything looks just fine, except I dont see an iodrive in any of the servers at all :) thats why I wonder if theres an alternative way to check for them, like lspci or perhaps messages during post. Yousee the servers are located on a remote datacenter :s00:20
Rrunealso, its the first time I deal with iodrives so, yea :)00:21
Rrunefrankly I think dell simply forgot to install them before shipping :|00:22
OerHeksRrune my knowledge does not go that far, sorry.00:22
biamiZeelot: programName a b c... argv[1]=a, right??? Then if argv[1] is there, then do something like firstArg=argv[1] else firstArg=default00:22
Rrunethanks anyway :)00:22
Zeelotbiami: yea that's unrelated to what I needed, but thanks00:22
biamioh... sorry, then...00:23
kkjklhi i ran chkrootkit and it gave me a log file. but when i paste the address into console it says permission denied to access it00:23
kkjklshould i type something like sudo chkrootkit then log file address00:23
=== [THC]AcidRain is now known as AcidRain
Rruneworth a shot :)00:24
Rruneif you are sure the file actually is there00:24
wifi-issuesWould anyone be able to assist me with wireless internet issues? My wifi is downloading at 20kb/s average. I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 to my Acer Aspire 7551 notebook.00:25
kkjklmy isssue far more important00:25
biamiwifi-issues, get a faster connection...00:27
bbrandoni've got one of those readynases00:29
Core_UKby using chromium am i agreeing to any EULA? such as that for chrome?00:30
=== gomaaz2 is now known as gomaaz
StarminnIn Ubuntu 10.10 there's that bubble notification system. Now it won't work anymore. Instead, whenever I (for example) change songs, there is a window that pops up called "notify-sharp" that displays the information instead. Any assistance?00:34
TarovenStarminn: I believe you'd be looking for a fix or replacement for libnotify1 and/or notify-osd.00:35
ZykoticK9_Core_UK, i don't think there is a EULA with Chromium but you may want to be aware that the FSF does not consider it free software http://libreplanet.org/wiki/List_of_software_that_does_not_respect_the_Free_System_Distribution_Guidelines#chromium-browser00:36
bzzzzzhi boys :) anyone to help me? how to run ssh in ubuntu 10.1000:36
kyin e one using ppc version?00:37
ZykoticK9_bzzzzz, if you want to install an ssh server, install the openssh-server package00:37
eosshello, my proftpd service wants to know what user it will run as ive create a user for it but how would i, when starting the service tell it to run as that user?00:37
Tarovenbzzzzz: Are you trying to connect to your Ubuntu computer remotely, or are you trying to ssh to another computer from it?00:37
almoxarifewifi-issues: do you have dual boot ?00:37
bzzzzzZykoticK9_ yes im install this00:38
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:39
bzzzzzTaroven im try, but view "Network error: Connection refused00:40
=== Nickkkkk is now known as Luxe
Tarovenbzzzzz: I meant, which are you trying to do?00:40
StarminnTaroven: Removed and installed notify-osd to no avail.00:41
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TarovenStarminn: ps -ax | grep notify00:41
Guest74055Oh my fucking god00:41
Guest74055SCREW YOU IP CHANGE00:41
FloodBot1Guest74055: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:41
kyifloodbot whiner00:42
SovekHey guys, got Linux Mint installed, only one problem.... I have the normal Gnome2.3 interface but with the Mint Icons.... HELP00:42
itaylor57! mint00:42
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:42
bbrandonubuntu has a pastebin?! NICE00:42
SovekOk, all I'm asking is what could cause that00:43
StarminnTaroven: http://pastie.org/210881400:43
sarthorHi. any one know about linux driver for finger print thumb LighTuning00:43
biamiSovek, what do u want to do?00:45
biamioh well...00:45
kyito late00:45
TarovenStarminn: Notify-osd remains running after you remove it, at least in my experience. That may be the entire problem at the moment00:45
StarminnTaroven: Ah! That would explain why a reinstall didn't fix it. Would a simple "killall notify-osd" solve this?00:46
TarovenStarminn: Could give 'killall notify-osd && notify-osd &' a shot00:46
TarovenOtherwise, I'd just reboot.00:46
StarminnTaroven: I've rebooted a few times since it's been doing this (although I haven't reinstalled & rebooted)00:47
TarovenGive the quick way a shot first then. =P00:47
StarminnTaroven: "notofy-osd: command not found"00:48
Starminnnotify* (That was my error re-typing it)00:48
TarovenFigures. Sec, googling for some old articles00:48
Starminnbiami: :)00:48
TarovenStarminn: Random curiosity, can you give AWN's notification daemon a shot real quick to see if it works properly?00:50
StarminnTaroven: It works perfectly.00:51
biamiStarminn,  if its in gnome panel, then try removing the notification applet from the panel and add it again... i don't think that would work, but atleast try once...00:51
StarminnTaroven: notify-osd stopped working around the time I started using AWN's (but I tried it before months ago and this didn't happen)00:52
Starminnbiami: Tried already. :(00:52
TarovenStarminn: Ah, I see.00:52
TarovenStarminn: Not entirely sure if this'll break anything, but you could try reconfiguring notify-osd, notification-daemon, and/or notify-daemon depending on what all's installed. Not quite up to date on the programs involved, but at least one of those is involved.00:54
TarovenStarminn: dpkg-reconfigure <insert program here> is the way to go there.00:54
StarminnTaroven: What does that do? Restore all settings to "stock"?00:55
TarovenPretty much, yeah.00:55
ninjahThere seems to be a problem with my firewall and ftp. I have my own ftp server. If I kill the firewall it works. If I leave 20 and 21 open it doesn't. Any ideas?00:56
sarthorHi. any one know about linux driver for finger print thumb LighTuning00:56
ZykoticK9_ninjah, FTP is a firewall nightmare - there are other dynamically assigned ports involved with FTP servers...  good luck.00:57
StarminnTaroven: No luck (but no breakage either!), however notification-daemon and notify-daemon do not seem to be installed if that means anything to you.00:57
ninjahZykoticK9_:  Thanks00:57
ZykoticK9_ninjah, usually you can set the port range for the other ports used00:57
TarovenStarminn: apt-cache policy notification-daemon00:58
TarovenDo the same for notify-daemon, notify-osd, and libnotify100:58
celerymanhaving trouble with internet fresh install ubuntu 11.04 its a sep comp ill have to type any replies manually, thank you in advance00:58
TarovenStarminn: That command will tell you A) Where you're getting a package from, B) if it's installable, and c) What versions are available (and installed if they are)00:59
StarminnTaroven: http://pastie.org/210881400:59
Tarovenceleryman: What sort of problems?00:59
ManateeLazyCatHi all, it's possible run "apt-get update" don't need super user permission? Most source list is no problem, but some source list will output "Haven't permission for file /var/lib/dpkg/lock" if i don't use sudo.00:59
ManateeLazyCatI want build a update manager that running when first time connect network.01:00
ManateeLazyCatAnd i don't want user input password everytime01:00
=== roygbiv is now known as Guest83118
TarovenStarminn: Might try installing notification-daemon, see what happens01:00
=== mike is now known as Guest42627
StarminnThat's my next guess as well. *shrug*01:00
celerymanno internet connection through wired connection on desktop pc01:01
StarminnHehe, a package in that installation is, "libsexy2" :) I love easter eggs/01:01
Gunnican someone explain why firefox is in there?, this is a server system btw... http://codepad.org/96lfDtna01:01
TarovenStarminn: If you can't tell, I'm pretty much just taking shots in the dark here... there's a lot of different things it *could* be, and a lot of different ways it *has* been, none of which may be applicable to your system01:01
Tarovenceleryman: And what is the problem with the connection?01:02
=== Guest42627 is now known as Rexter
Rexterhey folks! how are ya!!?01:02
Tarovenceleryman: I can troubleshoot pretty much any internet-related issues as long as I have specific details, which I don't have from you at the moment. =P01:02
Rexteranyone home?01:02
biamiStarminn, that's a collection of GTK+ widgets... needed for VLC player too...01:02
TarovenRexter: Nobody here but us mice.01:03
Gunnican someone explain why firefox is in there?, this is a server system btw... http://codepad.org/96lfDtna01:03
StarminnTaroven: I understand, but I thank you for your attempts anyway. Two minds are better than one, and you probably know more than I regarding this. :) By the way, I've installed notification-daemon and restarted notify-osd and notification-daemon but it hasn't made a difference.01:03
Rexterlol, well mice can be helpful..01:03
celerymanits showing my ethernet device but no connection ifconfig shows eth0, eth0:avahi, and lo01:03
Starminnbiami: Ah, thank you. :) Still a funny (though I'm sure entirely sensible) name to give it.01:04
RexterI just installed, 11.04, and can't get my wireless driver installed. would someone be so kind as to help me troubleshoot.01:04
ZykoticK9_Gunni, it says it in your paste "aolserver4-doc    Recommends www-browser"01:04
biamigeeks have to make do with sexy UI... they don't get sexy girls... :(01:04
GunniZykoticK9_ but i dont HAVE aolserver01:04
Starminnbiami: My thoughts exactly!! Some kind of UI.01:05
Tarovenceleryman: Open a terminal (alt-F2, type 'gnome-terminal' without the quotes)01:05
GunniZykoticK9_ then how do i ignore that reccomendation?01:05
bazhang!ot | biami01:05
ubottubiami: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:05
Tarovenceleryman: After that's open, type 'ifconfig', again without the quotes01:05
celerymangive me a min to type out all the info on ifconfig01:06
biamibazhang, what? i was talking about libsexy, GTK+ widget sets01:06
bazhangbiami, then stay on topic. no need for the excessive chit chat.01:06
Tarovenceleryman: Please use Pastebin. You can copy the results by selecting them with the mouse and hitting ctrl-shift-C01:06
taglassGunni, do you have apache2 installed?01:06
Gunnitaglass no01:06
bazhangceleryman, whats the chipset01:06
bazhangceleryman, lspci in the terminal01:07
celerymanthere is no connection on that comp, i am using my laptop01:07
taglassGunni, you have phpsysinfo installed which requires a webserver01:07
bazhangceleryman, the exact chipset please, intel sounds like wireless01:07
Gunnii know, i have nginx01:07
Gunnibut this is a headless (NO X) server...01:07
ManateeLazyCathttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1774633 fix my problem. :)01:08
taglassGunni, that's why aolserver is being pulled in and by extension pulling in firefox01:08
celerymanoh for the ethernet? admtek nc100 network everywhere fast ethernet 10/10   its old01:08
bazhangceleryman, and your problem is with wired?01:08
Gunnitaglass why would this just happen now?, i have had this system running for months now no problems like this, and i update all the time.01:09
bazhangceleryman, sudo dhclient eth0   <---- what results01:09
RexterI have a fresh install of 11.04, the wireless driver won't install. anyone wanna take this one?01:09
bazhang!wifi | Rexter please have a read01:09
ubottuRexter please have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:09
taglassGunni, no idea.  I was just tryinjg to interpret your paste for you :)01:09
Gunnitaglass do you know how to block that reccomendation?01:10
bazhangManateeLazyCat, that fixed your problem? or you want someone to fix your problem?01:10
Rexterubottu, that's great thank you, but my issue is  not covered. I'm getting an error during the driver install.01:10
ubottuRexter: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:10
ManateeLazyCatbazhang: No, i'm a programmer, i just want to know why update manager check update and don't need password.01:10
TarovenStarminn: Apparently I need to rip out my hard drives again, so I'll be back... eventually. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful with your issue, but hopefully I at least gave you a good starting point.01:10
ManateeLazyCatbazhang: I see now. :)01:10
StarminnTaroven: Oh, and instead of "ALT-F2 and typing gnome-terminal" you could just do CTRL+ALT+T. Anyway, thanks for all the help. I'm just going to continue using AWN's notification-daemon. I'll probably figure it out some day, haha01:10
TarovenHeh, good point.01:11
StarminnTaroven: Yeah, absolutely man. Thanks and have fun01:11
celerymanthinks for a min then brings me back to $01:11
TarovenThanks, laters.01:11
bazhangRexter, getting an error is way too vague; provide tons more details01:11
ManateeLazyCatbazhang: I can write some code fix my problem since i know the principle of update-manager.01:11
taglassGunni, --no-install-recommends01:12
Rexterbazhang, thanks, here is the error, and log. http://pastebin.com/sZq3G8Tu01:13
bazhangRexter, what is the chipset, how have you tried to install the drivers, and from where01:13
Gunnilol that fixed it, thanks taglass. the firefox bull**** doesn't even come anymore when i do a full-upgrade again01:13
celerymando you want me to type in readout from ifconfig?01:15
bazhangceleryman, whom are you addressing? type their nick first if you want someone to see and respond01:15
celerymanbazhang would you like me to type results of ifconfig01:16
Rexterbazhang, I'm not 100% on the chipset, how can I tell. I'm trying to use the built in additional driver screen in ubuntu. It sees the driver, and says it knows the driver. This package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driverfor use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-,BCM4322-, BCM43224-, and BCM43225-, BCM43227- and BCM43228-basedhardware.01:16
bazhangceleryman, no, the results of sudo dhclient eth0 (no need to paste just say if you get any dhcpoffers/lease01:16
LuxeIs it just me.01:16
hjaxon_rsbMaybe someone could help me: I'm having trouble sharing files between ubuntu machines01:17
LuxeOr does this server keep freezing?01:17
bazhangluxe just you01:17
celerymanbazhang, cursor flashes for a min then sends me back to user@user $01:17
bazhangRexter, lspci for the chipset, how were the drivers installed01:17
Benkinoobyhi, i have 2 ubuntu installs on my platop. is is possible to chroot to my second install to update the system? i don't want to reboot to the second system jsut to update it01:18
bazhangceleryman, do you have an ethernet cable attached? sounds like there is not a recognition of your having an ethernet card if no01:19
celerymanbazhang, cable is connected from router to ethernet card, lspci shows ethernet controller admtek nc10001:20
Rexterbazhang, Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01). The driver is not installed. that's what i am trying to do. When I had Linux Mint installed, i just used the built in proprietary drivers utility, and it just worked. I'm trying to do the same time on Ubuntu, but  it's giving me the error mentioned above.01:21
link_I am using irssi what are you using?01:21
bazhangRexter, what is the error01:21
bazhanglink_, why is that important01:21
link_It is my first time using it01:22
bazhang!quietirssi | link_ you might like this then01:22
ubottulink_ you might like this then: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS01:22
link_I just wanted to know if anyone else was using it01:22
bazhanglink_, sure they are.01:22
Rexterbazhang, http://pastebin.com/sZq3G8Tu01:23
hjaxon_rsbCan anyone recommend an easy way to share files between ubuntu machines with different versions installed?01:23
sarthorHi. any one know about linux driver for finger print thumb LighTuning01:23
bazhangRexter, care to provide a synopsis? was this from additional drivers? did you get it over a wired connection to install?01:23
link_thanks ubottu but I wasn't planning on staying to long!01:23
Rexterlol common people bazhang is getting clobbered here.01:24
bazhanglink_, there is also #irssi01:24
bazhanghjaxon_rsb, why should the version matter01:24
hjaxon_rsblink_, I've used it before.01:24
Benkinoobylink_, i am migrating form xchat to irssi01:24
hjaxon_rsbbazhang, since you asked I guess it doesn't01:25
bazhangsarthor, thats on a thinkpad? thinkwiki might help then01:25
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:25
bazhang!nfs | hjaxon_rsb this might help01:25
ubottuhjaxon_rsb this might help: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:25
r3mHi, I would like to have a mp3 player that have a module to display a giant speaker or subwoofer to put it in full screen01:26
hjaxon_rsbnfs just gave me a headache!01:26
Rexterbazhang, yes it's from the additional drivers lol, I said that like 6 times... you're helping too many people. fun times! :) I am plugged in via ethernet, that's how I'm on the chat right now.01:26
bazhanghjaxon_rsb, then say what you really want01:26
sarthorbazhang: i have lenovo, can you help a bit more to waste some of your minutes for me in finding exact link. i did try a lot. but no result. if you afford :)01:26
hjaxon_rsbbazhang, I'll try that guide!01:26
bazhangr3m, like a huge icon?01:26
r3mbazhang: an animated speaker01:26
Hestonwhat should i use to view root's mail on a default install of 10.04 server?01:28
chaddyr3m: you could probably set up projectM to do that for you01:28
gomaazsomebody got experience with yaboot bootloader?01:28
abahkaiyisahhi all01:28
abahkaiyisahis ubuntu support for clustering ?01:28
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1278144 sarthor check that link, seems the company behind that technology did not have a linux driver as of July of last year01:29
r3mchaddy: thanks01:29
celerymanbazhang, i know your busy, just letting you know im still here when you get some time  thanks in advance01:29
chaddyr3m: no worries, just don't come back asking me how ;)01:29
bazhangabahkaiyisah, what is the real question, what are you trying to do01:29
Hestondoes ubuntu server come with a mail client?01:30
MrPPSHeston: muts01:30
RexterGomazz, no never heard of it, what are you trying to do?01:31
abahkaiyisahbazhang: i have 2 pc and i want to make it a cluster server using ubuntu01:31
chaddyHeston: the installer will ask you if you want to install various mail options01:31
bazhangabahkaiyisah, two pc's is hardly a cluster. what is the purpose of said "cluster"01:31
MrPPSbazhang: probably experimentation01:31
Hestonchaddy, ah ok, im using a precompiled image01:31
chaddyHeston: try typing "mail" at the cli01:32
Hestonchaddy, i tried that first, it's not installed01:32
r3mchaddy: no update since 200901:33
chaddymust be quite a minimal image, then01:33
Hestonit would seem so01:33
Psydollhow long should i be using ubuntu before i should install it? when will i know if im ready to install it?01:33
bazhangPsydoll, pardon?01:33
abahkaiyisahbazhang: sorry for unclear definition. i want to make a clustered server. but i still confuse where to start01:33
bazhangabahkaiyisah, to do what01:34
Psydollbazhang: Im running ubuntu on a live version, i want to know after how long i should install it and use it that way?01:34
RexterSo I just installed Natty, I did the 32 bit version on a Dell Studio 15 with 4GB Ram, does Natty default to the PAE kernel driver, of do i need to apt-get something?01:34
bazhangPsydoll, up to you. thats not really a tech support question.01:34
chaddyPsydoll: how long is a piece of string? whenever you're ready01:34
bazhanglinux-generic-pae will pull in what you need Rexter01:34
Psydollbazhang: chaddy : I know its an open ended question but there should be some things i should be able to do before doing that?01:34
abahkaiyisahbazhang: java application server, database server, mailserver etc.01:35
bazhangPsydoll, its a chat topic, not a question.   ----> #ubuntu-offtopic01:35
chaddyPsydoll: if you can point and click you're good to go, assuming your hardware is supported in the live version01:35
Psydolljoin #ubuntu-offtopic01:36
Psydollchaddy: yeah i can use the command line a little bit01:36
RexterPsydoll. I just use the live version to make sure a distro won't totally fail. The performance hit on the live version makes it not very usable for general purpose use.01:36
bazhangabahkaiyisah, you can do that with a single machine01:36
Rexterbazhang, is that the name of the package I should install?01:37
PsydollRexter: the only thing im worried about is having to partition hard drives, i used to use suse 8.3 back in the day in 2003 and it was a painful experience01:37
bazhangRexter, yep01:37
chaddyr3m: it's pretty mature, descended from milkdrop (the visualizer in winamp)01:37
abahkaiyisahbazhang: i prepare  it for "scale able "01:38
Rexterpsydoll, things are better now-a-days, ubuntu will handle the partitioning for you, unless you have specific needs.01:38
PsydollI meant to ask is there a way of customizing the way in which the terminal displays the text, ie font, color etc?01:38
issacwith >1400 people, I'm surprised this place isn't a scrolling nightmare01:38
PsydollRexter: yeah thats what i heard, suse tried to do that aswell but its gui method swallowed something like 99% of the space and left a tiny ammount for windows.01:38
skumarai was syncing my ipod with banshee. it took too long. so I pull the wire out from usb. and than ubuntu freezes. So i restarted the laptop by power off and on. now ubuntu doesn't automount my ipod. how to fix this?01:39
chaddyPsydoll: you can set colours and prompts in .bashrc01:39
bazhangskumara, you just yanked it out without cleanly unmounting it?01:39
chaddyPsydoll: I usually just set my font size through grub's vga option01:40
skumarabazhang, yes.01:40
Psydollchaddy: how do i get into .bashrc?01:40
bazhangskumara, thats not good. perhaps corrupted the database for the ipod01:40
bazhangcaoxiaomin, with what01:40
Rexterbazhang, does this mean I already have it? http://pastebin.com/U9yttPV301:40
chaddyPsydoll: any editor01:40
bazhangRexter, what does uname -a say01:40
chaddyPsydoll: I use pico, it's not very taxing01:40
YukinorohWhat version of Ubuntu should I get for 4GB of memory (not AMD) ?01:40
teetassehi, i often see that /boot is on a different partition. why is that? and furhter on, if i want to install two ubuntu systems, can i use the same partition for the /boot folders of both of them?01:41
demonsporkI disabled the compiz unity plug in ccsm so that I could get desktop cube back, but now the window borders have vanished. I tried reenabling them, but it still doesn't return01:41
bazhangcaoxiaomin, english here, chinese in #ubuntu-cn01:41
=== Guilherme_Milhou is now known as Zerloch
demonsporkYukinoroh, which processor do you have?01:41
Yukinorohdemonspork: intel i501:41
bazhangYukinoroh, 64bit if you wish01:41
demonsporkYukinoroh, the 32bit edition is capable of seeing the 4GB (a technology called PAE) but you should use the AMD64 build as that is the way of the future and handles it better01:42
Yukinorohbazhang: but isn't the 64bit version for AMD cpus only?01:42
bazhangYukinoroh, no01:42
demonsporkYukinoroh, the AMD64 build is not for AMD only01:42
Psydollchaddy: sorry im not entirely sure what .bashrc is it the linux version of a .ini?01:42
Kardos.bashrc is what your bash shell runs when it starts01:42
Kardosusually contains aliases and environment variables01:42
demonsporkPsychobudgie, .bashrc is a script the executes when you start a bash shell. So a .bashrc in the root of your home folder will run whenever you open up a terminal with bash01:42
Yukinorohbut why did they call it AMD64 then? (Ā°eĀ°)01:43
chaddyPsydoll: you'll find it hidden in your home directory01:43
demonsporkYukinoroh, because it complies with the AMD64 standard, which is also compatible with intel01:43
bazhangYukinoroh, it works on intel.01:43
RexterPsydoll, you will get a lot of different opinions here, but the fact is you shouldn't sweat it. If it was me, I would manually create two partitions, one SWAP partition 1.5 times your system RAM size, and one other partition mounted at / for the rest of the available drive, working around, or resizing the Windows partition.01:43
demonsporkYukinoroh, the Intel 64 bit architecture is technically ia64, but amd64 builds will work on both01:43
eossanyone help me with installing proftpd? ive set my config file up and trying to start it and i am getting this error: ProFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.01:44
demonsporkand is recommended that you use it01:44
skumarabazhang, how to fix corrupted ipod database?01:44
Psydollchaddy: Rexter thanks01:44
fyarghhi. i resized some partitions for my ubuntu installation and now it's not accepting my password for whatever reason. any help?01:44
Rexterbazhang, i don't understand your question.01:45
skumarabazhang, i don't think ipod database corrupted as my songs and videos still there in my ipod.01:45
Zerlochskumura, have you tried TestDisk?01:45
skumarazerloch what is testdisk and how to get it?01:45
biamiskumara, connect ipod, open banshee and check if it appears...01:46
rinkukokiriubuntu 11.04 am i supposed to have a "visual effects" tab in the appearances dialog?01:47
Zerlochskumura, it's a program to repair lost partitions..01:47
skumarabiami ipod did not appear in banshee. ipod folder did not appear in desktop also. when i lsusb i get Bus 002 Device 004: ID 05ac:129e Apple, Inc.01:47
chaddyrinkukokiri: no01:48
biamiZerloch, if the songs are in the ipod, then the partition is alright...01:48
Yukinorohis there a way to install ubuntu from a small installer and it'll only download what I need?01:48
rinkukokirichaddy, then how do i enable/disable them ??01:48
chaddyrinkukokiri: check synaptic for compiz packages01:48
Zerlochskumura, you can google it, it comes with PhotoRec (to recover files). Go to google and read the manuals on the official website, it may help.01:48
skumarazerlock testdisk only show my hard disk. it did not show ipod01:48
biamitry itunes on windows to check if it appears there01:48
chaddyrinkukokiri: there are two, one's simple, one's more advanced, the titles witll tell you which is which01:48
rinkukokirichaddy, already have ccsm installed, just thought that tab should still be there01:49
skumarazerlock testdisk available in ubuntu software centre01:49
chaddyrinkukokiri: I did too, but no01:49
Zerlochbiami, yes. I miss understood, sorry.01:49
biamiskumara, try itunes on windows to check if it appears there01:49
caoxiaominwhat are you doing ?01:51
chaddywish I knew, caoxiaomin01:52
rinkukokirichaddy, see... this even says it should be there though https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-classic/desktop-effects/C/compiz-configure.html01:52
RexterI'm still hoping someone might be able to help me with my wire driver issue. I have a Dell Studio 15 with a fresh install of 11.04. the chipset is Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)01:53
chaddyrinkukokiri: maybe that's where the simpler package installs it's gui element?01:53
rinkukokiricould be01:53
chaddyit's ccsm I've got too, but a lot of the features are just plain harmful these days01:54
chaddyperhaps it's on the way out01:54
rinkukokirinow i get "The following packages have unmet dependencies:  simple-ccsm: " with no other details01:54
chaddyRexter: what's the issue?01:54
RexterI'm using the additional driver utility to try to install the driver. Here is the error, and the log http://pastebin.com/U9yttPV301:55
rinkukokiricompiz-core : Breaks: simple-ccsm (< 0.9) but 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed   ??01:55
rinkukokiriwhat the frak01:55
skumarabiami, ipod was autodetect and mount in itunes. i can see my files from itunes01:56
Rexterrinkukokiri, I was trying to install simple-ccsm on Linux Mint 11 earlier, and It absolutely wouldn't work. Might be related.01:57
Guest67030how can i remove "[34]" from an echo-output? "sed s/'[34]'//" wouldnt work...?01:57
Rexterchaddy, any ideas?01:57
rinkukokiriRexter, found it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/simple-ccsm/+bug/77512801:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 775128 in simple-ccsm (Ubuntu) "Simple-CCSM fails to install on 11.04 (dup-of: 738168)" [Undecided,New]01:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 738168 in simple-ccsm (Ubuntu) "simple-ccsm install wants the remove compiz and unity" [Low,Confirmed]01:57
chaddyRexter: I don't see an error in that pastebin?01:58
rinkukokiri^^ another reason why UNITY SUCKS01:58
chaddyjust an installed package01:58
Coreyrinkukokiri: Not helpful.01:58
=== Harnish_ is now known as Harnish
Rexterchaddy, is my link broke?01:58
chaddymight not be what you think it was01:58
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rinkukokiriCorey, you're right, uninstalling compiz and unity does nothing to correct my original issue.01:59
Coreyrinkukokiri: Neither does complaining about the OS-- that's what -offtopic is for.01:59
Rexterchaddy, oops too many pastes! http://pastebin.com/sZq3G8Tu01:59
chaddyI'm getting used to unity, quite like it, except when it gets in front of full screen windows01:59
rinkukokiriRexter, Confirmed but that's not a bug, simple-ccsm doesn't work with compiz-0.9 it would need to be updated for the new compiz02:00
rinkukokiriRexter, that's fromt he bug i found02:00
ZywHow to use IRC?02:00
skumarai can see my ipod when i press lsusb. i can connect ipod to itunes via virtualbox. but i can't see my ipod mounted in desktop! i can't see my ipod in banshee. anyone know how to get ipod connected to ubuntu?02:00
Zywwho can tell me ?02:00
rinkukokiriRexter, which is probably why the "visual effects" tab was removed from ubuntu 11.0402:00
=== manco is now known as Guest90646
RexterZyw, http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html02:01
biamiskumar: install gtkpod02:02
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biamiskumara, install gtkpod02:03
skumarabiami alrady got gtkpod02:03
linusApulse audio starts, but am unable to connect using  pavucontrol or sound preferences. I have deleted ~/.pulse and removed and installed pulseaudio packages many times. any suggestions?02:03
Rexterrinkukokiri, yea, you'll have to learn about the full CCSM, but I've heard that it's really easy to break Unity if you mess with CCSM.  Be careful, CCSM is not designed to deal with conflicts from Unity.02:03
chaddyRexter: could you possibly try to install just the wireless driver and post the errors from just that? looks like you were installing everything at once in that last one02:03
biamiskumara, then i am sorry... gotilla...02:04
Lasivianok, simple question, how do I do a wildcard search with a space in it? IE. "ls *name .ext" ? thanks02:04
RexterI don't know what all is logged in Jockey.log. I'm only trying to install this one thing. This is the only proprietary driver available. What would you have me do?02:05
chaddyLasivian: escape the space like this ls *name\ .ext02:05
Lasivianchaddy: thanks02:05
chaddyRexter: ok, I'll look again02:05
biamiskumara, itunes using wine should work... rhythmbox supports ipod too...02:06
perkosomehow i have created the only user account without admin priviledges, any idea how to change that?02:06
rinkukokiriRexter, i have ccsm installed and don't use unity (bcause it sucks)02:06
westz...has anyone here had any success running the freecell from windows 7 in wine?02:07
linusA@perko you only user wont have admin privlages. this would be unsafe02:07
rinkukokirilemmie try it hold on02:07
Corey!wine | westz02:07
ubottuwestz: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:07
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Rexterrinkukokiri, are you on 11.04, and what GUI are you using?02:08
jar@ perko try to sudo a command or give root a password, if you need help pm02:08
westzi'm not asking how to do it, im asking if anyone has02:08
linusAthe first user created password will be used to enable super user mode02:08
phrostbiteIs there an application like a remote desktop viewer for monitoring a windows 7 machine with an ubuntu laptop?02:08
litropyI'm looking for a program that would take an image as input and output (raw is good, csv is better, mysql is best) the color value (hex, rgb, doesn't matter) of pixels at specified coordinates.02:08
RexterI have a 11.04 kubuntu machine, and it seems to work good. I haven't messed with compiz yet.02:08
perkojar: it wont let me give root apassword as it says i don't have priveledges02:09
Coreyrinkukokiri: Yes, you don't like it.  Please stop slamming it here.02:09
linusA@preko dont give root a password it is insecure02:09
rinkukokiriRexter, yea 110.4 and i login using the "ubuntu classic" login02:09
linusAuse sudo or sudo su if you must02:09
^MikeWhere can I find documentation on mount options for ext4?02:09
green91man mount02:10
rinkukokiriCorey, me and Rexter  are having a conversation, sorry if it bothers you.02:10
biamiunity is over-criticized... its not that bad.02:10
perkolinusA: so do i need to install all programs through terminal then?02:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:10
biamiperko, no... try Synaptic Package Manager02:10
chaddyRexter: can't find the error in that, eyes might be tired, you could perhaps build the module yourself02:10
linusAyou can still use synaptic package manager or the ubuntu software center02:10
chaddyRexter: just warnings and debugs I'm seeing, can't isolate why it's failing02:11
linusAgksu is the graphical version of sudo and it is incorporated in those programs02:11
Rexterchaddy, I'd love to do so. i have no idea how. :)02:11
JasonnHow do I set locales?02:11
perkoit's asking for ubuntu password when i try to install wine through ubuntu software centre as well02:11
PortalGunzDoes the latest LTS come with FF4 ?02:11
PortalGunzOr 3?02:11
linusAenter the password of the first user you created02:12
jarDoes anyone here have experience.. with Ruby installation on 10.04 i might have a newbie question about.. path to rail (default :-( )02:12
biamiya... you need to be superuser02:12
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notnotpeterevening folks.  I managed to corrupt my /boot partition.  What's the easiest way to go about recreating it and installing grub on the mbr? (ubuntu8_64 server btw)02:12
chaddyRexter: what's the part again? I'll have a quick google for you02:12
perkoso how do i run as superuser02:12
biamiby typing your password02:12
Rexterchaddy, Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)02:12
linusAif you want to be superuser in a terminal do sudo su02:13
perkotried that02:13
linusAbut when running a desktop session it is insecure and usually trouble some to be root02:13
perkolinusA: what about superuser outside terminal02:13
Rexternotnotpeter, use a live CD, reinstall grub02:13
green91what are you trying to run as root?02:14
biamiperko, when Synap Pack Man asks ur password, type it...02:14
jarso much love02:14
linusAmany items of the xwindows desktop do not like to be run as super yser02:14
perkowhen i typein my password it just comes back with error02:15
jarwhat is the error02:15
newbbbhey guys im trying to add a terminal app to my menu but it just blinks and goes off when i click on it in the gnome menu02:15
biamiperko, what error???02:15
newbbbhow do i add terminal apps?02:15
Ricoshadymy main partition ran out of space and I up'ed the disk image size (vmware)... how do I resize the partition, it looks like ext4?02:15
perkoincorrect password02:15
Guest67030Hi all! how can i ged rid of the [*]-patterns in the following Standard-Output: "[20]man [21]sagt; [22]es [23]heiƟt [24]they [25]say" .. i tried to pipe it through sed, but couldnt find the right syntax..02:15
termleechi'm trying to install wubi ubuntu 11.04 on a windows 7 professional 64 bit02:15
green91perko you will probably need to boot single user and reset the root password.02:15
termleechhowever I am getting an error message that sysnative\bcdedit.exe could not execute command02:16
termleechcan anyone help please?02:16
david18801 anyone getting quicken working02:16
biamiperko, check case...02:16
perkogreen91: how do i do that?02:16
notnotpeterrexter: yeah, that's what I've been fiddling with. but when I do 'find /boot/grub/stage1' it doesn't find anything (cause my /boot is now empty)02:16
david18801i followed the guide on wine but it crashes?>02:16
chaddyRexter: try in a terminal: sudo aptitude reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source02:16
linusA@perko http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword02:16
biaminewbbb, what is terminal app?02:17
rinkukokiriwestz, just tried, looked it up in appdb and they only have the win98se version running in wine02:17
rinkukokiriit attempts to run but then nogo02:17
linusA@biami ctrl+atl+t02:17
newbbbjust a c++ thing i did at school02:17
chaddyRexter: probably need a reboot after that02:18
newbbbi run it currently by just ./file02:18
biamilinusA, that's the terminal02:18
biaminewbbb, drag and drop02:18
newbbbi can drag n drop o_O02:18
david18801hey.. is there a channel for ubuntu cloud02:18
linusAyou asked what is terminal app? sorry id I misunderstood02:19
Zerlochmisunderstood = )02:19
perkoalso, anyone know how to get 32 bit wine running on 64 ubuntu?02:19
rinkukokiriwestz and here's what i get upon a terminal > wine freecell.exe02:19
chaddyperko: you'll need the ia32libs02:20
rinkukokiriwestz, http://pastebin.com/PyCAKdF102:20
perkochaddy: where do i get those from?02:20
phrostbiteIs there an application like a remote desktop viewer for monitoring a windows 7 machine with an ubuntu laptop?02:20
chaddyaptitude or synaptic, perko02:20
newbbbdragg n drop didnt work02:20
green91phrostbite i prefer vnc02:20
Rexternotnotpeter, I had to do it after killing the boot trac by installing windows after linux. I remember it being pretty easy, and simplistic.  maybe this? http://opensource-sidh.blogspot.com/2011/06/recover-grub-live-ubuntu-cd.html02:21
chaddyphrostbite: there are a few, I favour nomachine's nxclient and nxserver02:21
chaddybut they are propretary, I think02:21
green91ive not looked, but i bet theres a rdp client for linux as well02:21
linusApulseaudio server starts but pavucontrol reports Connection failed: Connection refused. I have deleted ~/.pulse and removed and installed pulseaudio packages several times. Any suggestions?02:22
chrome_when I open the ubuntu one control panel, it says that an Internet connection is required and does not allow me to join. What can I do?02:22
linusA@chrome_ fix your network02:22
biaminewbbb, what exactly are you trying to do?02:22
linusAdoes a webrowser work?02:22
chrome_linusA: my network is fine, what do you mean02:22
chrome_I have full access to the Internet02:22
Rexterchaddy, sudo: aptitude: command not found02:23
perkosudo commands not working, any ideas?02:23
newbbbi just wana be able to click on the gnome menu  go to the program i want to run and have it open up in terminal02:23
linusAdo the two arrows show up in your top gnome panel?02:23
chaddyRexter: misplaced colon02:23
westzrinkukokiri, yeah i get the exact same error02:23
newbbbsome stuff works, others dont when i add it02:23
perkoreturns error: user is not in the sudoers file02:23
johwilhow to change the log-in screen?02:24
chaddyjohwil: cli or X?02:25
green91phrostbite: look at tsclient, it connects to RDP which wouldn't require you to install any software on the windows pc, just enable remote connections02:25
tagzaHi, can someone please help me get optimal resolution my GFX card is an ATI Radeon HD 4670 running ubuntu 10.04 (upgrading as i write) currently the resolution is 1600x1200 @60hz when it should be at 1680x1050 @59hz (dont know if the extra 1hz makes a difference) i have installed the prosperity drivers from ATI however this only gives me the option to use 1600x1200 reolution and below.02:25
linusA@johwil system/administration/Login Screen02:25
johwilchaddy: Gnome02:25
chrome_how can I see the version of ubuntu that I have?02:26
biamijohwil: try startupmanager02:26
green91uname -a02:26
Rexterchaddy, I don't understand02:26
johwilok thank you linusA02:26
linusA@chrome system/about ubuntu02:26
chaddyRexter: just copy and paste the command into a terminal, ignore colons, they are punctuation02:26
Firefishechrome_: lab_release -a02:26
phrostbiteok green91 I will look into it thank you02:26
Firefishelab_release -a rather02:27
phrostbitegreen91, that would be easiest because its my grandmas computer and she has no idea what she is doing and I am 2k miles away lol.02:27
FirefisheBlasted auto complete02:27
fikrihi ppl02:27
fikrimay i ask about vbox?02:27
chaddydon't ask to ask02:27
chaddyjust ask02:28
green91phorstbite: since its RDP she will have to have remote desktop connections enabled and also the user acct on the windows box will have to have a PW since rdp doesnt allow blank passwords02:28
Firefishechrome_: lsb_release -a02:28
tagzacan anyone help please ?02:28
fikrieverytime i start vbox, it asks for modprobe vboxnetflt.ko..02:28
green91and also, it wont let you watch her screen realtime.. but it will let you log in remotely and administer the pc02:28
fikrii did insmod ...vboxnetflt.ko02:28
Rextermike@Ubuntu-Studio-1537:~$ sudo aptitude reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source02:28
Rexter[sudo] password for mike:02:28
Rextersudo: aptitude: command not found02:28
FloodBot1Rexter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:28
fikriand vbox can run..02:28
biaminewbbb, that's a complex process... you need to package your app for ubuntu into a deb file and install it... or you can add a launcher (but i don't know how to do that)...02:28
fikribut when i reboot... it asks again..02:28
chaddyok, Rexter, sorry s/aptitude/apt-get02:29
newbbbits the launcher im trying to add :)02:29
Rexterchaddy, sorry, I'm too much of a noob to understand how to apply half-commands.02:29
[Raiden]Rexter: sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source02:29
linusA@biami deb packages are just compressed archives with a specific directory structure and file list02:30
Firefishetagza: what is your issue?02:30
green91deb packages also easily identify/notify you of other package dependencies02:30
biamilinusA,  and configurations too...02:30
westzi cant find ANY documentation on this02:31
chaddyRexter: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source02:31
westzand why is the #wine channel invite only?02:31
chaddywestz: try #winehq02:32
xangua!register | westz02:32
ubottuwestz: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type Ā« /nick <nickname> Ā» to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:32
tagza@Firefishe my gfx card is suposed to be showing resolution at 1680x1050@59hz but instead its showing 1600x1200@60hz ive installed the drivers but there isnt an option for 1680x1050 resolution02:32
teageOk, I can not uninstall a program. program is called briscad and im using lucid. tried apt-get remove and software center. nothing.02:32
green91does your monitor even support 1680x1050?02:32
westzxangua, thanks, im already registered02:33
tagzayes, it has done with other versions of ubuntu but for some reason this time it doesnt02:33
tagzaiam duel booting it with w702:33
chaddyI know who'll win that duel02:33
Firefisheteague: try using syntactic02:33
bazhangteage, how was it installed. there does not seem to be a package called briscad in the repos02:34
Firefishesynaptic rather02:34
jarDoes anyone here have experience.. with Ruby installation on 10.04 i might have a newbie question about.. path to rail (default :-( )02:34
biamiteage, find it on Synaptic Package Manager, right click, select 'Mark for Complete Removal' and hit apply.02:34
ravynIs it possible, running two monitors of different sizes, to duplicate Unity's bar on both monitors?02:34
Shaba1Hello folks. Are the any wubi specific forums,chat rooms, or other things on the net. Other then the default ubuntu web page that shows you how to install it ?02:34
bazhangjar, better to check their documents and ask in a ruby channel02:34
green91tagza: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding_undetected_resolutions02:34
bazhang!alis | jar02:34
ubottujar: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*02:34
biamijar: not your night... try on Ruby's channel02:34
phrostbitehey green91 does that terminal server require you to be on the same network?02:35
teagebazhang: its a commercial cad software a lot like autocad. Installed the trial of it from the website.02:35
tagza@green91 thanks very much02:35
IdleOneShaba1: you can ask in here or you might try ask.ubuntu.com02:35
jari tried.. but very rude people i googled for last 45 minutes. unfortently02:35
bazhangShaba1, there is a wubi guide sure02:35
IdleOneShaba1: sorry that is askubuntu.com02:35
bazhangteage, then check the installer script, should be an uninstaller as well. unless it was a .deb, was it?02:35
teagebazhang: yes02:36
Nobgul-BNCHow would i go about, updating only tcl,02:36
Rexterchaddy, saw an error in there, but might be nothing. going down for reboot. BRB http://pastebin.com/ZbeuypfP02:36
bazhangShaba1, did you have a specific wubi question?02:36
chaddyRexter: what was the error?02:36
teagebazhang: cant find it in synaptic either.02:36
chaddyoh dear02:36
green91phrostbite: as long as she doesnt have a firewall blocking it, should work. may require port forwarding her on part if she has a router02:37
bazhangteage, then use dpkg to unistall the .deb02:37
nophonesweet i got my screen installed :) running irssi in the background :)02:37
phrostbitegreen91, ok thank you. So just enable it on her machine and then get the ip and good to go?02:37
green91yea ideally02:37
teagebazhang: How would I use dpkg. I have not ever used it before. Just sofware center and apt-get is all I have ever done.02:37
Shaba1IdleOne and bazhang everytime I ask in here someone just tells me to partition my hd and install a "true ubuntu" distro.02:38
bazhangNobgul-BNC, sudo apt-get upgrade tcl ? you mean that? or did you want to compile a version/add a PPA02:38
Shaba1So I just have stopped asking02:38
bazhangShaba1, care to ask again, or not02:38
IdleOneShaba1: because wubi is considered by many to be a "testing" install.02:38
chaddyShaba1: please ask again02:38
Nobgul-BNCbazhang, when i try to update tcl it says that it is already up to date. there is tcl 8.4 on my system and 8.5 in the repos, it says it has to be manually installed.02:38
biamiteage, doesn't my method work???02:38
bazhangShaba1, please ask a specific question02:38
bazhangbiami, it would not, no02:39
teagebiami: which method was that?02:39
Shaba1Well I do not have a specific question right now. I am on the windows side of my machine. I was on wubi/ubuntu 11.04 but it crashed.02:39
teagebiami: synaptic?02:39
Rexterchaddy, you still here?02:39
chaddyRexter: yes02:40
chaddyany joy?02:40
bazhangShaba1, so you want to know about the crash? thats a rather broad subject, I am afraid02:40
westzwinehq is a dead channel...02:40
biamiteage, ya... right click, mark, remove02:40
bazhangwestz, so be patient02:40
Rexterchaddy, I'm back, holy crap, i can't believe how fast this thing reboots.02:40
Rexterchaddy, ok did you take a look at that pastbin?02:40
westzi dont have any time, i've got an annoying old woman on my back trying to play solitaire v.v;;;02:41
nophonehow do i change my default nick in irssi?02:41
green91phrostbite: if rdp ends up not working, you may want to take a look at teamviewer.com.. although i'll admit ive never used their linux client before02:41
chaddyyes, looked ok, no serious errors02:41
teagebiami: does not matter at this point I guess, it really is a nice software. I will worry about uninstall , maybe, when trial runs out.02:41
teagebiami: it is not there02:41
bazhangwestz, check the appdb or use other software02:41
chaddynophone: /msg nickserv help02:41
bazhang!appdb | westz02:41
ubottuwestz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:41
phrostbiteThank you green9102:41
teagethanks guys02:41
bazhangwestz, repeatedly asking for something no one knows won't get it answered any faster02:41
green91phrostbite: not a prob! it does look like teamviewer has .deb pkg for 32 & 64bit too02:41
xanguawestz: lots of solitarie games already on ubuntu02:41
Picinophone: /set nick, also #irssi02:42
nophonechaddy: that's not what i meant. i meant in the settings of irssi02:42
Shaba1bazhang or IdleOne could either of you put in that url with the http:// in it so I can just click to open it and bookmark it. I got caught in the scroll02:42
chaddynophone: sorry, tired, should really just go to bed ;)02:42
nophonewhen i launch irssi i want it to try to log in with a diferent nickname than it tries to02:42
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide Shaba102:43
nophonechaddy: me to man02:43
westzxangua, she wont settle, she's addicted to the windoze version's score sheet02:43
bazhangwestz, then check the appdb as I suggested02:43
nophonePici: so if i /set nick and quit irssi and launch it again it will start off as nophone instead of durandal?02:43
westzbazhang, i did, only mentions the win98 version02:43
bazhangwestz, it may well not run then02:44
nophonemany thank-you's sir02:44
chaddyor noone's been daft enough to try02:44
bazhangchris_peng, hi02:44
Shaba1I have read that bazhang thanks02:44
westzoi, they can run WoW with full 3d but they cant run solitaire *facepalm*02:44
Shaba1it must have been IdleOne that mentioned a site02:44
bazhangShaba1, if you have a specific wubi question I can help, but "crashed" is not clear enough02:45
Picinophone: be sure to /save after doing so02:45
biamiwestz, try AisleRiot Solitaire02:45
westzis there a reliable way to search by error? googling it gives me nada02:45
westzbiami, i tried, she doesnt like it. she wants the thing that generates a specific game from a seed02:46
Rexterchaddy, are you there?02:46
bazhangwestz, if it is not in the appdb it may well not run. be patient in #winehq or try another solitaire game02:46
chaddyRexter: yes02:46
Shaba1I know bazhang. I have answer enough blender question here on freenode to know that when you ask something you need to be specifice.02:46
Rexterchaddy, did any om me messages about it working come through?02:46
chaddynot that I noticed, all good, then?02:47
Shaba1But this was yesterday. I think I was reading a forum and downloading spe and all of a sudden I got a black screen of scrolling death :)02:47
Shaba1I had to hit the power switch to get out of it.02:47
Rexterchaddy, yea let me start over.... It works! it works! I'm on wireless now, thank you!02:47
westzbut hey, if anyone knows of a version of freecell that has a game generator based on a seed, and will save/load where you left off, i'd LOVE to know02:48
chaddyno worries, just so you know, all I did was google the part number "bc23423 (or whatever) ubuntu" top link fixed it02:48
Rexterchaddy, so please explain to me what we did.02:49
chaddyyou installed the driver by the command line because the gui tool failed02:49
Rexterchaddy, but we use that --reinstall what is that?02:50
chaddythe gui tool was probably just trying to be too clever02:50
chaddy--reinstall was redundant, your error showed it hadn't been installed in the first instance02:50
Shaba1Oh I do have one specific question02:51
Nobgul-BNCIs there anyway to force install a program via apt-get install?02:51
Shaba1I have a creative live web cam.02:51
Rexterchaddy, I tried apt-get install whatever-kernel-source, it said it was already installed.02:51
Guest67030which program acts like "less" but does leave the output available in the Terminal after eof?02:51
bazhangNobgul-BNC, why would you need to02:52
Shaba1I looked on thier site but did not see any linux drivers02:52
biamiNobgul-BNC, huh?02:52
Shaba1is there a way to get it working under linux?02:52
bazhangShaba1, did you check the ubuntu webcam list?02:52
Nobgul-BNChaving the issue where i removed tcl8.4 but tcl 8.5 will not install says i have to do it manually02:52
Shaba1No I did not. I did not know that there was such a thing.02:52
chaddyRexter: sorry misread the error, it may have installed but it hadn't built or modprobed the module02:52
biamiwhat do you mean 'force' install?02:52
bazhang!webcam | Shaba1 this may help02:52
ubottuShaba1 this may help: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:52
chaddyso it wasn't in use02:52
biamiNobgul-BNC, what do you mean 'force' install?02:53
relouordiHi, i am from brazil, my english dont's very good..02:53
relouordii need help with empathy02:53
Jasonn!brazil | biami02:53
ubottubiami: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:53
bazhangrelouordi, what is the question02:53
Jasonn!brazil | relouordi02:54
ubotturelouordi: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:54
biamiJasonn, what???02:54
Rexterchaddy, cool man thank you so much.02:54
Jasonnbiami: sorry, was for someone else02:54
bazhangJasonn, he's speaking english02:54
relouordiubottu ninguem responde lƔ02:54
ubotturelouordi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:54
chaddyRexter: no worries02:54
Nobgul-BNCbiami, I may just be tired ignopre me for the time being.02:54
relouordii need help with empathy, dont connect with live acc02:54
biamiNobgul-BNC, k... get a beer.02:55
Jasonnbazhang: But dont you think he would get better help in his naitive language?02:55
Nobgul-BNCbiami, i wish i am at work =X02:55
bazhangrelouordi, windows live messenger account?02:55
Rexterchaddy, where did you say you found that info, do you have a link?02:55
bazhangJasonn, he says no one responds and is speaking english no need to jump the gun02:55
bazhangrelouordi, what is the error02:55
=== hacked_ is now known as hacked
chaddyRexter: http://blog.smartcube.co.za/2010/03/15/broadcom-bcm4322-wireless-on-ubuntu-karmic/02:56
=== Jasonn is now known as JasonnAWAY
bazhang!away > JasonnAWAY02:56
ubottuJasonnAWAY, please see my private message02:56
relouordiO recurso ja esta usando o servidor02:56
bazhangrelouordi, you need to speak english here02:57
InfiniteSetHello, I downloaded package(s) from the synaptic package manager, and I installed it (I think), how do I run it, I can't find it in my applications?02:57
bazhangsounds like a server issue02:57
bazhangInfiniteSet, what package02:57
InfiniteSetqorganizer I think02:57
relouordiThis (feature) is connected on server02:57
westzInfiniteSet, go to stnaptic and look at it in the installed packages list02:57
bazhangInfiniteSet, what does alt-f2 appname do02:58
InfiniteSetHow would I do that?02:58
bsmith093i recently downgraded for firefox 4 to the default ubuntufox version, and now all of my adddons wont install, annoying restart loop that does nothing02:58
westzInfiniteSet, sorry not synaptic, i meant the Ubuntu Software Center02:58
bazhangbsmith093, thats a firefox issue02:59
InfiniteSetoh okay02:59
westzlook at the installed packages and see if it's in there02:59
bsmith093bazhang: ok so? i figure its popular enought that somwone has a clue02:59
westzInfiniteSet, if it isnt, it might need to be run from terminal. out of curiosity, what package?02:59
InfiniteSetI looked at the installed software and it is not there02:59
bazhangbsmith093, why downgrade? try the firefox support forums02:59
bazhangInfiniteSet, try from the run --> alt f203:00
Rexterchaddy, thanks hopefully this will be helpful to others. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r26010174-Ubuntu-11.04-proprietary-wireless-driver03:00
InfiniteSetWhat does that do?03:00
phrostbitegreen91, Sorry for another question but I am behind a router. DO I need to change ports to connect?03:00
bazhangInfiniteSet, runs the program03:00
green91you shouldnt03:00
bazhanggreen91, pardon?03:00
Shaba1thanks a lot bazhang and IdleOne03:01
InfiniteSetoh I see, thank you, you guys :)03:01
green91phrostbite: you shouldnt have to do anything on your end, if your mom has a router she may have to set port forwarding03:01
westzInfiniteSet, press alt+f2 and a run dialog will come up. type "qorganizer" in it (without quotes) and run03:01
phrostbiteShe is not behind any router03:01
green91and she will need to have remote desktop connections enabled from the system control panel03:02
phrostbiteI have the ip address and I set it to access a windows machine and she has it all enabled.03:02
chaddyRexter: good work03:02
phrostbiteShe does not have a username or password. when she boots up it automatically goes right to her desktop03:02
litropywhat program or library would I use to output the color values of pixels at specified coordinates?03:02
Shaba1btw I am not a complete computer newbie. I use to be a self taught windows network manager (40 workstations,2 servers, 1 video server 12 client wireless security camera network) before the economy went to hell and I took a janitorial job in order to keep a roof over my head.03:02
RexterOk next question! Is there a way to move the dock in Unity from the left side to the bottom?03:02
westzphrostbite, all windows machines have a username and usually a pass, but its not always required to login03:03
cola_kidthis wouldnt be a help channel by any chance would it?03:03
Shaba1the point is I am just delving into linux in order to make myself re-employable03:03
bazhangcola_kid, whats the support question03:03
xanguaRexter: not that i know03:03
phrostbitewestz how would I find that info out?03:03
green91phrostbite: windows rdp requires a user/password to connect. she can  look in the user control panel03:03
cola_kidi managed to wipe my external hd when i installed a fresh copy of ubuntu.. wasnt paying attention03:04
westzphrostbite, i believe having her go to control panel> users will give the username03:04
phrostbitewhat if there is no password? just create one?03:04
bazhangcola_kid, want to undelete?03:04
westzphrostbite, what version of windows is it? (havent been paying attention to this)03:04
green91yes she will have to have one03:04
phrostbitewindows 703:05
westzphrostbite, windows 7 requires a password, so she already has one, im not sure of an easy way to figure out what it is remotely03:05
bazhangcola_kid, is that it?03:05
Rexterxangua, can you just get rid on the dock, and just use cairo dock or something?03:06
cola_kidyes.. i messed with testdisk but didnt really get anywhere.. the exact problem is this.. on instalation i thought i was deleting a second partition on the main drive. deleted the partition and installed what i thought was onto the main drive but it went on the external instead03:06
green91phrostbite: teamviewer may end up being easier, its a simple website for her to load on her end and youll need the client for ubuntu, it has realtime desktop sharing/control aka you both see the same thing03:06
chaddynight all03:06
westzokay, have her do this: go to the start menu and type "cmd" in the box at the bottom and press enter03:06
bazhangRexter, no way to move the unity dock, just use classic and something like cairo-dock or awn03:06
green91phrostbite: and requires no port forwarding etc03:07
bazhangcola_kid, you installed over the external hdd data then?03:07
bazhangcola_kid, have any backups?03:07
zetheroocannot get the bleeding VPN service to start! Please help ..03:07
Rexterok, want to play with Unity, not resort back to Gnome. I'll live with it where it is for now.03:07
cola_kidpics and movies03:07
bazhangzetheroo, give way more details03:07
Maceris it possible to assign a drive a uuid?03:08
westzcola_kid, if you've written data over it, it's gone as far as i know03:08
bazhangRexter, or try unity-2d if that is to resource hungry03:08
Maceras in an entire disk and not a partition?03:08
cola_kideven after a format the data should still be recoverable shouldnt it?03:08
bazhangMacer, what are you trying to do? sudo blkid will list them03:08
brokenianis anyone familiar with ia32-libs03:08
zetheroobazhang: I enter all the settings into the pptp vpn dialog ... try to connect and it says that "the vpn service failed to start"03:08
bazhangbrokenian, whats the real question03:09
westzphrostbite, if you'd still like to get the info for your remote access client, i believe i know a way03:09
cola_kidtestdisk didnt display anything other than the linux on it03:09
bazhangcola_kid, if you overwrote it with an install? seems to be completely gone then03:09
Macerbazhang: using a raw disk for virtualbox03:09
zetheroobazhang: I have no other details than that :(03:10
biamicola_kid, you are dead... it was pics and movies anywaz... get some new03:10
Macerthe device assignment in /dev keep changing for the drive03:10
bazhangMacer, no idea, sorry, perhaps #vbox can help03:10
Macerso on reboot /dev/sda will move to /dev/sdb03:10
Maceri was hoping to use /dev/disk/by-uuid but uuids seem to be only assigned to partitions03:10
brokenianbahzhang when running a 32bit application, i have to run it via sudo. how can i run it as a regular user03:10
cola_kidstupid question but if files are recoverable after a format ussualy why cant they be recovered after a fresh install?03:10
Macerbazhang: well.. uuids aren't really a vbox thing ;)03:10
biamibrokenian, chmod u+x file03:11
bazhangbrokenian, that has nothing to do with ia32libs, unless I am misunderstanding you03:11
Maceri was hoping to be able to assign a uuid to the entire drive and not just a partition or try to find out something that works03:11
phrostbiteok what is it Westz03:11
cola_kidshit.. just clicked in my head.. is it unrecoverable because ubuntu will of formatted the drive on install with a new file system?03:12
Guest67030how can i view long outputs without closing them at the and.. as less and more do..?!?03:13
bazhangcola_kid, it overwrote the data? it's gone. also no cursing please03:14
zetheroook, another issue ... 5 out of 10 times when I boot into Ubuntu the system logs me in but I don't get anything more than my wallpaper! Any ideas?03:14
biamicola_kid, see when you format something, it gets removed from the directory structure, but the 1s and 0s on the physical drive exists... until you overwrite it.03:14
cola_kidthanks for the help03:14
cola_kidok.. is there a way to put the dir structure back from ext to fat so its viewable?03:15
brokenianbazhang: the binaries are already executable. If I compile the same source code to run on my native architectecure, it simply runs. when i compile it for a i586, abd try to run it (which I should be able to do, as I've installed ia32-libs) i get a permission denied error. the only difference between the two being the libraries they link against03:16
sqlinjyoo im new this ubuntu stuff and im having huge problems03:16
biamicola_kid,  no... its gone... you overwrote it when installing ubuntu on it...03:16
bazhangsqlinj, then ask a question03:16
cola_kidthanks for the help03:17
biamik... sweet dreams...03:17
sqlinjbazhang how do you PM?03:17
bazhangsqlinj, just ask here first03:17
pksadiqbrokenian: try chown and chmod03:17
biamisqlinj, write it here...03:17
bazhangsqlinj, /msg nickname message, but ask first03:17
Iron_Chefwhat's the easiest way to upgrade to evolution 3.x in Lucid?03:19
pappa_bear_just ask03:19
bazhangpappa_bear_, he just did03:19
ubottuonw04r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
Iron_ChefI've tried Natty, but need LTS, and my email from natty won't import into lucid03:19
ubottuonw04r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
ubottuonw04r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
pappa_bear_sorry lol03:19
brokenianbazhang: im already the owner of the files, and the group is the default of me. permissions are already 75503:20
Macerah. never mind.03:20
NoWayJoseOkay, so I installed Ubuntu using Wubi through Windows Vista, now my question, can I use Wubi and install Kubuntu as well, and have all 3 on here?03:20
Maceri was able to use /dev/disk/by-id/drive to get it working03:20
Macerthanks anyways. guess a uuid wasn't the best method but the by-id should stay the same when reboot03:20
bazhangNoWayJose, with the package kubuntu-desktop?03:20
NoWayJosebazhang, I was just going to use the wubi installer from the kubuntu installation..03:21
bazhangNoWayJose, just install kubuntu-desktop then choose kubuntu from the login screen instead of gnome03:21
biamibrokenian, then you don't need to be rrot03:21
NoWayJoseIs it possible to have Vista, Ubuntu, and Kubuntu on the same computer?03:22
Iron_ChefNoWayJose: sure03:22
rypervencheNoWayJose: Yep.03:22
biamimaybe some other file it uses doesn't have that permissions03:22
bazhangNoWayJose, sure, but what you are proposing is a lot more effort03:22
izinucsNoWayJose: seeing as you have a pretty keen interest.. might I suggest loading Virtualbox in windows as a vm manager and then loading kubuntu/lubuntu etc in that.. or creating a true dual/tripple boot system to play with.03:22
Iron_ChefNoWayJose: you need to install windows first03:22
bazhangIron_Chef, he has wubi already03:22
Iron_ChefNoWayJose: it's installer clobbers the MBR, but linux plays nice03:22
phrostbiteHey everybody that helped. teamviewer works epically03:22
Iron_Chefi need to upgrade to Evolution 3.x in ubuntu 10.04 - anyone done this?  I'd prefer to use apt03:23
NoWayJoseIron_Chef, I used Wubi to place Ubuntu on here and when the computer starts up it asks me which O.S. to boot into...that is what I was wanting to do with kubuntu as well.03:23
NoWayJoseizinucs, I am not sure how to do that just yet.03:23
bazhangNoWayJose, package kubuntu-desktop, choose kde4 at login window.03:24
izinucsIron_Chef: google for "evolution PPA" and see what you come up with. if it's there for that release go for it..03:24
NoWayJosebazhang, OK03:24
izinucsNoWayJose: you mean a VM or dual boot?03:24
lilsecHi guys. Trying to get my headphone jack working. I installed gnome-alsamixer, and the headphone jack isn't muted, and it looks like alsa is picking up my sound card correctly. Anybody know of anything else I can try?03:24
NoWayJoseizinucs, vm03:24
bazhangizinucs, wubi NoWayJose wubi is not a vm03:24
vu1kan!deop me03:25
izinucsNoWayJose: that's easy.. it's like running any other program.. virtualbox.org to download the .exe for windows once installed run it and it will open a window you can paw through to load ubuntu kubuntu in.03:25
brokenianbhazang: the binaries don't need root permission, its apparently the libraries they link against. If I get a permission denied error on files I own that have the appropriate permissions, then the error is with something they are pulling in. I want to know how I can do so without manually setting every 32 bit library in my system to being owned by me.03:25
vu1kaner...disregard, wrong server03:25
bazhangvu1kan, okay?03:25
NoWayJoseizinucs, ok thanks03:25
izinucsNoWayJose: bazhang is right.. wubi is not a vm..03:25
NoWayJosewubi is working good so far03:25
vu1kani'm on another server, writing a bot...i ment to test that function there, not here03:26
izinucsNoWayJose: you're a lucky one.03:26
bazhangNoWayJose, then stick with it03:26
NoWayJosei like the way it set up my boot selections.03:26
NoWayJosei have two options, vista, ubuntu...03:26
Shaba1It was working for me until yesterday NoWayJose03:26
NoWayJoseShaba1, what happened?03:26
izinucsNoWayJose: then stay and play with ubuntu in wubi.. but if you want load kubuntu in virtualbox vm.. it should all play well together03:26
NoWayJoseI am guessing ubuntu would be alot better if I were just to format the hard drive and place ubuntu only on it..right?03:27
Shaba1first time it crashed since I upgraded it to 11.04 a month ago.03:27
NoWayJoseizinucs, I will try that. The live cd option is too slow for me.03:27
ejvNoWayJose: several people dual boot03:27
NoWayJoseShaba1, Do you know why it crashed?03:27
Shaba1Well I was working on something( I cannot recall what) and all of a sudden I got a black full screen with scrolling text and no way to stop it. I just had to power down and reboot back into windows03:27
NoWayJoseejv, I have never tried placing more than 2 operating systems on a comp before...just wondering if one could triple boot. heh03:28
NoWayJoseShaba1, will ubuntu work now?03:28
Shaba1I have not tried it yet03:28
Iron_ChefNoWayJose: I've had win7. winxp, solaris, ubuntu and gentoo on the same box at the same time - there is no limit.03:28
Shaba1actually yes I have. for about 10 minutes today just to run a game to see if I installed it correctly03:29
Shaba1then I just booted back into window03:29
NoWayJoseIron_Chef, sweet03:29
NoWayJoseI would like to try Windows 7...they want something I don't have however. Money.03:29
Shaba1I had a dual boot laptop about 2 years ago. Before I shorted out the motherboard03:29
bsmith093what do i need to backup to save my gpg key passphrase03:30
Shaba1I had no problems with it.03:30
_Luciferis there a way, preferably in gedit since that's what I currently have open, to strip everything after a certain character on each line of a document? long story short, I hosed my system (I think there was an error when I changed the sizes of my partitions, not sure) so I reinstalled.  I've got a backup of all the packages I had installed from a couple days back, but I think some of the packages are corrupted or something. I'm thinking stripping everyth03:30
_Lucifering after and including the _ from the name of the .deb should give me the package names I need to redownload/reinstall everything03:30
NoWayJoseThis is a laptop here I am dual booting on.03:30
Shaba1I just cannot afford the disk space right now03:30
Iron_ChefNoWayJose: win7 is very nice, but ubuntu is better ;-)03:30
NoWayJoseI have used Vista 64-bit for 4 years now, I have not had the slightest problem out of it...I know I am lucky.03:30
chrisfNoWayJose: if you were running x64, you probably had h/w that could run it properly ;)03:31
Isosceleshi - I'm trying to set up an Ubuntu ufw firewall for just simple web browsing (desktop). I've allowed 53/udp & 80/tcp, but firefox won't see google if I use ufw default deny?03:32
Isoscelescan anyone help?03:32
StarminnNoWayJose: WUBI is *within* Windows. That's why you can add/remove via "Add/Remove Programs." WUBI runs slower than a dual-boot. A dual-boot Ubuntu should be exactly like a single-boot of Ubuntu. Also, not only can you triple boot, you can also: http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=14795903:33
PadgeI have a network card that doesn't show up in my list of interfaces, but it shows up in lspci03:33
pksadiq_Lucifer: if you just need to remove the '_' char, just use find and replace03:33
zetherooanyone know how to fix VPN issues?03:33
icodeIsosceles: perhaps you have filtered the output traffic?03:33
Isoscelesicode : for web browsing, should I be filtering outgoing or incoming? Do I need both?03:34
kellnolaIsosceles, pastebin output of "ufw status numbered"03:34
bsmith093backup my passphrase for the gpg key?03:34
biamiNoWayJose, the only thing good about win7 is that even the viruses are incompitable...03:34
kellnolaIsosceles, you don't need to filter outgoing, this isn't windows03:34
icodeisosceles: for browsing you need to allow incoming and outgoing03:35
_Luciferpksadiq yeah, there's that, but I mean things everything after that on a given line as well like one might be "_2.3-14ubuntu1_i386.deb" another might be "_1.2.5.dfsg.1-3_i386.deb" etc03:35
Isosceleskellnola : http://pastebin.com/7egYABQ003:36
ejvNoWayJose: i might be in the minority here, but what could you possibly gain by adding a second linux distribution?03:36
pksadiq_Lucifer: I don't know, it on gedit, find and replace don't know the '$' char which means the end of line, but vim does nice03:36
kellnolaIsosceles, dude, that's the opposite of what you want03:36
pappa_bear_isosceles: he just wants the perks of the desktop enviro03:36
kellnolaIsosceles, that means you allow traffic IN to port 80 and 5303:37
Isoscelesok, will try that03:37
kellnolaIsosceles, you don't need to do anything to ufw to allow dns and web browsing, by default I'm almost certain it allows all outgoing03:37
NoWayJoseejv, I wouldn't gain anything.03:38
_Luciferpksadiq thank you. like I said I was only prefering gedit because I already have it open with all the package names on their own line. it'd only be a couple of extra steps to copy and paste into another editor if that'll make it simpler03:38
Isosceleskellnola : I want to deny everything else, want to make a secure simple desktop03:38
wildgooseIsosceles, Try using gufw, set outgoing allow, set incoming deny.03:39
kellnolaIsosceles, by default ufw denys everything in unless it was initiated by a connection behind the firewall03:39
NoWayJoseI know Firefox won't make my font bigger, grr.03:39
wildgooseNoWayJose, CTRL+Scroll UP03:40
Padgesorry if anyone answered and I was gone.  I have an Ubuntu box with two NICs, but only one interface is showing up with ifconfig03:40
PadgeMy router is giving me shit, and I'm trying to get my Ubuntu box to do that job.03:41
CoreyPadge: Language, plz.03:41
CoreyPadge: So your router is giving you poop. :-)03:41
PadgeCorey, Sorry03:41
lapagasince we are discussing firewalls...is there a log file viewer or a ufw interface that shows scanning from outside ips?03:41
CoreyPadge: You using networkmanager?03:41
GhostWolfhey is there a speicific chan i can go to to get help on samba for 11.04?03:42
Coreylapaga: That'd drive you slowly mad unless you pointed a log analyzer at it.03:42
NoWayJosewildgoose, okay thank you03:42
CoreyGhostWolf: #samba03:42
GhostWolfok thanks Core_UK03:42
GhostWolferm Corey03:42
CoreyNot to worry.03:42
lapagaCorey, I just sort of like to see.  probably already mad...03:43
Coreylapaga: Check /var/log/03:43
StarminnNoWayJose: I'm not sure if this is by default (I think so, though) but you should be able to SUPER+Scroll Wheel to zoom in and out of the whole desktop.03:43
Coreylapaga: Not sure where in there ufw logs to, I don't run it myself.03:43
pksadiq_Lucifer: any way you can replace '_' with '\n\n', so that it will be placed in a newline, easier to be copied, I hope03:43
lapagaCorey, I know about the logs...just was interested in if there is a pared down version that would only show scans etc without showing all the log.03:44
Isoscelesok, now I have 53/udp and 80/tcp outgoing allowed http://pastebin.com/DwsUQ59W03:45
taglass_Lucifer, sed "s/_\\w*.deb//g" < yourlist.txt > outfile.txt might work03:45
Coreylapaga: Now we're back to what I said about "log analysis." :-)03:45
Coreylapaga: Splunk may be overkill, so look into OSSEC-HIDS03:45
Isoscelesfirefox just returns instantly with an error03:45
Coreylapaga: Failing that, tail -f $LOGFILE | grep pattern03:45
NoWayJoseI was in here the other day and some folks was trying to tell me that, I should begin programming starting out with 'C'...I went to the library and got a book on it...I'm not exactly sure this is beginner stuff.03:46
biamiNoWayJose, start with python... then C03:46
PadgeCorey, I have no such program, evidently03:47
ThomasB2kNoWayJose: don't learn C, it's an old, almost pointless language, and it's not object oriented03:47
lapagaCorey, well was hoping for just something simple:).  such as firestarter or what ever.  Just like to what my friends in ch or ru are interested in03:47
taglassNoWayJose, http://www.highercomputingforeveryone.com/03:47
NoWayJoseThomasB2k, What I was hoping to do was to be learn some linux programming and be able to contribue to this ubuntu stuff later on in life...03:47
biamiThomasB2k, hey... C is not old and pointless... you don't have pointers in other languages... pointers rock...03:48
chrisfNoWayJose: ThomasB2k is trolling you.03:48
taglassThomasB2k, terrible advice03:48
ThomasB2kI am not trolling him. Languages that are object oriented are usually much easier and much better.03:48
taglassThomasB2k, define better03:49
ThomasB2kNoWayJose: You would be better off learning C++03:49
Blackcamaro8Question, how would I go about setting up an IRC server? I have ircd-hybrid and Anope, but all the instructions I'm seeing don't get specific enough for me.03:49
taglassThomasB2k, a turing complete template system on to pof yoru language.  That just screams beginner....03:49
litropywhat program or library would I use to output the color values of pixels at specified coordinates?03:50
biamiThomasB2k, isn't C a subset of C++???03:50
NoWayJoseany of you guys/gals program fluently?03:51
ThomasB2kIsn't this off-topic for #ubuntu though?03:51
brokeniani am looking for some help running a 32 bit application using ia32-libs03:51
biamibrokenian, which app?03:51
NoWayJoseYea its off topic, sorry about that.03:51
StarminnNoWayJose: Ask in #ubuntu-offtopic03:51
NoWayJoseStarminn, k, sorry.03:52
biamiNoWayJose, LEARN PYTHON03:52
Isoscelesany ideas why my ufw isn't working for web browsing? http://pastebin.com/DwsUQ59W03:52
NoWayJosebiami, Ok.03:52
Padgebiami: python has nothing but pointers03:52
bprhey, somewhere along the line, I've lost the ability to add a folder to Ubuntu One in Nautilus.  Has that functionality changed in some update, or something?03:52
Padgebiami: c++ has pointers, and it's object oriented03:52
StarminnNoWayJose: Oh, no, not a problem. I didn't think much about it either, but since people are saying 'it's offtopic' I thought I may as well tell you where it would be more *on-topic*03:52
biamipadge, excuse me03:52
Padgebiami: C# has references (effectively the same)03:52
Padgebiami: Pretty much every language either works exlusively by reference or provides access to them03:53
whitetigersorry guys is there a plugin for xchat or another better client which show me the user which are connected in the chan i am?03:53
PadgeCorey: I do'nt have networkmanager, I guess.  Should I get it during one of my brief connected periods?03:54
biamiwhitetiger, biami: click on the text that says '1409 users'03:54
brokenianbiami: something i wrote. the problem is that when i try to run it i get a permission denied error. I own the file, and the permissions are already set to 755. If I recompile for 64 bit it just runs. However, the ultimate destination of the software isn't my system, its a 32 bit one, and I need to test the actual binary before i install it. How can I run it without using sudo? I'm assuming  I have some setting wrong03:54
whitetigerahhhhh ok well done thank u very much :D03:54
Isosceleswhere does UFW log to? I've enabled full logging but my /var/log/ufw.log file is empty?03:55
biamiu need to have permission to run the compiler03:55
biamii think03:55
qinIsosceles: Did you restarted ufw service?03:56
CoreyPadge: I'd not.03:56
PadgeI've been using terminal and gedit03:56
CoreyPadge: Configure /etc/network/interfaces properly and it should "just work."03:56
ubottuEn la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:56
PadgeCorey: I think I have a driver issue.  Would ifconfig show all my interfaces regardless of whether they're configured to be used?03:57
brokenianbiami: its already compiled. i have an actual, statically linked binary. As the binary seems to be fine, i can only conclude the problem lies with the libraries its pulling in. I dnoo't want to play directly with their permissions if I can avoid  it03:57
Isoscelesqin : I've disabled & enabled it03:57
CoreyPadge: no, ifconfig -a might.03:57
Mod-R-Fockeryeah im in finally03:57
CoreyPadge: And dmesg to a pastebin would help too.03:57
biamii learnt programming like LOGO -> GWBasic-> C-> C++ -> Python -> Js -> Php -> etc03:57
qinIsosceles: sudo service ufw restart ?03:57
brokenianbiami: perhaps there is a custom group i have to add myself to?03:57
Isoscelesqin : no change03:58
lapagaIsosceles, could be var/log/syslog or ufw.log03:58
biamibrokenian, i didn't understand your question fully... when you say you made a 32 bit app, do you modify the processor registers directly or anything???03:58
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wildgooseIsosceles, Temporarily allow all outgoing, then open a browser and do some surfing like normal, now go to terminal and run "netstat -atl". This will give you an idea about what ports are being used03:59
Isosceleslapagna: syslog has no ufw entries, ufw.log is empty03:59
brokenianbiami: i have a cross-compiler, created using crosstools-ng. my native system is 64bit, but the cross-compiler compilesfor 32 bit03:59
PadgeCorey: ifconfig -a only shows lo and eth0.  http://pastebin.com/3Nfv88Cs03:59
qinIsosceles: First time in my life using uwf, looks nice...04:00
biamibut did u code any stuff that needs to differentiate between 32 bit and 64 bit registers??04:00
lapagaIsosceles, are you using something such as gufw?04:01
CoreyPadge: And lspci may help as well.04:01
brokenianbiami: no, but the machine it will be run on is 32 bit, and i586 architecture. I have to compile for the target architecture.04:01
Padgebiami: What kind of programming are you wanting to do?  Device, systems, application, or web?04:01
qinIsosceles: What level did you set?04:01
biamiapplication and web04:01
CoreyPadge: Looks like it's only got eth0 configured.04:01
CoreyPadge: What's your desired goal?04:02
Isosceleswildgoose : Looks like www (80) and listening on ipp? http://pastebin.com/a65R6Mku04:02
biaminot working yet though... i am studying computer science engineering04:02
biamiand i have 2 more years to go... i am yet to learn JAVA and C#04:02
Isosceleslapaga: no, gufw looked like a very simple gui wrapper on ufw. Want to learn to do this by hand.04:02
Isoscelesqin: full04:03
PadgeCorey: http://pastebin.com/xw3wgT8604:03
qinIsosceles: same here, now time to nmap04:04
CoreyPadge: Yeah, all I see is that realtek controller.04:04
biamipadge: but i can create professional level apps and websites...04:04
brokenianbiami: nevermind. although you will be able to answer my question in time, I think you might not be there yet.04:05
biamii shouldn't have said that i am a student04:05
brokenianbiami: it wasn't meant to be an insult. im sorry if it sounded that way04:06
Padge1Sorry, I dipped again04:07
biamino... its fine... i mean... i learn in irc in one night what it would take weeks in a class04:07
Padge1biami: Then I would START with C, learn it until you can build a linked list, then drop it like a bad habit and never look back.04:07
NoWayJosebiami, what languages do you know?'04:08
biamiC, C++, Python, Php, Js, Assembly04:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:08
biamiLOGO and GWBasic too... but they don't count04:09
Padge1biami: gorillas.bas04:09
Acesok, so I'm having trouble booting ubuntu netbook remix from a flash drive. I use the command " dd if=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb" and it's failed to create a bootable volume several times now. What could be causing this?04:10
eukatechi got a question for you ppl and i hope you can help me out on this one.. ive been running ubuntu 11.04 for some time but when i switch to my tv i get a green glow/screen on my tv im running on a i2500k internal videocard04:10
perkoanyone know where to get the 32 bit dev. libs for wine? was it through aptitude?04:10
ray__hi all04:10
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izinucsperko: aptitude, apt, synaptic package manager all go to the same place.. if you have a gui use synaptic package manager and search for wine04:11
biamiaces: use universal usb installer04:11
Acesdo they have that for archlinux?04:12
Padge1Corey: What do you think? Did you see lines 23 and 24?  I'm pretty sure those reflect my different NICs.  They are both Realtek chips04:12
biamiPadge1, i learnt in school... they don't allow us to play games... but we did.04:12
psykidellicHi, I am trying to setup my server to only allow SSH based access. When I set: PasswordAuthentication no, in sshd_config - it disables even roots password access. I wanted to disable tunnel password for all EXCEPT root. Or is that a wrong approach?04:12
Padge1biami: I think my distro of GWBasic came with gorillas.bas.  I sure didn't write it.04:12
CoreyPadge1: I missed line 24.  Yeah, I don't see that it's loading a dlink driver.04:13
Padge1Corey: Can you teach me to make that determination as you have?04:13
lapagaI updated to ff5 yesterday...now chromium seems to take quite a bit longer to load a page..(could just be traffic but not sure) any ideas why?04:15
eukatechthis problem  with the hd3000 internal i2500k  green screen tv is really bugging the hell out of me as i dont have this problem on crappy windows04:15
eukatechany ideas?04:15
Padge1That "kernel ring buffer" makes my eyes cross04:15
mad2hey guys04:16
mad2im having a problem with suspend resume on my sony vaio f series laptop...it hard restarts when i try to resume after suspend04:17
mad2anybody else fixed or having similar problems?04:18
mad2has anybody in here used pinguy?04:22
diyttoHow do I get ubuntu to use my swap partition?04:22
Jeffsican somone help me get my motherboard network driver going?04:23
mad2diytto, type mkswap "/dev/sda" (your swap partition here), then swapon "/dev/sda"04:24
Padge1Corey: Should I put in a NIC that was manufactured in this decade?04:25
Padge1Corey: Well, this decade or the last one04:25
kuthello, every bod.04:27
mad2what up04:27
kutevery body mu jj.04:28
Jeffsii dont understand drivers on linux :(04:28
Padge1Jeffsi: Neither do I :(04:28
JeffsiPadge1: :(04:29
mad2nvidia just causes problems04:29
Jeffsiand my computer keeps shuting off :(04:30
Jeffsican anyone maybe assist with that?04:30
mad2Jeffsi: does it boot up?04:31
biamimad2, i know... once you get nvidia... all you want to do is play games04:31
qinIsosceles: I do not think ufw will stay on here, but it is logging.04:31
Jeffsiyes, and then it shuts down sometime later04:31
mad2biami: its really bad when sauerbraten controls my studying time for class haha04:32
Jeffsimad2:  its never one specific time either04:32
mad2Jeffsi: are you using natty?04:32
biamii gotta go... have class in one hour...04:33
mad2ttyl bro04:33
Jeffsiim using lucid04:33
Jeffsioh no04:33
Jeffsiand last shut down was durrring an upgrade04:34
perkonoob question but how do i get the ia32-libs file for wine using apt?04:34
mad2Jeffsi: do you have a newer computer that meets all the hardware requirements of lucid?04:34
mad2perko: it should be brought through as a dependency when u apt wine04:35
Jeffsii havnt checked the requirements, its old but i think it can take it04:35
almoxarifeperko: apt-get install ia32-libs04:35
perkoalmoxarife: cheers04:35
almoxarifeperko: but mad is also right04:36
Jeffsimad2: ill check quick04:36
mad2Jeffsi: sounds like a hardware problem since it is random...maybe not enough ram04:36
Jeffsimad2: its got just under 2gigs04:36
mad2almoxarife: thanks bro04:36
SirSpamI just installed gnome-core and tightvncserver on my Ubuntu Server Edition computer. I connected to the server using vnc, but now every time I press the d key.. ubuntu minimizes to the desktop04:37
mad2Jeffsi: thats more than enough04:37
SirSpamI'm not pressing any other keys, but it still continues to minimize to desktop04:37
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Jeffsimad2: i use to not be able to keep it on for more than like 5 min but i increased the voltage to the cpu and it seems to be working for longer and longer periods of time, any thoughts?04:38
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NoWayJoseWhat is Ubuntu programmed in?04:39
mad2Jeffsi: sorry man...my only guess is that it is shutting down to maybe save your system as like a safety thing but im not for sure...wish i could help more04:40
Jeffsianyone good with hardware that may be able to help?04:41
bazhangJeffsi, ##hardware , that is not for here04:41
Jeffsialright, thanks04:41
thegoodcushionI'm looking for software to help me study.  I want to create individual 'lessons' that consist of about 30 minutes of private study, and be able to define certain sequences in which they have to occur, and have them put to me at random.  Any software that can do this?04:41
perkoapt is saying ia32-libs has been superseeded but when i install lib32z1 i get the same error as before04:42
sammmyJust finished installing ubuntu.04:42
bazhangthegoodcushion, pdf +mp3? what format are the lessons04:42
thegoodcushionbazhang: no, the lessons are just text04:42
perkoso which 32bit development libs do i use for wine?04:42
thegoodcushionlike, "read chapter 1 of chemistry textbook", "read chapter 2 of chemistry textbook", and they have to occur in that order but at semi-random times04:43
sammmyHow do you make the dock open and close faster in unity?04:43
bazhangsammmy, use unity-2d?04:43
sammmybazhang: what's that?04:43
bazhangthegoodcushion, random? not sure. why not schedule with cron04:43
thegoodcushionbazhang: so when I fire up the software it will say, today's lesson plan is you read chapter 1 of the chemistry textbook plus chapter 2 of the english textbook04:43
bazhangsammmy, less resource intensive version of unity-3d04:44
sammmybazhang, it's not running slow, that's not the issue. It's just I want to customize the speed.04:44
mmasonHas anybody else had trouble getting xulrunner-dev to install on 10.04?04:44
thegoodcushionbazhang: I mean, I could do it manually with little cards like blank business cards.  Surely there's software that can do it04:44
almoxarifeperko: is all this so you have wine installed?04:44
bazhangsammmy, unity is not very configurable at this point in time04:45
jehujakeHello, I'm a Seattlite in China (Shenzhen).  Is my understanding correct that if I grab a package using one of the standard US servers I can be sure the package is the real thing by the checksum being correct?04:45
sammmyI see04:45
mmasonIt (recursively) wants libdbus-glib-1-2 =0.84, while 0.88 is the one available.04:45
almoxarifeperko: and what happens when you apt-get install wine1.2 ???04:45
bazhangjehujake, why would you use the us servers? use the local ones or the ones in taiwan04:45
jehujakebazhang, paranoia I gues04:45
racoon_collectivhey all. nice to meet you.04:46
bazhangjehujake, unnecessary04:46
bazhangracoon_collectiv, hi04:46
jehujakeOk, but is my assumption OK04:46
bazhangjehujake, if the gpg is fine then its okay, no matter where the repos04:46
perkoalmoxarife: unable to locate package04:47
jehujakebazhang, Ok, thanks!04:47
thegoodcushionjehujake: as the packages pass through the Chinese servers, they get the Chinese spyware added to them and there is padding to make sure the checksum is the same, so don't worry about a thing04:47
bazhangthegoodcushion, stop that. that is not true04:47
thegoodcushionjehujake: lol, I'm just kidding of course04:47
bazhangjehujake, disregard what thegoodcushion just said04:47
bazhangthegoodcushion, wrong place and its not funny04:47
almoxarifeperko: how about just plain 'wine' ??04:47
Odd-rationaleWhere can I find documentation on the default partitioning scheme when installing Ubuntu?04:47
jehujakehmm, there might be a reason you're showing up in red!04:47
bazhangjehujake, highlighted when you use someones nick04:48
bazhangthegoodcushion, ?04:48
thegoodcushionbazhang: laughing at jehujake's red comment04:48
jehujakebazhang, I know, it was just a joke04:48
bazhang!partition | Odd-rationale04:48
ubottuOdd-rationale: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap04:48
thegoodcushionso anyone got any idea for flashcard software or do I need to do this manually?04:48
perkoalmoxarife: still unable to locate package. i have the wine package, just need the 32bit libs to install as far as i can tell04:49
pksadiqperko: try reloading the package information in synaptic or sudo apt-get update04:50
mmasonAny thoughts re: getting an older package?04:50
mmasonOr why a dep is broken?04:50
almoxarifeperko: then we are back to installing ia32-libs, but you said it can't be found04:51
Odd-rationaleWhat I am trying to figure out is if you install Ubuntu with the default options (not manual partitioning), how does it decide how large to make the swap partition, root, and home partition (if any). And does it use primary or logical partitions? Is there documentation for this?04:51
perkoand the replacement packages that come up in apt don't let wine install either04:52
almoxarifeperko: add the ppa for wine, and try again?04:53
sarthorDuplicate user login from .. and my modem says this. Why? is some one from IRC logged in to my modem and then comptuers??04:55
almoxarifesarthor: your modem or the irc server?04:56
sarthormy modem logs says this.04:57
gulzaris there any IRC for hardware?04:57
pksadiqgulzar: channel? might be ##hardware04:58
almoxarifesarthor: one of those ips is your public ip?04:58
sarthoralmoxarife: my ip range is 192.168.xx.xx range04:59
sarthorgulzar: yaar da sa masla da.04:59
almoxarifesarthor: that would be your internal ip04:59
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sarthorinternet Ip ? i do not have any ip like this. nor i have that range.05:00
cyper85anyone know how to disable the quit/join notifications in the channel? I'm using the web based irc client05:00
sarthormy modem ip is 188.xx.xx.xx range05:00
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DanaG_Anyone here familiar with ntfsclone?05:01
almoxarifesarthor: so besides you there are two others logged into your machine, that's what you are saying?05:01
DanaG_I just ntfscloned a partition, only to find that it missed like 60% of the files on the partition.05:01
sarthoralmoxarife: yes.05:02
gulzarsarthor: sorry! means?05:02
StarminnOdd-rationale: Ubuntu 10.10 using defaults made a swap file of 2GiB (well, 1.98) which was 4 times the amount of RAM at the time (I had 512MiB), it put swap and Ubuntu in an Extended partition, and I just used the slider to decide how much space for me to have.05:02
gulzar I want to disable my internal HDD for about an hour. How to do this from BIOS?05:02
bazhanggulzar, support question?05:02
DanaG_Okay, so my source partition had 36 gigs used... and the "clone" had only 26 gigs used!05:03
bazhanggulzar, how does that relate to ubuntu05:03
DanaG_What gives?05:03
gulzarbazhang: umm are you an administrator?05:03
bazhanggulzar, do you have an actual ubuntu support question?05:03
Odd-rationaleStarminn: Thanks! Do you know how the installer makes these decisions?05:03
sarthoralmoxarife: is showing Location: Germany [City: ] on dnsstuff.com05:03
almoxarifesarthor: you allow access to your machine via remote desktop?05:03
DanaG_That's like cloning a human and having the head missing.05:03
gulzarbazhang: i know. I am asking this question at ##hardware but people are vey rude and use bad language so shifted here.05:04
sarthoralmoxarife: no05:04
bazhanggulzar, this does make ubuntu your backup offtopic questions channel. be patient or search elsewhere05:04
DanaG_Also, for some reason, my system keeps starting with Metacity, not Compiz.05:04
DanaG_How do I make it default to Compiz?05:04
DanaG_Simple-ccsm won't install, so I can't just go to Appearance and enable it there.05:05
almoxarifesarthor: what log are you looking at? specific05:05
gulzarbazhang: will you please tell me what do you mean by ubuntu? If question is asked about firefox people say that go to mozilla. If it is about video prblem users are reffered to vlc......05:05
gulzarbazhang: but one thing..05:05
Madpilot DanaG_ that sounds like a GDM issue - on the login screen, check your session options.05:05
StarminnOdd-rationale: Well I dual-boot, so it asked me how much space I wanted to allocate to Ubuntu. I figured 40 Gigs would be fine, so it made root (/) 40Gigs. By default /home is not separate. As far as deciding how large to make the swap file, I'm not sure. There may be an algorithm there, but I can't say with any certainty. All I know is that with 512MiB of RAM, it gave me 2GiB.05:05
gulzarbazhang: You are always here. So are you an administrator?05:06
bazhanggulzar, please stop with the offtopic chat.05:06
DanaG_Note: I do seem to have 0.9.x installed, in Natty.05:06
sarthor3com modem. satus and logs. and then logs.05:06
bazhanggulzar, #ubuntu-offtopic is for that NOT here05:06
DanaG_For me, with 4 gigs RAM, I use one quarter of that for ramzswap.05:06
Odd-rationaleStarminn: Thanks. I'll try digging around more.05:06
bruderbellDoes anyone have experience with IR Remotes?  I'm looking for some help05:06
DanaG_Frankly, if something eats so much memory that everything goes to swap, I want that something to DIE, not bring the system screeching to a halt.05:07
bazhangbruderbell, using lirc ?05:07
sarthoralmoxarife: http://pastebin.com/jukm9dkn05:07
DanaG_And I have an SSD, so swap on SSD == bad.05:07
bruderbellWell...I bought an offbrand usb receiver w/ remote05:07
tanathcan anyone help me get sound working?05:07
bruderbellsupposedly MCE compatible, but it only works as a mouse apparently05:07
StarminnOdd-rationale: Yep.05:07
bazhangbruderbell, you want to use it on your ubuntu machine with lirc?05:07
gulzarbazhang: people at Mint are better than You. Far more better. Very helping and nice. And not just putting questions and no help................. I am going there.........:P05:07
bruderbellI've done a lot of googling to no avail so far05:08
almoxarifesarthor: this has nothing to do with ubuntu, so I will keep it brief, change the modem permissions to something new as far as log in, how I don't know05:09
pksadiqbazhang: gulzar didn't said much to block him , Why you did?(correct me if I'm wrong)05:09
DanaG_Oh yeah, so last time I tried Unity and Magic Trackpad, it behaved really oddly.05:09
sarthoralmoxarife: how to check that how many people are logged into my modem right now.05:09
DanaG_Those are my results.05:09
IdleOnepksadiq: he has been a minor issue for a few days.05:10
bazhangpksadiq, its over, lets move on05:10
DanaG_Guess what I had to do to right-click?05:10
DanaG_Or rather, how many fingers?05:10
IdleOnealso what bazhang said05:10
almoxarifesarthor: no idea, its your modem, sorry05:10
bruderbellbazhang: any thoughts regarding troubleshooting a partially working IR remote?05:11
pksadiqbazhang: but actually for persons like me, its not a matter, I have a dynamic IP, changes on each dial up, but harder if you block my nick too, (please don't )05:12
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blackshirthelo dave05:13
shtdave, please.. dont05:13
shti am alone05:14
DanaG_My brain keeps adding an 'i' to that 3-letter nickname.05:14
pksadiqDanaG_: keep your language + thoughts05:15
mindspiderI'm having a problem playing youtube videos.05:16
DanaG_I do find it a bit ridiculous that I had to use FIVE fingers to get a right-click.05:16
DanaG_Yes, FIVE.05:16
DanaG_Not two.05:16
mindspiderThe pages load fine and other flash videos work perfectly.05:16
mindspiderYoutube videos are the only thing not working. it just shows a black box.05:17
Ender_WigginHey guys05:17
IdleOnemindspider: try youtube.com/html505:17
bruderbellmindspider: i recently had to disabel hardware acceleration to get my flash working after an update05:18
Ender_WigginI am a total Linux noob, I need help running a .run file05:18
mindspiderI did get an update earlier.05:18
mindspiderHow do I disable it?05:18
Ender_WigginI'm trying to update my graphics drivers and I'm having an error when I load the .run file for that05:18
mindspiderAnd IdleOne, I'm trying that now. Do you know of any videos that HTML5 works with so I can test?05:18
bruderbellI right-clicked and chose settings, disable I think05:19
blackshirtEnder_Wiggin: what the error exactly ?05:19
IdleOnemindspider: most of them work on youtube05:19
mindspiderAh. Then it isn't working.05:19
mindspiderOh wait.05:19
mindspiderNow it is.05:19
mindspiderJust took about 4-5 seconds to appear.05:19
Ender_Wigginblackshirt: could not open file: gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding. please check that you are not trying to open a binary file05:20
Ender_Wigginselect a character encoding fromt he menu05:20
codex84when i resume after sleepmode i lose conntection05:20
codex84how u fix this problem05:20
pksadiqEnder_Wiggin: if trying to install nvidia driver, its better to be installed from the repo05:20
Ender_Wigginpksadlq: sadly it's an AMD driver05:21
bruderbellanyone have experience troubleshooting input devices?  LIRC?05:21
taglassEnder_Wiggin, It's best to stay with the Ubuntu provided catalysat if you can05:21
pksadiqEnder_Wiggin: right click on the run file, permisions, and tick on execute..., and then double click and select run05:21
Ender_Wigginit's way out of date05:21
Ender_Wigginand im having major graphics issues05:22
pksadiqEnder_Wiggin: in properties, I mean05:22
taglassEnder_Wiggin, probably best if you read the instructions from AMD before you proceed any further then05:22
blackshirtEnder_Wiggin: switch to console mode (run out from desktop environment)..and run .run files from terminal05:23
pksadiq!tab > Ender_Wiggin05:23
ubottuEnder_Wiggin, please see my private message05:23
Ender_Wiggink hold on05:23
LittleRedhello, can someone provide me with the name or location of a web cam app for 10.1005:24
bazhangLittleRed, cheese camorama05:24
gregorahLittleRed: cheese?05:24
intokneed a nautilus script for "root window here"05:25
LittleRedbazhang - loaded cheese and it isn't working...05:25
bazhangintok, what does apt-cache search nautilus turn up05:25
aaksideI'm trying to get a hang of unix commands. How can I filter out lines that two files have in common? In other words, if file A has three lines, 1, 2 and 3, and file B has just 1 and 3, I want to output 2. Anyone know what I'm talking about?05:25
bazhangLittleRed, try camorama then?05:25
Ender_Wigginpksadiq: nothing happened05:26
LittleRedbazhang - ok, I'll be back in a few and let you know...thanks05:26
gregorahaakside: I think uniq might do that with some parameters...05:26
aaksidegregorah: Thank you! I will check that out.05:27
gregorahDoes ordering matter? You might need to sort it first.05:27
pksadiqEnder_Wiggin: still opening in gedit?05:27
aaksideorder is different, but I think I will be able to figure out ordering05:27
Ender_Wigginpksadiq: i tried to just run it like you said but nothing happens05:28
Ender_Wigginpksadiq: then i tried running it in terminal and nothing as well05:29
bazhangnautilus-actions - nautilus extension to configure programs to launch perhaps intok or nautilus-open-terminal05:29
Ender_Wigginpksadiq: it creates a folder in that directory then it dissapears05:29
pksadiqEnder_Wiggin: what does it happen when you double click? or when in terminal?05:29
bazhangintok, for the first choose a root terminal05:29
Ender_Wigginpksadiq: it makes a folder in the same directory05:29
Ender_Wigginthat disappears after that05:29
pksadiqEnder_Wiggin: k in terminal do sudo ./file.run               where file.run is your run ile05:29
heckjHowdy - I have a preseed how-to question if someone can point me in the right direction05:30
blackshirtheckj: what' s your problem ?05:30
Ender_Wigginpksadiq: include the directory?05:30
heckjI have a bootable USB that I'm using to spin up a few basic ubuntu server's, and I've been trying to add a preseed.cfg to it. Read through https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html, but I can't quite get a functional place on the USB to put that preseed.cfg file.05:30
pksadiqEnder_Wiggin: of course05:31
bazhangheckj, whats the question05:31
heckjblackshirt: It didn't have an initrd directory directly, so I've tried the root of the USB key, in05:31
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bazhangheckj, whoops saw it apologies05:31
heckjthe syslinux/ directory and in the install/ directory. What am I missing, or is there a "how to " somewhere that I should be reviewing?05:31
heckjbazhang: np - very happy to have some help05:32
cyperbgI just restarted Ubuntu 11.04 and got stuck at the console. How do I load a KDE?05:32
lawltoadhey, just got a new machine, and its over 8gb of ramn implying that i woul prolly want to run 64bit... and disadvantages to this?05:32
intokbazhang http://pastebin.com/8nneQ5F5 tried the old scripts pack http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/09/125-nautilus-scripts-to-simplify.html but they no longer work in 11.0405:32
cyperbgah not KDE, but Gnome05:33
IdleOnesorry bout that intok bot caught you by accident05:33
bobweavercyperbg, try startx ot /ect/init.d/gdm restart05:33
intokIdleOne np05:34
cyperbgok I'll try05:34
heckjbazhang, blackshirt: any suggestions, or even more reading to go do?05:34
cyperbgit says: Fatal server error. No screens found05:34
bazhanghttp://sshrootat.blogspot.com/2011/04/preseeding-ubuntu-natty-1104.html  heckj along these lines?05:34
bobweavercyperbg, for startx or the other one05:35
blackshirtheckj: wait a minute...my connection terible slowly05:35
LittleRedbazhang - you have been elevated to almost god status... thanks, it works  :-)05:35
cyperbglet me try the other one05:35
bazhangLittleRed, glad to be of help05:35
awakecodingI have a desktop computer running ubuntu 11.04, and a pandaboard (ARM) running ubuntu 11.04 as well. I would like to cross-compile between the two, since the pandaboard is slow for compiling05:36
heckjbazhang: not quite - I'm not pxe booting, but booting from a bootable USB drive with Ubuntu 10.10 installer on it05:36
awakecodingwhere can I find information on how to do that?05:36
lawltoadany reason not to use -amd64 on an i705:36
bobweaverlawltoad, whats you mem05:37
awakecodinglawltoad: you can safely use amd64 on an i7, I am...05:37
cyperbgbobweaver: the second command said something about Upstart job and start(8)05:37
awakecodingwhy wouldn't you?05:37
bazhanglawltoad, none05:37
bobweavercyperbg, brb testing05:37
IdleOneawakecoding: may want to ask in #ubuntu-arm05:38
pksadiqawakecoding: did you try scratchbox?, I think it does something like that , better than crosscompiling05:38
blackshirtheckJ: okey..are you need edit preseed.cfg05:38
awakecodingI was looking at the stuff from the linaro project, which is used in ubuntu05:38
awakecodinghaven't tried scratchbox05:38
IdleOneawakecoding: there is a #linaro here on freenode also05:39
heckjblackshirt: I have one that I think is at least basically there - but the installer doesn't jump to running through it. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure if it's an error in the preseed.cfg or if it's just not configured correctly to load it and use it.05:39
awakecodingIdleOne: I'm in #linaro as well now :)05:39
awakecodingI managed to far, I have my chroot environment with the toolchain05:39
blackshirthave you add it on boot options ?05:39
awakecodinginstalled some -cross libraries, but then I'm having trouble with pkg-config05:40
heckjblackshirt: nope, I've been going off the instructions which say if it's in the root of the boot, it'll just run and use it.05:40
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heckjblackshirt: I'm not entirely clear on what file to edit to put in the 'preseed/file=/hd-media/preseed.cfg' directive - of even what the relevant path would be05:41
intokbazhang no joy?05:44
bazhangintok, none so far, sorry05:44
blackshirtheckj: i think, this file relative to boot directory where initrd resides05:45
MaskedMakrelHi.  Quick Question.  I'm running 10.10 UNR and it has the APPLE style menu which is eating my screen space.  How do I modify it05:45
blackshirtbut, i'm sure we can place it everywhere05:45
m1chaeli upgraded my ubuntu, and my screen is flickering/black, i drag the mousse around and click, and things become kind of visible, it's very random and weird.. i dont know what to do to fix this.. it's a dual boot with windows xp...05:45
intokbazhang the trials and tribulations of running the unofficial port of Ubuntu PPC on a 2002 PowerMac...05:46
MaskedMakrelIs there a way to change the 10.10 toolbar so that is disappears when not in use and is at the bottom instead?05:47
MaskedMakrelI mean the app toolbar, not the main menue05:47
heckjblackshirt: initrd exists in /install/initrd.gz on the USB key - drop it in there? I tried stopping the installer when it was rolling and opened the busybox shell. I didn't see any of the .cfg files that drove the installer in that setup05:47
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MaskedMakrelCan I get rid of or modify the massive screen eating toolbar in 10.10 that looks like an Apple style bar?05:49
blackshirtheckj: have you look at your root installer  ?05:49
syrinx_MaskedMakrel: in 10.10?05:49
MaskedMakrelIn 10.1005:49
syrinx_I think you mean 11.0405:50
MaskedMakrelNo, its 10.1005:50
IdleOnesyrinx_: no he means ubuntu UNR05:50
MaskedMakrelYup UNR 10.1005:50
IdleOneUbuntu netbook Remix05:50
linux_is_my_herowhat is the best way to rip cd's to 320kbps mp3's including fetching music info prior to ripping05:50
bobweavercyperbg, you still here05:50
heckjblackshirt: I'm not sure how - I can mount the USB key and look around it, but I'm not sure what's actually get loaded and when.05:50
MaskedMakrelIt kind of wastes screen space on a netbook...05:51
bobweavercyperbg, sudo /ect/init.d/gdm restart05:51
linux_is_my_heroyeah 11.04 kinda pissed me off with integration of ubuntu one which i don't use05:51
syrinx_MaskedMakrel: just switch to Ubuntu Desktop05:51
linux_is_my_heroif anyone knows how to disable ubuntu one in 11.04 please tell me it just makes it slower05:51
MaskedMakrelOkay, how does it switch?05:52
syrinx_MaskedMakrel: log out, and at the login screen theres a dropdown box05:52
IdleOnesyrinx_: not if he installed UNR05:52
IdleOneI don't think05:52
syrinx_I believe it should be there05:52
MaskedMakrelAlright, brb :)05:53
MaskedMakrelThanks!  It worked.  I'm using Desktop edition now.05:56
MaskedMakrelNo more space eating toolbar.05:56
heckjI'll try back in tomorrow...05:57
IdleOneMaskedMakrel: I guess I was wrong, cookie for syrinx_ :)05:57
MaskedMakrelIt's sort of at the bottom.  Kind of a strange place, but if you look for it, you can see it.05:58
MaskedMakrelSo, it's much better for me with the smaller netbook screen.05:58
MaskedMakrelNot sure why they default to the large applestyle menu on a netbook.  Makes more sense on a larger monitor.05:58
linux_is_my_heroi need help with sound juicer: I can't get it to see the "mp3" output format even though its on the list of availible formats in the "Edit profiles". :-(06:02
MaskedMakrelNext question is a bit more difficult.  I'm using an Asus 1015PEB and the webcam won't work with Tinychat.  Any ideas?06:05
lawltoadthanks all for the input, late06:07
linux_is_my_herohow do i add new output formats to sound juicer?06:10
MaskedMakrelGuess it's for another night.  Thanks for the help with the menu bars though.06:12
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html linux_is_my_hero this?06:13
m1chaeli upgraded my ubuntu, and my screen is flickering/black, i drag the mousse around and click, and things become kind of visible, it's very random and weird.. i dont know what to do to fix this.. it's a dual boot with windows xp...06:13
linux_is_my_herom1chael: after the bios, you get the grub boot loader os selection screen...the flickering problem is when you pick windows or linux?06:16
linux_is_my_heroonce i get a **.tar.bz2 file how do i uncompress it to install?06:17
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, what is the package06:18
linux_is_my_herobazhang: "rubyripper-0.6.0.tar.bz2"06:18
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linux_is_my_herowhat is a tar, and what is a bz2? im transitioning from linux to windows and i wanna learn how all of this stuff works.06:18
andantinodo you have the file in the directory where you want it06:19
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, in place of sound-juicer? better to install from the repos06:19
linux_is_my_herosound-juicer wouldn't even see its own alternative output formats, so i couldn't use mp3 format.06:19
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, I gave you a link for that06:20
linux_is_my_heroi went looking for help with that and heard rubyripper is better for several reasons06:20
thegoodcushionDoes anyone know of software that can help me arrange a study plan?  Like messages (lessons) that have to come in a particular order or frequency?06:24
adurodeathegoodcushion: google calander?06:25
thegoodcushionI don't think it's quite the same.  I want to be able to postpone lessons etc06:25
adurodeai'm goin gto stick with any worthwhile calander app should do that06:26
adurodeaunless i misunderstood the question06:26
ectospasmyeah, but a calendar app that's geared towards writing lesson plans.06:26
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:27
thegoodcushionwell I'm thinking of buying a stack of blank business cards, breaking up each item that I'm trying to learn into half-hour chunks, then arranging the cards into some type of order so that I can do between 1 and 6 lessons a day, where each subject's cards are in the correct order.  Then I can pull the cards out in sequence.06:27
ectospasmthegoodcushion: http://www.internet4classrooms.com/links_grades_kindergarten_12/lesson_plan_templates_teacher_tools.htm06:28
ectospasmthat's for primary and secondary school06:28
thegoodcushionyeah, a bit like that but more flexible06:29
thegoodcushionlike when I was in high school we'd have 6 periods per day and 5 days per week, and a lesson in each one06:29
thegoodcushionlike that, but because I'm just an adult working by myself I might take a day off or do twice as much in a day06:30
sharperguythegoodcushion, I remember there was a piece of software where you make flash cards with questions on them, and then when it shows you one, you can try to answer it first and then indicate how confident you were with it, and it'll wait longer to show you it again if you know it well06:30
thegoodcushionI used it to learn Japanese characters06:31
thegoodcushionthat's more like what I want than a calendar is06:31
thegoodcushionis it called anki?06:31
bazhang!info anki06:32
ubottuanki (source: anki): extensible flashcard learning program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (natty), package size 1161 kB, installed size 4488 kB06:32
bazhangthegoodcushion, ^06:32
newbie|4hello guys, I would like to know how can I update the program vesion of the Software center06:33
thegoodcushionlook, I can do it manually with business-card size bits of card06:33
bazhangnewbie|4, upgrade version of ubuntu will do that06:34
newbie|4its that the only thing I can do?06:34
newbie|4I don't want to upgrade06:34
bazhangnewbie|4, why do you need the higher version06:34
newbie|4because I want the lastest version of a program06:35
celthundersup ectospasm06:35
thegoodcushionI think he wants to upgrade his repo source06:36
quesoWhat's with the recent update to grub that requires you to say "Yes" to continue without installing grub in order to continue with the upgrade, when in fact, grub is installed and being upgraded (lucid)?06:36
bazhang!latest | newbie|406:36
ubottunewbie|4: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.06:36
dr_Williswhat progra,06:36
bazhangthegoodcushion, thats not right06:36
tensorpuddingnewbie|4: the version that comes with your version of ubuntu is the version you can have06:36
thegoodcushionbazhang: okay maybe he wants a backport or ppa06:36
bazhangdr_Willis, software center06:36
IdleOnethegoodcushion: stop guessing and make sure before answering06:36
bazhangthegoodcushion, there is not much chance software center will be backported06:36
dr_Willishes was a little vague about thay06:37
criten166how's ubuntu's current built in multi-monitor tools like?06:37
criten166Have they gotten better from v806:37
bazhangcriten166, xrandr?06:37
criten166the main problem i used to have was rotating monitors06:38
thegoodcushionI don't think he wanted to upgrade software center, he wanted to upgrade something else and he thought that upgrading software center would give him the later versions of software06:38
linux_is_my_herowhere does linux put program files?06:38
criten166linux_is_my_hero: check the bin folder06:38
dr_Williscriten166:  unity can have issues witj multi ,oni setups06:38
celthunderlinux_is_my_hero: depends where you install it to06:38
criten166linux_is_my_hero: you can check where a program has installed things through the apt manager06:38
taglasslinux_is_my_hero, man hier to get a feel for where linux puts files.06:39
dr_Willislinux_is_my_hero:  depends on the app also06:39
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview linux_is_my_hero06:39
criten166dr_Willis: unity? The java game engine?06:39
dr_Willis !unity06:40
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.06:40
criten166Oh wow... i've missed alot hahaha06:40
dr_Willisnever hearf of the java thang06:40
FreeManhi there, I used WUBI.exe to install ubuntu but unfortunately it only cang et started when I boot from ubuntu. I read somewhere that u can use WUBI.exe to run Ubuntu in Windows as a client/window. I use Windows 7.06:40
criten166dr_Willis: it's been about a year since i've touched ubuntu06:41
dr_Willisunity interface and nulti monitors can be flakey and weird06:42
criten166dr_Willis: well that's a shame...06:42
dr_Willisjust a warning06:42
dr_Williskde may be better for you.06:43
dr_Willisit all depends on what you are doing06:43
criten166I hate the new KDE06:43
criten166atleast what i used last time..06:44
dr_Willisnew? its old now heh.06:44
criten166bahahaha as i said... it's been a while06:44
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:44
dr_Willislxde is nice in ways also06:44
adurodeacriten166: most ui's are going towards unusability and mass effects that just make things worse unfortunately :( good thing theres still a few decent ones out06:45
dr_Willisthese things go in cycles it seems06:45
myst1cNetwork Manger works, GUI wicd works, Wicd-curses does not. can anybody help me?06:46
adurodeamyst1c: use python2 or 306:46
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adurodeamyst1c: python3 breaks wicd06:46
adurodeafor wicd-curses do you have ncurses?06:47
bobweaveranyone know how to make your own repo06:47
adurodeadr_Willis: yeah true enough06:47
wafflesausageadurodea: is there not a package for both python 2 and 3?06:47
myst1cadurdea my interface works, but it won't connect06:47
wafflesausageadurodea: Actually, what I should've asked, can't you have both installed simultaneously?06:47
[FKU]Greycloakfinally got upgraded to natty...and now compiz doesn't work06:48
criten166maybe someday ill give ubuntu a whirl again. : P06:48
[FKU]Greycloaki can enable compiz, but windows tend to disappear randomly06:48
dr_Williswindows or titlebar and decorations?06:49
[FKU]Greycloakall of it06:49
[FKU]Greycloakif i ctrl+alt+left or right, the window will reappear06:49
xiambaxI can start ubuntu in low graphics mode06:49
[FKU]Greycloakand if I draw a selection, it repaints the windows06:49
[FKU]Greycloakits bizarre06:49
xiambaxhow can i set X to run the way it does in low graphics mode06:49
xiambaxIts an MSI with a 820006:49
myst1cadurodea: wicd-curses interface works. shows my network, hangs on "Obtaining IP Address," then says not connected06:49
[FKU]Greycloakworked fine on 9.10 and 10.1006:49
xiambaxBoots to black screen with cursor otherwise06:50
ubuntun00bis there a fix for ubuntu 10.10 with hp touchpads?06:50
wawaanyone here?06:50
wafflesausagewawa: Yes.06:50
wawai know06:51
[FKU]Greycloakfunny thing is that when compiz is enabled, all of the effects work great06:51
wawabut wo forget the name06:51
bazhangwawa, ubuntu support question?06:51
myst1cadurodea: also, python 2.6.506:51
Blue1ubuntun00b: what issue?06:51
xiambaxAnyone know how I would start X with the same settings it does in failsafe graphics mode?06:51
bazhangwawa, then please ask06:51
ubuntun00b10.10 issue with laptop mousepads. can't right click or drag windows06:51
wawanow i use linux mint06:52
wawaubuntu is large06:52
bazhangwawa, then go to mintsupport, that is not supported here06:52
wawai like ubuntu06:52
wafflesausagemint is probably "larger" than ubuntu anyway06:52
bazhang!mintsupport | wawa06:53
ubottuwawa: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:53
wawai do not know06:53
bazhangwawa, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:53
Blue1xiambax: prolly backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if it exists) then copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe to xorg.conf -- YMMV applies06:53
wafflesausageWell, mint is a derivative of ubtuntu, so we may be able to help him if he has an ubuntu-related question06:53
bazhangwafflesausage, nope not here06:53
wafflesausagebazhang: So rebranded versions of ubuntu are simply unsupported in IRC?06:54
hamthi all06:54
bazhangwafflesausage, on this channel06:54
Madpilotwafflesausage, no, they make their own support arrangements elsewhere06:54
wafflesausageThat's what I meant.06:55
hamtexit from fullscreen applications logs off user06:55
hamtany help?06:55
silv3r_m00neth0 is at speed 100mbps , need to make it 10mbps , where can this be configured06:55
Blue1hamt: how are you exiting?06:55
sivaFrom where i can known the details of ubuntu arm06:56
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, using wondershaper?06:56
Blue1silv3r_m00n: you don't need to do anything -06:56
bazhang!info wondershaper | silv3r_m00n06:56
hamtblue1: from inside the application06:56
ubottusilv3r_m00n: wondershaper (source: wondershaper): Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-5 (natty), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB06:56
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, or trickle?06:56
silv3r_m00nlet me try06:56
linux_is_my_herohow do i create a folder/document in a place where linux wont let me?06:56
bazhang!info trickle | silv3r_m00n06:56
ubottusilv3r_m00n: trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-9 (natty), package size 36 kB, installed size 168 kB06:57
Blue1hamt: okay what are you hitting, or doing specifically?  what application specifically?06:57
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, why do you wish to06:57
linux_is_my_herobecause im in control of the computer.06:57
hamtBlue1: stellarium06:57
ab2tractgksudo nautilus06:57
Blue1hamt: I have that installed let me try it.06:57
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, and what is the proposed change?06:57
silv3r_m00nis wondershaper a gui tool ?06:57
hamtBlue1: also in case of tux racer06:57
ab2tractwill open a window to allow you to create/delete files/folders06:57
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, no idea there06:57
linux_is_my_heroto add a folder to usr/lib64 so i can add another program06:57
linux_is_my_herofrom the gui06:58
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, thats not the way to go about that06:58
Blue1hamt: how are you exitting, via the icon?06:58
silv3r_m00nbazhang: is there a file where I can save this configuration permanently , for now I have to do   p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  sudo ethtool -s eth0 duplex full speed 10 autoneg off everyday06:58
hamtBlue1: Yes06:58
hamtBlue1: The one in the bototm06:58
ab2tractlinux_is_my_hero: use "gksudo nautilus"06:58
linux_is_my_herothis is 2011. the terminal is great, but really if theyre gunna make linux this painful then ill go back to 10.1006:58
hamtBlue1: I guess the problem lies with opengl06:58
linux_is_my_heroill try gksudo nautilus.06:58
Blue1hamt: I have no issues here -- but I am running 10.10 - what are you running?06:59
bazhangab2tract, look what he's trying to do06:59
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, make a launcher script?06:59
hamtBlue1: 11.04, KDE06:59
silv3r_m00nI even wrote it to rc file for executing everytime06:59
silv3r_m00nI mean rc.local07:00
Blue1hamt: ahh I am running 10.10, 64 bit, gnome - so we are comparing apples to oranges I fear - what happens if you try a control+q?07:00
Evanescencedoes anyone know how to load subtitle file in mplayer ? my subtitle file is kk.srt07:00
hamtBlue1: let me see07:00
shift_#ubuntu how to bring gnome oanel in ubuntu 11.04 natty???07:00
ab2tractlinux_is_my_hero: your trying to "install" a program by copying and pasting?07:01
Blue1Evanescence: subtitle or closed captions?  I Know how to do the captioning.07:01
bazhangshift_, use classic you mean?07:01
hamt_Blue1: It logged me off :-(07:01
Blue1hamt:  :-(07:02
EvanescenceBlue1 <- I need to load a file contail what is saying in movie. need a option for mplayer07:02
shift_#ubuntu how to bring gnome panel in ubuntu 11.04 natty???07:02
bazhang!classic | shift_07:02
ubottushift_: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".07:02
frozeninfernoi need help restoring unity back to default settings in 11.04. i was messing with some compiz stuff and i completely lost my UI except the icons on my desktop07:02
Blue1Evanescence: well this will do the closed captioning -- http://pkill-9.com/how-to-play-closed-captioned-dvd-on-linux/  I don't know about subtitles though07:02
MaxHRHello, I wish to try ubuntu from a usbpen drive live, but my bios doesn't support usb booting, already have winxp on this computer... any way to boot from the usbpen w/o using a cd boot disk?07:03
EvanescenceBlue1 <- anyway,thx07:03
Blue1Evanescence: sorry07:03
frozeninfernoi need help restoring unity back to default settings in 11.04. i was messing with some compiz stuff and i completely lost my UI except the icons on my desktop07:04
bazhangfrozeninferno, try #compiz perhaps07:04
frozeninfernobazhang: i don't really care about the compiz stuff enough to mess with it, i just want the default UI back07:04
ab2tractbazhang: you want gnome?07:05
ab2tractor unity07:05
bazhangab2tract, tab miscomplete I guess07:05
bazhangab2tract, its shift_ not me07:05
ab2tracthah sorry tired07:06
ectospasmI've got an issue with Bluetooth.  My Bluetooth devices will work fine, they'll pair, and everything is OK.  But after a period of inactivity, the devices (keyboard, mouse, and Wiimote) will show as connected, but no events from them are processed on the system07:07
frozeninfernoi need help restoring unity back to default settings in 11.04. i was messing with some compiz stuff and i completely lost my UI except the icons on my desktop07:07
ectospasmessentially the devices go dead.  turning them off and back on only sometimes resolves it (temporarily)07:07
pratzhey guys i have created an executable python file ex (./clockout.py), but when i use a symbolic to /usr/bin/clockin , the clockin command is not found , any ideas ??07:10
Abchi...how can I know the temprature of my system and rpm of fan etc... ?07:11
shorttechcan anyone assist with dual monitors???07:11
bazhang!xrandr | shorttech07:11
ubottushorttech: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:11
bazhangAbc, using conky for the temps, not sure about fan speed07:11
bazhangAbc, as in display them on your desktop?07:12
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bazhang!sensors > Abc07:12
ubottuAbc, please see my private message07:12
shorttechubottu do you have dual screens? Because I think Im encontering a bug07:13
ubottushorttech: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:13
wildbathmm, anyone installed lxde / lubuntu have idea why "ALT+f2 or W+R " work only once ==;?07:13
shorttechubottu lol07:14
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:14
shorttechso is there anyone there with dual screen and nvidia cards?07:14
ab2tractshorttech: do you have the nvidia drivers installed?07:15
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shorttechab2tract yes07:15
shorttechab2tract I installed the recomended driver07:16
Abcbazhang : I want the temprature to be displayed on panel..07:16
ab2tractshorttech have you gone to system>administration>nvidia x server settings07:17
shorttechab2tract the problem is when I run Nvidia-settings. After I enable the second screen and activate Xinerema and restart I get a problem with the screens07:17
ab2tractmy setup was mostly automatic07:17
shorttechab2tract both screen turn on, but one of the screens is black and all I can see is the mouse pointer07:17
shorttechab2tract also when I have the mouse on screen 1 its actually controlling screen 207:19
shorttechso anyone else out there that can help?07:21
ubuntun00bubuntu wont open different partions eventhough there listed in "places" any suggestions?07:22
szalubuntun00b: error msgs please07:23
ubuntun00bnone given07:23
ubuntun00bor you mean through terminal?07:23
GhostWolfhi all, i was wondering if anyone know how i can revert or remove my current version of firefox? i need a toolbar and it is not compatible with the 5.0 version07:23
NugeIs there a way to use the Gnome environment rather than the Unity environment on a USB live session of 11.04?07:23
NugeGhostWolf, you can always uninstall then re-install Firefox4.07:24
GhostWolfNuge, i tried to uninstall but its telling me its not on or no such thing07:24
NugeYou've reached the extent of my knowledge. That's the only way I would know how.07:25
szalubuntun00b: if Nautilus or whatever you use works remotely like Dolphin, you should see a HAL or udisks msg when trying to enter a partition that "won't open"07:25
ab2tract!classic | nuge07:25
ubottunuge: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".07:25
Nugeab2tract, live USB session.07:26
NugeHaha... okay then.07:26
GhostWolfdoes anyone here know how to remove/unintall the current version of firefox so i can install an older version?07:26
szalubuntun00b: counterchecking on the terminal might also help (ls -lA /mount/point)07:26
NugeGhostWolf, you uninstall it in the Software Center.07:26
GhostWolfNuge things are better through terminal..07:27
GhostWolfnot everything gets removed if you're always do things through software07:27
NugeI use the Software Center and everything removes fine.07:27
NugeAnything extraneous that is left over is removed by my computer janitor.07:28
NugeBut suit yourself.07:28
NugeTo each his own.07:28
GhostWolfthats why you use terminal. you can do it at once and not need to do extra steps07:28
MaxHRis there an easy way to install grub from within windows xp to the mbr?07:28
GhostWolfi never even used the computer janitor07:28
szalif you want reliable autoremove when uninstalling stuff, use aptitude exclusively07:29
szalMaxHR: no, since Grub is not a Windows program07:29
GhostWolfszal, i've tried to do it through term but as i mentioned it doesn't show any firefox through term i type sudo apt-get remove firefox5.0 and it says no such thing as firefox5.007:30
szal!pm | ubuntun00b07:30
ubottuubuntun00b: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:30
MaxHRszal: I realize that, I was looking for a windows program that could install grub to mbr... or if that doesn't exist, another useful bootloader, so that I can run ubuntu or other linux live from usb, as my bios doesn't support usbpendrive boot07:31
ubuntun00balright well when i try and open the other pations (using Thunar) is says  "failed to mount...daemon is inhibited"07:32
szalMaxHR: then get a CD drive07:33
MaxHRI have a cd drive, I am looking for a way to avoid wasting a cd07:34
comodorohola buenas noches a todos07:34
shottech1still need help with dual monitors07:36
shottech1please someone07:36
comodorohola estoy buscando ayuda para restaurar el funcionamineto del teclado de mi laptop, ya que cuendo iniio sesion estn desactivados..:(07:36
IdleOne!es | comodoro07:37
ubottucomodoro: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:37
ubuntun00banyone know why ubunut won't let me access other partions on the main hard drive (error:daemon is inhibited"07:37
OnederfoolHello World!07:37
ectospasmubuntun00b: open a terminal, try to navigate to the mounted drive there07:37
ectospasmubuntun00b: it may be Thunar07:37
comodorojejeejejejej mejor porque no domino bien el ingles gracias!! eres muy amable07:37
OnederfoolIs there a difference between this compared to installing it in terminal via 'apt-get install xchat'?07:41
shottech1how do I go back to a xorg.conf that I backed up?07:41
linuxuz3rshottech1 go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak07:42
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wildbatubuntun00b: could be you have some app running blocking that function ~ like gparted07:43
shottech1linuxuz3r thats it?07:43
szalMaxHR: buy a pack of CDRWs07:44
ubuntun00bwill check07:44
ubuntun00blol that was it...07:45
shottech1how do I kill gnome?07:46
shottech1will init 3 work?07:46
MaxHRszal: that would be ok, but I will be running from the usbpen drive all the time, no HD install, so I want to boot and run from the usb, the cd/dvd drive in this old laptop is on its way out, same w/ HD07:46
MaxHRI found grub4dos, which may work07:46
ectospasmshottech1: service gdm restart always works for me.07:47
szalMaxHR: how will you run from USB if the machine can't boot from it?07:47
ectospasmMaxHR: there's always syslinux07:47
shottech1ectospasm but if i want to kill gdm completely?07:47
ectospasmshottech1: service gdm stop07:47
shottech1ectospasm thank you07:47
wifi-issuesI am having issues with my wireless internet at the moment after installing ubuntu on my new acer aspire 7551-7422 notebook computer. Every other device on the network gets fast download speeds (non ubuntu). Mine only gets 20kb/s. and causes games / sites to load slowly.07:48
MaxHRszal: the bootloader on the HD07:48
FreeManhi there, I used WUBI.exe to install ubuntu but unfortunately it only cang et started when I boot from ubuntu. I read somewhere that u can use WUBI.exe to run Ubuntu in Windows as a client/window. I use Windows 7.07:48
szalFreeMan: use VirtualBox, way less trouble07:48
szalFreeMan: or do a real install07:48
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shottech1ectospasm do you know how to swtich back to the backup xorg.conf.backup?07:49
wildbatshottech1: can't you just rename the file back ?07:50
ectospasmshottech1: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.broken  && cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:50
shottech1ectospasm I got it. I have to exchange the files - thankyou!07:51
satellite10399anyone know how i can make wget ignore downloading files containing "index.php?title=" ...07:52
bkerensawith a query following?07:52
nero__i jus downloaded ubuntu on my desktop07:52
bkerensanero__: Hello07:52
FreeManaH VIRTUAL BOX Ok07:52
satellite10399i tried -A -R but am not successful07:52
bkerensanero__: Need help?07:52
nero__wats the difference between this and linux07:52
FreeManthnks for hint, should have thought of that myself07:52
bkerensanero__: Ubuntu is linux07:53
nero__is its like an updgaded07:53
bkerensanero___: There are many flavors (distributions) of linux07:53
nero__yes i kno07:53
bkerensanero__: Nope its a full07:53
szalnero__: Linux is the kernel, what's built around it is the distribution, and Ubuntu is one of several hundred07:53
nero__this is the easiest flavor rite07:53
bkerensanero__: Its very user friendly07:54
nero__yea i kno theres a lot07:54
nero__i messed with free bsd07:54
nero__n a few others07:54
szal"easy" and "user-friendly" are in the eye of the beholder..  but *buntu isn't the most popular for nothing07:54
Christoph_vWany idea why aptitude wants to install firefox-locale when I try to update my servers?07:54
odixanybody know the best way to set static router ips through ubuntu? it seems i can do it through editing /etc/network/interfaces, but outgoing traffic isnt working correct...07:55
szalnero__: and you might want to speak proper English in here if you don't want to get the queer eye ;)07:55
nero__one question07:55
Christoph_vWI don't have firefox installed - and it is pretty useless on a server without GUI07:55
odixand hostnames are not resolving which probably has to do with the dns07:55
anonwifiissuesI am having issues with my wifi download speed on the ubuntu computer. It is downloading at 20kb per second now. (1.6kb atm on minecraft)07:55
nero__for example when i watch videos like youtube the video doesnt show clear07:55
nero__like black spots blinking threw out the video07:56
andantinothats flash player for linux i think07:56
shottech1ectospasm whats the best editor on ubuntu to edit xorg.conf?07:56
nero__i dwl adobe the latest one07:56
szalodix: sudo route add default gw <IP or NetBIOS name of machine>07:56
ectospasmshottech1: I prefer vim, but "best" is definitely a matter of taste.07:56
nero__n still gives prbs07:56
andantinoya flash stinks07:56
andantinostreaming vids are a little buggy right07:57
odixszal ?07:57
nero__is ubuntu compatable with asus netbooks07:57
andantinowhen you make them full screen you get a bit of a white flash etc07:57
odixi want the computer connecting to the router to assign itself a static ip07:57
andantinoi think they have asus nnotebooks with ubuntu preinstalled07:58
nero__like the videos and webcam and favorite buttons on the netbook07:58
odixwhile still using dhcp, sort of requesting it frmo that router, is that possible without have to use inet static ?07:58
nero__i baught mine with win xp n installed winds. 7 pro07:58
nero__and now i want linus on it07:58
odixalso i have another quit weird problem, when ubuntu logs in i just get a terminal screen with the ubuntu background and thast it.07:58
wildbathmm, anyone installed lxde / lubuntu have idea why "ALT+f2 or W+R " work only once ?07:59
nero__dam ubuntu doesnt seem so great07:59
ectospasmnero__: welcome to Ubuntu!07:59
fairuzHi, Natty support is here?07:59
fairuzor +1?08:00
shottech1whats the urpmi alike for ubuntu?08:00
nero__so i guess i should have sticked with windows 708:00
ectospasmfairuz: natty should be supported here08:00
szalshottech1: either apt-get or aptitude08:00
andantinosudo apt-get install08:00
scriptwarlocknero_: remember ubuntu is not windows08:00
shottech1thank you08:00
nero__i kno08:00
ectospasmnero__: remember how much you've paid for Ubuntu.08:00
fairuzHi, is there no taskbar on Unity?08:00
nero__yes nothing08:00
nero__thats y08:01
andantinowhat package do you want shottech?08:01
nero__its free so its a little weird08:01
Onederfoolis back|track an alternative to ubuntu or can it be implemented within it??08:01
ectospasmnero__: like any system, it takes getting used to08:01
szal!backtrack | Onederfool08:01
ubottuOnederfool: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition08:01
scriptwarlocki smell fishy08:01
andantinofairuz you can make one08:01
szalscriptwarlock: go wash yourself :P08:01
andantinoor just use the classic desktop08:01
* scriptwarlock washes my nose08:01
shottech1anyone out there that can help with dual monitors?? I have been hitting my head against the wall.. I just can get this thing to work right08:02
xt3mp0rshottech1: whats the problem?08:02
ectospasmshottech1: I use two monitors in Debian here at work08:02
xt3mp0r me too08:02
ectospasmI'm either using TwinView or Xinerama08:02
ectospasm...can't remember which08:02
scriptwarlockme too i'm using dual monitor but this is ubuntu08:03
andantinofairuz where do you want your taskbar?08:03
shottech1ectospasm Im trying to use Xinerama, but I keep finding problems08:03
scriptwarlockand its working properly08:03
ectospasmshottech1: yeah, you may want to try XRandR08:03
shottech1xt3mp0r the problem starts after I make changes on Nvidia-settings08:03
fairuzandantino: I don't mind where, but it will help a lot if I have one =)08:03
andantinoyou know what i prefer08:04
ectospasmfairuz: taskbars are overrated (-;)08:04
anonwifiissuesI am having issues with my wifi download speed on the ubuntu computer. It is downloading at 20kb per second now. (1.6kb atm on minecraft)08:04
andantinoi would switch to ubuntu classic desktop08:04
fairuzectospasm: But it's kinda weird not having it :D08:04
andantinoand add windows buttons to the bottom panel08:04
fairuzandantino: I'm doing that right now but for me Unity is cool08:04
ectospasmfairuz: matter of opinion (-;  I don't have any taskbars08:04
andantinoyou could also just add a panel to the bottom of unity08:05
andantinoim sure that is doable08:05
shottech1xt3mp0r after I active the second screen and xinerama. I restart the computer afterwards and them the problem starts. Both screen turn on, but one of the screens is black. Also, for me to do something on screen 1 i need to have my mouse on screen 208:05
andantinoand then add windows buttons or whatever08:05
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, ins't that a wifi issue and not ubuntu? what have you done before it slows down?08:05
shottech1ectospasm is XrandaR a software or dirver?08:05
fairuzandantino: WIll try that08:05
odixcan i msg you08:05
ectospasmshottech1: good question, I dunno08:06
ectospasmshottech1: lemme look08:06
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szalodix: no08:06
szalodix: keep it in the channel please08:06
odixok whatever08:06
andantinoi liked unity at first but then switched back to classic, i find it better08:06
* szal KDE <308:07
scriptwarlockget used to the DE's you like guys and not compare08:07
andantinowe aint fightin over it script08:07
ectospasmshottech1: it's software.  Although a driver *IS* software08:08
ectospasmshottech1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#How_to_setup_a_dual_monitor08:09
odixhow do you figure out your netmask08:09
odixnvm ifconfig08:10
llutz_odix: ip addr08:10
shottech1ectospasm thank you let me give it a shot08:10
fairuzectospasm: Just wondering since you are not using taskbar, so what do you use to know which programs are opened, to switch from one program to another, etc? alt + tab?08:11
andantinoscreen switcher?08:12
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, no its ubuntu, haven't had wifi issues before ubuntu. ;D I was the one you helped with the wifi issue last night, of it not showing up. I fixed it to show up. But now its downloading slowly. My other computers / iphones / ipad download just fine.08:12
ectospasmfairuz: I use a bunch of different workspaces in XMonad, and each workspace has a title which gives an idea of that workspaces purpose.08:13
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, wifi speed probably is 54kbps?08:13
shottech1to restart pc from terminal?08:13
ectospasmfairuz: I switch completely by keyboard for the most part08:13
ectospasmshottech1: reboot (-;08:14
andantinosudo reboot?08:14
fairuzectospasm: Ok, It's the matter of time before I get used to it :D08:14
andantinoyou werent able to add a panel fairuz?08:14
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, wifi speed of router / network or that I get when I download a file?08:14
shottech1I forgot the sudo first, thats why it was not working :)08:15
random123Hi everyone!!.. I by mistake changed the File Owner for the file "/etc/sudoers" file from  root to <my username>. Now I am getting following error on running "sudo <command>"08:15
random123sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1010, should be 008:15
random123Any suggestions on how to resolve the issue08:15
llutz_random123: boot a live-cd, repair08:15
ectospasmrandom123: have you set a root password?08:15
fairuzandantino: I'm at work so can't test it now. I will try your suggestion when I get back08:15
ectospasmrandom123: no need to boot LiveCD, just boot into single user mode08:15
random123ectospasm: The root password isn't set08:15
shottech1I got my screens to work!!! Finally08:16
andantinodo we all get a round of drink shottech?08:17
ectospasmrandom123: to boot into single user mode, edit the grub menu at boot, add the word "single" (without quotes) to the kernel line, and boot from it08:17
shottech1but its not working right :(08:17
shottech1I should be able to drag windowsn from one screen to the other correct?08:17
random123ectospasm: tks a ton!!! :) will try that out08:17
shottech1I can move the mouse curser bettween both screen but it will not let me drag windowns08:17
shottech1is that normal for ubuntu? I hope not08:18
ectospasmshottech1: sounds like it's a setting... your two displays are actually different software screens, instead of one big desktop08:18
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ectospasmexcept for my MythTV machine, I haven't dragged a window in *forever*08:19
ectospasmwell, I take that back08:19
ectospasmI do have some floating windows.08:19
shottech1ectospasm so how would I use this as "different software screens"?08:20
lenzoidIs there a way to get Alt-Tab back into the modern Ubuntu desktop?08:20
johanharHi. Any tools I can use to search-replace many files, with a confirm for each replace? Like in vim, ":%s/something/something_new/gc" - but for all my files in the project :)08:20
elsshahi, does 10.04 support touchscreens (tablet laptop touch function) or did that get introduced in 10.10?08:21
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, wifi speed of router / network or that I get when I download a file?08:21
lenzoidthe value "Cycle windows" in /apps/metacity/global_keycommands was set to <Alt>Escape or so, which didn't work either08:21
ectospasmshottech1: you have nvidia?08:22
shottech1ectospasm yes08:22
ectospasmshottech1: use nvidia-settings, set up TwinView08:22
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, are you downloading a file from your network?08:22
ankit_anyone having success here installing call of duty 4?08:22
shottech1ectospasm but I thought TwinView will have both screens doing the same thing?08:22
Kartagisdoes git use ssh at all?08:23
ectospasmshottech1: no, not here08:23
* elssha just got a dell duo tablet netbook; need to know if ubuntu 10.04 will have touchscreen function08:23
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, are you using a browser for downloading something from a site somewhere?08:23
szalelssha: boot live USB and try it out08:23
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, When I download files via firefox / the ubuntu software center, the speed is between 10kb - 20kb a second. I'm downloading from the wireless network of mine. My iPad / other computer has a download speed of 1mb+/-08:24
shottech1ectospasm thank you once again...08:24
shottech1ectospasm it worked08:24
lenzoidKartagis: of course git can use ssh. why?08:25
shottech1ectospasm kind silly.... on Mandriva I needed to have Xinerama and Separate X screens08:25
shottech1ectospasm so Ive been going knuts trying to the same here :)08:25
asdjaputra!enter | shottech108:26
ubottushottech1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:26
Kartagislenzoid: our netadmin says IDS blocks my ssh sessions, I have just used git and my connection was gone. that's why I wondered08:26
ectospasmshottech1: you can always choose Separate X screen (when you hit the "Configure..." button in "X Server Display Configuration")08:27
Kartagislenzoid: he says the version of ssh has a security vulnerability so IDs blocks its signature08:27
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, try downloading some files using the wget command in the terminal and see the diffrence between browser downloads and terminal08:28
shottech1ectospasm I know... this whole time I was trying to use Separate X but it was not working08:28
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, Ok, I'm unsure how to do that, but I'll see if I can.08:28
asdjaputraanonissimus, wget '<link to file>'08:29
lenzoidKartagis: did you clone from a repository? usually, most web githubs etc also provide you with a http pull method. and there's also the git:// protocol08:29
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, for the sake of testing try this one08:29
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scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, wget http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-6408:29
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, see how fast is your downloading speed using the terminal08:30
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, and now go to that site using firefox and download it08:30
anonwifiissuesDownloading from firefox is 13 - 15kbs a second.08:31
lenzoidKartagis: what's IDS btw?08:31
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, therefore?08:31
elsshaanyone here by chance have a dell duo?08:31
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, therefore my wifi driver is messed up still. Ergo I need help?08:31
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, so wget is much faster to download compare to firefox?08:32
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, thank you for that tip, but I'd be more thankful for help to get from 10kb - 20kb speeds all the way up to my normal 900kb speeds.08:32
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, try to use some ff extensions they call downthemall see it can help you08:33
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, I'd rather not, I'd rather have normal wifi fix. I've seen others having issues like I have had.08:33
ectospasmanonwifiissues: I suppose what scriptwarlock was trying to determine is whether it's a software issue (in FF and not in wget), or something more low level.08:34
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anonwifiissuesectospasm, It'd have to be an issue with something more. Firefox is slow, wget is slow. It should be 400 times faster.08:35
arooni-mobilehi folks; 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 12.0445 s, 89.1 MB/s ... write benchmark;; and read speed:  Timing buffered disk reads: 270 MB in  3.00 seconds =  89.90 MB/sec .... is that pretty decent overall?08:35
ectospasmarooni-mobile: that depends08:36
popeyarooni-mobile: is that a spinning disk, not SSD?08:36
ectospasmarooni-mobile: ...compared to what?08:36
arooni-mobilepopey, spinning disk08:37
arooni-mobileectospasm, compared to ssd i suppose?  its a 500gb 7200 rpm drive on ubuntu 11.04 with ext408:37
Kartagislenzoid: Intruder Detection System08:37
popeyarooni-mobile: yeah, I get 175MB/s on my SSD08:37
popeyfor buffered reads08:37
arooni-mobilepopey, wow08:37
shottech1so Im inside Disk Utility and it says my second hard drive with windows is mounted, but I cant find it anywhere08:37
shottech1any thoughts?08:38
ectospasmshottech1: it doesn't tell you the mount point?08:38
Kartagislenzoid: I was pushing my code08:38
ectospasmshottech1: drop to a shell and type "mount" with no arguments08:38
shottech1it does and its not in there08:38
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, this is atheros issue maybe you can pick somthing from here http://askubuntu.com/questions/37409/why-is-my-internet-so-slow-with-an-atheros-wireless-card08:38
arooni-mobilepopey, so roughly double the speed on a ssd as reg disk08:39
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, I will have a look. Thanks.08:39
popeyarooni-mobile: looks that way, some cheap ssd's are about the same speed as your spinnnig disk though08:39
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, but i doubt wifi can give you 900x faster than 54kbps08:39
popeyarooni-mobile: and some mobile chipsets are limited to 150Mb/s (Mega Bit) i.e. SATA I rather than 300Mb/s SATA II08:40
anonwifiissuesI usually have download speeds of 900kbs from sites.08:40
anonwifiissuesnot 20kbs. or 10kbs.08:40
sammmyWhere should I install my applications?08:40
* sammmy is new to the big U08:40
ectospasmsammmy: use apt to install packages08:41
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, ah ok08:41
ectospasm...or, if you have a .deb, use dpkg08:41
sammmyectospasm: I'm installing adobe reader08:41
shottech1ectospasm http://pastbin.com/ARYaBKMK08:41
ectospasmsammmy: why?  evince comes preinstalled, IIRC08:42
arooni-mobilepopey, yeah i was just curious about the premium id pay to get X boost in speed.  i cant really afford the $1500 price tag for a 512GB SSD :)08:42
shottech1ectospasm take a look at this and tell me if im going crayz08:42
popeyarooni-mobile: mine are only 120GB08:42
sammmyectospasmn: wanted to see if it came with Myriad Pro08:42
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ectospasmshottech1: that link is borken08:43
sammmySo where should I specify to install the application, the terminal is asking me. :P08:43
sammmyWhere are all applications installed on ubuntu?08:44
popeysammmy: what application?08:44
ectospasmshottech1: it's not mounted08:44
ectospasmshottech1: unless you check mtab08:44
szalsammmy: it does, but it's hardly useable w/o modification since kerning for OTF fonts doesn't work (yet) in Linux08:44
sammmypopey: adobe reader, but does it matter?08:44
popeysammmy: yeah, it does, most apps dont ask you this08:45
anonwifiissuesscriptwarlock, My speed is now 99kbs - 135kbs thanks to that one command of the link you provided.08:45
asdjaputramy internet connection maximum speed is around 30-40kbps, and you guys are still complaining?08:45
shottech1ectospasm here is the right link  http://pastbin.com/ARYaBKMK08:45
ectospasmsammmy: most user apps go in /usr/bin/  but that's only for the executables.08:45
popeysammmy: but if you got an app from a website like adobe.com rather than software centre, then yeah, I'd expect this08:45
asdjaputrasammmy, /opt08:45
ectospasmshottech1: no, that's wrong, AGAIN!  it's past*e*bin, not pastbin08:45
shottech1ectospasm sorry here you go http://pastebin.com/ARYaBKMK08:46
asdjaputraectospasm, patience, lol08:46
sammmypopey: I'm running a .bin file in the terminal08:46
popeysammmy: why are you installing adobe reader?08:46
popeysammmy: Ubuntu comes with a built in pdf reader08:46
sammmyszal: what file types does linux kern?08:46
asdjaputrasammmy, copy the source folder to /opt08:46
sammmypopey: I just wanted the Myriad Pro font. :P08:47
j-ri want to install a server ssh on my ubuntu. this server has to be not local. First i make the host local ip static. Then it is said thaht I have to open connexion between port 22 and my previous static ip ? How can I do thaht ?08:47
asdjaputrasammmy, and ln -s the executable to /usr/bin08:47
popeysammmy: you could probably get that separately, surely?08:47
szalsammmy: ?08:47
asdjaputrasammmy, and try running it from Alt-F208:47
popeyasdjaputra: sammmy is a beginner with Ubuntu, those instructions aren't exactly comprehensive enough for him.08:47
ectospasmshottech1: I already said it's not mounted.  The tool you're using is wrong.08:47
asdjaputrapopey, k08:47
asdjaputrasammmy, open terminal, Ctrl-Alt-T08:47
asdjaputrasammmy, then you copy the folder of the source to /opt with: sudo cp -r /path/to/source/ /opt08:48
scriptwarlockanonwifiissues, ok08:48
j-ri want to install a server ssh on my ubuntu. this server has to be not local. First i make the host local ip static. Then it is said thaht I have to open connexion between port 22 and my previous static ip ? How can I do thaht ?08:48
asdjaputrasammmy, then you make a link (shortcut in Windows) of the executable to /usr/bin, where you save all your executables with: sudo ln -s /opt/path/to/source/executable.bin /usr/bin/executable08:49
llutz_j-r: ssh user@host          from your client, host is the hostname/ip-addr of the machine, sshd running on08:49
asdjaputrasammmy, when you are prompted for password, enter them, and if all the commands succeeded without further prompts you are ready to run executable by Alt-F2, type in executable08:50
llutz_j-r: if username on both machines is the same, just "ssh host"08:50
asdjaputrasammmy, remember change /path/to/source to path of the Adobe reader source08:50
asdjaputrasammmy, and change executable with adobe reader's bin file.08:50
sammmyasdjaputra: I'm sorry, I'm getting really lost. :S08:50
llutz_asdjaputra: better to use /usr/local/bin since that stuff comes not with distribution08:50
j-rllutz_: ok but i want to connect on my host when I am out of the local network (for instance my host is in London and the client is uin paris)08:51
asdjaputrallutz_, hmm yeah08:51
sammmyasdjaputra, all I have is a .bin file.08:51
jiltdilshould using 64bit os also increases the speed for the browser?08:51
llutz_j-r: you need to forward port 22 in your router, pointing to the machine running sshd08:51
asdjaputrasammmy, then copy the .bin file to /usr/local/bin08:51
sammmyasdjaputra, ln -s the executable, what executable?08:51
sammmy.bin is known as an executable?08:51
j-rllutz_: How can I do that ?08:52
szalwhat's this talk abount linking files about anyway?08:52
asdjaputrasammmy, yes, it's an executable file08:52
llutz_j-r: read your routers manual08:52
ectospasmsammmy: not always08:52
asdjaputraszal, installing adobe reader08:52
szalasdjaputra: you don't need to link anything for that08:52
wildbathmm, anyone installed lxde / lubuntu have idea why "ALT+f2 or W+R " work only once ?08:52
asdjaputraszal, at first i thought he has the source folder08:52
llutz_j-r: forward external port 22 -> ip-of-the-sshd-machine port 2208:52
FreeManthnx for help -cya soon =)08:52
llutz_j-r: or whatever external port you want to use08:53
szalasdjaputra: since when does Acroread come in source format?08:53
asdjaputraszal, just thought it was08:53
asdjaputrasammmy, anyways, why don't you just install it from Software Center08:53
rockguy32I'm running Ubuntu Netbook Remix version 10.04.2 LTS, however I wish to update to version 11. Unfortunately the update manager doesn't have the update available. Is there a way to update anyways?08:53
asdjaputrasammmy, here's how http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/how-to-install-adobe-reader-acroread-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/08:53
szalsammmy: sudo apt-get install acroread08:54
szalsammmy: way easier than installing from binary pkg08:54
j-rllutz_: i have to configure my router ? Then I have to edit a config file ?08:54
llutz_j-r: your router should have a webfontend to configure it08:54
asdjaputraszal, the software center is the easiest way to achieve it, he's new to Linux08:54
llutz_j-r: http://www.portforwarding.org might help08:55
sveinseI have a machine which does not have access to internet. Is there some tool available which can find all updates for this machine and put it on an USB storage device?08:55
szalasdjaputra: GUI software management is a general pita, no matter what the frontend08:55
sammmySo, is software center just a GUI of apt?08:55
llutz_sammmy: at least it is08:56
asdjaputrasammmy, sometimes08:56
asdjaputrasammmy, i don't really like to use it though, it hangs all the time08:56
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asdjaputrahahah paijo08:57
asdjaputraorg jakarta?08:57
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:58
asdjaputraszal, yeah, but it's empty there08:58
szalasdjaputra: then stay there & help populate the channel :)08:58
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scriptwarlockwildbat, what does lubuntu channel's reply to your concern?08:58
asdjaputraszal, ok, but how do you know its indonesian?08:59
szalasdjaputra: well, "Jakarta" is a good clue :P08:59
wildbatscriptwarlock: bearly anyone alive there XD08:59
asdjaputraszal, lol yeah08:59
sammmyWhat kind of font file types does ubuntu support?08:59
llutz_sveinse: iirc synaptics can create such a list to be transfered to a different pc with inet-access08:59
j-rTotem-Schalter, ok08:59
szalsammmy: pretty much anything except Windows bitmaps (.fon)08:59
llutz_sveinse: synaptic sry08:59
rockguy32Am I stuck with this version or is there a way to update to version 11? I am aware that the Netbook remix was merged into the normal version as of version 11, but I can't seem to find a way to switch over.09:00
szalrockguy32: define 'this version'09:00
rockguy32I am running Ubuntu Netbook Remix version 10.04.2 LTS.09:01
rockguy32I changed the update manager to include normal updates, but it still doesn't show version 11's update.09:02
Blue1rockguy32: that worked for you?09:02
szalrockguy32: 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.0409:02
Blue1rockguy32: do a fresh install of 10.04 or 10.1009:02
Blue1update like that - not recommended09:03
szalrockguy32: if you only want more recent applications, you'll want -backports or a PPA for whatever you want09:03
histoBlue1: you can upgrade from lts to lts09:03
rockguy32So there's no way to update without a fresh install?09:03
Blue1histo: i have not had good luck along that path -- I always do a fresh install - YMMV applies.09:03
Blue1rockguy32: you will have less problems with a fresh install.09:04
sveinseMy Network Manager has lost control over eth0. It sais its not managed. How can I give the if back to nm?09:04
Blue1rockguy32: I would backup /home/ and /etc/ then do a fresh install.09:04
rockguy32I will actually have more problems because getting this to work in the first place was a pain, mostly because of this computer's lack of any kind of disk drive.09:05
Blue1rockguy32: how much space do you have?09:05
rockguy32On the hard drive?09:05
shottech1ectospasm you still there?09:05
Blue1rockguy32: yes and please use tab completion09:05
scriptwarlockrockguy32, fresh install only takes less than an hour09:06
rockguy32Tab completion?09:06
Blue1oy vey09:06
Blue1rockguy32: it is polite to address your comments to a person rather then the whole group.  type in the first few characters of the person you want to reply to, then hit tab to complete the name, then enter your text09:07
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
odixsince my computers dotn really allow a lot of outbound, is it possible to update with apt-get, and deploy over a lan to specific lan ips09:07
zvacet!who | rockguy3209:07
ubotturockguy32: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:07
shottech1guys Im trying to mount my windowns sata driver - here is what I did "sudo mount sda1 /media"09:07
shottech1but its still not working09:07
rockguy32ubottu: Well I figured if it was replied to before anything else was said it would be ok.09:08
ubotturockguy32: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
histoshottech1: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/somedir09:08
=== vatts[off] is now known as vatts
histoshottech1: make sure you create somedir09:08
Blue1shottech1: nope that wont work09:08
histoshottech1: so sudo mkdir /media/somedir && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/somedir09:08
shottech1here is what the mount looks like http://pastebin.com/ARYaBKMK09:08
histoshottech1: /dev/sda1 is already mounted to /09:09
histoshottech1: /dev/sdb1 is mounted to /media/b3d*****09:09
odixwell this is the weird part, i can access my computers from the outside world09:09
odixbut when i try apt-get update or ping yahoo.com i get nothing09:09
histoodix: yeah you can have your own repo09:09
odixis there a way to deploy updates since they are all the same box over a lan09:09
asdjaputraodix, then the problem is maybe at your router09:09
odixthats what im thinking to, safer to deploy to all over lan anyway tho09:10
odixanybody have a good link on how to accomplish this ?09:10
rockguy32scriptwarlock: For me it took about 4 hours after all the work it takes to get it to work with this blasted laptop. For some reason it just hates trying to boot from anything that isn't a hard drive.09:10
histoodix: i'm trying to figure out the bot trigger hold up09:10
zvacet!aptoncd | odix09:10
ubottuodix: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline09:10
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD09:10
shottech1histo yep, but Im trying to mount sda1 not sdb1 (I have 2 hard drives)09:10
histoodix: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror09:10
histoshottech1: /dev/sda1 is already mounted as /09:10
odixwhats the best way to update cmd line also ?09:11
odixupdate-distro, update, and updatedb ?09:12
histoshottech1: and / is your root.  Are you sure you ahve the right hard drive and partition number?  perhaps try sudo fdisk -l  to get a list of all partitions09:12
histoodix: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  if you want to go to the next version you have to use do-release-upgrade09:12
histo!upgrade | odix09:12
ubottuodix: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade09:12
zvacetodix: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:12
histozvacet: apt-get upgrade then apt-get dist-upgrade is kind of pointless09:13
rockguy32Also, what is the desktop organizer like thing that is in the Netbook remix? I know it's recently been replaced by Unity, but I'm pretty sure that's not what this is because they don't look much alike.09:13
lenzoidanyone here using that weird Unity thing?09:13
zvacethisto: it is not because of hold packages09:13
scriptwarlockrockguy32, what about ubuntu-desktop thru terminal have you tried that method?09:14
odixthanks zvacet, weird ubuntu desktop update is telling me it would require updating from non authenticated sources although its building its own repo list09:14
histozvacet: your just runnign the dist-upgrade afterwards so it's pointless09:14
histoodix: do you have 3rd party repos in your sources.list?09:14
rockguy32scriptwarlock: I'm not sure what you mean.09:15
scriptwarlockrockguy32, sorry, apt-get install ubuntu-dekstop09:15
jkupwhat does that do?09:16
odixhisto? shouldnt, its the default desktop install09:16
histoodix: are you trying to update all your packages or your distro?09:16
jkupoh, are any of you guys running unity?09:16
rockguy32scriptwarlock: It came back "install: missing destination file operand after `ubuntu-dekstop'09:17
rockguy32Try `install --help' for more information."09:17
zvacet!ask | jkup09:17
ubottujkup: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:17
scriptwarlockrockguy32, isn't that desktop instead of dekstop09:17
rockguy32scriptwarlock: I used copy/paste so the blame isn't on me then.09:18
scriptwarlockrockguy32, typo sorry09:18
jkupWho here knows bash?09:19
lenzoidjkup: there's a #bash channel09:19
jkupoh thanks, my bad first time on this server09:19
rockguy32scriptwarlock: NP. It seems to be working.\09:20
histojkup: just ask09:21
histojkup: your question and find out09:21
rockguy32scriptwarlock: Ok that did the trick! Thank you.09:22
scriptwarlockrockguy32, k no problem09:23
alnris there a dns util ie dig or nslookup that doesnt depend on bind package being installed?09:23
sammmyDoes Unity have an expose-like feature?09:24
tensorpuddingsammmy: win+w09:25
test__hi, newbie here needing problem solving..., anyone?09:25
Simeonwhats your problem?09:26
test__could not really log in with my first original account09:26
test__always got back to the login screen09:27
odixanyone run 64 bit ubuntu09:27
test__tried some suggestions out of the ubuntuforum, none really works09:27
scriptwarlocktest__, forgot your password?09:29
sammmytensorpudding: cool. For a sec I though that maybe Unity didn't have one.09:30
gasimi have a question09:30
gasimi have a boot partition that I made09:30
test__nope, after the sucessful login, come a black screen (prob. just a second, but it looks like a logout one) and the back again;09:30
sammmyIs there a way to make this expose feature activate when you move your mouse to an edge of a screen?09:30
gasimnow i want to install grub in it09:31
gasimis there any way i can install grub in /boot/grub09:31
gasimnot in /boot/boot/grub09:31
test__like i'm being automatically logged out immediately or can't connect to x09:31
odixwhy does the 64 bit name have amd in it? it can run on intel no ?09:31
gasimif yes how?09:31
lafongasim: condense your posts please09:31
gasimodix: its just a naming. i have it on my i709:32
ragnar0kodix: amd developed the 64 bit architecture on x8609:32
gasimcan anyone help me with that issue?09:33
Totem-Schalteranyone use proftpd?09:34
AdvoWorkhow would i get the line that a certain string was mentioned on in a certain log file?09:34
ragnar0ktotem: what about proftpd?09:35
Totem-Schalterjust wanna know if anyone knows the command to start and stop it09:35
ragnar0kservice proftpd stop09:36
ragnar0kor start, restart or reload09:36
Totem-Schaltercool let me try that ..09:36
ragnar0kany luck?09:38
Totem-Schalterragnar0k: your the bomb .. i googled that and could not find anypage to just say what u did09:38
Totem-Schalterbut now my server has started thanks09:39
ragnar0knp man, glad to help09:39
alkisgCan I create a RAID 1 array with 2 disks, and install Ubuntu in them, using the desktop CD?09:40
hexacodeany way to look up a listof programs using the mot memory?09:40
llutz_hexacode: htop F6 sort by MEM%09:41
ragnar0kalkisg: you should be able to, just do manual partitioning and when you create the partitions on each disk flag them for use as RAID09:41
alkisgragnar0k: thanks, trying...09:41
test__hi... help anyone09:41
tarelerulzHave any of you ever ran itunes in wine ?09:41
ragnar0kyou might need to create a small mirrored /boot array in the beginning of each drive first, though. only like ~200MB09:41
Simeonhi al. Is anyone else having pronblems with the latest firefox update?09:42
baremetalhas anyone here used mondorescue in 2011?  how does it fare compared to clonezilla? I intend to perform an online (live) cloning which I believe it is not possible with clonezilla09:43
ragnar0knever used mondorescue but I'm pretty sure clonezilla won't work with live volumes in either the pxe or live disk09:44
wasanzyhi all09:45
wasanzywhat application do I hv to install on my ubuntu to extract rar files?09:45
Kartagisis there any apparent reason an IDS blocks ssh version 5.8p1?09:46
Kartagiswasanzy: rar09:46
Collin2can someone help me?09:48
llutz_Kartagis: ask the one configuring your IDS09:48
Thaliusj #ubuntu-offtopic09:48
Collin2i have wired network setup with a linksys router09:48
Collin2and a ipv6 modem09:48
Collin2internet is working fine on my windows machine09:48
Collin2v6 and 6to409:49
Collin2but the ubuntu machine isnt connecting09:49
Collin2ive tried rebooting all the network devices in the proper order09:49
Collin2but its still not working09:49
Collin2what should I do09:49
ragnar0kwhat's the ipconfig output09:49
Collin2on my windows machine?09:49
Collin2oh sec09:49
Collin2ill have to screenshot09:50
Collin2then save to pen drive09:50
susundbergMaybe your modem is not giving out more than one IP?09:50
Collin2how do i check09:50
Clerisyhow come my iphone doesnt mount into linux when I connect it so that I can move files onto it?09:50
susundberg(i guess you can also just type here what it says here for IP and netmask and router)09:50
Collin2192.168.1.1 isnt loading09:50
susundbergShut down windows machine and reboot linux might be the solution if the problem is with the model giving out only one IP09:51
susundbergbut that is just an guess09:51
susundbergi mean if modem is ment to share connection for multiple machines it usually haves many LAN-connectors, but this is jsut guessing09:52
Collin2it has 4 lan connectors09:52
Collin2the modem is in slot 109:52
Collin2windows in slot 209:52
Collin2ubuntu in slot 309:52
bhaveshI am trying to install Java ME SDK on my ubuntu, it is a .sh file. On installation it gives me "No suitable Java interpreter was detected" for which I found a solution on this page: http://unspecified.wordpress.com/2009/11/30/developing-java-me-apps-on-ubuntu/09:52
Clerisydoes anybody know why iphone isnt mounting?09:52
bhaveshbut it says I have to do which jar and then stat usr/bin/jar and find one09:52
bhaveshit says "until you find the real location" what is real location?09:53
Collin2susundberg: why would it only give out 1 address?09:54
odixwhats the linux equivalent to format09:54
odixto format a usb drive09:54
llutz_odix: mkfs09:54
susundbergCollin2: is your windows using dhcp or not?09:55
susundbergCollin2: Is the modem running dhcp-server or are the IP's fixed for the whole network?09:55
Collin2its running a dhcp server09:55
pksadiqbhavesh: what does you get when you do which jar ?09:56
odixthanks llutz09:56
bhaveshpksadiq: /usr/bin/jar09:56
odixwhats the best way to set permissions for /var/www09:56
Collin2susundberg: the router is running a dhcp server09:56
odixletting unique local users overwrite its contents without setting them to admin group09:57
pksadiqbhavesh: do   file /usr/bin/jar         and it will show the real path I think09:57
odixor chown /var/www to root ? i think thats bad for security09:57
susundbergCollin2: and the linux machine does not get an ip, but window machine does?09:57
Collin2does my router putting out ipv6 have anything to do with it?09:57
bhaveshpksadiq: it shows /usr/bin/jar: symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/jar'09:57
susundbergCollin2: you can always try to set the linux machine manually proper settings and then try if the connection works09:57
susundbergCollin2: that might be the case yes09:58
susundbergCollin2: You could also try to swap windows-lan to ubuntu machine and check if that works to eliminate change of physical problem09:58
pksadiqbhavesh: again do file /etc/alternatives/jar        and so on, and you will end up with something like ELF 32-bit LSB executable, x86,  and give that path09:58
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Collin2ill try that10:00
lnghi! can someone help me to get WIFI working? I never used it before... Authentication is disabled on the router, but I cannot connect the laptop10:00
bhaveshpksadiq: after doing file /usr/bin/gjar-4.5 it showed me "/usr/bin/gjar-4.5: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped"10:01
teetasselng: there is a good tutorial on ubuntu how to troubels shoot step by step10:01
bhaveshpksadiq: but putting /usr/bin/gjar-4.5 in it doesn't work10:01
bhaveshit still shows : Enter a path to a Java 2 SDK (For example: /user/jdk1.5/bin). You can type "exit" to cancel installation.10:02
lngteetasse: this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo10:02
sammmyWhy is it that when I installed gnome 3, the theme doesn't look the same as what I've seen demoed in fedora 15?10:04
pksadiqbhavesh: It is to be the path, but not the executable, anyway the path might not /usr/bin, try        locate jdk1.510:04
bhaveshpksadiq: it just doesnt show anything10:05
teetasselng: yes10:06
teetasselng: did you go thorugh it?10:06
bhaveshpksadiq: http://i.imgur.com/8hvaP.png10:06
lngteetasse: going10:07
dellI have a directory called foo and i want to copy all its contents to another directory but not the directory itself how to do that?10:08
fairuzcp foo/* newdir/  <-- like that?10:08
odixhow do i list usb drives in cmd line /10:09
odixdf, fdsisk -l not working10:09
MagePsychoguys one quick question.. i want to search files (ignoring .svn files) with content "top.links"10:09
MagePsychoany idea10:09
wildbatodix: then it is not mounted.10:09
=== ksinkar_ is now known as ksinkar
bhaveshI guess my jdk1.5 would be last directory10:10
odixits mounted as /sdb10:10
odixunetbootin picks it up10:10
pksadiqbhavesh: sorry, I was disconnected, my phone was fallen down10:12
bhaveshpksadiq: http://i.imgur.com/8hvaP.png10:12
bhaveshpksadiq: btw is your phone ok?10:13
bhaveshso this means jdk1.5 is my last directory?10:13
bhaveshthere is nothing inside it10:13
wildbatfgrep -r --exclude='*.svn' 'top.link'  /your/dir10:14
omega_123can anyone tell how to resize launcher icons?10:15
asdjaputraomega_123, in panel or on desktop?10:15
webczatHey, how do you make python-gobject go for python3?10:15
omega_123in panel10:15
JoshuaLI want Ubuntu to remember my window positions, how can I achieve this? I also switch between my laptop screen and an external monitor10:15
asdjaputraomega_123, gnome2?10:15
pksadiqbhavesh: have you installed jdk actually? install default-jdk if not10:15
JoshuaLnow i always have to reposition them10:15
bhaveshpksadiq: I have sun java jdk installed10:16
pksadiqbhavesh: and so do  sudo updatedb   and locate jdk | grep bin10:16
lapionJoshuaL, you have to disable compi and go back to the old desktop10:17
wildbatodix, you mean wanna list as ls?10:17
JoshuaLlapion, so it only works with ubuntu classic? why doesnt it work with unity?10:17
PythonSnakeI'm switching to ubuntu from windows 7 today for python programming10:20
lapionJoshuaL, no ubuntu classic also uses compiz in natty10:20
PythonSnakeI wanna ask if live usb kill performance10:20
PythonSnakeAnyone can answer me please ? :)10:20
pksadiq!ask | PythonSnake10:21
ubottuPythonSnake: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:21
wildbatPythonSnake: performance of what????10:21
metbsdis there gnome-shell in ubuntu10:21
PythonSnakewildbat: the speed10:22
jpdsmetbsd: Yes.10:22
asdjaputrametbsd, logout, login again but this time pick Ubuntu Classic Session at the bottom of the screen10:22
bhaveshpksadiq: thank you :)10:22
pksadiqbhavesh: why? got right?10:23
Isilioni i created a VPN connection, but i dont find the place were select which connection attempt to connect. im used to gnome and dont found the equivalent to "connection-manager".10:23
bhaveshpksadiq: hope so, im downloading default-jdk10:23
Isilionhi i created a VPN connection, but i dont find the place were select which connection attempt to connect. im used to gnome and dont found the equivalent to "connection-manager".10:23
wildbatPythonSnake: speed as graphic, CPU, disk , network ??? XD  and i don't think so except disk ~ USB 2.0 ~ you know ~10:23
movan2011PythonSnake:  If you're talking about disk-transfer speed then usually most definitely.  I can't see how else it affects performance outside of not being the latest versions of the kernel, software and drivers.10:23
PythonSnakedoes ubuntu slow down on live usb ? <--- my question :)10:24
asdjaputraPythonSnake, yes10:24
asdjaputraPythonSnake, somewhat10:24
teetassePythonSnake: yes10:24
ikoniaPythonSnake: yes as the OS is run in ram and parsed from a slow USB media10:24
lapionPythonSnake, due to write read lagging the system sometimes can be very slow..10:25
movan2011PythonSnake:  I was going to say what ikonia said.10:25
PythonSnakeI 'll use an external hdd10:25
bhaveshpksadiq: I am doing all this because Netbeans lags and sometimes stops working10:25
asdjaputra8 people answering 1 simple question10:25
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bhaveshpksadiq: so im installing Java ME SDK 2.5 (no 3.0 for linux :( )10:25
Isilionhi i created a VPN connection, but i dont find the place were select which connection attempt to connect. im used to gnome and dont found the equivalent to "connection-manager".10:25
movan2011asdjaputra:  Service with a smile.10:25
teetassePythonSnake: it will be slow too... there are distros made for being used from an external deivce... vectorlinux, puppy linux, knoppix10:25
Isilionhi i created a VPN connection, but i dont find the place were select which connection attempt to connect. im used to gnome and dont found the equivalent to "connection-manager". (KDE)10:25
asdjaputramovan2011, :) there10:25
teetassePythonSnake: so if ubuntu is not a must, use one of these distros that a spceialized in running from external hdds or usb stick10:26
PythonSnaketeetasse: What's the best or most popular of these ?10:26
lapionPythonSnake, I have used many systems installed on a usb stick, and all but the highest speed sticks are usable10:26
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asdjaputraPythonSnake, if you would like to make a live USB i recommend you to use Kingston DT, it's fast and recognizable at boot10:27
asdjaputraPythonSnake, knoppix, slitaz, puppy10:27
teetassePythonSnake: i would recommend you knoppix if you are new to linux and stuff... if you want something fast and effcitve use puppy linux ... i never tried other live OS10:27
lapionPythonSnake, and even then the write hardware-waits will kill your performance..10:27
PythonSnakeis puppy linux worse than ubuntu ?10:28
teetassePythonSnake: knoppix is a good bit slower tha puppy.... puppy is really frickin fast!!! but it is not as userfriendly as knoppix...10:28
lapionPythonSnake, of course unless you run the whole system from ram10:28
ikoniaPythonSnake: thats your personal opinion and you need to make your mind up on that for your self10:28
Isilionmy god10:28
Isilionhi i created a VPN connection, but i dont find the place were select which connection attempt to connect. im used to gnome and dont found the equivalent to "connection-manager". (KDE)10:28
facefacehow do I restart network manager?10:28
facefaceI triedd "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"10:28
asdjaputraPythonSnake, puppy is damn fast and its useful if you're planning to only use it to code python10:29
facefacebut the applet doesn't appear in my sys tray10:29
lapionPythonSnake, slax has copy to ram as a default, however if you want a full development system you will need a lot of memory..10:29
MagePsychoguys one quick question.. i want to search files (ignoring .svn files) with content "top.links"10:29
facefaceI installed the vpn component, tried to fire up vpn, and it disapeared10:29
wildbatfaceface:  killall nm-applet ; nmapplet &10:29
asdjaputraMagePsycho, wildbat answered that already10:29
Akkar1nWhen i want to restart or shutdown via the gnome panel it always sends me back to the gdm. does anyone know how to fix that error?10:30
wildbatMagePsycho:    fgrep -r --exclude='*.svn' 'top.link'  /your/dir10:30
MagePsychosorry need to check10:30
PythonSnakeasdjaputra: can I dev with java on Puppy linux ?10:30
asdjaputraMagePsycho, fgrep -r --exclude='*.svn' 'top.link'  /your/dir10:30
Isilionwhere is the KDE connection manager???10:30
teetassePythonSnake: yes10:30
facefacewildbat: nm-applet is running ...10:30
MagePsychofgrep -r --exclude='*.svn' 'top.link'  /your/dir10:30
facefaceno icon in the status thingy10:30
lapionPythonSnake, using live systems is not safe as a development system, you have to remember to save your stuffs each time, and if you have a system crash you could lose everything10:30
asdjaputraPythonSnake, if you know how to use the package manager to install openjdk, yes10:30
qinfaceface: gnome-panel --replace10:31
PythonSnakewhat is development system ?10:31
asdjaputraPythonSnake, why don't you install a full system10:31
teetassePythonSnake: just to get things straigt... why do you need a live system?10:31
facefaceafter installing vpn, the pkg did "Restarting network connection manager NetworkManager"10:31
facefacehow do I do that?10:31
asdjaputraPythonSnake, system to develop things on10:31
PythonSnakeI run out of space10:31
facefaceqin: looks nasty...10:31
lapionPythonSnake, you want to develop in python with the live system don't you ?10:31
asdjaputraPythonSnake, search for minimal system10:31
PythonSnakewhat are names of development system ?10:31
asdjaputraIsilion, easy there10:32
PythonSnakelapion: yes10:32
asdjaputraPythonSnake, everything when you use it correctly10:32
facefaceUnknown option --replace10:32
Isilionasdjaputra: WHERE?10:32
asdjaputraIsilion, idk10:32
teetassePythonSnake: why don't you use your external hard disk as additional space... no need to run an OS from it10:32
x29a_hi there, im using 10.04.2, and an usb single touch touchscreen, am i supposed to use the evdev or the evtouch driver? whats the diff and how to tell?10:32
qinfaceface: Is it unity?10:32
PythonSnakeWhat is the best os for developing python ?10:32
lapionPythonSnake, so the system (computer)you are developping on is a development system.10:32
Isilionasdjaputra: i configured a VPN but dont see where to select between connecto to adsl or vpn10:32
facefaceqin: no, its heron10:32
asdjaputraIsilion, NetworkManager10:32
asdjaputraIsilion, at the notification area10:33
asdjaputraPythonSnake, everything10:33
dbuggerHey guys. i have an easy question. How could I have 1 single image as screensaver?10:33
teetassePythonSnake: to be honest... this are things you can google10:33
asdjaputraPythonSnake, you can choose Debian, or just Ubuntu10:33
MagePsychodidn't work10:33
MagePsychofgrep -r --exclude='*.svn' 'top.link'  .10:33
asdjaputraPythonSnake, whatever you're comfort with10:33
MagePsychoall that was shown was .svn file10:33
teetassePythonSnake: i really hate to send you to google, but this are questions of personla preference, so you won't get a clear answer for that10:34
qinfaceface: Your icon (network) missing from panel and is not hardy EOL?10:34
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PythonSnakeisn't ubuntu faster ?10:34
pksadiqfaceface: are you saying that the network icon is missing from the panel, add it by right click on panel> add to panel>  notification  area10:34
teetassePythonSnake: faster for what?10:35
asdjaputraPythonSnake, as teetasse said, it's your personal preferences10:35
Guest19730is there a way to find a the image of a systray icon of a specific porgram without having to search through tons of folders? i want to replace the xchat icon with a mono-coloured one..10:35
asdjaputraPythonSnake, but hey, you're asking in #ubuntu what did you expect?10:35
qinPythonSnake: Yeah, sure.10:35
pksadiqPythonSnake: I hope Ubunut is well configured for easy use of linux for Newbies10:35
asdjaputraGuest19730, it should be located at /usr/share/icons10:35
asdjaputraPythonSnake, only for python right?10:36
teetassePythonSnake: so if i understood your problem right... you have ubuntu system up and running, but you are running out of space and you want to start to develop python.... is that correct?10:36
Isilionasdjaputra: no network manager on notification area10:36
lapionPythonSnake, you could get a bigger hdd.... development will get you money, so you could invest some in advance..10:36
asdjaputraIsilion, then, add it10:36
movan2011Guest19730:  Most system stored icons use found in the /usr/share/icons folder so you could Alt+F2 and type nautilus /usr/share/icons and browse those folders.10:36
Guest19730asdja: i can't find it there - i already replaced an xchat icon there, but it didn't have an effect10:36
PythonSnakeif I use full system is Ubuntu better than puppy linux ?10:36
Collin2susundberg: I upgraded my routers firmware10:36
Isilionasdjaputra: name10:36
PythonSnakeasdjaputra: yes and later java c++10:36
PythonSnakeand stuff10:36
qinpksadiq: Genius! Ubu-nuts!10:36
Collin2now im on internet on windows pc, and local-only on ubuntu10:36
asdjaputraPythonSnake, start with Gambas10:36
Guest19730movan, it's certainly not there :/10:37
asdjaputraIsilion, http://userbase.kde.org/NetworkManagement10:37
teetasseasdjaputra: never heard of gambas...10:37
PythonSnakeasdjaputra: Gambas ?10:37
susundbergCollin2: local only as you have connection to router but not to internet?10:37
gasimhow to install ubuntu minimal on a harddrive10:37
gasimexternal harddrive10:37
pksadiqPythonSnake: no don't use GAMBAS, it is bad I think, because it's a small replica of Visual BASIC10:38
asdjaputraPythonSnake, teetasse, a VB.Net like language10:38
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gasimwithout a cd10:38
asdjaputrapksadiq, yeah but it's good for beginners10:38
susundberggasim: as installing on any harddrive. Just select proper harddrive when the installer is asking where to install10:38
Isilionasdjaputra: ok i found it. my vpn connection doesn appear, but appears on system settings / networking10:38
teetassePythonSnake: ok, let's say it like this: if you have very limited hardware (low hard disk space, slow cpu, little ram) go for puppy or knoppix... if you computer is a bit faster, go for ubuntu10:38
pksadiqasdjaputra: at my country The students are first taught python, better to read the hacker howto at http://catb.org10:39
gasimi can't get the installer10:39
asdjaputrateetasse, i would recommend debian better, Ubuntu's first install have too many eye-candy10:39
qinteetasse: There is lubuntu, xubutnu too10:39
gasimis there any way to do it manually10:39
lapionPythonSnake, wants to develop with python on a live system, he is not thinking straight.10:39
teetassePythonSnake: also, you can do what i did: i have a very weak netbook... so i installed the ubuntu minimal version, and installed fluxbox instead of gnome... that gives you a lot of speed and you still have all benefits from ubuntu10:39
movan2011Guest19730:  try running nautilus, press CTRL+L and type /usr/share/icons into the location bar.  You are running ubuntu aren't you 'cause that's where all system installed icons are stored.  If you've installed icon themes they're normally in the hidden .icons folder in your user's home folder.10:39
teetassePythonSnake: also, you can do what i did: i have a very weak netbook... so i installed the ubuntu minimal version, and installed fluxbox instead of gnome... that gives you a lot of speed and you still have all benefits from ubuntu asdjaputra10:39
Collin2susundberg: you there?10:40
lapionteetasse, he doesn't want to install he wants to develop on a live system10:40
asdjaputrateetasse, PythonSnake yeah that's a very good idea, fluxbox10:40
* asdjaputra like fluxbox10:40
teetassefluxbox is the best!!! :D10:40
wildbat"lxpanelctrl run " only worked once per session ~ anyone know y ?10:40
* asdjaputra hi-5ed with teetasse 10:40
teetassePythonSnake: is it important for you tpo have a live system?10:41
PythonSnakefluxbox ?10:41
asdjaputrafor me its Fluxboxed Debian10:41
asdjaputraPythonSnake, sudo apt-get install fluxbox10:41
asdjaputraAlt-F1 is for opening xterm10:41
asdjaputraand it's fastt10:41
teetassePythonSnake: it is a user interface... like gnome, or kde... but much more minimal and faster10:41
PythonSnaketeetasse: hmm, maybe no I'll try to get some space10:41
Collin2can someone help me?10:41
lapionteetasse, asdjaputra he has been talking about a live system the whole time.10:41
Collin2My windows pc is connected to the same router as my ubuntu pc10:41
Collin2and the windows has internet, but not the ubuntu10:41
asdjaputraPythonSnake, if you're going to develop applications with Linux you have to get used to some minimal WMs10:42
dr_Williswindow manager is fluxbox10:42
lapionPythonSnake, all you need for an install is 8 to 10 maybe 12 GiB10:42
Collin2the ubuntu is on local-only10:42
teetasselapion: i understood that he want's a live system because he is running out of space... so either clear up the hdd or mess with live systems10:42
PythonSnake12 GB10:42
asdjaputrai don't recommend live systems, they sux10:42
wildbatCollin2:  can you ping
asdjaputrasorry for the language10:42
* teetasse agrees with asdjaputra ... shomehow10:42
PythonSnakehow much space ubuntu require ?10:42
asdjaputraPythonSnake, 2.6 minimal10:43
gasimwhat is Ubuntu Minimal?10:43
dr_Willisit deends on your needs. live cds are handy tools10:43
gasimis it just a terminal10:43
Collin2wildbat: it says net destination unreachable10:43
qin!minimal | gasim10:43
ubottugasim: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:43
gasimwith the terminal commands10:43
lapionPythonSnake, I ran ubuntu for some years on a 7.8GiB CF card configured as a hdd..10:43
dr_Willisits what you tell it to install10:43
pRoV7x what's the best email client on Ubuntu?10:43
teetassegasim: it will only install waht you need... but no eyecandy and stuff... until you add it yourself with apt10:44
asdjaputradr_Willis, Backtrack live DVD *is* useful, but not Ubuntu's10:44
wildbatCollin2: tracepath
ikoniapRoV7x: best is subjective, try them and see what you like10:44
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:44
asdjaputrapRoV7x, #ubuntu-bots10:44
asdjaputrapRoV7x, go there and ask BestBot, what is the best email client on Ubuntu10:44
gasimwill it have just terminal10:44
gasimcz thats what i need?10:44
asdjaputragasim, it should be10:44
gasimso its actually OS?10:44
teetasseasdjaputra: haha, played around with it when i was a evil HaX0R :P ... but youre right, backtrack has good default settings10:45
dr_Willisgasim:  is that what you need?10:45
asdjaputragasim, yes10:45
pRoV7x < ikonia > what's subjectives10:45
asdjaputrateetasse, i was, and i still am :p10:45
asdjaputraaircrack-ng -w password.lst10:45
teetasseasdjaputra: hm, so i should start looking for a cloack for my nick :P10:45
asdjaputrapRoV7x, best thingy10:45
asdjaputrapRoV7x, go to #ubuntu-bots10:46
Collin2wildbat: collinm2.local 0.696ms asymm 10610:46
pRoV7x I mean something like Outlook on Windows10:46
PythonSnakeubuntu minimal version+fluxbox=ubuntu ?10:46
Collin2wildbat: collinm2.local 0.696ms asymm 106*10:46
gasimif i put linux and initrd in my config10:46
qinpRoV7x: evolution, thunderbird10:46
PythonSnakeubuntu minimal version+fluxbox=ubuntu ?10:46
gasimwill it work?10:46
susundbergCollin2, wildbat: since your windows machine is connected, i guess problem is with connection to your router. Can you ping your router Collin?10:46
Collin2not from my windows machine10:47
Collin2i cannot10:47
susundbergCollin2: If you can then that is ok, if you cannot, then the dhcp server on the modem/router is not working properly10:47
susundbergCollin2: What! windows machine had the connection working?10:47
pRoV7x < qin > thanks10:47
asdjaputraPythonSnake, gosh, just install ubuntu minimal version, then apt-get install fluxbox, there, you got a development environment for python, java, C++10:47
susundbergCollin2: Did you btw check the cable swappig?10:47
lapionPythonSnake, what is your reason for not having space to install a 5 to 6 GiB large system ? hdd media is really cheap currently..10:47
Collin2i updated modem firmware10:47
susundbergCollin2: Then why cannot you ping the router from your windows machine?10:47
Collin2i dont know10:48
qinpRoV7x: try: pro<TAB>10:48
PythonSnakeasdjaputra: developing C++ is possible on linux ? o.O10:48
asdjaputraPythonSnake, duh10:48
Collin2all the stuff in ipconfig is v6 addresses10:48
Collin2even the default gateway10:48
susundbergCollin2: Did cable swapping work : now ubuntu machine has connection but windows not?10:48
Collin2and i try to open it and it doent load10:48
PythonSnakelapion: cuz I'll dual boot10:48
Collin2susundberg: no it did not10:48
susundbergCollin2: what doesnt load? Open what?:)10:48
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:49
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:49
Collin2the router options page10:49
susundbergFrom what machine?10:49
Collin2the ubuntu10:49
Collin2i cant load it on the windows one10:49
lapionPythonSnake, linux has something called a partition manager that can resize any windows partition and make some space to create a linux partition to install any distro on..10:49
Collin2but i can from the ubuntu10:49
susundbergThen that is windows problem and not ubuntu problem?10:50
lapionPythonSnake, without any loss of dat on the windows system..10:50
Collin2no no10:50
susundbergWhat is the problem now then?10:50
PythonSnakelapion: huh ?10:50
qinpRoV7x: Keep it in channel10:50
Collin2the ubuntu machine is connecting (local only) to the router fine, and i can ping the router. The windows machine is only connected to the internet, and i cant ping the router10:50
Collin2is it possible for my modem to prevent my router from sharing the connection?10:50
lapionPythonSnake, eleaborate on huh pls10:51
pRoV7x does evolution, thunderbird download the folders too, the ones in the email account and how10:51
susundbergCollin2: sure it is possible but it sounds weird.10:51
asdjaputrapRoV7x, ask in #thunderbird10:51
susundbergCollin2: is your gateway ok on the ubuntu machine?10:51
wildbatCollin2:  do a full reset the  router, and reconfig it ?10:51
PythonSnakelapion: like taking 5gb from D: to C: ?10:51
Collin2wildbat: i did that already, multiple times10:51
teetassePythonSnake: yes10:51
susundbergCollin2: 'route' command on console10:51
Collin2susundberg: ye, i can10:52
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
PythonSnakeand where is that minimal version10:52
qinCollin2: Yes, since router need to (usually) register itself with ISP, what link do you have ADSL?10:52
Collin2susundberg: on the ubuntu machine?10:52
pRoV7x ok10:52
susundbergCollin2: yes10:52
teetassePythonSnake: please, to make things simple... what is your currents setup? what OS do you have on your computer and what are its specifications?10:52
susundbergqin Collin2 : i guess also that this is the case -- the router needs to be NATing the connection10:52
PythonSnaketeetasse: windows 7 86x10:52
PythonSnakeultimate version10:52
Collin2the modem is connected to ISP, 1 port out going in to port 1 on router, port 2 is windows machine, port 3 is ubuntu machine10:52
asdjaputrapRoV7x, #mozilla10:53
Collin2susundberg: I have 'NAT' option enabled in the router page10:53
lapionPythonSnake, yes could be done, however it would be more like taking at least 8 GiB from C: and creating linux partition and swap partition ( both not available to windows anymore..10:53
susundbergCollin2: OK, then that should not be the problem, how about the 'route' output?10:53
lapionPythonSnake, however you do need that amount of freespace in the filesystem on C:10:53
susundbergand ifconfig output -- does the address look like one you should get from your router?10:54
wildbatCollin2 ~ you should have WAN port on router connected the modem not port 110:54
qinCollin2: Does ubuntu is hook up to modem?10:54
Collin2yes qin10:54
newbie01how do I download old versions of ubuntu10:54
Collin2wildbat: the address is for the ubuntu machine10:54
Collin2the dhcp starts at .10010:54
Collin2so the windows machine has to be .10010:54
Collin2but its not appearing in dhcp client table10:54
susundbergCollin2: so that should be fine10:55
teetassePythonSnake: and how big is your hard disk?10:55
Collin2ill get a screenshot10:55
qinCollin2: Does it have ip consistent with windows? Same class?10:55
PythonSnake320 GB10:55
susundbergCollin2: how about the route command!10:55
susundbergis the gateway proper?10:55
Collin2susundberg: im getting a screenshot10:55
teetassePythonSnake: and all your partitions are full?10:55
susundbergJust copy-paste to pastebin10:55
susundbergwell whatever10:55
lapionPythonSnake, how much freespace is there in C: and do you actually have a D: partition ?10:56
newbie01how do I download older versions of ubuntu?10:56
newbie01i.e. where from10:56
fatherjackCollin2: have u tried to set dns addresses on ubuntu machine10:56
wildbatCollin2: what windows' ipconfig /all give you then ?10:56
PythonSnakelapion: 500 mb and yeah10:56
Collin2the gateway says: * U 1 0 0 eth0 | link-local * U 1000 0 0 eth0 | default UG 0 0 0 eth010:56
lapionPythonSnake, how much free space on D: ?10:57
tarelerulzFrom what I understand , Chrome has install for Windows , Linux and mac ,but it is onliine install downloading real installer to your system. I can't seem to find the standalone windows install. I keep getting to the same page and when I think I find the win standalone install it the same thing I have now and it don't work10:57
Collin2in ubuntu route command^10:57
qinnewbie01: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10:57
Collin2wildbat: sec10:57
lapionPythonSnake, get an external hdd and copy some of the stuff on C: to it..10:57
newbie01tkx qin10:57
Collin2wildbat: ill pastebin10:57
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lapionPythonSnake, I guess this is the computer of your parents ?10:58
Collin2wildbat: http://pastebin.com/93Vqy7Gf10:58
PythonSnakelapion: no10:58
wildbatCollin2: what do the router page give you  about the WAN side ip?10:58
PythonSnakelapion: why ?10:58
igelWhat's the subnet mask of my machine?10:59
tarelerulzHave any of you tried Google earth plugin for Google maps ?   Is there a Linux version . I know the gmail plugin for phone calling works10:59
lapionso PythonSnake why don't you copy some of the video/audio files over to an external hdd and make some space ?10:59
susundbergCollin2: that windows machine is not on dhcp10:59
teetassePythonSnake: because we need to know how much you can mess with it ^^10:59
Collin2wildbat: sec10:59
susundbergyour router is badly configured10:59
Clerisyits not letting me change privilages of a folder? somebody halp please10:59
Collin2how do I fix it?10:59
Collin2DHCP is enabled10:59
Collin2i dont understand what else to configure10:59
sammmyAnyone ever experience this problem: there's close/minimize/maximize buttons on the *left* side of the window in chrome while using gnome and only a close button on the right?10:59
sammmyI want the buttons to be on the right.10:59
susundbergCollin2: your windows machine is not on DHCP, you can see that from the IP address , right?11:00
Collin2but why is the ubuntu11:00
Collin2and not the windows11:00
susundbergCollin2: The router is configured wrong, and you need to check its manual etc to get it done properly11:00
Collin2i dont understand11:00
wildbatCollin2 susundberg, you plugged the wrong port ~do the router have a WAN port ?11:00
Collin2wildbat: it has 5 ports: 1,2,3,4 and internet11:00
wildbatCollin2: coz you have the modem in port 111:00
wildbatthat y11:00
PythonSnakeubuntu - applications and stuff = minimal version ?11:00
wildbatmodem on internet port11:00
Collin2when i plug it in the internet port, the internet doesnt work on either machine11:01
NET||abusewow, updated my 11.04 install on my 3 year old EeePc 1000h, holey crap, it seems to be way faste.r11:01
susundbergCollin2: I am out of ideas, except that router might be badly configured. The modem might be running also dhcp server, giving the only proper addess to windows machine.11:01
wildbatsusundberg: port 1-4 is switched ~11:01
wildbat^Collin2 i mean11:01
susundbergwildbat: I got the picture that its a router machine running NAT not switch or anything11:01
Collin2susundberg: It has NAT option, which is enabled11:02
susundbergCollin2: or the ISP might be running dhcp server that is visible to windows machine, if the router is not doing NAT11:02
NET||abusehave there been big updates to unity lately, speed improvements?11:02
Collin2should i disable NAT, plug modem in WAN port, and keep DHCP enabled?11:02
teetassePythonSnake: more or less... the thing is like this: minimal and later add what you need... or full install and then painfully remove all the stuff you dont need11:02
NET||abuseseems way more usable after that update11:02
susundbergCollin2: well i dont know, i would suspect that NAT box11:02
dr_WillisCollin2: put iy in internet port s power cycle everything11:02
bullgard4How to get rid in grub.cfg  of the menu entry "quiet splash vt.handoff=7" ? The file grub.cfg is headlined: "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE".11:02
Collin2ok ill try11:02
Collin2ill be back with good or bad news11:02
Collin2i owe you all if its good11:02
qinbullgard4: sudo vim /etc/default/grub11:03
teetassePythonSnake: in the end, you can make a full ubuntu install from an minimal install and the other way round11:03
lapionPythonSnake, what is taking up so much space that you have 320 GB but only 500mb free space ?11:03
teetasse!minimal requrements11:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:03
qinbullgard4: and: sudo update-grub11:03
bullgard4qin:  The file grub.cfg is headlined: "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE".11:03
PythonSnakeCan office 2010 be installed on ubuntu ?11:03
qinbullgard4: sudo vim */etc/default/grub*11:03
isteve_hey evryone i am trying to upgrad to firefox 5 using this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next .. but i get this error11:03
dr_Willisbullgard4:  read that grub2 guide11:03
isteve_Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 0AB215679C571D1C8325275B9BDB3D89CE49EC21 gpg: requesting key CE49EC21 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com ?: keyserver.ubuntu.com: Connection refused gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7:11:03
FloodBot1isteve_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:03
wildbatsusundberg: he have modem to port 1 and windows port 2 just got the dhcp from modem ~ that's y11:04
isteve_can anyone please help11:04
lapionPythonSnake, ubuntu__ has openoffice/libreoffice/abi-office..11:04
gryPythonSnake: If you have it, you can install it with Wine, yes. /msg ubottu !wine11:04
PythonSnakelapion: stuff lol11:04
teetassePythonSnake: maybe with wine... a windows emulator for linux... but it will be better to use open office or libre office11:04
PythonSnakeI'll use gedit so :D11:04
qinteetasse: Wine Is Not an Emulator11:04
Clerisyrm: cannot remove `/media/Ipod': Device or resource busy11:04
ClerisySomebody help^11:05
wildbatClerisy: sudo umount /media/Ipod11:05
ikoniaClerisy: it's in use so you can't remove it11:05
qinClerisy: sudo umount /media/Ipod11:05
lapionPythonSnake, I ahd a friend who was a hoarder and had 40GiB of nudie art on a system..11:05
gryClerisy: I suspect you may wnt to unmount it first11:05
ikoniaClerisy: when you unmount it, it will get removed automatically11:05
grywant even.11:05
Clerisysudo: unmount: command not found11:05
Clerisywoops, typo.11:05
dr_Willisumount    no n11:05
PythonSnakelapion: I have many games11:06
tarelerulzWine is hit or miss on everything11:06
pksadiqPythonSnake: nice game          sl-h    ;)11:06
teetassePythonSnake: why don't you program in windows?11:06
wildbatreally ~ why it is umount rather then unmount ~ who come up that idea ?XD11:06
lapionwell PythonSnake get an extra hdd install it in the system and install linux/ubuntu11:06
tarelerulz I was going to install chrome (windows verion)  and it can't get pass install.11:06
isteve_hello? anyone help me too11:06
dr_Williswildbat:  old old old standard11:07
asdjaputra!patience isteve_11:07
asdjaputra!patience | isteve_11:07
ubottuisteve_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:07
bp__wildbat,  really old standard :P11:07
wildbatdr_Willis: i know ~ but it could have been corrected xD11:07
dr_Willis6 character file name limit old...11:07
PythonSnaketeetasse: cuz ubuntu is better (faster, more tools....)11:07
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bp__i guess this is how everybody knows it and nobody bothered to change it11:08
susundbergwildbat: so hes router -- that should be natting -- is not working properly right?11:08
susundberghis not hes11:08
pksadiqwildbat: anyway you could alias umount to unmount    so to use unmount as command :)11:08
PythonSnakehow to install minimal version without cd11:09
dr_Willisthen get confused on other systems11:09
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:09
teetassePythonSnake: ok, first of all, forget about the live systems. they are slow, and if you use a fast one, it will be a minimal one that requries knowledge and skills... the best thing for you is to free up some space, 5 GB or so, and install ubuntu minimal or xubuntu. during the install you can resize the partitions and everything will be ok11:09
Clerisyhow can I find my UUID?11:10
wildbatsusundberg: no ~ he need NAT ~ and just rourter is connected to the modem on wrong port  ~ now he is linked up a modem , router, and pc x2 with a switch ~11:10
ikoniaClerisy: sudo blkid11:10
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dr_Willisyou can do a normsl install to a usb flash drive also11:10
PythonSnaketeetasse: how to install minimal w/out cd11:10
asdjaputrateetasse, well said11:10
wildbatsusundberg: only 1 will win the race to the modem and get the ip11:10
asdjaputraPythonSnake, if you don't want to waste CDs on small isos, use unetbootin to burn the iso to USB, and run it at boot11:10
teetassePythonSnake: afaik xubuntu needs about 3 GB so better go with that because it has graphical installer... that's better and easier to understand for you... think asdjaputra will agree11:10
asdjaputraPythonSnake, so you don't run it from that USB but you install ubuntu through it11:11
Kartagishow can I revert to previous version of openssh? Natty here11:11
asdjaputraxubuntu, yeah its beginner DE but quite strong11:11
teetassePythonSnake: asdjaputra there is a program fro windows that can create bootable pen drives from iso images11:11
ikoniaKartagis: why would you want to do that ?11:11
Hempsteryes that will work11:12
dr_Willislubuntu is smaller then xfce i belive11:12
asdjaputradr_Willis, true11:12
odixhow can i list my usb drive in ubuntu ?11:12
odixcmd line11:12
Kartagisikonia: netadmin says 5.8p1 is blocked by IDS11:12
odixthen format use mkfs11:12
asdjaputraodix, cd /media;ls11:12
teetassedr_Willis: asdjaputra but i think xubuntu is better supported...11:12
asdjaputrateetasse, lxde's interface is trying to resemble vista11:12
PythonSnakexubuntu ?11:12
dr_Willisi perfer lxde over fxce11:12
teetasseasdjaputra: who wants that?11:13
ikoniaKartagis: then you should talk to your netadmin guys as downgrading ssh to a less secure/bug version is backwards instead of updating the netadmin rules11:13
odixwhats the difference in ls and l11:13
asdjaputraPythonSnake, Xfce Ubuntu11:13
Ivan_The_TerriblHey guys, when I connect usb hdd it mounts automaticly with a specific name. How do I change the name it mounts with?11:13
Hempsterwhy would you rename the mounted name11:13
asdjaputraXfce is like Gnome or KDE, but you shouldn't mind about that, you should just know that it works11:13
odixhmm i dont see it, well i see a device11:13
odixunetbootin picks it up but i dont see /dev/sdb1 anywhere11:13
teetassePythonSnake: download xubuntu and use unetbootin to make a pendrive from it... then you can use that pendrive to install xubuntu11:13
dr_WillisIvan_The_Terribl:  change rhe filesystem label11:13
pksadiqteetasse: don't blame anybody, please11:13
susundbergwildbat: oh yeah, i understood his network setup badly, you are right here.11:13
gryodix: think none11:14
asdjaputraPythonSnake, do you need remote help, you sure are new to Linux11:14
odixgry ?11:14
qinodix: sudo fdisk -l , or (if mountd) df -h11:14
gry12:13:04 < odix> whats the difference in ls and l11:14
gry12:14:07 < gry> odix: think none11:14
susundbergI understood that surely he has the modem connected directory to router only -- but yeah he says its not11:14
PythonSnaketeetasse: xubuntu is better than ubuntu mini ?11:14
Kartagisikonia: I don't quite understand. I think if I downgrade to a previous version, the chances of IDS blocking me is slim. why should I talk to netadmin?11:14
gryuser@laptop:~$ l --help11:14
gryUsage: ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...11:14
susundbergthough that setup should work if he would be using fixed IP's on the PC's ..11:14
wildbatanyone know how to fix "lxpanelctrl run" that it can only once per session on lxde/lunbuntu11:14
gryodix: ^^^11:14
Ivan_The_Terribldr_Willis, could you explain how exactly? With gparted?11:14
asdjaputragry, ls = ls --color=auto, l = ls -l11:14
teetassePythonSnake: it is better for beginners11:14
dr_WillisIvan_The_Terribl:  thats one way11:15
PythonSnakeasdjaputra: Idk how to remote with linux ...11:15
odixdoh, i was sshd into a server11:15
gryasdjaputra: ah11:15
odixno wonder i couldnt see it11:15
asdjaputraPythonSnake, Teamviewer11:15
ikoniaKartagis: to get the IDS to not block the better version of SSH11:15
Ivan_The_TerriblI see thank you.11:15
wildbatsusundberg: fix ip can't help ~ he need NAT for internet sharing11:15
gryPythonSnake: vnc11:15
teetasseasdjaputra: Teamviewer during install?11:15
asdjaputrateetasse, umm nope11:15
Kartagisikonia: that's about me I think, not netadmin or IDS11:15
ikoniaKartagis: what ?11:16
teetasseasdjaputra: why do you suggest it when i can not be used during install?11:16
ikoniaKartagis: if your IDS is blocking the new SSH version, update your IDS to not block the newer ssh version, don't downgrade ssh11:16
teetasseasdjaputra: ahhhh... you for the setup of the pendrive... my bad11:16
asdjaputrajust helping him burn xubuntu to usb11:16
PythonSnakedoes xubuntu have same compatibility as ubuntu ?11:16
asdjaputraPythonSnake, yes11:16
wildbatsusundberg: router will never have the ip as the modem is on the LAN side ~11:16
teetassePythonSnake: yes11:16
ikoniaPythonSnake: its the same os - just a different desktop11:16
asdjaputraPythonSnake, it's just a Ubuntu respin with Xfce DE11:16
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: Ā« sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop Ā» - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels11:16
PythonSnakexfce de ?11:16
Kartagisikonia: I don't think I can get the netadmin to upgrade IDS11:17
susundbergwildbat: yes. NAT to be configured with DHCP from the modem, and PC's using fixed IP and gateway set to router ?11:17
Kartagisikonia: the chances are next to none11:17
ikoniaKartagis: why ?11:17
asdjaputra!xfce | PythonSnake11:17
ubottuPythonSnake: please see above11:17
Kartagisikonia: thickheads11:17
susundberg(Nat to be configured == nat machine IP/gateway settings from modem)11:17
ikoniaKartagis: why would someone block the more secure version of SSH - but leave it open for the less secure version11:17
PythonSnakeubottu is a bot ?11:17
ubottuPythonSnake: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:17
ikoniaKartagis: then you'll need to research package pinning and re-install openssh once the package is pinned11:17
Kartagis!ubottu | PythonSnake11:17
ubottuPythonSnake: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:17
PythonSnakeubottu: huh ??11:18
ubottuPythonSnake: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:18
qinKartagis: Does netcat is blocked too?11:18
Kartagis...and this goes on11:18
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Kartagisqin: no idea, why?11:19
asdjaputra!xfce | PythonSnake11:19
ubottuPythonSnake: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: Ā« sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop Ā» - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels11:19
* Kartagis shakes fist at the netadmin11:19
PythonSnakego xubuntu11:19
Kartagisikonia: thanks11:19
qinKartagis: Test nc, since it is capable of tunneling (never did it with ssh, yet)11:19
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teetassePythonSnake: let asdjaputra support you with teamview (if he is willing) and go for xfce... but first clear up 5GB of your hard disk... i don't think you want him to watch you moving  all your private data11:20
RepoxHi - anyone has an alternate solution to this bug (Evolution is not able to connect to Microsoft Exhange because it's not version 2000/2003)? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-exchange/+bug/20634611:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 206346 in evolution-exchange (Ubuntu) "evolution will not connect to exchange 2007 server" [Low,Incomplete]11:20
asdjaputrai'm not that bad11:20
wildbatsusundberg:  if he setup that way it is like a switch connected PCs and modem since all in LAN side  ~ router there is unless unless PCs is setup to share the internet with NAT ~ or else ~ same story ~ ( only one IP to the internet ) ~11:20
dr_Willis5gb is barely enough for any real work11:20
PythonSnaketeetasse: why 5gb ?11:21
teetasseasdjaputra: backtrack-hacker :P11:21
asdjaputraPythonSnake, minimal space required for xfce and stuffs such as accessories11:21
dr_Willisid say 10gb as a min11:21
teetassePythonSnake: because 5GB is enough to use xubuntu11:21
asdjaputrateetasse, i'm on blankon now, not backtrack11:21
qinKartagis: By the way, is it client or server problem? http://goo.gl/E2Og411:21
PythonSnakeI thought 3 gb was enough11:21
teetassePythonSnake: yes, but then you cam't save any bigger stuff and always have to worry about space11:22
asdjaputraPythonSnake, for minimal command line system11:22
asdjaputrabut for Xfce you use around 5 GB of your HD space11:22
dr_Willis3gb to install.. then what? no spave to do work in11:22
asdjaputradr_Willis, totally forgot! :o11:23
hroiI just wen to download myself the latest ubuntu 64bit iso11:23
asdjaputraPythonSnake, save maximum space you can for data11:23
dr_Willisgo get a 16gb flash if you ned space11:23
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PythonSnakecan I access my files from xubuntu ?11:23
PythonSnakeaka photos pictures videos and stuff11:23
asdjaputraPythonSnake, files in Windows yes11:23
hroithe website gave me a file called ... ...desktop_amd64.iso11:24
Kartagisqin: if you are asking if it's a problem with the machine I'm ssh'ing to, no11:24
PythonSnakeI need to worry about hardware compatibility too11:24
hroihowever Im going to use this on an intel core 211:24
dr_Willishroi:  so?11:24
dr_Willisits 64bit11:24
hroidr_Willis: right, but why name it amd64 ??11:24
qinKartagis: So you cannot use client, coz silly admin?11:24
hroidr_Willis: why name the distro iso amd11:25
asdjaputrahroi, amd is the first company to manufacture 64 bit processors11:25
teetassePythonSnake: do you use a laptop?11:25
Kartagisqin: exactly11:25
dr_Willisamf had it firsy11:25
asdjaputrahroi, its not the distro, its the processor type11:25
teetassePythonSnake: are you connected with wireless or cable?11:25
asdjaputraintel 32-bit, or AMD 64-bit11:25
hroidr_Willis: I doubt amd was the first to produce a 64bit processor.11:25
asdjaputrahroi, they were.11:25
PythonSnaketeetasse: wireless11:25
dr_Willisfirst common one11:25
qinKartagis: Just try nc ip_of_sshserver 2211:25
wildbatlinux will be more friendly if they drop those "old" standard ;p11:26
PythonSnakewifi :)11:26
asdjaputrahroi, and its kept tradition to name 64-bit distros amd6411:26
dr_Willisyou adked why.. this is why11:26
hroiasdjaputra: first time I see that, used to be calle x86_6411:26
hroiohh well11:26
dr_Willisx86 is in kernel versiins info11:27
asdjaputrahroi, so that's compatible from i386 to amd6411:27
hroidr_Willis: ok so this distro also has binaries optimized for the intel I guess.11:27
teetassePythonSnake: the computer you sue to caht here... is that the one you want to use for xubuntu?11:27
asdjaputradr_Willis, isn't it i386 processor11:27
asdjaputrai386-i486-i586 etc.?11:27
zinimanHey, how can I forward 'time dd'- output to a file? > and >> doesn't work11:27
PythonSnaketeetasse: sue to caht here?11:27
Kartagisqin: nc: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known11:28
teetassePythonSnake: use tho chat here ... sorry for the typos11:28
vilinydon't forget 28611:28
dr_Willisthey are 64 bit binaries. not cpu specific or optmized11:28
teetassePythonSnake: ok, if you move some of your movies and pictures to your external hard disk, hoch much space do you think can you free up?11:28
asdjaputraviliny, oh yes, old times..11:29
teetasseon your hdd11:29
Collin2I GOT IT!11:29
PythonSnake149 gb11:29
PythonSnakeor more11:29
hroidr_Willis: ok goog to know, thought that the distro would at least pick out an optimized kernel for my cpu11:29
Collin2it wasnt working at first11:29
Collin2but then i restarted everything11:29
PythonSnakemax is 250 gb11:29
dr_WillisPythonSnake:  make backups befor resizeing.11:29
Collin2and left my MODEM off11:29
asdjaputraPythonSnake, wow11:29
Collin2booted my MODEM LAST11:29
Collin2and now internet, and local is working11:29
qinKartagis: How? can you ping your server?11:29
Collin2on both machines11:29
Collin2thank you guys, so much11:29
teetassePythonSnake: are you serious? you keep us busy with thinkg how to solve your problem of minimal space and the you tell us that?11:30
Kartagisqin: netadmin blocks pings11:30
zinimanHey I need answers NOW, how can I forward 'time dd'- output to a file? > and >> doesn't work11:30
Collin2susundberg, qin, and wildbat11:30
* Kartagis again shakes fist at the netadmin11:30
Collin2thank you11:30
PythonSnaketeetasse: no -.-11:30
ikoniaziniman: that attitude will get you no answers NOW11:30
teetassePythonSnake: just put some of your movies on the external one, and install normal ubuntu11:30
wildbatCollin2:  u re welcome11:30
asdjaputraPythonSnake, so?11:30
Collin21 problem11:31
asdjaputrateetasse, psh, i like fluxbox better to be installed than Unity11:31
zinimanikonia: I know, but.. *sigh*11:31
Collin2ipv6 isnt working on either machine now11:31
ikoniaziniman: maybe next time, adjust your attitude and you will get answers11:31
PythonSnaketeetasse: xubuntu or no ?11:31
wildbatCollin2: most router and/or isp don't support11:32
zinimanikonia: the problem is that I have no time now11:32
asdjaputraPythonSnake, fluxbuntu11:32
zinimanikonia: so..11:32
qinKartagis: Did you think of changeing ssh port?11:32
ikoniaziniman: then you just need to explain that, rather than demanding answers "NOW"11:32
Collin2wildbat: it was working before11:32
Collin2it was native11:32
teetasseasdjaputra: to be honest i am a bit bad at PythonSnake to waste my time ... i wish he installed unity... or windows vista11:32
Collin2its probably the router11:32
Collin2that doesnt support it11:32
wildbatCollin2: if your isp do / you need new router ~11:32
sammmyhow does ubuntu tweek actually tweek the os?11:32
Collin2its okay11:32
Collin2ipv4 is fine11:32
Collin2for now11:32
FloodBot1Collin2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
zinimanikonia: explain? explain why I need answer asap?11:32
Collin2thank you.11:32
ikoniasammmy: it just changes config files and the gconf settings, I recommend you don't need it11:33
ikoniaziniman: dead easy "I'm looking for help, I'm short on time so a quick reply would be appricated how do I....." rather than I need help NOW !11:33
asdjaputrateetasse, i dont understand11:33
PythonSnaketeetasse: huh ?11:33
PythonSnakelol me too11:34
vilinywhat does ">" do in shell?11:34
hroidr_Willis: is there any difference package repository wise between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server ?11:34
teetasseasdjaputra: fluxbuntu is not well supportet either... he should go for xubuntu... fluxbox can be intalled later... i don't know how comfortable newbies with fluxbox are... maythings different (mostly better) from windows11:34
asdjaputrateetasse, you feel bad for wasting your time answering PythonSnake ?11:34
dr_Willissammmy:  gconf settings for the most part11:34
dr_Willishroi: no11:34
asdjaputrateetasse, xfce vs fluxbox11:34
vilinyim looking at my old line in crontab that outputs sysinfo to a file on my web server every 10 minutes but i can't understand it anymore :p11:34
hroidr_Willis: I would like to use the server version, but worry that it uses less current packages.11:34
asdjaputraPythonSnake, install xubuntu11:35
dr_Willishroi: why use server. you want a gui?11:35
teetasseasdjaputra PythonSnake as i understand it, PythonSnake could easily free some GB and install ubuntu without troubles... but instead he keeps me/us busy with thinking about solution for a non existing problem11:35
asdjaputraPythonSnake, if you don't like it (for being slow and stuff), you could replace it with fluxbox11:35
asdjaputrateetasse, ah, ok dont be mad at him11:35
hroidr_Willis: I want x window support and remote desktop support.11:35
teetassePythonSnake asdjaputra or did i get something wrong?11:35
buntyhi all.11:36
dr_Willishroi:  use desktop then11:36
asdjaputraPythonSnake, use openbox11:36
buntyI just updated my system and now I don't have the unity desktop.11:36
asdjaputraPythonSnake, ok whatever size your HDD is free on, install crunchbang11:36
PythonSnakefluxbox openbox ubuntu xubuntu11:36
hroidr_Willis: ok, however, this will be a multi-user "Server" type setup.11:36
asdjaputrait should be able to run on both less memory machine or 250 GB machine11:36
buntyI get the message on login that my system doesnt have teh hardware to run unity11:37
asdjaputraPythonSnake, pm me, teetasse is mad :p11:37
dr_Willishroi:  wont matter11:37
bunty? I was just running it fine.11:37
teetasseasdjaputra: :P just need some time to cool off... then i'm in again11:37
hroidr_Willis: ok, so no difference in how the kernel is configured to run...11:37
dr_Willishroi some little things but probely nothing to worry about11:38
hroidr_Willis: I have heard rumours that distros like Ubuntu, tweek the kernels11:38
teetasseasdjaputra: is chrunchbang ubuntu based?11:38
asdjaputrateetasse, yes, but since version 10 its debian based11:38
PythonSnaketeetasse: lol11:39
teetasseasdjaputra: cool... might ceck it out when i feel funny11:39
teetasseasdjaputra: i would still recommend xubuntu to PythonSnake ... because xfce is minimal enough, and ubuntu offers the support...11:40
teetasseasdjaputra: i think our friend would be killed with rtfm-answers in the debian irc11:40
hroidr_Willis: thanks!11:41
dr_Willisyou could have installed ubuntu 5x time by now  heh11:41
asdjaputradebian channel is for advanced users i think11:41
asdjaputrabeginners start with ubuntu11:41
asdjaputraand ends with debian11:41
dr_Willisthen come back11:42
teetassealthough i started my linux experinece with gentoo - baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea :P11:42
dr_Willislearning the fundamentals  and distro wont matter much11:42
sammmywhere's the gconf settings located?11:44
ikoniasammmy: in a gconf database, it's not a flat file11:44
teetassePythonSnake: so can you free up 5GB? you will need this space to install xubuntu. if you lake it and want to use it more often you still can resize the partitions later11:45
teetasselake = like11:45
PythonSnaketeetasse: asdjaputra told me to get ubuntu11:46
teetassePythonSnake: ubuntu is good too11:46
asdjaputra200GB > go for ubuntu11:46
asdjaputrabut use 10.0411:46
* teetasse agrees with asdjaputra 11:46
sammmyikonia: what do you mean?11:47
PythonSnakewhy not 11 ?11:47
ikoniasammmy: exactly what I've said11:47
ikoniaPythonSnake: look, stop asking these questions and try it - see if you like it, if you don't, you just change it11:47
asdjaputraPythonSnake, buggy11:47
ikoniaPythonSnake: you seem to be just asking the same question over and over again11:47
asdjaputraikonia, easy there11:48
ikoniaasdjaputra: it's fine, we are just covering the same over and over again, the advice has been given, try it - it's that simple11:48
teetassePythonSnake: 10.04 is a LTS version.. LongTermSupport that means, that they are more stable and better tested11:48
jkupdo you have to declare intergers with $11:48
ikoniajkup: in what respect ?11:48
sammmyikonia: how do I access the gconf database?11:49
ikoniasammmy: you use the gconf2 tool11:49
amanI wanna get alert about CPU temp in natty11:49
teetassePythonSnake: also, you will not have that strange unity interface, which might be bestranging for windows-conversts11:49
jkupsay i prompt the user "how old are you"11:49
jkupand i wanna print echo "oh so you are $(number they chose)"11:49
amanearlier i used ComputerTemp but its not available in Natty11:49
ikoniajkup: what language are you trying to write in ?11:49
amanany help please???11:50
Kartagis!info ssh11:50
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB11:50
ikoniajkup: then no, $ does not mean an interger it's just a varibable, you may also want to try ##bash11:50
sammmyikonia, AKA Configuration Editor?11:50
ikoniasammmy: no idea11:50
jkupikonia:Whats thats supposed to mean? ima newb haha jk x]]] thanks11:51
sammmyso is gconf like the windows' registry?11:51
ikoniajkup: it means $ is not an interger it's just any variable, you may also want to try the ##bash channel for bash help11:51
dr_Willisjkup:  there are many bssh guides out there11:52
dr_Willissammy  similer in idea11:52
jkupoh snap my bad i thought i was in the #bash channel oops11:53
dbuggerHello guys. Can someone explain me when I use keytool, I get this message? " Keystore file exists, but is empty: dbugger.keystore"11:53
dr_Willisjkup:  they will say go read some guides11:53
dr_Willis :)11:53
amanplztell me how  to get alert about CPU temp in natty11:53
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.11:54
jkupyeah i know x] they just said it11:54
gryaman: cpu temperature?11:54
amanyaa actually its getting hot11:55
amani wanna audible alarm using Beep command11:56
gryaman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4276333&postcount=811:56
dirtycookiehello people, i just have installed ubuntu 11.04 and my problem is that i have a little old 19" screen that doesn't tell the OS about it's screen resolutions that it can make11:56
dirtycookiehow can i add a screen resolution manually?11:56
amanthnx but that dont give me any option to get alarms11:57
grydirtycookie: System -> Preferences -> Monitors11:57
Kartagisikonia: I'm trying package pinning, I've typed sudo apt-get install openssh-server=5.3p1-3ubuntu6 but it says it doesn't have this version. any ideas?11:57
ikoniaKartagis: does it have that version in the ubuntu version you are using ?11:58
gry!info computertemp11:59
ubottucomputertemp (source: computertemp): computer temperature monitor applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 47 kB, installed size 432 kB11:59
gryaman: ^^^11:59
gryaman: (might have an alarm, not sure)11:59
johngilbroughHow do I edit the system crontab?  If I do a "sudo crontab -e", I get "no crontab for root".11:59
jribjohngilbrough: why?11:59
ikoniajohngilbrough: there is no default crontab for root11:59
Akkar1nnobody got a clue what the problem with my fallback to gdm is? :/12:00
aman<gry>: thnx alot,,,  let me explore it further12:00
teetasseAkkar1n: nope, sorry12:00
jrib!helpme | Akkar1n12:00
ubottuAkkar1n: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:00
johngilbroughThe reason for editing it is to change a time.12:00
ikoniajohngilbrough: a time ?12:00
anon__dirtycookie, xrandr12:00
johngilbroughThe time a process runs each day.12:00
ikoniajohngilbrough: just do "sudo crontab -e" then and put a crontab in, there is no crontab for root, so you will make one12:00
jribjohngilbrough: what do you want to edit exactly?  If you want to edit /etc/crontab, then just use a text editor12:00
IanPM-WI have an interesting problem. My 11.4 install won't see, or bring up my eth0. Although the driver is apparently present12:01
gryjohngilbrough: /etc/crontab12:01
Kartagisikonia: yes. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/openssh/1:5.3p1-3ubuntu612:01
technikfreakhi which player is good for searhcing music and play12:01
technikfreaklike winamp or itnues12:01
technikfreakbut not o heavy12:01
johngilbroughThere we go.  Thank you.12:01
technikfreakin ubuntu12:02
gryjohngilbrough: ikonia gave one for root, mine if global file, it has a few lines at its top.12:02
Kartagistechnikfreak: clementine or rhyhtmbox12:02
bullgard4What DEB program package contains the kernel documentation?12:02
ikoniaKartagis: I didn't think you where using lucid12:02
teetassetechnikfreak: i think the one with the coolest features is amarok, but it's quite heavy. i'd say rhyhtmbox is waht you might like12:03
ikoniabullgard4: I believe the kernel source package contains the documentation, if by documentation you mean the README for that kernel12:03
Kartagisikonia: I am using natty. I thought package pinning was done if you want to install an earlier version12:03
technikfreakok cool thx12:03
dr_Willisif an earlier version is in the repos12:03
johngilbroughIs there anything to run after you've modified crontab?12:03
ikoniaKartagis: you don't use packages from earlier versions, just an earlier package version within your current distro12:03
ikoniaKartagis: eg: and earlier natty package for you12:04
ikoniajohngilbrough: no12:04
johngilbroughok - thank you12:04
misaqhello everyone12:04
technikfreakyeah i ahve a netbool so12:04
grymisaq: Hello there.12:04
ectospasmshottech1: sorry... had to work.12:04
misaqcan someone  help me with my monitor problem?12:04
Kartagisikonia: I think natty has only 5.8p112:04
ectospasm!ask | misaq12:04
ubottumisaq: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:04
ikoniaKartagis: can't do it then12:04
rajkostohow do i install sun java6 in natty ?12:05
misaqmy CRT monitor turns off frequently12:05
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you.12:05
BasisBithow to downgrade from 11.04 with unity to an older one with gnome?12:05
DJones!classic | BasisBit12:06
ubottuBasisBit: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".12:06
ikoniaBasisBit: you can't downgrade, you need to re-install12:06
gryrajkosto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10530065&postcount=512:06
gryBasisBit: Select "Ubuntu classic" at the bottom of login screen.12:06
rajkostohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java instructions give me a 404 in apt-get update12:06
misaqdoes anyone know why my monitor is turning off12:06
Kartagisikonia: in what section can I see openssh version on http://packages.ubuntu.com12:07
* BasisBit doesn't like 11.04..12:07
asdjaputra!details | misaq12:07
ubottumisaq: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:07
gryrajkosto: Details, please? What URL is it failing to get?12:07
ikoniaKartagis: what ?12:07
rajkostogry, the one that apt-add adds12:07
rajkostoboth of them12:07
rajkostothe one you just gave with forums works12:07
gryBasisBit: Downgrade usually is not an option. You aither 1) customise or 2) choose another distro. Downgrade is eventually unsafe.12:07
gryBasisBit: (And the login screen has n option to do what you want, anyway)12:08
gryrajkosto: Pastebin please?12:08
rajkostolost it now12:08
DJonesBasisBit: You have seen that you can still use gnome 2 with 11.04 by selecting it at the login screen12:08
rajkostoif you follow the page tutorial you will get it12:08
misaqcan it be due to Ubuntu?12:08
BasisBitgry: yes... I think I will go with option 2 (another distro)12:09
misaqwhen I turn on my computer, sometimes the monitor doesn't start12:09
gryBasisBit: You are highly advised to try the option at login screen, though. :-)12:10
=== x29a_ is now known as x29a
grymisaq: Please add hardware details on that.12:10
rajkostowhat is this unity ulshit12:10
BasisBitgry: I did... but unity is not the only thing I don't like about 11.04..12:10
asdjaputra!language | rajkosto12:10
ubotturajkosto: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:10
dorkwhat's the trick to making the entire tool bar transparent?12:10
xt3mp0r_i have installed ubuntu within windows, now i want to install ubuntu directly and remove windows, but still preserve all my data. How can i do it?12:10
misaqI am using SyncMaster MB176312:10
asdjaputradork, use clearlooks theme and make it transparent12:10
grydork: Toolbar of what application?12:10
Kartagis!info ssh12:10
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB12:10
admngy2hi guys.  can someone help me find version control on this server?  All I know is that "version control was hosted as a bare Git repository on the [...] server. It is currently not running this way because I was halfway through setting up Gitosis."12:11
ikoniaKartagis: what do you want to know ?12:11
admngy2if someone wrote you that ,would you expect the version control to still be there somewhere?  (Like old versions and stuff)12:11
Kartagis!info ssh lucid12:11
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu6 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB12:11
admngy2This person left suddenly and without cooperating much on the handout. They had been the CTO responsible for 100% of the code and sys admin.12:11
ikoniaKartagis: you can't use lucid packages with natty12:11
JelteLxt3mp0r_ I think you should copy your /home folder to usb, install Ubuntu the normal way and then copy your files back to ubuntu?12:11
dorkgry: the main toolbar in classic view, toggling transparency only makes the middle transparent and not the task manager or the drop down menus12:11
JelteLsomething like that12:11
Kartagisikonia: so I have to luck but persuade netadmin to upgrade IDS?12:12
xt3mp0r_JelteL: All my main data is in window drives, which get mounted on ubuntu. No other way then backup and restore?12:12
ikoniaKartagis: or not use natty12:12
nopz___Hi there12:12
JelteLdunno, Iįøæ no expert ;-)12:12
grynopz___: Hello.12:12
xt3mp0r_JelteL: np :P12:13
BasisBitmaybe you should make this channel invite only and "outsource" the support-requests to forums...12:13
gryBasisBit: IRC support is faster. :-)12:13
baremetalHas anyone here running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS been able to install kernel 2.6.39 as a deb package?12:13
baremetalPerhaps: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/kernel-ppa12:13
Ivan_The_TerriblGuys, why my numpad keys from time to time begin to act like mouse cursor??? I have to go to system-keyboard and disable this stubid function but it sometimes go back again.12:14
ikoniabaremetal: no, 10.04 is not build on .39 so that is not supported/good idea12:14
xt3mp0r_i have installed ubuntu within windows, now i want to install ubuntu directly and remove windows, but still preserve all my data. How can i do it? anyone?12:14
gryxt3mp0r_: Please stand by.12:14
baremetalikonia, are you running  Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ?12:14
xt3mp0r_gry: okay12:14
ikoniabaremetal: yes12:14
baremetalikonia, Are you running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS  with kernel 2.6.32  AND  *2.6.38* as a deb package?12:16
ikoniano, I'm not running beyond the base supported kernel12:16
baremetalIs anyone here  running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS  with kernel 2.6.32  AND  *2.6.38* as a deb package?12:17
jribbaremetal: ask your real question12:17
ikoniabaremetal: probably not as it's not a supported configuration12:17
grybaremetal: What are you actually trying to do, please?12:17
IanPM-WIs there a way to elevate permissions through the GUI so that I can edit a file owned by root?12:17
IanPM-Wit seems complicated12:17
gry!gksu | IanPM-W12:17
ubottuIanPM-W: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use Ā« gksudo Ā», as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:17
jribIanPM-W: what file?12:17
IanPM-Wah ha!12:18
IanPM-Wthanks :)12:18
IanPM-WI'm looking into some /etc/network/interface stuff12:18
IanPM-Wit's just simpler to do so through the GUI12:18
elementzhi all. my new and first hads SSD arrived today. Is there anything I should watch out for, when installing Natty? Filesystem/alignment/partitioning aso? I haven't found a good guide yet. Mabye some of you have some experience already?12:18
jribIanPM-W: keep in mind interfaces are managed through network-manager by default nowadays12:18
baremetalgry, i am trying to install 2.6.39  as a deb package  on LTS. Can not find 2.6.39 but I can find 2.6.3812:18
grybaremetal: Then package it. :-)12:19
movan2011IanPM-W why not press Alt+F2 and type "gksu nautilus <path>" where <path> points to the file you want to edit.  Oh and don't add the quotes.12:19
grybaremetal: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/12:19
ikoniabaremetal: why do you want that kernel ?12:19
movan2011@IamPN-W:  Sorry, meant gedit not nautilus.12:19
IanPM-Wjrib, the problem I have, is that the network interfaces thing doesn't show up eth012:19
IanPM-Wand I'm trying to troubleshoot i t12:19
movan2011Seem to be obsessed with nautilus today.12:20
IanPM-Wit was working, but seems to have stopped somehow12:20
IanPM-WI might have done something, but I really have no idea what12:20
gryhi cloudyLights12:20
IanPM-Wso if anyone has bright ideas about how to get eth0 back12:20
IanPM-WI'd love to hear them12:20
cloudyLightsI use 11.04 , when I insert a SD card I see this:12:20
gryhi beginer12:20
cloudyLightsI get a window saying unable to mount 4.0 GB12:20
beginergry, hello12:21
cloudyLightsgvfs and xfce are installed and used12:21
baremetalgry, i want 2.6.39 because it has certain drivers i would like to have. among them which is unique to 2.6.39 is zd1211rw (Wireless drivers for zydas chipset  usb adapter) whis supports AP mode12:21
cloudyLightshow to let my user mount the SD via gvfs?12:21
Kartagisdamn you netadmin!12:21
baremetalgry: have you seen  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/kernel-ppa    ???12:22
cloudyLightsbaremetal: I was looking for someone to tell me how good is the zd as a AP12:22
ikoniabaremetal: zd1211rw has been in the kernel since 2.6.1812:22
cloudyLightsbut AP is only recent12:22
seravitaehello i have a question about synaptic. it is kind of a programmign question though. I was wondering how when you go 'applying changes' in synaptic - it shows a terminal window inside the application.12:23
baremetalikonia,  zd1211rw has been in the kernel a long time but only 2.6.39  gives you zydas  AP mode12:23
seravitaeI want to write a program that has a terminal inside it - i have no idea how it is done. anyone have any ideas?12:23
ikoniabaremetal: by AP mode, do you mean "master" mode ?12:23
jribseravitae: read the source code :D  Probably look at libvte12:24
sammmysuspend for some reason don't keep my workspace.12:24
ikonia!info linux-kernel12:24
ubottuPackage linux-kernel does not exist in natty12:24
sammmyCould this be because I've used wubi to install ubuntu?12:24
ikonia!info linux-image12:24
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)12:24
ikoniabaremetal: that kernel isn't even in natty, so you're going to be on dubious stability ground as even the later ubuntu release isn't built around it.12:25
baremetali do not use natty, it is buggy as hell and i like a lot of people hate unity12:25
ikoniabaremetal: maybe worth contacting the PPA owner for some support12:25
seravitaejrib - cheers, libvte seems to be it.12:26
hammoommahhello poeples12:28
zambaanyone using iscsi and multipath here and can help me figure out why failover doesn't work?12:28
gryzamba: Only if you ask, explaining what's happening. :-)12:28
hammoommahany network specialists?12:28
gryhammoommah: Some.12:28
gryhammoommah: What's up? :-)12:29
hammoommahok here goes........12:29
zambagry: well, i'm basically new to the whole iscsi/multipath thingy.. i have one lun on a san with two controllers with four ports each.. when doing multipath -ll i see 8 devices in total (/dev/sdb -> /dev/sdi).. where should i create my partitions?12:29
zambagry: http://pastebin.com/Gdv35JWr <- here's the output12:30
zambain /dev/mapper i have mpath0.. is this the device i should be partitioning?12:31
hammoommahi have imac plus about 6 other oldish boxes, im looking at setting up home network so me/my wife/my 5 kids can all share resourses plus add a ubuntu media centre. i was thinking of setting up unbuntu server with clients attached and join imac plus media centre to that......... if that makes sense12:31
dr_willishammoommah,  so.. you  'are making a home network' .....12:32
gryzamba: That said, I'm nobody myself; all I did was get you ask this question in full in here, be assured that people in here may be able to respond soon. :-)12:32
hammoommahyep yep12:32
kdbwnfHi. I've just installed firefox 5 and now I can't see the firefox icon in the unity when I'm running firefox. Any ideas to solve it?12:32
gryzamba: (Surely this should be a helpful channel overall!)12:32
hammoommah2 in essence12:32
hammoommahone from server to clients and one to join server imac media centre12:33
dr_willisI dont get why they both cant be the same network12:33
hammoommahthats why im here12:34
hroihow is ext4 is it good, and interacts well with other systems? nfsmount etc.12:37
hostingŠ ŃƒŃŃŠŗŠøŠµ ŠµŃŃ‚ŃŒ?12:37
hroiubuntu suggests ext4 as default12:37
kdbwnfHi. I've just installed firefox 5 and now I can't see the firefox icon in the unity when I'm running firefox. Any ideas to solve it?12:38
hostingHayy! Russian!12:38
hostingAmerica faq you12:38
dr_willishroi,  you shouldent have any issues12:38
hostingI,m in russian12:38
hostingŠ”Š°Š²Š°Š¹ ŠæŠ¾ руссŠŗŠø!12:38
gry!ru | hosting12:38
ubottuhosting: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠµŃ‚ŠøтŠµ #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:38
gulzarerror: unable to determine major/minor no. of root device '/dev/disk/by-uuid...........Yo are being dropped to recovery shell. Type exit to try & continue booting. /bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turned off. [ramfs]#12:39
hroidr_willis: thanks, ok ext4 shouldnt have any issues, ext3 most likely wont have any issues.12:39
dr_willishroi,  ext2 proberly wouldent be any issues either....12:40
teetasseasdfasdfa: so how are things going on with PythonSnake12:40
dr_willishroi,  but thats going a bit far. :)12:40
PythonSnaketeetasse: go debian12:40
teetassePythonSnake: pure debian or chrunchbang?12:41
dr_willisI think i could of had Ubuntu installed to 30 machines  since this discussion was started with PythonSnake .... :)12:41
ikoniaguys - we don't care about non-ubuntu distro dicussion/help in here12:41
PythonSnaketeetasse: pure12:42
asdjaputrawhat was the discussion about?12:42
gulzarikonia: nice........somebody is there who respects knowledge12:42
hroidr_willis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4  mentions that I may not be able to nfsmount ext4 on older distros.12:42
ikoniagulzar: no, the channels policy is that this channel is for ubuntu support dicussion only - so I respect the topic12:42
hroidr_willis: Ive got no need for exabyte size disks, so ext3 is safe12:43
dr_willishroi,  and how old is old?   Ive never seen anyone mention the issue.12:43
teetassePythonSnake: so install allready finished? asdfasdfa12:43
asdjaputraasdfasdfa, lol12:43
PythonSnake3 hours left12:43
MurdyHello everyone12:43
gryhi Murdy12:43
gulzarikonia: yes . But I think one question will not do much harm12:43
asdjaputraDebian is a yes go here12:43
teetassePythonSnake: downloading?12:43
hroidr_willis:  I mean, if we have distros that dont come with ext4, 2+ years old,12:43
MurdyHow are you?12:43
asdjaputraMurdy, fine, question please.12:43
gulzarikonia: a long disscussionis surely bad12:43
ikoniagulzar: it's a discussion that's been going on for a long time, hence why I'm asking it to stop12:43
hroidr_willis: then those systems wont completely support nfsmount from this system12:43
gryMurdy: good, thanks12:44
ikoniaPythonSnake: are you installing ubuntu, yes/no ?12:44
MurdyIs it obligatory to ask questions?12:44
asdjaputraMurdy, lol no12:44
gulzargo to #ubuntu-offtopic12:44
PythonSnakeikonia: no12:44
dr_willishroi,  only thing ive ever had issues with when using ext4 was my  old 'nas' thats linux based only supported ext3 :) or some old live cd's  but  are you really going to be using such old stuff?12:44
gryMurdy: in this channel generally yes, otherwise try ther -offtopic channel please12:44
asdjaputraikonia, he/she tried 10.04 and has some compability issues12:44
dr_willis!info arista12:44
ubottuarista (source: arista): multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6~repack-3 (natty), package size 3845 kB, installed size 6176 kB12:44
ikoniaPythonSnake: ok - then this discussion isn't for this channel, please take it to #debian or what ever distro channel you're currently using12:45
gulzarPythonSnake:teetasse:asdjaputra: /join #ubuntu-offtopic12:45
asdjaputraits much better #ubuntu-offtopic12:45
asdjaputrai am12:45
ikoniagulzar: no, that is not a support channel either12:45
dr_willisCool Arista is in the repos. :)  i like it better then Winff12:45
hroidr_willis:  :) I have no choice, my workplace is littered with old linuxes... many put together years ago.12:45
asdjaputragulzar, that's ok we aren't asking for support there12:45
gulzarikonia: but to disscuss abt python.......it will be gud12:45
grygulzar: there is #python too :-)12:45
hroidr_willis: linux upgrades are a big problem... as these boxer are providing services.12:45
ikoniagulzar: no, there are channels such as #debian to help him12:45
asdjaputraikonia, lol but he's not even done yey12:46
dr_willishammoommah,  chat in the channel.. You havent really stated what your actual issue is. If its complex. you may want to put the info on a pastebin site.12:46
gulzargry : nice12:46
ikoniaasdjaputra: it doesn't matter, it's not for this channel12:46
asdjaputrahroi, not hammoommah , dr_willis12:46
asdjaputraikonia, k, we're leaving12:46
dr_willisasdjaputra,  i am talking to hammoommah  from 10 min ago.. :)12:46
asdjaputradr_willis, oh lol12:47
hammoommahhmmmm pastebin site?12:47
asdjaputrabye ikonia12:47
herrgabrielanybody knows how to pack my current ubuntu install into an ISO so i can deploy it on other machines as well?12:47
gryhammoommah: pastebin.ubuntu.com12:47
dr_willishroi,  its sort of scary that your workplace is providing services with  'workplace is littered with old linuxes... many put together years ago.'12:47
dr_willis!pastebin | hammoommah12:47
ubottuhammoommah: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:47
compdocherrgabriel, that is possible. suggestions were on the mailing list recently12:48
dr_willisherrgabriel,  its doable - but can take some work. theres a thread on the topic at the askubuntu.com site i saw just the other day12:48
dr_willisherrgabriel,  if its a small setup. you can 'dd' to a file then dd it to the other machines hd's and then resize the filesystmes. and fix the hostname and other bits..12:48
gulzarerror: unable to determine major/minor no. of root device '/dev/disk/by-uuid...........Yo are being dropped to recovery shell. Type exit to try & continue booting. /bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turned off. [ramfs]#12:49
herrgabrielcompdoc, do you have a link? i'm not subsribed to the mailinglist :(12:49
hroidr_willis: go and visit any understaffed civil cervice company :)  -- better yet visit a university, they are worse.12:49
herrgabrieldr_willis, i was thinking about dd'ing as well, but i figured a nice installer would be better12:49
dr_willisherrgabriel,  i did a dd method last week - installed to a 8gb flash drive. tweaked it a little.. then dd'd it to a exernal usb hd. worked better then i thought it would. :)12:50
compdocherrgabriel, if you were to google your question, you should find the mailing lists archives12:50
dr_willisherrgabriel,  check askubuntu.com site also. i know they got a question on the topic12:50
herrgabrielcompdoc, kk12:50
teetasseasdfasdfa: where did you and PythonSnake go? - want to  know hwo the story ends12:50
herrgabrielthanks all, will try a dd to USB-stick12:51
PythonSnaketeetasse: lol12:51
asdjaputrateetasse, pm12:51
asdjaputrateetasse, he decided to go for debian12:51
hammoommah@Dr_willis http://imagebin.org/15962812:52
teetasseneed to find out how to pm in irssi12:52
gryteetasse: /query nick message here12:52
hammoommahimage bin is a great tool :)12:52
dr_willishammoommah,  and the reason for the complex setup is what exactly?12:53
dnivraHello. Is there a typing tutor application that supports the Dvorak layout?12:53
teetassegry: thx12:53
hammoommahi thought that was pretty simple lol what would you suggest12:53
jeru-zwhaven't found any useful info about getting my Canon MG5240 printer/scanner...etc. working under ubuntu12:53
jeru-zwPLEASE HELP12:53
KanocXdoes someone know, why vino only listen on ipv6? (ubuntu 10.04)12:53
dr_willisjeru-zw,  for the scanner end.. check the SANE homepage to see if its supported.12:54
ubottuScanning software: simple-scan (GNOME), Gwenview (KDE), Xsane. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR12:54
bazhangjeru-zw, linuxprinting.org for the printer12:54
dr_willisyea - im not sure the cups.org site mentions canon.  but it might have some info also.12:55
dr_willisI learned to not buy canon any more if i want decent linux support.12:55
compdocthe world is not ready for ipv612:56
jeru-zwdr_willis, bazhang... so there's nothing like apt-get install all-in-one-canon-driver12:56
jeru-zwokay thanks, let me check those websites12:56
=== SOL is now known as Guest47992
dr_willisjeru-zw,  you are lucky if the thing even has support at all.. :)12:56
dr_willisIve had very bad luck with canon and linux12:57
Guest47992HI all! how can i draw a Picture (.png) onto my Desktop (-Wallpaper) which automatically updates every so often?12:57
Guest47992I want to follow a webcam12:57
dr_willisGuest47992,  you could write a script that pulls in an image, then sets it with one of the many wallpaper commands..12:57
Guest47992dr_willis, i dont want it to take my whole Desktop-Background12:58
dr_willisthere are some autiomated wallpaper changers that might allready do that.   but i never use them any more.. played with some about 2 yrs ago12:58
dr_willisGuest47992,  there are 'gadgets/gizmos/widigits' you can use on yoru desktop.12:58
dr_willisgoogle gadgets, opera has them also. I think theres gdesklets. and proberly 4+ other ways to do it12:59
hammoommah@dr willis would this work better? http://imagebin.org/15962912:59
=== tom_ is now known as TvL2386
jeru-zwmy brother in law wouldn't shut up about linux so finally i installed it on my laptop and desktops, crappy thing is my phones, cameras and printer aren't supported13:00
jeru-zwguess i should have set up a dual boot13:00
dr_willismost cameras should work as usb storage devices...13:01
gry!info desktopnova13:01
ubottudesktopnova (source: desktopnova): utility that changes the wallpaper automatically. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-2ubuntu2 (natty), package size 76 kB, installed size 452 kB13:01
dr_willisnot sure what 'phone' support wouild be :)13:01
gryGuest47992: ^^^ see what ubottu said13:01
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
hammoommah@dr willis  only reason i thought of first setup was for wiring, where my adslmodem sits i can have 6 cords running up wall :(13:02
Guest47992gry, again.. i dont want to have it on all my screen13:02
jeru-zwdr_willis i usually sync my sms, mms and email messages between my phones and computers13:02
sammmyis there anyway to get suspend to work with a wubi installation, or is it not possible?13:03
dr_willishammoommah,  i just go   modem -> router  ----- bunch of pc;s and a branch off to  a switch/hub  -- then more pcs    - keeping it simple13:03
dr_willissammmy,  im not sure its possible..   it may need a actual swap partition.13:03
gryGuest47992: I suspect that tool changes just the wallpaper, is that what you want?13:04
jeru-zwnokia and lg phones13:04
Guest47992gry, it is not13:04
sammmydr_willis, doesn't suspend just work off the ram?13:04
dbuggerwhy is "keytool" telling me that keystore doesnt exist? :(13:04
Guest47992gry, i want to have an image drawn ONTO my Desktop..13:05
gryGuest47992: sorry, what does it do that you don't want?13:05
dr_willissammmy,  they alwasy seem to be changeing the names...  I can never which  one is  'to ram' and what one is 'to hard drive'13:05
Guest47992gry, i only want to follow a Webcam which updates every so often13:05
hammoommahhmmm good idea, can you tell me when using server/virtual client setup is any computing done client side or is it all done on server? is video processing done server side or client side?13:06
dr_willishammoommah,  i imagine it depedns on the server/client setup.13:06
Guest47992gry, and i want that picture to be refreshed automatically without opening it every time13:06
gryGuest47992: it'd be an image in front of the desktop icons, then? (not exactly a wallpaper, is that correct?)13:06
StavaWhen installing tiger, is cron enabled by default? Also how do I read the reports?13:06
admgy22hi guys - how would I find any .git repositories on the whole system please?13:07
hammoommahubuntu 11.04 server with virtual clients linked booting over network cards13:07
dr_willisgry,  sounds like he wants one of those picture-frame widgits :)13:07
gryadmgy22: "locate" command13:07
admgy22gry: I'm a very new user, coudl you be more specific please?13:07
admgy22gry: like, what is the exact command?13:07
admgy22gry: please13:07
dr_willisadmgy22,    locate .git   -> finds all files with .git in the name.13:08
gryadmgy22: install catfish for good file search - it's the package name13:08
dr_willis!info catfish13:08
ubottucatfish (source: catfish): file search tool that support several different engines. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1 (natty), package size 31 kB, installed size 384 kB13:08
dr_willisa front end to locate and find both. ? that could bne handy13:08
admgy22dr_willis: would I have to 'sudo locate .git' or is locate good for anyone?13:08
Guest47992gry, ok its the following Picture:13:08
dr_willisadmgy22,  you ONLY need sudo to do 'system wide/config type tasks'13:08
gryadmgy22: yes, users don't have access to some directories, so running it as root would be good idea13:08
Guest47992gry, http://www.meteo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/mesomikro/stadt/temp.png that i want to follow13:09
dr_willisadmgy22,  your git stuff is hidden somewhere? or un the users home dirs? or where?13:09
gryadmgy22: (for example on some systems users can't read other users' files)13:09
Guest47992gry, i want to have it sitting right on my Desktop13:09
admgy22dr_willis: I understand13:09
gryadmgy22: if you search only for yourself, though, you don't need sudo13:09
sammmydr_willis, suspend is to ram, while hibernate is to drive.13:09
dr_willissammmy,  i seem to recall the terms 'suspend to ram and suspend to disk' used in the past also.. :)13:09
gryGuest47992: like wallpaper ?13:09
dr_willisor 'sleep and suspend'  or... ect.. :)13:10
admgy22dr_willis: yes, it's "hidden" in that I can't find it!13:10
admgy22dr_willis: last guy who did all the development left on bad terms13:10
dr_willisadmgy22,  locate filename       if you have a clue to the filename13:10
admgy22dr_willis: this is the exact thing he wrote (1 min) about this:13:10
Guest47992gry, no.. just like a Picture.. even Window-framed would be ok13:10
gryGuest47992: ah13:10
dr_willis!info gdesklets13:10
ubottugdesklets (source: gdesklets): Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36.1-4.1build1 (natty), package size 2500 kB, installed size 5776 kB13:10
dr_willisthe whole desktop-widgit  idea seems to be getting to be a passing fad. :)13:11
sl33k_where is the public log of this chan?13:11
Guest47992gry, i once had this set up.. but i cant remember how i did that ;)13:11
grydr_willis: link please ? :\ don't want to do a fail search myself if you already know that! :-)13:11
dr_willisgry,  link tio which? theres several widgits for  the desktop. I dont use any - any more either. :)13:12
grysl33k_: irclogs.ubuntu.com13:12
grydr_willis: to some sort of a list then please. I'm clueless here myself13:12
admgy22dr_willis:  "version control was hosted as a bare Git repository on the [...] server. It is currently not running this way because I was halfway through setting up Gitosis (which I highly recommend, by the way). \p This was done under the expectation that we would be ramping up development"13:13
dr_willisadmgy22,  so no idea on the git name or anything else. eww.. I dont use git enough to even begin to offer suggestions.13:13
admgy22dr_willis: that's the email I got.  Based on that (and the guy has left suddenly and is being totally uncooperative, and I just found out he tarred up and downloaded our (competitively very valuable) server logs right before leaving)..13:14
admgy22dr_willis: so based on that... where would you look for version history?  To give you an idea, at the moment I see files and no versioning of any kind13:14
dr_willisI dont have near enough git experience to help. Ive only used it the most casual ways13:15
admgy22anyone else here?13:15
=== brechdurchfall is now known as brechdurchfall|a
rhin01just as a matter of interest -- compiz fusion -- one of those things that it is assumed everyone wants -- so it's turned on -- it has caused my system major problems all over the place -- system hanging -- virtual desktops don't work -- x2x failing - slow -- I turned it off and I didn't notice anything apart from my system running ok again -- what the hell is compiz fusion?13:15
admgy22by the way does "20110104.123925.590510058.3696" look like a directory produced by versioning to you?13:16
admgy22it's on the active system13:16
rhin01maybe my graphics card isn't beefy enough to drive it (probably) people say a gpu hog13:16
rhin01compiz fusion has caused me major problems13:16
sammmyso even though ram has nothing to do with the hard drive, there's no way to suspend to ram with a wubi install?13:16
rhin01all that for a bit of eye candy13:16
dr_willisadmgy22,  ithere may be a Git speficic  channel13:16
rhin01can anyone hear me in here?13:16
dr_willisrhin01,  Hmm?13:17
rhin01ok thanks just thought was in a mode or set with a mode thanks dr_willis13:17
dr_williscompiz is on by default - its used by unity.. rhin0113:17
rhin01dr_willis it's caused my system to lock several times13:17
compdocI hear about Compiz a lot in here, bu6t never knew what it was before now13:17
rhin01its caused problems iwth remote desktops with x2x --13:17
admgy22dr_willis: thanks I'm trying #git13:17
dr_willisrhin01,   it can depend ion your video chiopset also13:17
rhin01i've wasted a day because this thing called compiz which doesn't actually do anything is installed by default13:18
compdocCompiz is a compositing manager, which means that it enhances the overall user interaction by adding fancy effects to your windows, from drop shadows to awesome desktop effects like the Desktop Cube or the Expo view.  <- doesnt sound useful13:19
rhin01I know this -- but it also is a resource hog -- it will kill and even hang up low level gpus13:19
dr_willisrhin01,  it is used by default by unity. so it does do somthing.. its the default window manager for UNITY13:19
rhin01I never noticed any effects13:19
rhin01all I noticed was teh PAIN of my system hanging and random things to do with graphics going wrong13:20
rhin01compiz fusion introduced the only problems I have ever had with ubuntu (major)13:20
dr_willisthe next release i hear compuiz will be used by unity-2d and work for other non-3d acell setuos13:20
dr_willisrhin01,  and whats your video chipset?13:21
rhin01not sure13:21
rhin01how do I find that out -- tell me and I will get back to you13:21
ntkmi am using ubuntu 10.04.can i use unity on it?13:21
dr_willisso you have no idea if you have installed the proper 3d drivers.. that would greatly enhance your unity/compiz experience. :)13:21
gry!info unity13:21
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.14-0ubuntu1~natty1 (natty), package size 605 kB, installed size 1860 kB13:22
rhin01I don't want a 'unitiz/compiz' 'experience'13:22
dr_willisrhin01,  run the  jockey-gtk tool to see if any drivers are reccomended13:22
gryrhin01: then just don't use it13:22
rhin01NVIDIA accelarated graphics driver installed13:22
dr_willisdont worry about it then.. have fun.13:22
gryntkm: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/unity - so that's a ys I guess13:22
dr_willisunity in maverick is not the same as the one in natty i belive.13:23
ntkmthank you13:23
dr_willisunless they did some backporting.13:23
* pappa_bear_ grumbles... and says goodmorning.13:23
beginerpappa_bear_, haha, nice nick13:24
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
Bartzy|workWhere "scp -t" flag (and the rest of the "remote side" flags) is documented ? I'm not seeing it in 'man scp'.13:25
dr_willisBartzy|work,  scp is supposed to work virtually identical to the way cp works.. it might be the same as what the cp -t flag does.. (whatever that is...)13:26
Bartzy|workdr_willis: I don't think so :|13:27
rhin01ok -- how can I be completely sure compiz fusion is disabled in 11.04 -- the "visual effects" tab in system->appearance is no longer there -- people saying elsewhere that selecting "classic desktop (no effects)" only disables the unity desktop -- it doesn't disable compiz fusion - I want it gone13:27
dr_willisthats what i recall from the scp guides ive read in the past at least. :)13:27
dr_willisrhin01,  run 'metacity --replace' is one way13:28
podzinjaHow do i add new items to the panel in the new ubuntu?13:29
dr_willisBartzy|work,  checking the man page - it mentions  options detailed in the   see ssh_config(5).      but im not sure what -t would even be for13:30
podzinjaIs it possible to add items to the panel? Like in the old ubuntu?13:30
grypodzinja: right click, "add"13:30
grypodzinja: wfm in 11.0413:30
Bartzy|workdr_willis: scp -t is what gets executed on the remote side on every SCP you make.13:30
podzinjai right click panel, but i nothing happens now13:30
rhin01compiz is slowing down any systme IMO13:30
podzinjaim on 11.0413:30
dr_willisBartzy|work,  not seeint that mentioned at all then.13:31
dr_willispodzinja,  if an icon is on the panel. you can right clcik and pin it to the panel13:31
podzinjabut no more widgets like before?13:31
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Bartzy|workdr_willis: What ?13:31
podzinjai mean the top panel13:32
dr_willisBartzy|work,  im googling all over for 'scp -t' and not finding any mention of it.13:32
dr_willispodzinja,  top panel - is very very locked down.13:32
podzinjaso no more tomboy notes and other stuff on top panel..13:32
dr_willispodzinja,  you can get differnt indicator applets that go in the top panel.13:32
podzinjaand where can i change workspace count13:33
dr_willisbut the normaly  zoo of applets has been culled back13:33
dr_willistheres indicator applets for that podzinja  check askubuntu.com for a list of them all that exist13:33
Bartzy|workdr_willis: http://blogs.oracle.com/janp/entry/how_the_scp_protocol_works13:33
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wrek-garhas anyone ever set up an a.p.?13:34
grywrek-gar: Suppose someone in this channel did, yes. :-)13:34
wrek-garany idea on how to set it up on a desktop?13:34
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dr_willisBartzy|work,  so that just says -t = 'to'      :) im not seeing it mentiond in any of the otehr docs ive seen13:35
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=== Exi-o- is now known as Braiam
thegoodcushionAnyone got an idea for software that will let me create a study guide?  I don't want a calendar because I want it to be flexible13:35
dr_willisBartzy|work,    These options are for internal usage only and aren't documented.    heh..13:35
asdjaputraPythonSnake, hey sorry i got disconnected13:35
Bartzy|workdr_willis: Heh.. too bad, they're VERY useful for security :p13:35
wrek-gargry, ?13:36
asdjaputraplease invite me to the channel13:36
avinashhmHi , how to search packages having both words vim, pdf .. ( tried apt-cache search 'vim & pdf' .. didn't work .. any help pls13:36
riceHello, my vim in my ubuntu is in version 7.2, how can i upgrade it into 7.313:36
asdjaputraavinashhm, apt-cache search vim pdf13:36
dr_willisrice,  via ppa - would be the best route13:36
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.13:37
avinashhmasdfasdfa, thanks man .. works like a charm13:37
wrek-gargry, still there?13:37
grywrek-gar: yes13:37
wrek-gargry, any idea on how to configure an a.p.?13:38
grywrek-gar: Me and this channel are different, while I may have no idea on what an a.p. is, this channel is likely to know; please stand by.13:39
dr_willisAnimated Puppet?13:39
wrek-garaccess point13:39
wrek-garwireless access point13:40
dr_willisnetwork manager should have stuff in it.  :)13:40
grywrek-gar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint13:40
wrek-garnot for a.p.13:40
djBoLoNconnecting to it through its ip wrek-gar13:40
dr_willisthats how i set up  my ad-hoc network yesterday to my phone. and to my router...  theres a 3 wireless method?13:40
wrek-garioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM]: Function not implemented13:40
wrek-gar - outputs this failure under hostapd13:40
dipankarhi all13:41
dr_willisso this is an ad-hoc network then? or am i confuseing terms?13:41
grywrek-gar: what's that output for? what's your input?13:41
teetassePythonSnake: asdfasdfa will make a new channeƶ13:41
zelharHello. I need help enabling unity13:42
wrek-garhostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf13:42
dr_williszelhar,  you got the proper 3d video drivers installed and going yet?13:42
dipankarI am a beginner in developer side of ubuntu. Need help with user authentication process13:42
dipankarI am thinking of authenticating user from a server each time a user enter details in the login screen of ubuntu.13:43
dipankarAny help where to start with?13:43
zelharanyone ?13:43
wrek-gargry, hostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf13:44
dr_willisdipankar,  why are you doing this? sounds like its proberly alrleady been done in one way or another...13:44
dr_williszelhar,  you got the proper 3d video drivers installed and going yet? what is your video chipset?13:44
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer13:44
dr_willisIsent that what ldap does?  a main server that handles the  login and other features?13:45
zelharI have a new Radeon HD6570 and the 3d driver is still enabled from my old HD365013:45
dr_williszelhar,  run jockey-gtk and see what driver it reccommends and if its active or not.13:47
djBoLoNbefore i try ,can i hot plug in a 2nd monitor,iįøæ on unity ?13:48
dirtycookiehello people, i just installed xubuntu freshly and i have a resolution problem. my monitor can do max 1280x1024 but xubuntu detected 1024x768 max13:48
dirtycookiehow can i add more resolutions manually?13:48
jking2hi friends, i've installed xfce4 following the installation metapackage avaiable in the software center, and then I tried to unistalled it by the same way but a lot of xfce4 packages did not go away, is there a command in the terminal that will let me uninstall all the packages that have the xfce4 in it's name?13:48
zelharit says I already have fglrx activated13:48
nopz___I have an rsyslog rule and I want to discard any mesasge bellow the rule, so that way it's not in /var/log/syslog. Anyone knows how to do that ?13:48
impulse9hi, after upgrading my ubuntu from 10 to 11, my super key stopped working13:49
=== cdavis_ is now known as cdavis
impulse9shortcuts like super+e, super+n don't work anymore13:49
impulse9is there a way to fix this?13:49
book1i can not enter password in update-manager to install updates. auth window appears and dissapears shaking( like i entered not correct password). how can i fix it?13:50
kinanohey everyone13:51
book1software-center is the same13:51
kinanohaving problems with upgrading to 11.04, can someone help?13:51
BlouBloukinano: what kind of problems?13:51
zelharSince I installed "unity" When I log in to Ubuntu there are no menu bars, no launcher, and alt-F2 doesn't work, so what should I do ?13:52
Mandrewhello if i dont install the restricted extra at install and want to do that later, how do i do that later?13:52
kinanobloublou: hey, when the upgrade manager downloads the packages, two files throw erros13:52
kinano"size mismatch"13:52
BlouBlouzelhar: unistall drivers, reboot, install nouveau, reboot again and done13:52
BlouBlounouveau = experimental ones13:52
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book1 i can not enter password in update-manager to install updates. auth window appears and dissapears shaking( like i entered not correct password). how can i fix it? maybe this happen cause i ve changed some permissions in /usr13:53
zelharOK I'm gonna try this13:54
dr_willisbook1,  you are using your initially made user? can that user do 'sudo -s' from a terminal?13:54
jking2hi friends, i've installed xfce4 following the installation metapackage avaiable in the software center, and then I tried to unistalled it by the same way but a lot of xfce4 packages did not go away, is there a command in the terminal that will let me uninstall all the packages that have the xfce4 in it's name?13:55
book1dr_willis:  yes. gksudo update-manager works properly too13:55
dr_willisbook1,  thats weird.13:55
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome13:55
dipankardr_willis, I am trying to make a central access system on my small network13:56
dr_willisjking2,  it can be difficult to remove all taht stuff. its just how they use meta-packages tio pull in the whold desktop13:56
dr_willisjking2,  the url above may help.13:56
dipankardr_willis, I want to authenticate users from server end, not on the client end kept in each room13:56
dr_willisdipankar,  i thought that was one of the features of LDAP.13:57
kinanoso any ideas?13:57
dipankardr_willis, I just went through LDAP.13:57
book1dr_willis: i have default ubuntu-desktop13:57
dr_williskinano,  try from a differmt mirror perhaps? could be the servers are getting updated, or have bad packages13:57
dipankardr_willis, can LDAP be customized too?13:57
kinanodr_willis: i tried that13:57
kinanosame problem13:58
dr_willisdipankar,  no idea. Ive never used it.13:58
dr_willisI imagine it can.. :) everthing else can be customuized to some degree13:58
jking2dr_willis: I'll try that, but the thing is that I installed xfce4 not xubuntu, but this "meta command" should work! Thanks!13:58
dr_willisjking2,  xubuntu = ubuntu with xcfe.13:59
drosehey guys I'm a gentoo guy with a HP netbook that won't boot13:59
dr_willisjking2,  xubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that pulls in all needed files for the whole xubuntu setup13:59
jking2dr_willis: I know that ;)13:59
mrdebis 1104 a lot faster with more than 512 ram13:59
drosehow on earth do you debug this distro?13:59
dr_willismrdeb,  more ram is always good..13:59
jribdrose: #gentoo14:00
mrdebdr_willis: not always i need to know about 512 and over14:00
dr_willismrdeb,  for ubuntu - more then 512 would be a boon...14:00
droseI'm a gentoo guy with a HP netbook that won't boot *ubuntu*14:00
dipankardr_willis, I agree with that. But LDAP needs a session  to be started. I was thinking of modifying the login, so that authentication can be verified at the startup itself.14:00
drosewhich means I dunno what to do :)14:00
grydrose: what distro is the netbook running14:00
dr_willisi would say 1gb over 512 would be a big beinfit.14:00
drose11. ummm?14:01
jking2dr_willis: I just wish that if the meta package lets you install all the other packages it will let you uninstall them as well.14:01
dipankardrose, can you explain a bit.14:01
nopz___I have an rsyslog rule and I want to discard any mesasge bellow the rule, so that way it's not in /var/log/syslog. Anyone knows how to do that ?14:01
dr_willisonce you start hitting swap partition..  thats where the slow down happens.14:01
mrdebhow can it help if the system ising using more htan 200mb14:01
mrdebit has 300 free14:01
dipankardrose, what did you do last after which your computer didn't boot?14:01
dr_willisjking2,  thats the deal with meta-packages,,. its a bit of a work around a complex probolem with no good answer,.'14:01
droseit stops booting with red and white dots.14:01
dr_willismrdeb,  untill you start doing some real work14:01
sudeephi, i have a problem with ubuntu flash video player, whenever i try to play any online video like yoputube, the video runs at fast speed, and also i no sound is there, how could i rectify it please help, i am running ubuntu 11.04 , prior it was working fine, just someday this happened, i dont know why14:02
mrdebbut until then does it help or not14:02
droseif I boot in recovery mode it runs until it says that14:02
droseit's stopping the firewall14:02
dr_willismrdeb,  with yoru logic.. would it be help or not if the system has any ram at all... :)14:02
dipankardrose, which version of ubuntu? 11.04?14:02
dr_willismrdeb,  it helps running apps run smoother.. if nothing is running..14:03
Benkinoobyasdfasdfa, what was our channel again?14:03
drosemrdeb you need more than 512Mb RAM if you want to run firefox or something equally hungry.14:03
mrdebbut does ti help if you get close to 512 only or even if not14:03
dr_willisonce You hit swap partiton.. you  have just put on the breaks...14:03
droseyes i just checked14:03
mrdebthere is no swap14:03
sudeep hi, i have a problem with ubuntu flash video player, whenever i try to play any online video like yoputube, the video runs at fast speed, and also i no sound is there, how could i rectify it please help, i am running ubuntu 11.04 , prior it was working fine, just someday this happened, i dont know why14:04
dipankarsundeep, have you tried uninstalling and installing firefox again?14:04
sudeepno the problem also occurs with google chrome14:04
GeekManim trying to run clamscan using cron    i type crontab        in the editor i type 0,0,*,*,1 /usr/bin/clamscan -v -r /srv      it returns    "/tmp/crontab.eKm6SW/crontab":1: bad hour14:04
GeekManerrors in crontab file, can't install14:04
kinanodr_willis: here's the error "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libproxy/libproxy0_0.3.1-2ubuntu5_i386.deb Size mismatch14:04
kinanoFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libproxy/python-libproxy_0.3.1-2ubuntu5_all.deb Size mismatch14:04
droseif there's no swap then when you hit 511Mb RAM or so, the system will just close programs14:04
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jrib!cron | GeekMan14:04
ubottuGeekMan: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm14:04
jribGeekMan: you don't use commas...14:05
dipankardrose, so you can see the grub menu, but can't get past the boot screen, right?14:05
snkrAnybody has any idea when libreoffice 3.4 will be added to ubuntu repository?14:05
sudeepdipankar the problem also occurs in google chrome14:05
mrdebsnkr: in 1110 probably14:05
rinkukokirianyone have experience with laptop LCD display inverters?14:05
drosethanks dipankar14:05
GeekManso then i would use 0 0 * * 114:05
bazhangrinkukokiri, hardware?14:05
dr_willisclose programs.. or crash badly. :)14:05
dipankarsudeep, what about other browsers? are they behaving the same?14:06
rinkukokiribazhang, asked, they are  not responding to my question14:06
bazhangrinkukokiri, ##hardware and be patient14:06
drosenow it's changed; last text is14:06
GeekManTHANKS :P14:06
rinkukokiribazhang, ASKED and they IGNORED ME14:06
sudeepdipankar, I have chrome and firefox, both behaving like this14:06
bazhangrinkukokiri, #ubuntu-offtopic then14:06
* rinkukokiri facepalms14:07
snkrmrdeb: can i upgrade my libreofice in 10.04 from apt?14:07
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mrdebsnkr: probably14:07
drose"Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox       [OK]14:07
dipankardrose, can you check this out: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-boot-ubuntu-linux-rescue-mode/14:07
mrdebuse the ppa if u need 214:07
drosei have xp with inverters14:07
dipankardrose, I am not sure though, this option is still available on 11.0414:07
dipankarsudeep, do you have adobe flash player installed?14:08
snkrmrdeb: but the current libreoffice ppa doesn't seem to have 3.4 (it says your libreoffice is up to date)14:08
drosethere is no cdrom drive in this14:08
droseit won't boot from USB either.14:08
sudeepdipankar, yes it is installed , because the videos were running fine couple of days ago, just from yesterday this is happening, i dont understand what might have caused this14:09
mrdebsnkr: which one the ubuntu or you added the libre ppa separately14:09
drosei mean it will14:09
dipankardrose, how did you install in first place? :P14:09
drosebut it wont boot11.0414:09
drosei didn't it's not mine14:09
_ting_could anyone help me?14:09
drosebut it can boot win7 or sysrescuecd okay14:09
_ting_is in linux any limitation for the app to get a maximum virutal memory ?14:09
admgy22hi - what's in /usr/src normally?14:09
_ting_I am trying to run one app that has to process a lot of date14:10
drose_ting_ your app needs to be 64-bit to address more than, um, i forget.....14:10
snkrmrdeb: i added  the ppa with "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa" in ubuntu 10.0414:10
siavoshkc_ting_: ok14:10
droseadmgy22 source code for stuff that needs it14:10
admgy22drose: it's not where our own application's source code would be kept, is it?14:11
dipankarsudeep, can you try removing and installing adobe flash player again?14:11
drosenot usually14:11
_ting_but when the app get 920mb of memory, the app get into a unitenruptible and sync_page waiting channel14:11
drosecode that other things need14:11
sudeepdipankar hmm, ok14:11
mads-Can I make a bash script that only copies files in a directory and not the directories?14:11
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_ting_so i have some virtual memory limit?14:11
_ting_my physical memory consumption is low14:11
sudeepdipankar, i will do it , lets see14:11
drosefor example the video driver modules want the source code for the kernel.  That's where they look14:12
Guest89499where can i find the persian room14:12
bazhang#ubuntu-ir Guest8949914:12
jribmads-: sure14:12
admgy22it has this stuff in it: agentzh-headers-more-nginx-module-(numbers), masterzen-gninx-upload-progress-module(numbers) and same iwth different (numbers) nginx nginx-0.7.67 and then a lot more nginx versions, nginx_upload_module_(number) with two different numbers, and then one uwsgi-
drosemads- try not using -r14:12
admgy22would any of that be our stuff?14:12
dipankarhey, someone help me out too! :P Is there any way I bypass the default gnome login and introduce a server authentication at login?14:12
droseHow can one debug a non-booting ubuntu install?  Can I avoid loading drivers somehow?14:13
admgy22I'm looking for the code to our application on this live server14:13
jribdrose: how did you install?14:13
drosedipankar what server do you want to auth against?14:13
kinanoi get the following error when i try to upgrade to 11.0414:14
drosejrib someone else did14:14
Guest89499where is persian room14:14
kinanoFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libproxy/libproxy0_0.3.1-2ubuntu5_i386.deb Size mismatch14:14
kinanoFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libproxy/python-libproxy_0.3.1-2ubuntu5_all.deb Size mismatch14:14
kinanoany idea why?14:14
jribdrose: how did that person install?14:14
djBoLoN#ubuntu-ir Guest8949914:14
droseprobably by usb14:14
jribdrose: ask?14:14
dipankardrose, I am trying to make a central access system. So I am trying to run a script that will check the user credentials at the server end on a network, rather than on the systm14:14
OldFarterwhats up about 32bit version being recomended14:15
BlouBlouOldFarter: if you don't know what to choose, select it, so it will work in all computers14:15
jribOldFarter: if your hardware supports 64bit, use it14:15
dipankarOldFarter, most systems still have 32bit support, so 32bit recommended14:16
OldFarterwell its a new i3 m380 processor14:16
drosedipankar you mean like samba?14:16
OldFarterthis one is 64bit i think?14:16
DDDwhere is persian room?14:17
OldFarterwhat about 4gb ram with 32bit how does that work?14:17
droseHow can one debug a non-booting ubuntu install?  Can I avoid loading modules somehow?14:17
droseOF you lose some because of the video allocation, try googlr.14:18
bazhangOldFarter, with linux-generic-pae yes14:18
dipankardrose, nope. Those require to start the service. I want to send the credentials and get them checked at the server for access (where a group of large number of user credentials will be stored)14:18
PiX3LHow can I configure my Ubuntu 10.10 for supporting Home theater 2.1 support?14:18
jophish_hi all14:18
DDDwhere is persian room14:18
jophish_I'd like to use gcc 4.6 or 4.7 on ubuntu 10.0414:18
dipankardrose, I might be a bit confused myself.14:18
PiX3LHow can I configure my Ubuntu 10.10 for supporting Home theater 2.1?*14:18
bazhangddd #ubuntu-ir14:18
jophish_What's the ebst way of doing this?14:18
jophish_I'm compiling it from source at the moment14:19
ultrixxOldFarter: still there?14:19
jophish_but installing from a binary would be much better14:19
dipankarsudeep, did that work?14:19
OldFartertrying to figure out to do14:19
ultrixxOldFarter: if you have an i3 you should certainly use 64 bit if you have 4gb or more ram installed14:19
kinanoupgrade to 11.04 fails - i receive error when downloading packages (Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libproxy/libproxy0_0.3.1-2ubuntu5_i386.deb Size mismatch14:19
jophish_adding debian sid to my sources.list adds gcc4.6, btu has too many conflicts14:19
kinanoFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libproxy/python-libproxy_0.3.1-2ubuntu5_all.deb Size mismatch) can someone help please?14:19
Drake|Hey. when i run df -h I see that one of my disks are full. but even if I move files away. it still shows as full..14:20
ultrixxOldFarter: i3 can still work in 32 bit mode and will run 32 bit ubuntu of course.14:20
Drake|and i can't create even a folder cos it sais oo disk space14:20
ultrixxOldFarter: but in 32 bit mode you will not be able to address all of your memory. so in 32 bit you will see 3 or 3.5 gb ram and not more14:21
drosedrake somespaceisreserved for root14:21
OldFarterwell does ubuntu have a official mirror list14:21
OldFarteri am looking for chinese mirror14:21
droseyou can't  get it normal until it's more than 5% free14:21
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:21
ultrixxOldFarter: yes on ubuntu homepage14:21
ultrixxthere is a list14:21
OldFarterif i download from outside of china the speed is like that of dialup14:22
PiciOldFarter: Also https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors14:22
Drake|drose:  well i have moved away more than 5% and even so an other disk sais 100% usage but still have 1gb free.14:22
DDDwhere is persian room?14:22
PiX3LHow do can I configure Ubuntu 10.10 to support Home Theater 2.1 ? It works great in Windows. I want it to work in Linux as like in Windows.14:23
bazhang!ir | DDD14:23
ubottuDDD: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  ŲØŲ±Ų§ŪŒ ŁŲ§Ų±Ų³ŪŒ Ų²ŲØŲ§Ł†Ų§Ł† Ł…ŪŒā€ŒŲØŲ§Ų“ŲÆ Ś©Ł‡ Ś©Ų§Ł†Ų§Ł„ Ų±Ų³Ł…ŪŒ ŚÆŲ±ŁˆŁ‡ Ų§ŪŒŲ±Ų§Ł†ŪŒ Ų§ŁˆŲØŁˆŁ†ŲŖŁˆ Ų§Ų³ŲŖ.14:23
bazhangDDD, /join #ubuntu-ir14:23
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PiciPiX3L: Is "Home Theater 2.1" a program, or something else? Please provide more detail in your question.14:24
PiX3LPici: It's a sound system with one woofer.14:25
sudeepdipankar, rebooting the system, i will check if it works14:25
PiciPiX3L: So what exactly isn't working?14:25
drosedrake how big isd the 100% disk?14:26
droseuse df-h14:26
droseHow can one debug a non-booting ubuntu install?  Can I avoid loading modules somehow?14:26
PiX3LPici: Left right sounds works but it doesn't supports woofer. Doesn't works perfectly as it should be.14:26
Drake|drose:  1.8T14:26
jribdrose: were you able to determine how the system was installed?14:27
bobbermanIve got a problem after updating from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04. I tried installing gitolite and this happend: "No candidate version found for gitolite" any ideas?14:27
droseby default then 90Gb is reserved for root for when the disk is full14:28
droseman tune2fs and look for -m14:28
ActionParsnipdrose: add the bootoption:   modulename.blacklist=114:28
jribbobberman: so you already updated and are now on 10.04?14:28
asdjaputraBenkinooby, hey14:28
PiciPiX3L: Then it would be best to state that in your question.  You might want to check whether all your outputs are listed in your sound preferences, also running 'alsamixer' on a terminal and make sure that the proper outputs have their volumes high enough and are not muted.14:28
bobbermanjrib: yes14:28
ActionParsnipdrose: that will make modulename  not load at boot, dead handy for Nvidia video chips who don't play nice with nouveau14:28
drosebut when I reduced mine I lost data14:28
Drake|drose: I think Ive been moving more than 90Gb but ill take some extra to me sure.. ty for the help so far14:29
jribbobberman: that package does not seem to exist in lucid14:29
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droseActionParsnip how do i kjnow what module is troubblesome?14:29
droseor even if it is a module?14:29
bobbermanbut when i use "aptitude search " it finds the package14:29
drosejrib i don't care how it was installed14:29
jribdrose: I do.14:29
drosemy working theory is that either14:29
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:30
drosethe content of the hdd upsets the ubuntu flash boot14:30
OldFarterholly fk14:30
OldFarterthis download page could use some cleaning up14:30
ActionParsnipdrose: by what is causing the issue, use text booting to help. Do you get a black screen at boot?14:30
OldFartermaybe use IP geolocation to suggest mirror?14:30
droseor the firmware's messed up and the ubuntu driver's affected14:31
droseI've renamed the bc43 and bc43legacy modules.14:31
drose"Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox       [OK]14:31
drosethat's the last entry on the text screen14:32
drosebefore I renbamed the modules itwas a message about stopping the firewaLL14:32
ActionParsnipdrose: could reboot to the liveCD and rename the files in the internal partitons back14:32
=== nickbriz is now known as nckBriz
drosek hangon14:32
drosethanks btw sysresccd booting now14:33
nckBrizPerl: Anyone here know how to call javascript funtions from a page in a User Agent class?14:34
PicinckBriz: Try asking in #perl14:34
=== Jens is now known as Guest11698
_ting_could anyone point me out to the direction to understand why my app get in pseudo-sleep mode (uninteruptible -- sync_page waiting status) when it get over 900mb of memory ??14:35
=== Guest11698 is now known as jbache
_ting_it is due to the limit of memory for each app in linux?14:35
droseyou could play with the ulimit command14:36
droseman ulimit14:36
droseor find a programming channel14:36
drosemaybe ask at the stack overflowsite14:36
bazhang!enter | drose14:36
ubottudrose: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:36
* drose apologises14:36
_ting_thanks drose14:37
_ting_drose i really appreciate ur help14:37
_ting_let me check14:37
drosesometimes you finish saying something, then you think of something extra to add, sorry!14:38
_ting_(upss my appologize also ton not keep in the same line.)14:38
droseokay rebooted again.  The last line now is "Skip stopping firewall: ufw (not enabled)"14:39
ActionParsnipdrose: ok not to disasterous, is that where it stops?14:40
drosejust after init-bottom.14:40
thunder1212i want to install experimental driver in ubuntu 10.04 which provides 3d capabilities for nvidia cards i have refreshed my repos but its not coming there..14:41
bonkos_doghi also14:42
diogo_79how can i add hddtemp to the sensors-applet, the hddtemp dest appear in the sensors14:42
admgy22newbie Linux question: would "sudo cp /etc/nginx/* ." copy everything (even a directory within /etc/nginx to the working directory?14:44
Sp4rKyuse cp -r14:44
FCdllhi  i'm trying to install bitlbee    and i'm getting this error   "install: cannot stat `bitlbee': No such file or directory "14:45
PiciFCdll: How are you trying to install it?14:45
FCdlli'm following those steps " The installation of Bitlbee is fairly simple, just download the tarball from14:46
FCdllhttp://www.bitlbee.org/. Untar it into a temporary directory and change into14:46
FCdllthat directory, then run configure, then make install. Alternatively, most Linux14:46
FCdlldistributions have it packaged.14:46
FloodBot1FCdll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:46
diogo_79there has a question during install of the lm sensors but i awnser no to the daemon start of hddtemp now i dont know how can i do the configuration again14:46
droseI love parsnip.14:46
bazhangFCdll, its in the repos install from there14:46
PiciFCdll: We have it packaged.  Its in the repositories.14:47
PiciFCdll: sudo apt-get install bitlbee14:47
thunder1212 i want to install experimental driver in ubuntu 10.04 which provides 3d capabilities for nvidia cards i have refreshed my repos but its not coming there..14:47
FCdllpici  :  i have the package    downloaded from the officel site14:47
pqLhi!!   guys14:48
amalgamahi.. after the last update, i had no nautilus, neither icons on desktop. Not even a right click on desktop. I reinstalled nautilus and now i can see my folders and files, but the desktop problem persists14:48
amalgamaany ideas?14:48
ActionParsnipthunder1212: what nvidia chip do you use?14:48
PiciFCdll: Why don't you want to install it from Ubuntu's repository?14:48
ActionParsnipamalgama: try logging into the gnome classic session14:48
thunder1212ActionParsnip: 8400GS14:49
amalgamaActionParsnip: i already am in classic (not a fun of the unity thing)14:49
FCdllpici ; cause i can't get the 3.0.3 version14:49
ActionParsnipthunder1212: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     and you'll get the nvidia driver from nvidia. Is this what you desire?14:49
ActionParsnipamalgama: does it happen as all users?14:49
virgoHi, i did start play my avi movie and then closed the program, but audio still plays. How do i stop the audio?14:50
PiciFCdll: Understood, So how far did you get with the tarball from bitlbee's site?  Use a pastebin if you need to shaer a lot of text.14:50
ActionParsnipvirgo: killall pulseaudio14:50
ActionParsnipvirgo: it will restart shortly after14:50
amalgamaActionParsnip: give me a minute to check...14:50
donkeyinspaceohir , hello , remember yesterday talk about creating a fat16 boot partition, you told me to mount point at /boot but (at least in installation process) using fat16 the only mount points available are /dos and /windows although the usb live mount point is /cdrom so there must be a way to choose other mount points rather than /dos or /windows .can you help me?14:50
virgothanks ActionParsnip14:50
thunder1212ActionParsnip: no14:51
ActionParsnipthunder1212: there is nouveau and nv which can also drive the chip14:51
ActionParsnipthunder1212: are you after nouveau per chance?14:51
FCdlli will check it THx14:51
nzo_dialekmerci pour votre aide maniac14:51
thunder1212ActionParsnip: yes nouveau is installed.. i want to install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental14:52
thunder1212ActionParsnip: from the repos.. but its not there14:52
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ActionParsnipthunder1212: let me search for a ppa14:53
amalgamaActionParsnip: lol... i didnt have another user, so i tried to create one, i clicked the System>admin>users and groups, and it just wont open14:53
thunder1212ActionParsnip: ok14:53
ActionParsnipthunder1212: seems its in thelucid proposed repo14:54
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ActionParsnipamalgama: can you bring up a terminal?14:54
amalgama ActionParsnip: yeah14:54
virgoall my movies are blue with any program i open. How should i fix this?14:54
Guest93092hi all14:55
ActionParsnipamalgama: sudo adduser foo       change foo to a username you want (or you can keep foo ;))14:55
bazhangvirgo, turn off compiz?14:55
ActionParsnipvirgo: http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu14:55
thunder1212ActionParsnip: ok so if i add to my repos 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid repos' will it work14:55
=== otherBG is now known as MrWhite
ActionParsnipbazhang: its a setting, quite annoying :(14:55
thunder1212ActionParsnip: ok so if i add to my repos 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid proposed' will it work14:55
=== MrWhite is now known as MissWhite
=== MissWhite is now known as littleWhite
droseActionParsnip, any ideas? I rebooted again, the last line now is "Skip stopping firewall: ufw (not enabled)"14:56
ActionParsnipthunder1212: you can manage repos in software  centre, there is a simple tick box14:56
donkeyinspacedoes anyone know something about  boot partitions14:56
bazhangdonkeyinspace, whats the real question14:57
thunder1212ActionParsnip: but there is no lucid proposed, only lucid partner and lucid partner source14:57
wcuser0923Hi.  im trying to recover my encrypted home directory and move it to a different disk.  i can mount the disk.  after the initial setup, i was asked to set a passphrase which i didnt.  a dialog box popped up  saying the key would be stored somewhere by default, but I cant remember where, and google doesnt want to tell me.  anyone know it off the top of their head?14:57
amalgamaActionParsnip: the same problem for all users14:57
ActionParsnipamalgama: well now know its the app, not settings14:57
ActionParsnipthunder1212: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed14:58
ohirdonkeyinspace: not much time today. 1) you need to manually format your pen. partinion 1 256MB, physical 1st, at the beginning, type vfat (fat23). Next is partition 2, physical 2nd 128MB for small swap, type swap. Next is partition 3rd, physical 3rd, type linux. There will be your /14:58
amalgamaActionParsnip: any ideas?? not that i cant live with icons on desktop, but ok, no right click, no folders, irritating !14:58
Bartzy|workca      ALL=/etc/init.d/apache2 reload14:58
Bartzy|workThis line in /etc/sudoers means that the user ca can execute only /etc/init.d/apache2 reload , as root ?14:58
amalgamaActionParsnip: without*14:59
italoalguem pode me ajudar?14:59
droseamalgama I'd be happy if I had what you have, sheer luxury!14:59
italonossa, nunca entrei nisso14:59
ohirdonkeyinspace: your other option is to use grub4dos as described in plenty net howtos.14:59
italoto apanhando pra caramba14:59
Pici!br | italo14:59
ubottuitalo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:59
ActionParsnipamalgama: if you run:  nautilus -q     does it restart ok?14:59
amalgamadrose : lol.. give me yours, i ll give you mine15:00
ohirdonkeyinspace: if you do manual partitioning then in installer you need to manually type 1st partition mountpoint as /boot and the third as /15:00
ActionParsnipdrose: I've seen a few bugs with the text you give but not sure on a fix15:00
amalgamaActionParsnip: amalgama@ubuntu:~$ nautilus -q15:01
amalgamaGtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"15:01
amalgamaGLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend.  Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications.15:01
=== littleWhite is now known as riko
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:01
gry!pastebin | amalgama15:01
ubottuamalgama: please see above15:01
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=== jite is now known as otherBG
donkeyinspacebazhang , i tried to install ubuntu but when booting got stucked on motherboard logo. ohir suggested to create a boot partition in fat file system15:01
bazhang!nickspam > otherBG15:02
ubottuotherBG, please see my private message15:02
otherBGubottu:) sorry15:02
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/15:02
netsurf3amalgama, just looking through that it looks like a botched gtk theme15:02
donkeyinspaceohir , installer don t let me choose /boot mount point when using fat file system15:02
droseActionParsnip do you think I'm stuck then?15:03
ActionParsnipdrose: you're never really stuck, just may take some fixing15:03
ActionParsnipdrose: you could take ufw out of the bootup and test15:03
droseteest we see you15:03
droseAction by blacklistingit?15:04
amalgamaActionParsnip , netsurf3 : after the last update, nautilus on terminal was returning an error like gtk_ 2.x and gtk 3.x were both present and blah blah blah.. after the reinstall of nautilus, it was fixed - but not the desktop :(15:04
Ntemisi have an ubuntu server without desktop. today i was greeted with a firefox update. what i did wrong?15:04
teestthanks thats all cya15:04
Ntemisdid natty put desktop in it?15:04
jribNtemis: is firefox installed...?15:04
ActionParsnipamalgama: so you install gnome 3?15:04
PiciNtemis: Nothing, its a known problem.. Let me get you a link.15:04
NtemisPici: thanks15:05
Ntemishow i remedy this issue?15:05
Ntemisjrib: without any issues15:05
PiciNtemis: It looks like it should be fixed. Just do an apt-get update first.  See http://pad.lv/800857 for details.15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 800857 in firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "language packs pull in Firefox on upgrade" [High,Triaged]15:05
netsurf3amalgama, it sounds like something got messed up during the update and it took some part of GTK with it. there is a utility that verifies installed packages if they have changed from the originals let me see if i can find the name of it15:05
amalgamaActionParsnip: honestly.. no. I dont know if i did anything stupid by pressing a yes to any dependencies of an app, and not have checked it before or during an installation.15:06
netsurf3amalgama, its called debsums15:06
netsurf3link incoming15:07
virgomy driver window says, that the recommended driver is activated, but not in use. Is this normal?15:07
ActionParsnipamalgama: that would explain the gtk 3 bits15:07
ohirdonkeyinspace: hm.... could be, there is no softlinks on that15:07
NtemisPici: i am doing it now: apt-get update15:08
ActionParsnipvirgo: recommended driver for what?15:08
ActionParsnipvirgo: and which driver is it?15:08
amalgamaActionParsnip, netsurf3 : i see in synaptic that gnome 3 is installed. pfff.. do u think an uninstall of gnome 3 would be ok, or would it lead to more problems??15:08
virgogeforce 9500 recommended driver15:08
Ang3i'm trying to setup a OpenVPN on my Ubuntu Serv. I got some issue it won't start. Any ideas ?15:08
ohirdonkeyinspace: so follow grub4dos path or check if your box can have bios ubgraded15:08
ActionParsnipamalgama: it will need removing as well as the PPA, then you will need to manually reinstall all the gnome 2 stuff, very messy15:08
craigbass1976What's the best way to get rid of X and any window system.  I dont' know what ails this rig, and I'm sick of trying to fix it.  I started off with a lubuntu install, but new monitor wouldn't work properly with it.  Installed GNOME (and gdm) and things were fine until an update yesterday.15:09
ActionParsnipamalgama: gnome 3 is not stable in ubuntu15:09
NtemisPici: now what?15:09
Ntemishow i fix this?15:09
droseah this is a waste of time15:09
PiciNtemis: Did you actually install firefox?15:09
Ntemisapt-get purge firefox?15:09
Ntemisyes :(15:09
ohirdonkeyinspace: most modern bioses can boot pen as usb-hdd (selected usually in [boot options] menu of bios)15:09
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: uninstall xorg and the rest will be autoremoved. You will then boot to a CLI system15:09
droseI can't fix this guy's netbook15:09
PiciNtemis: Yes, apt-get purge firefox15:09
craigbass1976ActionParsnip: thanks.  That's what Im booting to now anyway.  :)15:10
amalgamaActionParsnip: plus to that, i am running a wubi installation...15:10
netsurf3hmmm amalgama you should be able to find out what you installed by looking in the /var/log/dpkg.log15:10
ActionParsnipamalgama: thats fine, its still not stable. I'd just reinstall then restore user data from backup. Then stay away from gnome315:10
ohirdonkeyinspace: I really can not help you more, as I haven't cope with box that cannot boot pen for very long time15:10
NtemisPici: thanks autoremove worked, am back on track15:11
craigbass1976ActionParsnip: gdm is still in /etc.  Should I have purged?  I want a fresh slate15:11
PiciNtemis: great.  I accidentally did the same thing on my server yesterday.15:11
Ntemisand 200mb space gain ;)15:11
amalgama ActionParsnip, netsurf3 : thanx for your help ppl.. really useful.. love irc :))15:11
thunder1212ActionParsnip: it did not work..15:11
NtemisPici: will it put in for update again?15:12
donkeyinspaceohir , ok , appreciated , you gave me enough tips to be busy for some time15:12
ohirdonkeyinspace: you may check how grub4dos pen works installing i.e. puppylinux15:12
PiciNtemis: No, it won't. the bug was fixed.15:13
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: yeah:  sudo apt-get --purge remove xorg; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove15:13
NtemisPici: will it update those packages gain if i run apt-get update?15:13
PiciNtemis: Nope.15:13
ActionParsnipNtemis: nicec gain :)15:13
Ntemisok thanks again pici15:13
ohirdonkeyinspace: or just use live pen with persistent config as described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:13
Ntemisshould i run pat-get clean after that?15:14
donkeyinspaceohir , dont know where to choose now   : )15:14
Ntemisok fixed!15:15
Ntemisthanks alot guys15:15
Ntemisover and out15:15
ittyThi there, ive installed a programm with wine and later deinstalled. Problem is, that the icon of the program is still located in the dash(ubuntu 11.04) could any1 explain me please how to get rid of the icon?15:16
DJHenjinis it possible to install a GUI onto ubuntu 11.04 server?15:18
thunder1212i even tried downloading the indicidual pckages from net but theres always some conflict or the other15:18
ActionParsnipittyT: look in ~/.config/menus15:18
PantsuittyT: look for it in  ~/.local/share/applications/15:18
ActionParsnipittyT: I believe there is a menu item which gets integrated there.15:18
soupermichaelcan i send to channel?15:19
DJonessoupermichael: We can see your messages15:19
ltaverneWhen copying a file from a cd-r I get "Error splicing file: input/output error" ubuntu 10.0415:19
BenkinoobyDJHenjin, sure https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI15:19
DJHenjinthank you Benkinooby15:19
BenkinoobyDJHenjin, np15:19
BenkinoobyDJHenjin, was the first hit on googling "X on ubuntu server" ...15:20
ittyTthx, will try that @guys15:20
=== chat is now known as Guest28755
Guest28755anyone there?15:21
ltaverneWhen copying a file from a cd-r I get "Error splicing file: input/output error" ubuntu 10.0415:21
ActionParsnipDJHenjin: if you wanted a desktop OS, why didn't you just install the desktop OS?15:21
SystemDefault0Guest28755: Hi, how may I help you?15:21
PantsuGuest28755: nope, noone is here15:21
DJHenjinActionParsnip because its for a server15:21
PantsuGuest28755: I would suggest changing your nick btw15:21
ittyTGuest28755,  just ask15:21
Guest28755hi I would appreciate some assistance for ubuntu15:21
ubottuMost of us don't speak American Sign Language; please try English instead. āœŒ15:22
ActionParsnipDJHenjin: maybe but the whole idea of server is to be desktopless15:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:22
ittyTGuest28755,  try /nick yourname15:22
ActionParsnipDJHenjin: you can install any of the server apps on the desktop OS15:22
thunder1212plz tell me how can i manually install the experimental drivers for nvidia..15:22
Guest28755ok the windows navigation bar only shows arrows now on ubuntu15:22
Guest28755it used to show the previous folders as images15:22
DJHenjinif a person installs X on the server they can start it or stop it when they want right? like it wont come up on boot until you start it?15:22
Pantsuthunder1212: you can find the beta drivers in ppa15:22
SystemDefault0thunder1212: Manually? "hy?15:22
Guest28755so that i could just click on the previous folder to access them15:22
Pantsuthunder1212: don't install them manually, just use ppa15:22
SystemDefault0thunder1212: Why?15:22
Guest28755how can I restore that15:23
thunder1212Pantsu: how?15:23
ActionParsnipthunder1212: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/nouveau; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau15:23
=== eights is now known as Guest63022
thunder1212SystemDefault: bcoz its not there in the repos15:23
virgoare the nvidia drivers version 173 newer than the recommended second option from aditional driver list ?15:23
ActionParsnipDJHenjin: sure with a boot option15:23
Pantsuvirgo: 173xx is only for nvidia 5xxx cards15:23
thunder1212ActionParsnip: ok am trying now ..15:24
ActionParsnipthunder1212: the build is 7 days old :)15:24
Guest28755the navigation bar used to show previous folders back to back so i could just click on them but not anymore15:24
Guest28755now i have to use the back and forth arrows15:24
Guest28755how do i restore that15:24
Guest28755where do i go in system settings15:25
ActionParsnipthunder1212: I recommend you remove the ppa after or it will upgrade xorg to the bleeding edge version15:25
thunder1212ActionParsnip: ok15:25
Pantsuthunder1212: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas15:26
bz-honhi, i've a question. i want to install ubuntu on my netbook but i want that the installation files for windows will retain. but when i try to delete drives manually  it doesnt works. any solution for why i can't keep the windwos setup on drive?15:27
Pantsubz-hon: define "doesn't work"15:28
boshausubuntu restarted and is having problems mounting some of the folders.. when I boot up ti says disk drive for / is not ready yet or present. I can press "m" for manual recovery and see my whole filesystem so i imagine something is just pointed wrong15:28
boshausany idea where I"d go to fix that?15:29
boshausdoens't seem to be /etc/fstab15:29
=== adrian is now known as Guest11048
dr_Willis_ / is in fstab15:29
BluesKajbz-hon, use the partition editor to create ext4 partiton for ubuntu15:29
dr_Willis_could be hd is slow to spinup15:30
boshausits a new sata drive, even if I tell it to wait it hangs up.. if I say skip then it complains about /tmp etc which isn't in fstab15:30
=== Guest63022 is now known as baytes
toxic8I just switched my desktop to classic, from Unity on Natty. What is "classic" exactly - KDE? GNOME?15:30
Picitoxic8: GNOME 2.x15:30
toxic8Pici: thank you, like it MUCH better :]15:31
dr_Willis_ / tmp is on /15:31
bz-honhi, i've a question. i want to install ubuntu on my netbook but i want that the installation files for windows will retain. but when i try to delete drives manually  it doesnt works. any solution for why i can't keep the windwos setup on drive?15:31
dr_Willis_so could be / is somehow wrong  but the system does boot?15:31
boshausI can hit m for manual mode and it throws me in as root and I can see the filesystem15:32
boshausbut its not actually booting15:32
boshausfstab points to /dev/sda1 which is right..15:33
lachfomeHowto listen lasfm with banshee15:33
boshausah, its a maintenance shell it says15:33
diogo_79i have install ubuntu 10.04 for development of web sites is this a good choice15:33
boshausoh, it says root file system check failed now, i'll google aorund and see where that gets me15:33
diogo_79my tools are apache php mysql15:34
dr_Willis_boshaus: fsck the filesystem15:34
diogo_79the problem is to test the web site in diferent browsers15:34
diogo_79what are using to accomplish that?15:34
ubottuies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, donā€™t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!15:35
ittyTActionParsnip & Pantsu: thank you guys very much. Got rid of it :)15:35
diogo_79i am going to try ies4linux15:36
virgoi wasnt able to get the blue video fixed. I did reinstall nvidia drivers and did the settigs from the website.15:37
=== szal_ is now known as szal
Ridderscan I install a normal version of ubuntu and not the server edition if I was to run Amanda backup server on it?15:39
Guest28755hi does anyone use 11.0415:40
Guest28755who here has ubuntu 11.04 and can help me????15:40
sipiorRidders: yep15:40
dr_Willis_Ridders:  should work15:40
=== Pantsu is now known as RedRobot
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:40
Guest28755how do i restore the folder puzzle navigation tool?15:41
thunder1212ActionParsnip: i have nouveau already installed..15:41
dr_Willis_folder puzzle?15:42
GravIs it necessary to have a swap partition for ubuntu and how large should it be?15:42
dr_Willis_Grav:  good idea of ay least ram id you want to suspend15:42
sipiorGrav: generally, for optimum memory usage, you'll want a swap partition roughly equal in size to the amount of installed ram.15:43
Guest28755i can no longer click on the folder images on may navigation bar to get to the previous folder15:43
Guest28755i can only use the back arrow and forward arrow15:43
Guest28755the folders i have entered dont line up like puzzle pieces on the navigation bar15:44
Guest28755do u see what i am talking about?15:44
Guest28755what is that feature called15:44
z3rohello everyone15:44
Riddersdoes the canonical support offer product buying advice, in regards to servers etc?15:44
z3roanyone can help me ?15:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:45
sipiorRidders: you'd have to ask them, i guess. there is a hardware compatibility list available at the website.15:45
* phill testing me15:45
BluesKaj!server | Ridders15:45
ubottuRidders: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server15:45
=== carlo is now known as Guest77790
donkeyinspaceGuest28755 , i guess you are using unity , restart and choose ubuntu classic at login screen15:46
Guest28755at login?15:46
=== grekkos is now known as Guest90638
donkeyinspaceGuest28755 , yes in the bottom bar15:47
InfiniteSetHello, I was trying ubuntu the other day, and the sound and graphics weren't the best, it seemed all fuzzy and low-quality. Is there a way to fix that?15:47
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".15:47
PiciGuest28755: You mean the breadcrumbs of what folders that you are in? Like this; http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4089/4962141603_32e2f23c77.jpg ?15:48
z3roi already install IDS and have that alert.log file15:48
z3rohow can i alert that file automatic in ubuntu..15:48
z3roi means, create using echo command to be autorun15:48
z3roand will be alert if IDS detect the something..15:48
FloodBot1z3ro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
donkeyinspaceGuest28755 , follow ubottu tips a few lines above15:48
DamnSoGooDis there any available app to convert video/audio into other formats?15:49
InfiniteSetHello, I was trying ubuntu the other day, and the sound and graphics weren't the best, it seemed all fuzzy and low-quality. Is there a way to fix that?15:49
dr_Willis_DamnSoGooD:  several15:49
Gravdr_Willis_, sipior: I'haven't created swap partition when i installed system and now I see ubuntu can't manage memory. I got 2gb ram and system freezes always when it's full. And it's getting full fast. It's never cleared. I know there is probably nothing that can be done about it.15:49
DamnSoGooDwhat is it doc?15:49
thunder1212ActionParsnip: u want me to install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau?15:50
dr_Willis_DamnSoGooD:  winff. ffmpeg. mencoder. avidea ?. and probrtly more15:50
dr_Willis_search the repos15:50
DamnSoGooDdr_Willis: are they executables? or have GUI?15:50
phillTrying to use Network Manager to setup a vpn connection. Get connection failed. How do I check the log for more info?15:50
BluesKaj!my > z3ro15:50
ubottuz3ro, please see my private message15:50
dr_Willis_Grav:  make a swap file15:50
dr_Willis_DamnSoGooD:  yes to both counts..15:51
louis_Hi, anyone experienced this bug? : when I login to unity gives me the side dock if I go to the yop bar there is basic menu. ie. places... help. but if I start an app lets say terminal then after i close terminal the name of the app stays in top bar. always and any app.15:51
sipiorGrav: linux can manage memory just fine, but it will kill processes to satisfy memory needs. memory is generally not "cleared" in modern operating systems, simply replaced by new cached material. adding a swap file is pretty easy, though, and will give your system quite a bit more room to maneuver.15:51
DamnSoGooDGrav: you must make a swap partition because it also serves as RAM between mounted volumes15:51
sipiorGrav: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq15:52
InfiniteSetRayKar: ...15:52
loliconis there anybody using a lenovo thinkpad Edge E520/E420?15:52
louis_i use lenovo thinkpad t510 :)15:53
DamnSoGooDRayKay: it's a gay porn standalone flashvideo15:53
BluesKajlolicon, just ask your question15:53
DamnSoGooDplease kick RayKay he is not suitable here15:53
loliconBluesKaj: I'm planning to buy a E520 and I want to know about the compatible problems. especially the switchable graphics cards feature. 15:55
InfiniteSetI was just wondering but is LibreOffice compatiable with Microsoft Word?15:55
dr_Willis_swithcable gfx cards are nit well supported yet15:56
tarzeauInfiniteSet: more or less, yes15:56
GravOk i will try to make a swap file. I was just wondering I have never run out of memory on windows, having many process in background, or playing games. And ubuntu can crash when i have firefox opened few hours and try to open another process. Don't know why it's happening on ubuntu.15:56
tarzeauInfiniteSet: the problems are not exact same rendering, if you miss fonts you miss them..15:56
louis_an other problem... I use ubuntu classic theme because the unity gives troubles. but in classic i resize a window and at the top left corner a black square appears. and grows as i resize. and covers the top bar.15:56
RedRobotInfiniteSet: mostly15:57
InfiniteSettarzeau, RedRobot: Mostly? What things are not compatiable with it?15:57
BluesKajlolicon, there is a solution , but it involves using the performance setting for most effects , you may not like it . That's all I know about it15:57
tarzeauInfiniteSet: rendering can be a problem, you don't have wordart15:57
tarzeauInfiniteSet: many small things like that.15:57
RedRoboteg some of the drm/security crud, and embedded activex and other horrible things15:58
RedRobotmostly things you don't want to use anyway15:58
tarzeauRedRobot: ms word and the other products from office are horrible15:58
InfiniteSetOkay haha, alright Thanks15:58
RedRobotI prefer latex when writing anything non-trivial15:58
BluesKaj!pm | lolicon15:59
ubottulolicon: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:59
loliconBluesKaj: what about AMD ?15:59
voozeI'm setting up, ubuntu server, should i use LVM (i have 3 x 2TB HD's) ?15:59
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:00
dr_Willis_i find it more hassle then its worth  lvm16:00
BluesKajlolicon, it has to do with the graphics gpus on the laptop more than the cpu16:01
dr_Willis_but yoir needa mau differ16:01
RedRobotvooze: remember that a default lvm2 setup is like raid0, lose a disk and _all_ the data is gone16:01
voozeokay dr_willis its just a NAS server, so i guess without is fine16:01
RedRobotvooze: I would suggest an extra disk and software raid616:01
RedRobotasuming performance is not critical16:02
craigbass1976ok, wits end...  I removed all traces of X, reinstalled thatand GNOME, and still land at a text login.  /var/log/Xorg.0.log says, among other things, no screens found.  It also says (I think this is particularly funny) Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information...16:02
voozeRedRobot: if i buy one more disk, and setup RAID6, how much data will i have then?16:02
dr_Willis_craigbass1976:  video card is?16:03
craigbass1976dr_willis nvidia Ibelieve16:03
craigbass1976dr_willis things worked until an update yesterday16:03
RedRobotvooze: 4tb16:04
RedRobotvooze: raid6 is n-2, raid5 is n-116:04
virgois it possible to increase sound volume more than 100%? i think i have looked everywhere and there is 100% but still not strong enough16:04
loliconBluesKaj: it's acceptable to switch graphics cards in the bios. but the integated card can't be disabled in E520. Will it be any problem?16:05
RedRobotbut with raid5, it is not unlikely to get data corruption or a disk loss while you are rebuilding from a single disc failure16:05
RedRobotit can literally take days to rebuild a large raid5 array16:05
RedRobotvirgo: some apps allows you to do it, eg using softvol in mplayer16:05
dr_Willis_virgo:  vlc can16:06
z3ro@BluesKaj : can you help me ask my question16:06
virgohaha, thing with vlc is it shows me blue viedo :(16:06
mtec007looking for a virtual machine that doesnt have to modify the kernel. the kernel i am using, the source isnt available16:06
dr_Willis_virgo:  try other cid16:07
sudokillvirgo, ur better off using an amp or something. i use a mini hifi for pc speakers. otherwise ud get massive distortion16:07
dr_Willis_vid out options n vlc16:07
loliconBluesKaj: E520 uses a strange policy on switchable graphics cards. that' s why i ask who are using it.16:07
craigbass1976dr_willis everything I'm finding on setting up nvidia and so forth explains how to do it from the GUI.16:09
szalcraigbass1976: setting up nVidia from the terminal is a no-brainer -> sudo apt-get install $nvidia [replace w/ actual pkg name; don't want to look that up now ;)], sudo nvidia-xconfig, reboot16:10
ArmyMan007hello... i can't play anything using my laptop's built-in speakers. can anyone please help me out?16:13
ArmyMan007meaning i don't have any sound coming out of my laptop's built-in speakers16:13
BluesKajlolicon, what brand is the E520?16:13
virgoaha, when i use vdpa output driver for video, the blue faces are gone :)16:14
szal!audio | ArmyMan00716:14
ubottuArmyMan007: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:14
UfonautasHey! I have Slow WiFi problem, anybody can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10971968#post10971968 (last post016:14
PythonSnakei'm trying to get ubuntu16:14
Sub_ZeroEvery so often bits of either the bottom or top panels have a chuck go missing from them http://i.imgur.com/22SBc.png Anyone seen this before?16:14
loliconBluesKaj: lenovo thinkpad edge e52016:14
PythonSnakeis 11.04 or 10.10 better?16:14
sudokillPythonSnake, download it from their website16:14
ArmyMan007szal: won't help, already looked at it16:14
PythonSnakesudokill: 10 or 11 is better16:14
sudokillPythonSnake, 11.04 has newer kernel etc16:15
sudokillgo for 11.0416:15
sudokillu can use the classic interface to make it look like 10.1016:15
Snake__Hi guys16:15
PythonSnakeis 11.04 buggy?16:15
Sub_ZeroOne thing I don't like about 11.04 is unity. The file menu is on your top panel and your scroll bar disappears. I much prefer metacity.16:15
PythonSnakeHi Snake__16:15
Ufonautas11.04 is buggy with Ati Catalyst Drivers16:16
sudokillPythonSnake, i did have problems with 11.04 but theyre probably fixed now was when it was very first released16:16
PiciUfonautas: It works fine for me.16:16
ArmyMan007can anyone help me please?16:16
UfonautasPici, have you tried clean install?16:16
Snake__what do you guys think of women not being there for their children and becoming like men16:16
sudokillPythonSnake, just try 11.04 see what happens16:16
PythonSnakeI use intel graphics16:16
kdogFirefox in 10.10 is messing up the screen buffer on other workspaces. It seems to be flash banner ads. Anyone else come across this?16:16
Pici!ot | Snake__16:16
ubottuSnake__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:16
PiciUfonautas: It was an upgrade.16:16
nickkontoshello, I have an onboard intel audio card and just out of nowhere I have no sound. on sound preferences I only see a dummy output. ubuntu 11.04, intel N10/ICH 7 Family hda audio16:17
blkdghi, has anyone here used user agent switcher + ubuntu + firefox?16:17
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sudokillPythonSnake, ur better off using the newest kernel for intel graphics16:17
Sub_ZeroEvery so often bits from either the bottom or top panels have a chuck go missing from them. http://i.imgur.com/22SBc.png Anyone seen this before?16:17
blkdgthanks anyhow16:17
PythonSnakeok thx16:18
sudokillSub_Zero, graphics problem?16:18
UfonautasAnybody know fix for slow Broadcom Wifi?16:18
jbwivguys, is there any open equivalent to landscape?16:19
sudokilltry osalt.com or alternativeto16:19
sudokillidk what landscape is16:19
miguel29hello there...16:20
Picisudokill: You don't need to answer if you don't know anything about the issue.16:20
miguel29I installed ubuntu and need to install some virtualization so I can run win xp into it...16:20
sudokilltheyre useful sites for open source alternatives16:20
obscurant1sti am doing scrub to a 160GB harddisk. approximately how much time it will take?16:20
sudokillmiguel29, install virtualbox16:21
miguel29I am new to linux and don't know how to install any software16:21
Ufonautasmiguel20, Try Ubuntu Software center and search for VirtualBox16:22
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Picijbwiv: You can use something like puppet to perform the tasks that landscape would provide for you.16:22
miguel29sudokill: I downloaded it and tried to install it....  but when I double clicked it then it did not install anything....16:22
sudokillim not sure if u need ppa for it16:22
Picijbwiv: Or ask for other alternatives in #ubuntu-server16:22
sudokillmiguel29, its not like windows16:22
miguel29The thing is that I need a solution to install in a computer off line16:22
miguel29this computer has no internet connection at the moment16:22
sudokillwill it ever have an internet connection?16:23
miguel29sudokill:  how can I run and install it?16:23
sudokillif not ull have a hard time16:23
Ufonautasmigue129 http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads Download .deb and copy it via Usb or somehow to your Ubuntu machine16:23
miguel29sudokill: it will, the thing is that I use a 3G dongle and my limit has come to an end this month... I have to wait till the 2nd july16:23
sudokillah ok16:24
miguel29Ufonautas: thank you...16:24
sudokilli think on the virtualbox u can download deb file if u doubleclick it it should come up in software centre to install16:24
miguel29what is the difference between i386   and AMD64?16:24
sudokillbasically 32 but or 6416:24
miguel29oh ok16:25
RedRobotmiguel29: just use aptitude or apt-get16:25
sudokillhe has no internet tho16:25
miguel29I would like to, but it is not a solution at the moment...   no internet connection16:25
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sudokillmiguel, can u not connect the cable to whatever comp ur using now just to install it?16:26
miguel29I also noticed that on my 'connections'   it does not show the available wireless connections.....  how do I ennable it?16:26
miguel29sudokill: I can't as i am using an internet cafe   just to download the right files and get info16:27
RedRobotmiguel29: you can download the .deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:27
RedRobotand just move them over using a usb stick or whatever and then install16:27
virgochoosing digital output enables increase volume over 100%16:28
UfonautasAnybody have ideas why Broadcom Wifi is super slow? (500b/s instead of 1,5mb/s download speed)16:29
vyveaHello, how to fix this? You don't have permission to access /folder/ on this server. (Apache)16:29
miguel29RedRobot: ok, thank you    I downloaded the first one in the list :  http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads16:29
RedRobotmiguel29: get the .deb from the ubuntu package archive instead16:29
Ufonautasvyvea i'm not sure, but sudo chown /folder yourusername.yourusername16:30
miguel29redrobot, what is the difference?    this one is a .deb file too   :S16:30
craigbass1976szal: what package is nvidia-xconfig part of?  I've no such command, and have installed what I thought were all the nvidia packages I needed.16:30
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szalcraigbass1976: nvidia-current: /usr/lib/nvidia-current/bin/nvidia-xconfig16:31
RedRobotcraigbass1976: use nvidia-settings instead,16:32
miguel29How can i enable the wireless connection broadcasting in Ubuntu?16:33
miguel29like, to see the available wireless connections16:33
woutervddnhey guys I was trying to get activity journal to work in 11.04 but after I installed it, I tried to open it and no succes16:34
miguel29RedRobot, sudokill, ufonautas: thank you for the help16:34
firebusjust installed 11.04 on a new thinkpad t420, and i'm getting random kernel panic/crashes. how do i go about troubleshooting the issue? would an older version, or 32-bit kernel be more stable?16:35
RedRobotfirebus: highly unlikely, in fact, old kernels won't work at all because of the new chipset16:35
woutervddn@firebus I use the previous kernel aswel.. it's stuck on boot with the new one :)16:35
woutervddn*as well16:35
RedRobot.36 iirc is the oldest you can use on that laptop16:36
zvacet!ask | Cautex16:36
ubottuCautex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:36
szalzvacet: slowness is slow, eh?! ;)16:37
firebusRedRobot - but does that mean i need to use 11.04? i'm wondering if 10.xx would be more stable? but that's just a stab in the dark...is there any good way to figure out what's causing the crashes?16:37
RedRobotfirebus: most likely too old to work16:37
zvacetszal:   ?   :o16:37
nickkontosplease, any help, ubuntu 11.04, no sound card detected, had same version installed in the morning and worked out-of-the-box (sound card onboard intel  N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio), already followed documentation with no results16:38
RedRobotfirebus: and no need to install an outdated ubuntu version just to try an older kernel16:38
szalzvacet: [17:34:28] <-- Cautex has left this server (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 5.0/20110615151330]).16:38
firebusRedRobot: sure, but i don't know yet if it's really a kernel problem, or a driver issue, or some other piece of software in the distro :(16:38
zvacetszal: I didnĀ“t saw tnx and you are right IĀ“m slow16:39
jbwivPici, ok, thanks16:39
firebusRedRobot: thanks for the feedback!16:39
craigbass1976RedRobot: as in nvidia-settings -r, or something else?16:40
szalcraigbass1976: are you sure you didn't fall victim to a typo?16:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:40
RedRobotcraigbass1976: just run it with no args, tweak the settings as you like and then save the config16:41
testosin!help: I suddenly have no sound. In the sound preferences program says I don't have any application playing or recording audio. If I open rythmbox, and try to play a song, the song stays in 0:00 and does not move on. The sound was working good minutes ago. Is there a way to restart the sound, alsa restart or something like that?16:43
ubottutestosin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:43
roobterhi all16:43
roobterrussia ?16:43
Pici!ru | roobter16:44
ubotturoobter: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠµŃ‚ŠøтŠµ #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:44
nickkontostestosin, i think there's something going on with an update... I have the same problem.16:44
testosinI did not update16:45
testosinalso, Im on an old linux mint. so its use lucid packages that have almost no updates16:45
nickkontostestosin, well, then it's just a coincidence16:45
DamnSoGooDdo we have a download accelerator for chromium?16:47
Picitestosin: We do not support Mint here. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:47
testosinok. Pici , but its basically the same xd16:49
ittyTwhen i start the first time my fresh installed ubuntu 11.04 it asks me if i want to encrypt my home directory. since im using a lvm with dm crypt, is there a chance to get rid of the other seperate home encryption?16:49
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craigbass1976RedRobot: when I run it with no arguments though, I'm told to run it with --help16:51
RedRobotcraigbass1976: uhm, not normal16:52
DamnSoGooDdr_willis: sad to say but i didn't find an app that will convert a video file to my desired formats, they only have so called presets16:52
RedRobotcraigbass1976: you are running it from inside X right?16:52
craigbass1976RedRobot: no.  X won't start16:52
RedRobotcraigbass1976: post your xorg log and startx &> foo.log in a sane pastebin then16:53
chriscohenhi there - i have a server running 9.04 with apache2 and openssl 0.9.8g - looking to update to a more modern version of openssl, but not really sure what i should be doing - is there any info on how i'd go about this?16:53
Guest99752I just messed up my 2 months old ubuntu installation, it does not boot. What I did was removing the nvidia 270 drivers already installed by ubuntu package manager in order to install nvidia 260 script drivers from the nvidia site. I tried everything, from booting into recovery mode to failsafeX, but it freezes without giving me any change to log in. I also tried to manually do an apt-get purge nvidia* and a apt-get insta16:54
Guest99752ll nvidia-current but it didn't work:  Now all I get right after splash is a deep freeze.16:54
deucephow can I get grep to match an exact string in a file I have tried grep -w "this is the string" *16:55
deucepbut I can never get an exact match for only that string16:55
pietr101Hello, how to configure priority for tcp ports in ubuntu?16:55
sipiorpietr101: sorry, what do you mean by that, exactly?16:56
miguel29how to enable wireless in ubuntu 1116:56
miguel29wireless connection16:56
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RedRobotmiguel29: depends on your wifi card16:57
pietr101sipior: hello. for example give tcp22 (sshd) high priority, so it will run fast even under high network load16:57
craigbass1976RedRobot: http://pastebin.com/aM32UB5U  I don't see datestamps in there; it was 11:54 my time right after I did a sudo startx16:57
pietr101when i download a file (via http protocol) from my ubuntu box, then ssh has a long response time16:58
miguel29RedRobot: sorry, my question wasn't very specific...   I managed to install the wireless card...  however I would like to enable the functionality to view the available connections16:58
Ampelbeindeucep: what happens and what do you expect to happen?16:58
sipiorpietr101: what you're referring to is generally known as "Quality of Service" (QoS).16:58
RedRobotcraigbass1976: I can't open pastebin.com and wouldn't if I could. I don't like ads, specially not ads with js exploits etc16:59
RedRobotcraigbass1976: also, do not run X as root, that's rather unsafe and silly16:59
sipiorpietr101: might be useful as a place to start: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=799016:59
deucepAmpelbein: I get a list of filenames but most of them do not contain the search string I am looking for they all match only part of the string17:00
pietr101sipior: thank you man. I will take a look at it :D17:00
miguel29how can I enable the functionality to view the available wireless connections in ubuntu 11.0417:00
Guest99752miguel29 do you have a wireless icon near the clock?17:00
craigbass1976RedRobot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/631264/17:00
Guest99752click it,17:01
Guest99752it should show the available connections17:01
miguel29guest997552:  yes, but when I click it, there are no connections....only the availability to create a new one17:01
ittyTwhen i start my 11.04 the first time it asked my if i want to encrypt my home dir. which encryption is that ? cryptsetup? wanna get rid of it17:01
Faustus2anyone know of a workaround for usb3 problem in ubuntu 11.04, where the disk does not seem to be detected, also my system freezes! might be  Bug #775543 ... (works when i blacklist xhci_hcd, but then only as usb2)17:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775543 in linux (Ubuntu) "xhci_hcd: Timeout while waiting for a slot - Issue with USB3 hard disk on 11.04 x86_64" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77554317:01
Guest99752miguel29, sorry then, I can't help17:01
miguel29Guest99752:   hehe...   ok... thanks anyway17:02
jbwivI have a directory in which both user1 and user2 can write. When either user writes to that directory, I want the file to take on ownership of user1. how should this be accomplished?17:02
ZajjkoIs there a special channel for issues regarding upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 (server)?17:03
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PiciZajjko: #ubuntu-server exists.17:03
ZajjkoPici: Thanks17:04
llutzjbwiv: sudo chown user1 dir/ && sudo chmod u+s dir/17:04
Guest99752can't anyone help me yet? How can I recover my ubuntu installation if I can't boot after a failed nvidia driver installation? failsafeX do not work, it simply freezes and I can't even use that low graphics mode. Anyone?17:04
Ampelbeindeucep: can you paste your file to paste.ubuntu.com?17:04
deucepAmpelbein: I have files that are reports generated with a standard file name so multiple reports are under a filename that does not describe the actual type of report but there is the report type listed as a string in each file, my goal is to use grep to search for the string and then move the files and rename them accordingly17:04
RedRobotcraigbass1976: doesn't look like you have the nvidia driver installed17:05
RedRobotcraigbass1976: [  1043.481] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)17:05
deucepAmpelbein: Can't do because the data contained within17:05
jbwivllutz, I want this to happen automatically when new files are created in the directory17:06
deucepjpds: Are you using samba?17:06
deucepjbwiv: are you using samba17:06
jpdsdeucep: No.17:06
Ampelbeindeucep: I guess your pattern needs to be more strict if you find more files than expected.17:06
jbwivdeucep, no17:06
llutzjbwiv: yes, you have to modify the dir in the way shown above17:06
deucepjpds: Mistell sorry about that17:06
llutzjbwiv: man chmod "SETUID AND SETGID BITS"17:07
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jbwivllutz, ah, so is +s sticky bit?17:07
jbwivllutz, ok, i'll take a look at that. thanks17:07
Ampelbeindeucep: but without actual data it's hard to tell. maybe -F is what you are looking for?17:07
ZajjkoJust upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and now the system halts during boot (during or after Stopping System V runlevel compatibility)17:07
ZajjkoI never get an <OK> prompt on that line17:07
ZajjkoStarting grub-loader, booting to rescue-mode and choosing resume normal boot works though17:07
llutzjbwiv: sticky-bit is "t"17:08
llutzwon't help here17:08
jbwivllutz, hm...that doesn't seem to work. (the chmod u+s). both files still show the original creator, not user117:08
llutzjbwiv: let user2 create a file17:09
jbwivllutz, yes, I have. and ls -l shows user2 as owner.17:10
jbwivdirectory: drwsrwx--- 2 audit  mot    4096 Jun 23 12:08 aa17:10
admgy22hi, what is /var/log/btmp supposed to be please?17:10
jbwivllutz, each file created by user2 remains user2-owned, even through I've chown'd the dir to user1 and chmod u+s17:10
deucepAmpelbein: Can I PM you?17:11
Ampelbeindeucep: sure17:11
llutzjbwiv:  argh, sry. setuid won't work on linux, only setgid.17:11
jbwivllutz, hmm...ok. setgid might be enough17:11
markamberanyone here really good with svg graphics, I am having a problem, and I was wondering how two (non inkscape) svgs could be different17:11
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markamberbasically one svg works in a game that I am making and one does not17:12
lnghi! how do I get wifi access points listed?17:12
CoverSlideiwlist scanning17:14
RedRobotiwlist <interface> scanning17:14
ZajjkoAny idea on boot halting on or after "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility" (directly after starting apache2)17:15
lngRedRobot: I have 'wlan0 Failed to read scan data : Network is down'17:16
RedRobotlng: ifconfig wlan0 up17:17
RedRobotthen try again17:17
craigbass1976RedRobot: well, I give up.  I've spent more time on this now than it would have taken to just start over.  Thanks fir helping though.17:18
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lngRedRobot: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill17:22
RedRobotlng: rfkill unblock all17:23
sarkishey guys, curious on how you guys got inconsolata looking good on ubuntu 11.04?17:23
lngRedRobot: same error17:23
sarkisi just added the autohinting via .fonts.conf17:24
RedRobotlng: check the hw kill button then17:24
RedRobotlng: actually, run rfkill list  and see the status of the device17:24
sarkisyou guys using inconsolata medium? bold?17:24
ittyTlng: is this a laptop?17:24
lngRedRobot: mmt17:24
RedRobotif it's hw blocked or just sw blocked17:24
ittyTif yes, TURN ON wlan @bios17:24
ittyTotherwise ull get this error17:24
RedRobotprobably enabled in the bios but soft or hw blocked17:25
Mandrewhello i have installed the proprietary drivers on my nvidia 79oo gto graphics card but now i can get passed were i choose the kernal, any ideas?17:25
RedRobottfkill will tell you which17:25
ittyTwas wondering here on my system too, found the adapter with iwconfig, but no chance to get it up17:25
lngRedRobot: what's 'hw kill button'?17:25
ittyThad to turn it on @bios17:25
RedRobotlng: fancy switch to enable/disable the wifi17:25
shafiredo you use apt-get or aptitude? :(17:26
Guest99752how can I fix a non-booting ubuntu installation after a graphical driver mess-up?17:26
lngRedRobot: found it17:26
carlosve_ucvyou can use any...17:26
voozeIn debian i used to run fdisk -l, to show harddrives etc.. what is command in ubuntu?17:26
llutzvooze: sudo fdisk -l17:26
voozellutz: ah, just forgot sudo, thx;)17:27
carlosve_ucvapt-get is just a other interface17:27
lngRedRobot: I have exited IRSSI - what was the command to list wlan access points once again please17:27
ittyTRedRobot: maybe you know which encryption tool will be used when u login the first time in ubuntu 11.04? it asked me if i want to encrypt  my home dir17:27
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:27
Letterbomb05Hi does anyone know the ubuntu command for what would usually be httpd -S when using apache2?17:27
lngI got in history17:28
lngdo I have to switch wifi in bios as well?17:29
PiciLetterbomb05: What would you expect that to do?17:29
ittyTlng: na17:29
ittyTu dont have to17:29
ittyTbut if his solution wont work, just try it.17:30
Letterbomb05Pici: it should display the vhost configuration17:30
lngwlan0 No scan results17:30
edbianlng: What card do you have?17:30
PiciLetterbomb05: apache2ctl -S17:31
Letterbomb05thanks very much Pici17:31
lngedbian: I don't know17:31
lngneed to google maybe17:31
edbianlng: sudo lspci -k    will tell you.  Or you can pastebin it and I'll read it (it's kinda long)17:32
edbianlng: You know how to pastebin? (I assume we're trying to get wifi working here)17:32
OldFarterwhere do i find the md5sums for CD images ?17:32
Pici!hashes | OldFarter17:32
ubottuOldFarter: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.17:32
lngedbian: I know17:32
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PiciOldFarter: They should also be in an MD5SUMS file on the mirror you go the isos from. (iirc)17:33
koppeProblem after doing clean install to Ubuntu 11.04 on my Eee...  Attempting to connect to wireless network, freezes the computer totally.  Wireless worked well on previous version.17:33
madadam1hi someone knows the protocol I have to use to remotely login to a mac from ubuntu?17:33
madadam1like smb://17:33
ittyTmac? go to hell :)17:34
the_anujmadadam1: afp:// if you have support.17:34
IdleOne!language | ittyT17:34
ubottuittyT: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:34
madadam1the_anuj, which machine should support it? mac or linux?17:34
the_anujmadadam1: afp is the apple filesharing protocol, so if you have sharing enabled on your mac and netatalk set up on ubuntu, you should be good to go.17:35
RedRobotmadadam1: if you are talking about file sharing, just use cifs17:35
RedRobotosX supports cifs17:36
lngedbian: I posting from Gentoo here17:36
the_anujmadadam1: but if you're talking about "remote login" in the somewhat correct sense of the word, you just need ssh17:36
koppemadadam1: Depends on what the Mac is running.  SSH (ie. sftp) may also be used for transfering files.17:36
lngedbian: I have wifi up!17:36
lngRedRobot: thanks17:36
nimbioticshello ya'll. I need help sharing my internet connection using firestarter. I followed the wizar, but everytime I try to start the firewall, I get "the device eth0 is not ready". Can someone please guide me? TIA!17:36
edbianlng: wow17:36
lngedbian: thanks17:36
edbianI did nothing17:36
edbianThat, was a miracle17:36
madadam1I just would have file sharing. I've samba on linux17:36
lngthat was that button17:36
lngRedRobot mentioned17:36
RedRobotmadadam1: osX does cifs (aka samba) too17:36
madadam1RedRobot, so How should I write in nautilus protocol://adress? which is the protocol?17:37
RedRobotmadadam1: if you have gvfs-smb installed, just smb://17:37
RedRobotasuming you have a somewhat up to date nautilus17:37
RedRobotor use the connec to dialog17:38
madadam1smb:// doesn't work, it says that the source is unreacheable17:38
madadam1I've both machines with static ip adress connected to a switch, same subnet, same workgroup17:38
RedRobothave you actually enabled the sharing in osx?17:39
madadam1RedRobot, yes17:40
madadam1I'll make another attempt17:40
RedRobottry the full path to the share17:40
Faustus2is there a way to tell ubuntu not to show icon for a specific external hdd on the desktop? (but i want others to show up on the desktop)17:40
RedRobotFaustus2: can use a udev rule for it17:40
madadam1RedRobot, I've not set any folder to be shared17:41
RedRobotmadadam1: then it won't work17:41
madadam1RedRobot, how could I set this option? right click on the folder?17:41
RedRobotno idea how it's done in osX17:42
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kjellehi, I am trying to install 11.04 live (amd64), but it doesnt seem to come with LVM. So I setup LVM myself, however, how do i start the old text-based installer from console?17:42
Faustus2RedRobot: thanks :)17:43
Picikjelle: you can't do it from the Live CD, only the alternate, server, and minimal CDs have that.17:43
kjelleill put the alternate on my usbstick then ;)17:43
ptecould someone explain the ERR logs in istalling PDO to PHP:17:45
ptehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/631283/ ?17:45
kjellePici: does the desktop CD have it?17:45
Picikjelle: No.17:45
kjellePici: ok, ty17:45
Picikjelle: The desktop CD is the Live CD.17:45
shafiredo you use apt-get?17:46
kjellePici: ok. thanks, then I will quit mocking about. cheers mate17:46
Picikjelle: The Alternate CD installs the desktop version of Ubuntu.17:46
kjellePici: mm17:47
kjelleI just want a cd with lvm2 on it ;)17:47
chriscoheni need to install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/0.9.8g-4ubuntu3.13 on a system but doesn't seem to come with any instructions on how to install... what should i be reading here?17:48
shafireis ubuntu 10.04 the last lts?17:48
sipiorshafire: most recent, yes17:49
pte"sudo pecl install pdo" <--- make does not run with this, what is the way to debug?17:49
DarkSector!hi > DarkSector17:49
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demonsporkso this new unity interface in 11.04 is full of bugs.  I need 2 things, a standard gnome menu and to disable the file,edit,view things being in the bar on the top (they keep bugging out and disappearing, which makes it very difficult to work with17:50
DarkSectorokay dpkg question, how do I solve this? And the problem is I just have a .deb package for it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/631286/17:51
shafiresomeone using chef opcodes?17:51
shafireor is there any alternative?17:51
sarkisanyon else not able to run facebook.com in chrome on ubuntu?17:52
yixuanHello, which diff tool are you using under ubuntu 11.0417:53
DarkSectorsarkis: working here mawn17:53
sarkisreally weird17:53
DarkSectorsarkis: actually www.facebook.com works not facebook.com17:54
DarkSectorsarkis: it is wierd17:54
sarkisDarkSector: have you clicked on any of the ajax stuff?17:54
sarkislike at the top, messages17:54
DarkSectorsarkis: well only www.facebook.com opens and yes I have clicked that stuff17:55
sarkiscool thanks17:55
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88
deanHi all I have tried to do a movie backup using dvd95 and k9copy and I am not able to do it is there anything I need to install or am I doing something wrong?17:56
sarkishey guys any ideas on how to make fonts look nicer on ubuntu? i want to use Inconsolata for coding like i do on OSX, however, it just doesnt look the same... I'm using Inconsolata Medium and its too skinny?17:56
sarkisWondering if you guys are using bold?17:56
DarkSectorokay dpkg question, how do I solve this? And the problem is I just have a .deb package for it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/631286/17:56
DarkSectorisn't there a specific dpkg channel?17:57
nimbioticshello evry1. I need help sharing my internet connection using firestarter. I followed the wizar, but everytime I try to start the firewall, I get "the device eth0 is not ready". Can someone please guide me? TIA!17:57
sipiorsarkis: you can change the font hinting in the appearances dialogue17:57
PiciDarkSector: Did you do what it suggested?17:57
DarkSectorPici: can't re-install, the prompt just hangs up17:57
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fission6i put an audio cd in my cd drive and nothing is happening, looks like its not mounted or something, what should i do / check17:58
fission6(i havent played or used my cd drive in ages)17:58
DarkSectorPici: I have two packages 1. python-elementtree and python-celementtree _both_ are stuck17:58
jjovereatsFission6, you are doing everything right so far.17:58
fission6jjovereats, nothing has happened17:58
DarkSectorPici: dpkg: warning: files list file for package `python-elementtree' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.17:58
fission6i put the cd in and was hoping for an app to open17:59
DarkSectorPici: keeps unpacking, never proceeds17:59
jjovereatsInsert CD, then go into Totem, then File > Play 'CD NAME HERE'17:59
fission6DarkSector, what does elementree do?17:59
DarkSectorfission6: its a part of pyogre installation17:59
PiciDarkSector: Can you try using --force-all when you remove the package?17:59
DarkSectorfission6: http://effbot.org/zone/celementtree.htm17:59
deanOr could someone tell me a channel to go to for software support?17:59
DarkSectorPici: I hope that won't break the system?18:00
PiciDarkSector: or just --force-remove-reinstreq18:00
fission6sudo apt-get install Torem jjovereats ?18:00
jjovereatstotem. If you're in Xfce, or Kde, you go sudo aptitude install totem.18:00
fission6lets see18:00
DarkSectorPici: now, since its stuck, I'll have to kill dpkg process and remove lock, is that a safe way to do it. It doesn't entertain keyboard interrupts anymore18:01
footfetishHi, could anybody tell me how to install the latest version of Firefox on Ubuntu 10.10?18:01
pappa_beardean: depends on the software18:01
PiciDarkSector: Thats the safest way, yes :/18:01
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fission6jjovereats, installing now18:01
DarkSectorfootfetish: download the firefox repository and install18:01
pappa_bearfootfetish: or use synaptic18:01
Pici!ff5 | footfetish18:02
ubottufootfetish: Firefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as an automatic update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/18:02
fission6chrome seems to be eating up memory on my box, i am thinking about trying ff too18:02
pappa_bearchrome sux18:02
Picipappa_bear: Please keep your opinions to yourself.18:02
fission6why so18:02
DarkSectorfission6: _ff_ takes way more memory than chrome18:02
fission6id like to hear pappa_bear out18:02
jjovereatsf6, installed yet?18:02
guntaranybody tell me how to install google chorme18:03
DarkSectorpappa_bear: please don't get me started on gecko. nvm.18:03
Picipappa_bear, fission6, DarkSector:Feel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic.18:03
U-b-u-n-t-uwhen I am away from my computer for more than 1 hour when I come back my mouse will not click on anything I changed out my mouse with another one and it still didnt work... this only happen after upgrading ... what can I do to fix this issue18:03
deanpappa_bear, I have tried to use k9copy and dvd95 but getting error messages I'm not sure whether I need to install anything else or whether it just wont run under gnome?18:03
fission6something maybe just messy with the build i have cause my computer, since upgrading chrome, just has little memory and is very glitchy then again i have 1 gig of mem18:03
DarkSectorPici: gotcha18:03
Piciguntar: Chrome is in the package repositories.18:03
guntarfuck u man18:03
aeon-ltd!chrome | guntar18:04
gohdandean: do you have libdvdcss installed?18:05
fission6is it concernith 1 gig of ram i st be able to run chrome, xchat and audacious, without getting really glitchy? ifeel i may have something not configured correctly18:05
shafirehow can i check, if i have the server or desktop version?18:05
deangohdan, I installed restricted extras would it be in that?18:06
footfetishI added the sources to my sources.list18:06
footfetishHow can I verify the key now?18:06
Picifootfetish: How did you add it?18:06
jjovereatsAt 512MB Debian with IW (the Debian equivalent of FF and IE), ID (equiv. to Outlook and TBird), and Totem running, it will run like a charm from my estimates.18:06
io!version | shafire18:06
ubottushafire: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type Ā« lsb_release -a Ā» in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, Ā« apt-cache policy <package> Ā»18:06
arooni-mobilewhen trying to install apps on ubuntu 11.04 via downloading and launching debs from chrome; i get: "Could not display "/home/david/Downloads/ubuntu-tweak_0.5.12-1~natty1_all.deb".;  this location is not a folder"18:06
shafirethank you18:06
DarkSectorPici: --force-remove-reinstreq is that a valid option ?18:06
gohdandean: correct18:07
footfetishPici: I added I copied and pasted it from the link given.18:07
fission6jjovereats, yeah i feel i have something just chewing memory, can you recommend a few things to check - i feel i can streamline my machine a bit more to run snappier i just dont know where to start18:07
footfetishThen I did an sudo apt-get update18:07
jjovereatssudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop , f6.18:07
Picifootfetish: You should use 'sudo add-apt-repository' instead, that will automatically add the keys and the source to your sources.18:07
deangohdan, I installed that straight away lol18:07
footfetishPici: Now what?18:08
fission6what will that do, i think i am actually using xubuntu-desktop18:08
Picifootfetish: you can use 'sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> ' now though, use the key on the PPA url.18:08
PiciDarkSector: It should be, is it not working?18:08
fission6jjovereats, xubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.18:08
fission6i think its tailoring things not sure where to start18:08
DarkSectorPici: need an action option18:09
arooni-mobileE: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extras ... how do i fix.  i have uncommeted all the deb listings in /etc/apt/source.list18:09
fission6jjovereats, htop shows 880 M / 1000M being taken when running chrome, 5 terminal tabs, and xchat18:09
chaddyarooni-mobile: try aptitude update18:09
gohdandean: what were the errors you got?18:09
PiciDarkSector: You need to that along with the remove that you were using before: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq packagename18:10
footfetishPici: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 1024R/CE49EC21 this does not work18:10
jjovereatsf6, HUUUUHH? Try FF3. I have 1.7GiB of mem in my laptop, after deducting video RAM!18:10
BluesKajarooni-mobile, run sudo apt-get update first then try to install18:10
Picifootfetish: drop the 1024R/ from the front of that.18:10
fission6what do you mean? i just feel my machine should be running smoother and that something is less than ideal in terms of config18:10
fission6but i dont know where to start my review18:10
jjovereatsRun Computer Janitor. It may help.18:11
AlexandrosGRis any program that allow me to set up myself the gpu fans ?18:11
footfetishPici: That seems to have worked. Thx a lot!18:11
deangohdan, On dvd95 it just shows conversion error and on k9copy it shows Executable k9copy PID 11564 signal 11 (segmentation fault)18:11
gohdanAlexandrosGR: 'sensors'18:11
fission6jjovereats, any other fundemental thingas i can check?18:11
DarkSectorPici: okay now I think both are gone, but how do I check the integrity of dpkg, I mean how do I know, I didn't wreck it. Should I try and install something?18:11
PiciDarkSector: Sure, go ahead.18:11
AlexandrosGRno that18:11
AlexandrosGRi want to increase gpu fans18:11
jjovereatsfission6, Run System Monitor, the GNOME one, and go to Processes. If there is a drop-down tree, press Ctrl-D. Now click Memory, and see what's at the top. That will advise you about the smartest app decisions.18:12
arooni-mobileBluesKaj, chaddy i did aptitude upgrade; and ran update;  still cant install18:12
gohdanAlexandrosGR: sorry. misread18:12
DarkSectorPici: thanks, it works.18:12
PiciDarkSector: good to hear18:12
* gohdan happens a lot now that i quit smoking today18:12
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fission6i have htop, and sort by memory, is that equivlent?18:13
BluesKajarooni-mobile, sudo aptitude safe-upgrade?18:13
jjovereatsfission6, It is if you can read how much memory is in use.18:13
fission6i get /use/bin/X taking up 34% of memory but that seems okay right?18:13
jjovereatssudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop , and relogin into Lubuntu Desktop.18:13
fission6four pulse audio processing running each taking 6%18:14
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fission6does that last thing seem right?18:14
jjovereatsIt's normal for PA.18:15
misaqhello everyone18:15
junixbrhi all18:15
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misaqwhat happens if utorrent downloads on a file partially downloaded in Ubuntu?18:15
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fission6lubuntu hmmm ill try and see if experience is better18:16
jjovereatsmisaq - the file may or may not become working.18:16
fission6can i use chrome, totem, etc.18:16
jjovereatsfission6 - Chrome is no good IMO.18:16
fission6why so18:16
junixbrI change my keyboard and now I have 2 layouts... I've tryed to remove Brazilian Layout, but after rebooting, it comes again...18:16
das__I like Chrome18:16
fission6and what do you use18:16
junixbrthe question is, how can I remove for ever a keyboard layout18:16
jjovereatsChrome is silly because it has no gopher support. I use FF4 with OverbiteFF.18:16
misaqjjovereats: is it better to delete the file and download again?18:16
fission6jjovereats, "lubuntu-desktop: Depends: wicd but it is not going to be installed"18:17
jjovereatssudo apt-get install lxde18:17
misaqjjovereats: you mean the file has been overwritten?18:17
jjovereatsmisaq - Maybe not.18:17
fission6ok doing18:17
fission6jjovereats, what irc client do you use?18:17
fission6damn ok thats what i am using, i just dont understand why my machine aint faster, grr, i have to choose whether to run xchat or gedit at times18:18
kuroy@junixbr: I used to have the same problem when I used Brazilian Portuguese Layout and tried to change to English.18:18
kuroyThen I changed the layout to Dvorak English and it worked smoothly18:18
junixbrkuroy, my wish is remove the brazilian layout18:18
kuroyYes, I see.18:19
junixbryes is working, but each reboot it comes again18:19
Raptorshow do you see the list of partitions?18:19
kuroyI had the same problem, it kept coming back18:19
jjovereatssudo fdisk -l18:19
junixbrkuroy, so bored this.. =(18:19
fission6jjovereats, after lxde what should i do?18:19
kuroyuntil I used Dvorak English, but it was some time ago and I don't know if it works maintaning Qwerty layout18:20
jjovereatsfission6, are you in LXDE yet, or are you not going to go that route? :: You should also install Firefox. or Midori. Both work.18:20
kuroymaybe some problem with portuguese layout18:20
jjovereatsetaolin shdrlu18:20
misaqI added the torrent to bittorrent in Windows and it downloaded a little. then I downloaded 1.5 G over it in Ubuntu. then in Windows, I noticed that it was downloading as if the 1.5 G was never downloaded.18:20
fission6well i installed LXDE should i log in an out to use it?18:20
jjovereatsfission6, yes you should.18:20
fission6let me try18:20
junixbrnext version, I'll reinstall18:21
gohdandean: did you run the installer script too?18:21
DarkSectorPici: I was wrong, the thing is fried. Upgrading skype and it is stuck at unpacking18:21
DarkSectorPici: I am doomed.18:21
misaqwho has experience with transmission-gtk?18:21
DarkSectormisaq: define experience18:22
DarkSectormisaq: downloading torrents thats all the experience I have18:22
deangohdan, i don't understand what you mean by that?18:22
fission6jjovereats, oh my god htop shows 300M thats amazing18:23
misaqDarkSector I had a torrent file added both in Win and Ubuntu transmission.18:23
fission6jjovereats, what terminal do you use btw?18:23
gohdan!tell dean about restricted18:23
ubottudean, please see my private message18:23
DarkSectormisaq: and...18:23
jjovereatsIs that with Chrome, Audacious and XChat running fission6? :: I use Gnome-terminal and Xfce4-terminal.18:24
fission6jjovereats, no, i haven't run those processes yet18:24
jjovereatsI aslo use the TTYs.18:24
fission6can i tweak some of lxde to make it someone slicker18:24
jjovereatsRun them and see what you get (of couse you are running XChat)18:24
misaqDarkSector: after I had downloaded 1.45 G in Ubuntu, i logged in Windows and the Win torrent client started downloading as if nothing had been downloaded before.18:24
misaqDarkSector: i want to know if my file is healthy or corrupt18:25
deangohdan, I will check it out thanks18:26
misaqDarkSector: should I download it from scratch? has Windows' torrent client spoiled the file?18:26
fission6jjovereats,  i installed totem but dont see in under sound and video, i want to try and run it and play audio cd18:26
DarkSectormisaq: come back to ubuntu and try downloading it, it it downloads from scratch, means its gone, if not then its fine18:26
madadam1sorry, which is mac protocol for file sharing? I forgot18:26
shafirehow to get latest ruby version? :S18:26
jjovereatsStart > Run > type "totem", and enter.18:26
misaqDarkSector: it downloads from the remaining of file, i.e. after 1.45 G18:27
jjovereatsStart meaning the little LXDE icon.18:27
fission6got it! thanks jjovereats18:27
tommythevLooking for help with a Ubuntu install. I installed a recent version on an older dell laptop. Everything went fine til the install ended. Turns out that version of Ubuntu doesnt support the graphics in the Dell. I found out that an ealier version is supposed to work, But when I try to boot from the install disk, I get the same GRUB screen I got before. How can I boot from the CD18:27
misaqI even verified local data and no warning occurred. I don't have much experience using torrent18:28
jjovereatsAnd yes, I do overeat. Hence my unregistered nick, jjovereats,]18:28
fission6still under 400 M18:28
jjovereatsGood so far!18:28
gohdan!tell tommythev about alternate18:28
ubottutommythev, please see my private message18:28
fission6jjovereats, yeah, hmmmm18:29
fission6itll take a bit for me to get used to lxde18:29
fission6maybe need to jazz it up18:29
jjovereatsfission6 - Do you actually have Chromium open yet? Or Totem?18:29
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fission6totem, xchat, xterm, chrome18:30
arooni-mobile /join #empathetic18:30
misaqwhat is the meaning of underline before the name of some nicks?18:30
tommythevubottu and gohdan18:30
fission6dont really like the menu bar in lxde maybe ill get used ot it18:31
jjovereatsIt's like the Windows "Taskbar".18:31
fission6yeah can i change that out18:31
fission6i need to change the system font18:31
fission6very small18:32
misaqyes it is like Windows taskbar18:32
deanHi I am unable to play dvds is there something I need to install?18:32
misaqgnome is the best desktop I think18:32
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:32
jjovereats1569 people here?18:32
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pappa_bearhere is relative :)18:33
misaq!tab Pici18:33
misaqlike this?18:33
Picimisaq: no, use your tab key.18:33
larryosborneanyone know how to get evalution to show all content18:33
Pici!tab | misaq18:33
ubottumisaq: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:33
Picimisaq: start typing the nick of the person you are talking to, and press tab.18:34
Picimisaq: Please don't start your messages with exclamation marks, you confuse our bot, ubottu.18:34
fission6where do i change system font?18:34
misaqPici, is it ok?18:35
chaddyith unity how do I access the main menu?18:35
Picimisaq: great.18:35
misaqPici, thx18:35
jjovereats!tab | jjovereats18:35
ubottujjovereats, please see my private message18:35
jjovereatsSorry, that think went right over my scrollbars.18:35
larryosbornemisaq, how do you get evolution to show the pics in the inbox do you know18:35
fission6whats a good font for xterm?18:35
admgy22what steps should I take to remove a previous admin who had been malicious on the server?  is removing his ssh key enough, or are there other things?18:36
Picifission6: Whatever you like best.  Maybe #ubuntu-offtopic has some suggestions? Its not really a support question.18:36
admgy22(as well as any other unknown ssh keys)18:36
misaqlarryosborne, I haven't used this feature?18:36
misaqlarryosborne, does it have such a feature?18:36
larryosbornemisaq, ok thanks18:36
chaddyadmgy22: passwd -l <user> to lock his/her account18:36
* jjovereats will implode in 55555555555 nanoseconds.18:36
tiakoHello I cant seem to remove " .vimrc$g0" for some reason18:36
chaddyprevents login18:36
larryosbornemisaq, not shure all i know is i can't see the add's and stuff in my mail18:37
ryusing a LVM root/swap is it possible to "extend" my swap to be slightly larger without breaking anything/18:37
misaqlarryosborne, do you mean adding pictures corresponding to your Contacts like that of Windows Outlook?18:37
ryand if so, do i need to change anything other than the size of the swap volume using lvm?18:38
fission6Pici, where can i change the appearance fonts?18:38
larryosbornemisaq, no i mean checking my mail but can't all of it , just the word's is all it will display18:38
Picifission6: It should be in your appearance preferences.18:38
Guest99752I despereately need help. I reinstalled nvidia drivers from scratch but it still tries to boot into low graphics mode and then freezes within istants18:38
Pici!es | juan_18:38
ubottujuan_: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:38
misaqlarryosborne,  what email service do you use?18:39
larryosbornemisaq, gmail i thank is what you are asking18:39
misaqlarryosborne, ok18:39
jjovereatsfission6 - Are you still here?18:40
fission6trying to find a font i h ave a headache18:40
misaqlarryosborne, I did not use gmail with Evolution but I have tried Hotmail and it was ok18:40
misaqlarryosborne, maybe gmail will work too.18:40
jjovereatsGo into customise appearance in Settings, and change to liking.18:40
ubuntu__'ve already got ubuntu installed and I'm trying to make my 75g ext4 partition 25g.  It seems stuck, but how do I check if it borked, or if it's just taking a while?18:41
larryosbornemisaq, ok , well maybe something in gmail i need to change to make it work i'll log in threw google and see thanks alot18:41
rypervenchery: Yes, it is possible. I have yet to do it on my system, I have LVM on LUKS, but there are guides ou there to resizing your partitions using LVM. Check google a bit.18:41
ryyeah, my question is... if i resize swap simply through LVM and thats -all- i do, will it break anything?18:42
kingofswordsany 1 know a good megavideo bypass for ubuntu?18:42
rydo i need to restart the system or... update fstab? does the uuid change or anything?18:42
rypervenchery: It won't break anything as long as you have the space to share.18:42
ryawesome =)18:42
OerHekskingofswords, what do you mean with 'megavideo bypass ' ?18:42
ryi have 8gb ram in this laptop, but barely 2gb swap... when the system runs out of mem, gnome shits itself and takes everything down with it18:43
kingofswordsto get around 72mins limit18:43
rypervenchery: Everything else stays the same. You are just allocating some of the unused space of one logical volume toanother.18:43
ghabitHello! I'm looking for PDF converter. To .doc or something. Help!18:43
aeon-ltdkingofswords: i don't think something that would work out of the browser would work, but i assume you have good intentions so http://www.megavideo9.com/18:43
RedRobotry: buy more ram18:43
ryi'm allocating swap out of my 120gb ssd18:43
ryit's a thinkpad t51018:43
ryit only supports 8gb18:43
RedRobotry: or limit your ram usage more18:43
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RedRobotfix those memleaks18:43
ryi have debated getting the w520 (supports 16gb )18:43
aeon-ltdghabit: i know and have used pdftohtml which also converts them to HQ jpgs18:44
rybut i think i'll pass, save the 2k and wait for intel to release romley so i can snag a nice xeon e5 series for my workstation18:44
z3roanybody know about DSC18:44
rydiscovery channel?18:44
aeon-ltdz3ro: digital sony camera?18:44
biamiwhats DSC?18:44
biamiData Structure in C... right???18:45
z3roDNS Static Collector18:45
aeon-ltd*everyone turns back around again*18:45
aeon-ltdz3ro: might be better in #networking18:46
BluesKajz3ro, in what context ?18:46
ryinteresting... it seems swap volumes are not resizeable18:47
ryprobably need to make a new one, but i guess my only worries h ave been answered18:47
rybasically just replace it18:47
aeon-ltdry: wait is it mounted?18:47
rywhat would happen if i umounted a active swap?18:47
fission6jjovereats, cant get to System Prefernces, lxde doesn't have a menu in the taskbar for it?18:47
chaddyin Unity how do I call the main menu?18:48
aeon-ltdry: unles you were running something that caches a lot much like GIMP roughly nothing harmful (most of the time - just saying not liable for any problems)18:48
chaddyall I can seem to get is the main menu editor18:48
RedRobotry: what are you running that manages to eat up all that ram btw?18:49
stratis_in 10.04 RAID1 array won't boot from second disk when degraded, any help ?18:49
jo-erlend_livehow do I reinstall Ubuntu desktop on an md array from the desktop cd?18:50
io!reinstall | jo-erlend_live18:50
ubottujo-erlend_live: To renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages18:50
iohm, unusual18:50
jo-erlend_liveI know how to reinstall Ubuntu. I don't know how to reinstall Ubuntu on an md array.18:51
jo-erlend_liveperhaps I just need to start the md and then partition as normal?18:51
jo-erlend_lives/partition/proceed/ :)18:51
z3ro#networking user already slep..hahah18:51
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biamichaddy, no main menu in unity... you need to log in to Ubuntu Classic (GNOME 2.6) to use the menu18:53
biamii think18:54
dr_willisbiami,  theres some inticator applets taht let you get a gnome-menu in unity :)18:54
dr_willisand theres that cardiro application also18:54
jo-erlend_livebiami, you can run gnome-panel with all its applets together with Unity.18:54
dr_willisputs one in the panel :)18:54
dr_willisgnome-panel over unity - is a little messy18:54
chaddybiami: all I need is the name of the app, got as far as alacarte, the editor18:54
dr_willisbiami,  how to what part? :)18:55
jo-erlend_livebiami, just run gnome-panel as a normal application.18:55
jo-erlend_liveyou can add it to startup applications if you want it to always start when you login. But you should remove the upper panel first, since Unity panel will take precedence.18:55
jo-erlend_liveI don't personally understand that anyone would want to keep using static menus though, but I'm glad they have the freedom to do so :)18:56
Guest99752I have spent the past 5 hours struggling with this problem: After a nvdia-driver mess up, I lost the ability to boot into graphics (low graphics mode freezes too). I tried to reinstall them in many ways, trough package manager and trough the nvidia site, tried removing modules but nothing: It still tries to boot into low graphics mode then freezes (even after a purge and a clean nvidia-current install) If anyone is willi18:57
Guest99752ng to help me, please PM, thanks18:57
rhizmoeGuest99752: uninstall and reinstall gdm18:57
userjo-erlend_live: What is static menus? I use alt+f2 for programs I know the name of18:57
rhizmoethat's what worked for me when i had a similar problem18:57
Guest99752thanks, will try in seconds18:57
jo-erlend_liveuser, the menus doesn't learn from your choices. They're always the same.18:57
SomelauwHi, I can't see my battery status and I get random crashes.18:57
userjo-erlend_live: Well, yeah it would be great if spotify knew I always look for it under "internet" and moved there too18:58
pilesofstonesHi everyone. Could anyone advise me if there are any disadvantages to me running a 64bit version of Ubuntu on a VMWare virtual machine? I.e. compatibility issues etc18:58
jo-erlend_liveuser, I would prefer that Spotify was the first choice when I pressed super whenever I wanted to listen to music. :)18:58
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userSecurity Mode : Auto (WPA or WPA2) - Personal18:59
userCipher Type : TKIP and AES18:59
techaddiktany one give me the dicscription about uck18:59
Guest99752rhizmoe, still same problem. drops me into lowgraphics warning, then ok and freeze18:59
userIs that a safe network?18:59
chaddyseems a bit of a kludgey way of accessing th main menu, but gnome-panel it is18:59
userjo-erlend_live: Super does nothing here18:59
jo-erlend_liveuser, you're probably not running Unity then?18:59
userJust sits there as a reminder of what once reigned its hardware, like a flag of a sunken ship19:00
userjo-erlend_live: Gnome vanilla19:00
SomelauwIs it normal that ubuntu decides to not shown my battery status?19:00
userI grew to old to mess about with layout and such19:00
ryrun acpi -V19:00
ryand verify your bat. status19:00
* jjovereats might be installing Debian. Oh goodie!!!19:00
jo-erlend_liveuser, layout? Unity is all about business for me. It improves my productivity dramatically.19:01
techaddiktAlgorith:  hay do u know about the uck19:01
techaddiktwainersm: ping19:01
userMy computer would make me more productive with no-script enforced, and just Oo19:01
techaddikthalvors: ping19:01
dr_willisUnity makes me more unproductive.. at least it did untill i tweaked the  life into it.19:01
techaddikthalvors: ping19:01
ryi have not really given unity a chance, i'll admit... but i have a feeling i'll be sticking with gnome 2.x19:01
techaddiktjoar: ping19:02
dr_willisjo-erlend_live,  move the icon for whatever you want to be super-1 to the top iof the panel..  is one trick19:02
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rywe just need a neuro interface, instead of a mouse... as the "first" step in many to improve the dated user interface19:03
Guest99752whats the command to get all the installed packages and to drop them into a text file?19:03
jo-erlend_livedr_willis, right. I love it. And that the menus displays and hides files and folders automatically when I add and remove external data sources is just wonderful.19:03
rya mixture of advanced multi-touch and thought based interaction19:03
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dr_willisjo-erlend_live,  you mean the icons on the panel for mounted devices? I had to remove all of those.. i had way way way to many for it to show.19:03
dr_willisjo-erlend_live,  plus all the icons were identical.. made it to hard to find the one i wanted. :)19:04
rystrphen hawking can write books with his eye, i think we can use a combined input to control a gui19:04
jo-erlend_livedr_willis, no, recent files and folders lense.19:04
jo-erlend_livesuper+f in other words.19:04
dr_willisjo-erlend_live,  oh the 'watch out or the wife will see your "videos"' tool. :)19:04
dr_willisI rarely hafe an issue with loseing files...19:04
gohdanry: unity is the antithesis of accessibility19:05
jo-erlend_liveit's not about loosing files. It's about finding files I need in less than three seconds. I hate trudging across filesystem paths.19:05
jo-erlend_livesorry. I didn't mean to start a discussion. That's for #ubuntu-offtopic.19:05
jo-erlend_liveI have two md arrays. One raid1 which / is on, and one raid5 which contains /home. Now I want to install 11.04 on it using the desktop cd. How do I do that?19:06
gohdanry: lol?  screen readers dont work properly and there is a whole host of accessibility issues19:06
jo-erlend_livedoes the installer understand it if I just start the md?19:06
dr_willisHmm. Just transcoded a movie with Arista - it aparently defaulted to the 'Movies' directory.. but there is no Movies Directiory.. so it seems to have tanscoded for the last hr+ then just deleted the results...19:06
rythat was a "lol aka i know"19:06
winutdoes anyone actually like unity? lol19:07
ryyou did not measure the frequency of my lol, which would of told you the proper meaning19:07
gohdanry: poe's law19:07
IdleOnedr_willis: look in Videos19:07
jo-erlend_livewinut, I absolutely love it.19:07
pappa_bearcome on guys #ubuntu-offtopic to just chat19:07
rypossibly some form of spectral analysis of the lol19:07
rymight of revealed the proper version19:07
oCeanry: please stay on topic19:08
dr_willisIdleOne,  nope not there.. found it.. it defaulted to where i selected the movie from.. so it put it in the same place  as original difernt extension19:08
winuti find it odd that i have to stick my mouee right into the corner of the screen to get it to open19:08
IdleOnedr_willis: least it didn't delete it19:08
vcabbaIm using laptop with external display on Ubuntu 11.04 for a few monts with laptops lid closed... Now i disconnect external monitor but primary display is blank - everything sends to external, even bios's logo. Why ?19:08
ryvcabba, i have the same issue at times with my thinkpad t51019:09
* gohdan wonders what the accessibilty team is doing, or if anyone at canonical hq is listening to them19:09
rylinux and laptops dont always get along 100%19:09
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phrostbitegreen91, Hey you helped me yesterday but I did not get a chance to thank you for the help. That teamviewer worked like a dream. Super easy to set up on both ends.19:09
ryodds are you had the screen disabled in your monitor/display settings19:10
ryactually thats a good question, if there is a way to control the "monitor preferences" from the cmd, run a script when your laptop is ready to leave it's closed desk position and actually serve as a laptop19:11
winutsome kind of force redect19:11
winutredetect even!19:11
vcabbayes primary display is disabled, but the problem is that is not detected anymore... external as primary for now..19:12
rywell it has a function to do so, but usually to get the display working properly with the laptop closed you have to disable the laptops lcd from within linux19:12
ryit seems like it does remember the settings, but not always19:12
ak5does anyone here have a lenovo thinkpad edge 11 with the newest bios and tell me how he/she did it? I am trying to fool around with grub4dos and its not pleasent19:12
winutak5, grub is easy if you have another partition19:14
winuthow many do you have?19:14
ak5winut: I have one USB disk19:14
ak5usb thumbdrive that it19:14
jo-erlend_liveisn't it possible to reinstall Ubuntu on a software raid from the desktop cd?19:14
FurryIs is possible to install java 6 on ubuntu 6.06?19:15
winutdoesn't grub pick up the internal disc then?19:15
RedRobotFurry: I would upgrade asap19:15
ak5winut: I have nothing installed on the internal disk, I want grub to boot the update bios iso19:15
jo-erlend_liveFurry, 6.06 is unsupported.19:15
RedRobotFurry: 5 year and full of outdated buggy and insecure software, also not supported anymore19:16
RedRobot5 year old*19:16
winutcant you just change the boot order to cd first?19:16
FurryI'd upgrade, but I'm too lazy, since I'm just fooling around with an old computer I have19:16
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ak5winut: I have no cd drive (nor external)19:16
ak5thats why I am playing around with grub4dos19:17
winutoh, sorry!19:17
ak5don't worry, I am probaby being short spoken because I am annoyed by this problem xD19:17
chaddyno optical drive? that's not a first world problem19:17
winutmaybe there is a generic guide you can follow for this, non ubuntu related on how to make a cd boot off a usb stick (separate one) ?19:18
RedRobotjust use an usb stick then19:18
RedRobotboot from usb works19:18
winutotherwise you can make a dos boot usb with the app and bios files19:18
ak5winut: yeah, thats what I tried19:18
winutwhat happened?19:19
ak5grub4dos booted from my usb drive, but didn't boot my BOOT.iso (with the BIOS update)19:19
ak5winut: ^19:20
SomelauwIs it normal that ubuntu decides to not show my battery status?19:20
jo-erlend_livesurely, someone has to know if it's possible to install Ubuntu on an existing raid?19:21
winutak5, never done this but it sounds plausable19:21
winutwhat format is the usb stick?19:21
chaddyjo-erlend_live: don't know but it sounds like the sort of thing you might need the alternate installer for19:21
ak5winut: vfat19:22
winutis that fat16?19:22
friendymani have a problem with one of my dedicated ubuntu servers, suddenly without any configuration changes it has stopped responding, i've hard reset it, and the ssh connection is refused, i've booted it in rescue mode, but didn't find any errors in the logs, what can I try next?19:22
ak5I believe it is fat3219:23
ak5but not sure..19:23
winutkeep searching on google m8, cant advise any better atm!19:23
ak5ok thx19:23
friendymanits not a hdd, memory or cpu problem, i ran a test in rescue on those19:24
Hedgehog456How do I free up RAM on my 256MB server with 256MB swap?19:24
chaddyfriendyman: router configuration been changed or reset?19:24
friendymani have no control over the router19:24
friendymanassume no19:24
friendymanit's in a datacenter19:25
th0rHedgehog456: on a small ram system you should have about 2.5 times ram for  swap19:25
ghabitHello. Why openoffice have new name now? Just installed new ubuntu19:25
Hedgehog456th0r: I can only afford that much VPS resources.19:25
Ampelbeinfriendyman: what is the actual error you get?19:26
th0rHedgehog456: well, stuff has to go somewhere. If you can't increase the swap size the only other way to free up ram is to stop some of the services19:27
friendymani don't know of any error, all i can see is that ssh connection refused19:27
friendymani can only mount the hdd in rescue mode and look through the logs and try and connect normally through ssh, dedicated server19:27
Hedgehog456th0r: I stopped a particularly memory-intensive service, how long will it take for the RAM to recover? Thanks19:27
demonsporkin Chrome in Ubuntu, how do I enable the built in Flash for Chrome, because it appears to be using the system plugin, which is woefully out of date.19:27
friendymanno firewall installed, no configuration changed19:28
Ampelbeinfriendyman: yes, what is the actual response from ssh?19:28
Ampelbeinfriendyman: like, paste the command and output (you can remove the servername)19:28
D-F3NShey guys, im trying to get rid of the home dir encryption. i want to copy the whole home dir to another partition. how can i copy rly everything? symlinks etc... to...19:28
friendymani believe its something like "connection refused" i can't even connect19:28
friendymanseems like ssh daemon isn't running19:29
v0lksmananyone know where chromium stashes it's profile info?19:29
thedearsруссŠŗŠøŠµ ŠµŃŃ‚ŃŒ?19:29
Pici!ru | thedears19:29
ubottuthedears: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠµŃ‚ŠøтŠµ #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:29
trevordoes anyone know how to send an email through a modem connected to Bell's network with AT+ comands?19:30
RedRobotv0lksman: man chromium, see the files section near the end19:30
Ampelbeinfriendyman: there are multiple possible reasons. can't you just try to connect and paste the output?19:31
trevoror better described as an email by sms19:32
Hedgehog456th0r: I just disabled a huge service and the RAM is decreasing19:32
ghabitis it possible to use skype with videocam on ubuntu?19:32
gohdanghabit: yes.19:33
szalghabit: if you can get the videocam to act as a webcam that shouldn't be a problem?19:33
ghabitgohdan, I have installed skype software, but it's allow only voice calls19:33
v0lksmanRedRobot, thx!19:33
ghabitszal, ah, cam will not work by default? )19:34
gohdanghabit: youll need to play around with skype's and your cam's configs19:34
claviusmondcan I save several open firefox tabs at once? I dont want to bookmark 30 webpages, I want to dowload the 20 pages in one simple action19:34
GermainAdriananyone has a monitor arm?19:35
RedRobotGermainAdrian: I have several19:37
wn1zid@ first i thought it was my bios, it wasnt, im on a broken sabayon drive so to get here,  my ubuntu keeps rebooting, how to fix ??, this is very bothering, 10.1019:38
misaqhi! does anyone know how to read chm files in Ubuntu?19:38
llutz!info xchm19:38
ubottuxchm (source: xchm): Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.18-2 (natty), package size 166 kB, installed size 748 kB19:38
llutzmisaq: ^ ^19:39
claviusmondhow do I access the firefox cache?19:41
wn1zid @ first i thought it was my bios, it wasn't, im on a broken sabayon drive so to get here,  my ubuntu keeps rebooting, how to fix ??, this is very troublesome  im on 10.10.19:41
gohdanclaviusmond: in what manner?19:42
misaqllutz, what?19:42
llutzmisaq: ^ ^ read what ubottu said about xchm19:42
claviusmondgohdan, I want to save all the pictures from several open tabs in a simple action19:42
claviusmondgohdan, I though I could copy and paste it more easily from the cache file19:42
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misaqllutz, it works! thanks19:44
zleslieI am having trouble getting my natty vm to boot after a fresh install.  I am using the same pxe procedure that I used on maverick, but for some reason I never see a grub prompt or anything, just a blinking cursor and a failure to boot19:44
zleslieAnyone know what might be going wrong19:45
wn1zidheh, guess everybody is on vacation.19:45
roolyi can't seem to find any mention of this anywhere, so i'll ask before posting a bug report19:46
v0lksmanzleslie, check your ACPI settings or boot the image with noacpi19:46
roolydoes anyone else have trouble with indicator applets, they simply fail to open the menu when clicked on19:46
roolyi have to click on one at the far right and then scroll across each one to get to the applet i want19:46
ThraspicI'm having trouble finding a lightweight battery monitor for the system tray, and it must have customizable icons to indicate percent life remaining.  I ussed to use Battmon but something is up wth it,  Any suggestions?19:46
misaqllutz, yes i read19:47
gohdanclaviusmond: there is an addon called 'downthemall' it may offer the functionality you are looking for more easily19:47
gohdanclaviusmond: in any event, the cache is stored in your ~/.mozilla directory19:48
PythonSnakeI wanna dual boot ubuntu and windows 719:48
Mandrewhow do i run nvidia-xconfig as sudo in the cli?19:48
TTilushow do i force re-requesting ip from dhcp server even if the lease time is not over yet19:48
PythonSnakehave some problems with partition...19:48
RobinJis the Ubuntu font family (more specifically: Ubuntu-R.ttf) free to redistribute and use?19:48
GhostWolfhi all, does anyone know how i can install firefox 4 or 4.1? i found the tar file but it just has the firefox folder and doesn't install firefox. and when i did it in terminal it tells me it can't find the package19:48
PythonSnakehow much space ubuntu need ?19:48
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RobinJi'd like to use it for my website, and upload it on the server for that19:48
TTilusdisconnect reconnect net doesnt seem to do that19:48
llutzTTilus: sudo dhclient3 ethX19:48
v0lksmanGhostWolf, don't...install FF5...FF4 is dead.19:48
GhostWolfv0lksman, i can't use ff5. i need to use a toolbar that is not compatible with ff519:49
TTilusllutz: just plain run dhclient?19:49
* TTilus feels stupid right now19:49
llutzTTilus: should send a dhcp-req19:49
GermainAdrianRedRobot: can any of them be mounted in reverse? in essense i want to suspend the monitor, instead of propping it up with the arm19:50
misaqwhat is the difference between xterm and gnome-terminal?19:50
gohdanclaviusmond: alternatively, the repetitive task of pushing ^S , ^enter and ^W multiple times works too19:51
trismRobinJ: http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/ubuntu-font-licence-1.0.txt, the short answer would appear to be yes, but you should probably read it first19:51
RobinJmisaq: the user interface19:51
RedRobotGermainAdrian: all mines are for flat screens, so just a vesa fixture at the end19:51
RobinJthanks trism19:51
GhostWolfdodes anyone know how to install a previous version of firefox? i can't use the newer one since i need a toolbar that isn't compatible with firefox 519:51
RedRobotcould easily add a plate to have the monitor hang from it19:51
evilbugmisaq: gnome-terminal is more customizable, supports tabs, etc. but they're still a cmd line.19:51
GermainAdrianRedRobot: mine is a flat screen as well. but i want a movable arm, so that i can adjust it, not just hang from it19:51
RedRobotthe  ones I have are moveable19:52
TTilusllutz: worked19:52
reyesany person have this problem with an integrated Intel graphic http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/pantallazouxg.png/ ? The computers is slowly for some minutes and then the screen shows broken.19:52
TTilusllutz: thanks a bunch19:52
neonofneophytedoes anyone know where, in the compiz source, the defualt settings file is?19:52
llutzTTilus: things can be so easy :)19:52
wn1ziddoes anyone know why ubuntu keeps rebooting ?19:52
pappa_bearGhostWolf, did you try sudo apt-get install firefox-4.019:52
RedRobotmost of them have two joints and either a fixed or ball fixture at the end19:52
TTilusllutz: with network damager onboard thats not exactly what im used to expecting  =D19:52
RedRobotff5 is out19:53
RedRobotGhostWolf: ^19:53
RA_drcwhat happened to open office?  what is libre office?19:53
claviusmondgohdan, I am downloading an addon, multiple tabs19:53
RedRobotRA_drc: oracle was being morons, so a load of the openoffice devs decided to fork19:53
ArtlavHello, is there Ubuntu for MIPS, specificaly Lemote laptops? I can google a lot of talk but no builds.19:54
RedRobotRA_drc: some of the story behind it: http://www.h-online.com/open/features/LibreOffice-A-fresh-page-for-OpenOffice-1097358.html19:54
GhostWolfpappa_bear, well i didn't type it like that but let me try that19:55
=== ceed^`away is now known as ceed^
GhostWolfpappa_bear, i just did that and it tells me can't find any package by regex 'firefox-4.0'19:55
GhostWolfhad same response when i did it with firefox4.019:55
D-F3NSam i fine when i want to backup my ./home/user when i use  "rsync -avx --progress /home/user/ /mnt/tmp" make a new account, copy this backup to it, delete my old acc and make a new acc with the old username?19:56
pappa_bearGhostWolf, i'm looking at http://crenk.com/how-to-install-firefox-4-on-ubuntu19:56
GhostWolfpappa_bear, i have the tar.bz2 file19:56
GhostWolfso if theres a way to install that way i can but if not19:56
llutzD-F3NS: should do, just make sure to add the new user to admin-group if you need sudo-access.19:57
GhostWolfpappa_bear,i can't view any links i have no browser installed atm19:57
trismRobinJ: oh, you may also be interested in this: http://font.ubuntu.com/web/19:57
RedRobotGermainAdrian: I have a few that is somewhat similar to  http://www.argosyconsole.com/images/argosy_monitorarms/gallery_7500_05_lg.jpg, just a slightly different design, and that they have wall mounts instead of table mounts19:57
RobinJYou can now use the Ubuntu Font Family as a webfont via the CSS @font-face mechanism, << thats what i was planning to do :p19:58
RedRobotGhostWolf: somewhat different first part, so it can go 75Ā° up and down, instead of much more up than downwards19:58
winutuse firefox next ppa19:58
winutfirefox 4 = unsupported!!19:58
GhostWolfuh what RedRobot?19:58
RedRobotGhostWolf: was for GermainAdrian19:58
RobinJexcept that i was not planning to use google api19:58
GermainAdrianRedRobot: thx19:59
llutz!pm | D-F3NS20:00
ubottuD-F3NS: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:00
trismRobinJ: yes, I don't think you're required to, it is just another option available20:00
D-F3NSit wasnt a question20:00
RobinJok thanks :p20:00
RedRobotGermainAdrian: damn expensive ones, since they were designed for up to 60" monitors, but I got the for free when I was doing a demolition job :)20:01
RobinJheck the one from google api is uglier than the one i have xd20:01
ivanukovspkjĆ”idpĀ“dbĆ dkpj20:01
GermainAdrian_did i join with the cloak on20:02
chaddyany ops about who can tell me why I'm banned from #ubuntu-offtopic?20:02
oCeanchaddy: join #ubuntu-ops20:02
chaddythx oCean20:02
jack_Does ubuntu use upstart?20:03
DynamicFailanyway to view the contents of a file live other than tail -f ... tail -f won't work if the file is completly rewritten20:03
llutzjack_: it does20:03
winutyou must have been on topic, thats why!! lol20:03
jack_Is there a way to make services restart if they die with upstart?20:03
viiii have nvidia drivers installed but GLX still fails to work? im on 11.04 natty20:04
lucidguyInstalled video drivers from Nvidia (disabled Nouveau etc..) .. noticed a number of my systems when launching nvidia-settings, the system reads GeForce310 for GPU info.. yet its a Quadro5000, any ideas?20:04
winutubuntu forums are stuffed full of ex army sergeants, very strict20:04
llutzDynamicFail: have you tried "tailf"? not sure if that would work, but maybe worth to try20:05
pappa_bearAnyone know how to add something to a pannel in Unity?20:05
winutlucid, it might just be a device id mixup20:05
jack_From the upstart page: Services may be respawned if they die unexpectedly. how do you get this functionality with the servicesS?20:05
RedRobotviii: fails to work how?20:05
ceed^I've installed Natty on a laptop with Intel graphics. The problem is that every time I boot resolution is the to 1024x768 instead of 1280x800. I have to use the Control panel resolution settings every time. Doesn't help to set "Make default" either. Ideas?20:05
winutmaybe the same series of gpu chip is in the quadro 500020:06
beetlejoozI'm having a routing issue on my ubuntu server. For no reason that I can figure out, I can't ping past the default gw.20:06
winutor vica versa20:06
beetlejoozifconfig eth0 12.x.x.86 /2820:07
penlat_What application will transcode to mpeg2 or avchd?20:07
beetlejoozroute add default gw 12.x.x.81 netmask
beetlejoozam I missing something?20:07
winutpapa_bear, i would ditch unity myself and logon again in classic desktop (just me)20:07
lucidguywinut: I can't see that being the case20:08
viiiRedRobot, in the xorg log it says EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)20:08
pappa_bearwinut, sound advice20:08
winutok, ill check :-)20:08
RedRobotviii: trow the whole config up in paste.pocoo.org or another sane pastebim20:08
RedRobotviii: err.. log not config20:09
kevinh90I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop yesterday.  In the past I have used ubuntu with no problems, and on the first few boots everything was fine - now everything randomly freezes20:09
xiljinsuccessfully upgraded a box to oneiric last week (via do-release-upgrade), tried to upgrade a different box today and it bombs just before installing packages with a 'no such file or directory' error .. any ideas or alternative ways to upgrade?20:09
Picixiljin: Oneiric isn't su[[prted in this channel, please use #ubuntu+120:10
beetlejoozAnyone here understand routing enough to help with my ubuntu server routing issue?20:10
xiljinPici: thanks20:10
kevinh90when running on battery I could barely even get logged in and unity said my computer didnt meet the requirements(odd since right after I installed and even after I installed updates it was fine)20:10
winutGT218 (310) and Quadro (GT100) yes, quite different http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Nvidia_graphics_processing_units20:10
kevinh90beetlejooz, go ahead and ask20:11
kevinh90I cant guarantee I can help though20:11
beetlejoozkevin: I already did20:11
beetlejoozcan't ping past my default gw20:11
DynamicFailllutz, didn't work but gave me an idea20:11
beetlejoozif i give the same address to my laptop I can get out just fine20:11
beetlejoozsame gw20:11
DynamicFailclear; while true; do tailf /file; clear; done;20:12
kevinh90can you ping the default gw from ubuntu?20:12
winutlucidguy, what version of ubuntu you running? thx20:12
beetlejoozcan't ping *past* it20:12
llutzDynamicFail: watch -n 5 cat foo/file      :)20:12
lucidguywinut: 10.04.220:12
beetlejoozie, I'm not routing out20:12
winutdoes it seem ok, have you benchmarked it etc?20:12
kevinh90could it be a bcast issue?20:12
winuti mean is video and 3d working?20:13
lucidguywinut: Just got it up and running ... nvidia-settings is also ready Memory 512mb .. obviously wrong, The quadro 5000 has 2.5GB to my knowledge20:13
viiiRedRobot,  http://pastebin.com/FxcQmHB820:13
DynamicFailllutz, that works also :)20:14
lucidguywinut: yes seems alright for now, glxgears responded20:14
RedRobotviii: I can't open pastebin.com, which is why I suggested pocoo20:14
winutwow, mega memory :-)20:14
winutdo you use this for 3d work?20:14
lucidguywinut: this is a new graphics system I had built for for work.  Yes they use it as a graphic workstation.20:15
viiiRedRobot, really? id never heard of that, is it a javascript thing?20:15
lucidguywinut: 24GB of ram20:15
winutomg !!!!20:15
lucidguyDDR3 also20:15
RedRobotviii: no, it is pastebin.com being silly. not that I would open it if I could anyway, I don't like sites with nasty ads20:15
winutlet me know if you have a spare machine like that lol :-)20:16
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
kevinh90I think my freezing issue might have something to do with my graphics card.  glxinfo says  I dont have direct rendering even though the vendor string is nvidia corp20:16
winuti can see why the error has cropped up, not many people have this card i imagine20:16
lucidguywinut: we have two of these babies ... 27inch high end LCD also ... 1440 Vertical res .. I think close to 3000 horiz20:16
winutthat must give you a lucid output!20:17
viiiRedRobot, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/417639/20:17
penlat_what program can transcode to mpeg2 or avchd20:17
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winutyou should log a bug for this for sure20:17
* stoerenungeheuer is back (gone 00:01:06)20:17
Pici!away > stoerenungeheuer20:17
ubottustoerenungeheuer, please see my private message20:17
kevinh90ok, even facebook pictures freeze up my whole x window for about 15 seconds...20:18
RedRobotPici: ffmpeg maybe?20:18
RedRoboter.. penlat_ ^20:18
PiciRedRobot: not me, other p-person ;)20:18
* stoerenungeheuer is away: beschaeftigt/busy/away---leave-a-message20:18
llutz!away| stoerenungeheuer20:18
ubottustoerenungeheuer: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also Ā«/msg ubottu GuidelinesĀ»20:18
siancould some one pls help me how to set up 3 monitor20:18
sianon my ubuntu20:18
penlat_redrobot, ?20:18
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viiiRedRobot, ldd glxgears is all good as is /usr/lib/nvidia-current/xorg/libglx.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so20:19
RedRobotviii: you are using the intel chip, not the nvidia one20:19
gamealogicAhh Ubuntu is great :D20:19
RedRobotviii: laptop with optimus?20:19
winutlucidguy, do you mean to say you have 2 5000's in sli or 2 identical machines?20:19
viiiRedRobot, yea20:19
lucidguy2 systems .. 1x 5000 each20:19
RedRobotviii: sadly those doesn't really work, nvidia does not support optimus on gnu/linux20:20
viiiRedRobot, is optimus where it has the gpu on die with the cpu20:20
winutwhen is the next hollywood blockbuster coming out? lol20:20
sianim using a laptop that got vga and hdmi connection20:20
siani would like to use them20:20
winutlucidguy, what cpu in that beast?20:20
siandoes any one know how to get it work20:20
winutor should i say cpu's!!!!!20:21
RedRobotsian: use the hdmi if the screen has hdmi or dvi in20:21
viiiRedRobot, there isn't a tmp hack, what is optimus exactly20:21
Pici!ot | winut20:21
ubottuwinut: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:21
RedRobotsian: what gfx card is in the laptop and what driver are you using?20:21
sianyea i would like to use hdmi and my vga20:21
lucidguywinut: Nothing crazy 1 i7 9600 3.2ghz20:21
siani got a nvidia geforce 8600gt20:22
RedRobotviii: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTQxNg20:22
pc500My machine hung, and now it just goes to an (initramfs) prompt.20:22
pc500Is it fixable or not?  I have no data on it I care about, if it matters.20:22
winutok, gotta go. nice speak to y'all on and off topic. have a great night all20:22
RedRobotsian: if you are using the closed source drivers, just enable the output you want in nvidia-settings, most likely you won't be able to use both the vga and hdmi out at once though20:22
sianand im using my laptop i would like to connect my 32inch tv and 17 inch monitor on it20:22
kevinh90my computer has 4GB of ram, 1GB GPU ram, and a core 2 duo 64bit cpu.  Would there be any benefit to me using 32bit ubuntu?20:23
jerk255I just installed ubuntu first time, the update manager won't show how long update will take20:23
RedRobotsian: usually you are limited to only one output, but check nvidia-settings20:23
lucidguywinut: later20:23
siani can get one of them working but not both of them20:23
RedRobotjerk255: depends entierly on how fast your internet connection is, how fast your hw is etc20:23
RedRobotjerk255: there is no reliable way to calculate it20:24
PythonSnakesomeone help20:24
BluesKaj-denkevinh90, not really , 64 bit is quite mature now ..that's what I'm using on a similar cpu20:24
jerk255internet is pretty fast, but there is no sign of any progress, shouldn't there be a bar or something20:24
jerk255has been an hour20:24
chaddyhelp with what, PythonSnake?20:24
IdleOne!ask | PythonSnake20:24
ubottuPythonSnake: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:24
PythonSnakeinstalling ubuntu20:24
PythonSnakeI dont know how20:25
StarminnWhat's the standard format for Time Zones?20:25
RedRobotPythonSnake: boot the install cd, press next a bunch of times, done (just like windows :))20:25
PythonSnakebut partition thing20:25
PythonSnakeI really need help for partition for installing ubuntu20:25
RedRobotStarminn: Some/Where20:25
purpleposeidonWhat did you guys do to my tab completion you are a terrible person fix it now20:25
PythonSnakesomeone can help me through remote ?20:25
gohdanPythonSnake: just set it to how much space you think you may need over time20:26
jerk255anyone? Im in update limbo20:26
PythonSnakehow to shrink partitions20:26
RedRobotStarminn: eg Europe/Paris20:26
gohdanPythonSnake: make sure to setup a seperate /home partition as well20:26
RedRobotStarminn: you can find them all in /usr/share/zoneinfo/20:26
kevinh90PythonSnake: dont shrink partitions on your first linux install20:26
PythonSnakewhat to do ?20:26
StarminnRedRobot: How about the "-0400" and such? Are those standard in time zones, or just cause unnecessary confusion?20:27
kevinh90go all in20:27
jerk255im in update manager, 166 updates, the thing is just greyed out with a spinning mouse cursor20:27
PythonSnakeI dont know what to do20:27
RenatoSilvawhat? Firefox 5 in update manager????20:27
llutzStarminn: what are you trying to do? sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata       to set timezone20:27
jjovereatsbuh bah buh buh buh buh buh?20:27
RenatoSilvaworld 's ending?20:27
jerk255I just installed ubuntu with wubi20:28
RA_drcRedRobot: thanks for the links20:28
PiciRenatoSilva: Whats the question?20:28
jjovereatsok, jerk255 you are not a jerk.20:28
RedRobotStarminn: that tells the exact offset from gmt20:28
Starminnllutz: It's actually for a web page. Just thought if anyoe would know the commonnly-accepted order, it'd be you guys. :)20:28
EddiXRenatoSilva: Yeah, almost unbelievable20:28
Pici!ot | jjovereats20:28
ubottujjovereats: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:28
jjovereats!guidelines | jjovereats20:28
ubottujjovereats, please see my private message20:28
RenatoSilvaEddiX: just can't handle20:29
jerk255does anyone know what I'm talking about20:29
chaddyjerk255: wubi is known, yess20:29
chaddyjerk255: what's the specific problem?20:29
StarminnRedRobot llutz: Thanks guys, I found my answer. (There is no one, right way, but I'm just going to use what my system uses.)20:30
jerk255I mean the update manager, its just sitting there with no visual sign of progress, for the past hour and a half20:30
=== Jinxed- is now known as DynFail
redmenaceumm ICQ doesnt work with empathy20:31
marsfligthHi, have you idea if exist a backup tool that allows to schedule the backup with different execution time? Thanks20:31
dlongAnyone here running selinux on their desktop?20:31
jerk255are update downloads just slow right now?20:32
marsfligthHi, have you idea if exist a backup tool that allows to schedule the backup with different execution time for different folders? Thanks20:32
rypervenchejerk255: You can try stopping the update and trying it again in the command line by typing "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" without the quotes.20:32
misaqjerk255, don't worry. if your internet speed is good, like 256 kbps, your update should be done in about one hour20:32
llutzmarsfligth: "different execution time" as in? rsnapshot + cronjob20:32
jerk255so it takes 3 hours?20:32
aferlahello, if i have ubuntu running over win7, can i reinstall win7 without ubuntu?20:32
kevinh90my cell phone gets better than 256kbps most of the time20:33
misaqkevinh90, really?20:33
RedRobotaferla: depends on what you mean by "running over"20:33
redmenacedoes anyone else have ICQ?20:33
redmenaceit doesnt work with Pidgin either20:34
kevinh90misaq, CDMA Rev A, Sprint PCS 3G,  theoretical max speed is around 3 megabits but typical speeds are 400-600kbps20:34
RedRobotredmenace: sadly some people still uses it20:34
RedRobotredmenace: works if you have an up to date pidgin/libpurple20:34
redmenacehow do i update empathy RedRobot20:34
Ivan_The_TerriblHey guys, anyone tried to burn cds with console commands? Is the right command "cdrecord -v name_of_image" ? It didn't work for me - the cd drive was buzzing for a few minutes, but when the command stopped output I checked the cd - and it was empty. What do I do in a wrong way?20:34
inashdeenhi, need a help, trying gerix-wifi-cracker.py, but now it says mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 1. what should i do?20:35
misaqkevinh90, how much expense do you pay for the service?20:35
redmenacehow do you update a single app?20:35
=== ceed^ is now known as ceed^`away
macoredmenace: if you run "sudo apt-get install program" when its already installed, itll just update it20:35
aferlai need reinstall win7 (it has in partition c), ubuntu is install how an application in win7 in partition d20:36
kevinh90misaq: for 3 phones I am paying about $180 per month(that includes both data and voice)20:36
redmenacethanks maco20:36
redmenace......................__ ............20:36
redmenace......<ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL>.20:36
redmenace........................| |...........20:36
redmenace................... __\||/____......20:36
redmenace.\\...............|'-|--| .\\....\.....20:36
FloodBot1redmenace: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:36
lucidguyAnone use drivers from Nvidia eg.  NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.41.06.run ... etc?20:36
kevinh90misaq: a USB data stick for PC is about $60 per month with a 5gb monthly data cap.20:36
misaqkevinh90, it seems reasonable. can i ask where do you live?20:36
kevinh90misaq: Illinois, USA.  where do you live?20:37
jjovereatsWhoah whoah whoa - - this is going offtopic.20:37
kevinh90misaq, Also my phone can use Sprint's WiMAX network which has typical speeds of 1-4megabits with theoretical max around 12megabits per second.  but I am outside that coverage.20:38
misaqkevinh90,  I live in Iran.  I pay 125000 Rials (about 12$ )for my ADSL internet monthly20:39
kevinh90misaq: a 1 megabit adsl line where I live is about $20 per month20:39
plonker1I'm trying to remove getmail, but sudo apt-get autoremove/remove doesn't work. I do know that it is installed but I forgot how I installed it.20:39
jjovereatsmisaq: I think Iran is too undemocratic. R125k? What a biggie!20:40
kevinh90misaq: with what I have heard about Iran, be careful what you say online and try to keep your adsl hooked to the real internet as long as you can before the iranian intranet becomes mandatory20:41
misaqkevinh90,  it is very good speed20:41
llutz!ot | misaq kevinh90  could you please continue in #ubuntu-offtopic?20:41
ubottumisaq kevinh90  could you please continue in #ubuntu-offtopic?: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:41
misaqkevinh90,  1 Mbps is very good for 20$20:41
plonker1I'm trying to remove getmail, but sudo apt-get autoremove/remove doesn't work. I do know that it is installed but I forgot how I installed it.20:42
jjovereatsFor Ā£24-ish I get 11Mbps (i.e just over 1.3 MiB/sec)20:42
aferla i need reinstall win7 (it has in partition c), ubuntu is install how an application in win7 in partition d20:42
misaqllutz,  why should we continue in #ubuntu-offtopic?20:42
llutzmisaq: because you are offtopic here20:42
kevinh90misaq: just /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:43
misaqllutz, what is the main topic here?20:43
llutzmisaq: read what ubottu just told you :)20:44
Picimisaq: This channel is for support only.20:44
gabriel_1980Hi everyone20:45
kevinh90If more people in Iran questioned authority like he does... lol20:46
plonker1I'm trying to remove getmail, but sudo apt-get autoremove/remove doesn't work. I do know that it is installed but I forgot how I installed it.20:46
misaqPici, do you mean there are always assigned people from Ubuntu for support ?20:46
kevinh90plonker, try using synaptic to remove it20:47
kevinh90it might be easier to use20:47
gabriel_1980I have a Dlink-615 wireless router and an Alfa awu036nh usb  wireless n adapter, the problem is that most of the time I cant connect, it keeps looking for signal, but on windows 7 it works fine the connection20:47
Coreymisaq: No, we're all volunteers.20:47
Coreymisaq: #ubuntu-offtopic is our social channel. :-)20:47
aferlacan  i do reinstall win7 (it has in partition c), if i have ubuntu install how an application in win7 in partition d?20:47
xBlueprintWhats up guys20:47
helpmehelpmeI'm getting ubuntu20:48
helpmehelpmeand partition gives me error came up saying: "An error occured while writing the changes to the storage devices.20:48
kevinh90gabriel_1980: dlink-615 is really old20:48
xBlueprintyo does anyone have 11.0420:48
xBlueprinthelpme you have 11.0420:48
kevinh90gabriel_1980: do you mean DIR-615 ?  that is newer20:49
helpmehelpmeAn error occured while writing the changes to the storage devices.20:49
helpmehelpmehelp meee20:49
gabriel_1980It is old but I never have any trouble on windows 7 with it, the problem is with ubuntu, I use the lates 64 bit version20:49
gabriel_1980yea, DIR-615, that is the one I have20:49
xBlueprintDid anyone have problems with 11.04 with realtik wifi drivers?20:49
plonker1I'm trying to remove getmail, but sudo apt-get autoremove/remove doesn't work. I do know that it is installed but I forgot how I installed it.20:50
helpmehelpmeI can't resize partitions20:50
helpmehelpmen error has occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. the resize operation has been aborted.20:50
RexterI installed Windows 7 in VirtualBox on my Ubuntu 11/04 system. I added my user to the vboxusers group, but the host still doesn't see my usb devices. WTF?20:50
helpmehelpmehelp pls20:50
helpmehelpmexBlueprint: no20:50
llutzplonker1: dpkg -l getmail*20:51
helpmehelpmeplease someone help me20:51
Greyscalehelpmehelpme: whats up?20:52
jjovereatshelpmehelpme, please change ya nick20:52
=== helpmehelpme is now known as PythonSnake
EmanonHey all, looking for help getting a hauppage wintv hvr 850 working under 11.04 if possible.20:52
GreyscalePythonSnake: if its aborted changes it should have not made any <<20:52
llutzRexter: did you install the OSE-version? it has no USB-support, you'll need to install oracles Extension Pack20:52
GreyscaleUnless your filesystem is hosed~20:52
plonker1llutz: I get getmail and getmail4 but when running dpkg -r getmail/getmail4 I get - "Ignoring request to remove getmail which is not installed"20:53
inashdeenhi, need a help, trying gerix-wifi-cracker.py, but now it says mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 1. what should i do?\20:53
RedRobotplonker1: maybe you installed them by hand instead of using the package system?20:53
plonker1RedRobot: llutz : Yes, now I remember. That was a tgz package and I used a provided .py program to install it20:54
llutzRedRobot: dpkg wouldn't list them then as installed20:54
PythonSnakeGreyscale: I cant resize partition an error has occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. the resize operation has been aborted.20:54
=== administrator is now known as MattR
RedRobothe said dpkg didn't list them as installed20:54
RedRobotand he admitted to installing them the stupid way20:55
GreyscalePythonSnake: sorry dude, theres not much help anyone can give20:55
Greyscaleand repeatedly going "help" won't change that20:55
plonker1RedRobot: llutz : I downloaded the same installation package again in order to find something about uninstalling it but cant find some relevant info20:55
Greyscaleyour best bet is to turn it off and on again and hope it comes back up20:55
RedRobotplonker1: check if they have a uninstall func in the setup.py20:55
Greyscaleand if it doesn't, reinstall... Hope you got the CDs ready :)20:55
RedRobotplonker1: and next time, use the package system20:55
* PythonSnake is in trouble20:55
llutzRedRobot: dpkg -l getmail      shouldn't list them, if not installed20:56
* jjovereats is implosive20:56
MattRafternoon everyone20:56
plonker1llutz: That is weird.20:56
plonker1RedRobot: No uninstall function.20:56
=== Black is now known as J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r
Rexterllutz, things have changed a bit. I installed the regular version from the Orical site along with the VirtualBox 4.0.8 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack.20:58
gabriel_1980I have a Dlink-615 wireless router and an Alfa awu036nh usb  wireless n adapter, the problem is that most of the time I cant connect, it keeps looking for signal, but on windows 7 it works fine the connection20:58
gabriel_1980I have a Dlink DIR-615 router20:59
inashdeenhi, where is the irc for gerix?20:59
=== JasonnAWAY is now known as Jasonn
Corey!afk | Jasonn20:59
lonkiHi all, would like to ask for some help debugging a bug. It is listed on launchpad. Would like to see if someone not using nvidia is able to reproduce it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak/+bug/79632620:59
ubottuJasonn: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also Ā«/msg ubottu GuidelinesĀ»20:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 796326 in Ubuntu Tweak "hiding the desktop icons fuzzes the display" [Undecided,Won't fix]20:59
lonkiif not then I am sure where to send a correct bugreport21:00
J0hn_Th3_Ripp3ri not understand english, help me...21:00
jjovereatsubuntu bug 1 is fixable, but only through Debian mass-advertising it's OS.21:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:00
chaddyJ0hn_Th3_Ripp3r: there may be an ubuntu channel in your native language21:00
IdleOne!ot | jjovereats21:00
ubottujjovereats: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:00
jjovereatsi did not mean to trigger the ubuntu bot, sorry about that.21:00
DrkCodemanis there a default LTSP distro to ubuntu or is it something that has to be installed sepprately?21:01
DrkCodemanim looking to setup thin clients in the near future21:01
JasonnCorey: How is that a noisy away message... It is just a nickchange21:01
DynamicFailllutz, what was that watch command again21:01
llutzDynamicFail: watch -n 5 cat foo/file21:01
DynamicFailmissing the cat lol21:02
gohdan!br | J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r21:02
ubottuJ0hn_Th3_Ripp3r: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:02
IdleOneJasonn: imagine 1500 users doing nick changes every time they came and went21:02
tjiggi_foJ0hn_Th3_Ripp3r, what language you speak?21:02
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
Jasonn!pt J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r21:03
Jasonn!pt | J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r21:03
ubottuJ0hn_Th3_Ripp3r: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:03
vai_anyone got problems with printers in Ubuntu 10?21:03
llutzDynamicFail: to watch end of files this way, "tac" might be better21:04
jjovereatsv10 or 10.10? make up your mind vai_21:04
vai_CANON IP2700 SERIES21:04
plonker1RedRobot: If i dont find any uninstall function in the python script, do i need to remove it by hand ? is that the only option i remain with?21:04
vai_it doesn't print a crap21:04
=== lonki is now known as hansw
beecarrHi guys. Does anyone know how to get Unity setup in edubuntu? I am curious. Many thanks for any feedbacks.21:09
david___i was trying to install galaxium- but make command didn't work21:09
david___any info about that?21:11
=== darren is now known as darrengrant
virgomy extra driver window says about my Nvidia graphics drivers: driver is activated but not in use. What does that mean "not in use"?21:13
aferlaI have install ubuntu 11.04 in D partition and i have win7 in C partition, can i reinstall it without affect ubuntu?21:13
jjovereatsaferla: NO.21:13
RedRobotplonker1: python setup.py --help21:13
clctodavid___: is it in the repos? whats the error?21:13
tiakoDoes anyone know how vim editor deals with different size terminal windows?21:14
clctotiako: well21:14
KoobilitooHowdy Folks21:14
amorphousaferla, you want to reinstall windows or ubuntu?21:14
KoobilitooWondering what program for ubuntu is as close to itunes as possible in your opinions?21:14
david___idk it say Please install mono version 1.2.421:14
aferlaubuntu its ok21:14
david___idk what is mono21:14
asslowashellwtf, why is insight gone in ubuntu 10...21:14
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amorphousaferla, then win7 will write to the MBR and grub won't work. you'll have to save the old mbr, reinstall windows and then reinstall grub or put back the mbr21:15
clctodavid___: open source reworking of .NET .. did you try to use a package manager21:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».21:15
inashdeenhi, need help on gerix, when trying to hack my own wpa, it says mon0 is on channel -1, but the Ap uses channel 121:15
david___whats that?21:15
plonker1RedRobot: I don't see some information about removing the package. I guess i'll use 'find' and remove the data files manually. Thank u21:16
clctoKoobilitoo: in what way?21:16
Bombasawhere can i jet any file like videos or songs?21:16
KoobilitooCLCTO: in as many ways as possible something that i can add my music to then burn to CD in the same program.21:16
asslowashellBombasa: gtfo21:16
tjiggi_foBombasa, not here21:16
Pici!piracy | Bombasa21:16
ubottuBombasa: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:16
Piciasslowashell: the 'insight' package?  It looks like it was removed from Debian and subsquently removed from Ubuntu. See http://bugs.debian.org/566579 for details.21:16
tiakoclcto I dunno but I am having huge problems with the way vim acts when I resize terminal windows21:16
ubottuDebian bug 566579 in ftp.debian.org "RM: insight -- RoQA; Insane packaging; unmaintained; low popcon" [Normal,Open]21:16
asslowashellPici, thanks, investigating21:17
Bombasawhat can I do in this channel?21:17
chaddyBombasa: there are some sites which provide CC licensed materials21:17
amorphousaferla, to save the current MBR, open a terminal in Ubuntu and do this: "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/home/username/mbr.dat bs=512 count=1"21:17
clctoBombasa: ubuntu support21:17
NictraSaviosBombasa: Get help on ubuntu.21:17
PiciBombasa: this channel is only for Ubuntu support. Chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic21:17
aferlasorry, what is mbr?21:17
chaddyaferla: master boot record21:17
Bombasais dangerous to use virtualbox ?21:17
clctoKoobilitoo: that is generally not the "UNIX way".21:17
NictraSaviosaferla: 512 bytes that host the begining of your bootloader and your parition table21:17
KoobilitooLovely :D ok then Can you reccomend one that is as close as possible to what I've already typed and asked about :D21:18
NictraSaviosaferla: the first 446 contain the bootloader, If you install windows, then those 446 bytes (that start grub) will start windows, so you need to put grub back21:18
david___look can u take a look at this and tell me how i fix the error21:18
NictraSaviosaferla: There is an excelent article in the wiki pages. Google21:18
aferlanictrasavios, i will see21:19
NictraSaviosaferla: Google "Reinstalling Windows after Ubuntu Install"21:19
clctoKoobilitoo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Experiences/MusicPlayers start there.21:20
NictraSaviosaferla: Or something like that, youll find it. Remember, always research21:20
KoobilitooThank you Clcto! much appreciative!21:20
clctoKoobilitoo: nevermind21:20
clctothat is crap21:20
david___clcto: can u plz take a look at this http://pastebin.com/9FSHTtyG21:21
trismdavid___: it seems you need at least the kdelibs5-dev package to build (and you will probably need more)21:21
NictraSaviosWanna fix all your Windows related issues? sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt , sudo mv -r /mnt/* /dev/nul21:21
NictraSaviosWanna fix all your Windows related issues? sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt , sudo mv -r /mnt/* /dev/null *21:21
NictraSaviosDone. lmao. (dont do it)21:22
david___how i get it21:22
trismdavid___: sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev;21:22
macoDO NOT run the command NictraSavios said21:22
SomelauwNictraSavios: I just did what you said, but now my windows won't boot.21:22
NictraSaviosI said dont do it.21:22
NictraSaviosSomelauw: See? All better :D21:22
david___oh ok thanks21:22
david___and when i try to install Q4Wine it say i need somthing that i don't have21:23
NictraSaviosinashdeen: what?21:23
trismdavid___: the exact error would be more helpful21:23
viiiRedRobot, bumblebee worked! evn though it lacks a config for my system it went flawlessly21:23
viiiRedRobot, you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!21:24
jetrosti want to SSH into my clean install of ubuntu 10.04 from a windows machine using PuTTY. do i just use the IP address of the ubuntu machine, and tell it to use SSH?21:25
chaddyjetrost: on the ubuntu machine install openssh-server21:25
david___trism: http://pastebin.com/bwCZa1sV21:25
=== lng is now known as Guest83802
arooni-mobilecan i add a countdown timer to the unity panel?21:26
arooni-mobileis there a unity channel21:26
jetrostchaddy, thanks, i'll try that.21:26
Totem-Schalterjetrost: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:27
Rexterinstalled Windows 7 in VirtualBox on my ubuntu 11.04 system. I have added my user to the vboxusers group, but my guest OS still cannot find USB devices.21:27
david___i have the wine 1.3.2221:27
trismdavid___: that would be why, it depends on 1.0 or 1.2, but you have 1.321:27
david___:( ah ok21:28
llutzRexter: did you re-login after adding your user to vboxusers?21:28
Mandrewany nvidia graphic card wizard in?21:28
marsfligthProbably OT, if it is, tell me where speak about. I plan to upgrade my hardware soon. Is there some cpu that works better with Linux? I mean, dual-core, quad etc21:28
david___ok gtg take care21:28
Rexterllutz, i can't remember. I'll try it. brb21:29
llutzRexter: "id" as user should list vboxusers21:29
clcto!ask | Mandrew21:29
ubottuMandrew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:29
NictraSaviosolliea95: Hello there, what brings you to our little spot on freenode?21:31
arooni-mobilewhats the best source of widgets i can hide/show with a key pres?  i have used screenlets in the past; don't know if there's something better21:32
marsfligthWhere can I find all applets/indicators/item available for Ubuntu panel?21:32
=== jack_ is now known as hi_im_jack_im_fr
RedRobotarooni-mobile: depending on what you are going to use it for, dzen2 can be handy21:32
NictraSavios!fr | hi_im_jack_im_fr21:33
ubottuhi_im_jack_im_fr: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franƧais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:33
asslowashelloh wow.  so baaaasically.  I need to downgrade to ubuntu 9 if i want insight working21:33
asslowashellwell thats simply a joy :/21:33
NictraSaviosasslowashell: Or use another distro. But... yea.21:33
=== BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou1
=== BlouBlou1 is now known as BlouBlou
NictraSaviosasslowashell: If you need to downgrade to use something, chances are its because there is a better (thats up for debate), newer version or alternative thats better supported or activitly developed.21:34
jetrostchaddy: after installing openssh-server, what do i do? also, is there any particular port i should be connecting to?21:34
asslowashellNictraSavios: typically, i suppose, but I don't think so in this case.21:35
NictraSaviosjetrost: In my experance, Shh servers use port 22.21:35
Totem-Schalterport 2221:35
chaddyjetrost: putty to user@host, should use default port which is 2221:35
asslowashellThis is why I normally hate updating21:35
RedRobotasslowashell: I would just find a replacement for insight21:35
NictraSaviosasslowashell: Ive never used insight, So i have no option on that, But you should try googling around a little, you may be surprised.21:35
jetrostNictraSavios, Totem-Schalter, chaddy: thanks.21:36
NictraSaviosasslowashell: Personally, I HATED gnome 3, thought it was the worst thing in the world, till I used it. Now its my favortite DE. You may have the same experance with Insight and whatever alternative, if any, it has.21:36
Totem-Schalterjetrost: dont forget if your going to connect over a router u may wanna open port 22 on the router21:36
jetrostTotem-Schalter: dang, that complicates things. btw, should i run openssh-server after it is installed? or does it handle itself automatically?21:38
Totem-Schalterit start automatically21:38
Totem-Schalteror id did for me21:38
NictraSaviosjetrost: Many routers have port 20,22 and a few other common ports alredy open.21:39
Totem-Schalteroh then it should work ..21:39
NictraSaviosjetrost: Mine did, and its a belkin. If they have it open, then most do. Cus belkins are the cow poo of routers in my opinion haha21:40
jetrostwhat would the host be? my ip address?21:40
Totem-Schalterdepends if your running Nat21:40
Totem-Schalterif u wanna check over the router use your routers incoming Ip address21:41
NictraSaviosjetrost: It would probably be your local ip, like or
jetrostwould i be running Nat on a clean install of ubuntu?21:41
Totem-Schalterjetrost: u may wanna google port forwarding and read up an that21:42
NictraSaviosjetrost: You can also define these local ips to nicknames in /etc/hosts21:42
Totem-SchalterNat is run on the router not the computer21:42
chaddyjetrost: NAT is what gives you so many local ip's on your LAN rather than just you external ip which identifies you on the internet21:42
NictraSaviosDon't all modern routers use Nat?21:42
jetrostunderstood. thanks all. i'll research a bit more.21:43
chaddyNictraSavios: think so, never had one that didn't21:43
NictraSavioschaddy: Yea, Ive never seen one that dosent21:43
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
NictraSavioschaddy: And I use ALOT of routers....21:43
NictraSavios clear21:44
NictraSaviosoops, forgot the /21:44
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
NictraSaviosAnyone have any indepth experance with Xen? Dose it provide seamless paralization?21:48
NictraSaviossomething akin to Virtualbox Seamless mode, only in parallization21:48
lolmaticcan anyone tell me why my flash videos dont work anymore in chrome (ubuntu)?21:51
lolmaticflash is loaded but the background is all black21:51
NictraSavioslolmatic: Did it work before?21:52
lolmaticNictraSavios: yes.21:52
lolmatici reopened chrome and it didnt work anymore.21:52
NictraSavioslolmatic: How long ago? And did you do any upgrades since then?21:52
rypervenchelolmatic: What version of flash are you using?21:52
lolmaticNictraSavios: no upgrades.21:52
NictraSavioslolmatic: Did you try reloading chrome (closing it, reopening)21:53
lolmaticNictraSavios: of course21:53
NictraSavioslolmatic: No idea then. I personally don't use flash at all.21:53
NictraSavioshtml5 all the way21:53
rypervenchehear hear!21:53
jo-erlend_with Unity (Compiz) you can press alt+ctrl+numkeys to place windows. I really love that, but I would like to make the left side a little bit wider than the right side. Is there any way to configure that?21:54
NictraSaviosjo-erlend_: Drag the corner and resize?21:55
mattmattehhow can i enable vaapi for intel i3 ?21:55
jo-erlend_that is; if I press alt+ctrl+4. then I want a window vertically maximized with the width of 1100px. If I alt+ctrl+6, then the window should be maximized vertically and have 820px width, or something.21:55
plonker1because u r a noob21:56
jo-erlend_NictraSavios, no, I want to use the keyboard shortcuts to always place windows like that.21:56
NictraSaviosjo-erlend_: Personally, I dont use Unity. But all configureation files are in /etc, so I would expect that, if you could change it, it would be in there.21:56
jo-erlend_NictraSavios, no, personal configuration files are not stored there.21:57
NictraSaviosjo-erlend_: they would be in dot files in your ~ , But I assume that your the only users, and if not, the rest don't care.22:00
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».22:00
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
cyperbganyone willing to help22:01
cyperbgI@m trying to install pyopencl22:01
cyperbgand I get error: command gcc failed with exit status 122:01
lng_how do I generate WIFI WPA key?22:01
Kuifje111hello all. I have downloaded the 64 bit version of ubuntu. the filename says it is for the amd64 architecture but I own an intel CPU. will this run on my PC?22:03
NictraSaviosKuifje111: It may, I have an intel chip and it runs fine.22:03
Kuifje111that doesn't make sense to me22:03
ZykoticK9Kuifje111, yes.  AMD64 is for both AMD and Intel 64bit CPUs22:03
NictraSaviosKuifje111: When was your computer made? That could be a good indicator, all recent intel chips support x86_6422:03
lng_NictraSavios: ?22:04
NictraSaviosKuifje111: By "recent" I mean 2007-2009+22:04
Kuifje111NictraSavios: my CPU supports x86_64, but amd64 != x86_64 as far as I know22:04
ZykoticK9Kuifje111, amd64 does = x86_64 actually22:05
NictraSaviosKuifje111: Ubuntu is not amd64, it is 64-bit, which means it will support both22:05
NictraSaviosZykoticK9: (There are a few key differnces, but they are mostly the same)22:05
ZykoticK9NictraSavios, ONLY in name actually22:05
Kuifje111ok, thanks for the help22:07
joeylockiehello every one22:07
chaddyhey joe22:07
NictraSaviosjoeylockie: Hello, what brings you to our chat?22:07
joeylockieam new to ubuntu and am looking to run a server22:07
cyperbgso noone can help me then?22:08
chaddyserver to do what, joeylockie?22:08
cyperbgwith pyopencl22:08
NictraSavios!server | joeylockie22:08
ubottujoeylockie: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server22:08
joeylockierun mmo server off of and maybe a website22:08
NictraSaviosjoeylockie: Read what ubottu said, this is not the channel for server support.22:09
joeylockieah ok22:09
tsrkHow can I make SSH use a different directory for it's info (it tries to use ~/.ssh, I want it to use a directory I specify)?22:09
NictraSaviosjoeylockie: Thank you.22:09
oCeancyperbg: package python-pyopencl is in the repositories22:09
NictraSaviostsrk: Learn about how it works, you can specify the folder when you connect22:09
ZykoticK9joeylockie, if you are "new" personally i'd recommend using Desktop and adding services, unless you want a CLI only install22:09
joeylockieok thanks22:10
cyperbgocean: I'm a complete Linux newbie. How do i get it from there? DO I use wget or the Software Update icon in the Control panel?22:10
NictraSaviosYea... And dont host a website off your own server. Unless you have a nice big cluster.22:10
NictraSavioscyperbg: you can use the ubuntu software center or apt-get install22:10
cocoShould Bind run on its own server or does it matter?22:10
oCeancyperbg: there are all nice repositories in ubuntu! All you need to do is  sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl22:10
tsrkNictraSavios: Where would I find that information? I've checked the SSH man file.22:11
abc123xyzcyperbg: you open a terminal and type in sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl22:11
cyperbgok I will try and report back22:11
NictraSaviostsrk: info ssh, you can also google around. server support is in #ubuntu-server , all we can give is client support22:11
oCean!software > cyperbg22:11
ubottucyperbg, please see my private message22:11
iotsrk: '$ ssh -F <configuration file> <user@host>'22:11
penlat_Is there a way to backup my current ubuntu install exactly how it is to have the same system if it crashed22:12
ZykoticK9!clone > penlat_22:12
ubottupenlat_, please see my private message22:12
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
tsrkNictraSavios: I've been Google'ing for an answer, and haven't been able to find one. This is a client issue; it's concerned with the SSH client, not the SSH server.22:13
NictraSaviospenlat_: Backup your home directory, and use dpkg --get-selections to maintain a list of your installed software22:13
abc123xyzpenlat_: take a look at clonezilla22:13
ZykoticK9penlat_, clone is one option for backing up the installed programs, if you wanted a image backup you could check out the Clonezilla LiveCD22:13
cyperbgocean: it is installing but is it normal to download nvidia stuff when my video card and even chipset is AMD/Ati22:13
TheMatrix3000lvm allows me to increase the size of a partition dynamically in teh future right?22:13
NictraSaviostsrk: When you use the "connect to server" dialog, it lets you specify what folder you want to connect to. Use that as your starting point.22:13
th0rtsrk: you might also look at the ssh_config file in /etc/ssh22:14
penlat_Alright thats a start. THank you guys22:14
tsrkNictraSavios: That specifies what folder to access on the remote machine. It's not what I need.22:14
NictraSaviostsrk: I thought thats what you wanted, sorry22:14
oCeancyperbg: it will download install whatever you specify. I'm not sure why it is downloading nvidia packages when you're trying to install a python package22:14
oCeancyperbg: I send you a link (through ubottu's PM) to read up on how to use the software repositories22:15
penlat_NictraSavios, how can I save the list to automate the installation after reinstall22:15
tsrkNictraSavios: No, I'm trying to stop SSH from trying to create a ~/.ssh because in this case ~ isn't writable so the SSH fails22:15
tsrkth0r: I looked and didn't see anything applicable :/22:15
cyperbgthank you22:15
NictraSaviospenlat_: run sudo dpkg --get-selections22:16
penlat_NictraSavios, I did. gave me a long list22:16
NictraSaviospenlat_: There are guides on how to get it to install everything over again, Google it. Personally i dont use ubuntu or any debian bassed distro, so I dont know.22:16
ZykoticK9penlat_, you should read the !clone factoid I sent you22:16
NictraSaviospenlat_: Oh, dpkg --get-selections > list22:16
NictraSaviosZykoticK9: Cloning is horrible. It only works 50/50 at best.22:17
abc123xyztsrk: http://serverfault.com/questions/11029/how-can-you-change-the-default-location-of-the-ssh-folder22:17
ZykoticK9NictraSavios, LOL - it gives directions to what you are explaining...22:17
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type Ā« aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages Ā», move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type Ā« sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install Ā» - See also !automate22:17
NictraSaviosZykoticK9: Oh, I thought it said that clone zilla bs.22:18
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penlat_Thank you all. Really helpful and fast22:19
tsrkabc123xyz: Thank you! Is AuthorizedKeysFile the one that's causing it to try to create .ssh? I'll try setting that to something writable and see if that works.22:20
ZykoticK9penlat_, FYI if you backup your /var/cache/apt/archives folder it will also save redownloading update/programs/etc.22:20
DrCooperIf I use multiple processors and Thread classes, do I need to synchronize counters in these Thread classes? http://pastebin.com/1u9K2tUD22:21
abc123xyztsrk: try it, I'm not on an linux OS right now (at work) so can't really look into the file, let me know how it turns out22:21
DrCooperor is the synchronization implicit because it's a Thread?22:21
tsrkabc123xyz: Ok, trying it now22:22
abc123xyzabc123xyz: you might need to change every reference of ~/ to whatever directory you want22:22
roolyhas anyone else had problems with indicator-applets? something causes them to fail to open the menu when i click on an applet, unless its on the far left of the screen.22:22
NictraSaviosZOMGoodness I finnaly got the adobe cs5.5 master suit to install!!!! HALELUJAH!!!!!!!!22:23
NictraSaviosSorry.... Kinda been going at that for about 8 hours now.22:23
roolygood job NictraSavios22:23
abc123xyzNictraSavios: now see if it works :P22:23
roolyadobe products are always a pain to install on any platform22:23
NictraSaviosabc123xyz: Thats why I was so happy, it dose.22:24
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abc123xyzNictraSavios: ohh :)22:24
NictraSaviosFinnaly. Hellooooo Pure Arch Linux Desktop. shred /dev/sda1 :P22:24
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Rich_Can anyone help with ubuntu boot problems on a Vostro 1015?22:24
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abc123xyzRich_: don't ask to ask, ask your question22:25
NictraSavios!ask | Rich_22:25
ubottuRich_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:25
Rich_Dell Vostro 1015 laptop will not boot ubuntu22:26
NictraSaviosRich_: Why22:26
Rich_Gets through the Dell and Ubuntu splash screens22:26
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Rich_But does not boot linux22:26
NictraSaviosRich_: Okay. Why? Whats the error codes.22:26
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Rich_Login fails with "Could not update IECauthority file /home/jacob/.IECauthority" error22:26
Rich_ Followed by "There is a problem with the configuration server (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)" message22:27
Rich_If I exit to a root shell there is no filesystem22:27
fallenangeltrying to set up a vpn. i have question. how do i stop all my traffic getting routed ? in windows there is a checkbox for 'use remote gateway' how do i do that in ubunut22:27
siavoshkchow can I change folder ownership from root to user or anyone?22:27
Rich_Disk check on boot sequence fails when run, but the bios disk check passes22:27
NictraSavios!vpn | fallenangel22:27
ubottufallenangel: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:27
abc123xyzRich_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94975022:27
ZykoticK9siavoshkc, "sudo chown USER:USER folder"22:27
abc123xyzRich_: have you tried recovery mode?22:28
Rich_abc123xyz, no I have not, but will do that22:28
Rich_Thanks for the link22:28
abc123xyzRich_: np22:28
szalsiavoshkc: are you using *buntu or SUSE?22:28
linusApulseaudio server starts but pavucontrol reports Connection failed: Connection refused. I have deleted ~/.pulse and removed and installed pulseaudio packages several times. Any suggestions?22:29
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: then why are you in #ubuntu?22:29
siavoshkcI have both on VM22:29
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: But your trying to get help with suse?22:29
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: in the ubuntu channel. I want you to stop, think about the logic there.22:30
siavoshkcthis feature should be same on most distros I suppose22:30
siavoshkcI am trying to get help on linux22:30
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: You suppose? ... Getcha but to #opensuse :P22:30
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: so shoudlnt you be in #linux?22:31
siavoshkcgood idea22:31
siavoshkcI should be there too22:31
szalNictraSavios: he is in #suse, hence my question, because I'm in both chans too22:31
qinNictraSavios: You could give him command to diff /etc/pass... too22:31
mattmattehanyone know how to get hardware video playback on intel i3 hd 2000 ?22:31
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: only there. Unless your ubuntu is acting up, in that case, you should be only in #suse22:32
siavoshkcNictraSavios: err I dont think so22:32
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: If your asking for help with suse here, we will give you this "send suse to /dev/null, and use ubuntu only, have a nice day"22:32
szalsiavoshkc: just to get things straight, it's definitely not a crime to be in multiple distro channels, but it _is_ bad manner to ask the same question across multiple channels that have nothing to do w/ each other22:33
qinsiavoshkc: Just do not admit to having non-Ubuntu distro ;_22:33
siavoshkcthere is a war22:33
FreakishQuick question: I have Natty Narwhal, which is so far a great introduction for me to Linux.... but I installed VMWare recently, via their website because the synaptic packages seemed to not be functioning properly.... and now I don't know how to get it off of my machine (I went with VirtualBox instead), since it doesn't show up as even being installed22:33
guntbertqin: stop that nonsense22:33
NictraSaviosFreakish: its probably in /opt/ look in there for an "uninstalll" script, or look on the VM website22:34
guntbertsiavoshkc: no war at all but different distros handle things differently and what fit for one may do harm on the other22:34
qinguntbert: 15 lines, and someone just asked for chmod????22:34
Freakishthanks, Nictra22:35
ZykoticK9Freakish, the apt options only support uninstalling things installed using apt, which VMWare isn't one.  See if VMWare has some uninstall instructions.  Best of luck.22:35
underscorHey guys, any idea why this would happen after an apt-get upgrade?22:35
NictraSaviosI hate irssi and using a command line only system. I feel so left out when people post images.22:35
siavoshkcas you may see I'm new to Linux22:35
SPYWAREanyone know some good ipv6 ubuntu repositorys in europe? using ftp.heanet.ie atm, but only 100 kb / s =(22:35
underscorNictraSavios: Haha22:35
szalsiavoshkc: being new is not an excuse for cross-posting22:36
siavoshkcI tried mint, ubuntu, poppy22:36
siavoshkcI want to say somethin szal22:36
siavoshkcits not a forum22:36
siavoshkcI should think people are different in other rooms22:36
FreakishI wanted to use VMWare, because I hear its a great platform, but whenever I ran it it I got a "Unable to build kernel module." error22:36
siavoshkcso cross posting has no meaning here22:37
abc123xyztsrk: did you get it working with the different directory?22:37
NictraSaviossiavoshkc: This useless stream of dribble pours from your fingers, you have no purposing being here. Now, unless you have a quesstion about ubuntu, please type /close22:37
siavoshkcI was saying,22:37
szal!attitude | NictraSavios22:37
ubottuNictraSavios: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:37
oCeanNictraSavios: siavoshkc: this channel is for tech ubuntu support. Let's drop the discussion whether this channel was the correct one or not, and continue ontopic22:37
siavoshkcI really have a hard time dealing with linux22:37
siavoshkcnon of the distros was satisfactory22:38
oCeansiavoshkc: if you have an ubuntu issue, you are more than welcome to address it here22:38
NictraSaviosSorry, I really hate people who are being useless. Ill stop.22:38
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tsrkabc123xyz: It turns out the issue that was causing SSH to fail was that the key file I'm using wasn't readable to the user that needed to access it. I have a new problem though, which is that SSH doesn't like key files to be world readable, but I need it to be so that the user can read it. Any idea how to make SSH use it even with 644 permissions?22:38
th0rtsrk: everyone can read it with 644.....they just can't write to it22:38
oCeansiavoshkc: this channel is not for discussion of other distributions. If you have an ubuntu question/issue, please describe in detail and wait for an answer22:38
siavoshkclinux channel is voiced?22:39
abc123xyztsrk: that I can't help with unfortunately, don't have that much experience, sorry, good luck22:39
tsrkth0r: I know, but SSH won't let me use 644 permissions. It ignores the key file, telling me to make it more secure.22:39
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th0rtsrk: it probably wants 600, or maybe 64022:40
ZykoticK9tsrk, couldn't you copy the key to user's .ssh folder and change permission?22:40
NictraSaviosth0r: thats because the 4 means its world readable.22:40
tsrkth0r: I know, but multiple users need to be able to read it22:40
Freakish@NictraSavios: I checked my /opt directory.... there is absolutely NOTHING in it. WTF22:40
siavoshkcoCean: it straightly translates to get the hell out of here22:40
tsrkZykoticK9: The key file isn't stored in .ssh, it's in my application's configuration22:40
jwashhey guys, i use xvnc quite heavily. when i disconnect a session and reconnect my programs get lost/hidden. its like i'm connecting to a first session and another session second. is there any way to make sure thati always connect to the same session when i reconnect to a disconnected xvnc session?22:40
NictraSaviosFreakish: Hmm. Id check their website.22:40
oCeansiavoshkc: what does22:40
Freakish@NictraSavios: It seems like there should be something there. I'm traditionally a Windows user, though, and getting used to Ubuntu is a sleep-losing experience :P22:41
joevandyk_I have a directory that should be first in everyone's PATH -- even for things like forked processes, cron jobs, etc.  On ubuntu, where's the appropriate place to add the directory to the PATH?22:41
Rich_abc123xyz, followed those instructions, but no joy22:42
NictraSaviosFreakish: try googling "uninstall vmware in ubuntu" and check their website22:42
Rich_There is seemingly no filesystem22:42
qinRich_: Two things:22:42
Rich_Running fsck now22:42
th0rjoevandyk_: ~/.bashrc I believe22:43
NictraSaviosjoevandyk_: /etc/bash.bashrc22:43
NictraSavios~/.bashrc is user specific.22:43
siavoshkcthanks for help22:43
PAB_using ubuntu 11.04-2.6.38 i7-2600k gpu hung rergularly. tried to change to 2.6.39 and 3.0rc4. does not help. any suggestions?22:43
qinRich_: 1. Boot LiveCD, (liveusb better), install testdisk and check partitions.22:43
tsrkth0r: abc123xyz: Permissions 0640 for '...' are too open.22:43
Freakish@NictraSavios: ty22:43
tsrkth0r: abc123xyz: So I can't even make a group w/ all the users that need to access it :/22:44
Rich_qin: thanks, will try that22:44
NictraSaviosIm so glad I started using lvm.... :D22:45
qinRich_: Remove drive, slave it sowhere and try to copy any important parts.22:45
qinRich_: Does bootiing into "text" with no "splash" helps?22:45
Anonimohello everybody, I'm having some troubles with a wireless joystick22:46
NictraSaviostmux or screen ?22:46
Rich_qin: its a laptop and I don't have a cradle for the drive to slave it anywhere22:47
NictraSaviosAnonimo: You should ask your doctor about problems with your joystick.22:47
Rich_qin: booting cd now22:47
bazhangNictraSavios, take that elsewhere22:47
NictraSaviosI was gonna backspace soryy22:47
Anonimoit's a diunamai, and the game I use won't recognize 3 buttons (the most important)22:47
JAWCSPYWARE, archive.monubuntu.fr is up to date according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors (Florian Entreprise, 100Mbps) and has an AAAA record. Not sure if there's any way of telling which of those mirrors have IPv6 other than checking them individually.22:47
Rich_qin: this sympton is unchanged after going from a v10 to v11 install22:48
bazhangAnonimo, IR? bluetooth?22:48
Rich_qin: I thought a fresh install would fix the boot problem, but apparently not22:48
AnonimoNictraSavios, LOL!22:48
Anonimobazhang, yes, and it has it's own receiver22:48
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Freakish@SPYWARE: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71656722:49
Anonimosorry, bluetooth 1,9 GHz22:49
bazhangAnonimo, there were two choices : bt or ir22:49
NictraSaviosOkay, imma turn the channel off for about 10 minutes, wayyy to many good jokes involvig blue joysticks.22:49
Freakishthey have a couple IPV6 repositories listed, and a redirect to possibly find more22:49
Anonimobazhang, yep, I didn't noticed22:49
Anonimobazhang, bluetooth 1,9 GHz22:49
dinkdinkRich_: are you saying you did not read lmgtfy's recommendation for that22:49
MeshezabeelWhen I right click on a USB stick on the Ubunut desktop, I have options that say "Eject" as well as "Safely Remove Drive". Does it matter which one I use?22:51
bazhangMeshezabeel, best to choose safely remove22:52
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Rich_dinkdink: must have missed it, sorry22:52
Meshezabeelbazhang: okay, what is the perpose of "Eject" for a USB stick?22:53
dinkdinkRich_: well here man read up http://tinyurl.com/akccrb22:53
Random832Meshezabeel: it basically unmounts the filesystem22:53
oCeandinkdink: what does that have to do with ubuntu?22:53
Random832it's weird that there are two options - but oddly enough windows does it too22:53
bazhangdinkdink, that is not an acceptable support offering. lmgtfy is not OK here22:54
Meshezabeelokay thanks all22:54
dinkdinkgeez just trying to lighten the mood22:54
oCeandinkdink: wrong channel22:54
bazhangdinkdink, if you do not know then dont answer. this is the jokes channel.22:54
dinkdinkMeshezabeel: i would imagine it's better to unmount the thing before unplugging it but i never do either.. i grip it and rip it22:55
bazhangdinkdink, not good advice22:55
rosemariei need heeeellp:(22:55
bazhangrosemarie, with what22:55
dinkdinkbut you cant tell me why can you22:56
siavoshkcbye friendsss22:56
bazhangdinkdink, why what22:56
dinkdinkwhy it's not a good idea22:56
rosemariei used to have wireless connection and one day i opened my comupter and network manager is gone so i have no idea how to get internet back, rite now im using a wire thing to get it so i can try to fix it..helppp22:56
bazhangdinkdink, safely removing a usb stick?22:57
Meshezabeeldinkdink: I did that once by accident and then was not able to retreive my files properly22:57
rosemariealso bear with me in 14..22:57
th0rdinkdink: most linux file systems cache before writing. If you remove the drive before the file is completely written it will crash the drive22:57
dinkdinkbeen yanking my usb drive out by the cord for years without a problem and there is 1 TB of stuff on there22:57
pr0tonwhich is better sed  or awk ?22:57
rp2hi - any trn users in here? besides me that is22:58
Awsoonnpr0ton: they are both used for different tasks :) learn both~22:58
pr0tonAwsoonn, ok!22:58
pr0tonwhat is the nicest regex that would match an ipaddress ?22:58
rp2i'm running into a consistent crash and I#m not sure how to make it go away in a persistent way22:59
qinpr0ton: /j ##sed and /j #awk , you are likely to have two anwsera.22:59
rp2and in #perl they're probably going to tell you not to use a regex23:00
Meshezabeelpr0ton: fgrep :p23:00
Awsoonnso, where my i find unity log files? I just upgraded to narwal and logged in to no unity launcher or menubar, etc23:00
bazhangAwsoonn, just the blank desktop? no panel etc?23:01
Awsoonnbazhang: yup23:01
derpis there a way to refresh the applications menu without logging in and out to see new programs?23:01
bazhangAwsoonn, can you get to a terminal? alt ctrl T?23:01
guntbertderp: they are usually updated immediately23:01
chrisfderp: it should just work23:01
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pexilyeah, I dunno, I'm not seeing new programs right awayu23:02
Awsoonnbazhang: I can, but no window decor23:02
Awsoonnctl alt T is a nice trick, I didn't know that :D23:03
bazhangAwsoonn, I ran into that same bug upon initial install; you'll need to get all the updates to fix it23:03
dinkdinkrosemarie: out of curiousity what is in /etc/resolv.conf23:04
bazhangAwsoonn, at first I ran the unity-2d-launcher until I fixed it23:04
chaddyhmm, updated firefox lost dns, nice23:05
Awsoonnbazhang: I am doing updates right now, but only updates avail are for firefox23:05
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dinkdinkmozilla has a firefox 5 in source on their ftp23:06
dinkdink64 megs23:07
bthorntonHey all... I upgraded to Natty and am using the "Ubuntu Classic" desktop. I tried to reset my desktop effects back to the way they were using the CompizConfig Settings Manager, but to no avail. I'm running nVidia drivers. Can someone help?23:07
bthornton(upgraded to Natty from Maverick)23:07
ubottuFirefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as an automatic update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/23:07
spacebug-I get "usbfs: interface 0 claimed by usbfs while 'simple-scan' sets config #1" when both mt external usb-disk and my new usb-scanner is plugged in, and the scanner is not detected. Without the external disk is works. I read a post I found on google that disableing usb or some support in kernel and instead use modules could work. Any thoughts?23:09
dinkdinkepiphany-browser is a lot faster than firefox imo23:09
Anthraxium-64anyone in here has cryptographic skill? http://pastebin.com/TXVJRsyf23:09
andregabrielI'm trying to install openssl on ubuntu. After make, I'm getting "out range of signed 32bit displacement"23:10
andregabrielany help?23:10
ikoniaandregabriel: you don't need to use make23:10
bazhangAnthraxium-64, try a crypto channel?23:10
ikoniaandregabriel: open ssl is installed by default on all ubuntu builds23:10
Anthraxium-64bazhang: already in there23:10
bazhangAnthraxium-64, how does this relate to ubuntu23:10
dinkdinkandregabriel: did you build-dep first23:10
Anthraxium-64bazhang: not.23:10
bazhangAnthraxium-64, #ubuntu-offtopic then please23:11
dinkdinkikonia: i can confirm that it came with lucid server, that is for sure23:11
chaddypulseaudio all crackly and pulseaudio -k not doing the trick, what's the next step? in fact it's positively skipping23:11
ikoniadinkdink: I know it does23:12
dinkdinkikonia: what about minimal23:12
andregabrielI was following the steps listed at http://www.geeksww.com/tutorials/libraries/openssl/installation/installing_openssl_on_ubuntu_linux.php23:12
andregabrielbut came up with that 32bit error...23:12
chaddynvm, fifth time I asked it it got with the programme23:12
ikoniadinkdink: still required23:13
ikoniaandregabriel: what OS are you running ?23:13
ikoniaandregabriel: open ssl is already installed23:13
dinkdinkwrong window23:13
andregabriel@ikonia Well ikonia, my rake db:migrate command is telling ERROR: "no such file to load -- openssl"23:14
andregabriel@ikonia UBUNTU23:14
ikoniaandregabriel: what version of ubuntu ?23:14
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andregabriel@ikonia 11.0423:15
ikoniaandregabriel: ok - then openssl is installed by default, you don't need to compile it23:15
ikoniaandregabriel: type "openssl version" in a terminal23:16
spacebug-haha OMG! The problem was that my virtualbox got the scanner ;)23:16
andregabrielok, it is installed! But the strange thing is the message of rake db:migrate: "rake aborted! no such file to load -- openssl..."23:17
andregabriel@ikonia version is 0,98o 01 Jun 201023:18
ikoniaandregabriel: the application is problably not configure correctly23:18
ikoniaandregabriel: how did you install rake ?23:18
andregabrielI don't recall, I've being installing so many things...23:18
ikoniaandregabriel: well, I can't help you then.23:18
andregabrielshould I reinstall rake ?23:18
andregabrielhow to do that?23:18
feijohi folks23:19
rosco_ywhat is the name of the software that enables you to create "stand-alone" applications out of websites?23:19
rosco_yhi feijo23:19
rosco_yandregabriel: what is rake?23:20
feijoI have a problem with my ubuntu, after I installed compiz, I lost the capacity to resize or move (no title area) any window :(23:20
bazhangrosco_y, portable apps?23:20
PythonSnakeHow to check our partition on Ubuntu ?23:20
chrisfrosco_y: rake is a build/automation tool for people who like ruby and don't like `make`.23:20
qinfeijo: metacity --replace23:20
guntbertandrea_: in the future use the ubuntu package managing system for software install/remove23:21
szalrosco_y: applications out of websites?23:21
feijothanks qin23:21
bazhangPythonSnake, the partition table? the various partitions? sudo fdisk -l you mean?23:21
rosco_ybazhang: thank you.  I've used this little app before that let's you put in a website link into a dialog, and then it creates an icon, and when you run it, it opens the website in what feels like a stand-anone application.23:21
feijobut I've lost compiz?23:21
qinPythonSnake: Check?23:21
PythonSnakeThe partition like in windows23:22
rosco_yI can't remember what it was called23:22
bazhangPythonSnake, tried my command?23:22
PythonSnakeI meant navigate through partitions23:22
bazhangPythonSnake, to do what23:22
qinPythonSnake: cd23:22
PythonSnaketo check files23:22
qinPythonSnake: ls23:23
rosco_yFor example, I used it to make an "application" out of "pandora.com", and then I could run pandora in a little window, about the size of a winamp window23:23
rosco_yit was pretty nice23:23
qinPythonSnake: Send you pm, is that ok?23:23
Picirosco_y: prism?23:24
rosco_yqin: thank you :)  It was "prism", and your comment to PythonSnake "Send you pm" reminded me :)23:24
PythonSnakeqin: ok23:24
qinrosco_y: Sweet.23:24
rosco_yPici: thank you, yes prism is the software I was trying to think of23:25
qinPythonSnake: You should see new window with private chat.23:25
PythonSnakeI think ALL my data are gone23:25
rosco_yPythonSnake: what kind of data?23:25
guntbert!enter | PythonSnake23:25
ubottuPythonSnake: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:25
bazhangrypervenche, ?23:25
PythonSnakeAll my data23:26
bazhangPythonSnake, you overwrote it?23:26
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nobodiesdoes anyone know how you get rid of the info that comes up when you open gnu screen on ubuntu, in gentoo it just launches with info copyright info or pressing enter?23:26
TheMatrix3000i am having major issues mounting a freenas nfs share23:26
Picinobodies: I thought it mentioned on that screen how to disable it.23:27
guntbertnobodies: screen -q  ?23:27
TheMatrix3000can anyone help me basically map my /home to a FreeNAS server23:27
PythonSnakeguntbert: no23:27
nobodiesthanks, i'll just alias that in my bashrc :)23:28
bazhangPythonSnake, care to answer my question?23:28
nobodiesPici: not that i saw and i did look23:28
guntbertPythonSnake: I beg your pardon? did you want to answer bazhang ?23:28
PythonSnakebazhang: no*23:28
guntbertPythonSnake: if you want help you should give as much info as possible, all in one line23:29
andregabrielI'm stuck. I have updated rake to latest version (0.9.2) and ran bundle exec rake db:migrate and still getting the error message: "rake aborted! no such file to load -- openssl." any help?23:31
bazhang!details | PythonSnake23:32
ubottuPythonSnake: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:32
guntbertandregabriel: you have probably an error in a config file23:32
andregabrielguntbert, what files could I look for?23:34
qinGROANMAN: NO (with Caps)23:34
metroidermy monitor goes to sleep when using/watching flash video... is there a way to make ubuntu recognize when flash is in use and not turn the monitor off?23:35
DdpbfGROANMAN: do not use caps lock23:35
GROANMANsorry..been a while since i've been in a chat room23:35
Ddpbfit is unpolite way of communicating on iternet23:35
DdpbfGROANMAN: shoot your questions :)23:35
qinbazhang: PythonSnake "fdisk -l" http://pastebin.com/bZJd7jCV23:36
spacebug-ubuntuone questions, are they in here as well?23:36
bytesaber_workit wasn't until ubuntu started taking over, that linux docs now confusingly all include "sudo"23:36
bazhangbytesaber_work, and?23:36
ZKAT8IThow would i install a program on ubuntu 11.04 so the system recognizes it as an installed app instead of just a folder with the app in it? trying to install the new blender and theres no repo for it23:36
metroideris there a way to set up a <presentation mode> in unity? --i know there is a gnome plugin.23:36
bytesaber_workwhy not just su - if you're going to give a user access to every single root command23:36
bazhangbytesaber_work, sudo -i23:37
bytesaber_worksudo was meant for setting up a limited number of commands to a mortal23:37
Ddpbfbytesaber_work: suse also uses sudo23:37
MaimsterSup everyone.23:37
Ddpbfand knoppix, and mepis23:37
bazhangbytesaber_work, sudo is what ubuntu uses. not up for debate here23:37
chili555bytesaber_work, resistance is futile...23:37
GROANMANwell  every time i download a copy of ubuntu or kbuntu i keep getting a file missing no no...i think it says i have one file error23:38
bytesaber_workchili555, >: )23:38
DdpbfGROANMAN: try torrent23:38
bazhangGROANMAN, via torrent? http?23:38
bytesaber_workso i install xinetd and tftp server via apt today.     did it include a template tftp conf file?  nope.   But i could good one on ubuntu's forums for one.   Why not just include the template file in the .deb?23:39
GROANMANDdpbf and bazhang not familiar with torrent or what it is23:39
bekirHello everybody23:39
afeijolol, I'm in trouble23:39
chaddyhi bekir23:39
GROANMANDdpbf !!!......is it ok to pm you?23:40
afeijoI removed compiz, it toke away the ubuntu-desktop, now I can do nothing with my machine!23:40
afeijono terminal, nothing23:40
bytesaber_workubuntu needs to make ubuntu-ism's and not adopt debian-isms23:40
oraqolhey guys, im running spachechem, its a game, natively on linux, its not very graphics intensive, but everytime i play it the cpu hits 85% +.  Is that just how its supposed to run?  I read somewhere about cpu affinity, but not sure how its done.  I have dual core AMD turion23:40
GROANMANok kewl23:40
bytesaber_workif you're gonna take over the world, do it responsibly23:40
afeijofirst, what is the command to open the terminal?23:40
DdpbfGROANMAN: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent_(protocol)23:40
bazhangafeijo, ctrl alt T23:41
afeijobazhang, no23:41
chaddyafeijo: or ctrl alt F123:41
bazhangafeijo, you mean tty?23:41
afeijooh! good one chaddy, I mentally blocked that23:41
chaddyactually F1-F6, you have many23:41
bazhangafeijo, then say so23:41
Cas07how would i debug a hard lockup when resuming from standby?23:42
afeijobazhang, I dont call it tty23:42
bazhangCas07, screensaver issue?23:42
Cas07i dont use a screensaver23:42
velofilleCas07, i have the same thing on my dell laptop, apparently its a bug23:42
afeijochaddy, it didnt work, F1-F6 show a pice of my desktop wallpaper and that is it23:42
velofilleCas07, is this on natty?23:43
Cas07velofille: ahh i have a dell too, yeh23:43
velofilleCas07, then its a known bug, disable sleep/suspend and wait for an upgrade :(23:43
Somelauwmod4 + enter23:43
Cas07do you have a bug reference?23:43
chili555d00d! yer gonna hate a dell!23:43
afeijoI can create a desktop shortcut, but I need the tty/terminal command23:43
chaddyafeijo: if you have another computer you could ssh in (if you have an ssh server running)23:43
velofillenah the dell is usually great, and they do support linux on their website23:43
chaddythat will give you cli access23:43
velofilleCas07, nope, but google will provide that23:44
velofilleCas07, i expect it should be a faster upgrade, its a kernel bug iirc.23:44
Cas07velofille: well i have searched and coming here was last resort23:44
afeijoI didnt install ssh server in that vm23:44
chaddyafeijo: mingetty23:44
Cas07velofille: ok23:44
chaddyor just plain getty23:44
Docoleroafeijo: xterm maybe?23:44
velofilleCas07, http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=dell+suspend+freeze+ubuntu+natty23:44
oraqolshould a game like spacechem take 85+ cpu?23:45
velofilleim seeing a couple there already23:45
afeijoDocolero, not found23:45
velofilleCas07, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/748994 add yourself to the affected user list23:45
afeijowhere is xterm. which folder?23:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 748994 in linux (Ubuntu) "suspend hibernation not working on dell 1749" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:45
DocoleroI'd guess in /usr/bin23:46
DocoleroBut usually should be in $PATH23:46
afeijowhat do you type to open xterm thru the ALT+F2 ?23:47
Cas07afeijo: xterm23:47
afeijo/usr/bin checking23:47
Cas07afeijo: "which xterm" will tell you where an app is located23:48
Autoclesisis there an apple airport extreme base station compatibility issue with ubuntu23:48
afeijogot it!23:49
Cas07velofille: thanks23:49
afeijoCas07, I do not had tty ! lol no way to run any cmd23:49
afeijook I got xterm, now what shall I install to restore my sidebar?23:49
afeijoI'm close to format this, damn broken machine hehehe23:49
chaddyafeijo: you can run any command from alt + F2, that's the run dialogue23:49
Cas07afeijo: if this is natty then: unity23:49
velofilleafeijo, you could clear your settings, do you not have a mouse to right click on desktop?23:49
afeijono alt+f2 working23:50
afeijovelofille, yes23:50
Docoleroafeijo: you unistalled compiz? Try sudo apt-get install unity23:50
chili555afeijo, did u say ubuntu-desktop got removed? if so, i'd start there23:50
painalt+f2  what'is??23:50
DocoleroThat did the trick for me23:50
afeijoyes Docolero23:50
afeijochili555, I try to install it back, but it would also add compiz, which was the one that broke my pc23:51
Ddpbfpain: it is krunner keyboar schortcut23:51
=== ceed^ is now known as ceed^`away
afeijowell, installing unity and compiz, lets see23:51
afeijonow gdm restart ?23:51
afeijowe dont have that adrenaline with redmond23:52
bekirHave nobody speaking turkish in this channel ?23:52
DocoleroI did a shutdown -r iirc23:52
afeijosidebar is back, cool23:53
solayagimhello people23:53
dinkdinkafeijo: did you cange your default runlevel23:54
andregabrielfrom terminal how do I get to  folder /ext/openssl/ on ruby? I've tried to go at ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180$ but there is no /etc folder there...23:54
afeijoI'm back with my original problem, no resize nor title at any window23:54
jo-erlend_can someone tell me how I make xchat-gnome write the nick of the sender for every message? Currently, it only displays the nick for the first message in a series.23:54
andregabrielany help?23:54
Totem-Schalterbekir: #ubuntu-tr23:54
bekirTotem-Schalter : Thanks very much :)23:55
n1ckrhythmbox wont read my new ipod touch... any solutions to this problem??23:55
Docoleroafeijo: not even in the the top panel of your desktop (i.e. not the application window itself)? Might be hard to spot23:56
qinjo-erlend_: /j #xchat23:56
afeijoDocolero, I do have the top panel, with the battery, clock, etc.?23:56
afeijoqin, what was the cmd to restore my window resize?23:57
Cas07afeijo: that means something up with unity23:57
qinafeijo: metacity --replace23:57
DocoleroYes. There should be the resize buttons etc if you have an active window23:57
afeijothat one!23:57
=== o0oScoRcHo0o is now known as FiresOut
afeijoqin, but it didnt return the prompt, and when I cancel it, things got fuzy23:58
afeijometacity restore the title and resize, but now the sidebar dont show up... LOL23:58
qinafeijo: Alt-F2 and command23:59

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