
* saidinesh5 waves at holstein :)16:39
holsteinsaidinesh5: o/ :)16:40
saidinesh5ssup holstein ?16:40
holsteinnot much16:40
holsteingot a couple projects going on and a gig tonite :)16:40
saidinesh5oh btw. that drumming thing seems to work ......... or i ve been practising that 1 song a bit too much ...... or jst a bit of confidence boost :P16:40
saidinesh5Ah koooooooooll16:40
holsteinthats how the pros do it16:43
ailo_scott-work, ping20:55
scott-workailo_:  hello21:41
ailo_scott-work, I'm going to take a few days, maybe up to a week to focus on US. Did you set up a google doc thing yet?21:45
scott-workailo_: no, work has been really, really busy lately21:46
scott-worki thought we would be through with reviews earlier in the week but i still ended up staying a couple of hours later each night this week21:46
scott-worktoday is the day the reviews are turned in so today _should_ be the last day :)21:49
* scott-work is hoping to actually leave early today21:49
ailo_scott-work, I'll see what I can do during the week. There's a few things that need to be done after all21:50
ailo_scott-work, I'll let you know of my progress21:50
scott-work"after all"?21:50
scott-worknot sure what you mean21:50
ailo_documentation, testing script, us-controls..21:51
ailo_scott-work, To rephrase - there are a few things that I have set out to do. 21:52
scott-workoh, right21:53
* ailo_ is dissasembling a laptop to try disable the mechanism that makes the computer go idle when you colse the lid21:53
scott-workcan you do that in bios or operating system?21:56
scott-worknot only were reviews happening (which also involved remote offices across the country) but i'm learning Pro/E while i'm also keeping up my production work :/21:56
scott-workit's been a very, very busy couple of weeks21:57
scott-workokay, going home :)21:59
ailo_Unfortunately the bios was too simple for that. The lid is broken somehow, and makes the computer go idle when the lid is open, so I decided either to try fix it or just disable it.22:02

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