
=== _Hyper__ is now known as _Hyper_
Unit193I know you/we/Xubuntu is switching to leafpad and saw this come across my email: http://www.mail-archive.com/lubuntu-desktop@lists.launchpad.net/msg04262.html | Title: [Lubuntu-desktop] Leafpad packaged -- testing wanted07:44
knomesame here:12:54
knomeleaving now and will be off until sunday evening12:55
knomehave a nice weekend everybody12:55
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
ochosimicahg: seems ff doesn't like scrollbars without arrows/steppers, especially horizontal ones break, anything we/you can do about that?19:22
micahgochosi: firefox uses xul scrollbars ATM19:23
Unit193GridCube , charlie-tca: Looks like we have both CDs today (Still oversized by far)19:26
GridCubetoday i can't test, sorry19:26
Unit193astraljava: Forgot to ping you too ^^19:27
ochosimicahg: so the answer is "no"?19:27
micahgwow, live CD is finally back to what it was before19:28
micahgochosi: hmm, not sure I understand the question, why would you have a scrollbar w/out arrows19:28
ochosimicahg: why not? it's a design question. i mean seriously: how often do you scroll by clicking the arrows?19:29
micahgsemi often?19:29
ochosirly? hm. i *never* use them19:29
ochosianyway, there are a lot of themes now that don't use the arrows19:30
ochosiand ff breaks with all of them19:30
ochosiso that's an annoying problem19:30
GridCubei scroll by clicking on the arrows :/19:30
GridCubemy mouse's wheel doesnt work, and its easier that way most of the time19:31
GridCubegrabing the scroll bar and moving it by hand inst really a good idea on very long webpages or pdf's, i do use lots of pdfs19:32
ochosion pdfs i usually use the keyboard19:33
GridCubetrue, that too19:33
micahgochosi: does mozilla 635018 sound related?19:34
ubottuMozilla bug 635018 in Widget: Gtk "Scrollbar doesn't fully respond to dynamic theme changes" [Normal,New: ] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63501819:34
ochosimicahg: not really, i'll show you my problem/s screenshot-wise if you like19:36
micahgochosi: hmm, well, I'm kinda busy ATM, can we do this later (or send me an email)19:37
ochosimicahg: sure, np. we can talk tomorrow or another day, no rush19:37
micahgk, thanks19:38
ochosiwell, thank you ;)19:38
ochosiGridCube: that's how the scrollbar looks now: 15966919:39
GridCubeyes, i've seen them, they do look pretty :)19:40
GridCube:P but then again i change my theme back to albatross19:40
GridCubeXD sorry19:40
GridCubeits really too shiny19:40
ochosimy problem is: i've tried a lot of arrow-styles, but none of them fit the scrollbar-style imo19:40
ochosialbatross has pretty bright parts as well19:40
ochosii'll probably dim it a bit more19:40
GridCubemmm whay about something near the color of the back part... let me do some silly mockup19:41
ochosisure, go ahead19:41
GridCube:P as i said, a silly idea19:45
ochosiyou mean practically invisible scrollbar-arrows?19:47
ochosior is that white box intentional19:47
GridCubenot intentional, i wanted it to be all the same color of the arrow and the arrow blank but my editor choosed to fill the box whit white XD19:49
ochosiyou mean kinda inverse arrows?19:50
GridCubei mean, almost invisible, so they wont bother the view, but actually be there?19:51
ochosinot sure it's possible tbh19:51
ochosithe options with arrows in murrine are really anything else than endless19:51
ochositwo basic styles, the one that albatross uses and the one that greybird uses19:51
ochosiand you can only scale the ones albatross uses19:51
ochosi(the empty arrows)19:51
ochosiand that's about it19:51
GridCubebut you cant choose its color?19:52
ochosinot independantly of the scrollbar-colors i think (iirc)19:52
GridCubethe shape doesn't really matter, the idea is them to be the same or almost the same as the background of the scrolling19:52
ochosii'll see what i can do19:54
ochosibut i'm a bit pessimistic19:54
GridCubesee you19:55
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
astraljavaUnit193: Yeah. I can't do testing for several days at this time. My son came over for a visit. I'll get on it on Sunday evening. Besides, it's Midsummer in Finland. Nobody does anything now. :D22:15
astraljavaUnit193: A graver matter is that I'll be moving to another city soon. Starting from Thursday next week, I'll not be in my own apartment for an indefinite amount of time. I expect to be able to return to some sort of testing later in July, or hopefully the latest in early August.22:16
micahgastraljava: that's fine, it's whenever you can22:25
Unit193There are people on the computer for testing all the time :(22:25
Unit193I'm not sure how well this one could take it too...22:26
micahgcharlie-tca: I don't know if I'll be able to make the meeting next week22:26
Unit193Live didn't like me22:28
Unit193How well do you think a P4 2.8GHz, 2G, and 8xx Video could handle VBox?22:34

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