
=== ximion2 is now known as ximion
Quintasanhmm persia, any idea how to FORCE make to look for includes somewhere else? CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.31-608-imx51 doesnt work00:21
=== ximion is now known as ximion2
QuintasanIt found it00:23
Quintasanbut FTBFS00:23
* Quintasan goes to bed00:29
QuintasanGood night.00:29
valoriesweet dreams00:29
valorieno faceplants!00:29
persiaQuintasan, I don't think that it isn't finding includes.  For example, if I create foo.c as "#include <myheader.h>\n\nint main() {\n  return 0;\n}\n" and call `gcc -o foo foo.c`., I'll get "foo.c:1:22: fatal error: myheader.h: No such file or directory".02:03
didrocksQuintasan: thanks for the fix!08:12
Quintasandidrocks: Sup, no problem :)08:12
didrocksQuintasan: ok, I'll add the sni patch as well and then build :)08:12
Quintasanapachelogger: persia did some licensing magic with guys on #linaro and we might get the driver into archive08:36
persiaNot done yet: there is only commitment to discuss what is required to have a sane license.08:38
Quintasanbambee: \o09:28
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
Quintasanpersia, apachelogger: driver built!09:31
Quintasanand installed09:33
* Quintasan tries09:33
* Quintasan does the victory dance09:43
Quintasanpersia, apachelogger: X starts with the imx driver09:43
valoriegetting sleep was good, wasn't it?09:45
QuintasanMost likely it was :)09:46
QuintasanDivision by zero in kernel.09:46
Quintasan[<8003e3fc>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<8020599c>] (Ldiv0+0x8/0x10)09:46
QuintasanDivision by zero in kernel.09:46
Quintasan[<8003e3fc>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<8020599c>] (Ldiv0+0x8/0x10)09:46
QuintasanIt works, but nothing changed09:48
* Quintasan awaits apachelogger arrival09:50
Quintasanlinaro@linaro:~$ DISPLAY=:0 glxinfo | grep direct09:52
Quintasandirect rendering: Yes09:52
* Quintasan goes to play HoN09:52
persiaWait.  How did you get HoN for armel?10:01
* apachelogger wonders that too10:05
apacheloggerQuintasan: did you put the intstructions on the quickstart board wiki page?10:06
persiaI don't think the instructions are sane enough yet.  Supposedly, installing the hwpack installs the right bits (not that this helps with images or anything)10:06
apacheloggerpersia: well, just so that one can replicate it onto different dev setups ;)10:13
persiaIf you like.  paulliu was talking about getting something into multiverse, which I think would be better.10:14
persiaOf course, if you want hawtn355 *NOW*, then you'll have to bug Quintasan :)10:16
persia(or repeat the discussion with paulliu)10:17
Quintasanapachelogger: There is no improvement after installing the driver10:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: course not10:37
apacheloggeryou need to start with --opengl or somesuch10:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: how much do you have to pay if you overdraw?10:40
apacheloggertoo much10:42
=== apachelogger is now known as rohansgoogle
rohansgoogle[1] .prn10:42
rohansgoogle[2] more .prn10:42
rohansgoogle[3] ~20 USD10:42
rohansgoogle[4] fluffy10:42
=== rohansgoogle is now known as apachelogger
shadeslayerapachelogger: i didn't find any info on this on google btw, and the prepaid site says that you can't overdraw, so conflicting info everywhere10:43
apacheloggerright, except that there is currency exchange involved10:43
apacheloggerwhich makes just about everything possible10:43
persia"can't" implies that the system security is perfect.  This is the real world.  Doing so usually requires ingenuity (but coincidence can happen)10:44
apacheloggerlike flying chickens10:44
Quintasanapachelogger: start what with --opengl?10:48
apacheloggerplasma-mobile --opengl10:49
Quintasanapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/8699510:52
apacheloggerQEgl::display(): Cannot initialize EGL display: "Success (0x3000)"10:54
apacheloggerQEglContext::chooseConfig(): Could not find a suitable EGL configuration10:54
apacheloggersomething still is not quite right10:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/yIMti.png11:08
apacheloggeroh you touch my tralala11:20
debfxdidrocks: there is no need to merge qtcreator, all changes are in the Debian package11:27
debfxbut it needs a new qtwebkit version11:27
didrocksdebfx: nice! so basically, once the new Qt is published, we just need to sync?11:27
didrocks(qtwebkit coming with the new Qt merge, right?)11:28
debfxeither we need to modify the build-depends in qtcreator or we wait for qtwebkit 2.211:29
debfx*2.2 beta 111:29
didrocksdebfx: maybe I'm misleading, is it something different from libqt4-webkit ?11:30
didrockslibqtwebkit4 I mean11:30
didrocks(I don't find qtwebkit-source in debian)11:31
debfxdidrocks: qtcreator build-depends on libqtwebkit-dev (>= 2.1.0~2011week13-2) 11:32
debfxthe source package is called qtwebkit in debian11:32
Quintasanapachelogger: Any ideas about that EGL11:32
didrocksdebfx: ok, so we just need to merge/sync from there?11:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, on PVR you'd need to fiddle witht eh libEGL so files no idea how it works for freescale11:32
apacheloggera glimps at the ubuntu example image surely would help11:33
debfxdidrocks: 2.2 beta 1 will probably be released on monday, I'd like to wait until it's packaged in debian and then merge the package11:34
didrocksdebfx: oh sure, no hurry then :)11:35
debfxdo you use qtwebkit in unity-2d?11:35
apacheloggeryofel: ping11:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: if you could write down what you did to get it building I might be able to beat it into shape over the weekend11:44
didrocksdebfx: sorry, didn't see, no we don't12:11
Quintasanapachelogger: install the .38 kernel and headers12:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: wiki!12:23
Quintasanapachelogger: I'll tell you and you write it down12:23
apacheloggerI am gone in a bit moving my entire life north12:24
Quintasanapachelogger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/iMX53QuickStartBoard12:30
QuintasanThere you go12:30
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Would you please have a look at Princess Butterfly's email to kubuntu-devel re docs and get things straightened out?13:07
yofelapachelogger: pong13:26
* yofel takes a look at kdepim13:28
ScottKyofel: How's the splitting going?13:38
yofelas you see on the wiki, not much progress. I'll do some more later, first I need to fix kdepim13:40
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel13:43
ScottKYou all will notice from the wiki that yofel isn't getting a lot of help.13:43
ScottKThis is a big job, so please try to find a little time to knock part of it off: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging13:44
QuintasanGetting to it13:48
Quintasanyofel: I'll be taking okular13:51
yofelsure, thanks13:51
ScottKTonio_: ^^^ you too.13:53
yofelbtw. can we recompress oxygen-icons? Using xz would reduce the size from 356MB -> 201MB13:55
QuintasanScottK: ^13:57
ScottKyofel: The source package?13:58
ScottKIt's better not to.  We should keep the source the same as it's shipped unless there's a strong reason to change.13:58
ScottKI'll do oxygen-icons if it's a problem.13:58
ScottKThat's not too hard for me to upload.13:59
QuintasanDon't I basically have to rewrite rules for okular?14:26
yofelyou have to rewrite the whole package except for the install  and symbol files and the binary part of the control file14:27
yofelAt least I already created a project for okular to hold the packaging branch, so you don't have to do that14:28
* Quintasan goes for a quick walk14:30
Quintasandamn tests14:39
Quintasanyofel: Unable to find executable: /tmp/buildd/okular-4.6.90/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/tests/shelltest.shell14:39
QuintasanComplaints to Dirk?14:39
yofellemme try14:40
Quintasanwant my packaging?14:40
* Quintasan waits14:41
QuintasanScottK: Is it okay to use dh8 there?14:41
Quintasanshort rules etc14:41
ScottKYes, but try to stick with the style we got from Debian in the last merge.14:42
QuintasanOkay, awesome14:42
ScottKWe want this to be close to what they will eventually do.14:42
QuintasanNot enough ninjas online14:42
QuintasanScottK: Also, any idea when Lex is coming back?14:43
ScottKNope.  Last I heard was 'soon'.14:43
ScottKQuintasan: It might be nice if you mailed him about it.14:43
ScottKThat way it's not just me asking.14:43
* Quintasan includes hugs in his mail14:43
bulldog98Has someone an idea why I fail compiling kdevplatform in oneiric with no rule for Target »/usr/lib/librt.so«14:44
Quintasanyofel: !@#$%14:44
QuintasanIt's really not there14:44
Quintasangit == magic14:44
yofelyeah, but where was it...14:44
QuintasanIt's not in the tarball even14:44
didrocksScottK: debfx: local build of the merged Qt is fine, and I tried the transition without any breakage. So uploading now14:46
QuintasanSince okular is landing in main we can't ignore tests, can we?14:47
Quintasan.PHONY: override_dh_auto_test14:48
Quintasanin kdegraphics14:48
QuintasanOr wait14:48
QuintasanI'm most likely using wrong stuff14:48
Quintasaninclude /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/debian-qt-kde.mk14:48
debfxdidrocks: okay14:48
* Quintasan rewrites14:48
yofelas well as the 2 vars that are defined for libokularcore014:49
yofelkde-runtime though, not kdebase-runtime14:49
* Quintasan wonder if okular-dbg should depend on libokularcore014:52
Quintasan$(overridden_command) $(foreach p,$(shell dh_listpackages | grep ^lib),-p$p) -- -xkdebase-runtime <-- can someone explain this to me?14:55
yofelwhere did you get that from?14:56
Quintasankdegraphics rules14:57
yofelah, it tells dh_shlibdeps not to create any dependcies on kdebase-runtime14:58
yofel(I think)14:58
yofelchange that to kde-runtime14:58
bulldog98has someone problems with multiarch in oneiric?14:59
yofelhow does one even use multiarch?14:59
bulldog98yofel: http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation14:59
bulldog98follow the guide it will work on oneiric14:59
bulldog98but my problem is that cmake doesn’t like that15:00
yofelah, to read for later15:00
ScottKdidrocks: Great.15:00
yofelbulldog98: are you sure that you cmake file is searching in /usr/lib/${CMAKE_ARCH_TRIPLET} ?15:01
yofel*your cmake file15:01
bulldog98yofel: I use the standard ones (trying to build calligra, kdevelop)15:01
yofelno idea15:02
yofelI'll look at it later once I've finshed reading through the kdepim merge and am done fixing it15:02
bulldog98yofel: ok15:02
yofelbulldog98: ah, now that you're there: is there a reason why you don't install usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder ?15:03
yofelit's in the install file bug you commented it out15:03
bulldog98yofel: no there is none must have been an accident15:03
ScottKWhich kit is it that controls privilege escalation for our GUI apps? Consolekit?15:07
QuintasanPolicyKit I think15:07
ScottKThat's the one.15:07
ScottKIt's pissing me off at the moment.15:08
ScottKWhy is it if you have multiple users that have admin rights it can't assume that if one of them is the one you are currently logged in as that's by default the user it should use?15:08
ScottKSo each time I deal with it I have to pick.15:08
ScottKLet's make a sensible default and then let the user change if they want.15:09
ScottKWhere's the taco man when you need him?15:09
felimwhiteleyScottK: well especially when you tell it to rmember and it keeps asking.. even if had to select the first time. :( feel your pain15:10
yofelcan't we just wrap things in kdesudo as we did before? policykit feels broken since a few releases ago15:10
yofelyep, that's esp. annoying15:10
ScottKI think getting poilcykit right is the way to go.15:10
QuintasanKDESudo is broke even more codewise15:10
yofelgreat, choose between crap and garbage15:11
didrocksScottK: hum? The gnome frontend pick the current user running AFAIK. So it's technically possible15:12
ScottKdidrocks: Thanks.15:12
QuintasanScottK: Any idea where usr/lib/kde4/kio_msits.so from okular should go? okular.install?15:12
didrocksI agree if the KDE frontend doesn't do that, I can feel the pain :/15:12
ScottKSounds like a good job for someone who knows a bit of C++.15:13
yofelQuintasan: it's in okular-extra-backends, leave it there15:13
QuintasanIt's in listmissing :P15:13
QuintasanCHM backend goes there as well?15:13
Quintasanyofel: ^15:14
yofelhm, great, the debian folks didn't install it15:14
ScottKQuintasan: okular-extra-backends15:15
yofelwth, can't find it in the install files now, but apt-file says okular-extra-backends15:17
QuintasanFair enough15:17
ScottKI did discover in my quick google about it that Fedora gives it it's own package while opensuse and mandriva include it in okular.15:18
ScottKDebian has it in okular-extra-backends, so that's where we should put it.15:18
* Quintasan builds15:20
QuintasanShould be ready in a minute15:21
yofeltests build? :P15:21
Quintasandpkg-buildpacakge -j32 FTW15:21
yofel. . .15:21
* Quintasan needs more RAMZ15:21
Quintasantmpfs will speed this up even more15:22
Quintasannew symbols!15:22
QuintasanOne more and uploading15:24
QuintasanToo much test builds? What's that?15:25
yofelfooey, how did bulldog98 manage to create a kdepim packaging branch that's incompatible with the main one o.O15:25
* yofel goes merging by hand15:25
QuintasanDon't ask me15:25
bulldog98yofel: have I really managed that?15:26
Quintasanyofel, ScottK: review please https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/okular/ubuntu15:30
* Quintasan is sure that he didnt do anything stupid as usually15:31
yofelnot fair, you actually had a usable copyright file to start with15:32
QuintasanI just removed files which were not there after split15:33
yofelsure that all the folks mentioned above actually have copyrights for okular?15:33
* Quintasan kills it flies with fire15:33
bulldog98yofel: what does that error message mean?15:35
Quintasanyofel: crap15:35
* Quintasan fixes15:35
yofelbulldog98: usually happens when you have a repos on launchpad in an old format and try to stack a branch with a recent format on it, no idea why it happens here though15:36
* Quintasan notes licensecheck should have an option to list authors15:37
yofelQuintasan: --copyright15:37
yofelthe output format isn't really usable though :/15:38
Quintasanyofel: copyright updated15:46
yofelmaybe change the packaging licensing to us, other than that, looks fine IMO15:56
* yofel tries to continue with smoke while kdepim builds16:02
Quintasanyofel: Isn't 4.6.4 in ~kubuntu-ppa?16:04
Quintasanyofel: Can you get rid of it in ninjas?16:04
yofeldoes clutter the page indeed16:05
Quintasani386 build of okular finished16:05
* Quintasan takes a short break16:05
yofelthe oneiric builders somehow seem faster than the natty ones16:06
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
Quintasanjussi: pokey pokey pokey16:36
Kaleofregl: you rock!16:45
* fregl blushes16:47
fregland I thought it was didrocks :)16:47
didrocksfregl: heh, thanks for the fixes! :-)16:48
didrocksseems it was almost there from the first release, it's really nice :)16:48
didrocksfregl: btw, did you receive my email about the examples licensing of qt-at-spi?16:49
* fregl pokes apachelogger16:49
fregldidrocks: uhm, let me check - right now I sometimes ignore mail for a while to not get too distracted...16:50
didrocksfregl: no hurry anyway, especially not on a Friday evening. You should rather enjoy a beer for doing such a good work :-)16:50
freglah, right, I did16:50
didrocksKaleo: nice work as well on the unity-2d side! ;)16:51
freglalmost - today is Lønningspils - lots of trolls having a beer in norway ;)16:51
fregldidrocks: about the examples - actually they are so trivial, I'll simply put the lgpl header in there as well and be done with it.16:52
didrocksfregl: excellent! that sounds like the easiest thing to do, right :)16:52
freglback in the days Riddell already poked me to fix licenses... I thought I had done that everywhere...16:53
didrocksI think no one never finishes to mess with licenses :-)16:55
fregldidrocks: ok, I hope they're all fine now, let me know if you find more stupid things I did there :)16:56
didrocksfregl: I won't hesitate to bother you with that, don't worry :-) 16:57
fregldamn :p16:57
didrocksfregl: heh, thanks for the commit, it looks good ;)16:58
didrocksQuintasan: seems we have a FTBFS on arm for Qt. IIRC, there were some patch that were removed to prefer the debian's one17:01
didrocksQuintasan: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.3-3ubuntu1/+build/2589479/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-armel.qt4-x11_4%3A4.7.3-3ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz FYI17:01
QuintasanThat was kubuntu_23_arm_memory_barriers.diff17:02
didrocksQuintasan: can you have a look if we need that back? I'll sponsor you if needed17:03
QuintasanI think we'd better ask NCommander since I have next to no idea about ARM magic17:03
didrockssure, let's wait for him then, I have no idea on those arm patches as well17:05
QuintasanBesides,  /tmp/ccCOH0VH.s:3278: Error: selected processor does not support Thumb mode `swp r6,r4,[r3]'17:06
QuintasanIt's some Thumb2 IIRC17:07
QuintasanNCommander: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/qt/ubuntu/revision/177 <- here are my changes17:07
ScottKWhat happened to x-0003-Use-GCC-intrinsics-for-armv6-atomic-operations.patch17:14
Quintasanfabo told me we don't want this and want armv6_Include_explicitly_IT_instructions.patch instead17:15
ScottKQuintasan: Look at the diff: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/74027553/qt4-x11_4%3A4.7.3-1ubuntu4_4%3A4.7.3-3ubuntu1.diff.gz - search for ldrex and see how many times it was included before and how many now.17:15
=== emma is now known as em
QuintasanNow ~2 times17:16
QuintasanBefore ~6 times17:16
ScottKI think armv6_Include ... replaces kubuntu_22_thumb2_support17:16
ScottKSo I'm not sure, but I think that's likely the source of the problem.17:17
Quintasanldrex 8 times in x-0003-Use-GCC-intrinsics-for-armv6-atomic-operations.patch17:17
ScottKI also don't understand Fix_builds_with_compilers_without_--with-fpu_neon_as_default.patch17:19
ScottKActually that one may be OK.17:20
ScottKYeah.  I think that's fine.17:23
faboScottK: pong17:32
faboit's a day off in finland17:32
ScottKDid I ping you?17:32
fabojust back home17:32
faboScottK: arm build failure, isn't it a ping ;)17:33
fabox-0003-Use-GCC-intrinsics-for-armv6-atomic-operations.patch should have been deprecated17:33
ScottKThat's not included in our current build (that failed)17:33
faboScottK: Qt/armhf in debian is more or less Qt/ubuntu arm17:34
faboit builds as expected on armhf17:34
ScottKSo I'm confused.17:34
faboand I built Qt on ubuntu arm builder successfully17:35
persiafabo: It's not quite the same.  The semantics for floating point differ quite a bit, which seems to affect alignment in odd ways.17:35
ScottKFOund it17:36
fabowe're waiting :)17:37
ScottKdidrocks: +ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),armhf) needs to include armel too17:37
fabohum indeed :)17:37
ScottK+ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),armhf)17:37
ScottK+extra_configure_opts += -arch armv617:37
faborules is a bit different for ubuntu17:37
ScottKI'll fix.17:37
didrocksScottK: you're right :)17:38
didrocksthanks ScottK17:38
faboI had it in mind that you need to change this for ubuntu merge17:38
ScottKIt's an easy one to miss.17:38
* ScottK points ^^^ out to Quintasan.17:39
fabook, I can go back to my day off :)17:39
ScottKYes.  Thanks for giving me the important clue.17:39
didrocksfabo: enjoy ;)17:40
didrocksScottK: nice catch!17:40
QuintasanScottK: Isn't that what I merged from Debian?17:40
didrocksI didn't notice that one, sorry17:40
ScottKQuintasan: Look at the diff.17:40
ScottKIt happens17:40
debfxiirc NCommander said -arch armv6 isn't necessary anymore17:41
QuintasanYes, that's why I merged that change17:41
ScottKI don't know why he said that.17:41
ScottKFor Qt you have to tell it to use the v6 stuff.17:41
ScottKI guess we'll know for sure after I upload this.17:41
QuintasanArgh. armel, armhf it was before17:42
* Quintasan notes that down17:42
ScottKQuintasan: It was an easy thing to miss.17:44
QuintasanScottK: Can you note that down in KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES?17:45
ScottKBTW, I think referring to that in debian/changelog is cheating.17:45
ScottKIt's hard to tell later exactly what was there then.17:46
persiaIf Ubuntu gets armhf, it will merge more cleanly.  Ubuntu and Debian use "armel" to mean completely different things.17:48
Quintasanarmhf == ARM hard float?17:49
ScottKpersia: We're including armhf compatibility in our packages for when that happens.17:49
ScottKUpdated the difference file too.17:49
ScottKBasically anywhere Debian says armhf we should have both.17:50
persiaScottK, That's the best plan.  No idea if/when, but at UDS lots of people wanted to do it.  I think it depends on more buildds, more than anything else.17:51
ScottKNot entirely coincidentally I'm helping in Debian make sure KDE builds on armhf.17:51
QuintasanScottK: Thanks.17:56
apacheloggeronce upon a time17:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: did you get EGL to init?17:57
Quintasanapachelogger: Did you?17:57
QuintasanTake that as a "No."17:58
QuintasanNo idea what to do with it17:58
apacheloggerwell, I am building packages right now17:58
apacheloggerI'd rather not moot my setup as otherwise I had to rebuild me KDE 17:58
QuintasanI'm not even sure what software is  at fault17:58
QuintasanIs it the driver or KDE is doing some magic?17:58
yofelapachelogger: you pinged me before?17:59
apacheloggeryofel: see kdepim related mail on kubuntu-devel list18:00
yofelsawn, working on it18:00
apacheloggerI can reproduce that, no idea if the thing should be there though18:00
apacheloggerok perfect18:00
yofelit was before, so it's a regression18:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: your driver setup is mooted most likely18:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: if you get the graphics sdk (which contains demo apps for gles) they will likely also not work18:00
Quintasanapachelogger: It works on your board?18:01
apacheloggerbut I had a similar issue with the n90018:01
apacheloggerwhat I find funny: earlier today freescale had the 11.01, 11.03 and all new 11.05 images for the quickstart18:02
apacheloggernow I only can see the 11.01s18:02
ScottKBTW, don't panic over what happens to the 4:4.7.3-3ubuntu1 builds for Qt.  I had lamont kill them with fire.18:03
apachelogger trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libEGL.so.1', which is also in package libegl1-mesa 7.10.2-0ubuntu218:03
apacheloggerthere we have it18:03
* apachelogger introduces appropriate relationships18:04
Quintasanapachelogger: What are you exactly doing?18:04
apacheloggerbuilding packages18:04
ScottKdidrocks: ^^^ (see my last comment)18:05
didrocksScottK: thanks :)18:06
Quintasanapachelogger: <paulliu> Quintasan: The OpenGL ES is provided by seperated library. It have to replace the mesa lib18:06
apacheloggerI know18:07
QuintasanMaybe that's why it doesnt work here18:07
QuintasanI still have the mesa-egl18:07
apacheloggerQuintasan: did you install the amd-gpu-bin tar?18:07
QuintasanI did18:07
apacheloggerthe wiki only sez -x1118:07
QuintasanThey both contain the same stuff18:07
apacheloggerthey do?18:08
QuintasanDid you look at contents?18:08
apacheloggerdid you look at the binary sizes? :P18:08
QuintasanUnpacking them yielded same files18:08
Quintasannope, but I guess we want X11 stuff18:09
apacheloggernot really, no18:09
apacheloggerwhen Qt does gl drawing X does not have anything to do with it18:09
persiaWell, except in the sense that the gl surface tends to be rendered to some X container (e.g. a v4l2 pass-through region)18:10
Quintasanapachelogger: try it with both then18:12
apacheloggerQuintasan: they are binary eqvivalent18:12
apacheloggerpersia: ha, now you made me remember things I wanted to forget :P18:13
* persia can't keep track of everyone's information preferences18:13
apacheloggeryou could try18:14
apacheloggerthis is confusing me18:14
Quintasansudo dpkg -r --force-all libegl1-mesa?18:15
apacheloggerah no18:15
apacheloggerI need more replaces and provides18:15
QuintasanSend me the debs to try them later on18:15
Quintasan<paulliu> Quintasan: In Freescale BSP it is amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51-11.01.00.tar.gz18:16
Quintasanapachelogger: ^18:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: they are the very same 18:17
QuintasanWell, I'd rather do what people at #linaro or #ubuntu-arm say since they probably know their stuff18:18
* Quintasan tries that x11 stuff18:18
QuintasanOr wait18:18
Quintasanapachelogger: Do you haz debs?18:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: what does the libz160 thing btw?18:18
QuintasanAccording to #linaro it's the closed source stuff from AMD for video accel18:19
QuintasanI think I was told it's required to compile imx X driver18:19
* Quintasan can't really remember now18:19
apacheloggernow you know why I write wiki pages as I go along ^^18:21
persiaRight.  That's a closed library blob that for driving either the Z160 or the Z180 (the i.MX53 has the Z180).18:21
bambeeapachelogger: which rendering backend uses phonon-gstreamer ? opengl? xv? I've a kernel crash with gallium using linux3.0 and a developer ask me the backend used by the player. my player is dragon18:26
bambeeok thanks18:26
neversfeldeyofel: ping18:33
neversfeldeyofel: hi18:33
neversfeldewe aren't packaging KDE 4.7 from scratch?18:33
yofelwell, we take what's usable and do the rest from scratch18:34
yofelno need to completely redo install files etc.18:34
yofelpackage descriptions and binary names are reusable too for example18:34
neversfeldeanyway, thats really hard work :/18:34
yofelsure, only ~65 package left, get to work :P18:35
yofelyou could take one of the former kdebase packages, those shouldn't be hard18:35
yofeljust source renames, and kde-workspace is missing kde-wallpapers which is seperate now18:35
yofelah wait, and kde-baseapps doesn't contain konsole18:36
yofelkde-runtime should be easy though18:36
yofelI'll finish smokegen once I've finished putting the dozens of missing files in kdepim into packages....18:37
neversfeldeI'll have a look later this evening, nothing that should be done alongside other things18:38
yofelnext kdepim try...18:48
Quintasanyofel: I'll get something else done in a while18:48
_Groo_hi/2 all19:07
_Groo_any devs alive?19:07
yofelsure, somewhat19:07
Quintasandamn EGL19:16
nixternalheh, don't have a monitor for my server, so i can't see what is wrong :/  waiting to see if it finally boots or what. drive led's seems to be working, so maybe doing a partition check19:18
_Groo_hi yofel , Quintasan 19:18
_Groo_as you guys prolly already know19:18
ScottKHeya nixternal19:18
_Groo_nspluginwrapper is seg faulting in kubuntu right?19:18
nixternalwasabi ScottK19:18
_Groo_i discovered why :P and have a fix19:18
yofel_Groo_: iirc there was a fix which wasn't shipped, should be in 4.6.519:18
ScottKnixternal: I mailed you and I didn't get an answer.  I was afraid you didn't love me anymore.19:18
_Groo_yofel: its the skypebutton.so19:18
_Groo_yofel: thats crashing nspluginwrapper19:18
_Groo_from the kopete package19:19
nixternalhrmm. don't remember seeing it, wonder if it was snagged by a filter or more than likely i accidentally deleted it :)19:19
ScottKI sent it to your @ubuntu.com.19:19
ScottKAnyway, we've got about a bazillion new packages to make and we need help.19:19
nixternalmucho amor por ScottK :)19:19
ScottKnixternal: It would be lovely if you could give us a hand.19:20
nixternali think my developer stuff expired19:20
nixternalor i was kicked out19:20
ScottKWell we can sponsor you.19:20
ScottKWe're just uploading to the ninjas PPA at the moment.19:21
ScottK(got to get it all lined up first)19:21
nixternalif this server ever gets back up and running i will have something to build on19:21
yofel_Groo_: I fear I don't know much about nspluginwrapper though, got the kde bug?19:21
nixternaland i will have to install ubuntu/kubuntu in a chroot19:22
_Groo_yofel: its hard to find the exact bug report19:23
_Groo_but its mostly kubuntu related19:23
yofelis that rekonq only? or also konqueror, firefox, etc....19:23
nixternalcome on server, i need my irssi config already. this gui irc stuff is kind of lame19:24
_Groo_yofel: talking to me yofel? regarding rekonq?19:24
_Groo_yofel: no no, its nspluginwrapper itseklf, he cant be INSTALLED in kubuntu cause it segfaults at post processing time with error 149... goes segfault on you19:25
yofelouch (I don't have it installed here)19:26
_Groo_cause he goes to analyze the mozilla/plugins and finds skypebutton.so and segfaults.. remove skypebutton, and it works at advertised19:26
yofeloh wait, I DO have it installed19:26
yofelah, but skypebutton.so isn't19:27
_Groo_do ypu have kopete installed? cause its part of the package19:27
_Groo_also if you have it installed FIRST before kopete it will work for obvious reasons19:27
_Groo_for if you install kopete and then nspluginwrapper it will break19:28
yofelah wait, it was installed, but it's skypebuttons.so19:28
_Groo_at install :P and will try to reinstall with a apt-get -f install.. will put lots of users in dispear19:28
yofellet me reinstall nspluginwrapper19:28
_Groo_yofel: yeah sorryk, skypebuttons.so19:28
_Groo_yeah, try, it will break19:28
_Groo_do a remove purge, so hell try to remake plugins19:29
_Groo_i dont know if a reinstall is suficient19:29
yofelno crash19:29
_Groo_will suffice19:29
yofelthis is oneiric19:29
_Groo_im pretty sure it breaks in natty19:29
_Groo_did you removed or purged it?19:29
* yofel purges it19:29
_Groo_does it still have /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/plguins there?19:30
yofelnot now19:30
_Groo_did you installed it again?19:31
_Groo_did it went ok?19:31
yofelnope, doesn't crash in oneiric, but the version is quite newer. 1.2.2 -> 1.4.219:32
_Groo_yofel: mine is 1.4.2 too... i made the package myself19:32
_Groo_yofel: ok, if it doesnt crash :P what can i say :D19:33
yofelmaybe it has something todo with 4.6.4, we have 4.6.3 in oneiric19:33
_Groo_you are in 64 bits, right?19:33
yofelanyone an idea where -./usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/korg-journal.png would belong in kdepim?19:38
shadeslayerhey everyone19:39
yofelk, that's all then19:39
Quintasanshadeslayer: and what the hell are you doing instead of packaging?19:39
yofelcrying that he doesn't have an ARM board to go insane with :P19:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: GSoC DBus stuff ... will finish kate tomorrow 19:40
QuintasanI don't know if that is actually a valid reason to cry19:40
shadeslayernope, not really19:40
Quintasanyofel: trying to figure why EGL fails to init is as hard as guessing why KDE and GNOME won't merge19:41
Quintasanshadeslayer: if you are working on DBus then you might as well ask them what to do about dbus magic in neon19:42
persiayofel, You could get one: the really confusing boards cost less than a good input device these days.19:42
yofelI know the freescale one isn't too expensive19:42
yofel*I know,19:42
Quintasanpersia: I don't think we need more madmen here19:42
* yofel would prefer a pandaboard ^^19:42
persiaQuintasan, I'll agree with that. but we ought do our best to make sure nobody cries.19:43
shadeslayer^^ if only they were available19:43
shadeslayeryofel: i actually pre ordered the HP Touchpad tho, should be able to dual boot on it19:43
shadeslayerbut theres another issue with that :P19:43
Quintasanapachelogger: ^19:43
QuintasanWe've got our Plasma Contour Head QA Manager19:44
shadeslayerCost : 543 USD .. Money on card : 505 USD19:44
shadeslayeri talked to the webOS internal guys and they said there's no reason apart from driver support that it won't work19:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: You basically volunteered for that one19:44
shadeslayerQuintasan: sure i have no issues with that19:44
shadeslayerbut i won't get the device before august19:45
* Quintasan is Wacom QT Head QA Manager19:45
apacheloggergzip: stdin: unexpected end of file19:45
apacheloggertar: Unexpected EOF in archive19:45
apacheloggertar: Unexpected EOF in archive19:45
apacheloggertar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now19:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Q!~$19:45
* maco snorts19:45
Quintasanapachelogger: what the hell were you trying to unpack?19:45
bambeeexcept the wetab which tablet is fully supported on linux?19:45
shadeslayerbambee: but its only i68619:45
shadeslayerwe need moar aaaarrrrrmmmm19:46
persiaapachelogger, Are you sure it's really compressed?  I usually get that when the web server confuses on-the-wire-gzip with gzip content.19:46
bambeethat's why I am asking this question shadeslayer :p19:46
Quintasanand we want ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRM19:46
bambeearm ftw !19:46
apacheloggerlike I dont have anything else to do than wait for 900mb to download with their nice 100kbs connection stuff19:46
apacheloggernah, it also needs to be broken once finished19:46
yofelhm, which reminds me19:46
yofelbambee: why aren't you packaging? ^^19:46
apacheloggerpersia: it was last I downloaded an image19:46
apacheloggeralso tar.gz sorta suggests it19:46
Quintasanbambee: GO TO WORK, nao19:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: the original image's targz19:47
persiaOh, I know.  I just have a bundle of .tar.gz files that are just tarballs laying about.19:47
Quintasanapachelogger: Do not tell me that you are actually thinking of trying what I suggested19:47
apachelogger40.6 kB/s 19:47
apacheloggerthis is no fun at all19:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: I have a working image here19:48
Quintasan"working" as in "boots"?19:48
apacheloggerIIRC the image tar contains the debs for graphics and kernel and whatnot19:48
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes19:48
QuintasanI thought working as in EGL works19:48
Quintasanpersia: We are "somewhere" with EGL19:49
QuintasanFails to init on apachelogger's board19:49
Quintasansame here19:49
Quintasanand .38 doesnt bring up VGA19:49
apacheloggerbecause something is wrong with our setups19:49
_Groo_apachelogger: ping19:49
apacheloggerI tried to run a fb demo app19:49
apacheloggerand that fails too19:49
_Groo_guys anyone in natty, that can confir that dragon is broken with phonon-gstreamer from natty?19:49
QuintasanWe did as paulliu told us19:50
apachelogger_Groo_: cannot confirm19:50
* yofel thinks he scared bambee off...19:50
Quintasan_Groo_: What is broken exactly?19:50
bambeeyofel: I plan to package kde-runtime and kde-workspace this evening and tomorrow19:50
Quintasanbambee: 19:50
_Groo_Quintasan: video in dragon19:50
Quintasanbambee: Start now, we've got like over 9000 packages to do19:50
_Groo_Quintasan: it works with audio, but dragon is borking with video... works fine in totem and other gstreamer clients19:50
Quintasan>dragon player19:50
bambeein fact I plan to package all not packaged yet packages :P  (I am not sure that this sentences is understandable lol)19:51
* bambee is drunk o_O19:51
yofeloh good, then I can take a vacation ^^19:51
* apachelogger pokes yofel19:51
bambeeQuintasan: what?19:52
_Groo_Quintasan: do you have  natty box there, quin19:52
* Quintasan goes on a holiday19:52
_Groo_apachelogger: ah you are alive19:52
Quintasan_Groo_: I do not, I have a VM19:52
_Groo_Quintasan: same thing :P19:52
bambeealso I've to continue kcm-userconfig ...19:52
bambee(the cpp port works like a charm!!)19:52
Quintasanapachelogger: Any *useful* ideas about EGL?19:52
_Groo_apachelogger: your baby is missbehaving with latest 4.6.4 and gstreamer19:52
_Groo_apachelogger: audio works fine, but dragon refuses to play any video, although other gs clients work fine19:53
_Groo_apachelogger: video works fine with phonon-vlc too19:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: no but I got graphics going on .3819:54
apacheloggersuperior might19:54
apacheloggerI threw stones at it19:54
apacheloggernow it works19:54
* Quintasan throws bricks at apachelogger19:54
apachelogger(the video config from boot.script is not compatible with .38 as .38 manages to autodetect stuff)19:54
Quintasanrm /boot/boot.scripts?19:55
bambeeQuintasan: you said "we need arm" , I know. That's why I think I will buy an omap4 (my internship is done, I've money enough)19:56
bambeeI am definitively not convinced by a tablet...19:56
apacheloggerhome made tablets are way cooler anyway19:57
apacheloggerif not as portable though19:57
* Quintasan gets no ssh server now19:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: you removed the thing?20:00
QuintasanI flashed kernelz and rebooted20:00
* yofel hopes this will be the last kdepim testbuild...20:00
apacheloggerperhaps the flash b0rked all and everything20:00
nixternalhrmm, seems i have a hard drive failing now in my server. $17 shipped on ebay :)20:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: I knowz more20:11
apacheloggera) there are permission issues20:11
QuintasanBring it on20:11
apacheloggerb) even then it is still fck'd ^^20:11
nixternalnew drive purchased :)20:11
Quintasanapachelogger: Explain further.20:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: see wacky20:20
apacheloggerthere we go20:21
Quintasanapachelogger: It's still broken after permissions?20:24
* Quintasan kills the card with fire20:25
Quintasancan it boot off USB port?20:25
apacheloggerright now I am not soo sure20:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: supposedly20:25
apacheloggeryou just need to fix your bootargs in boot.script accordingly20:25
* Quintasan can't boot now20:26
Quintasanor it boots but doesnt start ssh20:26
QuintasanI'll retry tomorrow20:29
* Quintasan is too tired to continue20:29
apacheloggerQEglContext::createSurface(): Unable to create EGL surface, error = 0x300320:30
apacheloggerQEglContext::createSurface(): Unable to create EGL surface, error = 0x300320:30
apacheloggerQGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current20:30
apacheloggerQGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current20:30
apacheloggerQGLTemporaryContext: Error creating EGL surface.20:30
apacheloggerQGLTemporaryContext: Error creating EGL surface.20:30
apacheloggerno idea why20:30
apacheloggerQuintasan, persia: quite frankly at this point I believe we have a incompatibility at our hands20:31
apacheloggerthe only time I ever saw EGL init succeed but surface creation fail was in a case with too new kernel for too old omap sgx pvr driver thingy20:32
Quintasan_Yeah, I'll retry from beginning tomorrow20:32
Quintasan_Making sure our wiki page has a sane set of instructions as well20:32
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
* Quintasan goes for a nap20:34
apacheloggerkubotu: rodrigo20:35
kubotuoh, someone be pulling a rodrigo, recharge the batteries, good idea20:35
nixternaljust pull the batteries20:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
nixternalso has kubuntu become a community project for good or is there canonical leadership still?20:51
apacheloggerQuintasan, persia: most of the test binaries shipped with amd-gpu-bin actually work20:54
apacheloggerso, my best guess is something is fishy WRT libegl-mesa and the amd one20:56
persiaLike ABI incompatibility?20:57
apacheloggeralthough then loading would fail altogether I suppose20:58
persiaSo, there's a few different ways to have incompatible ABIs.20:58
apacheloggermight also be same ABI but difference in behaviour20:58
persiaYou can have incompatible APIs.  This tends to cause a load failure.20:58
persiaYou can have different symbol order.  This tends to cause runtime segfaults.20:58
yofelnixternal: well, without riddell we're pretty much community, he should be back next cycle I hope20:58
persiaYou can have different symbol packing or expression.  This tends to cause load failure.20:59
yofelat least we'll get a bzr expert like that ^^20:59
persiaYou can have different semantics for function calls with the same prototypes.  This tends to cause mysterious runtime errors or unexpected behaviours.20:59
* apachelogger remembers them good old vtables which will most of the time not result in load failure but oddness20:59
persiaYep :)21:00
bulldog98yofel: I got that error fixed by cleaning up the cache of cmake21:02
apacheloggerthe gpusdk contains kdevelop files ^^21:03
bulldog98apachelogger: If we have luck the kernel will contain them in time, too :)21:04
bulldog98apachelogger: we promoted kdevelop to the kernel hackers at LinuxTag21:05
apacheloggerpersia: intresting observation: when building an gles2 code sample from the sdk for fbdev and x11 the fbdev version works but x11 fails to init21:06
apacheloggeres2_lesson02_x11: lesson02_imx.c:203: int init(): Assertion `eglGetError() == 0x3000' failed.21:06
persiaThat's ... odd.21:06
apacheloggeruh, and it crashes/restarts X 21:07
persiaheh.  Extra points.21:08
bulldog98if you manage to get code executed it would be even more interesting21:09
jussiQuintasan: you need to bug me? 21:24
apacheloggerhe is pulling a rodrigo right now21:28
yofelsmoke-dev-tools has files from smokegen, smokeqt and smokekde. Now I'm wondering how to name that after the split22:03
yofelsmokegen-dev? smokegen-dev-tools? keep smoke-dev-tools?22:04
ScottKOK, so that wasn't the issue on armel.22:04
ScottKfabo: No luck.22:04
ScottKNCommander: Help (Qt build failure on armel)22:05
bambeeI am just curious, but why kde packages have been splitted on upstream?22:34
bambee(I don't find the original request on kde-core-devel :\ )22:35
yofelsvn -> git conversion22:37
yofelthat's one source package per git repository now22:37
yofeland it's been going on for a while and there will be more splits in the future22:38
yofelPovAddict would know more since he's writing the rules22:38
bambeeohh that's mainly due to the git conversion... ok. I thought it was for another reason22:40
yofeliirc kdeaccessibility and kdeutils are the next one that will be split (for 4.8)22:41
bambeethe worst packages will be kde-runtime and kde-workspace, imho :)22:42
yofelreally? why?22:42
bambeeI mean, for packagers22:42
yofelthey're mostly the same, except some things that were removed22:42
yofelkdeedu is horrible, 1 source -> >20 sources22:42
yofelfun times22:43
yofelat least I found someone in debian that's working on smokegen already22:43
bambeekde-workspace => 1 source -> 39 sources 22:43
bambeewell, ~= 30 sources22:45
* bambee says crap... o_O22:46
yofelI think you're mixing kdegraphics into there :P22:46
* bambee thinks that he drank too much rum...22:48
bambeeyofel: In fact I've counted the .install files, which is totally idiot because it has nothing to do with the policy on upstream (I mean, the policy used to split packages)22:50
yofelwell, you can remove at least one of those now ^^22:50
NCommanderScottK: currently in trnais tto Dublin. Will handle as part of my TODO list there23:07
Quintasanjussi: Fix !neon call in #kubuntu :P23:15
QuintasanPoints to old apachelogger's mumbling23:15
yofelk, smokegen from debian works, let's look at smokeqt23:16
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde

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