
bomberi got the new one installed00:00
bomberit was a project but its done and operating properly now..... thx00:00
bomberhad to pull out the video card and install the nvidia drivers00:01
bomberplus had to disconnect my 2 ide hard drives or the bootloader wouldnt install to the pcie drive00:02
bomberpsyched...... gonna install the programs i like now.... thx again00:02
valorielcb: it's in systemsettings00:03
valorieI hate that thing too00:03
valorieworkspace behavior > screen edges | lcb00:04
lcbvalorie: let me see what's going on... thanks00:07
lcbvalorie: when maximizing the windows are not going to the top edge. that's why i need to see what's going on with it00:07
valorieoh weird00:08
lcbmonitor settings are ok...00:08
lcbvalorie: if i recall right, screen edges are to set actions when touching borders.. bot maybe something on there is doing this..00:09
valorieright, sorry I misread your question00:09
lcbvalorie: nooooo maybe something there is related to this behavior, because, indeed, i changed defaults on that sometime ago00:10
lcbwell, reinstalling whole kwin* pretty sure woudnt do anything but... just in case00:16
valorieyou can just move ~/.kde to .kde-old00:21
valoriethat's the equiv. of starting with a new user00:21
valoriethen move back the stuff you know is OK00:21
valorietakes awhile, but works well00:21
lcbvalorie: :) thank you.00:30
lcbdid that before because of loss or messed virtual desktops. i didn't discover yet why they vanished or appeared in a different order. the problem is it happens often. i'm trying the hard way now - trying to search for the source of these problems00:33
jwashhey guys, i have x11vnc working, is there a way to bind it to xrdp rather than having xvnc bound to it?00:39
Linkmasterlcb: valorie: I once helped a guy out with a wonky .kde by that same method, it works very well00:40
NotQhi everyone, im running 10.10 and want to upgrade to 11.04, when i do "sudo do-release-upgrade" it says that no new releases are found. Any ideas?00:40
bomberi have another question00:40
lcbLINKMASTER! You are alive and moving!!!00:40
LinkmasterYes I am :D00:41
lcbNotQ: Ubuntu or Kubuntu?00:41
LinkmasterNotQ: oh I had this issue myself..00:41
bomberin additional drivers it has the nvidia driver listed and it says its activated but not currently in use00:41
Linkmastertry 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -d00:41
lcbNotQ: what happens if you run the software update?00:41
LinkmasterOr, also, make sure that software settings are checked for all releases, rather then just for LTS or the sort00:42
bomberhow do i put the driver in use?00:42
NotQlinkmaster, when i do that it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded00:43
lcbNotQ: type in a terminal uname -a00:43
lcb'$ uname -a'00:44
NotQLinux peter-laptop 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 18:42:20 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:44
NotQthats the output00:44
Linkmasterlcb: the simplist way would be for him to log into a tty session real fast00:45
lcbNotQ: if you run the software update, don't you have a notification of an upgrade avaiulable?00:45
lcbavailable, either00:45
NotQsorry, im new to linux, how do i run the update?00:46
LinkmasterNotQ: switch to a tty session real fast. To do that, press and hold 'alt+ctrl+F1' and tell us what version it is. To come back, press 'alt+ctrl+F7'00:47
lcbNotQ: so you should do graphical, not the terminal...00:47
lcbNotQ: kpackagekit <- the application to manage software/packages/upgrades00:51
jwashI'm not sure who it was that helped me before, the key is to have x11vnc installed and xvnc installed. Stop both, and rename x11vnc to xvnc. then you can run xrdp and call x11vnc to save the sessions at reconnect.00:51
NotQsorry about that, ctrl+alt+f7 wasnt bringing me out00:53
LinkmasterIts supposed to..00:54
NotQit said version 10.10 and that a new version was available, but the upgrade aborts for some reason00:54
lcbNotQ: 'lsb_release -a' in the terminal00:54
NotQ10.10 maverick00:55
lcbNotQ: type this 'kpackagekit -caption "%c" %i %F'00:56
lcband tell us if you have any notification of upgrade available00:56
lcbNotQ: sorry, type only kpackagekit00:58
NotQoh ok00:58
lcbmy fault00:58
NotQits open00:58
NotQwhat should i change in kpackagekit?01:00
lcbNotQ: <lcb> and tell us if you have any notification of upgrade available01:00
NotQone update for libcurl3-gnutls01:01
NotQbut no distro update01:01
lcbok, hold... typing a long line01:01
lcbin the terminal type: sudo -i | then type apt-get update && apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean && apt-get check && apt-get -f install && apt-get upgrade01:03
lcbthen return here01:03
NotQok, hold on01:03
lcbtell us if a lot of thigs changed...01:03
* Linkmaster notes that that IS long long command01:03
lcbthigs=things (in typoenglish)01:04
NotQseems like some stuff changed01:05
lcbNotQ: a lot?01:06
NotQid say a lot ya01:06
lcbNotQ: do in the terminal'exit' then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:06
lcbthen sudo do-release-upgrade -d BUT if not a lot of packages installed01:07
=== christos is now known as tequil0018
lcbwhat i mean is if you have a substantial amount of packages installed at this point you need to reboot01:08
tequil0018hello everyone01:08
tequil0018i have a trouble with my localohost01:08
tequil0018i want to change the ip and i can;t01:08
* lcb changed nick to *** everyone01:08
lcbhello tequil001801:08
tequil0018i edited /etc/hosts01:08
tequil0018and nothing at all01:08
NotQok, i will play it safe and reboot, then it will be back and try the upgrade01:08
NotQone sec01:09
lcbNotQ: great01:09
tequil0018any idea....01:09
tequil0018thanks in advance01:09
lcb<tequil0018> i want to change the ip and i can;t "" why?01:10
lcbchanging it for static?01:10
tequil0018i am running 2 vms in cloud01:10
tequil0018and in my project i have my services localhost:...01:10
NotQok im back, trying to upgrade now01:10
lcbNotQ: wait01:11
tequil0018so i want the vm1 locahost show the ip of vm201:11
lcbNotQ: sudo apt-get update && sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:11
NotQoh ok01:11
tequil0018and vice versa01:12
lcbtequil0018: check what you have now by typing ifconfig01:12
lcbtequil0018: i'm not reproducing in my mind what/how to do what you want01:13
tequil0018eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr d0:0d:3f:27:06:e501:13
tequil0018          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
tequil0018          inet6 addr: fe80::d20d:3fff:fe27:6e5/64 Scope:Link01:13
tequil0018          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:101:13
tequil0018          RX packets:209787 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:001:13
FloodBotK1tequil0018: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:13
tequil0018          TX packets:113444 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:001:14
lcbtequil0018: you are lucky. FloodBot K1 didn't call the K9 (canine)01:14
NotQit aborts and says "an unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade: Can not mark 'kubuntu-desktop' for upgrade01:15
tequil0018i am sorry01:15
tequil0018i forget the paste...01:15
lcbubottu: pastebin01:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:15
lcbNotQ: are you running kubuntu for sure?01:16
NotQhaha, yes01:16
lcbNotQ: well. did you answer yes to all updates?01:16
lcbNotQ: are you running gnome or/and unity also, in that system?01:16
NotQi think so, it only ever asked me to press enter to continue01:17
NotQim running kde, not sure what unity is01:17
lcbNotQ: is that a virtual machine or running from windows?01:17
lcbis that a computer?01:17
NotQthis is the only OS on the computer01:17
lcbjust kidding just kidding01:17
NotQoh linux, why do you do this to me01:18
lcbNotQ: lets see this way. do you have synaptic installed?01:18
leumaslcb: maybe NotQ shud just download an alternative CD and upgrade from it...01:19
lcbok, gtreat. run it and run the "fix errors" option01:19
lcbNotQ: if you don't find it i'll open mine and tell you. it's on the second menu option, from the right01:20
lcbfrom the left, i mean01:20
NotQfix broken packages?01:20
NotQit says Successfully fixed dependency problems01:20
lcbleumas: probably - is an option01:21
lcbNotQ: so you did have some probs01:21
NotQi dont think so01:21
NotQit took like one second01:21
lcbNotQ: now update the packages01:21
leumaslcb: just a candid suggestion01:22
lcbNotQ: i mean Reload. then Mark All Updates01:22
lcband shoot it01:22
lcbleumas: all are welcomed :)01:22
NotQok i did that, not sure if it did anything01:23
lcbNotQ: btw, while "fixing btroken packa... if you don't get any dialog means everything is ok. didn't happen to you01:24
NotQya, no dialogue01:25
lcbNotQ: after "Mark All Upgrades"  yout "Apply" didn't change?01:25
NotQit didnt mark anything, does that mean i have all the updates?01:26
lcbclick on "Apply"01:26
NotQits grey01:26
NotQcant click it01:26
lcbok. so run away from synaptic and...01:26
lcbwhat i would do is: reboot and get to the grub menu (do you know how to do it?01:27
lcbthe recovery menu01:27
NotQno i have no idea how to do that01:27
lcbpress SHIFT right after you see the bios messages.01:28
lcbthen select something like "*recovery kernel* then you'll get a dialog with options (wait01:28
lcbon those options you need to run CLEAN, then DPKG thgen GRUB01:29
lcbi don't run that for a while, but i believe there are no new options on it. do not run failsafeX option from there because you don't have display problems (i believe)01:30
sfearswhat's the error?01:30
lcbsfears: can't dist  upgrade for 11.0401:31
sfearsNotQ: PM?01:31
lcbPM=Post Mortum? :p01:32
NotQthats what this comp will be soon01:32
lcbNotQ: in a general sense you need to fix kubuntu desktop first01:33
NotQthats the trick01:34
lcbso try the recovery console as i told you. if not solving you need to sudo dpkg-reconfigure some packages01:35
sfearsi don't know that i've ever had good luck with dist-upgrades01:36
sfearsi usually try and then end up installing from the livecd anyway01:36
lcbthere are several hard ways to resolve that. one is backing up your /home /var /etc directories01:36
lcbbtw, you should do that anyway01:36
lcbafter having that done you could try to reconfigure kubuntu. other option, the best one, is clean install. is that a "production system"?01:37
NotQnot really, i dont have anything important on it01:38
lcbi mean the clean install because it seems you have a major kubuntu prob in there01:38
NotQso i could do tht01:38
lcbbackup first01:38
lcbyou know how to do that?01:38
lcbput the hard disk in the microwave and click GO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO J/K01:39
lcbdid you do it???01:39
NotQthats what i did last time  - it didnt work01:39
lcbok. wait01:39
lcbdownload the image then run as a live cd01:40
lcbthen, what i do is compress those directories and move to another partition or drive01:40
lcbgot the idea?01:41
NotQthats probably what ill have to do then01:41
NotQthanks for your help guys01:41
lcbNotQ: when running as Live CD mode you'll have access to those directories. From the file manager you'll have an option to compress. just point and click01:41
lcbNotQ: i would do that if i have any problem like what you are having01:42
NotQok ill have to try it01:42
lcbNotQ: remember you don't even have the system "oving" while trying to upgrade01:43
lcbsomethings are baddly damaged in there01:43
lcbyou could check the logs, but that's the very hard way of doing it because you might need to change a lot of  things, depending the errors you have marked in the logs01:44
lcbother option is asking Linkmaster to help. he broked me two computers already01:45
lcbj/k. 301:46
lcbNotQ: don't go yet. checking something with Mrs Google01:49
lcbNotQ: try this pls01:50
lcbsudo apt-get install bzr01:50
lcbthen ' bzr get lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/maverick '01:51
lcbthen ' cd maverick/DistUpgrade '01:51
lcband ' sudo ./dist-upgrade '. tell me if any errors01:52
lcbNotQ: what you have might be a known bug, only affecting maverick01:57
LinkmasterI'm having difficulty getting my computer to find my printer. I've tried using CUPS, and it can't even view the printer, much less connect to it. I know the IP address, since its static, and its a MG6210 I believe02:15
lcbLinkmaster: can you ping the ip?02:22
lcbLinkmaster: '$ping printer_static_ip '02:23
lcbif not that's good02:23
lcbsince you know there is a problem with that :p02:24
lcbNotQ: nothing new?02:24
NotQnot yet02:25
lcbNotQ: did you see mt last msgs? * sudo apt-get install bzr *etc*02:25
NotQoh no, ill try that02:25
lcbdo you have it?02:25
lcbnot only that line...02:25
lcbwant me to repeat it<?02:25
NotQya could you? sorry bout that02:26
lcbbecause what you have is a known bug when upgrading maverick to natty02:26
lcbNotQ: sudo apt-get install bzr  | bzr get lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/maverick | cd maverick/DistUpgrade | sudo ./dist-upgrade02:27
lcbdo those and if resolves the matter insert the coins in the slot right behind your irc client02:28
lcbLinkmaster: wake up bro. ping your printer and tell me02:29
lcbNotQ: btw, all the steps i told you to do before are ok, didn't damage anything. they are all needed anyways and anytime02:30
jordan193932i have been unable to find a word matching program for linux or windows lol03:52
jordan193932does anyone know of one?>03:52
jordan193932like _at hit enter it would find hat cat etc03:53
jordan193932i found one online03:54
SIR_Tacoa Thesaurus?03:55
SIR_TacoI see (sorry hadn't read everything yet)03:56
SIR_Tacoand he's gone... oh well03:58
LinkmasterI had to suddenly step away from my computer, but to answer lcb's question, pinging the printer was amongst the first things I thought of, and it sent/recieved them all without loss. I sent 6, 100%04:30
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: was the computer on fire?04:37
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: Well, I saw a bright flash of white and a small mushroom cloud began to form...I figured evacuating would be the safest procedure04:38
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: naw, that's normal... carry on04:38
LinkmasterAh, alright04:38
LinkmasterI should be worried when it sits quietly and behaves normally then, correct?04:38
SIR_Tacothat means it's plotting something04:39
LinkmasterJust making sure. When I get no problems for a span of time over an hour, I'll come get you and send dibl a message via KFN to tell him something big is about to happen04:39
LinkmasterYou know GreyGeek? He said the best way to fix all problems is to ship Kubuntu with dibl and Snowhog VI's or something in with it04:40
SIR_TacoHaving said that... I have seen power supply capacitors go through the power supply housing and put a massive dent in a case :)04:41
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: haha04:41
LinkmasterThat sounds really bad honestly, and I chuckled when I saw it as well04:41
SIR_TacoLets just say I don't miss the tech shop and the meatheads that worked there04:44
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: you happen to have an idea concerning my printer issue?04:47
SIR_Tacodidn't catch your printer issue...04:47
* Linkmaster goes off to copy/paste04:47
Linkmaster<Linkmaster> I'm having difficulty getting my computer to find my printer. I've tried using CUPS, and it can't even view the printer, much less connect to it. I know the IP address, since its static, and its a MG6210 I believe04:47
LinkmasterI can ping it and itll return lossless04:48
SIR_Tacowhat make of printer is that?04:49
LinkmasterOh shoot, I had it and now its gone04:49
Linkmasterlet me open it up on the IP real fast..04:49
LinkmasterIts a Canon MG6100 series04:50
SIR_Tacoah ok04:50
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: do you have drivers for it though?04:51
LinkmasterWhat makes me so [blank] about it is that my moms windows machine can hook up to it. Its one of two things that are holding her back from switching to Linux, and I'm going to make it work eventually...but when CUPS or Printer Configuration both can't see it, I'm sort of stuck04:51
SIR_Tacoie. does cups have drivers for it?04:53
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: I do, I tried mucking through it but it failed04:53
LinkmasterUhm...I never figured out how to use CUPS, since I've never needed it before04:53
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: well you still 'should' not need it now... you can't add a network printer through Kubuntu's System Settings?04:54
LinkmasterI can, but I haven't been able to print or anything..let me try again though, and I'll tell you what I'm doing as I do it04:55
* Linkmaster loads up printer config04:56
LinkmasterFirst, let me try a test page from the attempt of earlier04:57
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: give me two seconds, and let me reboot (ok, maybe more than 2 seconds)04:57
SIR_Tacook... so... trying test page05:00
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: ?05:02
=== ryan is now known as Guest62109
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: is the printer a network printer (has a ethernet port on the back, and is hooked to the router?), or is it hooked through a Windows machine?05:10
=== gaurav__ is now known as Guest85507
=== pants is now known as Guest81427
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: my mother called me away; the printer is comletely wireless. Its has a power plug in the wall, and thats it05:42
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: not a problem... and you said before that you could ping the printer, so there's actually a connection, yes?05:43
LinkmasterYes, definitely a connection on my router05:43
LinkmasterI pulled up the printer[by typing its IP in the address bar] and I can configure it, so I know its broadcasting, and my mom printed something while I was upstairs05:44
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: ok. Do you get errors when trying to print to it?05:46
LinkmasterI think my computer believes its wired to it05:46
LinkmasterI want to clear out the entire printer thing, how do I make it so that there are no pre-configured printers anymore?05:47
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: that's not a bad thing really, it should behave like it's wired... do you get anything in your /var/log/cups/error_log ?05:47
Linkmasterlet me open that real fast..05:47
LinkmasterE [23/Jun/2011:08:05:08 -0400] Failed to update TXT record for Lexmark_T640 @ Isadora: -205:49
LinkmasterE [23/Jun/2011:08:05:09 -0400] Failed to update TXT record for MG6120 @ Isadora: -205:49
LinkmasterE [23/Jun/2011:08:05:09 -0400] Failed to update TXT record for mom @ Isadora: -205:49
LinkmasterE [23/Jun/2011:23:57:53 -0400] [Job 1] File '/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc' not found05:49
FloodBotK1Linkmaster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:49
Linkmasteranything of use there?05:52
SIR_Tacoreally wish Printer Config was working in 11.10 right now haha05:53
LinkmasterSame here, else I'd use 11.10 in a heartbeat05:54
SIR_Tacois there no 6200 driver for the Canon printer?05:56
LinkmasterLet me check, though its a 6100..let me check though. and question, which option should I use? Last time I tried I used the APPsocket thingy, and I think thats wrong05:57
SIR_Tacothought you said it was  a 6210?05:59
LinkmasterI said I think, and according to the IP page its a Canon MG6100 series06:02
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: and through the printer manager, you've found the printer on the network, and selected the driver?06:04
LinkmasterUhm, no..06:04
LinkmasterI know the IP address because its what the printer itself was set to06:05
SIR_Tacook, and you put that in as printer location?06:07
Linkmasterwell, concerning adding a new printer, I don't know which option to select, be it the AppSocket/HP JetDirect, the ipp, the LPD/LPR one, I know its not Windows hosted, and then it says 'other'06:08
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: there's not a "network" one?06:09
SIR_Tacowhat version of kubuntu?06:09
Linkmaster11.04, rolled up from 10.1006:09
=== erik333__ is now known as erik333
LinkmasterI'm hopefully going to be doing this from 10.04 as well, which I hope I will be able to muddle through myself if I can figure this out06:11
SIR_Tacowell... you can go through the CUPS web interface... but that's a huge pain in the butt and I haven't done that in years06:14
LinkmasterCUPS doesn't see the printer06:15
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: that's very odd06:16
Linkmasterwhich is why I'm pulling out my hair over this06:16
SIR_TacoI really seem to remember there being a "network" printer option, in the printer config...06:17
LinkmasterI have the option for 'new printer' and 'new printer class' when I click on 'new printer' I got the list I gave you earlier06:18
SIR_Tacodo you have "samba-common" and "smb-client" installed by chance?06:19
SIR_Tacosorry "smbclient"06:19
LinkmasterNot that I know of06:20
SIR_Tacowell try in a terminal "sudo apt-get install samba-common smbclient"06:21
SIR_Tacosuppose you could just do "sudo apt-get install samba"06:22
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: its installing06:24
SIR_TacoI'm sure the printer has all the Windows protocols in it, and none of the Unix/Linux ones... which hopefully Samba will solve06:26
Linkmasterhopefully, its done now, complaining about something in the sources list though I think I can fix it later06:27
SIR_Taconot sure if you'd have to restart KDE or not... haven't done it this way06:28
LinkmasterShould I just to be on the safe side?06:28
SIR_TacoI'd say so, yea06:31
SIR_Tacomight best restart the computer, since it's network related...06:32
LinkmasterOh fun, I hate restaring my computer...06:33
SIR_TacoJust can't think of a way to not restart and have samba work properly... I mean it might work now, but it can be iffy06:34
LinkmasterI've got some stuff running that can't really be halted..06:35
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: ok... well then hold on06:35
SIR_Tacoare they over the network?06:36
LinkmasterWe can wait till tomorrow when I'm more cognitive, and everything is done06:36
SIR_Tacomain thing is, that you should now have a network option in Printer Config... with any luck06:37
Linkmasterwhich I don't...I looked06:38
SIR_Tacoyou don't... YET.... don't be so negative lol06:38
* Linkmaster is barely able to string three words together, not to mention actually think06:40
SIR_TacoI know... it's late here too06:40
SIR_Tacoor maybe I should say early06:40
Linkmasternearly 2am here06:41
Linkmasterwe both should hit the hay then06:41
SIR_TacoI would if someone would quit sending me text messages... argh06:42
SIR_Tacoshe's not getting the "need to go to bed, leave me alone" hints... have to be a little more direct lol06:46
SIR_Tacoah, there we go... much better06:49
SIR_TacoWell, Linkmaster, I'm off to bed, let me know how the printer journey goes next time I run into you06:49
Linkmasternight SIR_Taco06:50
Linkmasterand thanks06:50
kilHello all07:30
kilcan you help me?07:31
kilme need alternative programm -> dreamweaver for linux?07:31
kiladvice me pleace07:32
kilplease people..07:33
jordan_kil, dont know07:34
jordan_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1524582 best that i can do07:35
jordan_i dont know anything about dreamweaver07:35
kilyou don't understude me? i'm bad tell english....07:37
jordan_whats your normal language?07:37
jordan_http://kompozer.net/  http://www.w3.org/Amaya/07:38
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:40
valoriekil: ^^^07:40
kilThank you vary much =) http://www.w3.org/Amaya/ <= what you need!=)07:40
valorieQuanta Plus might be worth looking at07:41
jordan_kil that should translate to russian07:41
valorieDreamweaver it isn't07:41
valoriebut maybe close enough for you07:42
valoriesome like Kompozer as well07:42
kiljordan =)))) i understand English07:42
valoriesome like NVU also07:43
jordan_i dont think you can have multiple documents open in bluefish at once07:45
jordan_thats a draw back07:46
jordan_or i never found out how to07:46
jordan_which is possible07:46
LINKSWORD2Ahhh.... I'm back! :D07:54
jordan_hey link do you use cairo dock?07:57
jordan_by your "hmm" probably not07:59
jordan_ive been on cairo-dock for hours07:59
jordan_cant find any help07:59
LINKSWORD2When I use a dock, I prefer AWN.08:00
jordan_the application menu isnt working for some reason08:00
jordan_i did use daisy for a long time08:00
LINKSWORD2!google Avant Window Navigator08:00
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/08:00
jordan_im upgrading to a high end dock08:00
LINKSWORD2.... Damn you, ubottu. lol08:00
jordan_the last daisy update was three years ago i think08:01
LINKSWORD2AWN is pretty up-to-date.08:01
valoriebluefish features: Multiple document interface, easily opens 500+ documents (tested >10000 documents simultaneously)08:16
valoriefrom the website08:16
LINKSWORD2valorie: I need a dock that works on low resources...08:18
LINKSWORD2I have 1 GB of RAM. :/08:19
=== manuel_ is now known as oversize
valoriethe standard dock is too intensive?08:25
LINKSWORD2Wait, what?08:26
LINKSWORD2You mean KDE's standard?08:26
valorieright, the standard dock widget08:31
LINKSWORD2No, it's not. I'm looking for a more Mac-like dock, like AWN.08:32
LINKSWORD2Or similar.08:32
valorienot sure what awn is08:33
LINKSWORD2Google "Avant Window Navigator"08:33
LINKSWORD2It's cool, but too resource-intensive for my computer.08:34
LINKSWORD2Wiki? lol08:38
LINKSWORD2W.Bar.... Interesting.08:50
wildgoose!xfce | LINKSWORD209:01
ubottuLINKSWORD2: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels09:01
LINKSWORD2... Huh?09:01
wildgoosesaylucky xfce09:02
LINKSWORD2Is it better? lol09:02
wildgooseoops wrong format, it's built for lower resource use, and has a mac like dock, check it out09:03
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... Looks like I can just install it from Ubuntu, or in this case, Kubuntu...09:07
LINKSWORD2xface... lol. But it's missing the 'a'....09:08
Unit193IIRC, it used to stand for XForms Common Environment09:11
noaXesshey all09:18
noaXessstrange thing: top shows rsync process with 20-30% cpu.. "System Activity" only sho rsync with 2-4% cpu.. is that normal?..09:19
LINKSWORD2I'm not sure.09:19
LINKSWORD2Let me see if I have rsync in my applications and I'll check it.09:20
noaXessLINKSWORD2: not only rsync problem.. every process...09:20
noaXesstop and System Activity don't show the same result..09:20
LINKSWORD2Are they all acting like that?09:20
noaXessthe cpu widget shows 0% cpu usage... so top is real.. System Activity a fake.. or doesn't get information as it should09:21
LINKSWORD2Are you using the System Monitor program to check this?09:21
noaXessLINKSWORD2: CTRL+ESC = System Activity09:22
noaXessand the widget ist CPU Monitor09:22
LINKSWORD2Oh, cool. Nice little shortcut.09:22
noaXesstry now system monitor09:22
LINKSWORD2Basically the same, except the window title, and a few minor differences.09:24
noaXessin system monitor the process table says rsync uses about 4-6% and is the most used process.. in tab system lad. i see a cpu load of 60%.. overall for 4 cpu's09:24
noaXessso symstem activity/monitors process table is wrong.. or get wrong data09:24
LINKSWORD2Another consideration....09:24
LINKSWORD2Look for a graph that details the workload of each processor.09:24
LINKSWORD2I built a very basic system for Kubuntu.09:29
LINKSWORD2I expected to "experiment" and then decide that I didn't like it. lol09:29
LINKSWORD2Funny how that works. I quite like KDE & Kubuntu.09:29
noaXessLINKSWORD2: look at this.. http://i.imgur.com/Bo4G7.png09:31
LINKSWORD2Checking it ou now.09:32
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... Some of this, I don't understand.09:33
LINKSWORD2But let me look over it a bit more.09:33
noaXessLINKSWORD2: but you see the problem..09:33
LINKSWORD2Click on the CPU% tab at the top and sort the apps down by their most to least CPU use.09:34
LINKSWORD2Now how does the list look?09:40
noaXessLINKSWORD2: in system activity this is already done ;).. check my screenshot ;)09:41
LINKSWORD2Are any of them sapping more memory than others?09:42
LINKSWORD2I realize the target of this issue is CPU, so far, but memory can also be helpful to look at.09:43
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LINKSWORD2Damn it!10:33
LINKSWORD2Google Desktop doesn't work on Kubuntu.10:34
EruaranWho cares about Google Desktop :P10:38
LINKSWORD2Because I wanted to get notifications when I get a new GMail message....10:40
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=== rohansgoogle is now known as apachelogger
EruaranLINKSWORD2: You dont need google desktop for that10:45
EruaranLINKSWORD2: just get the gmail widget from kde-look10:45
LINKSWORD2How? :/10:46
kristoffhi everybody!10:46
LINKSWORD2Groucho Marx?10:47
kristoffsince i installed kubuntu 11.10:47
kristoff11.04 i boot with a wrong resolution sometimes10:47
kristoffbut i don't know what can cause that10:48
LINKSWORD2I've actually got the same problem. >.>10:48
tsimpsonLINKSWORD2: right click the desktop -> add widgets -> get new widgets -> download new plasma widgets -> search for "gmail-plasmoid"10:49
wildgoosekristoff, LINKSWORD2 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26128510:50
ubottuKDE bug 261285 in control center "Save as default option don't remember all settings" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:50
LINKSWORD2Rekong: Not Found10:51
LINKSWORD2The requested URL /show_bug.cgi was not found on this server.10:51
lcbkristoff: reboot, press SHIFT while grub is loading (right after bios messages), select recovery kernel from the kernel options, then select failsafeX from the menu. Select then Reconfigure X for the hardware.  Try that10:51
kristofflinksword2 : try F510:52
kristoffi'll be back lol10:52
LINKSWORD2Still getting the same error on Rekong.10:53
lcbkristoff: that will restore the default driver. then you might want to reinstall the proprietary driver.10:53
LINKSWORD2lcb, my graphics card is using the default driver. I think I need to figure out what the card is, specifically, and then install a proprietary driver.10:55
lcbLINKSWORD2: some ati are still not very happy with the proprietary. better stick with the generic on those circunstances.10:56
LINKSWORD2I'm not sure IF the card is ATI or not.10:56
LINKSWORD2Is there a way I can find out?10:57
lcbLINKSWORD2: wait, i'm diving in your pc now to check that. don't move.10:57
LINKSWORD2Wait... What???10:58
LINKSWORD2... How? :/10:58
lcbtype in terminal $ lspci10:58
tsimpsonsee what "lspci |grep VGA" shows, or open kinfocenter10:58
LINKSWORD2Intel ATI Radeon 9000.11:00
lcbyeap, ati11:00
mu3encan anyone tell me what is providing /usr/sbin/sendmail by default?11:00
tsimpsonerm, "Intel ATI"? that's an interesting one11:00
tsimpson!find bin/sendmail11:01
ubottuFile bin/sendmail found in citadel-mta, courier-mta, dma, esmtp-run, exim4-daemon-heavy, exim4-daemon-light, lsb-invalid-mta, masqmail, msmtp-mta, nullmailer (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=bin/sendmail&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any11:01
LINKSWORD2Sorry. I've got 2 KInfoCenter windows open. I mixed them together.11:01
LINKSWORD2Processor: Intel P4 2.66 GHz. GFX: ATI Radeon 9000.11:02
lcbon this pc i have a ATI Technologies Inc M92 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series] . using ATI Catalyst Control Center to tweek mora than 1 display gives some headcaches at times11:04
lcbmore than...11:04
LINKSWORD2I've only got one display.11:05
lcbnot working properly LINKSWORD2?11:05
LINKSWORD2When it boots up, it often says; Cannot Display Video Mode, then it readjusts and appears to work normally. But I always have to change the resolution settings.11:06
lcbLINKSWORD2: do exactly the same as i told kristoff11:06
mu3entsimpson: thanks! the answer is postfix. surprised that is installed by default though.11:06
lcbLINKSWORD2: on the last menu you'll get you have the several options. start by selecting something like "reconfigure X for this hardware" reboot and check11:08
LINKSWORD2I'm going to need the info again.11:08
lcbyou'll have several options, i mean. one is to reconfigure defaults, other the one i just said, and more.11:09
lcbLINKSWORD2: kristoff: reboot, press SHIFT while grub is loading (right after bios messages), select recovery kernel from the kernel options, then select failsafeX from the menu. Select then Reconfigure X for the hardware.  Try that11:09
LINKSWORD2OK, I'll give it a try.11:09
lcbLINKSWORD2: that thing mislead us at certain point; you'll not have a confirmation dialog or something saying the changes are comitted. just hit cancel and then select restart X11:10
lcbunless is fixed, btw. i don't use it for a while11:11
lcbon an unrelated footnote, having daisy widget as a linear dock on top in one of virtual desktops, prevents windows to maximise to the full extent. just take a note on that in case you go into that scenario. gave me a lot of trouble until finaly i discovered that.11:17
lcb*in one of virtual desktops, prevents windows to maximise to the full extent __on all desktops__11:18
lcbvalorie: that was the prob from yesterday ;)11:20
lcbany good?11:27
LINKSWORD2For some reason, GRUB wasn't loading.11:27
lcbLINKSWORD2: you didn't get the option to select the kernel?11:27
lcbLINKSWORD2: when you boot the pc you get some messages (from the pc - bios) don't you?11:28
LINKSWORD2I hold down Shift and get "GRUB loading", then after a few seconds the screen goes completely blank.11:29
lcbLINKSWORD2: right after those messages pass press SHIFT. then you shpould get the kernels11:30
* LINKSWORD2 points to message above.11:30
lcbi see11:30
lcbnot common11:30
LINKSWORD2I didn't figure that it was.11:31
LINKSWORD2I have another graphics card...11:31
lcbLINKSWORD2: compelitely blank but you might wonder if something is running.. or just frozen?11:31
LINKSWORD2I can't tell if it's running anything or not.11:32
lcbLINKSWORD2: sudo -i | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove && apt-get clean apt-get check && apt-get -f install11:32
LINKSWORD2That sounds like it's going to write a clean install on the harddrive. Correct?11:33
lcbsee if that helps unclutter some unneeded packages/files that might make your system slow a bit11:33
lcbthere is a && missing in there... check that11:34
LINKSWORD2E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.11:35
LINKSWORD2:/ OK, then what do I need to put into the terminal?11:35
lcbLINKSWORD2: you have mixed releases repositories in sources.list?11:35
LINKSWORD2How do I find out?11:35
lcbsudo -i | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove && apt-get clean && apt-get check && apt-get -f install11:36
LINKSWORD2I think that error is there because I chose NOT to do automatic upgrades for the web browser called Opera.11:36
lcbthat's the correct one (with the && inserted11:36
lcbdon't believe so. try running apt-get -f install && apt-get check .... just that by now11:37
lcbsudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clean11:38
lcbwould help too, resolving that error... i believe11:38
LINKSWORD2I suppose we will see in a couple of moments.11:39
lcbthen just run the first apt-get * i gave you, even repeating a bit11:40
LINKSWORD2Update manager just popped up.11:40
lcbthat's a good sign. is alive now11:40
LINKSWORD2Ark, KCalc Kwallet Manager and printer-applet11:41
lcbthat means your system was not updated and a bit broken11:41
LINKSWORD2Would that pose the graphics problem?11:41
lcbLINKSWORD2: update whatever it's asking you for, unless you don't want to11:42
LINKSWORD2I'm going to update each of them.11:42
lcbLINKSWORD2: that makes us think you are missing some updates, meaning that would cause problems on packages in need of patches11:42
LINKSWORD2Printer one isn't really necessary, but I'll take it anyway. (I don't have a printer.)11:43
lcbno, don't install. afterwards you could remove what is making your system asking for that11:43
lcbwhy installing what we don't need. doesn't make any good in an overall performance of the machine11:44
LINKSWORD2-_- NOW you tell me!11:44
lcbit's ok, you could uninstall it with synaptics after.11:45
LINKSWORD2I haven't used synaptics before.11:46
lcbis a very nice utility11:46
lcband useful11:46
LINKSWORD2What I see from searching for "synap" is Synaptiks, a touchpad manager.11:47
lcbno, synaptic11:47
lcb!info synaptic11:47
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.75.1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 698 kB, installed size 2928 kB11:47
lcbdo you get any more errors warnings?11:50
LINKSWORD2Not yet.11:50
lcbLINKSWORD2: a lot of updates though, isn't?11:51
LINKSWORD2Yeah. lol11:51
lcbi imagine11:51
LINKSWORD2Syntptic Package Manager installed - Click to execute.11:51
lcbLINKSWORD2: don't mixe things... keep doing what i suggested you to do before11:52
LINKSWORD2It downloaded as part of the update process, apparently.11:52
LINKSWORD2I also got an alert to reboot the system.11:53
LINKSWORD2I shall return.11:53
LINKSWORD2I have returned!11:57
lcbLINKSWORD2: pls type this in terminal  $ lsb_release -r && uname -a11:58
LINKSWORD2Terminal: -r command not found.12:00
lcbLINKSWORD2: hmm $ lsb_release -d && uname -a12:00
LINKSWORD2Terminal: -d command not found12:01
LINKSWORD2It doesn't seem to like you. :P12:01
LINKSWORD2I've got an idea!12:02
lcblsb_release (don't past it here)12:02
lcbstill command not found?12:02
xieyiI met a problem that rekonq can't browse some pages properly. When I browser www.163.com, it jump to the 3g version of the page. I can browse the page properly before.12:03
LINKSWORD2No LSB modules available.12:03
LINKSWORD2lcb: Permission to query?12:04
lcbLINKSWORD2: runn the whole command i told you before to update and fix the system12:06
LINKSWORD2Hang on.12:06
lcbthe big one, LINKSWORD2.12:06
lcbLINKSWORD2: wait..12:06
lcbLINKSWORD2: sudo -i | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove && && apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean apt-get check && apt-get -f install12:07
lcbgeez, wait. error12:07
lcbLINKSWORD2: sudo -i | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove && && apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean && apt-get check && apt-get -f install12:08
LINKSWORD2Terminal: syntax error near unexpected token &&12:09
lcbLINKSWORD2: sudo -i | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean && apt-get check && apt-get -f install12:09
lcbLINKSWORD2: then reboot. then do the SHIFT to go to recovery mode. then select CLEAN, DPKG, GRUB, FailsafeX (here you select to configure X to the hardware "I" have)12:11
lcbLINKSWORD2: and you might be better. i need to run buddy12:11
LINKSWORD2root@Compaq:~# W: Failed to fetch http://deb.opera.com/opera/dists/sarge/non-free/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found12:11
LINKSWORD2-_- This is turning into an epic fail....12:11
lcbLINKSWORD2: sudo dpkg-reconfigure opera12:12
lcbLINKSWORD2: have in mind when you type ' $ sudo -i ' you always be as root. so type exit to perform other commands as regular user12:13
lcb$ exit12:13
LINKSWORD2Same result.12:14
lcbgot it?? i need to go. real life calling my dutties12:14
lcbLINKSWORD2: is opera your default browser?12:15
lcbwell... is someone is "listening" .. pls tell him to ' $ sudo apt-get --purge remove opera ' after backing it up12:16
* lcb away 12:16
amichair!info libreoffice natty12:18
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu5 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)12:18
amichair!info libreoffice oneiric12:19
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)12:19
amichairnow updates to LO?12:19
amichairno updates to LO?12:19
lcbLINKSWORD2: are you using opera?12:22
lcbLINKSWORD2: why having it in the repositories list?12:22
LINKSWORD2I do use it as a browser.12:22
LINKSWORD2But it is not open right now.12:22
lcbLINKSWORD2: disable it from the repository list12:23
LINKSWORD2Found it. lol12:24
lcbLINKSWORD2: KPackageKit then Settings then unchek it12:24
lcbLINKSWORD2: you need to uncheck everything that conflicks with 11.04 too12:25
lcbconflicts either12:25
LINKSWORD2I haven't found any conflicts.12:25
lcbclick apply, exit then the big one again12:26
lcbLINKSWORD2: do not leave any package managing utility open while running that command12:27
lcbthat includes synaptic12:27
LINKSWORD2Not open. lol12:27
lcbwell, i know you like to multiplay with packages :p12:27
lcbsometimes working in stereo could not be very soundy12:28
LINKSWORD2Quantum physics, my friend. I work in up to 26 dimensions.12:29
lcbme too, but not all rooms gives the same results12:29
LINKSWORD2Hehe. :P12:30
LINKSWORD2That's odd. I insert the commands and hit enter.... But it's not displaying any of the results.12:30
lcbohh gosh12:30
lcbtype ls12:31
lcbnot results?12:31
lcbno results12:31
LINKSWORD2Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures.....12:31
lcbsudo apt-get update12:32
LINKSWORD2Apparently not. :/12:32
LINKSWORD2... This is exceedingly bizarre.12:33
lcbtype konsole12:33
lcbLINKSWORD2: type $ lsb_release -d12:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:34
lcbLINKSWORD2: sorry, a bit busy. don't run it as root12:43
lcbbut maybe the problem isn't only that...12:44
LINKSWORD2lcb: Are you familiar with KRDC?12:47
LINKSWORD2Welcome back, noaXess12:47
LINKSWORD2@noaXess Any results with your CPU problem?12:48
lcbLINKSWORD2: didn't used it. i use TeamViewer when needed12:48
LINKSWORD2Perhaps we should use TeamViewer, then.12:49
lcbdidn't use, i mean.... No, keep that one if you are familiar with it12:49
LINKSWORD2I'm not familiar with either.12:50
lcbLINKSWORD2: but why? you want me to see if your credit accounts are ok?12:50
LINKSWORD2I figured you could look into my system and see what's going on...12:50
LINKSWORD2LMAO! Credit?12:50
LINKSWORD2What a joke... >.>12:50
lcbLINKSWORD2: maybe later. not now - i'm really a bit busy now and for a couple hours.12:51
lcbMasterJoke Credit Card. a good company12:52
lcbLINKSWORD2: i wonder how your sources.list file is12:53
lcblike if you have installed ubuntu tweak and stuff alike, that puts a lot of stuff you don't really need in Kubuntu.12:54
LINKSWORD2Well, I think you'll have to take a look when we can open a remote connection.12:54
LINKSWORD2I haven't installed much. Only a few Mac themed components.12:55
=== mino_ is now known as mino
lcbLINKSWORD2: run those commands from tty. CTRL + Alt + F1   -- return whenever you want to the graphical hitting CTRL + Alt + F713:01
lcbkill/close  all apps before doing so13:02
LINKSWORD2I won't have access to the clipboard app, will I?13:02
munnyhi all!13:03
LINKSWORD2munny: I don't think we've had our coffee yet....13:04
lcbLINKSWORD2: no.13:04
lcbLINKSWORD2: other option is logging out and login in failsafe session/mode13:05
LINKSWORD2Failsafe session mode does not work when I try to login.13:05
LINKSWORD2I suppose the other option is to re-install...13:06
LINKSWORD2Update as needed, then finally install the themes I use afterward.13:06
lcbLINKSWORD2: no. try the grub recovery. after the updates you did might work now13:06
munnyi just upgraded to 11.04, i would use kde 4.6.4 so i added kubuntu-ppa/ppa but i don't see update with apt, anyone knows why?13:07
Eruaranmunny: do 'sudo apt-get update', make sure you have latest updates 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then do 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'13:24
munnyEruaran: already tried...13:25
Eruaranmunny: tried rebooting or logging out and back in?13:27
munnyEruaran: yes... without results... seems like apt doesn't read this lines: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu natty main13:29
Ddpbfmunny: how did you add that ppa in software sources13:30
Ddpbfand wich kubuntu do you use?13:30
munnyDdpbf: i just installed from skratch 11.04...13:30
munnyand first i used add-apt-repository13:31
munnyafter i tried insert manually lines and import key13:31
Eruaranmunny: apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa13:32
LINKSWORD2GRUB recovery still isn't loading.13:32
munnyEruaran: already tried...13:32
munnyi'm retrying13:32
Ddpbfmunny: open konsole13:32
Ddpbfsudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa13:32
munnyDdpbf: done13:33
Ddpbfthan sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:33
Ddpbfyou should get kde 4.6.4 in few minutes13:34
munnyDdpbf: nothing... 0 upgraded and 0 installe13:34
Ddpbfaptitude show kmail13:35
munnyDdpbf: kmail version is 4.4.10....13:37
munnyDdpbf: i tried to show kdeadmin version and is 4.6.4...13:37
Ddpbfthen you have13:38
Ddpbfkde 4.6.413:38
munnyDdpbf: damn... sorry you're right... before i was in error because i also add kubuntu-updates13:39
munnyEruaran: :)13:39
Ddpbfi believe it is the same13:40
=== mino_ is now known as mino
Ddpbfguys who are packagin it are all here13:40
munnyDdpbf: yes but i mean backkports for upgrade amarok... and here i read kde 4.64 but for Maverick! ;)13:42
munnyDdpbf, Eruaran: thx anyway! ;)13:42
munnyi'm tired... just returning from EuroPython! ;)13:43
Ddpbfmunny: np :)13:44
george__Hello. Is there a way to open download folder with dolphin directly from download manager on Firefox 4 or 5?13:50
jtheuergeorge__:  right click on a downloaded file13:57
george__jtheuer:I did that of course. It won't open.13:58
clashingwaveHello Everyone, I have a small problem I seem to be having, I can't seem to get my 5Gz wifi connection to connect at start up but  it can auto connect to my 2.5Gz connection just fine. So can anyone help me with this small problem?14:02
brad__I have a problem getting my wireless card to work.14:39
Ddpbfbrad__:  sudo lspci | grep -i network14:41
Ddpbfand sudo lshw -C network14:41
Ddpbfpaste this outputs somwhere14:41
Ddpbfeg  paste.kde.org14:42
brad__Broadcom BCM431114:42
Ddpbfor paste.ubuntu.com14:42
brad__Oh, sorry, hangon.14:42
brad__It is pasted14:44
brad__@ paste.ubuntu.com14:44
genii-aroundbrad__: The URL of the exact paste might be helpful :)14:46
brad__Ddpbf: Sorry. it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/631803/14:46
brad__Ddpbf: I'm new to this. But I'm learning fast.14:46
BluesKajbrad__, sudo modprobe b4314:51
brad__BluesKaj: It didn't do anything.14:51
brad__BluesKaj: It just gave me back the command prompt.14:52
BluesKajok, it's working then14:52
brad__BluesKaj: But if I unplug my ethernet cord, I lose internet.14:52
genii-aroundbrad__: "no news is good news" in this case. It doesn't say anything when something happens successfully, only if there is some problem14:52
brad__BluesKaj: And WICD says there are no wireless networks found.14:53
brad__genii-around: I'll try to remember that and not panic. :-)14:53
BluesKajwicd .. hmm, hasn't been reliable in the latest releases14:54
brad__BluesKaj: I don't know how it got on here. I was using the blue N/M looking thing, but now it's gone and WICD is running.14:54
BluesKajbrad__, with broadcom wifi should work fine with NM14:55
chachanguys, how can I set kwallet to ask when I use git commands, makes sense?14:55
brad__BluesKaj: One, that was when I found the problem, while using NM. Two, it doesn't show up in my system tray. How do I switch back to it?14:55
BluesKajremove wicd14:56
brad__BluesKaj: You mean through apt-get?14:56
brad__BluesKaj: Thank you. I will be back (wired) if it doesn't work.14:57
BluesKajand make sure NM is installed14:57
brad__BluesKaj: how do I make sure? Again, with apt-get?14:57
BluesKajyes, or kpackagekit14:58
brad__Thank you again. I will be back.14:58
brad__BluesKaj: NM is working again, WICD is gone, but even NM shows no wireless networks.15:07
brad__BluesKaj: I checked Additional Drivers, and Broadcom proprietery is active.15:07
BluesKajok brad__ run, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid15:08
brad__BluesKaj: wlan0 Interface does not support scanning15:09
BluesKajbrad__, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up15:10
brad__BluesKaj: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device15:11
brad__BluesKaj: If it helps, my cousin put a Hardware Info Widget on my desktop, and it shows my Broadcom wireless card15:12
BluesKajbrad__, are there any optional settings on the widget ?15:14
brad__BluesKaj: Just for a shortcut. Nothing useful15:14
BluesKajwhat networkmanager , check your settings15:15
BluesKaj!broadcom | brad__,15:16
ubottubrad__,: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:16
brad__BluesKaj: The only thing I can find is in System Settings: Information Sources: NetworkManager 0.715:16
BluesKajcan you open nm , brad__?15:17
brad__BluesKaj: I try to right click on the system tray icon, and nothing happens. But I can Manage Networks.15:18
brad__BluesKaj: I already have my wireless essid programmed in. But it still won't show wireless networking15:19
BluesKajbrad__, check the url/tutorial I posted15:20
brad__BluesKaj: I've been reading it and reading here, too. I'll be back after I follow the website. Thanks for your help so far.15:21
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:27
brad__BluesKaj: I followed the instructions on the webpage, but wireless is still not showing up.15:32
BluesKajbrad__, perhaps starting from scratch ...dunno how else to help , sorry :(15:33
brad__BluesKaj: You mean reinstalling Kubuntu?15:33
BluesKajno , with network manager settings15:33
brad__BluesKaj: I'll try that then. System Reinstall is a last resort. Thanks again for trying to help. I'll be back one way or another.15:35
BluesKajwhat does , route  , output ?.. brad__15:35
brad__BluesKaj: I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean.15:35
BluesKajtype route in the terminal15:35
BluesKajit should give you a gateway IP address15:36
brad__BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/631828/15:38
BluesKajbrad__, ok ,now try it with wifi (wlan0)15:41
brad__BluesKaj: "route wlan0"?15:41
BluesKajno just route15:41
brad__BluesKaj: It just gave me the same info.15:42
brad__BluesKaj: Nothing about wlan015:42
BluesKajdisconnect the ethernet , then try it ...wait for about 30 secs after15:43
brad__BluesKaj: Ok, but it will disconnect me here. I'll be back on in a minute or so.15:44
BluesKajalso run sudo dhclient wlan0 , brad__15:45
brad__BluesKaj: When I unplugged and did route, it didn't show anything.15:46
BluesKajok brad__ , try this command on wifi , sudo dhclient wlan0, if that doesn't connect , try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:47
flavz_I have a problem with the blur effect15:48
flavz_with the effect enabled every animation gets much slower15:50
james147flavz_: then disable the blur effect... not all hardware can handle that effect yet15:50
brad__BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/631833/15:51
brad__BluesKaj: Still no wlan015:51
flavz_james147:  yeah that's an option15:51
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flavz_the fact is that there should be a mipmap LoD fallback option15:52
BluesKajno connection indication on nm , brad__?15:52
brad__BluesKaj: That is correct.15:52
brad__BluesKaj: Only Ethernet cord.15:52
flavz_mipmap LoD wolud solve many problems for many people15:53
BluesKajwell, I've run out of ideas brad__ ...have you checked that the driver is actually installed , ..guess I should have asked that first from the start15:55
flavz_since that would be more efficient, and support a larger variety of hardware. Better option than saying: just don't use it.15:55
james147flavz_: not sure how they would work in a desktop enviroment when they are ment for a complex 3d world... at least from what I can see15:55
BluesKajhey james147 , any ideas about BCM wifi not connecting ?15:55
brad__BluesKaj: Yes. The Additional Drivers program in Settings claims the Broadcom proprietary driver is installed and running.15:55
brad__BluesKaj: If I remove it, the wireless still doesn't show up.15:56
flavz_you can see it very easily: It's called Compiz, and it had support for it for ages15:56
BluesKajproprietary driver , brad__ ...is that an optional driver, because it doesn't sound like like it's the default15:57
brad__BluesKaj: It's what installed when I followed the instructions on that webpage you gave me. Got it with firmware-b43-installer.15:58
flavz_james147:  Back in the day that option was the difference between a usable system with blur enabled and one which is not usable15:58
flavz_at least for me15:58
flavz_I'd like to know why no one seems to be interested15:59
flavz_am I really the only person affected?15:59
james147flavz_: you might want to ask at #kde ^^15:59
flavz_I'll try15:59
BluesKajflavz_, is it a big issue ..does it really matter that much ?16:00
flavz_well I use oxygen-transparent, and that requires the blur effect16:01
brad__BluesKaj: I found a package described as network management framework in Synaptic. It claims to keep an active network connection available at all times. Should I try that to see if it kicks in the wireless?16:01
flavz_I think it looks really neat, the best looking desktop ever16:02
flavz_it's just that I can't use it, because the blur effect takes so much cpu16:02
BluesKajdunno brad__ , it might help, I'm out of ideas16:02
brad__BluesKaj: I'll let you know. If it doesn't work, I'll do a system reinstall.16:03
BluesKajflavz_, what kind of graphics ?16:03
james147flavz_: If i recall correctly the blur effect is one of the effects that is reciving attention to improve its preformance... though that could have been last release :)16:03
flavz_I'm running a laptop with core 2 duo 2ghz16:04
BluesKajbrad__, that shouldn't be necessary16:04
flavz_nvidia 8600m 512 mb16:04
brad__BluesKaj: It's installed now. Should I reboot to start the daemon?16:04
BluesKajbrad__, no just do , sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:05
brad__Ah, right.16:05
flavz_BluesKaj:  the problem is much more evident when I use an external monitor16:05
BluesKajflavz_, is that a laptop integrated ?16:06
brad__BluesKaj: It said "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0", and wireless still isn't working.16:06
flavz_BluesKaj: Discrete graphics16:06
flavz_the main issue is that the default option is a very exacting one16:06
BluesKajok, flavz_ remind me not toturn blur on :)16:07
flavz_it uses gaussian16:07
flavz_there's a slighly less goog looking option that is much more efficient16:07
BluesKaji'm runnimg a pci 8400gs card16:07
flavz_I'd like to get the attention of the developers on this issue16:08
james147flavz_: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTQ5Ng << looks like kde 4.7 will bring in some improvments in the area16:08
flavz_I filed a bug already16:08
flavz_james147: I'm eagerly waiting for the official release!!16:09
flavz_I'll have to see what it will be like, but unless something really "magical" happens the main issues will still be there16:10
* BluesKaj tries the blur effect , but sees no diff16:10
flavz_try it with a 1920*1200 monitor plugged in for work16:10
flavz_as of now I am forced to disable the effects16:10
flavz_but yeah, maybe I'm the only person affected by it16:13
flavz_james147:  I think you're right, I'll wait until 4.7 comes out then see if it's still worth moaning about this issue :)16:15
james147flavz_: :( looks like my netbook cannot handle the blur effect on the 4.7 beta :S16:20
james147(though it is a netbook)16:20
flavz_you see, mipmap LoD is much less resouce intensive16:20
flavz_and I mean much less16:21
flavz_Try is with Compiz16:21
flavz_That other window manager has the option to choose between different blur filters16:21
flavz_Why should netbook users be deprived of blur or transparent themes?16:22
flavz_OK, mipmap looks a bit blockier16:23
flavz_but it runs smooth as silk.16:23
flavz_I love KDE, I want it to be good for everyone, even if they are using a substandard hardware platform16:24
LinkmasterI've seen nothing wrong with it since I've been using it16:25
james147flavz_: what happens if you change to xrender instead of opengl?  (here it just disabled the blur effect ^^ )16:26
flavz_same here16:26
james147Linkmaster: what graphics card?16:26
Linkmasterjames147: Thats a good question =P16:26
flavz_well of course I can run it without effects, but then it looks like metacity!16:26
LinkmasterI run a netbook, its a PCI945 family express chip set. its not even a graphics card16:26
kubu2james147: where did you get the 4.7 beta ?16:28
james147kubu2: the kde-unstable repo on arch :)16:28
Linkmasterkubu2: you can get 4.7 using project-neon for Kubuntu16:28
Linkmaster...ask them directly then #project-neon16:29
kubu2Linkmaster: thanks..RC1 should have been out but looks like kde in trouble?  missed the B2 also16:30
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon16:30
apacheloggerQuintasan, yofel ^16:30
Quintasanapachelogger: Shouldn't you fix that?16:31
Linkmasterkubu2: I don't think KDE is in trouble. I think that the Kubuntu devels wanted to keep the stabler version running16:31
neurochromehelp!  just installed kubuntu 11.04 and I'm stuck in an endless loop at the login screen, thought I might have got the wrong passwrd so dropped to another TTY and password is fine?  what to do?16:31
* Linkmaster knows that there is something on KFN about this..16:32
james147Linkmaster: his point is there has been on beta 2 or rc release of kde... not that kubuntu hasent packaged them16:32
LinkmasterI think its permission rights, do you know how to chown your .kde?16:32
Linkmasterjames147: I never noticed that o:16:32
Quintasanjames147: sup, if you want to give project-neon a ride add ppa:neon/ppa to your sources list16:32
kubu2Linkmaster: been waiting to show up in 11.10 :(16:32
LinkmasterHmm...I don't know much about that. I tend to take what I'm given, and be very happy with it16:33
Quintasankubu2: There was kinda unannounced tarball split it 4.7 and we are trying to deal with it.16:33
Linkmasterbbl, ping if you need me16:33
yofelkubu2: beta1 was a bit of a mess, rc1 packaging is WIP16:33
james147yofel: you know when rc1 is ue to release?16:34
Quintasankubu2: oh, I see, ppa:neon/ppa <-- add that to sources list if you want to try latest KDE16:34
kubu2Quintasan: yofelthanks for the update..16:34
james147duee ^^16:34
Quintasanapachelogger: Who do I bug to fix !neon?16:34
kubu2james147: shud have been 6/2316:34
* james147 knows that much ^^16:34
yofelkubu2: no idea, it was tagged only 2 days ago16:35
yofelor was that yesterday...16:35
yofelI'm loosing track of time -.-16:35
james147then hopefully soon :)16:35
yofelQuintasan: bug jussi16:35
kubu2release 6/2216:35
kubu2but kde donwload for unstable is only 4.80 not 4.9 (rc1)16:36
yofelthe tars are still private16:37
yofeland we're not at 4.9 yet :P16:37
kubu2oh ok16:37
neurochromenote: it flashes with a black screen for a couple of secs after hitting enter at the login screen with correct username and pw... then goes back to the login screen16:39
james147neurochrome: does .xsession-errors tell you anything?16:39
neurochromejames147, I'll look in a minute, just reconfiguring xserver-xorg from recovery16:40
james147neurochrome: its more likly a problem with a file in your home directory16:40
neurochromejames147, it had ubuntu 10.10 then 11.04 on before it16:41
neurochromeany usual problem files?16:41
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neurochromejames147, ok, so I'm at TTY2, what do you suggest?16:45
james147neurochrome: check .xsession-errors16:46
neurochromex-terminal-emulator FATAL IO error: client killed16:46
james147neurochrome: probally not that ^^ try stopping kdm and running "startx"16:47
neurochromeserver is already active for display 016:48
james147did you stop kdm?16:48
james147(sudo service kdm stop)16:48
james147or stop kdm... i can never remember :)16:48
neurochromejames147, stop unknown instance16:51
kubu2neurochrome: means it's not running. to be sure do sudo killall kdm16:51
neurochromek done, now startx?16:52
chachanis there a way to set git to store password on kwallet?16:52
kubu2then sudo kdm16:52
james147kubu2: no16:52
james147neurochrome: dont restart kdm ^^ after kdm has stoped try running startx16:52
neurochromestartx is working16:53
james147kubu2: and taht is not how you are ment to start kdm ^^  "sudo start kdm"  or "sudo stop kdm"  is what you are ment to do16:53
neurochromebut how do I get the desktop to *work* everytime16:53
kubu2james147: I do that all the time16:54
neurochromejames147, what do you recommend?16:54
james147kubu2: well, you are supose to use the services not run it directly :S16:55
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james147neurochrome: check you home directroy for files not owned by you16:55
neurochromejames147, ls -al reports everything owned by me16:56
neurochromejames147, gonna restart see what happens16:58
neurochromejames147, right, so still pwnd... i can login by stopping kdm and running startx17:02
james147neurochrome: try creating a new user and seeing if you can log in with them17:07
neurochromewas just about to do exactly that17:08
neurochromeI'm not the only one -- http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?p=161088317:08
james147neurochrome: also what version of kubuntu and kde?17:08
neurochrome4.6 I believe17:09
notslad I can't seem to find Sun/Oracle Java on Kubuntu's default repositories.. do I need to install java manually, or is there a better place to look?17:17
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:18
notsladjames147: thanks!17:18
notsladopenjdk has always been broken for me so I avoid it like the plague :^)17:19
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »17:20
neurochromejames147, another user works fine... gonna wipe my home (nothing important in there)17:21
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sorush20my network sharing my connection from my desktop to a router is not working. Cany anyone help17:41
notsladI've installed the sun-java6-plugin package and restarted Firefox 5 (which had been manually installed) but java still doesn't work through the browser.  Even if I mkdir a plugins directory in /usr/local/firefox50/17:41
james147notslad: logout and back in.... java dose some funky stuff with envrioment varibles17:42
notsladjames147: k, I'll give that a shot.. ibb :^)17:43
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notsladManually installed firefox5 still doesn't see the apt-get installed sun-java6-plugin17:47
notsladmost of the help/how-to's I've found all seem to think I should have it listed under the URL about:plugins17:48
notslad.. but it isn't there17:48
notsladI've uninstalled the openjdk stuff and the sun-java packages is the only java vm listed17:49
Thinkerer68so KFN is down again  :(17:54
sorush20I'm installing dhcpd server and using instructions here http://www.kubuntuguide.info/index.php/Natty#Internet_connection_sharing_.28DHCP_server.29,17:59
sorush20but the problem is that the configuration files that I'm supposed to edit are missing, any ideas?17:59
skaftisomeone who can help with java problem18:05
james147skafti: not if you dont say what the problem is18:08
skafti:) cantseem toget up java for firefox installed it but it does not show up in plugins18:09
pidusdI had been using wireless broadband without any problem using network manager in kubuntu 10.10 but since I upgraded to 11.04 (though not immediately afterwards) it stopped working. Now it tries to connect and then gives up.18:19
pidusdSurprisingly its working fine on windows through virtualbox18:20
pidusdthe syslog reads http://pastebin.com/uX43yBKN18:24
supituxHello everyone, i got a partitioning problem in livecd modus: when changing the size of the extendet partition (magnification), kde partition manager fails  due to setting the geometry of the partition18:24
pidusddoes anybody have any clue about how to fix this?18:24
Torchsupitux: what error message does it fail with?18:32
BluesKajpidusd, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid18:33
sithlord48why is the forum always down when im bored ?18:33
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supituxTorch:maybe i switch language to german18:35
supituxTorch:maybe i switch language to englisch18:35
Torchsupitux: i can read that18:35
Torchsupitux: but i can't tell why it's not working from this.18:36
supituxTorch: everthing is removed saftly18:36
supituxTorch: last time i changed size, it was no problem18:37
Torchsupitux: i can see that libparted does not want to set the new geometry, but i have no idea why that would happen18:37
supituxTorch: livecd is broken?18:38
Torchsupitux: no18:38
supituxTorch: its a f*ck that (k)ubuntu disturbes the partition table during install18:39
Torchsupitux: it does that only if you ask it to, iirc.18:40
supituxno i set up the partition file right18:41
supituxext. partition should be: 2 ntfs + swap +2 ext4 + free space18:41
supituxbut it tossed the free space at the end out of the ext so i cant magnify my ntfs partitions18:41
supituxso i should delete the ubuntu partitions for the ntfs18:42
supituxif i cant allocate free space in the ext partition18:42
supituxTorch: perhaps a restart could help-.-18:45
blip-hi, I found this post on the ubuntu forums which talks about installing latest Nvidia driver for 10.10, the PPA gives 404 Error. Also I have 11.04, how can I get PPA for 11.04 nvidia drivers ?18:49
exaltmy natty setup with KDE is so incredible slow anyone knows whats wrong ? sys specs:  http://pastebin.com/kA6k6LtB  , log: http://pastebin.com/J6xPdQtf18:50
roadfishhow do I change KDE background from command-line?18:57
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kuwo48Hallo an alle20:02
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lcbgood AM|PM for everybody21:22
Linkmastereya lcb21:22
lcbhi Linkmaster. did you discover where your printer is?21:23
Linkmasternope, never did. I was waiting for SIR_Taco to come back, but he hasn't that I can see21:24
lcbcan you ping it?21:24
lcbcheck if the router/port is open21:25
LinkmasterYep, I tried telling you last time but you were gone xD21:25
LinkmasterPinging it was the first thing I did21:25
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lcbLinkmaster: you are going to try the hard way (hand typing some sommands) but let me finish something here at home.21:28
LinkmasterI see nothing wrong with typing up commands :P and its all good21:29
lcbLinkmaster: i don't want to damage ur nails, that's why :o21:29
lcbhang on, brb21:30
LinkmasterDamage my nails? I think it'd be your pride that'd be damaged first21:30
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Linkmasterhow do you build items with git? I can't find a little 'howto' on the internet21:46
Unit193Linkmaster: It all depends on what you download. There should be a readme21:48
LinkmasterSo git is simply a place to get source?21:48
Unit193Source hosting21:49
LinkmasterI always heard people "building from git" but never figured out what they meant21:50
ovidiushi. i have added firefox to the window list plsmoid, such that a starter should be shown, if firefox is not running. unfortunately, it only shows a blank space in the list not the firefox icon and the "show starter when not running"-option works every other program  I tried. any ideas?21:55
lloowen_Hi all! Does anyone know how I can disable the grub menu or at least get the timer to work so it boots up the default? When I start up my pc nothing happens, it just waits for me to select an option from the list. Using kubuntu 10.1022:04
LinkmasterOh I remember, it has something to do with grub.d I believe, let me pull up mine real fast to tell you how to do it22:04
Linkmasterlloowen_: you're asking to make it boot straight into Kubuntu, right?22:05
lloowen_Linkmaster: Yes22:05
Linkmasterlloowen_: I found it, sorry for my delay22:09
lloowen_Linkmaster: No problem.22:09
Linkmasteropen up a terminal, and type in 'kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub' and when it loads up, go to the line where it says 'grub timeout' and you can turn that to '0' so that grub will be 'bypassed'22:11
Linkmasteronce you do that, save the file, and close it out. then run 'update-grub' to make sure it configures correctly22:12
Linkmasterlloowen_: ^22:12
lloowen_Linkmaster: OK I'll give that a try right now. Thanks22:12
LinkmasterYou're quite welcoem22:12
LinkmasterI recall a slightly better way to boot straight into something, but that is the most effective I can think of at the time22:13
lloowen_Linkmaster: No that did not work :( It just goes to the grub menu. Thanks anyway.22:19
Linkmasterthat should make the grub timeout zero...why wouldn't it work...22:19
lloowen_Linkmaster: I'll re-try22:20
LinkmasterBluesKaj: ping22:21
BluesKajLinkmaster, pong22:22
Linkmasterlloowen_: here wants to boot straight to kubuntu, and I forgot how, so I made his grub have a '0' as the timeout. He says it doesn't work. What is the correct way to do it?22:23
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buzzmandtanyone here?22:35
LinkmasterI'm here22:37
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buzzmandtfound blueprints on launchpad, what is kubuntu-members and kubuntu-ninja?22:40
buzzmandtalso I know muon is happening but has it been officially decided to keep it as default or is that still a question on the table?22:42
LinkmasterNot sure, not sure, annd....not sure :P22:44
lcbLinkmaster: do you have any linux drivers for that printer? |any| (canon MG6210 )22:51
LinkmasterIts a canon MG6100 series printer, and in a way. I have the installation CD that it came with, and I tried digging through it to no avail22:52
lcbohhh... changed model since last night :o how did you do that??? i want too22:53
lcbLinkmaster: any RPM with it?22:53
lcbor .deb, of course22:53
DoctorPepperhi guys!!!22:54
LinkmasterOf course not, its a printer thats main computer is supposed to be Winblows22:54
lcbthe linux driver, Linkmaster22:54
szalthere's no MG models listed in the OpenPrinting Database22:54
lcbhi Doc22:54
lcbszal: but if he finds any RPM it will be pok22:54
LinkmasterI've tried what I could think of. When even CUPS can't see it, I know theres a problem22:54
DoctorPepperhas anyone managed to sync kontact with ms-exchange ?22:55
szalLinkmaster: that's the problem w/ GDI printers22:55
szalessentially: the OS does the thinking, and mostly that is only implemented in Windows drivers22:56
lcbthere are some linux drivers in canon support, most packaged as *.i386.rpm22:56
lcbif you find one for that printer it wil be ok22:56
* szal tries to avoid buying any printer other than HP22:57
Linkmasterthis is my printer: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Canon/Canon-PIXMA-MG610022:57
Linkmasterlcb: the canon site only offers windows drivers, and a few mac OS X drivers23:00
LinkmasterIt has Windows support all the way to 98, but they can't make a single one for linux....23:00
* Linkmaster profusely swears23:00
lcbLinkmaster: talking w/ google's daughter. wait pls23:02
LinkmasterIts fine, thanks for the help23:02
szalLinkmaster: http://www.canon-europe.com/Support/System/Search.aspx?TcmUri=tcm:13-822910&SearchType=323:03
lcbLinkmaster: http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwMzAxODAx&cmp=ABS&lang=EN23:04
Linkmasterlcb: way to make me download a file without telling me :P if this windows, you could have just infected my computer....mwahahah23:05
LinkmasterAlright, downloaded it, want me to run the installation stuff?23:05
LinkmasterThis looks like the same thing that szal just sent me23:06
lcbLinkmaster: if i want to give you a virus i'll store it in my server and you download it from there, with extra features :p23:06
Linkmasterof course, the worst your virus would be able to do is trash my /home which isn't the biggest deal in the world..23:06
lcbLinkmaster: download both and check the updated one23:06
szalyou could also md5sum them, if the sums match, it's the same thing23:07
Linkmasterhow do I know which one is newer?23:07
lcbdo you know how to sum Linkmaster?23:07
* Linkmaster doesn't know how to md5sum things....23:07
Linkmasteralright, the other finished23:08
Linkmasterszal: lcb: how do I md5sum things?23:09
lcbboth are for reliable sources, don worry23:09
LinkmasterIt would still help to learn how to23:09
szalLinkmaster: wouldn't work in that case anyway due to different formats23:09
Linkmasteroh, alright23:09
szalLinkmaster: and lcb's thing seems the way to go, since it's a .deb23:10
lcbLinkmaster: open it and check the dates from the files / or the readme file, for instance.23:10
LinkmasterOhh, okay. And lcb where did your file download? ark opened it up when I clicked the link, and I'm not about to extract it23:11
lcbi didn't download it so i don't know what's in there. but you could check it23:11
Linkmasterit looks good to me23:11
lcbLinkmaster: wait.. talking with that google girl again23:11
Linkmasterlet me copy the link instead and download that way23:11
lcbLinkmaster: i went to australia to get your file -> http://support-au.canon.com.au/contents/AU/EN/0100301802.html23:12
szaljust checked, they're identical23:12
LinkmasterI understand now...I think Windows told english canon to make sure nothing linuxy was on there23:12
szalboth dated 19 Aug 201023:12
LinkmasterBut in my case I wasn't worried about the source, I want to know where it downloaded to....:P23:13
lcbLinkmaster: they were thinking about you installing win drives in linux23:13
Linkmasterbecause its not in ~/Downloads23:13
lcbit's possible tough...23:13
LinkmasterI'd rather not use windows drivers....23:13
Linkmasterwhereis didn't find it anywhere. I'll extract it to a folder I know of, since its a..... .deb.tar.gz? Thats a lot of compression xD23:15
lcbdrivers, i mean... long ago. sorry for the Typos & Errors, Inc23:15
szaldunno why it's called "deb" anyway, there's no .deb in it23:15
szalit's just an install script23:15
BluesKajLinkmaster, I believe the" hidden timeout' in /etc/default/grub should be "0"23:15
Linkmastertheres .debs in mine23:15
lcbno infos in it?23:15
LinkmasterBluesKaj: I asked him to change the regular timout23:16
BluesKajyeah, I saw that23:16
BluesKajI boot directly to kubuntu with that setting23:16
LinkmasterThats why I'm confused it didn't work for him23:17
szalLinkmaster: ah, indeed, there's .debs inside, so scrap the install script & install the 2 .debs appropriate for your architecture23:17
LinkmasterI just cd'd my way into the folder23:17
* Linkmaster forgot how to install .deb from terminal23:18
Unit193dpkg -i23:18
LinkmasterI knew it had to do dpkg, my gut told me that...gotta listen to it more often from now on23:18
szalsudo dpkg -i $insert_filenames_here23:18
lcbwait... probably you need some libs before... let me check23:19
szalguess dpkg will complain if anything is missing23:19
Linkmasterhopefully will. Oh well, its starting to run, lets see what happens23:20
LinkmasterThat was fast, I chose the wrong .deb to install first xD23:20
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
Linkmasterthat was fast...let me get the other one now23:21
lcbLinkmaster: you don't need to gkpg -i etc, you have a .sh installation file23:21
Linkmasterboth went without any issues...is that all I have to do? o:23:21
Unit193You may need to sudo apt-get install -f23:21
lcberr dpkg -i ...23:21
LinkmasterBoth are installed23:21
Linkmasterand lcb I thought .sh files were for compiling and stuff, so I sort of skipped it...23:22
Unit193sudo apt-get install -f isn't needed this time, it fixes missing depends23:22
Linkmasteralright, well, now that I have these drivers installed, what is my next step?23:23
lcbthere is a install.sh .... just chmod +x install.sh23:23
lcbthen ./install.sh23:23
Linkmasterokay, let me uninstall the other things23:23
szalLinkmaster: I wonder what the .sh is for anyway, I don't think you need it23:23
Linkmasterto prevent errors23:23
lcbszal: because there are several .deb packages to install23:23
Linkmastertwo for i386, two for AMD68623:23
lcb.. and they need to be installed in a certain order/way23:23
Linkmasteryeah, -common first, then the other23:24
LinkmasterI installed both already23:24
lcbno smoking yet from the printer? :o23:24
szalafaics, the install.sh sets up the printer and printer queue23:24
LinkmasterI would've heard my mom/sisters screaming23:24
lcbhi Unit193 ;)23:24
Linkmasterah, so I still need to run the install.sh, let me do that real fast23:25
Unit193lcb: Howdy23:25
lcbnot fast...23:25
lcbLinkmaster: take your time or you might do something wrong23:25
Linkmasterwell, slow23:26
* Linkmaster types bash instal.sh23:26
* Linkmaster then facepalms23:26
* Linkmaster is glad he didn't actually miss the 'l'23:26
szalLinkmaster: PEBKAC ;)23:26
szalProblem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair23:27
lcbthen try going into your printer control panel configurations just to check if you can see it right, like, for instance http://yourLogin_name:YourPass@
lcbszal: my english is not very good but on top of everything i make a lot of types because of "Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair" too. usually i'm sitted like an indian, away from the kb, + doing more things at same time.23:29
lcbtypes/typos lol23:29
Linkmasterlcb: szal: thanks for the help guys!! I'm going to keep this in my archive of "keep at ALL times" files :D23:34
lcbLinkmaster: thank google23:35
LinkmasterThank google for me then, since I didn't use it. I never found something like that though even with my searching23:36
lcbLinkmaster: if not working, read this, last lines (disregard the rpm to deb sections and the names of files for that model) http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-a-canon-all-in-one-printer-working-with-ubuntu.html23:37
lcbmaybe you need to install more than just that. but just in case your printer don't... print23:37
LinkmasterI shall look! :D23:37
LinkmasterI needed to know how to do this if I was going to 'help' my mom switch to linux23:38
lcbLinkmaster: you should be her sys administrator23:38
LinkmasterI'm going to be23:38
LinkmasterI am probably going to take her off the sudoers list as well23:38
lcbso no need to teach her that23:39
LinkmasterKey words: 'I needed to know..."23:39
LinkmasterAnd for while I'm at school, I'll get that one program I forgot what was, the desktop sharer thing, to work properly as well23:39
lcbteamviewer is good...23:41
Linkmasterwill it allow me to take control of her computer?23:41
lcbor... play a bit with EyeOS... it's funny to have a remote desktop + somehow an operating system trough the net.23:41
DoctorPepperhas anyone managed to sync kontact with ms-exchange ?23:46
Linkmasternext step is to see if I can get xsane to work with the printer..that shouldn't be too hard23:49
lcbDoctorPepper: not me but http://goo.gl/kZmn323:52
DarkwingDuckDoctorPepper: Here is a path forward... Never tried it though. http://askubuntu.com/questions/22977/can-i-connect-to-my-companys-exchange-server-through-kontact23:52
lcbany good phone answering system for 11.04 server? just in case someone knows...23:54
peteteasterisk can do that. i think23:56
lcbtiago!!! welcome portuguese guy :)23:56
lcbpetete, thanks :)23:56
lcba delayed one...23:57
DoctorPepperthanks lcb DarkwingDuck .23:57
lcbDoctorPepper: there are some solutions from that search + whay DarkwingDuck gave you too23:57
DoctorPepperthanks a lot guys .23:58
DarkwingDuck:) Anytime DoctorPepper23:58

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