
gustonegrotarball name is libpd_1.0.orig.tar.gz;  changelog 1st line: libpd (1.0-1) natty; urgency=low00:12
lifelessname the tarball libpd_1.0+test1.orig.tar.gz00:13
lifelessand the 1.0-1 becomes 1.0+test1-100:13
gustonegrook, gotit.00:15
gustonegrothanks a million00:15
lifelessand in future, don't delete pacakges :) - just upload a newer version (e.g. -2) without changing the tarball at all00:17
gustonegrookay.  I didn't know that.  from the docs it sounds like you can delete packages.   I was just trying to test things out to learn the system.00:18
gustonegroI had used the wrong git source at the beginning00:18
broderis it possible to unlink an ubuntu package from an upstream?01:29
broderi just noticed https://launchpad.net/lucid-backports/+packages01:29
wgrantbroder: Done.01:36
wgrantAny package uploader should be able to do it.01:36
micahgwgrant: no, there's a bug, let me find the number01:37
broderFrom the page I linked? Looks like gitolite is in universe, so I should have had the requisite bits...01:37
wgrantI thought we fixed that a couple of days ago.01:37
wgrantI may be wrong.01:37
micahgbug 79686701:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 796867 in Launchpad itself "Cannot modify upstream of packages I can upload in Ubuntu" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79686701:37
wgrantAh, so it's in the batch of revs that are about to be deployed.01:38
micahgnot deployed yet01:38
broderOk. Well, thanks wgrant01:38
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Noldorinwhat's the difference between the Solved and Answered question statuses in LP?02:34
StevenKAnswered == some one has provided an answer. Solved == the asker has used the answers and solved the problem.02:35
NoldorinStevenK, ah right. so if the project maintainer replies to a question with an answer, and the answer never returns to it... it should be left as Answered or marked as Solved?02:54
spmfrom the perspective of a regular answerer, answered and solved are identical to me. either way, the query isn't on the active list.02:57
Noldorinfair enough02:58
spmto some extent, the info-required reply (or similar name) - has the same effect.02:58
Noldorinspm, so if the asker doesn't reply, i might as well just leave it as Answered eh?03:00
spmthat's what we do.03:00
Noldorinthank you. sounds sensible.03:00
Noldorinspm, actually: can i revert questions to a preivous state / remove existing messages?03:02
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spmyou can change their status, I believe anyway. remove, doubt it.03:03
Noldorinspm, not without adding another message, it seems03:03
spmvia change status? yup. seems that way.03:04
Noldorinoh well03:10
Noldorinspm, not a big issue... it's just that i accidentally wrongly changed the status, and want to revert, but don't know how to without adding another nonsense message!03:12
spm"oops. I boo boo'ed. changing status back" <== more or less what I've used :-)03:12
Noldorinspm, hehe. fair enough then!03:18
Kamping_Kaiserhi. launchpad still thinks freeciv is using rt.freeciv.org for bu tracking, but its moved to http://gna.org/bugs/?group=freeciv . whats the process to get it updated?03:40
GatoLokoevery time I try to set a team contact address, launchpad gives a oops message, this has been happening for a long time, is there some other way to do this?04:28
thomihi, I'm trying to push a branch to our project's '1.0' series by doing: "bzr push lp:sloecode/1.0" but I get the error message "Permission denied: "Cannot create '1.0'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."". I must be doing something wrong, but I can't for the life of me see what it is04:55
thomiany ideas?04:55
thomiWhen I try and push to the branch directly rather than to the series name I get: "bzr: ERROR: At lp:~sloecode/sloecode/1.0 you have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository. This is an unsupported configuration. Please move the target directory out of the way and try again."04:57
thomiYet when I try and do "bzr branch lp:~sloecode/sloecode/1.0" I get "ERROR: Not a branch"04:57
lifelesspush --use-existing lp:~sloecode/sloecode/1.004:59
lifelessand link it to the series separately04:59
lifelessGatoLoko: file a bug please; include the OOPS ID04:59
thomilifeless: Nope, when i try that I get: ERROR: At lp:~sloecode/sloecode/1.0 you have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository. This is an unsupported configuration. Please move the target directory out of the way and try again.05:01
GatoLokolifeless done: #80142305:05
lifelessthomi: is it a new branch? how did you make it?06:27
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
figure002hello. i have a PHP project hosted on launchpad, and i use php in combination with gettext for internationalisation and i already have some .po files. the problem is, LP only imports the template file, but not the .po files. I did read the help page for import policies. By po files are in subdirectories, because that's where PHP looks for and i don't think i can change that. How do i solve this?08:11
figure002e.g. for Dutch the .po files are in a subdirectory /nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/domain.po. But in the help page it is explained that LP expects the .po files to be in the same directory as the template file and that the .po files are named after the ISO 639 language code.08:16
thomilifeless: I selected the option to get launchpad to make it for me08:26
lifelessthomi: delete the branch08:28
lifelessthat option really doesn't work well08:29
thomiI'll try...08:29
thomilifeless: thanks, that worked.08:43
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figure002hello. I have a website project hosted on launchpad and i use PHP + gettext for internationalisation. It already contains .po files that I want to import into LP. The problem is that LP only imports the template file, but not the .po files (it did find them though, the). I did read the help page for import policies. By po files are in subdirectories, because that's where PHP looks for and i don't10:35
figure002think i can change that. How do i solve this?10:35
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figure002hello. I have a website project hosted on launchpad and i use PHP + gettext for internationalisation. It already contains .po files that I want to import into LP. The problem is that LP only imports the template file, but not the .po files (it did find them though; they are on status "Needs review" and stay like that). What do I need to do to make LP import those .po files?12:42
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bigjoolshey danilos can you help? --^12:58
danilosbigjools, sure thing12:58
danilosfigure002, unfortunately, I am guessing the problem is with the layout: Launchpad doesn't support what is the most common layout in web applications for PO files12:58
danilosfigure002, Launchpad expects all PO files to be in a single directory, along with the template12:59
danilosfigure002, and my guess is that your project uses something like translations/LC_MESSAGES/xx/xx.po where xx is the language code12:59
danilosfigure002, in case I guessed wrong, please give me the link to your project in LP (or even better, to the translations import queue), and I'll check it up13:00
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: bac | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
figure002danilos: yes, that's exactly my problem. PHP by default looks in those subfolders, but I can't seem to change that.13:10
figure002danilos: also, in my case all .po files have the same name (instead of the language code). But that's something I *can* change.13:11
figure002danilos: the import queue: https://translations.launchpad.net/getgnulinux/+imports13:13
danilosfigure002, well, PHP probably looks for MO files in those directories, and not PO files, so you should be able to change that as well as long as you put generated MO files in the right places13:14
danilosfigure002, alternatively, if you are interested in extending Launchpad to support that layout as well, we'd be happy to get some help on that (Launchpad is open source as well)13:14
danilosfigure002, I am otherwise very sorry if this makes it impossible for you to use Launchpad :/13:15
figure002danilos: wow, why didn't i think of that. it indeed looks for the .mo files, so I can just move those .po files.13:16
danilosfigure002, cool, it should just work once you do that and the files end up in the import queue (though, auto-approver is somewhat slow so it may take up to a day for them to get auto-approved)13:16
figure002danilos: it would indeed be nice if LP had support for that layout as well; i wouldn't mind helping out13:16
figure002danilos: ok, will give it a try13:17
danilosfigure002, cool, if you have any issues, you can drop in here or ask a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ when nobody is responding in here13:17
danilosfigure002, (and if you want to dive into Launchpad development, you can start on dev.launchpad.net :))13:18
czajkowskiwhat is the daily limit of contact this person via email on LP ???13:18
figure002danilos: nice, thanks :) i13:18
figure002danilos: nice, thanks :) i'll give it a try once I'm less busy13:19
danilosfigure002, you are welcome13:20
danilosczajkowski, I am not sure, but I think it's something low like 3 or 513:20
czajkowskidanilos: aye figured it was that low13:26
danilosczajkowski, yw13:26
czajkowskidanilos: it's really low13:31
danilosczajkowski, it's hard to find the right balance between stopping spam and allowing people to be contacted when needed13:32
czajkowskidanilos: right I'm on the LC and trying to contact team contacts, so after 5 teams I've used it up. Now have to wait a day to send rest of the mails13:32
czajkowskiI know there is no happy medium but some teams or members of teams should be able to send more surely ?13:33
bigjoolsshoulda asked for the real email address on one of the five :)13:33
czajkowskibigjools: tell me about it!13:33
czajkowski142 teams many dont have team contact listed, those that dont have to go to team page and find it only to find no public email listed13:34
czajkowskiyou'd think the team contact would like to be contacted13:34
bigjoolsczajkowski: you're in Dublin aren't you?13:35
czajkowskinope London13:35
bigjoolsah, fail13:35
czajkowskimoved here last November for a job, which finished in April so now job hunting13:35
czajkowskiand in Dublin the week after ye leave total fail!13:35
danilosczajkowski, there were some ideas about basing how many you can do depending on your karma, but I don't think that went anywhere13:37
czajkowskidanilos:  goes back to what kamra actually means13:38
czajkowskiyou might don't anything but actually need to send mails13:38
czajkowskitime to stalk people on irc to find email addressess13:39
* czajkowski glares at launchpad 13:39
danilosczajkowski, there were even more complex ideas involving a notion of "community standing", but it's still something that requires a lot of work to implement and get right13:39
czajkowskidanilos: that I'd be happy with anyone in one of the councils or boards they can send as many as needed, chances of them abusing it are very slim13:39
danilosczajkowski, sure, it's just that none of it is implemented yet13:40
czajkowskidanilos: on a to do list right :(13:43
czajkowskidanilos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/80151413:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 801514 in LoCo Team Directory "making team contact a mandatory field when creating a team" [Undecided,New]13:46
czajkowskiis my main reason for the rant today13:46
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danilosczajkowski, right, but I don't think we'll ever make it a mandatory field in Launchpad13:48
danilosczajkowski, I do understand your frustrations, though13:48
danilosczajkowski, but I am not sure what could we easily do (there's plenty of hard things we could do if we only had the time)13:49
czajkowski*sigh* tis a catch 22 alright13:49
czajkowskias it has a knock on effect on the ld which 142 teams use...13:50
danilosczajkowski, well, in many other things people define the policy instead (like in Launchpad Translators group, we require people to sign up to the mailing list, and we try to ensure they are signed up before allowing their teams in); you could perhaps require main team contacts to have a visible email address instead13:52
danilosunfortunately, spamers are already creating accounts to harvest data from LP so less and less people will want that13:52
czajkowskidanilos: yes I agree13:53
czajkowskiwhich is why the bug is filed twice once on LP and once on the LD13:53
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SteveExodus"Before you add your key to Launchpad, you need to push it to the Ubuntu keyserver."16:39
SteveExodushow do I do this from a server command line ... without ubuntu desktop16:39
maxbgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key keyid16:41
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SteveExodusthanks max16:42
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pooliejml, http://www.flickr.com/photos/mbp_/5866457867/in/photostream17:22
jmlpoolie: nice.17:25
jmlpoolie: happily, the Critical chart corresponds to my local data17:26
jmlpoolie: have you (pl.) had any thoughts on how to chart changes in bug life-span?17:26
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SteveExodusemail after dput says18:05
SteveExodusgpg: Can't check signature: public key not found (Exit status 2) /exodus_11.5.28-1_source.changes has bad PGP/GnuPG signature!18:05
SteveExodusbut it looks to be signed ok .. this is a new launchpad account18:06
bigjoolsSteveExodus: let me check something18:09
bigjoolsSteveExodus: oh that's *email*?18:09
bigjoolsSteveExodus: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/22718:10
SteveExodusthanks jools, I will look there in future too18:11
SteveExodusbut doesnt help ... I guess from the message that my public key has not made it from launchpad into the debian.org system that receives the uploads and that sent me the email18:14
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SteveExodusgot an u18:26
SteveExoduswhats the relationship between launchpad and debian? might it take time for my new public key registered at launchpad to get to debian.org?18:28
AmpelbeinSteveExodus: I don't think there is any exchange between launchpad and debian's keyring. If you are trying to upload to debian you have to be a debian developer (or debian maintainer).18:33
SteveExodusdoh! thanks Ampel! I was pleasantly surprised to imagine the degree of cooperation between ubuntu and debian ... but of course there isnt18:35
AmpelbeinSteveExodus: the two projects have a different approach regarding package maintainership, release process, bug status and thus it would be unwise to have developers in one being auto-added to the other.18:37
SteveExodusyes ... totally understandable .. it is pleasing to see that the uploading system at least is somewhat similar!18:38
AmpelbeinSteveExodus: well, ubuntu is based on debian, so that's no wonder there ;-)18:39
SteveExodusi forgot that I am working on a debian kvm right now ... it seems dput knows the debian.org address18:39
SteveExodusfqdn = ppa.launchpad.net ... in .dput.cf ... I guess is being ignored18:41
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SteveExodusfantastic! first upload build and deployment out of launchpad. thanks guys and gal!21:34
Ursinhathat gal was for me? :)21:55
czajkowskiI really hate the status on lp Won't Fix so unfriendly22:07
maxbczajkowski: Sometimes maintainers of a project will disagree with a request - better that Launchpad model that explicitly than trying to hide it22:13
czajkowskicant fix is a better wording22:13
czajkowskior effects other things that over all would feck things up22:14
czajkowskibut wont is so harsh22:14
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
persiaSo, "Won't Fix" tends to indicate a disagreement with the point, which leads to useful discussion.  "Can't fix" implies it's impossible, so there's no discussion.22:32
maxbAlso, I'd rather be told up front that something won't be done than have it ignored22:33
maxbSometimes it's not harsh, it's just practical22:33
czajkowskipersia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/801514 my bug in question22:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 801514 in Launchpad itself "making team contact a mandatory field when creating a team" [Low,Won't fix]22:34
persiaThe trick is distinguishing "I don't feel like it" from "This is intentional behaviour" or "Given two poor choices, this is the way we're going".22:34
czajkowskipersia: just annoying as in many ticket systems I've used never seen won't fix except in LP22:34
maxbczajkowski: What you requested there wouldn't even accomplish what you wanted, anyway22:35
persiaI think it's more honest than "notabug", which is how some systems express the concept.22:35
persiaczajkowski, In the case of 801514, I think the bug is in the use of "contact address" to describe the concept LP is trying to express.22:36
czajkowskimaxb: I suppose in all honesty it's more a of a wishlist22:36
czajkowskithan a bug22:36
maxbczajkowski: Bugzilla has WONTFIX.22:37
czajkowskibut wont fix is stil a status I feel is not friendly22:37
persiaGiven the existence of LP-hosted mailing lists, this probably ought be always either NULL or the team ML.  Mind you, there's too much legacy data with uses that violate the LP ML model for this to work.22:37
czajkowskimaxb: this isn't bugzilla!22:37
czajkowskipersia: issue came today when I had to contact 40 teams and many had no team contact filled in22:37
maxbczajkowski: You implied Launchpad was unique in your experience in having a Won't Fix status22:38
persiaczajkowski, How would you recommend expressing "We acknowledge this issue, but neither are going to invest resources to solve it as described nor accept patches to solve it as described"?22:38
czajkowskimeh tis filed as invalid now so nout can do22:38
czajkowskimaxb: no I implied that in the many I've used it's rare fine bugzilla is another lets not split hairs.22:38
maxbczajkowski: You don't seem to have understood the comments on your bug explaining that your request *would not accomplish what you want it to*22:38
persiaczajkowski, Right.  You want a way to contact a team lead or something, which isn't what LP means by "Contact".22:38
SteveExodus"won't take action" is perhaps more accurate22:39
SteveExodus"fix" states there is a problem22:39
persiaSteveExodus, that misses the aspect of blocking others from taking action without forking.22:39
czajkowskiSteveExodus: yes wont take action would be nicer/friendlier22:39
SteveExodusok ... just a comment22:39
SteveExoduswont fix .. is two statements in one22:40
SteveExodusthe implied message is "there is a problem .. but for reason unstated ... nothing is going to be done"22:40
persiaczajkowski, I'd recommend taking maxb's comment (#3), and filing a *new* bug, asking for a way to identify a "front desk" for a team, which would be a LP Person object (real person or team) that is responsible for handling incoming requests.22:41
SteveExodustwo words ... saying more than they are intended to I am guessing22:41
maxbczajkowski: I think you're missing what truly matters by complaining about the friendliness of a two word status id22:41
czajkowskimaxb: ok22:41
persiaThen the front desk "Contact Address" could reach the entire front desk team, or just contact the person, if there is a person, rather than a team, as the front desk.22:41
czajkowskipersia: ok thanks will do22:41
maxbAlthough, even if such a thing existed, it wouldn't make sense to make specifying one mandatory in the Launchpad object model22:42
persiaNo promises it will work, but it at least starts a discussion about the feature you want without getting into the historical mess that is "contact address".22:42
czajkowskipersia: you in Dublin next week ?22:42
persiaChances are fairly high (t < 0.05 of not being there)22:43
maxbI think the proper action here is that the LoCo Team Directory should enforce whatever data it wants to be mandatory when creating entries22:43
czajkowskipersia: that's ok I wont be either seeing as I live in London22:43
czajkowskiwas going to give you a list of places to go if you were going22:43
persiamaxb, it's probably worth filing a bug about the semantic confusion.  You know what "Contact Address" means, but that is apparently not clear to some users.22:44
SteveExodusonly 15ms away from me22:44
czajkowskimaxb: it pulls it in from lp when you create the team22:44
persiaczajkowski, If I'm there, I'm unlikely to spend more than a couple hours outside the hotel, based on past experience.22:44
persia(but thanks for the offer).22:44
maxbThe description under the field at https://launchpad.net/people/+newteam is fairly clear22:45
czajkowskiSteveExodus: you;re in dublin ?22:45
SteveExodusno that is umm 40ms away22:45
maxbczajkowski: Well, in that case, it should not pull it in, as the field in Launchpad means something considerably different to what the LoCo directory seems to want it to mean22:45
persiamaxb, That's interpretable as being *either* a front desk or a means to contact everyone.  Needs rewording.22:45
SteveExoduslets say Oxford22:46
persiamaxb, If it weren't confusing, 801514 would never have been filed.22:46
czajkowskipersia: this is because of this rant today http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/06/24/making-contact-with-team-contacts-should-be-easy/22:46
persiaJust pretend you know "Contact Address" means "Front Desk", and read the description again.22:46
SteveExodusI just got my first package deploying out of lp today .. am v v happy22:47
czajkowskipersia: fine so next time you're in London ping me and we shall do tea22:47
persiaI haven't been in London in a couple decades :)22:47
czajkowskipersia: you're impossible!22:47
persiaNo.  I just seem to have a habit of never ending up travelling to wherever you live.22:48
X3lectricI would gladly never go to London for the rest of my live22:48
SteveExodusmay I ask ... is it possible to deploy to debian systems out of lp too?22:48
SteveExodusthe lib dependencies are slightly different of course .. as i found out when I tried22:49
X3lectricits possible via bazar if you know how to do recipes22:49
maxbSteveExodus: If you mean PPAs, then no.22:49
SteveExodusyes ppa .. thanks22:49
X3lectricyes you can via bazar+recipes22:49
SteveExodusok i'll look ... thanks22:50
maxbCentral London has too many people in it. I like living nearer the edges. And ping time to Launchpad is awesome :-)22:50
X3lectricI live near Gatwick thats close enough22:51
SteveExodusbest to live in the centre of the city when young and gradually move out as you age22:51
SteveExodusand end up in the sticks when youre old lol22:51
X3lectricyou have to be filthy rich to grow up in centre of london22:51
SteveExodusim near Cirencester22:51
X3lectricon that note nite bite22:52
X3lectricgood luck22:52
zookoFolks: is it just me or is this page missing a way to open new bug reports? http://zooko.com/pubscratch/2011-06-24-165648_1440x900_scrot.png23:58
zooko(This is the Twisted bug tracker on launchpad.)23:58
zookoOh, weird -- I had to click on "Bugs" in the toolbar at the top even though it was already highlighted as though it were already selected.23:58
zookoShall I open a ticket against launchpad?23:59

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