
DanRabbitoh yea that could be interesting00:00
etnegthe sketching part is just the concept00:00
etnegthe rest their coloring team does it00:00
etnegand i just give pointers00:00
DanRabbitwell if you have something specific you want to work on, we're always open to contributions :)00:03
DanRabbitI just can't think of the applications off the top of my head :P00:04
etnegah ok00:18
etnegi dunno if there's a theme or you need artwork for a concept im all yours00:18
coz_etneg,  jump in,, best way to do it00:19
etnegcoz_: yeah but with what in mind?00:37
coz_etneg,  well not sure,, talking with danrabbit is I guess the best starting point,,, not sure who on the team there does digital from sketches00:37
etnegah ok00:38
etnegyeah hes not sure either00:38
coz_etneg,  with enough information in the sketch it shouldnt be too difficult00:38
etnegyeah but without a theme its kinda pointless just sketching away00:38
coz_well..depending on if it is an image or th eme00:38
coz_etneg,  ah never pointless,, sketch daily,, makes for good technique :)00:39
etnegi sketch daily :D00:39
coz_excellent :)00:39
etnegjust doing this on the side to take a break from the real sketching00:39
coz_etneg,  I understand that,, I stopped doing real artwork a while ago,,, I live in the US  ,, not much going on here in my opinion00:40
etnegoh sure there is00:40
etnegi recently sold a piece for 120000:40
etnegwell i make a living outta doing art mostly00:40
coz_etneg, oh?  where are you located?00:40
etnegUS too, in ny00:40
coz_etneg,  mmm,, what type of work do you do?00:40
etnegpencil sketches00:41
coz_etneg,  ah grphite is excellent medium :)00:41
coz_etneg,  I used to like conte crayon a lot  and pencil00:41
etnegi use mostly graphite00:41
coz_etneg,  here is some of my old sketches   /www.flickr.com/photos/coz_00:42
etnegnot too bad, pretty good anatomy00:42
etneghttp://i51.tinypic.com/15dkk78.jpg the most recent work i sold00:43
coz_etneg,  I also love india ink00:43
etnegye i do some pen an ink work but moslty doodle stuff00:43
coz_etneg,  almost  trompe l'oeil00:43
etnegoh i dunno00:43
etnegreddit said it was photorealistic enough .. i said ok00:43
coz_etneg,  that is generally  translated as   "fool the eye"00:44
etnegi know00:44
etnegbuti dont do tromp l'oeils00:44
etnegi just do what i see00:44
coz_etneg,  understood00:44
coz_etneg,  time consuming ...yes?00:44
etnegoh  this piece?00:44
etneg2 weeks if i did everyday00:45
etnegbut overall took a month00:45
coz_etneg,  yep sounds about right00:45
coz_etneg,  india ink tends to lead me into non representational work00:45
etnegim not a big fan of pen n ink besides doing sort of abstrct stuff00:46
etnegi used to like it to do draw architecture00:46
etnegbut since i dont find it photorealistic enough to render i stopped00:46
coz_etneg,  understood,, on the second page of that post  I did some ink stuff but always non representational00:47
etnegbtw you said its like trompe l oeil00:47
etnegor almost00:47
etnegi dont have any real element placed there or anything00:47
etnegthe whole thing is a sketch00:47
etnegye i saw00:47
coz_etneg,  well its more how the viewer sees the work,,, money  regardless drawn well enough to appear real00:48
coz_I would call that almost trompe l"oile00:48
etnegah ok00:48
etnegold work like a yr ago00:49
coz_etneg,  ok that is a nice sketch  not close to trompe l'oeil :)00:49
coz_etneg,  what graphite densities are you using00:50
etnegwasnt intended to00:50
etnegthat sketch i aimed for only transparency in the petals00:50
etnegonce i achieved that i wrapped it up quick00:50
coz_ah ok00:51
etnegthe big petal00:51
etnegis not great00:51
etnegthat was a quick hack00:51
coz_etneg,  are you using different densities?  2b  9 b  etc00:51
etnegye 8b 7b 6b00:51
coz_ah ok00:51
coz_4h  oo nice and hard :)00:52
etnegi hate the hard pencils00:52
etnegbut its good for light shading00:52
etnegim moving to mechanical these days to get more detail00:52
coz_etneg,  they are nice for very light gradations00:52
etnegthe money sketch was all using wooden pencil00:53
coz_etneg,  see I moved to graphite sticks for less detail :)00:53
etneghad it been in mechanical it would have been better00:53
etnegna i want details:D00:53
etnegthats the recent pen n ink work00:53
coz_also tedious work,,00:54
etnegcompared to the pencil?00:54
coz_etneg,  I think I prefer  the splat  and resolve  the splat  with washes :)00:54
etnegnot a lot00:54
etnegoh abstract00:54
coz_etneg,   well pen an ink  always struck me as tedious to work with00:54
etnegheh i stay away from abstrac unless its digital00:54
etnegthe bones you did are something i like00:55
coz_etneg,  well I use the     "splat" method to keep me on my toes for composition00:55
etneggood shading00:55
etneggood outlining00:55
coz_etneg,  that was done with solid grahpite pencils  no wood  but just graphite00:55
etnegused th edges to draw the lines?00:56
etnegi have some solid graphite here but i hate the messyness00:56
etneglike charcoal,00:56
coz_etneg,  I  try to keep composition of line in mind when working with graphite00:56
coz_etneg,  I detest ,, hate,, spit on charcoal lol00:56
etnegcharcoail is great for creating a tone00:57
etnegif you have the patience00:57
coz_etneg,  these solid grphite pencils have a laquer  outside00:57
etnegand dont mind messyness00:57
coz_etneg,  they look similar to this  http://www.orangeart.com/product.asp?p=30550&pt=12100:59
coz_etneg,  it has a very thin laquar coating on the outside00:59
coz_woodless pencil  I guess its called00:59
etnegyes i have those00:59
etnegits got a shine outside00:59
etnegthose tend to snap00:59
etnegright in the middle00:59
etnegits not very strong00:59
coz_etneg,  yes the do ,, nice even grahpite,, not grains01:00
coz_they do rather01:00
etnegi like those just for shading bgs01:00
etnegwhere its really dark and you dont wanna go inch by inch01:01
etnegthats when i use those01:01
etnegi coat a layer and then go over it like 10 times before its nice and dark01:01
coz_etneg,  yeah ,  you just have to careful not to 'rape'  the paper :)01:01
etnegusually you dont:P01:01
etnegunless people erase a lot01:01
etnegby pressing it down toooooooooo hard01:02
coz_exactly  :")01:02
etnegyou'll have reflections of the lead01:02
etnegand a bent paper01:02
coz_etneg,  that is considered amateurish01:02
etnegrelfections of the lead are common though01:02
etnegif you do a bg in just 9b01:02
etnegyou're gonna see it01:02
coz_they can be  for sure,, good cotton paper helps to reduce that01:02
etnegyeah but cotton removes a lot too01:03
etnegif i used cotton or tissue over the darker coins01:03
coz_what do you mean01:03
etnegit wouldnt look nice01:03
etnegthe darker coins on the right are done purely using 9b01:03
etnegand 4b mechanical for the inside details01:03
coz_etneg,  well a real good qulaity water colour paper . hot pressed  should work  or even a nice cold pressed paper01:03
coz_depending on if you want textured paper01:03
etnegoh textured paper doesnt work well with graphite01:04
etnegspecially not where you want details thugh01:04
etnegits great if you want to quick sketches like the anatomyu you did01:04
etnegif there's a pore i want to skeetch, a textured paper wont let me do it01:04
etnegi usually use bristol boards01:05
etnegbristol illustration boards01:05
etneg500 series01:05
coz_etneg,  next time try a hot pressed all cottom water colour paper01:05
coz_etneg,  you may be like it01:05
etnegwater color paper has textures01:05
coz_not hot pressed01:05
coz_depending on the manufacturer01:06
etnegwill check it out01:06
etnegim happy with bristol boards now though01:06
etnegsmooth enough01:06
coz_not sure of the cottom percentage on bristol though01:06
etnegthe lead doesnt spread01:06
etnegim avoiding using cotton or tissues these days01:06
etnegtrying to shade just by using the pencil01:07
etnegand for highlights trying to shade around it by keeping the white of the paper and not use a kneaded erase01:07
etnegbut well01:07
coz_etneg,  yep thats the best way,, keeps the highlights clean01:07
etnegyes but its painstaking01:07
coz_etneg,  ah yes ,, welcome to art  :)01:08
etnegalso not a lot of them do that01:08
etnegunless they wanna spend 100 hrs on a sketch01:08
coz_etneg,  you can use a maksing fluid01:08
coz_etneg, masking fluid rather01:08
etnegwhats that for01:08
coz_etneg,  used to be exclusively use in water color to prevent color from bleeding onto highligh areas01:09
coz_etneg,  but it works with any medium01:09
coz_etneg,  you can even use a very fine brush to brush on a fine line for highlight01:09
coz_etneg,  then just do all the pencil work and rub off the mask with your fingers  or something01:10
etnegno way thats not gonna work01:10
coz_then gently shade into the higlight to elimiate a hard line you might not want01:10
etnegnope wont work01:10
etnegif there's way too many details01:10
coz_oh yeah it will honest01:10
coz_its a pain in the ass  but it works :)01:11
etnegapplying  masking fluid01:11
etnegand then skecthign over it?01:11
etnegand then rubbing off the masking fluid?01:11
coz_etneg,  over it ,, up to it  ,, anything01:11
coz_etneg,  yep then rub it off01:11
etnegbut the porblem is01:11
etnegwhen you shade01:11
etnegits not a big white spot01:11
etnegand then dark spots around it01:11
etnegit blends01:12
etnegitgoes from dark - gray to lighter greys and then white01:12
coz_etneg,  it can be blended easily,, just draw up to the mask01:12
coz_remove the mask then complete the gradation01:12
etnegi'll give it a try and see01:12
etnegbut thats cheating actually01:12
etnegi know a guy who used masking tape for highlights01:13
coz_etneg,  I have always seen it that was01:13
coz_etneg,  a well planned composition doesnt really need masking01:13
etnegi'll give it a try for kicks, but im not going to do it for a real sketchD:01:13
Islingtonetneg: I started off with a pen/paper too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/AlphaBackgrounds?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Miffan4test.jpg01:14
etnegi remember doing a transparent hand for a client01:14
etnegwitha black background01:14
etnegi could ive used a black paper and then used chalk or charcoal or glass pen01:14
etnegbut i decided to do it on whie, it wsa a bitch01:14
coz_Islington,  nice01:14
Islingtonbasically you want to move from pen/paper sketch to svg01:14
etnegIslington: checking01:15
Islingtonsvgs vector are super useful01:15
etnegthing is if i just do it in pencil/ or pen, someone else will do the coloring?01:16
etnegdigital coloring01:16
Islingtonnot unless you can convince them it will be worth it01:17
etnegye does ubuntu have a coloring team?01:17
etneglike we could draw up concepts01:17
etnegand then people color it01:17
Islingtonafaik we dont, its an interesting idea01:17
etnegthats what they do for fedora01:18
Islingtonwhat sorts of things would they work on?01:18
etnegthe concepts are put up01:18
etnegand then the artists work with the coloring team01:18
coz_etneg,  that's because fedora is devoid of talent01:18
Islingtonexpand on 'concepts' though01:18
etnegi for one dont do digital work so kinda works out for me as well01:18
etnegcoz_: not reall01:18
Islingtonlol coz_ going for a low kick eh01:18
etnegcoz_: im doig their themes now:P01:18
etnegIslington: well lets say01:19
coz_etneg,  not meant as personal critisism,, but developers in general are poor at graphics01:19
etnegcoz_: yeah but there are people from deviantart coming in to do the coloring as well01:19
coz_etneg,  ah ok01:19
Islingtonetneg: finish that though01:19
etnegIslington: well lets say natty01:19
coz_etneg,  if you do decide to try digital I would use inkscape01:20
etnegnatty has a theme for wallpapers01:20
etnegcoz_: i never wil, i  dont do digital:P01:20
etnegcoz_: i never wil, i  dont do digital:Pso01:20
etnegnatty has a theme for wallpapers01:20
coz_it does?01:20
etnegor say banners or maybe icons01:20
etnegif its based on a theme like say " ANTIQUE"01:21
coz_oh I see 'let's say"01:21
etnegthen we draw concepts based on antique01:21
etnegand place a deadline/ vote01:21
etnegthen keep a time allotment for coloring01:21
etnegand then for polishing it up01:21
etnegroughly a month for all of it01:21
etnegdefaults one one side, supplementary on the other side where anyone and all can contribute01:22
etnegon one*01:22
coz_well coloring shouldnt be too difficult  using the official ubuntu palette01:22
etnegsupplementary could be photographs people worked on, anything01:22
etnegi did try digital but without a tablet its painful01:23
IslingtonI floated the idea of themed community releases, it went nowhere01:23
etnegso what is it now though?01:23
etnegjust random stuff with ubuntu logos?01:23
etnegthaats what i mostly saw01:24
Islingtonmaybe the timing was wrong, idk I still think its a worthwhile idea01:24
coz_etneg,  well everything,, I believe , is taken care of by canonical design team01:24
Islingtoncurrently its just hanging around until some design decision is made elsewhere and handed down01:24
etnegcoz_: oh ok01:24
coz_etneg,  we no longer have much input01:25
etnegwell if canonical and ubuntu has a design concept01:25
etnegthey wish01:25
etnegi can draw it out or we could01:25
etnegand  let them vote01:25
Islingtonetneg: join the ayatanna list I think01:25
etnegsee this works out because if someone does allllllllllllll the coloring and everything and finally someone says NO01:25
etnegits a waste of time01:25
etnegwaste of time for the guy coloring it01:26
coz_etneg,  well,,  one of the issues I see with the "official" design team is lack of  colaboration,, most of the people there are from the UK  no chinese,, italian,, spanish,, etc to have different ideas floating aroung for a "real" collaboration01:26
etnegah ok01:26
coz_etneg,   one sided in other words01:27
etnegye a medium is necessary01:27
etnegto share01:27
coz_etneg,  I dont think one american is on that team at all01:27
coz_let alone from other cultures01:27
etnegwell if they laid out concept ideas they wanted01:28
etnegi could draw them out01:28
etnegit doesnt have to be on a theme basis01:28
coz_etneg,  try ayatana mailing list01:28
etnegso the sketch Islington did01:29
etnegyou're going to colorise it?01:29
coz_etneg,  not me01:29
etnegno i mean Islington01:29
coz_seems already colored01:29
etnegthats for a wallpaper?01:30
etnegyeh but thats stll as a sketch01:30
coz_yes I believe so01:30
etnegah cool01:30
coz_etneg,  it is 'sketch" like   but in my eyes a finished piece01:30
coz_etneg,  for a wallpaper01:30
Islingtonit was a trial wall for the alpha of jaunty etneg01:31
coz_etneg,   one thing for wallpapers is not too busy,, dont distract the eye  from work realted things01:31
etnegIslington: thats what i was aiming for01:31
etnegdoing alpha stuff01:31
Islingtonit got remixed into a dvd cover thought01:31
etnegcoz_: yeah soft tones01:32
etnegso are they accepting sketches or concepts for alpha wallpapers?01:32
Islingtonnope idea was stillborn01:32
coz_etneg,  I havent heard anything01:33
coz_etneg,  they are going to keep it "corporate" based I think01:33
etnegwho does ubuntu's default stuff?01:34
etnegcanonical's design team?01:34
coz_etneg,   yep01:34
coz_etneg,  the canonical design team01:34
etnegand arent they here?01:34
etnegin this channel01:34
coz_etneg,  yeah they are here at times01:34
coz_etneg,  closer to the weekend  is less likely though  ,, certainly on the weekends01:35
coz_i mean definitly not the weekends01:35
etnegwell anyhow i can sketch so if ubuntu needs something, allyours01:35
coz_there you go :)01:36
coz_ok I have to break here,, be back later01:38
etnegso Islington youre in the design eteam?01:39
etnegor just doing it on the side?01:39
Islingtonnot official tema01:39
Islingtonwas on the artwork team01:39
etnegah ok01:40
etnegso would i be of any use to ubuntu's art team yet01:42
Islingtondepnds on what you want to do01:43
Islingtonif its just sketchwork, then it will be harder to find a fit01:43
Islingtonbut if you can start working on digitalizing it will prove more useful01:44
etnegye just sketch for now01:44
etnegor i could work side by side with someone who does graphics01:44
etneglike yourself or something01:44
etnegi draw, you digitize:D01:45
Islingtonah but currently I am not on any ubuntu projects01:45
etnegah k01:45
Islingtonand most of the work I am doing currently is pure vector work.01:46
Islingtonhmm an expereince with UI ideas?01:46
etnegah k01:46
etnegi can sketch anything01:47
etnegso if UI needs somthing along those lines to help get started, ok01:47
Islingtonwell for example if you have a good idea for UI can you sketch it out and describe how it will work?01:48
etneggot an example?01:48
Islingtonhmm cant think of any lol01:49
IslingtonTry to sketch out ideas/designs for the elementary swag01:50
etnegye but whats that thought01:50
etnegdan didnt say much01:50
etnegsaid he wasnt sure01:50
etnegthe site doesnt tell much either01:50
Islingtonconvince him, sketch out a tshirt idea or a button idea01:50
etnegoh merchandise01:51
etnegpeople would do those better just using photoshop for that01:52
etneglot easier01:52
IslingtonI say tshirt or button because they have restrictions on the number of colors they can have, ...01:52
etnega pencil sketch wouldnt say much about a product unless i madeit look photorealistic enough01:52
etnegye considering there's 0- no oeffort in making that when theres even restrictions for the color, that much easier for people to just pohotoshpp stuff01:54
etnegalright if there's anything im here01:56
Islingtonlike I said I would work on transitioning from pure pencil work to vector work01:57
Islingtonlike draw something, take a picture, and  try converting it to vectors01:57
Islingtonits clear you have talent :)01:57
Islingtonactually in inkscape you can use path>>trace bitmap to help out01:57
etnegi tried digital01:58
etnegbut its justnot working out for me01:58
etnegunless i have a tablet01:58
etnegalso if i do take digital seriously i just might not lose interest in pencil01:59
etnegwhich is why i just wanna stick to pencilfor now:D01:59
etnegi mena01:59
etnegi might lose interest in pencil sketching01:59
etnegthe bitmap stuff is what i used for some of the logos i did02:02
etnegi was working on a logo for syslinux and the maintainer approved the concept02:02
etnegi needed someone to digitize it and  i tried but it didnt come out as good02:03
etnegim getting the concepts right for most of the stuff in pencil, but the digitizing part is where i'll need someone while i still work with the on the side in telling them what palette is ideal and etc etc02:04
etnegwork with them*02:04
palhmbsetneg, I'm interested in digitizing your stuff for you04:09
palhmbsI just bought a wacom tablet so I could print it out from a PDF then do a trace - or use something like illustrator to trace it.04:09
palhmbsbut you'd still need to scan it into your computer....04:09
etnegpalhmbs: for real?!?!04:47
etnegthat would be awesome04:47
palhmbswell I can try04:47
palhmbswe'll do some test runs ok?04:47
palhmbsI'm not all that great on sketching, so I'd love some lessons :P04:48
palhmbsI've only done vector stuff04:48
palhmbsand photo retouching04:48
doctormopalhmbs: Inkscape is the tool for tracing in vector04:48
palhmbsdoctormo, yeah - I meant Inkscape04:48
palhmbsI used Freehand 5 way back when, it had tracing....04:49
doctormoI tend not to use the tracing tool as such, I do things by hand, but then I'm doing more cartoon art than realistic art.04:50
palhmbsdoctormo, you do it to earn real $$ dough though right?04:51
palhmbsit's not just a hobby?04:51
doctormopalhmbs: Sometimes04:55
etnegpalhmbs: cool04:56
etnegyeah we could work something out04:57
doctormopalhmbs: Did you see my bronie pic?04:57
etnegdoctormo: lets see04:57
etneghave anything like graphics art?04:57
palhmbsdoctormo, nope - link, please!!04:57
etnegpalhmbs: appreciate it!04:57
palhmbshey etneg np - I'm just trying to help out ubuntu....04:58
palhmbsI <3 Ubuntu!!04:58
etnegyeah cool me too04:58
palhmbsetneg, so goto http://palbakulich.me/ - & fill in my contact form or follow the details there to chat in my own chatroom.04:59
palhmbsmy skype and gtalk is on there...04:59
etnegwe could chat here eh?05:00
etnegim always on freenode05:00
palhmbsdoctormo, I don't follow MLP but it's pretty impressive for cartooning imoi05:00
etnegpalhmbs: you've done any graphic art stuff?05:02
palhmbsthat man in-front of the computer on my website is a vector converted to png....05:03
palhmbsI edited it - originally a pic on openclipart.org05:03
palhmbsI haven't created much of my own yet....05:03
doctormoyep vector05:04
palhmbsI did do a twitter birdie - but mostly I copy.05:04
palhmbsor trace.05:04
doctormoCan either of you do sketches?05:06
palhmbsvery bad ones... like I said earlier: "I'm not all that great on sketching, so I'd love some lessons :P"05:07
doctormopalhmbs: Lesson 1, look at my sketch gallery05:08
doctormoNote the large amount of rubish crap.05:09
doctormoBUT: One drawing a day for a few months and my drawing did get much better.05:09
palhmbsputting it up there encourages newbies - no?05:09
doctormoI published it so I could keep track and so could others.05:09
palhmbsdoctormo, do you know aldeka?05:10
doctormoNot by nickname, who is it?05:10
palhmbsshe's done some great graphics for openhatch.org05:10
palhmbsKaren Rustad05:10
palhmbsdoctormo, http://twitter.com/#!/mllerustad05:11
palhmbsalso have either of you used twiddla ?05:11
palhmbsmight be a great place for sketching lessons, don't you think?05:13
palhmbsI still haven't got my serial wacom tablet working in ubuntu :-(05:13
palhmbsit's an Intuos 1 (original).05:13
doctormoI don't use twitter.05:14
doctormohttp://artdude529.deviantart.com/art/Justice-Herd-214650702 ok that's funny05:15
doctormopalhmbs: Your wacom is a bastard, sorry mate. It's almost easier to just hack into the old code and make a user-space driver for the stupid thing.05:15
palhmbsyeah, I emailed ping cheng in the end05:16
palhmbsshe said "some people on sourceforge's mailing list have had success with it"05:16
palhmbsthen I went - doh05:16
palhmbscause when she told me my model number was an Intuos 2 I did some research and found that it was actually an Intuos original05:17
palhmbsso my USB adaptor that I paid an extra $30 buck for doesn't work in linux05:17
palhmbsand I think I may just install ubuntu 9.10 so that I can use the darn thing in linux.05:17
doctormoyikes, what does the usb thing do exactly?05:17
palhmbscurrently testing Corel Painter 12 in Win XP though.....05:18
palhmbsit's just an RS232 to USB adaptor05:18
palhmbsfunny thin is -- cat on /dev/ttys0 was giving me some nice strings when I moved the pen....05:18
palhmbsso I guess serial does work, it's just the driver.05:19
palhmbsI also installed your PPA... & still no go.05:19
doctormopalhmbs: Yes, the serial wacom driver is a simple as it gets.05:19
doctormoYeah my ppa won't work, the serial stuff was hacked out of the source :-/05:19
palhmbswhat I can't understand, if it's so simple why drop support for it?05:20
palhmbsI'd love to see ubuntu support old stuff like puppylinux...05:20
palhmbsat least most of their 3G and video stuff worked05:20
palhmbs(just not that easy to setup python among other things).05:21
palhmbswell, at least not back when I was seriously considering puppylinux as a distro...05:21
doctormopalhmbs: Well.... the linux kernel has a bit of an issue with all passive ports. Parallel and Serial.05:22
doctormoIt provides support for the /dev/ttyS0 ports, but doesn't actually have any soft-plugs and I can't convince any kernel developer that the idea is worth doing something about05:22
doctormo"Get a USB device"05:23
palhmbsI guess we have to look forward to the future....05:23
palhmbsyeah saving for an Intuos 4 and Windows Seven :P05:23
doctormoWindows Seven?05:23
* doctormo hits his head against a table top05:23
doctormoI have a belly full of bile because users invest a SHIT TON of money into Windows and Microsoft but invest $0 into Free Software development. It's frustrating as hell. Although I thinkyou were just playing with me.05:25
palhmbsyeah I was, sorry05:26
palhmbsbut actually I am considering it...05:26
palhmbsbecause my box is IE9 free, and I'm a web developer who needs IE9 for testing.05:26
palhmbsso somebody said: sign up for M$ TechNet releases.05:27
doctormopalhmbs: You need to test IE9? why? if it's as standards complaint as I've been hearing then there is no real need.05:27
doctormoAlthough using the screenshot website is fun.05:28
palhmbswell, I use crossbrowser.com....05:28
palhmbsbut I had a problem just this week with an jquery accordion05:28
palhmbsI couldn't figure out the problem, I asked a friend who is a senior dev - and he finally found out it was my console log calls.....05:29
doctormoMy normal reply is "Yes I'm sorry it doesn't work with IE, I would test the website in IE, but it's against my religion"05:29
palhmbsthat are fine in FF, & everything else.... just not IE9 without the developer toolbar :P05:29
palhmbscurrently I have a problem with IE7 on the same site05:29
palhmbsit won't work at all, but works fine in IE6... lol05:29
palhmbsIE's a joke05:29
palhmbsI still wish people would discover opera and force them to opensource it.05:30
doctormopalhmbs: heh, technically good, has no real future because it's not open.05:31
palhmbsstrong user support in russia05:32
palhmbsthat's a pretty closed country...05:32
palhmbsbut, it is free - idk05:32
palhmbsi don't know any other browser that integrate mail so fully - the sidebar is also great for loading mobile sites into... like m.gmail.com05:35
etnegpalhmbs: not bad07:08
etnegyeah we could work something out07:08
* palhmbs discovers retina queries, woo...08:00
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coz_hey all22:03

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