
loopdiggaanyone here?00:07
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:08
pleia2or not :\00:08
coalwaterhappens usually00:09
seidoshmmm, maybe that was his question o_o00:09
coalwatermaybe he didn't find poor ubot2 friendly00:10
* coalwater hugs ubot2 00:11
ubot2Factoid 'greet' not found00:11
ubot2Factoid 'UBT' not found00:14
philipballewhas Ubuntu  devs released 2.6.38-10 yet?01:50
holstein2.6.39.2 is the latest stable i see at kernel.org01:51
philipballewyeah. whats the current ubuntu kernel for most people? uname -r shows 2.6.38-8 for me01:53
holstein2.6.32-32 for me :)01:53
philipballew10.04 i see?01:54
philipballewnice. i see that my system has a -1o kernal version. but all grub shows is -8. its odd01:54
philipballewwhat makes you stick with lts?01:55
holsteinstability mostly01:55
holsteinnothing i need in the new stuff though... not yet at least01:55
philipballewi had lts on one desktop but the3 kernel didn't support a new wireless driver i bought01:56
holsteinyeah, thats a good reason to jump01:56
charlie-tcaphilipballew: try running sudo update-grub in a terminal, see if it picks up the -10 kernel.01:56
philipballewits hard to patch the lts kernal with drivers i need01:57
=== [styx] is now known as Altiar
ubutun00bhey all03:05
coalwaterhi ubutun00b03:07
ubutun00bwhats shaking?03:07
coalwateri dont know, my head maybe lol03:07
ubutun00banyone know a decent itunes alternative so i can hot swap between my windows and ubuntu partition03:12
coalwaterfor ipod / iphone and such ?03:12
coalwaternot sure if this has what you need, but u could try it03:13
ubot2For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:13
ubot2rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!03:13
=== Altiar is now known as [styx]
=== Hellow is now known as collinp
=== Hellow|2 is now known as collinp
Udonnomekrusi,you there dude?09:00
Udonnomeguys what command should i use to see my current wifi driver,couse i need to unload it?11:04
Multivitaminhey I got this program installed, something like an IRC client but with pop-up private messages, and I run it on wine. the thing is, the pm's don't display in the pop ups  and I get an error (so i changed that to 'display as part of the main window, now I got all pm's in separate tabs) so if there's anything I could do via wine or stgh to fix this..?  Also, the links in it don't work - the browser doesn't open11:07
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
holsteinMultivitamin: what client? if its a windows only app, and you are married to it, you might just have to deal with how it works in WINE... sometimes you can use a different WINE version and get better results16:02
Multivitaminwell, it's a polish one; ) and i'm sorta stuck between that and a java applet, so yup, im married to it (:16:03
Multivitaminbut thanks (:16:03
holsteinyou would surely need to share the name of the app if you expect some feedback on it16:04
holsteini would want to check in a windows channel16:04
holsteinsee if anyone running it natively have the same issues16:04
Multivitaminit works fine on windows.16:05
Multivitaminanyways, the app is ICeQ16:05
holsteinMultivitamin: i see mention of ies4linux, do you have that?16:07
Multivitaminnever heard of such?16:08
Multivitaminwill i find it in software centre?16:08
holsteinpersonally, i cant imagine what functionality you could be getting that you cant find from a native linux app16:08
holsteinthis is what i found that mentioned ies4linux http://linux360.pl/forum/thread-4200.html16:09
holsteinim pretty sure that is *not* in the software center16:09
holsteinthis would be something you would need to hack at for quite some time i would imagine16:09
holsteinagain, you cant use xchat?16:09
Multivitaminthat's a chat client for a polish chat ..16:10
Multivitaminwell guess i could try to set it up somehow ;f16:10
holsteinMultivitamin: what polish chat?...16:12
holsteinhttp://www.polchat.pl/chat.php is working fine for me in the browser16:14
holsteini dont see iceq listed at winehq, which means you are pretty much on your own with trying to get it to work in wine16:15
holsteini would contact them and ask if you can connect in with a different client... see if they have a server address somewhere like freenode16:17
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
MultivitaminOkay. I think i found something that would work with that website so I'll check that.16:18
Multivitaminthanks a lot : )16:18
=== Abhijit__ is now known as Abhijit
charlie-tcaAn opportunity - https://tbe.taleo.net/NA3/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=28917:27
=== Abhijit is now known as Guest18033
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
loopdiggaanyone available to help?18:10
coalwaterjust ask away18:11
loopdiggaHow do i control my fan speed18:11
coalwaterhm, why would u want to do that?18:11
loopdiggaits really loud!18:11
coalwaterwell it's loud for a reason18:12
loopdiggait ran quiet on windows18:12
coalwaterthe processor is probably hot18:12
coalwateri see18:12
coalwateru use unity i suppose18:12
loopdiggano it would control it on windows based on temp and it was quiet and never overheated18:12
loopdiggaim using unity right now18:12
coalwaterand it's loud ?18:13
loopdiggait runs at full speed all the time18:13
coalwaterwould you mind trying loggin in using gnome-classic session ?18:13
loopdiggawhats that? sorry i'm completely new :(18:14
coalwaterok, so when u log in, at the bottom u choose the session type18:14
coalwaterby default it's set on 'ubuntu'18:14
coalwaterbut if u check the other options there's gnome  classic and recovery console18:14
coalwaterand few other things18:14
coalwatertry gnome-classic18:14
coalwaterand log in18:14
loopdiggai've never had that option18:14
coalwaterhm let me get u a screen shot from somewhere18:15
loopdiggai think mine logs in automatically18:15
loopdiggaonce i get my fan started i need a complete beginners guide18:16
coalwateru're interested in the beginners team ?18:16
loopdiggaI don't know what that is18:17
coalwaterwhat beginners guide do u mean then18:17
loopdiggaa guide to using this operating system18:17
coalwaterah , ok , sorry misunderstood that18:17
coalwaterdo you know what video card does ur computer own ?18:18
loopdiggaok so i need to log in with classic?18:18
coalwateryea, i think that will make ur computer cool down, if what i think is what is causing the heat18:19
loopdiggaits geforce gts 45018:19
loopdiggamy computer isn't heating18:19
loopdiggaits fine18:19
loopdiggaits jsut running at full speed for no reason18:19
loopdiggait would do it on windows unless i used a piece of software from my motherboard website18:20
coalwaterokay.. did u try updating , and install the driver for the video card?18:20
loopdiggatheres nothing wrong with the video card18:20
loopdiggaits the processor fan18:20
coalwateri know there isn't18:20
loopdiggaim talking about the cpu fan not the gpu fan18:21
coalwaterlook, ill explain, unity uses hardware acceleration, if u didn't install a video card driver, it probably will put more of the strain on the processor than the GPU it self, or that's what im assuming, so that causes heat18:21
loopdiggai thought i just needed to get the fan to control speed based on temp18:22
coalwaterit's handled automatically from the mother board i believe18:23
loopdiggai'll log in in classic mode18:23
loopdiggathe fan sounds the same18:27
loopdiggaany other solutions?18:27
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
coalwateru're on the classic interface now right?18:29
coalwaterok well i'm not sure if this helps but u could try installing the driver , on system menu > administration or prefrences, not sure, then ull find an item called addional drivers, it should list u a couple of drives, with 1 [recommended]18:30
loopdiggait says the driver is activated but not in use18:32
loopdiggathats for the graphics card18:33
coalwaterdid u see an nvidia logo in preferences ?18:35
loopdiggano but i can seeit in admin18:35
coalwaterbye lol18:37
coalwaterguess he preferred windows at the end18:38
MichealHHey all :D19:47
Aj_my system uses a proxy server and i am not able to install programs using command line20:00
Aj_error 407 authentication required20:00
Aj_any solution???20:01
holsteinAj_: are you sure thats related?20:01
holsteinis it a laptop? can you go somewhere without a proxy and test? or bypass the proxy temporarily to confirm it?20:02
sattu94Aj_:  did u try changing the global proxy settings?20:02
Aj_bt i heard that it can be done by editing apt.conf file20:02
Aj_i have done that bt that does not work strangely20:03
Aj_it works in ubuntu software center as well as synaptic manager20:03
sattu94then i guess it's not related.20:03
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136065 seems relevant20:04
Aj_holstein: thanx20:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
philipballewcan someone help me set up ssh?21:29
ubot2SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)21:30
coalwaterphilipballew, hi21:30
coalwateri could help21:30
coalwaterif u still need21:31
philipballewi would love help21:31
coalwaterso , what have u done so far21:32
coalwaterdid you install ssh server?21:32
philipballewwell i have a desktop running 10.10 and i want to set up a ssh server on it to then connect from a laptop and stream music to it.21:32
philipballewso nothing21:33
coalwaterwhy ssh , why not just network?21:33
philipballewnot sure.  thought it might be easier21:34
philipballewi do need to sometime install ssh on my desktop though21:34
coalwaterboth computers will always be on the same network right ?21:34
philipballewwhenever they are needed to play music they will21:34
coalwaterok, so on the computer that contains the music, right click the folder with the music and choose to share it21:35
coalwateryou'll find 'sharing options'21:35
coalwaterchoose 'share this folder' and you might also like to choose 'guest access'21:35
philipballewdoes it matter that this is wireless on my desktop?21:36
philipballewalright. sorry i had to find a antenna for my wireless internet. lets try this now21:38
coalwaterok, so did u enable the share ?21:39
philipballewi clicked share. now its installing packages21:39
philipballew4 minutes left21:40
coalwatergood,  i guess it's installing samba21:40
philipballewmy laptop i need to connect to in a cli install od debian squeeze. just fyi21:40
coalwaterafter it's done i think u should be able to see the folder on the other ocmputer21:40
philipballewi installed squueze this morning21:41
philipballewits an old ppc laptop21:41
coalwateru dont have nautilus on it ?21:42
coalwateror any similar file explorer21:42
philipballewits clomand line only21:42
coalwaterso u want to run music though cli ?21:42
coalwateris that why u wanted ssh ?21:42
philipballewi am not gonna install a gui if all its doin is playin music21:42
philipballewi can use a cli based music player21:43
philipballewcmus is a good one21:43
bioterrorphilipballew, take MOC or MPD21:43
coalwaterokay guess we'll try to figure out how to mount a network shared folder21:43
philipballewbioterror, come again?21:43
coalwater'music on console' , that's what google said, i guess he's suggesting a player21:44
bioterroror music player daemon or what ever that was21:44
bioterrorupnp stuff21:44
philipballewhow do i connect to the web from cli? sorry for the noob question21:44
bioterrorwith telnet, ofcourse21:44
bioterrortelnet hostname 8021:45
philipballewits wireless with wpa21:45
bioterrorw3m, links, elinks, lynx21:45
coalwaterlynx? lol21:45
bioterrortake one21:45
philipballewits a router. so what your saying works? bioterror  lol i know the cli browsers. but how can i connect to my royter from the cli?21:46
coalwaterthat would be a werid way to use the internet but it's usable.. sort of21:46
bioterrorwhy weird?21:46
bioterrorinternet used to be just text21:46
philipballewits great21:46
philipballewi have elinks on a ubuntu server21:46
bioterrorthen someone invented that we need flash!21:46
philipballewhelps sometimes21:46
coalwatercause no images, no css, no videos, just text :D21:47
philipballewstupid flash...21:47
philipballewhtml5 ftw!21:47
bioterrortext requires imagination :(21:47
coalwateri guess some ascii art would be an alternative lool21:47
bioterrorit's like reading LotR, instead of watching the films21:47
coalwaterbioterror, do u know how to mount smb files from cli ? i could google it but would be easier if u do :D21:48
philipballewhaha. do any of you know how to connect wireless from a laptop with the comand line?21:48
coalwaterdont u have a network daemon21:48
philipballewcoalwater, idk. just installed squeeze this morning21:49
philipballewbioterror, whats the best way? google wouldnt tell me21:50
bioterroryour ubuntu should have smbfs, but cifs-utils might be more decent?21:51
coalwaterphilipballew, it's a bit old and has an 'unsupported' notice on the top, but might help some how https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo21:53
philipballewi found this as well http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/21:53
coalwaterwhy not install a lightweight gui like lubuntu, how bad is the laptop, lol21:55
philipballew192 mb21:57
philipballewits an old ppc ibook21:57
coalwaterlubuntu says it needs 128 only21:59
coalwater"A Pentium II or Celeron system with 128 MiB of RAM is probably a bottom-line configuration that may yield slow yet usable system with Lubuntu. It should be possible to install and run Lubuntu with less memory, but the result will likely not be suitable for practical use. "22:00
philipballewyeah. and a cli system can easily stream music i think22:01
coalwateryea, guess im lazy22:01
philipballewi just need to see whats up with this. i can go hook it to cat5 right now for the meantime22:01
coalwaterthat would solve the networking problem22:02
philipballewhold on 1 minute!22:02
philipballewalright. were pluged in22:04
philipballewwe have a connection on both computers22:04
coalwaterok so now we need to mount the smb folder22:06
philipballewi think so. whats the best way to do that?22:07
philipballewim kinda confused here :)22:08
coalwaterim looking how to do on through cli22:08
philipballewdo you have a page so i can see as well. im pretty good with cli22:08
philipballewi wouldnt ave installed a cli only system if i wasnt :)22:09
coalwaterwell , u need to find out how to mount a network folder through cli :D22:11
philipballewalright ill look at that, otherwise i can just do ssh22:14
coalwaterwell, suppose u did the ssh connection, how would the local device run the remote file22:16
philipballewthats where i am stuck as well.22:17
philipballewlooks easy to me22:21
philipballewnow i will just need to set up ssh22:21
ubot2SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)22:21
coalwaterapt-get install openssh-server i think22:21
coalwateri have one on my pc, but i did that a while ago22:21
coalwateruse it to access my computer from work22:22
philipballewyeah. but its the configuring that takes a little bit of work22:22
philipballewi need to install a dynamic ip cliant i think22:22
coalwaterluckily my router supports it22:23
coalwaterthe router does the dynamic ip part22:23
philipballewhow so?22:24
coalwaterit's not a linksys, but it has a page like this http://www.home-network-help.com/images/router-ddns.jpg22:25
philipballewim running a linskys with ddwrt myself22:26
coalwaterby the way22:26
coalwateri figured out the mounting part22:26
philipballewhum? you did did you?22:27
coalwateron the laptop mkdir a folder on where ever u want22:27
philipballewhum... seemes easy22:28
coalwaterthen sudo mount -t cifs //[the_pc_ip]/[Music_folder_name] /local_laptop_dir22:28
coalwaterthen just ls that dir and see if it works22:28
philipballewand this is for samba?22:30
coalwaterwhat did it say?22:30
coalwaterthat it doesnt know what cifs is ?22:30
coalwaterand yes i believe so22:31
philipballewi havent tried it yet. is this for the laptop?22:32
philipballewor the files with the music?22:32
coalwaterall these are on the laptop22:32
philipballewalright, ill try this in a little bit. i will get back to the channel to tell you what happenes22:34
philipballewim gonna set up ddns now22:36
philipballewso i need to do that :)22:36

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