
broderTheMuso: ping? i was looking at python-virtkey for the dh_python2 jam, and slangasek noticed that the there's a lp:python-virtkey branch owned by ~onboard. there are recent commits to it, but it doesn't reflect the last two archive uploads, so we were wondering if you had any idea what's up00:06
slangasekTheMuso, broder: looking closely at the branch history, it doesn't appear that lp:python-virtkey quite matches what's been uploaded even before the two latest uploads; so I'm going to drop the Vcs-Bzr field since it doesn't appear to be accurate00:14
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TheMusoSounds reasonable.00:34
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aldekaHi all!03:45
aldekaSo, I have a dumb question.03:45
aldekaRoughly how many people contribute to Ubuntu? Hundreds? Thousands?03:46
aldeka(I guess meaning people who wrote a patch, or who were otherwise significantly active, in the past year)03:46
sladenaldeka: hard question to answer.  There are many more people who contribute to Ubuntu than write patches!03:48
aldekaThat is true.03:48
sladenaldeka: it's a bit like the "how long is a piece of string" question03:49
sladenaldeka: For example, there are 1350+ people who've have subscribed to and install the PPAs to beta test early versions of the ubuntu Font Family03:52
sladenaldeka: and taking the time to beta-test fonts is a pretty niche activity03:53
aldekare: # of font-testers03:53
sladenaldeka: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-typeface-interest/+members03:54
NCommander@pilot off04:25
udevbot(pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot.04:25
NCommander@pilot out04:25
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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pittiGood morning07:18
didrocksgood morning07:42
dholbachgood morning07:53
tkamppeterpitti, hi08:30
pittihey tkamppeter08:30
tkamppeterpitti, it is about bug 801306, a user is only able to use AirPrint when he adds "ServerAlias *" to cupsd.conf. What should we do?08:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801306 in cups (Ubuntu) "Airprint from Safari on ipad doesn't print" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80130608:31
pittislangasek: is it ok for you if I upload the multiarch cups in 4 days (when the current version went to testing)? if you need it earlier, I can do an ubuntu specific upload08:31
slangasekpitti: there's no hurry08:31
pittitkamppeter: <hostname.local> is the standard FQDN for zeroconf networks08:32
pittitkamppeter: but '*' seems a bit excessive for that -- cups should listen to all local hostnames in /etc/hosts (all names for 127.0.*.*) and for <hostname.local>08:33
pittithis seems to be a more sensible internal default08:33
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pittislangasek: for the pam upload, do you want to wait until I have the shadow upload ready with the updated login.defs documentation?08:57
slangasekpitti: I don't think you need to wait08:58
pittiI'll fix that today anyway, just want to know whether you are waiting for something else, or want me to upload08:58
tkamppeterpitti, so we should patch CUPS to add "<hostname>.local" to their internal defaults?08:59
pittitkamppeter: I think so, yes09:00
pittitkamppeter: I wonder why it doesn't do that already -- after all, the .local stuff is way more popular in the apple world09:00
tkamppeterpitti, so this can even be a bug in CUPS and not a missing feature.09:01
pittitkamppeter: yes, I think so; it's certainly upstreamable09:02
pittitkamppeter: well, it might be an omission in our avahi patch09:02
slangasekpitti: you can upload; otherwise I'll do so after merging the latest Debian upload09:04
pittislangasek: ok, then I'll upload it together with shadow, so that we have this in a209:05
tkamppeterpitti, the error message originates from scheduler/client.c09:05
pittislangasek: I sent an updated patch to the BTS as well (although I guess that's just you with a different hat as well :) )09:05
slangasekpitti: same hat, just wearing it backwards ;)09:05
tkamppeterpitti, it is a bug in our patch, scheduler/client.c has "#ifdef HAVE_DNSSD" sections, these need also be compiled if Avahi is present.09:09
AnAntDaviey: ping (reminding you of swt-gtk)09:13
tkamppeterpitti, other possible DNS-SD bugs are in cgi-bin/admin.c, scheduler/ipp.c, as these files also contain "#ifdef HAVE_DNSSD" but are not modified by cups-avahi.dpatch.09:13
DavieyAnAnt: ok, thanks09:28
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DavieyAnAnt: hmm.. the debdiff doesn't seem to cleanly apply?09:39
AnAntlet me check09:39
DavieyAnAnt: for example, in the Debian version you are a Uploader: , but not in the debdiff?09:42
DavieyAnAnt: i can fix it up, but i'm interested what happend?09:42
AnAntDaviey: while I prepare a fixed debdiff, any comments on the dropped change I mentioned ?09:49
AnAntDaviey: done09:52
DavieyAnAnt: it looks good to me, visually09:57
AnAntDaviey: ok, please sponsor then :)10:27
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tumbleweeddidrocks: we upload ubuntu-dev-tools to Debian where possible10:56
didrockstumbleweed: oh sorry, didn't notice that, do you want to sponsor it and then we make a dummy sync?10:58
didrockswill know for the future : )10:58
tumbleweedsure, can do. did you upload yet?10:59
didrockstumbleweed: I just did, let me check again10:59
didrockstumbleweed: should be in the next round, right. If we don't upload ubuntu-dev-tools only for ubuntu, we should really rename the package name :)11:02
tumbleweeddidrocks: heh, we're trying to get most of the non-ubuntu-dev-specific scripts rehomed elsewhere11:03
didrockstumbleweed: I've just seen more than 4 weeks of pending changes, hence the upload, if you want, just upload 0.126 in Debian and I'll sync11:03
tumbleweedI'll see if I can get some of the pending merges landed first11:04
tumbleweedbdrung: any objection to merging broder's fix-785854 branch?11:04
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cjwatsonlamont: should we migrate bug 797555 into RT in order to get some of your work time on it?11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 797555 in libjboss-buildmagic-java (Ubuntu Oneiric) "libjboss-buildmagic-java needs a manual build using the unstable binaries" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79755511:18
ogracjwatson, just fyi (and since i have the first images today since the change) manifest files work fine on preinstalled images now11:19
cjwatsonoh good11:20
dholbachpitti, do you have an idea why community-o-new-ubuntudev-outreach does not show up on status.u.c?11:24
* ogra would like to see his team on status.u.c actually :)11:25
pittidholbach: no work items defined -- you need a "work items:" header :)11:25
dholbachgah, I'm stupid11:26
dholbachthanks pitti11:26
pittidholbach: also, note that the [dholbach] tags are redundant -- you are already the default WI assignee as you are the BP assignee11:26
pittithey don't hurt, of course, just make typing harder11:26
* pitti hugs dholbach11:26
dholbachah ok, good to know11:26
dholbachthanks pitti!11:26
ograpitti, are you maintining access for teams to that ? i would like to see ubuntu-armel on there11:28
pittiogra: you mean like http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html ?11:31
pittiubuntu-armel has been in the reports for ages, I think11:32
ograit hasnt been there a week ago or so11:32
pittiogra: but anyway, the config is writable by platform, lp:~wi-tracker-configurators/launchpad-work-items-tracker/ubuntu-config11:32
pittihm, perhaps11:32
ograoh, its the wi tracker code it uses as backend11:33
ograthen i'm fine11:33
pittiogra: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html has data since at least May 26 (UDS)11:33
pittiso the config was there before; perhaps status.u.c. didn't because of a recently fixed bug?11:33
ograit just wasnt on status.u.c and i didnt know they are the same11:33
pittithey are separate instances really11:33
pittipeople.u.c. is the old one, but keeps running until status.u.c has been fully announced and the quirks shaken out11:34
ograok, then i'm fine, sorry for the noise11:34
pittino problem :)11:35
tkamppeterpitti, the fix for CUPS (new cups-avahi.dpatch) is on its way ...11:58
pittitkamppeter: cheers!12:02
lamontcjwatson: RT gets core-hours time applied to it, launchpad bugs are after-hours things, so yeah, RT will get it more attention, esp since it's written up so more than just me can do it12:16
tkamppeterpitti, slangasek, current Debian BZR is FTBFSing, it does not pass the built-in regression tests. So I will test my changes on an SRU for Natty and add it to Oneiric as soon as the code stabilizes/the multiarch addition is finished.12:18
DavieyLaney: around?12:22
DavieyLaney: are you able to ack jamespages membership to ~ubuntu-server-dev please?12:23
Daviey(he was in approved in the most recent meeting)12:23
DavieyLaney: thanks \o/12:24
Laneybeep boop blop12:25
Laneythere we go12:25
Laneyjamespage: enjoy12:25
jamespageLaney: thankyou!12:26
Laneylucas: hey, I just got around to crunching the ubuntu -changes archives into a format similar to the one you use for debian-devel-changes... http://master.debian.org/~laney/ubuntu-changes-split/ — would it be easy for you to set up a table in UDD for these?12:28
LaneyI also changed http://master.debian.org/~laney/munge_ddc.py to work with them12:28
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Laney"To: warty-changes@rince.africaninspace.com" heh heh12:29
DavieyLaney: where did you get the original archives from?12:32
Laney-changes mboxes on lists.u.c12:32
Davieyoh interesting.12:32
DavieyI thought the dead releases were no longer there.12:32
elmothey're just not advertised, they're still there, we try not to remove stuff unnecessarily12:33
Davieyelmo: rocking12:33
Laneyjust filed an RT ticket to have them rsyncable so that I can be more server friendly12:33
Laneycurrently I have to dowload the whole mbox again when there's an upload12:34
DavieyLaney: you don't want to know how i recently parsed them. :)12:34
Laneyusing one of the many great Free mbox parsing libraries?12:34
* Laney coughs12:34
Davieyno comment12:35
lucasLaney: quite12:38
lucasLaney: I'll add it to my TODO, but will try to get to do it this afternoon12:38
LaneyI shall set up a daily cron to update them12:38
Laneyit'll have Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed (IIRC) as well as Closes12:38
tkamppeterpitti, tested AirPrint fix on Natty and pushed it to Debian BZR repo.12:53
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cjwatsonlamont: ah, now that I look, I see that jamespage already did.  RT#4638113:08
lamontISTR a few more that may or may not have migrated yet13:09
lamontmy plate is currently plenty-full until july 7 or so, fwiw13:09
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ScottKlamont: Slightly unconveniently we got our first real "Hey, please make multi-instance work" bug today.13:23
lamontScottK: on the bright side, I have a plane ride coming up real soon where I'll be able to make some time to work on that13:26
lamontmay even stuff that in on sunday13:26
lamontnot just because, well, using it myself13:26
ScottKlamont: That's handy as I've got a project that's currently on BSD that may move to Ubuntu and it would be very convenient for me not to have to figure it out.13:27
lamontScottK: you have my permission to pester me relentlessly on multi-instance13:28
zul@pilot in13:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: zul
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pittizul: happy flying14:16
zulpitti: thanks14:16
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apwpitti, had any reports of the burn-down reports being shy some tasks?14:23
apwpitti, i am seeing only 1 TODO on alpha2 for our ubuntu-delta-review on your tables, but my matrix shows 5 todos in the same combinations14:24
tkamppeterpitti, I have now uploaded the SRU for Natty for the AirPrint fix (bug #801306).14:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801306 in cups (Ubuntu Natty) "Airprint only works with "ServerAlias *" in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80130614:31
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pittitkamppeter: thanks14:49
pittiapw: hey14:49
apwpitti, hey14:49
pittiI didn't have reports, let me look14:49
pittihm, indeed14:51
apwpitti, i presume the db is ok as my report has them in14:52
pittiit looks like it leaves out the WIs from the people who aren't in ~canonical-kernel-team?14:53
pittiah, no14:53
pittimanjo is in the team14:53
pittiapw: ooh14:54
james_wdo the workitems have the same description?14:54
pittiapw: the work items have the same name14:54
pittijames_w: snap :)14:54
pittiapw: right, it seems it assigns one and the same WI to different people, and the report identifies them14:55
james_wthey are counted in the burndown, but not shown in the table14:55
pittiprobably the last one wins, or whatever the DB order is14:55
apwpitti, yes ... but we changed that ages ago to allow it14:55
apwas its clearly something one might want to do, i specifically remember fixing it14:55
james_wwell it's broken again :-)14:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 795681 in work-items-tracker "Work Items with same descriptions are counted as one, eventhough they are for different milestones" [Undecided,New]14:56
james_wsame cause I think14:56
apwjames yeah sounds likely14:56
pittiapw: but in this case they are on the same milestone14:57
pittiso we probably need to include the assignee into the primary key?14:57
james_wIt may be enough to just remove the DISTINCT around description in the queries14:58
pittihm, the WI table doesn't even have a PK14:58
james_wthere's nothing that stops you from creating identical workitems, but I'm not sure it's the tracker's job to enforce that14:58
apwjames_w, whats confusing is when we had this same situation in natty ... i went through and took them all out cause it caused exactly this problem15:00
apwits not obvious why we want to squash them ever15:00
apw(all out, all the DISTINCTs out)15:00
james_wapw, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~work-items-tracker-hackers/launchpad-work-items-tracker/trunk/revision/23915:07
james_wso I don't think you took them all out15:07
james_wyou fixed it for the graph by the look of it15:07
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apwjames_w, very odd we didn't notice till now ... fair enought ... will try and look at it next week15:17
bdrungdidrocks: you uploaded u-d-t to oneiric and that adds work to me.15:50
bdrungdidrocks: we were waiting for distro-info to get accepted in debian15:51
didrocksbdrung: tumbleweed already mentionned it to me, I never noticed that a package with ubuntu in the name was synced from debian. I added some fixes and seeing no release for more than 4 weeks, I decided to upload. Sorry for that15:51
didrocksbdrung: tumbleweed told me he would upload on debian and then I'll sync back15:51
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slangasekseb128: components-mismatches picked up a weird build-dependency tree, gtkmm2.4 -> gtkmm-documentation -> gtkmm3.0; do you know whether we should be migrating to gtkmm3.0 for main, or if we need to cut out the dependency?16:43
pittiit's mainly just gnome-system-monitor and parted which use these16:44
jdstrandzul: ok, libvirt 0.9.2-4ubuntu1 uploaded. while it build fine on amd64, hallyn's 9023-disable-test-poll.patch was dropped. if builds fail, you might want to grab it from 0.9.1-1ubuntu4, adjusting it for 0.9.216:44
pittislangasek, seb128: cjwatson already started porting gparted to 3.0, and if/when that happens, I think we could just drop g-s-monitor from the default install16:45
tkamppeterpitti, hi16:45
pittihey tkamppeter16:45
slangasekpitti: +inkscape :)16:45
pittislangasek: that's not on the CD, though16:48
pittislangasek: at some point it ought to be ported as well, of course, but the pressure is lower there16:48
slangasekpitti: right, well I was asking about component status, and inkscape is in main at leat16:50
pittifrom that POV I think it should be in main; it's similar to gtk-3, a new upstream version of the C++ bindings, but new package names as we need for for some time16:50
slangasekdoes it need an MIR?16:51
pittiwe usually handled new upstream versions with changed names without one16:51
pittimterry, didrocks, doko ^ ok with you, or do you want an MIR?16:51
didrockssounds that more paperwork isn't needed IMHO16:52
mterrypitti, yeah, that's fine16:52
pittiI promote it ithen16:52
hallynjdstrand: thanks!16:52
pittibah @ typing -- TGIF16:53
didrockspitti: becoming a mac addict? ;)16:53
* pitti pats his Android mobille16:53
pittididrocks: hardly -- after installing my mother's iPod touch I loved android five times more :)16:53
didrockspitti: heh, never touched those things. Still happy with my android phone :) but ithen -> izen? maybe a new concept coming? :)16:54
slangasekpitti: right, but we usually don't give carte blanche to having more than one upstream version in main at the same time - but if you're all happy, that's fine :)16:55
pittislangasek: necessary wart, I guess; the bindings themselves are by and large zero maintenance anyway16:56
pittiit's gtk2 and 3 themselves which double work16:56
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broderpitti: re bug 565047, i am still using maverick in a couple of places where i saw hardware support regressions in natty, so i would like to get the fix into both m and n. i can do the verification legwork17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565047 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Natty) "Unable to install off USB 3.0 port (HP Envy 15 Laptop)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56504717:36
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Jarvishmm, have a curious issue regarding direct access to keyboard events. It seems certain applications want direct access to /dev/input/event* (namely java apps)17:39
Jarvisi'm wondering whether to bug rep it or not17:39
Jarviscan anyone think of a reason not to give world read access to /dev/input/event*17:40
broderbecause i don't want every unprivileged user to be able to see my keystrokes?17:40
Jarvissomones suggested possibly dropping it into its own group and giving access to that17:41
Jarvisi've no clue why java (lwgl it seems inparticular) wants read access like that, but hey17:41
Jarvisfair point broder17:42
Jarvisi might try and find out why its directly accessing it in the first place17:42
Jarvisas it shouldn't be17:43
jaberwokeyShould questions about the C appindicator api be asked here, or in #ubuntu-app-devel?18:07
ScottKjaberwokey: I would guess the latter or #ayatana.18:14
jaberwokeyk, thanks18:17
seb128slangasek, pitti: yeah, just promote it18:23
seb128the goal would be to use gtk3 if we can this cycle18:23
Ampelbeinhi there, has something changed in oneiric regarding --no-copy-dt-needed-entries (--no-add-needed)? 'gcc -Wall -Wl,--no-as-needed,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries test.c -o test -lslang' works (with test.c being http://paste.ubuntu.com/631913/). shouldn't that give an undefined reference error?18:28
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dokoinfinity: ping20:10
Ampelbeindoko: maybe you can tell if something is changed in oneiric: 'gcc -Wall -Wl,--no-as-needed,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries test.c -o test -lslang' should IMHO give a undefined reference error, test.c is http://paste.ubuntu.com/631913/. Am I thinking wrongly?20:15
infinitydoko: 'sup?20:29
infinitydoko: You know better than the fire off contentless pings. ;)20:31
infinitydoko: s/than the/than to/20:31
pittibroder: okay then20:31
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broderpitti: thanks20:49
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ScottKinfinity: Apparently not.22:07
mannicthere is someone who can help me on building the last unity trunk in 11.04?23:07
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