
=== doko_ is now known as doko
jamespagedoko: around? I have an openjdk question about 'overlays'17:13
dokoI assume that will be an IcedTea question ...17:17
jamespagedoko: I think so17:39
jamespageso this relates to bug 80008217:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 800082 in batik "FTBFS against openjdk-6 6b23 due to internal Sun API changes." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80008217:40
jamespageI came across this when I was looking at the last couple of packages for the fop MIR17:40
jamespageboth xmgraphics-commons and batik make use of internal sun API's17:41
jamespagelooking at the changes in 6b23 one of the exceptions in that API is no longer a runtime exception; which breaks the builds for those two packages.17:42
jamespagedoko: I wanted to understand why that change had been made (I could not trace it back through IcedTea)17:42
jamespageand discuss where to 'fix' the issue; I can patch both libraries to make then behave but wanted to talk with you first.17:43
dokohmm, strange. because it's still the 6b22 tarball afaics17:44
jamespageyeah - I found the switch in the overlay directory17:44
dokobest to ask on the ML. can you track down, who made the change?17:44
jamespagethats the bit I was looking for a bit of guidance on - not that familiar either with the packaging or the project around icedtea17:46
dokothe list is distro-pkg-dev@openjdk.java.net17:48
dokochangeset:   2551:8720a7df46e317:48
dokoAdded basic support for using JPEGCodec to encode and decode jpeg files.17:48
jamespagegreat - thanks for the pointers - I'll get on to it17:50
dokothat's all I can find for now17:54
dokojamespage: I assume you have to subscribe to the list to post17:55
dimas_is this only to talk about developing java application on ubuntu or may i ask about something else?20:02
dimas_cause i am interest in learning to develope applications for java mobiles20:03

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