
=== GatoLoko^ is now known as GatoLoko
YoBoYhum... good morning :D06:45
dholbachgood morning07:53
dholbachmhall119, cjohnston: did you also get a mail about the unicode issue trying to add a meeting to LD?09:53
dholbachif no, I'd be happy to forward the mail09:53
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cjohnstondholbach: I don't remember that11:32
dholbachlet me send it over to you11:33
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mhall119dholbach: I got the email, can you add cjohnston to the settings.ADMINS so he gets them too?13:39
czajkowskimhall119: why does Russia apprear twice under Asia and Europe http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/14:12
mhall119czajkowski: because it's technically in both14:16
dholbachmhall119, cjohnston asked IS to be added14:18
mhall119dholbach: thanks14:22
dakerczajkowski, pong14:25
czajkowskidaker: you in morocco loco??14:29
czajkowskidaker: any idea of the team contact email address please 14:40
czajkowskipm it to me 14:40
mhall119czajkowski: question about bug 80151414:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 801514 in loco-directory (and 1 other project) "making team contact a mandatory field when creating a team (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80151414:41
mhall119when you say there's a field for "contact", do you mean in LD or LP?14:41
czajkowskimhall119: I've reported in both 14:42
czajkowskibut in that case it's a LD bug as in the field team contact is emty 70% of the time 14:42
mhall119ok, I didn't realize LP had that field at all14:43
czajkowskiso I've to go all of the place to find it 14:43
mhall119I'm not sure if that's actually kept by LP, or if they just use it to send out an initial email and then forget about it14:44
czajkowskimhall119: whats the point in being a team contact if you wont put your name down 14:52
czajkowskireally frustrated 14:52
mhall119czajkowski: it's probably more a case of "Didn't know I needed to" than "Didn't want to"14:53
czajkowskinope... they fill in admin14:55
czajkowskibut not team contact 14:55
mhall119we pull admins from LP, I think14:55
czajkowskiwell if they were using LD to add events you'd see it in a second.14:55
czajkowskimhall119: if half can do it, I don't see why the other half can't either tbh 14:56
mhall119again, I think it's more ignorance than apathy14:57
nigelbWe're now trying to solve a social problem with technology.14:58
nigelbA reach out to the teams would be a good idea, particular in the loco-contacts list.14:58
mhall119nigelb: which is fine, we just need the right technology14:58
czajkowskinigelb: nope learnign nobody reads the list 14:58
czajkowskiI've mailed so far 40 teams today 14:58
czajkowskiby team contact 14:58
czajkowskialso mhall119 did FL get team banner ??14:59
czajkowskior do I go throttle itnet7 14:59
mhall119physical banner?14:59
nigelbczajkowski: I wonder if we should just go in to loco channels and talk to them. There's enough of us willing to help to do that.14:59
mhall119nigelb: we just need this technology: http://goo.gl/I7IEx14:59
nigelbmhall119: hahaha14:59
czajkowskinigelb: nope language barrier from now will just mail the team directly as we can now do that 15:00
czajkowskiand with the lc blog 15:00
nigelbczajkowski: ah. from LP?15:00
czajkowskiwe haz magic :) 15:00
nigelbor you just found the contact's email address and email'd them15:00
czajkowskinigelb: 20 questions:) 15:01
czajkowskinigelb: we the LC can mail teams directly15:01
czajkowskisimple 15:01
nigelbczajkowski: \o/ WIN.15:01
nigelbWe need to solve the problem I mentioned in the bug report. I'll talk to LP folks once they're back from Dublin.15:01
czajkowskialready talked to them this morning 15:01
czajkowskiwishlist 15:01
nigelbNot that one.15:02
mhall119nigelb: czajkowski: the bug has been on our radar for a while, there's just no good way to solve it15:02
mhall119but, since it's still an issue, we need to find the least-bad way 15:02
nigelbI meant the one where we don't have all the members of a team to select as contact.15:02
mhall119nigelb: I think we'll need to talk to some LP guys about how best to pull such a massive amount of data15:04
nigelbmhall119: Yeah, we'll have to wait until next week to find them more relaxed.15:04
mhall119they get relaxed?15:04
nigelbmhall119: Thunderdome next week.15:04
nigelbWait, you're the guy working for Canonical.15:05
nigelbmhall119: Or if you have time now, we can go talk to them now :-)15:05
mhall119nigelb: sure15:06
mhall119what channel?15:06
nigelbmhall119: #launchpad-dev15:06
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Ronnieping czajkowski, paultag20:13
czajkowskiRonnie: pong 20:13
czajkowskijust doing your last to do list now 20:14
czajkowskiemail will be sent in the next 20 mins 20:14
czajkowskiit's beena  long day 20:14
Ronnieour loco-contact (sense) has been absent for quite some time now (8 weeks)20:15
Ronnieso this team meeting we decided to assign a back-up loco cantact20:15
czajkowskioh wrong person 20:15
czajkowskiRonnie: what's up 20:15
Ronniefor the time sense will be absent20:15
Ronnieso i took that task on me. what steps should i take to become a (backup) loco contact20:16
czajkowskiwell have you contacted him to see what's up ?20:16
Ronnieczajkowski: yes, but we do not get response. hes very busy with his final months of his study20:17
Ronnieexcept from his last planet post, we didnt get any sign of living20:18
Ronniei think he will be back in juli or august20:19
czajkowskiit's very odd as I know sense is rather vocal and active 20:19
czajkowskiwe do encourage people if they cannot take part in a leadership role to step aside and let the team know 20:20
Ronnieczajkowski, yes, that was one of the reasons why we choose him as loco-contact20:20
czajkowskibut if you're happy to have someone stand in and sense knows this is tempory it really is up to your team. 20:20
Ronnieour team needs a loco-contact atm, because we are in a big reorganize since (even before) the disapproval of ubuntu-nl20:21
YoBoYCraque idea who came reading the last bugs of loco directory, Can't we ask mail alias Like contact.ubuntu-CC@ubuntu.com pointing to the mail of the loco contact ?20:22
Ronniea lot has changed since then, and we have a few questions, therefore we like to have a loco-contact20:23
Ronniesense will be informed about this. We use a team maillinglist where we discuss, and have a meeting once in 2 weeks20:24
Ronniebesides the fact that sense is absent for now, the team thinks that a backup-loco-contact is always a good idea20:25
YoBoYIt's why we use a council20:25
czajkowskiYoBoY: one thing at a time please20:26
czajkowskiRonnie: perhaps mal sense and ask him to step aside until he is ready to come back 20:26
RonnieYoBoY: we have a council too, but only one of the council is the loco-contact20:26
czajkowskihaving one step in and then step out doesn't really seeem like a good idea 20:26
czajkowskihaving a continious person in the role is better20:27
Ronniecontinious is better indeed, but i acutally do not have time to be the loco-contact for a long time20:27
czajkowskiI think the plans for the team were a bit technical and may not be suitable in the long run tbh 20:29
czajkowskibut having no team contact is not good either 20:29
YoBoYThere is a hierarchy in our council. In fact the loco contact is the president, but "official" mails can ne adressed to more that one peuple, you just want an answer rom the mame person each time20:30
Ronnieit it common for loco's to have multiple loco-contacts?20:31
czajkowskiRonnie: in some cases it seems to be 20:31
czajkowskino idea why 20:31
czajkowskidefeats the purpose of a team contact 20:31
czajkowskiYoBoY: lets not go down the route of the french team shall we 20:31
* YoBoY want to trash his phone20:31
czajkowskiI need huats here 20:31
Ronnieczajkowski: should i come back with this question another time?20:38
czajkowskiRonnie: nope was talking to YoBoY 2 conversations at once and only me here is confusing 20:39
czajkowskiRonnie: I suggest you mail sense and suggest stepping aside til he has full time to help 20:40
paultagRonnie: it's totally normal and fine to have more then one contact, as long as there's one email (such as a mailing list)20:40
Ronnieczajkowski: oke, ill do that20:40
paultagalso, pong :)20:40
czajkowskieh you pong mister! 20:40
paultagczajkowski: ♥ 20:41
czajkowskiYoBoY: now whats wrong with you 20:42
Ronniecurrently we use private mail for loco-contact, but ill discuss it with our council to change this into the council-mailinglist.20:42
czajkowskiRonnie: see I dont agree with private lists it is the oposite of open loco ness20:43
czajkowskiand one of the reasons ye are unapproved 20:43
czajkowskihiding conversations doesnt help anyone 20:43
Ronniethe council-list is an open list to read20:43
Ronnieand everyone can subscibe to post on it20:43
Ronniethats one of the big changes we made20:44
Ronniealso all the meetings are open to participate (at least the second part, the first part is read-only for non council)20:44
Ronniei think having the communications with the loco-council on the mailinglist too instead of the private mail of the loco-contact is another step forwards20:46
YoBoYczajkowski: nothing wrong with me20:58
YoBoYI just suggested it should be great if loco teams have for the team contact an permanent email like contact.ubuntu-CC@ubuntu.com20:59
YoBoYsorry if I confused you20:59
YoBoYjust add the idea and wanted to share20:59
YoBoY(sorry very bad english tonight...)21:00
czajkowskino just made no sense in the context of the conversation :) 21:03
YoBoYdo you think this make sense to have email alias like that ?21:06
czajkowskinope 21:15
czajkowskiI just want  team contacts email address21:15
czajkowskiplain and simple 21:15
czajkowskican be their ubutu one 21:15
czajkowskigmail one 21:15
czajkowskiwhat ever one they are going to read21:15
YoBoYit's not for you, I was more thinking about visitors, not everyone want to share his email with the world, having an alias helps. And if the loco contact change, the alias just point to another email, more convenient for the occasional visitor21:18

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