
=== ximion2 is now known as ximion
=== ximion is now known as ximion2
=== medberry is now known as med_out
=== Nigel_ is now known as G
kaushalAs per comment #8 of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/78460405:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 784604 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "a new java version is available for download" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:30
kaushalHow do i proceed05:30
micahgkaushal: we can't sync, it needs to go in partner05:50
kaushalmicahg: is there a way to contact someone ?06:59
kaushalfor this process06:59
kaushalmicahg: please suggest further07:28
geserkaushal: try contacting Brian Thomason (https://launchpad.net/~brian-thomason) as he did the recent uploads of sun-java6 to the partner archive07:40
kaushalgeser: Thanks07:51
dholbachgood morning07:54
=== apachelogger is now known as rohansgoogle
=== rohansgoogle is now known as apachelogger
=== mbp_ is now known as poolie
tumbleweednigelb: Any progress on a linker-ftbfs-jam announcement?16:26
nigelbtumbleweed: argh, sorry was crammed. Will get it out today or early tomorrow.16:35
tumbleweednigelb: np16:36
pcprattshi! does anyone know what I have to do to get the following line to work: invoke-rc.d mypackagename start?  I see a link in /etc/rc5.d/ that works17:00
=== emma is now known as em
micahgzul: do you mind if I sync python-webob?18:36
micahgk, thanks18:36
ScottKI always pronounce that we-bob.  I suspect the author meant web-ob, but it's funnier my way.19:17
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
elvisdHi all. I'm trying to fix my first bug in unity (bitesize) but I can't terminate the procedure. The bzr bd... returns an error (debian/changelog not found). Can someone help me?22:06
mannicthere is someone who can help me on building the last unity trunk in 11.04?22:59
paissadhello all, if i want to create a lintian binary override, i have to create "debian/foo.lintian-overrides"23:48
paissadright ?23:48
paissadassuming that foo is the name of the package ...23:48
broderpaissad: and be sure that something calls dh_lintian, yeah23:48
paissadbroder, ok thanks23:48
broder(new enough cdbs will. i don't know if dh(1) will. obviously old-style debhelper you do it yourself)23:49
paissadbroder, cat debian/pms-linux.lintian-overrides23:54
paissadpms-linux binary: spelling-error-in-changelog23:54
paissadpms-linux binary: package-contains-empty-directory23:54
paissadbroder, after running debuild with lintian checking, ... i still get the same warnings ...23:54
broderpaissad: try copying the exact line from lintian (except for the "W: ")23:54
broderthat's the only way i've ever been able to get lintian overrides to work23:55
paissadbroder, hmm, except for the W: ?23:55
paissadsorry, i don't really see what you mean23:55
paissadi inspired from this link http://lintian.debian.org/manual/ch2.html23:56

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