=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline === Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty === mweldan is now known as mweldan\dead === KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline [03:50] test test [03:53] 404 test not found [03:57] sweemeng: lol [03:57] wassup [03:57] plone things? [04:00] working [04:00] not plone [07:23] wtf all [07:23] thanks for the tip mnajem [07:26] wtf my [07:26] wtf mypapit [07:27] hey there sweemeng [07:27] yo === fairuz_ is now known as fairuz [07:33] hello, salam [07:45] command kalau translate slalu jadi ape? [07:45] arahan? === Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty [08:22] apo? [09:23] Sapa ada pakai unity? ke semua tukar jadi classic :D === KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline === Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty [10:25] * ejat pokes MyAzhax [10:25] * ejat pokes mypapit [10:25] * ejat pokes angch2 [10:25] * ejat pang lobak [10:26] ejat: boo. [10:26] how r u bro .. [10:26] long time not see u :) [10:26] ejat: alright. lurking. [10:26] now at office ? [10:26] ejat: just working on boring things. [10:27] woooo .. boring ? [10:27] ejat: on site. [10:27] ejat: fixing stuff, etc, etc. [10:27] owh ... [10:27] so must be bz fixing all that [10:28] yeah. updates/upgrade, patchpatch. hope no idiots try anything stupid. [10:28] :) [10:28] angch2: have u deploy any private cloud ? [10:28] ejat: no, but interested. eucalyptus is nice, but not as polished. [10:29] any euca @ openstack ? [10:29] ubuntu already move to openstack .. [10:29] ? oh, okay. [10:29] didn't keep track. [10:29] i'm an lts guy. still on 10.04 [10:29] 10.04 lts still using euca ... [10:30] but canonical still support for who still use euca .. [10:30] i mean current LTS .. [10:30] too bad. means not going to add more stuff into euca. [10:31] whoa. recent: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/open-source/canonical-switches-to-openstack-for-ubuntu-linux-cloud/8875 [10:33] http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/Canonical-picks-OpenStack/ [10:33] yeah [10:34] Back in March, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth said one of the topics up for debate at the developer summit would be to decide which cloud project would be embedded into the Ubuntu stack going forward. The decision needed to be made in light of the work being done for the next long-term support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Server expected in April 2012. [10:34] The switch will happen with the next release of Ubuntu Server, version 11.10, expected in October. Codenamed Oneiric Ocelot, the server release will also include a set of migration tools to help users move their Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud deployments from Eucalyptus to OpenStack. [10:34] Eucalyptus hasn't been dropped entirely, as Canonical will still support Eucalyptus as a stand-alone application in future versions of the server operating system. Ubuntu 11.10 will have support for Eucalyptus 3.0 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS will be available until April 2015. The next LTS release is version 12.04. [10:34] "Eucalyptus will remain within Ubuntu and will be available for users who prefer this technology," Canonical said. [10:35] still available if u still wanna use euca instead :) [10:35] ejat: problem is that i feel euca not polished enough in 10.04. [10:35] maybe thats among the discussion n debate they have ... [10:35] safer going with pure kvm. [10:35] :) [10:38] with rackspace behind it, i think openstack has a better future. [10:38] don't wanna implement euca just to port over the hard way to openstack. [10:38] thumb up ! [10:38] dont forget the NASA [10:39] oh yeah. [10:39] but some provider in malaysia still stick wanna use vmware as their backend :( [10:40] ejat: nothing wrong with that. stable, fast, not free. [10:40] its kinda hard for me to convince them they should have variety of technology ... [10:40] :P [10:40] even they have api / migration tools to port over to public cloud ... (not publicly announce) [10:41] ejat: imho, provisioning api/UI very important. amazon has this locked down. vmware --> desktop client. still nice, though. [10:41] yeah .. [10:41] "public cloud" is mostly just short for "amazon". [10:41] amazon vs rackspace also big differences [10:41] for the UI [10:42] but how will the vmware director cant manage others ... but euca enterprise work way around .. [10:42] ejat: to be honest, never used them for any real projects, just mucking around. [10:43] ejat: i think there's also fundamental differences in cloud model. [10:43] amazon eb/ec2/s3 is not the way vmware stuff works. [10:43] its ok .. we just chit chat giving our opinion on it .. but i do use amazon n rackspace .. [10:43] angch2: means ? [10:43] amazon vs vmware ? [10:43] yeah ... [10:43] to use amazon properly, your need to decouple runtime vs storage. [10:44] :) [10:44] otoh, ebs is... problematic. [10:44] the idea in amazon of shutdown -> entire image gone.... [10:44] yeah .. need to have ebs ... or else .. once reboot all gone !! huhu [10:45] i wonder if openstack uses that way too.... [10:45] their compute/object storage/image service sounds like ec2/s3/ebs [10:46] btw, i dunno what rackspace cloud files work, but that thing scales amazingly. [10:47] cloud files i think == s3 [10:47] looks like very easy to use cdn. [10:47] not sure about s3, but rackspace's cloud files bet the crap out of torrents when er... er... acquiring certain big files. [10:50] in rackspace not all image available such as SLESS [10:51] yeah .. github also hosted at rackspace right ? [10:51] :( [10:52] rackspace doesnt have security group like amazon and not using key .. :( [10:52] i feel awkward [10:53] that need to build our on fw for our instances .. [10:54] + doesnt have ami & api package in ubuntu ... [10:54] i think after this canonical should build something to make it work both way .. [10:55] even ensemble using amazon ... [10:57] opss i guess .. i make a mistake .. there already have .. [10:57] $ apt-cache search rackspace [10:57] python-rackspace-cloudfiles - Rackspace Cloud Files Python API [10:57] python-rackspace-cloudservers - client library for Rackspace's Cloud Servers API [10:58] ejat: whoa. rackspace cloud api. nice. [10:58] (sorry, was distracted) [10:59] no worries .. i know u on works .. [10:59] :P [11:01] http://blog.chmouel.com/2011/01/04/how-to-use-the-rackspace-cloud-uk-api/ [11:02] woo ... python .. java .. ruby ... C+ [11:03] angch2: BC got xtra server to play around ? huhu ... do let me know if u build private cloud .. at least .. i can ask your permission to play/learn that platform [11:03] ejat: heh, got a few big yellow ones lying aronud. [11:04] or else need to build private cloud on public cloud .. [11:04] ejat: last i play with euca..... [11:04] spend more time mucking around than using it. [11:05] scrap it than build new with openstack ? huhu [11:05] or play around with the migration tools if u have time [11:05] ejat: maybe. server(s) now on centos... hope openstack plays well with them. [11:06] the G box still using centos or their own OS right now ? [11:06] centos. [11:06] owh .. not with Ubuntu ? [11:06] huhu [11:06] ejat: special hardware. gurantee to work with centos. [11:07] lazy to see if ubuntu works well, or will brick it. [11:07] sorry, not special hardware... special BIOS. [11:07] owh okies .. [11:07] mimos also rnd using euca .. [11:07] ejat: oh, manage to get anything up on it? [11:08] * angch2 still not happy with ext3/ext4/lvm. [11:08] (for big image stores) [11:08] yeah .. [11:09] but they r trying to build a patch n their own metering [11:09] but they advise better use euca enterprise for better interop [11:09] since community version doesnt support that .. [11:10] cisco also looking into openstack i think because of their UCS .. [11:10] imho, if you use private cloud (for your org), you don't need metering that badly. [11:10] if you intend to build your own rackspace.com to sell hosting to ppl.... you need that. [11:10] yeah .. no need la .. :P unless wanna make it public [11:11] +1 agreed [11:11] wow .. wariola now with abyres ? [11:11] :P [11:14] hunger to have cloud in malaysia [11:14] huhu [11:14] angch2: have u try skali cloud ? wink wink [11:15] ejat: no. never heard of it. [11:15] backend infra using...? [11:15] kvm [11:16] www.skalicloud.com [11:16] need to use vnc to remote :) [11:16] wink wink [11:17] u should try and evaluate it yaself .. i can give comment ... dangerous .. :P [11:17] cant* [11:18] ejat: you worked on it? [11:18] skalicloud ? [11:18] no la .. [11:18] they have trial period for 7 days [11:18] but once u already use amazon ... u might keep comparing .. huhu [11:19] heh. so did amazon. [11:19] oppss my bad .. didnt notice about the trial for amazon :P [11:19] i just straitgh away subscribe .. [11:20] still need to sign up for amazon. just X (?) hours is free. i haven't found a good use for it yet. [11:20] straight* [11:20] hours only ? huhu [11:20] CPU hours. idle time not counted. === KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline === fairuz is now known as fairuz_ [16:42] oh [16:42] fakap SuMarDi [16:42] fakap MyAzhax [16:42] fakap mnajem [16:42] fakap all!! [16:52] mypapit: ohfak [16:59] SuMarDi, hahaha [17:00] SuMarDi, pestarika la [17:00] SuMarDi, saturday nite fever === Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty === KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline