
CoreyTen minute tempquiet there.00:04
Corey16:06:11 [freenode] [securityxxxpert(~securityx@unaffiliated/securityxxxpert )] That's a dick move btw00:06
CoreyLovely chap.00:06
CoreyFor clarity: That was his PM to me.00:12
debuggernigga what the fuck is in there00:29
debuggerwhat the hell is ahppening00:29
IdleOnedebugger: please don't swear00:29
=== BurninSatan is now known as godfoot
godfooti need help00:31
LjLgodfoot: you're clueless enough to spam #ubuntu but clueful enough to know about this channel?00:31
godfootoh silly me00:31
godfootdamnable proxy00:31
godfootmy sphincter does hurt tho00:31
LjLgodfoot: please, spare me the trouble00:31
LjLi'll get RSI this way00:32
godfootstill, wat should i do about my ass ring?00:32
bazhanghe blocked the bot because he got scared?00:41
IdleOneprobably hasn't figured out how to disable focus window on msg00:42
Tychoanyone in here00:49
Tychocan u c what im tiping?00:49
Tychohow r u00:49
LjLi'm fine, thanks. do you need any help not related with your back, but instead related with #ubuntu* operations?00:50
Tychocrysis 2 runs like shit on it00:51
Tychohow do i make it better00:51
LjLTycho: operation of the channel, that is. we can't help you with actual ubuntu support here.00:51
LjLDirectBoldFearle: why what?00:51
DirectBoldFearleisnt this the Help and Support channel?00:51
LjLno, that's #ubuntu, this is #ubuntu-ops00:52
DirectBoldFearlewell no one cares about this channel anyway00:52
DirectBoldFearleso you may just help us00:52
LjLno, sorry00:52
DirectBoldFearleare you scared?00:52
DirectBoldFearlecmon big boy!00:52
Tychowhy cant u help me00:53
Tychodo i have to miseries00:53
TychoNO STOP00:53
Tychostop thats mean00:53
LjLTycho: ok, so can we discuss this or you're too hurt by your friend's disappearance?00:54
Tychohes not my friend00:54
Tychohe was saying mean things00:54
Tychoso i dont like00:54
LjLTycho: so, would you like to go back to #ubuntu and obtain support?00:54
=== Tycho is now known as Douchebag
LjLi'll take that as a no00:54
elky Seems not.00:54
LjLDouchebag: but seriously, would you have the decency of not trolling while i haven't setup my banning aliases?00:55
LjLi keep making wrong bans and do a meager show00:55
LjLbe considerate of me00:55
=== Douchebag is now known as iso]
iso]i want sapport00:56
LjLiso]: you should have thought about that earlier, before spamming and trolling. now come back in a day if you still need support tomorrow. see you later00:57
iso]FUCK YOU00:57
bazhangI liked the ban on *!*00:57
LjLsorry people, i've had a bad day and needed a bit of fun! next time i won't drag it on so much, promise :P00:58
IdleOnelol @ anon-mirc00:58
bazhang#ubuntu is like twitter or something today01:45
bazhang<Meshezabeel> the #ubunto channel is by invite only so I had to come here01:48
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。02:23
bazhangthat link to #ubuntu-cn does not work02:24
IdleOne!no cn is <reply> 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk02:25
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne02:25
bazhangyep sorry. couple of -cn users want to speak chinese only in #ubuntu02:26
bazhangFB1 acting weird02:38
elkyWith only looking at the nickname and not the behaviour, I fail to muster even a little bit of surprise.02:43
bazhangsorry Floodbot 102:43
elkyEven then, still not entirely surprised :P02:49
bazhangthephantom is taunting staff now? that does not seem wise03:18
topylin4cht also told me in pm he "might evade" accidentally because he has so many different machines03:23
bazhangdidnt know he was banned. must have been those 3hrs of sleep time03:24
topylitold him it's not a very good excuse and once he comes here and agrees to rules he's okay. it's easier :)03:24
bazhangheh yeah03:25
topyliso if he does, feel free to remove the ban03:25
bazhangin -ot? :003:25
IdleOnefeel free to add us to access list in -ot03:25
bazhangIdleOne, ^03:25
bazhangldunn, ^03:25
topylioh yes, you can't03:25
topylildunn can03:25
topylior he can wait03:26
topylibut anybody can remove the ban, the guy is alright03:27
topylioh. actually i seem to just have removed him03:31
topylioh there is a ban *!*@wretched.ws03:32
topyliwow that is wide03:33
bazhangmodem just need to be plugged in03:37
bazhangerr +s03:38
bazhangbut he knew that03:38
bazhangand he PM's me!03:38
IdleOnepower of suggestion03:39
IdleOneI willed it03:39
bazhanghe claims Opera gives him adsl speeds on dialup03:45
IdleOnewell that is good. why ask in #ubuntu if it has nothing to with ubuntu03:46
LetsGo67Hello everyone!  When will my ban be lifted?04:05
bazhangLetsGo67, you know why you were banned?04:06
LetsGo67bazhang: For using Santa dial-up modems?04:06
bazhangLetsGo67, no...04:06
LetsGo67Well that is what comes with my laptop.04:07
bazhangLetsGo67, I asked you to join here to resolve this, if you do not wish to give a serious answer, then no need to continue, honestly.04:07
* LetsGo67 checks and sees that it says Santa where the phone line is supposed to be plugged.04:08
LetsGo67Was i rude?04:08
bazhangLetsGo67, you were asked repeatedly to stop being offtopic, and continued after repeated warnings04:08
LetsGo67bazhang: But i stopped when i brought up the Santa modem.04:09
bazhangLetsGo67, you have been around the ubuntu channels a long while, and clearly know the rules.04:09
bazhangLetsGo67, you were removed at that point.04:10
bazhangso yes, in effect , you stopped.04:10
LetsGo67bazhang: Well, i say, i was removed after my Santa comments.04:10
bazhangLetsGo67, getting adsl speeds on a dial-up modem is hardly an #ubuntu issue.04:11
LetsGo67The Santa comments were regarding normal speeds.  Compression (such as Opera Turbo) can help ease this, and that wasn't much of an issue to me.04:12
LetsGo67And for some reason, installing dial-up drivers led to the sound not working.04:12
bazhangLetsGo67, okay, well then you have no idea why you were banned04:12
LetsGo67bazhang: i say it was too much, too fast.04:13
bazhangnot sure what that means04:13
bazhangLetsGo67, if there is no way forward, then this will not be resolved today.04:14
LetsGo67bazhang: What i am trying to say is that the compression issue was quickly dropped.  The Santa issue was brought up instead.04:14
bazhangLetsGo67, I'll ask a final time: do you know why you were banned in #ubuntu ?04:15
LetsGo67bazhang: Presumably for some non-Santa-modem comments.04:16
bazhangLetsGo67, seems you are not clear then.04:16
LetsGo67bazhang: e.g: compression.04:17
bazhangLetsGo67, what about it04:17
LetsGo67bazhang: you didn't seem to think that the comment was on-topic, and you suggested that Opera Turbo was the only route to compressed Internet.04:19
bazhangLetsGo67, I never mentioned opera04:20
LetsGo67bazhang: or alternativs.04:21
bazhangLetsGo67, I said nothing of the sort, and that really has nothing to do with getting your ban lifted.04:21
LetsGo67The thing is, my questions were sort of not answered, and maybe i should have tried another time.04:23
bazhangLetsGo67, its simple really: #ubuntu is for ubuntu tech support, and if you are asked to not be offtopic there, then thats a good time to not be offtopic04:23
bazhangLetsGo67, I dont know how to be any clearer on that point.04:24
LetsGo67Yes, i understand.  Dial-up, and to a lesser extent acceleration, are still on topic.04:26
LetsGo67Is anybody here?04:28
bazhangLetsGo67, acceleration is a hardware issue04:29
bazhangmore bandwidth really04:29
LetsGo67bazhang: Fair enough.04:30
bazhangLetsGo67, so in future, if asked to stay on topic, you will do so?04:30
bazhangokay hang on04:31
LetsGo67Is everything all right?04:32
bazhangLetsGo67, try to join now please04:34
bazhangokay you're in.04:35
LetsGo67With some latency.  Leaving soon though.04:36
bazhangLetsGo67, could you please part this channel as the issue is resolved, thanks.04:36
bazhangn4cht, hi04:37
n4chtallo.  just dropping in to apologize for my off-color joke.  i should've known better.  that's not #u-ot04:38
bazhangtopyli, ldunn around? ^04:38
n4chterr.. #u-ot-appropriate.04:38
n4chtstupid fingers.04:38
bazhangn4cht, yep, just waiting for an -ot operator to resolve, hang on a second if you will04:38
n4chtif you guys think the ban should stay, i wouldn't take it the slightest bit personally.  :)04:38
FlannelWhat's up?04:38
* Flannel waits for ubottu.04:39
bazhang<topyli> told him it's not a very good excuse and once he comes here and agrees to rules he's okay. it's easier :)04:39
bazhangFlannel, in re: n4cht ^04:39
n4chtbazhang: i'm in no rush.  i should darn well know better.  i've been in and out of -ot for about 3 years, and i've only ever been kicked maybe twice, and banned only this one time.04:39
Flanneln4cht: So, you know better, and all that good stuff?04:40
bazhangn4cht, heh. I'm in a rush to have lunch though04:40
n4chtFlannel: indeed i do.04:40
FlannelAh.  I see it now.04:40
* Flannel had to wait for ubottu, and then wait again!04:40
Flanneln4cht: Sounds good.04:41
Flanneln4cht: Ban should be removed, please join and talk, to verify.04:41
n4chti'm guessing that was what topyli said in response to me sending him a query with a head's up that some of my clients that connect through other hosts auto-joint -ot and i would try to catch them all and disable auto-join.  just didn't want him to think i was trying to ban-evade if i missed one.04:42
n4chtokay.  thanks a bunch, folks.  again.. quite sorry.  i should have realized that it was a joke not -ot-appropriate.04:43
* n4cht waves and wanders out.04:43
gulzarI was banned at #ubuntu. Is my ban lifted.05:28
bazhanggulzar, no. you are ban evading yet again I see.05:29
bazhanggulzar, /part #ubuntu so we can discuss this here.05:30
gulzarbazhang: for what? I have not even asked any question.05:30
gulzarI accept what you said.05:30
gulzarBut now what? I accept my mistake and want to MAKE it ......05:30
bazhangyou're still in #ubuntu05:31
gulzarnow I am not.....05:31
bazhanggulzar, resetting your IP to get around bans is not how to resolve them05:31
gulzarsorry, its default setting and I don't know about it05:32
bazhanggulzar, do you know why you were quieted and then banned in #ubuntu in the first place?05:32
gulzarumm for asking unrelated quesions?05:32
gulzarbut now i want to correct that mistake...05:33
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat. #ubuntu for ubuntu tech support. clear?05:33
bazhanghardware etc are not in #ubuntu05:33
bazhangeven if "I am going to use it for ubuntu"05:34
bazhanggulzar, so in future , if asked to stay on topic please do so, okay?05:34
bazhangjust a moment.05:35
bazhanggulzar, please rejoin now.05:36
gulzarThank You!05:36
gulzarbut yes one question I have- how to change / partition... I mean how to copy OS files from one partition to another05:36
bazhangthats for #ubuntu please gulzar05:37
Fishermanim not connecting from proxy or open proxy07:19
IdleOneFisherman: try joining #ubuntu now please07:31
IdleOneok, so what is happening when you try to join #ubuntu?07:36
Fishersi closes the chan an forwards me to #ubuntu-proxys07:36
Fishersi closes the chan an forwards me to #ubuntu-proxys_users07:37
Flannel#ubuntu-proxy-users, yes.07:37
IdleOnehmm, can you please try joining #ubuntu07:37
Fishersim on comcastm thats no proxy07:37
IdleOnegimme a minute07:39
Fishersall have to call comcast customer service an tell them their a proxy. hehehe07:39
IdleOneI'm sure they will enjoy that lol07:39
IdleOneFishers: Please try joining again07:44
Fishersty IdleOne07:44
IdleOnewelcome. not sure why you got banned.07:44
Fishersoh well >:)07:44
IdleOnesorry for the inconvenience07:44
Fishersdont mind at all07:45
IdleOneyou can hang up on comcast now, they will have you on hold forever07:45
IdleOnehave a good night.07:45
Fishershahah, i want my $30.00 credit07:45
Fishersok ty IdleOne07:46
IdleOneLjL: can you check to see why *!*@c-66-41-251-190.hsd1.mn.comcast.net$#ubuntu-proxy-users was set BT 41222. Thanks.07:47
bazhangcitrix is hardware correct?10:38
oCeanbazhang: no it is software10:39
bazhangoCean, any idea what ubuntu4hp is?10:39
oCeanhe spoke about that before.. It must be some hp-specific repository, it is hosted somewhere @hp.com10:40
oCeancitrix is for client/server connections, e.g. using thin clients and connecting to full desktops or applications etc. Somewhat comparable to nomachine I think10:42
=== apachelogger is now known as rohansgoogle
=== rohansgoogle is now known as apachelogger
bazhangdont see how hp software is our issue10:44
ikoniaCycovince: hi thanks for joining12:29
CycovinceHi :)12:29
ikoniaszal: do you need something from this channel ?12:29
szalikonia: I wanna hear that explanation too :)12:29
ikoniaCycovince: easier to explain/discuss in here than take the other channel off topic12:30
CycovinceAlright, no problem12:30
ikoniafair enough, Ubuntu's channels has a policy of family friendly content, no bad language, respect for users etc etc, the other channel is the complete opposite, so suggesting it to ubuntu users who may expect the same guidelines and rules is not something we do12:30
ikoniathat doesn't mean the other channel is wrong in any way shape or form, but not something the official #ubuntu channels recommend12:31
Cycovincehaha, I just jointed that channel: they're talking about youtube videos and interracial things12:31
ikoniaCycovince: you get the idea of why it's not really something the official ubuntu support channels suggest to other users12:32
ikoniaCycovince: szal does that answer your questions ?12:32
CycovinceWhen you talk about "official" channel, you mean officially related to Canonical and the ubuntu dev team ?12:32
szalikonia: yes12:32
ikoniaCycovince: both, they are official sanctioned channels by the ubuntu project12:32
Cycovincethanks for answering12:33
ikonianot at all12:33
Cycovinceone more thing ;)12:33
ikoniayes ?12:33
CycovinceTell Niko to mellow out a little ;)12:33
ikoniaif you don't need anything more, this channel has a noidle policy, and you're welcome back if you have any more issues12:34
CycovinceNope, tahnk you for your time12:34
bazhangan ntfs home? is that really okay? re: ohir's suggestion12:56
ikoniaI think that was wording problems12:56
bazhanghe said a 100mb temp home and ntfs /home12:56
elkyeww what13:00
jpdstemphome wut?13:00
PiciI don't have the time to argue with ohir.13:01
bazhang<ohir> PythonSnake: [phys #1 100GB ntfs windows][phys #2 190GB ntfs home][phys #3 extended ubuntu]->[#5 swap; #6 100MB temphome; #7 / ]13:01
bazhangmaybe a shared partition of ntfs, but ntfs /home ?13:01
ikonianot for me13:03
bazhangie data partition if dual booting13:04
bazhangoy thats insane13:21
bazhanghe's not getting a clue13:30
bazhangcleaned up the bans and quiets from floodbot that were more than a week old (some quite a bit longer)14:20
bazhangerr various floodbots14:20
bazhangand the one left over from cdbs14:20
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (nerpwn appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)14:25
bazhangset more +r ?14:28
tsimpsonlooks like it was an isolated incident14:32
* tsimpson touches wood for luck14:32
bazhangvb dll in linux?15:37
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1514 users, 3 overflows, 1517 limit))16:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (wotwj appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)16:27
jpdsmneptok: He's in -ru.17:36
mneptokjpds: pazjuhlstah17:38
jpdsmneptok: what?17:39
* mneptok always gets the Latinization of that word wrong17:39
mneptokjpds: oh, was he in there before i said anything>17:39
jpdsmneptok: No.17:39
mneptokhope he gets help17:40
mneptok.--. .-.. . .- ... .   ... - --- .--.   - .... .- -20:54
persia  21:03
mneptokpersia: was that a koan?21:10
persia`I always remember spring-time in southern China. The birds sing among innumerable kinds of fragrant flowers21:12
mneptokSometimes I feel there's nothing finer. Except perhaps some super-powers.21:21
Flannellike super morse-code communication?21:36
mneptok-.-- . ... --..--   - .... .- -   ... --- .-. -   --- ..-.   - .... .. -. --.21:44
CoreyDo we want to lean on poopstick01 to change his nick?21:49
mneptokuhhh ... that's not the walking stick i'd lean on. at least not without gloves.21:50
bazhang* [CP-Knox] (~cpknox@cm121.omega149.maxonline.com.sg): Geekz Unite @ www.cripperz.sg23:44
bazhanglooks familiar23:44
bazhang<CP-Knox> No matches were found.  <--- response to !seen nickname23:44

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