
pleia2tomorrow, if anyone is interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/San_Francisco/Wiknic20:17
* pleia2 busy though20:17
* MarkDude too20:21
MarkDudeWatching Cars2 - although the picnic sounds fun20:21
pleia2cars2 doesn't take all day!20:21
MarkDudeNo, but it is a date. So it might ;)20:23
MarkDudeBesides, Im old20:23
MarkDudeThe 3D might tire me out20:24
MarkDudeNot sure if I should see in 3D or 2D20:24
MarkDude3D towtruck sounds fun tho20:24
pleia2btw, I followed up (first requested in April) and Canonical should be shipping this out today: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences/ApprovedTeamGift20:43
pleia2it's the new branding banner (not california-specific)20:43
=== BrightAmbition is now known as NyannCat

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