
linuxman410cyberanger was that wheezy u showed me a screenshot of other day00:00
cyberangerlinuxman410: I've got my whole drive encrypted (minus /boot which cannot be encrypted, hence it's on a usb key I keep with me at all times)00:00
cyberangerrules out software keyloggers instantly that way, however hw is a possibility still)00:01
linuxman410cyberanger what are u running right now00:05
linuxman410ubuntu or debian00:05
cyberangerlinuxman410: on what system, I'm running both and centos (and others) if you count every system00:07
wrsthey hey00:07
* cyberanger hates centos but between cpanel and work, I have little say in the matter00:07
cyberangerwrst: hey it's fat albert00:08
wrstha ha00:08
wrstatleast it isn't windows server cyberanger00:08
linuxman410cyberanger have you ever heard of quantos suppose to be the most secure linux distro00:08
* cyberanger wonders if he somehow dated himself, realizes that show is older than him (like the majority of MacGyver Episodes I still like)00:09
cyberangerwrst: true true, cpanel doesn't run on windows :-)00:09
cyberangerlinuxman410: lemme think00:10
linuxman410cyberanger go do distrowatch and scroll down00:11
cyberangerlinuxman410: didn't need to, just had to think for a second00:11
cyberangersandboxes every app, includes tor00:12
linuxman410cyberanger have you ever tried it00:12
cyberangerbased on linux mint, and if I recall, uses XFCE00:12
cyberangerno, for a few reasons00:12
linuxman410cyberanger and00:12
cyberangerI prefer XFCE and I install tor by default00:13
cyberangerand I find if it needs that level of sandboxing, somebody will defeat it anyhow00:13
cyberanger(I've not seen a truely secure sandbox yet, hence why I say that)00:14
cyberangerand a long time ago, I learned the second you have no clue what's going on, your security is gone00:14
Unit193cyberanger: I remember that the DSL and Internet lights are off the modem when it has issues so I wouldn't think Router00:15
cyberanger(I may use it at some point, but what it does seems a small difference than others that have intresting changes, vs what's nearly stock)00:15
cyberangerUnit193: I've seen more AppArmor actually (even on military setups, despite the NSA's role in both SELinux and the military, however they've had roles in alot of stuff, I bet AppArmor too)00:17
cyberangerUnit193: so a line issue or modem issue (makes some sense, unfortunately)00:17
Unit193Bodhizazen is supposed to be very good at that00:17
cyberangerlinuxman410: I've seen alot of XFCE setups, just don't like XFCE, kinda a pushoff00:18
Unit193cyberanger: Zyxel 660c (Or something like that... I'm all going from memory here)00:18
linuxman410cyberanger so u only like openbox00:19
cyberangerUnit193: the DSL modem, sounds likely00:19
cyberangerlinuxman410: well, I really favor it, and I've found XFCE grow a bit, I like LXDE for an example, Enlightenment for another00:20
Unit193cyberanger: From what I remember, the line may not have been done the best. Thanks for the pointers (Seems like I can't do anything about this)00:20
cyberangerbut my personal favorable one is Openbox, followed by LXDE00:20
linuxman410cyberanger is widowmaker still going00:21
Unit193cyberanger: Tried Lubuntu? (Or BodhiLinux for E?00:21
cyberangerUnit193: perhaps the line, but if that modem is right, I've heard some stories on it, kinda a concern)00:21
Unit193cyberanger: You don't need to register your MAC with them correct? I have a Zoom ADSL modem....00:22
linuxman410unit193 i tried Bodhilinux and did not like it but i love lubuntu00:22
cyberangerlinuxman410: widomaker?00:23
linuxman410cyberanger you never heard of it00:23
cyberangerUnit193: for DSL, provided your provider isn't doing something unusual, and your settings are right00:23
* wrst plays with kde again00:24
cyberangerlinuxman410: I don't recall it at least, not by name00:24
cyberangerUnit193: then your PPPoE should be enough00:24
Unit193cyberanger: I may have to try it so I can remote in and mess with things remotely00:24
linuxman410cyberanger here is link http://windowmaker.info/imageview.php?cat=big&id=4900:25
cyberangerlinuxman410: ok, I've either heard of it, or some sort of clone00:26
cyberangerdidn't recognize the name00:26
cyberangerhe seems to always have the shortest goodbyes00:29
cyberangerbut on longer than usual00:29
wrstcyberanger: i just noticed I have firefox 5??00:30
wrstdidn't 4 just come out?00:30
cyberangerwrst: depends, are you fetching from testing00:31
wrstI'm on arch cyberanger00:31
Unit193wrst: They started calling security fixes major numbers00:31
cyberangerand fetching beta, or00:31
wrstbut thought that it was beta?00:31
cyberangerUnit193: really, that's dumb00:31
Unit193It's fully out00:31
wrstcyberanger: generally arch doesn't get something until out of beta for example it still has grub not grub 200:31
Unit193cyberanger: Following Chrome00:31
wrstahh Unit193 that's why00:31
cyberangerUnit193: so, if I build something crappy, with enough bugs, and fix them, I can make it look like I did something useful by having a version 11 in under a year00:32
cyberangershame on chrome too then00:32
wrstUnit193: so that means we shoudl be on about windows 1,563 or so?00:33
Unit193Don't look at me, I hate this style too...00:34
cyberangerwrst: June 21st, 2011 it hit release channels (and a day or so for our repos)00:34
Unit193wrst: Only 1,563?00:34
wrstUnit193: ok add what 6 zeros? :)00:34
wrstcyberanger: makes sense, that's something I love about arch :)00:34
cyberangerUnit193: I'm not looking at you, as much as telling everyone how I feel00:34
Unit193And kernel update to 3.0?00:34
cyberangerwrst: eh, 8 to be safe00:35
wrstok works for me :)00:35
cyberangerwait, safe and Windows, D'Oh00:35
Unit193Have you seen the changlog?00:35
cyberangerUnit193: which changelog00:35
Unit193cyberanger: FF5 (Or FF4.0.1)00:36
cyberangeryeah, it does seem needed, as an update00:36
Unit193I want to put my Intel processor in my AMD socket :(00:43
cyberangerUnit193: Bodhizazen is supposed to be good at what?00:43
cyberangerUnit193: no good, sorry, that won't go00:43
Unit193AppArmor and making servers hardend00:44
Unit193cyberanger: I know, hence the sadface :(00:44
cyberangerUnit193: yeah, he's really good for somebody that says he is non-IT, he really suprises00:46
Unit193cyberanger: You know him?00:46
cyberangerleads the beginners forum section, works on Zenix, has a lot to say on security00:47
* Unit193 was/is a tester of Zenix and forum mod00:47
cyberangerleads the Montana team00:47
cyberanger(or at least did)00:47
cyberangerI know him the same way you know me, I suppose00:48
cyberangerIRC, mailing lists, the forum00:48
cyberangerI cannot say for any certainty I've met him00:48
cyberangerthink he managed the Buddist Edition, or had some involvement at least00:49
cyberangerUnit193: was or is, like, did you stop at some point00:49
Unit193It's been released, don't need to test00:50
Unit193He put Awesome window mgr in (Fun to play with)00:50
cyberangeryeah, but some always test until an alpha is out, looking for bugs00:53
cyberangerI don't get that myself, but I guess that's some peoples persistance00:53
linuxman410cyberanger u hewre01:01
linuxman410cyberanger u here01:02
wrstlinuxman410: wb01:02
cyberangerlinuxman410: sorta here01:03
linuxman410wrst i tried to install wheezy net install and it would not install01:03
cyberangerlinuxman410: what snagged01:03
linuxman410cyberanger it said no kernel modules found01:04
wrstlinuxman410: i changed my sources to wheezy i think that didnt work so well i havent booted back sense01:04
linuxman410cyberanger how do i install intel 2200 firmware from command line01:05
cyberangerlinuxman410: you are installed, or you need to install?01:06
linuxman410in debian 601:06
cyberangerwrst: that should not be possible, what did you do01:06
wrsti dont know that is how you upgrade?01:07
cyberangerlinuxman410: so you've installed squeeze then01:07
linuxman410cyberanger i am installing debian 6 but i need firmware for wireless01:07
* wrst plans on reinstallin debian01:07
linuxman410cyberanger how do i install from commandline01:07
cyberangerwrst: did you edit your sources.list, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, or sudo apt-get upgrade (this is where that difference sorta matters more)01:07
wrsti did dist-upgrade01:08
cyberangerlinuxman410: is it a netinstall again?01:09
linuxman410cyberanger it asked me on install if i had disk with firmware01:10
wrstcyberanger: dist-upgrade is correct there?01:14
wrstand cyberanger i had done lots of messing around so no telling what i did01:14
linuxman410cyberanger did you find out how to install firmware from commandline01:15
cyberangerlinuxman410: sorry, just finished locking up work02:13
cyberangerwrst: normally yes, idk about your case02:13
cyberangerlinuxman410: yeah, it cut the outgoing connections as I left too, so I couldn't really reply02:14
cyberangerlemme see02:14
wrstcyberanger: I suspect I contributed to some issue :)02:14
linuxman410cyberanger i tried to do netinstall of wheezy but it said no kernel modules found02:15
cyberangerlinuxman410: for your wifi card, yes?02:17
cyberangeror just "no kernel modules"02:19
cyberangerdid it ask to load additional firmware?02:19
linuxman410cyberanger it says no kernel modules when i try to do netinstall how do i fix that02:19
cyberangernever asked to load additional firmware?02:20
cyberangerif yes, then your disc sounds bad02:20
linuxman410wheezy ask for kernel modules says it can not find none02:20
linuxman410cyberanger i have the netinstall with firmware02:22
cyberangerlinuxman410: it did ask though,02:22
linuxman410cyberanger no not the firmware addition just debian 6 without firmware02:23
linuxman410cyberanger it stopped right now and says no kernel modules were found that is as far as it gets it does not ask about network it does not get that far02:25
linuxman410cyberanger what do i do02:25
linuxman410cyberanger do i continue without kernel modules it gives me that option02:26
linuxman410cyberanger u still here02:26
linuxman410cyberanger u getting my messages02:28
cyberangerlinuxman410: sorry, busy day, lemme catch up real quick02:39
cyberangerlinuxman410: so it didn't get far enough to ask anything, that sounds like the disc is bad02:39
linuxman410cyberanger a bad iso02:43
cyberangerlinuxman410: that's equally possible02:47
cyberanger(I presumed you checked the iso though, but yeah, disc, iso or both)02:47
linuxman410i got the link from a guy at debian02:47
cyberangerlinuxman410: did he give you an md5sum or something to check the download though?02:48
cyberangerand was the link to a debian server?02:48
cyberangerso it could be corrupt, but unlikely the iso on the server is bad02:49
linuxman410cyberanger what happens if i tell it to continue anyway02:50
cyberangerlinuxman410: wait, what do you mean, tell it to continue anyway?02:51
cyberangerwhat's the link to the iso you fetched02:51
linuxman410cyberanger without installing kernel modules02:51
cyberangerI thought you said it had a kernel issue, it's asking something?02:52
cyberangeryou said it hadn't asked you anything earlier02:52
linuxman410cyberanger it says no kernel modules found continue any way yes or no02:53
linuxman410cyberanger what do you think about archbang02:55
linuxman410cyberanger what about porteous02:59
wrstlinuxman410: i've tried chakra before not the same thing but an arch based distro03:42
wrsti think just installing arch is the best route really03:42
Unit193That was quick04:04
linuxman410wrst i want to find something new that is going to be around for a while04:06
linuxman410wrst i am using scientific linux04:06
cyberangerwoot, chris4585 is heading to TN for a week (and aperently having channel issues, couldn't join)07:20
Unit193Nice, are you going to really see him?07:21
cyberangeridk, he quit before a reply07:23
cyberangerhe's from the area, suppose it's possible07:23
cyberangerif something can be planned, it can be carried out07:23
Unit193I wasn't sure if you guys meet up much :/07:25
cyberangerUnit193: big state, and he's not been living in it for a couple of years I think, makes it harder ;-)07:26
cyberangerand no, we don't really, two of us here, one there, maybe 4 in memphis, hours apart07:26
cyberangerI'm an hour and a half from the next active (defined by how often their in IRC (since all meetings are in IRC)) Member07:27
cyberangerand he's about an Hour from the next active member, so on07:28
cyberangernobody really is close enough for a lunchbreak meeting, and that makes it a bit hard07:28
Unit193I can see that...07:28
cyberangeranyone can step away for 5 minutes and get on IRC without upsetting family, enjoy a chat while at lunch07:29
Unit193Not many meeting I take it? Do you use MootBot much?07:29
cyberangerheck, I miss out on the Lug's lunches, 45 minutes away in Downtown Chattanooga (vs Cleveland, TN) and idk of any lug member in this area07:30
cyberangeronce a month07:30
cyberangerfirst thursday at 8:30 EDT07:30
cyberangerfire up MootBot for it07:30
Unit193I looked at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/MootBot not /Meeting07:32
cyberangerlol, that'd do it07:33
wrstmorning Xpistos15:26
Xpistoshey wrst16:18
wrsthow you doing Xpistos?16:33
Xpistosworking on my database today16:33
=== Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos
Unit193cyberanger: Belkin F5D8233-4v3(01) EQ660R modem (Zyxel rebranded)21:16
Unit193That is the info on the two devices (Modem uses DHCP)21:31
cyberangerUnit193: DSL Modem using DHCP, oh brother21:44
Unit193cyberanger: Yeah... As far as I can tell, I can't replave it with the Zoom21:47
cyberangerreplave it, cool21:48
Unit193Would you rather I replace it?21:49
cyberangerno, I'd rather take it out back, shoot it, throw it in a woodchipper, and then replace it21:49
cyberangerUnit193: A modem is a Modem, I hate these dual modem router designs21:57
cyberangerhence the brutalitaly21:57
* Unit193 set it to bridge mode21:58
Unit193It's just a modem now!21:58
cyberangerUnit193: ok, well, then just threaten it when it fails22:00

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