
IdleOnepleia2: tubuntu translated your IRC course to French.05:16
pleia2I saw! that rocks :)05:16
IdleOnethey have been busy :)05:16
Tubuanyone involved in the translating of the wiki there?16:07
TubuIdleOne or pleia2?16:17
pleia2Tubu: hey17:12
Tubuhey pleia17:12
Tubuall is OK?17:12
pleia2Tubu: looks good so far, thanks for all your work!17:13
Tububut there is a problem in fact...17:13
pleia2ok, what's the trouble?17:13
TubuAfter I did the translation I saw that, in the menu bar, the link to the page "Meetings" have to be fixed.17:13
TubuFrom the /Fr, the "Prochaine Réunion: (details/agenda)" lead to /Meetings and not to /Fr/Réunions17:13
Tubu(the URL-name of the fr version page was already translated by previous translator)17:14
TubuI dont know how to fix that, can you checkit?17:14
Tubuor explain me how to do that?17:14
pleia2that's the page you need to edit17:15
Tubuok that the place i need to be... but now...17:15
Tubuwhat is the rule? in this case: translating "Fr/Meetings" or "Fr/Réunions"?17:17
pleia2you can link to your new page17:17
Tubuseems that (from a previous answer) it have to be "Fr/Meetings" (so renaming the page name and not changing the link...17:18
Tubunew page,ok... and after copy/paste in new page... page that would be founded under "Fr/Meetings" (and not "Fr/Réunions")... is it it?17:20
pleia2Fr/Meetings does not exist, use the one you created17:22
Tubuok, so just ajusting the link in MenuHearder17:24
pleia2yes :)17:25
Tubustill there pleia2?17:37
pleia2am at work, but yes I'm around for the moment17:37
TubuI have changed the link into the wiki code but it doesn't appear to be "registred". I emptyed the cache also.... Is there any "lag" time after changes normally?17:38
pleia2Tubu: lines that start with ## are commented out, so they don't show up in the wiki17:40
pleia2the section you want to edit is at the top of the file17:40
pleia2([[Meetings| details/agenda]]) || is still there17:40
Tubuow... tsss... ok thanks... :)17:41
pleia2sure :)17:41
Tubuvoilàààààà.... solved!17:43
TubuThanks for helping me17:43
pleia2you're welcome17:43
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