
hyperairmeh. mesa is so hard to cross-compile04:43
hyperairyou have this stupid builtin_compiler thing that needs to be built using the --build compiler, and then chattr +i, make clean to get rid of all the native object files, and make again to finish cross compiling. pfft.04:44
Sarvatthyperair: i'm hoping to have multiarch on natty and oneiric in edgers in the next week so it should be a bit easier04:45
tseliottjaalton, RAOF, Sarvatt, bryceh: do you mind if I upload a new  mesa with versioned breaks on proprietary drivers?10:45
tseliot(otherwise my new drivers won't be installable)10:45
tseliothmm... most of you must be on holiday...10:57
tseliotthe git branch looks a little confusing11:00
brycehtseliot, yes that's fine11:00
brycehtseliot, in fact Sarvatt and I were planning on trying to figure out what needed done tomorrow11:01
tseliotbryceh: I guess the last commit was not uploaded even though there's no UNRELEASED word in the changelog11:01
tseliotcommit a6aaf514c91a593d79e9ae8899798641d52d19de11:01
tselioti.e. Fix !i386 !amd64 builds by only installing i915g there, ie: where it's actually built11:02
brycehcould be; I didn't talk with raof about it11:02
tseliotbryceh: I'm wondering if it's ok to upload that change if it's not already in11:03
brycehI don't know; perhaps there was more raof needed to do?11:03
brycehcould he have uploaded it but it failed to build?11:03
tseliothad he uploaded the commit we should've seen at least something in the changelog in git11:04
tseliotbryceh: I guess they won't miss i915g on armel anyway ;)11:05
tseliotoh, wait there's something in the changelog11:06
tseliotbryceh: yes, the change is already in11:07
tseliotI'll clean up things in git too11:07
brycehyep.  $ apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-dri11:08
bryceh  Installed: 7.10.3-0ubuntu311:08
bryceh  Candidate: 7.10.3-0ubuntu311:08
brycehtseliot, any changes needed for xorg-server?11:08
tseliotbryceh: no, I don't think so. All we need is to version the breaks in Mesa (I've tested things here for a few days)11:09
tseliotjcristau: I'm getting Permission denied (publickey) when trying to push my commits. Any ideas?11:39
tseliotmy username is tseliot-guest11:40
jcristaucheck that you're using the right key?11:40
tseliotjcristau: I've certainly not changed my key for a while now11:40
jcristauwhen was the last working commit?11:43
tseliotjcristau: also, if I try to ssh into alioth.debian.org, it says that remote host identification has changed, so I'm wondering if anything changed there11:43
tseliotlet me check11:43
jcristauyes, something changed there11:43
jcristauhttp://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/05/msg00007.html http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/05/msg00008.html11:45
tseliotjcristau: it was b28a90c9a78f605d521a9ba1cda42f23ad487e1011:46
jcristauthat's not a date11:46
tseliotjcristau: sorry, Thu Dec 2 13:34:35 2010 +010011:46
jcristauyeah, so long before the move11:48
jcristautry ssh to vasks.debian.org, see what that tells you11:48
tseliotjcristau: still Permission denied (publickey)11:49
jcristauthen make sure https://alioth.debian.org/account/editsshkeys.php has the key you're trying to use11:51
jcristau(and that it's not a dsa key)11:51
tseliotjcristau: I've tried that (with RSA) but I'm still getting the same error. Shall I wait a few minutes?12:06
tjaaltontseliot: fix the hostname in .git/config12:06
tjaaltonto git.d.o12:06
tseliottjaalton: I'm using git+ssh://tseliot-guest@git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/lib/mesa.git12:08
tjaaltonok.. maybe plain ssh then?12:09
tjaaltoncan't check my config12:10
tseliotI keep getting the following:12:12
tseliotPermission denied (publickey).12:12
tseliotfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly12:12
tjaaltonok, so it's probably not related to the alioth upgrade12:13
tjaaltonat least the way i thought it was :)12:14
tseliotjcristau: I've tried creating a new ssh key and setting my ssh config file to use that but it doesn't seem to solve the problem12:31
* tseliot is starting to think that debian.org hates him12:31
jcristauthe cron to sync the keys from the db runs at the hour12:47
ScottKSarvatt: No more crashes since I installed your PPA package.13:23
tseliotok, I'll wait then13:29
tseliotjcristau, tjaalton: thanks for your help13:29
jcristauif stuff still doesn't work there's always mailto:admin@alioth.d.o or #alioth on oftc13:33
tseliotjcristau: it works now, thanks again13:39
jcristauah cool.13:40
bjsniderSarvatt, the 275 blob is still going to be a big problem because of the supported pciid script being broken right?17:54
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