
afeijoalt f2 not working00:00
afeijoI'll reinstall that vm, thanks guys, it was fun to try00:00
bekirGood night, ı shutdown my pc..00:01
securityxxxpertHey guys anybody running Gnome 3 on 11.10?00:02
Gskelligalways worry a little when I apt-get upgrade00:03
Gskelligafraid it wont boot when I restart00:03
Corey!anyone | securityxxxpert00:03
ubottusecurityxxxpert: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:03
securityxxxpertCorey:  Nice use of the bot.  You know the time you took to type that could of been an answer00:03
OerHekssecurityxxxpert, support ubuntu 11.10 in #Ubuntu+100:04
=== linux_probe is now known as LINUX_PROBE
=== LINUX_PROBE is now known as linux_probe
skylined101hi guys00:12
skylined101why /etc/crontab does not exist and how can i install this ? on ubuntu 10.0400:12
ujjainDoes mini-install 10.10 allow for console install?00:12
=== ntk1 is now known as ntkm
hiexpomaybe sudo apt-get install cron00:14
qinskylined101: less /etc/cro<TAB> and which tcontab00:15
histoskylined101: crontab -e to edit your crontab00:15
Totem-Schalter!search ssh00:16
ubottuFound: sshd, samba, vnc, openssh, screen, telnet, sftp, screen-#ubuntu-server, fuse, ssh and 5 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=ssh00:16
histoskylined101: then there is /etc/cron.d/  cron.hourly cron.daily etc...00:16
Faustus2when connecting comp A to internett through B, is it a problem that both network-cards on B has ip that starts with 10.xx.xx.x?00:18
histoFaustus2: no that's a private ip00:19
mrlHi, I was after some assistance in getting banshee to recognise my iPhone 3GS (iOS 4.1) with Banshee in 11.04. Has anyone had experience with this?00:19
Faustus2histo: hmm, then i dont know what the problem is :(00:20
gry!details | mrl00:21
ubottumrl: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:21
histoFaustus2: i would try pinging and see if it's a dns issue00:21
bwrSo, I just switched from an Nvidia GPU to an AMD GPU and X doesn't start up and I already tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that from my perspective does nothing; Any hints?00:21
histo!ati | bwr00:21
Faustus2i set the wlan0 on comp B to "Shared with other comp", what should comp A's wlan0 be set as?00:21
ubottubwr: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:21
BurninSatanI need help with my ubunto!00:22
gryHello BurninSatan, shoot. :-)00:22
Faustus2BurninSatan: try #ubunto00:22
histo!ics | Faustus200:22
ubottuFaustus2: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing00:22
debuggerHey guys00:22
grydebugger: Hello.00:22
debuggerI installed ubuntu00:22
IdleOneFaustus2: be helpful please.00:22
debuggerand i cant run Itunes00:23
grydebugger: Try in one line please.00:23
debuggerubuntu sucks00:23
debuggerit cant run itunes00:23
grydebugger: Include details, what do you mean by "can't"?00:23
FloodBot1debugger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:23
debuggerfrom my mac00:23
debuggerwhy is that?00:23
Faustus2IdleOne: i was making him LOL00:23
hiexpo!itunes | debugger00:23
ubottudebugger: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee00:23
CHiLLZitunes is a joke00:23
debuggerok then00:24
debuggerwhere is photo booth00:24
debuggerin here?00:24
BurninSatani need help with uunt!!!00:24
BurninSatanplz help!!!!!00:24
bekirWhat's your problem ?00:24
BurninSatanwell were is the ubutu src code00:25
BurninSatani want to make my own op system for my broes bday00:25
IdleOne!remaster > BurninSatan00:25
ubottuBurninSatan, please see my private message00:25
j_anon2I just did a "rm -r" by accidentally and stopped it with ctrl+z within about a second. Did it delete some of the files before stopping, or does that cancel it?00:25
mrlgry: I am running Xubuntu 11.04, banshee 2.0.1. My iPhone 3GS does not appear to be communicating with banshee. When I plug it in, I do not get any response, whereas it used to appear in the sidebar, so I can sync music with it.00:25
BurninSatansum1 repoliy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1100:26
debuggerNigga where tha fuck is that photo booth00:26
debuggeri need some shit00:26
debuggerto be done00:26
FloodBot1debugger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:26
BurninSatanwait wat photo booth00:27
BurninSatanguys help00:27
BurninSatanwats the photo boot00:27
mrlAlso, I have noticed there is much less traffic on dmesg than there used to be: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/631498/00:27
LjLBurninSatan: calm down00:27
IdleOneBurninSatan: stop with the enter key please00:27
BurninSatanwait help00:27
BurninSatanhelp me00:27
LjLBurninSatan: help you with what?00:27
mrlTo clarify, that was a 'dmesg | grep Apple', not a dmesg | tail.00:28
VCoolioj_anon2: that didn't delete anything because it had no target yet to delete; also ctrl+z pauzes a command, ctrl+c stops it00:29
BurninSatanhelp me00:29
j_anon2VCoolio, to clarify, i did "rm -r foldername". so it did delete some?00:29
BurninSatanshit, my sphincter hurts like hell!00:30
VCoolioj_anon2: then, probably yes, that folder recursively, hard to say how much00:30
draiochjust downloaded firefox-5.0.tar.bz2 and been trying to install it on latest lubuntu which has chrome as browser been looking for a good wiki for install guide or maybe its too early for that00:30
OerHeksdraioch, ff5 should be in your updates by now00:31
naryfaanybody knows if moc/mocp will be ever updated or this is as good as it gets?00:31
VCooliodraioch: and you can extract where you like and just run the firefox executable inside00:31
mhalliganHas anyone ever seen "shift: 28: can't shift that many" when trying to restart a service?00:31
draiochthanks oerheks and vcoolio which is easier for a noobish00:32
VCooliodraioch: both are easy, I guess install firefox 5 using package manager is the way to go; if you just want to try some stuff out but keep the old one with add-ons, extract and run00:33
SinnerNyxis there some way in an sh script to check if a particular network interface (eg. eth1) is up or down?00:33
qinnaryfa: Are you using 2.5?00:33
draiochdont have an old version thanks vcoolio ill try synatpic maybe thats the easiest00:34
Faustus2followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing but still cant connect to internett, nor even from comp A to B00:34
naryfaqin: yes, the one from repos00:34
VCooliowhat's recommended with notebooks? I only see ubuntu 10.04 netbook download; no xubuntu, no lubuntu netbook options; or is desktop iso fine for notebooks?00:34
qinnaryfa: It is alpha from 2009, bleeding edge it this case.00:35
naryfaqin: I also don't know how to set quick dir with a space/empty character in the folder name, escaping space with \ doesn't work00:35
mrlalso, nothing appears to show up in the terminal from banshee when I plug the iPhone in.00:35
bekirDirectBoldFearle : hello .)00:36
DirectBoldFearlei just installed Ubntu00:36
DirectBoldFearleand i cant watch pron00:36
DirectBoldFearlehow can i wacth pron?00:36
qinnaryfa: Never used quick directory, Im link (ln) addict.00:36
gryDirectBoldFearle: In Firefox...00:36
naryfaqin: I see00:36
SinnerNyxis there some way an sh script can poll to see if a particular network interface (eg eth1) is up or down?00:36
naryfaqin: ok thanks00:36
DirectBoldFearlei want internet exploder00:37
FloodBot1DirectBoldFearle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:37
DirectBoldFearlewher is internet xplorer00:37
SomelauwDirectBoldFearle: Did you install flash.00:37
bekirDirectBoldFearle:install flash player00:37
gryDirectBoldFearle: Oh, hi debugger00:37
DirectBoldFearlewheres flash plyer?00:37
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:37
khalidmianhi everyone i would like to introduce myself as a new user for the ubuntu operating system00:38
gry!guidelines > DirectBoldFearle00:38
ubottuDirectBoldFearle, please see my private message00:38
DirectBoldFearlei blocked ubottu00:38
DirectBoldFearlebecause i got scared00:38
VCooliokhalidmian: for chat, ubuntuforums.org cafe section, or #ubuntu-offtopic, but welcome :)00:38
mrlDon't feed the trolls.00:39
mhalliganwow dash is a piece of crap00:39
gryWhat is dash?00:39
VCooliogry: shell, like bash or zsh, theres differences like with everything on linux00:40
qinVCoolio: I think it was about part of Unity00:41
jwashis there a way to bind x11vnc to xrdp rather than xvnc?00:41
jjgalvez__I need to rebuild my computer and I wanted to save my software sources. I know I can just backup the sources.list.d folder and the sources.list file, but how do you back up the authentication keys?00:42
KombuchaKipHey folks. I am running Maverick (amd64) and as of this morning, my music seems to stutter regardless if I play with Rhythmbox or mplayer, and same via pulse or alsa. The only updated packages I've pulled are for typesetting and firefox.00:42
marcusklaashow is that possible00:43
rwpI assume that Ubuntu Jaunty has been removed.  Does Ubuntu move things to an archive when they are out of support?  If so where might I find Jaunty packages these days?00:44
marcusklaaswhy wouldn't you upgrade mate ;o00:44
LjLrwp: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/00:45
rwpLjL, Excellent.  Exactly what I needed.  Thanks!00:46
VCoolioqin: I now think so too :) not into that yet00:46
LjLsamuel: please no spamming00:46
cognificentis there a way to mimic windows 7's left-half and right-half screen resizing hotkeys?00:47
cognificentwindow resizing, rather00:48
qincognificent: compiz, grid plugin00:48
qincognificent: Or tiling wm00:48
superfly__is there a package of card games that I can download that has games like Rummy and Euchre in it?  What about Crazy Eights?00:48
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/00:49
VCooliocognificent: or wmctrl like here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1608049&highlight=wmctrl00:50
GotoroAnyone have time for a quick question?00:50
KombuchaKipNew Ubuntu sci-fi game in the works: https://www.avaneya.com00:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:50
cognificentVCoolio, qin: Thanks!00:51
GotoroAnyone know why I /SET use_ssl ON is not a valid command if I have OpenSSL installed?00:51
ylmfossup guys00:52
ylmfosim outa here because nobody LIKES ME!!!00:52
ion_I don't know whether you guys can help me out but if you00:52
ion_can't at least poit me out the right direction, please ..00:53
hiexpoask and find out00:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:53
ion_I need to learn how to make dump analysis in hex ...00:53
ion_any book any00:54
jjgalvez__how can I backup apt's software sources and authentication keys?00:54
=== Auriel_ is now known as Auriel
histojjgalvez__: well there is /etc/apt/sources.list  for your source list?  or do you mean the packages?00:54
jjgalvez__histo: yep that's what I mean the source.list, that I know about but that won't backup the athentication keys so how do you back that up?00:55
wildbat1ion_: don't thing it is ubuntu related ~ if you are looking for tools to view in hex there is ghex2, otherwise kinda offtopic.00:55
ion_wildbat1:without any tools just using the dump program...00:57
ion_wildbat1:I know is not but please point me the right direction ...00:57
histojjgalvez__: you just have to find where they are registered. I'm not sure why you would want to back them up00:57
D3RGPS31How do I stop using the characters ´ and ¨, and return to using what their normal alternatives are (us keyboard)00:58
=== wildbat1 is now known as wildbat
D3RGPS31I have to hit the key twice to get a character >.>00:58
grymskaftHi I've got a question...  After my latest update the Unity desktop i gone an I can only get Classic desktop..00:58
histojjgalvez__: let me check something hold up00:58
VCoolioD3RGPS31: keyboard preferences, choose something without dead keys00:59
grymskaftDoes anyone know how to get the Unity desktop back??00:59
histojjgalvez__: check /var/lib/apt/lists/00:59
histojjgalvez__: looks like there are some gpg's in there01:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:00
jjgalvez__histo: I need to rebuild my system. I was planning on making a list of installed packages to restore it. To do that I need to back up the source.list file, but I also need the authentication keys otherwise apt is going to complain every time its run until all the source are added correctly01:00
D3RGPS31VCoolio: itś system-wide >.>01:00
histojjgalvez__: also check in /etc/apt/ there are some gpg's in there01:00
histojjgalvez__: no you can just generate a list of installed packagess01:01
histojjgalvez__: do you have 3rd party repositories enabled?01:01
jjgalvez__yes I do have third party repositories enabled01:02
superfly__holy smokes, thanks to the bot in here.  i didn't realize there were so many games NOT NAMED SOLITAIRE OR FROZEN TUX for linux o_001:03
histojjgalvez__: I would backup yoru sources list and try to find the keys. i believe you could add them to the new box with keyserver then use dpkg --get-selection to generate a list of all the installed packages.01:03
grysuperfly__: Sounds great.01:03
PinHi everyone, I need help!, how can i hide the Ubuntu 11.04 Sidebar?01:04
jjgalvez__histo: I guess that is what I am trying to figure out how to do. How would I use keyserver to add the keys back?01:04
histojjgalvez__: basically once the repos are sorted out. dpkg --get-selections > somefile  on the old machine and dpkg --set-selections < somefile on the new machine01:04
gryPin, clarify please01:04
PinThe sidebar01:05
Pinthe launcher sidebar that comes default with ubuntu 1101:05
PinHow do i hide it?01:05
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.01:05
histojjgalvez__: then sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade01:05
gry!classc | pin01:05
ujjainHow come whne I one time dont want recommends installed, my apt-get stops solving depdencies?01:05
gry!classic | pin01:05
ubottupin: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".01:05
PinNo i dont want to switchback01:05
PinI just want to hide it01:05
Pinso its not in the way01:05
histojjgalvez__: you could also backup the /var/cache/apt/archives/ and copy all the debs over01:06
gryyou'll have no taskbar then you realise?01:06
PinI said Hide, not erase01:06
D3RGPS31How do I stop using the characters ´ and ¨, and return to using what their normal alternatives are (us keyboard), itś system-wide01:06
jjgalvez__histo: right that will install everything from the list, assuming I have all the package sources added correctly01:06
grydo you want to auto-sow it on mouse hover, Pin ?01:06
gryauto-show *01:06
LjLPin: i can say it's possible from gconf or from some other tweak tool i don't remember the name of, however right now i can't check exactly how it's done01:06
pc500%Tunnel0 is linked to a VRF. Enable IPv6 on that VRF first.01:07
pc500How do I do this?01:07
pc500I have upv6 unicast routing enabled globally.01:07
histojjgalvez__: correct. This is the problem with 3rd party repos01:07
superfly__wouldn't it be incredible if game publishers were completely on board with linux?  wait ... make that printer manufacturers ;)01:07
jjgalvez__histo: I thought of that too but I get stuck with how to make sure I have all sources configured right, or do I just need to make a list of all the packages and add them with apt-add-repository01:07
spacebug-Pin: install compizconfig-settings-manager then start ccsm and gå to "desktop->ubuntu unity plugin" in that program. There changed "hide launcher" to "auto hide"01:07
pc500under the vrf I had "Address-family ipv4", but there is no ipv6 option01:07
gryPin see http://maketecheasier.com/autohide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-natty/2011/04/2001:07
grymskaftDoes'nt the sidebar auto hide when you maximize a window???01:07
PinThank you spacebug & gry01:08
grygrymskaft you can set that, see the URL please01:08
PinProblem resolved thank you spacebug / gry01:08
jjgalvez__histo: Thanks for the help and advice, I think I know how to do it now, I am just going to have to add the 3rd party repos manually before I do the restore from the list01:08
* Pin cheers01:09
histo!clone | jjgalvez__01:09
ubottujjgalvez__: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:09
histojjgalvez__: ahh hah i new the bot trigger was around here somewhere01:09
histojjgalvez__: although that's a more difficult way of doing it. I like the dpkg way more.01:09
grymskaftHow do I my lost unity desktop back??01:10
jkupwhy would you want unity back is the real question xD01:10
grymskaftbecause I like it...  much better than cassic01:11
jjgalvez__histo: cool thanks but I think I like the dpkg way better too, seems simplier01:11
bazhanggrymskaft, what about alt f2 unity --replace01:11
pc500Does anyone have a cisco 72xx nearby?01:11
pc500Do vrf defintioin blah; address-family ?  do you have an ipv6 option?01:11
bazhangpc500, related to ubuntu somehow?01:11
pc500crap wrong channel01:11
pc500sorry guys01:11
grymskaftIt got lost after my latest updates, when i logged in after the reboot it was gone and I got classic again....01:13
danhorniblowHey people01:13
cgrozahello, I am running natty and I would like to upgrade to Oneiric to test it. Is it possible to do it via update manager.01:13
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:13
D3RGPS31fixed my keyboard issue; i'm also having an issue with my wireless adapter, broadcom 4322, specifically 432b; installed broadcom-sta-common/source, compiled the source provided, and installed it, but wlan0 doesn't appear and it doesn't appear in lsmod01:14
danhorniblowdoes anyone here know how to setup .htaccess files?01:14
scriptwarlockcgroza,  you want to try 11.10 alt+f2 and type update-manager -d01:15
aplundis there a ppa for the 275 nvidia drivers in 11.04?01:17
kingofswordsive just dled a x-executable/application file , when i click it it opens a 'lauch app' box...how do i install this?01:18
D3RGPS31i have a broadcom 432b wireless adapter, and it doesn't work. *badum tss*01:18
jkupif you EVER have trouble sounding condescending, ask a linux user, theyll show you how its done01:18
=== matt_ is now known as Guest66026
j_anon2I SSHed into one server and ran a wget recursive command to copy a directory via ftp from a different server. If I close the command line window on my current computer (the guest computer i used to ssh into the server), will it stop copying?01:19
jribj_anon2: yes01:20
j_anon2jrib: then can i "pause" and resume the command?01:20
jaanaj_anon2, you may want to use screen01:20
j_anon2"use screen"?01:21
jribj_anon2: in the future use screen or tmux.  You can probably get away with just disowning the job at this point01:21
kingofswordshow do i make a file executabl?e01:21
qinj_anon2: If its 32bit, try retty for detach/attach process.01:21
jrib!permissions > kingofswords01:21
ubottukingofswords, please see my private message01:21
kingofswordstoo much info01:23
jribkingofswords: huh?01:23
scriptwarlockkingofswords, right click that file and go to permission find the little box named execute and tick that one01:23
qinkingofswords: chmod 700 your/file01:23
kingofswordsoh that link01:23
jribkingofswords: yes, read it01:23
noisewaterphdhe is trying to double click a script to launch it01:23
=== DeertyS is now known as DirtyS
kingofswordsall i want to know is what to type?01:23
jribkingofswords: read it so you can understand what you are doing01:23
kingofswordsdo i type01:23
kingofswordschmod +x cacaoweb.linux?01:23
noisewaterphdjust use the cli, go to dir, ./yourfile01:23
kingofswordsim in the dir and when i click it it opens a 'lauch application' box01:24
znhHi. I'm about to download Ubuntu. The website recommends 32-bit. but I do have 4 Gb of ram and a 64bit cpu. what should I do?01:25
jrib64 <-- for the tie-break01:26
noisewaterphd64 all the way01:26
kingofswordsyou can get a program that allows you to use 4gb on 32 bit...but 64 is pain in the arse01:26
jribkingofswords: why is 64 a "pain in the arse"?01:26
qinznh: 64, less battery life, some packages do not have 64 version, but still 64 is better.01:26
noisewaterphdif you really actually end up needing 32 compat you can just install the ia libs later01:26
kingofswordsalot of packages dont have 64 bit versions01:26
jribkingofswords: like?01:26
PinOMG, I installed Compiz and I enabled Desktop Cube and now my windows have no borders01:26
noisewaterphdsee above01:26
znhis 64 as stable as 32?01:27
kingofswordsgod knows01:27
qinjrib: retty01:27
Pinit messed up my ubuntu unity01:27
jribretty, any others?01:27
qinjrib: Not to my knowledge ;)01:27
chrisfznh: i have had no trouble with 6401:28
bazhangkingofswords, thats just not true01:28
znhIt's for desktop usage. Netbeans/Firefox/Music01:28
jribznh: while some packages do not have 32 bit versions, I'd argue they are packages that most would not miss. I'd recommend you use 64bit01:28
kingofswordsok...ive had troubles with 64...and wished i had 32 now01:28
znhI'd prefer stability over speed01:28
Pinhelp my desktop is swiss cheese , I installed compiz and enabled Desktop cube in Ubuntu 11.04 and now my desktop is messed up01:28
Pini have no borders01:28
bazhangkingofswords, then reinstall01:28
Pinno x button or minimize buttons either!01:28
noisewaterphdthere are no stability issues with 64 bit01:28
kingofswordstoo much hassle01:29
bazhangPin, try alt f2 metacity --replace01:29
bazhang!enter | Pin01:29
ubottuPin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:29
kingofswordsi cant open
noisewaterphdhell even the flash plugin is 64bit now, and if you do manage to find a 32bit only app then just install the 32 bit ia libs and its a non issue01:29
Pinbazhang, I did that thanks, but now my bar dissapeared01:30
Pinmy panel bar01:30
Pinand ubuntu sidebar dissapeared01:30
Pinnow Alt+F2 doesnt work anymore01:30
kingofswordsi dont think flash works so great in 64 bit01:30
almostrootI just tossed USB drives with bootable Fedora to 22 high school kids and taught them how to mount drives and reset "lost" passwords.01:31
gwelymernanyo al01:31
qinPin: Is it unity?01:31
gwelymernani mean01:31
bazhangkingofswords, sure it does. did you have an actual support question?01:31
chrisfkingofswords: works fine here01:31
Pini did the metacity --replace you told me to do01:31
almostrootDual booted with Ubuntu*01:31
D3RGPS31i have a broadcom 432b wireless adapter, installed broadcom-sta-common, and it doesn't work :/01:31
PinQin yes im using Ubuntu 11.04 unity01:31
kingofswordsmaybe its my pc...01:31
bazhangPin, stop hitting the enter key so often01:31
qinPin: Alt-Ctrl-t ?01:31
PinOk Alt-ctrl-t worked01:32
RudyValencia-Is there a different Web-based tool I can install to control my system other than Webmin?01:32
kingofswordsanyway its just my opion on 64...im newb so dont take my advice whoever asked question01:32
eb3ha4elWhat is difference between total size of file and size on disk?01:32
D3RGPS31RudyValencia-: monit01:32
PinWhat do I type in the terminal qin?01:32
bazhang!ot | kingofswords01:32
ubottukingofswords: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:32
qinPin: Before you loguot/login, try unity --replace01:32
bleethey can anyone help me write a quick shell script01:32
bazhangbleet, to do what01:33
noisewaterphdbleet: no quicker than google can01:33
RudyValencia-D3RGPS31: I'm looking for something like a Netgear or Linksys router has - a Web interface to control my router server01:33
bleetit runs lzma on selected files from right click menu01:33
histoRudyValencia-: webmin or phpmyadmin etc..01:34
Coreybleet: "Right click menu" and "shell script" go together like peanut butter and tuna fish.01:34
bleetdont getch01:34
RudyValencia-I'm using Webmin right now but it's lacking in network administration - notably, configuring iptables to allow certain traffic through01:34
histoRudyValencia-: http://www.webmin.com/01:34
D3RGPS31should i just chuck my bcm4322 wireless adapter :/01:34
histoRudyValencia-: hrm..01:34
RudyValencia-I don't know what rules I need to allow IPsec traffic from my mobile phone to my ADSL connection01:34
histoD3RGPS31: they work with firmware01:34
RudyValencia-I think I'll go back to the way my systems were before - behind a Netgear router.01:35
D3RGPS31histo: i've used what tools are provided me, and i can't get it to work01:35
histoRudyValencia-: ebox or google webmin alternatives01:35
histo!broadcom | D3RGPS3101:35
ubottuD3RGPS31: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:35
Pin1hey qin i did unity --replace01:36
Pin1I have my panel, and launcher bar back, but the windows still have no borders, no X button , no minimize button etc01:36
D3RGPS31histo: thank you01:36
tjk11where is the filmware for wireless connection01:37
histotjk11: what card ar eyou trying to use?01:37
tjk11umm one sec01:37
fiberHi... I was wondering if anyone knew of an app similar to http://mac.github.com/... of particular interest is the checking all of my git repositories for updates01:38
histotjk11: lspci will show you01:38
bazhangfiber, apt-cache search git turns up a number01:39
Pin1Help, my Ubuntu 11.04 windows have no borders, I was messing with Compiz and the border dissapeared01:40
fiberbazhang: for sure... just wondering if anyone had any familiarity with them and could recommend one in particular01:41
bazhangfiber, depends on your needs I suppose, not familiar with the mac one01:41
roberthow do i change rooms?01:41
bazhangrobert, what client01:42
bazhangfiber what about bzr01:42
historobert: /join #roomname01:42
fiberbazhang: it's brand new and waayyy to packed for me... I really just want some notification when any of my repositories in ~/projects are out of date with respect to origin/master01:42
Pin1Help, my Ubuntu 11.04 windows have no borders, I was messing with Compiz and the border dissapeared. How do I restore my Unity back to how it was, with all the borders and everything01:42
roberttrying to get to java room01:42
historobert: /j #java01:42
bazhangrobert, /j ##java01:42
administ1atorhey everyone01:43
robertsays it is invite only01:43
fiberbazhang: screw it... I'll just make one and put it on github01:43
bazhangPin1, what does "messing with compiz" mean please be clear01:43
bazhangrobert, register then01:43
=== administ1ator is now known as MattR-Ubuntu
bazhangrobert /j #freenode for that01:43
Pin1Like I said before, I enabled Desktop cube, but then it conflicted with ubuntu unity plugin01:44
hiexpo!register > robert01:44
ubotturobert, please see my private message01:44
bazhangPin1, your posts are very hard to read as you keep using the enter key, and not giving full info01:44
Pin1What information do you want to know01:44
bazhangPin1, all on *one* line01:45
Pin1What do you want to know?01:45
tjk11i need help with setting up my wireless i have this wireless card: Dell Wireless WLAN 1397 Half MiniCard (4312bg)01:46
hiexpoPin1, your problem and what you did in one post01:46
Meshezabeelthe #ubunto channel is by invite only so I had to come here01:47
hiexpoMeshezabeel, this is the ububtu channel01:47
Pin1The problem : I have no window borders, X buton, minimize button, its all gone. What i did : I went to compiz, and enabled desktop cube, It said it had to disable desktop wall in order for it to work, Then i clicked disable desktop wall, but then i got a popup saying that desktop wall was part of unity and had to be on for unity to work, something like that, but i enabled desktopcube anyways, But my windows borders dissapeared01:48
bazhangPin1, /join #compiz01:48
hiexpoPin1, go back into compiz and re enable desktop wall than01:49
eb3ha4eldoes anyone use Ubuntu one? did it work properly?01:49
spacebug-eb3ha4el: not for me01:50
eb3ha4elspacebug: not for me either..01:50
Pin1Hiexpo I did, and nothing happened, then i disabled Unity Plugin and reenabled and nothing happened01:50
spacebug-bigger files get uploaded 100% according to indicator/u1sdtool but they never get finished01:50
scriptwarlockhello! | TMechanic01:50
TMechanichi ppl wifi wireless works from 74% right?01:51
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TMechanicim doing the test01:51
TMechanicin ubuntu01:51
TMechanicthanks to my neightboor01:51
dankestI'm getting the following error when I try to update my iptables: iptables-restore v1.4.4: iptables-restore: unable to initialize table 'filter'01:53
dankest5:51 PM01:53
dankestError occurred at line: 101:53
dankest5:51 PM01:53
dankestTry `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore --help' for more information.01:53
dankest5:51 PM01:53
dankestHas any encountered this before?01:53
FloodBot1dankest: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:53
Meshezabeelhiexpo: oh, I didn't want ububtu, I wanted ubunto01:53
qinTMechanic: Does your neightboor have open wifi access point.01:54
dankestI'm getting the following error when I try to update my iptables: "iptables-restore v1.4.4: iptables-restore: unable to initialize table 'filter'"  Has anyone dealt with this before?01:54
TMechanicno haha01:54
TMechanici broken it01:54
fossconnhow can I append all .csv files in a folder? They are sortable by file name.01:55
qinfossconn: Append? You mean write more data to it, or change names?01:56
fossconnjoin the files01:57
fossconnmerge them into 1 big file01:57
qincat *.csv >> onebiggie01:58
fossconnJoin is the bad word I guess, I don't mean "inner join" I simply mean "append"01:58
qinNot sure how cat see order of files, tho.01:58
=== SinNyx is now known as SinnerNyx
fossconn[wln320@fs0 res]$ *.csv >> onebiggie01:59
fossconn-bash: ./td.val.00000000-00016145.csv: Permission denied01:59
fossconnI can vim them01:59
qinfossconn: touch test (in same folder)02:00
fossconnI gave all +x seems to run now02:00
qinfossconn: onebiggie neew +w02:00
fossconnlol this takes forever -.-02:00
SinnerNyxok so how do I send an expression to grep? I want it to match the following:  -> ../sites-available/.*-wan$02:01
SinnerNyxit keeps interpretting -> as one argument and the rest as another02:01
SinnerNyxI tried quotes and stuff02:01
fossconnso I need to make en empty oneBiggie?02:02
qinSinnerNyx: Is not /sites-... directory?02:02
fossconn[wln320@fs0 res]$ chmod +w onebiggie02:02
fossconnchmod: cannot access `onebiggie': No such file or directory02:02
qinfossconn: You should not if directory have write permission.02:02
qinfossconn: touch onebiggie02:03
fossconn[wln320@fs0 res]$ *.csv >> onebiggie02:03
fossconn-bash: ./td.val.00000000-00016145.csv: Permission denied02:03
fossconnguess its the .csv files that don't have access ?02:03
qinfossconn: touch onebiggie02:04
fossconnI did this qin02:04
fossconnbut then it gave the error I just printed02:04
trismfossconn: you are trying to execute the .csv files, try instead, say: cat *.csv > onebiggie; or for FILE in *.csv; do cat $FILE >> onebiggie; done02:05
qinfossconn: ok, cat *.csv >> ~/onebiggie ????02:05
bleetcan some one tell me how to get just the last part of the path form the first path in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS02:05
trismfossconn: as qin suggested a while ago, but you forgot the command 'cat'02:06
fossconnI will try cat *.csv >> ../onebiggie02:06
qinfossconn: Since you cannot write there, good idea.02:06
fossconncat *.csv >> ../onebiggie seems to work!02:06
copumpkincan anyone point me at the sshd package download for 11.04? I need to get it onto a machine that doesn't have network connectivity right now so I can dpkg it02:08
qinbleet: cut?02:08
bleetqin: script02:08
Valentine1why it says access denied in terminal? http://pastebin.com/ka0JZnuU02:09
tjk11i need help setting up my wireless internet02:09
qinbleet: Cannot see  $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS output, but cut (and tr) are very userfrendly, also sed, but you would want /j ##sed02:09
cablopi am running Lucid in an old board, dated 1999 in the BIOS, should i chould ACPI or APM in the BIOS?02:10
=== dave is now known as Guest67110
bleetqin: i am using in the right click menu to do something .. any quick example of one of those for me?02:10
snakepit_someone know how to install GNOME 3 in Ubuntu 11.04 ?02:11
snakepit_Unity doesnt works fine02:11
snakepit_Hello, anybody alive ?02:12
cablopsnakepit_: start ubuntu in classic mode, then test if your isues are gone that way, then if you know your issues are ust Unity issues look for a ppa with gnome3, but gnome 3 is considered unstable for ubuntu02:12
trismValentine1: the script is probably not executable, try: chmod +x /home/aaqil/Desktop/Programming/dex2jar/dex2jar.sh; then try the script again02:12
tjk11can anyone help me set up wireless internet?02:13
snakepit_thx cablop02:13
scriptwarlocksnakepit_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/22946/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-gnome-302:13
scriptwarlocksnakepit_, if you can wait for 11.10 much better02:13
cablopsnakepit_: an advice gnome 3 could dissapoint you too02:13
Valentine1tjk11: go to edit connections02:14
solomonichey I have a quick question02:14
tjk11valentine1, ok02:14
snakepit_11.10 will come with GNOME 3 installed ?02:14
solomonicwhich is better LinuxMint or ubuntu02:14
solomonicsnakepit_: no02:14
Valentine1tjk11: then, in wireless tab can you see something?02:15
snakepit_so, scriptwarlock why do you see its better if i wait the 11.10 ubuntu version ?02:15
tjk11valentine1: no02:15
snakepit_see = said02:15
cablopsolomonic: depends in what you define as best, about some restricted drivers and other sw linuxmint, afaik, mint didn't came with that annoying unity02:15
scriptwarlocksolomonic, taste solomonic02:15
qinbleet: echo $PATH | cut -f 1 -d : | cut -f 3 -d "/" (not sure is format same and -f fieldnumber may need to be adjusted)02:15
bleetqin: thanks ill give it a go02:16
solomonicwhen I say best i mean, " look/feel"02:16
scriptwarlocksnakepit_, no pm pls02:16
snakepit_so, why do you said to wait 11.10 ?02:17
bazhangsnakepit_, yes it will. ignore snakepit_02:17
scriptwarlocksnakepit_, stability02:17
bazhangsnakepit_, sorry ignore solomonic02:17
qinbleet: But, am i wrong, or ti will be always same value?02:18
bleetwill alway be different02:18
solomonicbazhang: what are u talking about?02:18
snakepit_ok, thanks02:18
bazhangsolomonic, dont POLL here02:18
solomonicby asking what's best?02:18
bazhangsnakepit_, #ubuntu+1 for 11.1002:18
bazhangsolomonic, correct02:19
solomonicwhere should I go to "poll" ?02:19
bazhangsolomonic, #ubuntu-bots02:19
cabloprunning ubuntu on al old board, what is better to use APM or APIC?02:19
bazhangscriptwarlock, ?02:19
solomonicpeople on irc are strict02:19
snakepit_bazhang, ok i'll wait it02:19
solomonicbazhang: u made ubuntu?02:19
scriptwarlocksorry supposed to be replied on empathy02:19
bazhangsolomonic, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic02:20
afatycaoxiaomin is chinese?02:20
solomonicbazhang: thanks02:20
afatyme too~02:20
chrisfcablop: (assuming you meant ACPI) -- if ACPI works correctly, use it02:20
snakepit_how can i speak to someone specific in IRC ?02:20
chrisfsnakepit_: /msg someone blah02:21
qinsnakepit_: try baz<02:21
bazhangsnakepit_, ask here for support ask before you PM02:21
cablopoh yes ACPI02:21
bazhang!cn | caoxiaomin02:21
ubottucaoxiaomin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。02:21
cablopthanks chrisf02:21
bazhangafaty, english here only02:21
afatyOh, sorry.02:22
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afatyBei jing.02:22
bazhangafaty, #ubuntu-cn for chinese, caoxiaomin you too02:22
* caoxiaomin what02:22
* caoxiaomin_ what02:22
MrBushidoin the butt02:22
bazhangcaoxiaomin, /join #ubuntu-cn02:22
Nobgul-bnc!cn | caoxiaomin02:22
ubottucaoxiaomin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。02:22
afatyThank you.02:23
tyler_dhow do I get alsa mixer to show up as a sound in the doc? currently I have nothing and my volume controls on my keyboard do not work?02:23
bazhangcaoxiaomin, please02:23
afatyBut But too few people online in China, so I prefer the English Channel02:23
fossconnhmm does not work :P02:24
fossconnbut thanks a lot !02:24
* fossconn bows deeply02:24
afatybazhang is chinese too?02:24
scriptwarlockafaty, much better if you ask in english :)02:24
bazhangafaty, did you have an ubuntu support question?02:25
afatyOK, I speak in English.02:25
qinfossconn: You really could give example of your variable.02:25
bazhangafaty, this room is for support only NOT for chat02:25
bazhangafaty, ?02:25
fossconnMy variable?02:25
fossconnthe qin variable? XD02:26
fossconn++ ?02:26
qinfossconn: Thought you are bleet02:26
fossconnThat is something in the economic channel, you can ++ helpful users, enough++ gets you channel admin :P02:26
afatyI have no problem in ubuntu, but I want to see someone else here to ask questions and solve problems, or help others solve problems02:26
fossconnbleet? XD02:27
bazhangafaty, thats fine. but please keep the chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic02:27
afatyMy English is poor does not mean my technique is poor.02:27
bazhang!ot | afaty02:28
ubottuafaty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:28
alan_Trying to use WinKey+Shift+N (N=1,2,3,4) for Keyboard shortcuts for "move window to workspace N".  Doesn't work in 10.04 nor in 11.04.  Worked in cat /etc/issue02:28
qinfossconn: What was wrong? formatting? can you: cat file1.csv >> ../test && cat file2.csv >> ../test ???02:28
cablopi have a real problem here02:28
bazhangcablop, with what02:28
fossconnNo, it works totally fine! And I'm really happy with the result.02:29
cablopi mount the luks devices, then appears an extra one i didn't added on purpose called sdaX_crypt_unformatted02:29
bthorntonRunning ubuntu 11.04/gnome classic... my windows don't have title bars and I can't move/resize them. I know compiz is still running b/c I can change workspaces... how do I get my window titles back?02:29
afatyBut I can stay in this channel, I do not speak02:30
bazhangbthornton, using gtk-window-decorator ?02:30
cablopbthornton: run in a console `compiz-decorator --replace &`02:30
qinfossconn: 02:24 <     fossconn > hmm does not work :P  [???]02:30
bthorntonokay, just tried gtk-window-decorator and compiz-decorator...02:31
bthorntonI can see my window titles now02:31
cablopbthornton: then use the compiz config manager to change the default value of the now-tied-to-uniti gtk-window-decorator for the line i provided you02:31
bthorntonbut can't move the windows.02:31
elekhow do i remove x and all its components (gtk/gnome/kde libs/etc)?02:31
cablopnow you need to go and use the compiz config an enable the move option02:31
bthorntonaha success!!02:31
qinelek: Remove, mean permanently?02:31
bthorntonthanks guys!02:31
cablopdon't use compiz fusion icon02:32
cablopit will mess your compiz in 11.0402:32
elekwell, just delete them.. so yeah permanently02:32
bthorntonyeah I messed up all sorts of things with compiz lately... it all started when I tried to enable wobbly windos and my desktop cube02:32
Nobgul-bncelek, a lot of other programs will use gtk, if you remove it may be bad02:32
bthorntonall just went downhill from there02:32
qinelek: It will be more effective (and faster) to reinstall to server edition.02:33
elekNobgul-bnc: i dont need x on this install.. not going to run a vnc and no direct access to it02:33
cablopbthornton: anyone who tried to run 11.04 without unity regreted02:33
Nobgul-bncelek, but the backend libs are still shared02:33
cablopelek: but, why you want to delete that? just disable it02:33
Nobgul-bncelek, is what i ment. As bthornton suggest reformat into server would be a better idea in my opinion02:34
elekit was originally a server install.. but some jackass installed xubuntu-desktop packages on it02:34
cyperbghello, I installed Hardware Sensors Monitor but is there a way to find out which temperature to what sensor corresponds?02:34
bazhangelek, or just use puregnome and dont install kubuntu-desktop02:34
Nobgul-bncthen just sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop02:34
cablopelek but it won't hurt02:35
bazhang!purekde | elek02:35
ubottuelek: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »02:35
cablopjust disable the gdm thing02:35
=== bunny is now known as Guest10408
cablopor kdm or xdm02:35
Nobgul-bncerrr xubuntu-desktop i am sorry02:35
bazhangelek, correction dont install ubuntu-desktop in the link02:35
=== Guest10408 is now known as o_oll
o_ollCan someone help me with some very simple bash? I'm not sure what's going wrong here: http://pastebin.com/gbJsBwQP02:35
elekpackage not found02:35
bazhangelek, check the link I sent02:35
Nobgul-bncelek, 1 second ill get you the proper command02:35
elekokay, going to check it out02:35
bazhangNobgul-bnc, that will not do it02:36
cablopuninstall <>ubuntu-dektop won't help, those are empty packages02:36
bazhang!metapackage | Nobgul-bnc02:36
ubottuNobgul-bnc: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.02:36
cablopelek just disable the xdm or gdm or kdm services and voila02:36
Nobgul-bncaudo apt-get remove x-window-system-core xserver-xorg gnome-desktop-environment02:36
o_oll*actually sh not just bash02:36
cyperbganyone know how to add to the panel a sensor for my Ati GPU?02:36
Nobgul-bncbazhang, ok =) i think i have removed it that way before. I may be wrong.02:37
cablopelek if they are performing some work with gui they'll need it02:37
o_ollor does anyone know a better chat to ask about bash?02:37
bazhangNobgul-bnc, you are mistaken02:37
elekthanks Nobgul-bnc!02:37
cablopelek, and if you are working with other tech stuff ask them to use a log system to track what is done on the system and why02:37
caoxiaominwhat is ubuntu?02:37
o_ollbazhang I'm not sure how in the world i didn't think of that =P02:37
Nobgul-bncelek, I would be more worried about who got into your server and installed it. and who u gave access to02:37
o_ollbazhang thanks02:37
FloodBot1o_oll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:38
elekit was a friend who wanted to setup a vnc02:38
cablopwell vnc is for gui02:38
cablopi prefer nx02:38
qino_oll: But I think $current visit awk too often.02:39
pr0tonwhats a good way to improve knowledge of bash?02:41
pr0toni know basic stuff02:41
pr0tonmore than basic i guess..02:41
bazhang!abs | pr0ton02:41
ubottupr0ton: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:41
Nobgul-bncthere is a boot in the topic i think02:41
pr0tonthanks bazhang02:42
RedRobotpr0ton: there is also #bash02:44
pr0tonRedRobot, ok02:44
=== anon187 is now known as sifon187_lx
alan_Trying to use WinKey+Shift+N (N=1,2,3,4) for Keyboard shortcuts for "move window to workspace N".  Doesn't work in 10.04 nor in 11.04.  Worked in 8.04 with Keyboard>Layout>Options>Alt/Win key behaviour>Super is mapped to the Win Keys.  But that option is not in these newer releases.02:45
copumpkinanyone know why I don't have the libboost-all-dev package available on my brand new 11.04 install?02:46
bazhang!es | prospero_02:48
ubottuprospero_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:48
WXZI installed libvte-doc, how do I view it?02:49
marc_try: dpkg -L libvte-doc02:51
WXZmarc_: it gives me a list of all the files installed02:52
WXZit's a series of documents, I'm looking for some kind of interface which parses them and presents them in a visual form02:53
WXZhmmm, they seem to just be htmls02:54
tjk11can anyone help me set up my wireless internet?02:54
o_oll#bash does not like novice questions :/ I'm studying the guides they linked me to but I'm just not getting it without someone pointing me in the right direction. Is there a channel for learning this kind of thing?02:54
bazhang!wifi | tjk1102:54
ubottutjk11: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:54
bazhango_oll, abs-guide?02:55
o_oll#bashfordummies or something?02:55
bazhang!abs | o_oll this?02:55
ubottuo_oll this?: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:55
marc_MXZ: try with firefox: firefox /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/vte/index.html02:56
smerdykovhi everybody, I just broke my ubuntu 11.04 install and I'm not sure how02:57
_ythonany one experiencing hang as such there is no response from keyboard or mouse but other programs seems to be running like for e.g. music02:58
smerdykovIt boots to the login screen, I enter my information and select the session (which doesn't make a difference) the screen goes dark, and it loops back to the login02:58
o_ollbazhang, not that one. Looking at: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide02:58
* _ython running 11.0402:58
o_ollbazhang http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuideThanks for the other link I'll look over it, too.02:58
EvilMogmild annoyance with new ubuntu 11.04 vs 10.04 LTS,  specifically around Mpich,  anybody have experience with Mpich2, Hyrdra and JTR?  I'm having problems getting my newly upgraded JTR cluster to do a crypto run, and mpdboot no longer exists for diagnostics03:03
NujeyHow can I remap my keyboard?03:04
WXZNujey: system > preferences > keyboard03:05
NujeyWXZ: you happen to know how to do it from the command line?03:05
jAyenGreenif a user accidentally created a symbolic link with a name of the form this/file ... how do I delete it? rm just tells me that it's not a directory03:06
viiihey, is there anyway to disable charging?03:07
syntaxxi am wondering if you can install .deb files without answering the dialog questionaire?03:09
tjk11what should i do if my wireless card is not supported?03:09
izinucssyntaxx: you mean "provide your password?"03:09
bazhangtjk11, what chipset lspci in terminal to tell us03:10
cabloptjk11: try to get linux drivers from the hw manufacturer, try to find some open source drivers, try to use ndiswrapper03:10
bazhangtjk11, paste.ubuntu.com to share that info here03:10
syntaxxizinucs, no i wanted to install a .deb files but i dont want the deb files to ask questions like you see a dialog blue screen03:10
joesephI am looking for a cheap ($20-$25) wireless PCI adapter that works out of the box (or with jockey) in ubuntu.  Suggestions?03:10
bazhangjoeseph, intel/atheros broadcom03:11
izinucssyntaxx: not sure what a dialog blue screen is.. from terminal dpkg -i <package name>03:11
bazhangjoeseph, thats three03:11
syntaxxizinucs, yeah but after that it shows something like a debconf03:12
joesephbazhang:   Any specific model recommendations?03:12
syntaxxizinucs, like i need to input the server etc etc for the automatic configurations03:12
bazhangjoeseph, most will do afaik03:12
izinucssyntaxx: what are you installing?03:12
syntaxxizinucs, im installing libpam-heimdal from a .deb file03:12
cablopsyntaxx: some packages are meant to be configured, no way to avloid it03:13
cablopie mysql servr, it will ask you for a root password for the databases03:13
syntaxxcablop, hmm so does it mean it cant be configured using kickstart?03:14
izinucssyntaxx: sounds like a deb you downloaded.. you should only use it if it's not in the repositories.. aside from that if it asks for info after the dpkg then that's part of the library setup I would think.03:14
cablopcheck that package and what is it asking for03:14
cablopok, i installed this lucid on an old board, installed a tuxonice flavored kernel, installed uswusp and hibernate, set ACPI on the bios... and no hibernete option from menu, any suggestion?03:15
syntaxxcablop, it asking for the kerberos realm ubuntu has it on 11.04 but the version was wrong and it do not support new packages03:15
D3RGPS31what package does System>Administration>Hardware/Additional Drivers belong to <.<03:16
mindspiderCould downgrading wine to 2.2.* help me run TF2?03:16
LetsGo67Hello everyone!  How do you make dial-up faster on Ubuntu?03:16
derp|goneI have arrived!03:16
cablopmindspider: go to winehq and check compatibility of win apps there03:16
izinucsmindspider: check wine's site and see what they say about TF203:16
mindspiderIt runs very bad on 2.3.3 despite me having everything on the worst settings and using dxlevel 703:16
bazhangD3RGPS31, jockey?03:16
D3RGPS31mindspider: have you checked wine's appdb to see which version of wine runs TF2 best?03:16
cablopsyntaxx: no idea, i'm not much a KDE user...03:16
D3RGPS31bazhang: thank you, i'll try that v:03:17
mindspiderI'll check i03:17
bazhangD3RGPS31, jockey-gtk if gnome03:17
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izinucssyntaxx: you can always ask in #kubuntu or #kde.. most likely you'll get better help in #kde03:17
syntaxxizinucs, im not using a kde.. its just a deb package.. use for centralize authentication03:18
izinucssyntaxx: sorry.. assumed you were by cablop 's comment03:18
D3RGPS31i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for installing my bcm4322 (bcm432b), but wlan0 still isn't showing up03:19
daniel__do programs i install outside of the software center update?03:20
bazhangdaniel__, install how03:21
bazhangdaniel__, and what package03:21
daniel__bazhang, for example i use a program called teamviewer 6 and u have to install it from the website through a .deb03:21
D3RGPS31daniel__: programs you install manually have to be updated manually03:22
bazhangdaniel__, so you used dpkg? gdebi?03:22
izinucsdaniel__: put it on the desktop and double click it.. software center might open but it's just an indication it's installing03:22
daniel__bazhang, know clue what that means03:22
bazhangdaniel__, how did you install the .deb then03:23
daniel__double click03:23
bazhanggdebi then? did software center open? or what03:23
daniel__it used the software center to isntall it but its not orignonally there03:23
IdleOnebazhang: default now is software center03:23
bazhangIdleOne, nice thanks03:24
cablopgdebi in lucid USC in maverick and natty03:24
cablopgdebi in maverick if upgraded from lucid03:24
D3RGPS31i'm still having trouble with my broadcom 4322 (432b), the driver is installed, but there's no wlan0 :/03:26
daniel__bazhang, ill walk u through my question ok so if i download a deb package (exmpleprogram.deb)and open it with software center will i have to worry about updates or does software center take care of that03:26
mindspiderHow do I find which wine version runs tf2 best on appdb?03:26
bazhangdaniel__, you have to do it03:26
bazhangmindspider, check the site?03:27
barrapontowhat is the recommended IRC client for ubuntu?03:27
izinucsmindspider: winehq03:27
daniel__bazhang, hmm is there a program that will do it ?03:27
cablopD3RGPS31: you must restart or manually load the driver03:27
daniel__barraponto, smuxi03:27
barrapontodaniel__: thanks03:27
bazhangbarraponto, none. irssi xchat weechat konversation quassel and others are often used though03:27
cablopbarraponto: i am using Quassel03:27
D3RGPS31cablop: from what i can see, the driver is loaded >.>03:27
cabloplet me check if i have the link here03:27
RedRobotbazhang: weechat is quite awesome and have a really friendly dev03:27
barrapontobazhang: quassel and konversation are my favorites from back when i was a kde user.03:27
bazhangbarraponto, avoid empathy03:28
RedRoboter... barraponto ^03:28
barrapontobazhang: but i was looking for something that fits within unity.03:28
ZykoticK9daniel__, any program in Ubuntu's repo is updated automatically, if you install things from outside the repo YOU need to look after updates.03:28
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pznHi! Just upgraded from 10.04->10.10->11.04 today. user interface is very good now! I'd like to know where is the appearance->effects configuration screen. I found the appearance screen, but the effects tab does not exist. where are the effects?03:28
cablopD3RGPS31: what driver? see at the end of the readme for some clues http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt03:28
D3RGPS31cablop: wl03:28
bazhangbarraponto, no idea there. cli are irssi and weechat, then the rest are gui03:28
cabloppzn not many effects afaik03:29
izinucspzn: install ccsm.. compiz config settings manager03:29
LetsGo67How do you make the slow turtle dial-up on Ubuntu 2 times or 3 times faster?03:29
RedRobotcli clients are superiour for irc anyway03:29
bazhangLetsGo67, you dont03:30
RedRobotLetsGo67: you switch to adsl203:30
LetsGo67bazhang: Why not?03:30
LetsGo67RedRobot: But say by using compression?03:30
bazhangLetsGo67, thats a bandwidth issue not an ubuntu issue03:30
cablopD3RGPS31: unload the other alternative drivers, then manually open load wl with modprobe03:30
RedRobotLetsGo67: doesn't really help that much03:30
tensorpuddingcompression isn't going to increase your bandwidth03:30
D3RGPS31cablop: did :/03:31
IdleOneLetsGo67: you can't..it's dialup after all03:31
RedRobotusually you only get a 10-20% increase03:31
tensorpuddingit'll make transferring some things faster03:31
syntaxxcan i get specific file in debian repository using apt-get?03:31
LetsGo67RedRobot: Not with Opera!  It gives me 2 times or 3 times!  But Firefox doesn't have a compressor!  :(03:31
pznizinucs, you mean simple-ccsm package?03:31
bazhangsyntaxx, dont mix debian and ubuntu repos, no03:31
LetsGo67tensorpudding: It's better than just dial-up, right?03:31
cablopD3RGPS31: `modprobe -r b43`  or ssb or wl then `modprobe wl`03:31
LetsGo67IdleOne: When did a compressor start existing?03:32
RedRobotLetsGo67: compression depends on your isp03:32
izinucspzn: there's another.. search for compiz03:32
RedRobotnot on the browser03:32
tensorpuddingwhat does opera's compressor do?03:32
izinucspzn: simple is .. well.. simple.. ccsm is the real deal03:32
tensorpuddingcompression requires that your endpoint compress the data before sending it to you03:32
cablopcheck in the modules ubuntu load if there's a file that one of them leaves that disables the other drivers wt boot up03:32
RedRobotbha so much tab fail tonight03:32
cablopD3RGPS31: check last  comment03:32
IdleOneLetsGo67: no idea, but like already mentioned this is not an Ubuntu issue.03:32
pznizinucs, there is no "ccsm" package :-(03:32
LetsGo67tensorpudding: It makes mobile and desktop pages smaller so that the Internet is 2x to 3x "faster" or more.03:33
tensorpuddingit's apparently an option for HTTP servers to compress03:33
bazhang!ot | LetsGo6703:33
ubottuLetsGo67: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:33
izinucspzn: hang on.. I'll find it for you.03:33
tensorpuddingit's totally not an ubuntu thing03:33
D3RGPS31cablop: i've done every thing on that page and on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx :c03:33
LetsGo67IdleOne: But isn't "running Windows apps on Ubuntu" related to Ubuntu?03:33
ZykoticK9pzn, compizconfig-settings-manager (or something SIMILAR)03:33
bazhangLetsGo67, lets move on please03:33
tensorpuddingnor does it make your connnection faster, just allows you to transfer data over http faster on some sites03:33
IdleOneLetsGo67: I'm not going to continue more off topic discussion. You know the rules here please take it elsewhere03:33
scriptwarlockLetsGo67, its a wine thing03:33
LetsGo67bazhang: Final question, is it fun to use the technology on Ubuntu?03:34
izinucspzn: in Ubuntu software center (if that's where you're looking) it's Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (ccsm) .. 2 lines above the "simple" listing03:34
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up03:34
bazhangLetsGo67, /msg ubottu please03:34
izinucspzn: you'll notice right below it it says "compiz config settings manager"03:35
LetsGo67Okay, now for an on-topic discussion: my modem says "Santa" on it.  What driver do i need?03:35
* Gnea notes that on-topic discussions tend to be serious discussions03:36
LetsGo67Gnea: Yes.03:36
pznZykoticK9, izinucs thanks, I found ccsm, installing it now03:36
GneaLetsGo67: got a picture of said modem?03:37
bazhangLetsGo67, that has zero to do with ubuntu03:37
izinucspzn: np :)03:37
scriptwarlockLetsGo67, be more specific03:37
cablopLetsGo67: you need to get to know the chipset, i forgot the commands... there are some to list your hw03:37
DarkStar1hi ppl. is there a mail client that can be configured to send a delayed mail?03:37
velofilleDarkStar1, cron can do that, but not not really03:37
D3RGPS31cablop: nvm, it named itself eth2 for some reason i don't want to know03:37
velofilleDarkStar1, 'at' command line would also do it. Do not know any clients at all. Look for thunderbird plugin?03:38
cablopD3RGPS31: eth0 is the name of the ethernet device from the system point of view, that means you have two ethernet devices03:38
DarkStar1thx ppl03:38
D3RGPS31cablop: i have no eth0, i thought that strange :/ my ethernet goes to eth1, and the wireless adapter is eth203:38
cablopD3RGPS31: well three ethernet devices, eth0 eth1 and eth2 or you had three different devices all the time03:39
D3RGPS31cablop: should i worry?03:39
cablopD3RGPS31: then you had another device in the past, now removed or disabled, and no, no worries, that means your computer remembers its configuration and that's ok03:39
D3RGPS31this feels dirty :c03:40
velofilletry washing it03:40
ZykoticK9cablop, i too have issues with eth0 appearing as eth1 on SEVERAL installs (though they are VMs, but typically they start as eth0 then majically on reboots become eth1 - it's a pain)03:40
cablopDarkStar1: i remember Eudora was able in the past03:40
D3RGPS31ZykoticK9: i did my install from a VM then swapped it to a laptop03:40
EvilMogis there any way to purge the mpich2 package from 11.04 and install the 10.04 LTS package in 11.04?03:40
cablopif they become eth1 that means the mac changed, mostly in VMs if you were playing with the virtual eth devices03:41
EvilMogtrying to avoid having to do a rebuild03:41
GneaD3RGPS31: ethernet devices are renaming themselves on reboot?03:41
ZykoticK9D3RGPS31, ? i just ignore the incorrect numbering and config eth1 and move on...03:41
cablopD3RGPS31: that's the thing, eth0 was the virtual eth device, you no longer have that one, so, no worries, continue03:41
D3RGPS31okei dokei lokei :303:42
GneaI tend to see devices change names when different devices get connected, so the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file tends to keep track of them03:42
Gneabut not everyone winds up finding that out03:43
daniel__hello would anyone help me learn a little more about transmision liek do i wanna mess with the properties like speed and stuff or will it have a worse outcome03:43
cabloptransmission is a bittorrent tracker?03:43
Gneadaniel__: depends on how much bandwidth you've got03:43
cablopi use deluge instead03:43
cablopmy suggestions, get to know your real download bandwith and your real upload bandwith03:44
daniel__Gnea, how do i find that out03:44
cablopcommon isp make it asymetric, so upload is smaller03:44
Gneadaniel__: speedtest.net or something03:44
Totem-Schaltermaby sppedtest.org03:44
cablopdaniel__: stop downloading hearing online music or youtube... and speedtest.net03:44
Totem-Schalteryeah .net oops03:45
cablopdaniel__: check in two different servers, not the one it offers you only03:45
creephi @ all is there an admin to kick me (just for a test for the irc client that i currently developp plz) !03:45
daniel__should i turn off smuxi also ?03:45
adminewbcpu core voltage control, perhaps through sysfs, anyone? cpufreq interface isn't quite enough.03:45
cablopi suggest you to go no more than half the speeds03:45
Gneacablop: they updated it03:46
cablopand i also suggest you to not to run many upload download threads at the same time03:46
creephi @ all is there an admin to kick me (just for a test for the irc client that i currently develop plz) !03:46
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bazhangcreep, no stop that03:46
creepok just a question03:46
Gneacreep: just join your own channel and kick yourself03:46
creepnot yet implemented ^^03:46
scriptwarlockhehehe nice idea03:46
cablopGnea yep, but i cannot trust the servers they offer, for me they offer Quito and seems the Quito one is slower than my bandwidth, then i test with Aruba and China or Japan ones to make an average idea of the effective bandwidth03:47
Gneacablop: well yeah, they're only basing it off of current ping values, it's a step in the right direction at least03:47
celthundercablop: why not just test using the gateway ip your isp gives you...it's to there network that's about as fast as it'll get then test again using the exit of there network03:48
celthundercablop: that's usually about as accurate as anything03:48
daniel__Gnea, 2.78 Mbpsdownload .72 Mbps upload03:48
cablopcelthunder: that will give me raw but not net bandwidth03:48
celthundercablop: if they're throttling it'd make more sense for them to do it sooner than later.03:49
Gneadaniel__: try some different servers03:49
celthundernot that anything is run using common sense anymore03:49
cablopdaniel__: Mbps... consider one think Mb is 1/8 of MB, so adjust the speed according to that03:49
cablopthat means 2Mbps are really 256 KBps03:50
daniel__Gnea, cablop, shoudl i find a server near me ?03:50
cablopISP providers use Kbps and Mbps for their advertisement because numbers "sound" big03:50
cablopcheck one near you, check against the starred one closer to you, and check one far far away from you, about the other side of the planet03:51
Gneadaniel__: try 2 near you and 2 far from you03:51
cablopor like Gnea said, two close and two far, ie, i'm in south america, then i test Ecuador and Aruba, and away i test one in Europe and Tokyo or Hongkong03:52
daniel__Gnea, they are all very close to that first number03:52
Gneadaniel__: add them up and divide by 4 and you'll have the average03:53
cablopdaniel__: thwn that's very close to your effective speed03:53
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cablopi ĺl sugest to use max speeds at 50~67% of your full speed03:53
daniel__add the upload and download ?03:53
cablopno, calculate them appart03:54
daniel__oh ok03:54
cablopavg dl and avg ul03:54
cablopyou can in a hurry saturate your dl speed, but never never saturate your upload one, upload speed carries out information to check what network packages are you receiving losing, so they affect your dl speed03:55
Totem-Schalteri would not even mess with it i doubt u will see a diffrence03:55
daniel__on transmision its in kib03:55
cablopkib... good enough, it is binary rather than decimal based, but umbers are so close03:56
cablopKiB or Kib ???03:56
daniel__so what would is KiB03:57
mcnellisI have two cronjobs that I want to be run every 5 minutes, so I've used the */5 syntax for the minute spec. However the two cronjobs must not run at the same time, so how can I specify that one run every 5 minutes but offset by 2 minutes? so that it runs at minute 2, 7, 12, 17, etc.03:57
daniel__i meant to just say KiB03:57
cabloplong story short 1B = 8b, as B stands for Byte and b stands for bit03:57
cablop1KB = 1000B and 1 KiB = 1024 B03:58
bazhangdaniel__, this is really not ubuntu specific03:58
woodyjlwcan I look at system info or all hardware info from live cd with terminal?  if so what is the command?03:58
bazhangwoodyjlw, sudo lshw03:58
cablopbazhang: well, right, but we are close to solve the isue xD03:58
daniel__bazhang, sorry i will move lol03:58
woodyjlwbazhang, thanks03:59
cablopdaniel__: to finish the topic so fast03:59
bazhangdaniel__, set upload to 100kb done03:59
bazhangdaniel__, this is transmission right?03:59
cablopassume dl of 2Mbps, that means just 256KB/s then set it to no more than 128KiB to download03:59
daniel__its preset there03:59
freemindsI am having trouble with setgid. I set the rights this way: chmod a+rx,g+ws . . Now I am trying to run a make install with a user, who is in that group that got the permission, but I get this error: chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/mailman/archives/private': Operation not permitted03:59
freemindsany ideas?04:00
daniel__ok last question here and upload should be the same right ?04:00
bazhangdaniel__, set the upload to 100kb, then if you have limited bandwidth click the turtle icon on the bottom04:00
bazhangdaniel__, no04:00
cablopassume 0.72 Mbps then 9KiB to upload, LOL04:00
cablopwit, i did something wrong xD04:01
bazhangdaniel__, set dl to unlimited, dl to 100kb04:01
bazhangdaniel__, whoops ul to 100kb04:01
cablopnot that ul, he'll hang the network that value04:01
daniel__ok thanks and sorry for offtopic04:01
cablop45 KiB of upload, no more04:01
bazhangdaniel__, thats not offtopic, the definition of kib and KiB was04:02
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cablopthat's almost 50% of your ul, but you don't want to hang mail sending or see "lag" at facebooking xD04:02
bazhangdaniel__, help with transmission is certainly on topic, just random bandwidth definitions are not really04:02
daniel__oh i just want the torrents to download as fast as possible dont care if it lags04:03
bazhangdaniel__, so set no limit on dl and use dht04:03
cablopdaniel__: then still don't use the full ul dw04:03
bazhangdaniel__, the key is not setting ul too high, will choke your network for instance with firefox etc04:03
woodyjlwis there any know issues with this nvidia C61 [GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a] on ubuntu 10.04 ?04:04
daniel__ok i have it at 100 /45 and now transmision should run smoother:D04:04
cablopdaniel__: and also you cannot send the package received information on time, so the other peer won't start sending you more things04:04
sar4unixI created a persistant live disk04:04
freemindswoodyjlw, check the common bug trackers04:04
prospero_# join hispano04:04
daniel__should i honor global limits?04:05
pappa_bearany1 know how to get the dim screen buttons to work on this macbook in 11.04??04:05
cablopdaniel__: well, those are the ones that meant something xD04:05
woodyjlwwell install is finish time to reboot so if there are any problems I guess I will know shortly04:05
cablopwoodyjlw: the issues i know regardless nvidia and 10.04 was proprietary drivers collided with nuveau ones, be careful on 11.04 then, nouveau is stronger in that dristro04:06
cabloptime to go to solve other issues04:09
cablopsee ya channel04:09
sar4unixi installed persistant live disk on usb, now i am able to create user and make him admin, login as admin and removed ubuntu,  but when I reboot, it goes back to ubuntu@ubuntu? how do i remove that completely?04:11
erikaflusai have question on firefox running ubuntu 11.0404:14
ZykoticK9sar4unix, FYI rather then using a persistant LiveUSB it's possible to do a full install onto USB - thus you could customize anyway you wished.  Best of luck.04:15
erikaflusacan someone please help04:16
sar4unix@erikaflusa Just ask04:16
blackshirterikaflusa: exactly, what the problem with firefox ??04:17
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erikaflusai tried playying yahoo spades04:18
erikaflusait crashes04:18
erikaflusai hav all the updates installed04:19
bazhangerikaflusa, whats the link04:19
* ZykoticK9 uses his crystal ball - and thinks erikaflusa's issue is most likely flash an not firefox04:19
erikaflusaim not sure what u mean by link04:19
bazhangerikaflusa, to the website that crashed04:19
blackshirterikaflusa: i think that was flash issue04:20
pjbperryis there a fix yet to the random logoff problem in Natty 11.04 with Unity that doesn't involve upgrading to 11.10?04:20
erikaflusai get to that point04:20
bazhangerikaflusa, let me try it04:20
leftistwhat is the cd syntax for a directory that would be for example My Folder?04:21
ZykoticK9bazhang, hope you have a yahoo account ;)04:21
leftistwhat is the syntax to change to a directory that has a space?04:21
ZykoticK9leftist, "cd My\ Folder" or -- cd "My Folder"04:21
leftistfor example My Directory04:21
leftisti never used those spaces in the old daze i used _ or something but time changed :)04:22
bazhangZykoticK9, :)04:22
leftistanyone using wowzamediaserver or Red5?04:24
erikaflusaany luck04:24
bazhangerikaflusa, yes?04:25
gry05:20:53 < bazhang> erikaflusa, let me try it04:25
gry05:24:23 < erikaflusa> any luck04:25
gry05:24:51 < erikaflusa> bazhang04:25
FloodBot1gry: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:25
bazhanggry, yes, means yes, luck.04:25
erikaflusadid it crash on u04:25
leftistanyone know what this refers to? ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot04:25
leftistis that a form of initialization?04:25
erikaflusahow can tell what type ram i hav04:26
erikaflusai have 512mb04:26
bazhangerikaflusa, its a flash issue not ram04:26
erikaflusaneed to add more04:26
erikaflusacan it be fixed04:26
erikaflusaor run 10.1004:26
leftistthere is a command that will give you a rundown on all the devices in your system04:26
leftistforget it now04:26
ZykoticK9leftist, lspci or lshw perhaps04:27
bazhangsudo lshw04:27
leftistlspci and lshw yes04:27
bazhangthe ram one is dmidecode, nope04:27
adminewbcpu core voltage control, perhaps through sysfs, anyone? cpufreq interface is not quite enough04:27
fossconnIs there some way to "inner join" two .csv files?04:27
gryIs "lshw" Ubuntu-only, ot is it something available in Debian as well?04:27
cyperbgI'm trying to compile and install sensors-applet-2.2.7.tar.gz. I downloaded it, extracted it and then ./configure --prefix=/usr. But after then when I type make it tells me no makefile found04:28
fossconninstead of adding merging the rows from two files and merge them into a big file04:28
bazhangoh it is dmidecode04:28
fossconnI want to merge columns04:28
cyperbganyone can help please?04:28
ZykoticK9gry, from debian "lshw - information about hardware configuration"04:28
bazhanggry, ask in #debian ?04:28
ZykoticK9cyperbg, might not be such a great idea installing into /usr as that is available as a package in Ubuntu04:29
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erikaflusacan the flash issue be fixed04:30
cyperbgZykoticK9, I know but I read that the only way for the GPU temp to show is to compile it and install it myse;f04:30
cyperbgZykoticK9, I know but I read that the only way for the GPU temp to show is to compile it and install it myself04:30
ZykoticK9erikaflusa, flash in notoriously bad in GNU/Linux - and as it's closed source, not much anyone (but Adobe) can do to fix it.04:30
erikaflusa sudo lshw invalid command04:31
cyperbgso ZykoticK9 can you help me to successfully compile and install it?04:31
IcemanV9fossconn: paste file1.csv file2.csv > merge.csv  if i could recall04:31
erikaflusai heard about gnash04:31
ZykoticK9cyperbg, if that's what you have to do - then that's what you have to do.  Installing in /opt might be a better location (not sure if that would break your program however!)04:31
erikaflusai guess 11.0404:32
erikaflusachanged alot04:32
cyperbgso do I write: ./configure --prefix=/opt04:32
ZykoticK9cyperbg, no.  I can't help with the compile part.  Seek support in the programs' channel (if available)04:32
erikaflusafrom 10.1004:32
grybazhang: hm good idea04:32
ZykoticK9gry, lshw is installable in Debian04:33
gryZykoticK9: Thank you for the response.04:33
cyperbganyone else care to help?04:33
erikaflusano flash works great under 10.1004:34
ZykoticK9erikaflusa, gnash works for a very few sites (mainly video like YouTube etc) - not so good with games :(   I do miss VectorTD since dropping flash-non-free04:34
erikaflusawhich ubuntu u running04:34
arooni-mobilehi folks;  i installed an adobe air on 64 bit platform on ubuntu 11.04 via http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10768442&postcount=1 ... but when i try to install any air apps; nothing worksw04:35
arooni-mobileit just stalls and says "installing applicatoin"04:35
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )04:35
erikaflusau running 11.0404:35
ZykoticK9arooni-mobile, Adobe recently dropped Air support from Linux :(  You're installing a "dead" platform.  Just an FYI.04:36
arooni-mobileZykoticK9, hahaha04:36
ZykoticK9arooni-mobile, i'm not joking?04:36
arooni-mobileZykoticK9, i know; its just sad04:36
ZykoticK9arooni-mobile, adobe = fail  (not really sad)04:36
mneptokZykoticK9: Adobe has at least one really, realy incredible product.04:38
mneptokZykoticK9: http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/9813/obi480c9cbdkt9.jpg04:38
ZykoticK9mneptok, :)  thanks, made be laugh.04:38
* mneptok beams brightly04:38
* robbmunson laughs04:38
aurillianceI'm aware some versions of xampp/lampp aren't supported in #ubuntu, but I'm trying to find the python based xampp starter app that ubuntu has - anyone know where it is / what it's called? It's a little gui window that has buttons for starting and stopping the xampp service...04:42
bazhangaurilliance, xampp as a whole is not supported, use lamp04:43
i9csup guys, I want to install ubuntu on my new laptop, I have to instal 64bit to get my full 6GB of ram correct? or can I go 32bit and get PAEX (physical address extension) to take care of the rest of my ram?04:43
bazhangi9c, linux-generic-pae for 32 bit you mean?04:44
izinucsi9c: go 6404:44
i9cI guess, ubuntu has 2 download options from what I can see, 32bit which says reccomended and 64 bit04:44
bazhangi9c, just get 64 really ignore the website04:45
ZykoticK9i9c, PAE is a sorta "hack" no one program can use more then the 3.2GB (32bit limitation), there are only a few programs that still require 32bit - but if you need one (some drivers) then stick to the 32bit plus PAE04:45
i9cwhat is PAE used for then04:45
ZykoticK9i9c, the "system" can use more then 3.2GB04:45
i9cbut not applications?04:45
bazhangit can be used i9c but you can certainly go for 64, no reason not to04:45
ZykoticK9i9c, no "one" application04:46
Lotogo 6404:46
arooni-mobileZykoticK9, thats annoying i can install air; but no air apps04:46
ZykoticK9arooni-mobile, i have no idea - but I wouldn't start using Air today, as it may be gone tomorrow ;)04:46
=== mihow_ is now known as mihow
i9cso does anyone know how pae works? I mean if you only have 32 address lines, how do you get more?04:51
bazhanghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension i9c04:52
i9clol should have guessed :)04:52
ZykoticK9i9c, 64bit is also faster at some things then 32bit (video encoding for one)04:53
i9ceveryone in here using ubuntu right now?04:54
i9clol I guess that's a silly questions04:54
=== Auriel_ is now known as Auriel
ZykoticK9i9c, BUT 32bit is easier, especially when you start dealing with installing 32bit libraries (big hint on that front, getlibs script)04:54
i9cyou guys think linux will EVER take off as a serious desktop contender with mac and windows?04:55
ZykoticK9i9c, not everyone no - i bet there are some Arch and Debian users in here too (I'm in the latter category)04:55
ZykoticK9i9c, both your last questions are better for the OT channel.04:56
i9cwhy do you use debian over ubuntu? just curious, I don't know much about linux but I do know that ubuntu is based off of debian04:56
expl0ityes @ i9c but normal people are too stupid for linux04:56
rypervencheI too use Debian.04:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:56
qini9c: Debian is easier too spell, for some.04:56
i9c...you serious? that's why you guys use it? it's easy to spell?04:57
bazhangi9c, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please04:57
i9cI'm sorry I'll leave04:57
leftistanyone have any thoughts on why system monitor nor htop will kill a process sometimes? i have to command line kill alot of time some of the processes running.04:58
ZykoticK9leftist, for anything NOT started by your user - that would be normal.04:59
leftistoh yeah your right04:59
leftisti forgot that :D04:59
leftisti guess i need to go back to running Xenix :D05:00
rypervencheafaty: 嗯嗯,你應該去#ubuntu-cn05:02
afatyJust quit, and forget to switch channels.05:03
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mrlHi, I'm having an issue with banshee, I am unable to transfer music to my iPhone, it comes up with the error: " the mp3 format is not supported by the device, and no coverter was found to convert it"05:13
imedanyone testing kernel on ubuntu?05:16
imedhow do you compile?05:16
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)05:17
imedi want to develop a patch for kernel05:18
adminewbcpu core voltage control, perhaps through sysfs, anyone?05:18
imedwondering if anyone is doing that05:19
imedand how manage partition etc for the kernel testing05:20
imeda free partition and a compilation ala ubuntu?05:21
thurizarhola a tods05:22
ZykoticK9!es > thurizar05:22
ubottuthurizar, please see my private message05:22
faryshtaDoes someone know how to use webcam on ubuntu?05:23
ZykoticK9faryshta, start by seeing if it works in Cheese05:23
thurizarsolo spanish pls05:23
faryshtaZykoticK9, it does.05:23
ZykoticK9!es | thurizar05:23
ubottuthurizar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:23
faryshtaZykoticK9, and with flash but msn doesn't work. Which program I need?05:23
imedyep try first Cheese05:23
thurizarok gtacias05:23
ZykoticK9faryshta, you could try amsn05:24
adminewb!mp3 | mrl05:24
ubottumrl: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:24
thurizarjoin #ubuntu-es05:24
faryshtaZykoticK9, doesn't work.05:24
ZykoticK9!doesntwork | faryshta05:25
ubottufaryshta: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:25
faryshtaZykoticK9, it ask for farsight but that library isn't on the repositories.05:25
faryshtaZykoticK9, any other program?05:25
ZykoticK9one of my fav factoids.  I just wait for someone to say "doesn't work" ;)05:25
ZykoticK9faryshta, sorry I don't use MSN, but Pidgin and Empathy are alternative IM clients (with MSN and video support of some sort).  Best of luck.05:26
faryshtaZykoticK9, thanks for nothing.05:26
bazhangfaryshta, watch the attitude05:26
imedyep give a try to Pidgin05:27
faryshtaimed pidgin doesn't have webcam support.05:27
darnellis the InRelease update server down?05:28
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
Jeffsihey, so ive got this ubuntu box and it does not see my motherboard driver, what should i do to get this working?05:29
imedfaryshta, that's not true05:30
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, do you know the specific network card?  Does "lspci | grep -i net" show it?05:31
Jeffsione moment, ill check05:31
darnellis the update repo down??05:32
imedfaryshta, just google webcam + pidgin + ubuntu05:33
JeffsiZykoticK9: what do i type?05:33
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, in a terminal "lspci | grep -i net" no quotes05:34
gryJeffsi: lspci | grep -i net05:34
peeps[lappy]anyone here used GIMP GAP before?  i don't think it's ever worked in ubuntu.  I can't extract frames from any videos, it doesn't recongize them05:34
peeps[lappy]and I have mplayer installed, and it is capable of playing these videos05:34
Jeffsiwhat is this "|"05:34
peeps[lappy]Jeffsi, it's a pipe05:34
Jeffsiim not sure how to type this05:35
darnelli cant update to firefox 5 using update manager. is one of the repos down?05:35
grythe pipe button is to the left of backspace05:35
peeps[lappy]it pipes output of one program into another programs input05:35
Jeffsigot it :D05:35
gulzarhow to change / partition... I mean how to copy OS files from one partition to another05:37
JeffsiZykoticK9: i dont see the one im looking for05:37
imedgulzar, just normal cp05:38
qingulzar: cp /from/here /to/there05:38
darnellcan someone help me with the failed repo msgs i keep getting when i try to check for updates?05:39
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, do you know what card it actually is?  specifically what chipset it uses?  does it work in other GNU/Linux distros?  how many NICs do you have?05:39
qindarnell: You mean like all of updates?05:39
darnellqin: i get repo errors for the InRelease packages05:40
darnellthis is a fresh install of 11.0405:40
darnellsome repo packages succeed with the download and the InRelease packages do not05:40
JeffsiZykoticK9: i have a pci card and a mobo ethernet port and i am wanting to use the mobo one not the pci05:41
gulzarimed: qin: I want to change the partition table but don't want to loose Xubuntu setup and configurations. So is it possible to save /home and /05:41
adminewbcpu core voltage control, perhaps through sysfs, anyone? cpufreq interface is not quite enough.05:41
Jeffsii do know what the mobo number is if u need that05:41
imedgulzar, what about a free partition?05:42
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, sorry I can't really help - I can't even search online for a NIC that we don't know... but if lspci isn't show it - it means the kernel doesn't see it.  Are you sure it is turned on in BIOS?05:42
imedinstall in that and keep all the rest and then copy to the new one05:43
JeffsiZykoticK9: no, i can check quick05:43
qindarnell: No Natty here to check ;(05:43
gulzarimed: i can keep one partiton for storing the file05:44
gulzarimed; others will change....05:44
darnellqin: aahhhh, i have also tried mirrors, i get alot of 404s :(05:44
ZykoticK9gulzar, you will probably want to use "cp -r /path/from /path/destination" the -r is recursive to copy everything underneath05:45
darnellcan anybody report fetching failures in update manager when checking for updates?05:45
imedgulzar, yep, partitions are totally sandboxed05:45
JeffsiZykoticK9: i dont even see it in here, i may not be looking in the right place though05:45
ZykoticK9darnell, if updates are failing - you should try switching your mirror (somewhere in U.S.C.)05:45
imeddarnell, sorry not right now05:46
darnellZykoticK9: I have tried other mirrors yet it still fails to fetch a few packages05:46
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, not all BIOS have the option to enable/disable onboard NICs - but some do.  If you don't remember disabling it at some point - it's probably NOT an issue.05:46
gulzarZykoticK9: imed:  ok...........and what about the configuration files in / like about the previous partitions? I have to change them so that Xubuntu will recognise them and will able to mount . Is it so?05:47
ZykoticK9darnell, the packages that are failing - are they from Ubuntu - or is it PPAs or 3rd party packages that are failing?05:47
JeffsiZykoticK9: this computer was not originally mine, is there a name it may be under?05:47
bethanyi am having a issue playing vidros on my pc05:48
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, Device Configuration or something along those lines "usually"05:48
bigeyeHi, Can I register tmux to keyboard shortcut? It should be run in terminal, but I can't find a way to make it run in terminal. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04.05:48
Jeffsino im in that, i mean the network card05:48
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JeffsiZykoticK9: there are so many items in here05:48
darnellZykoticK9: the InRelease packages that keep failing are from the mirror05:49
qinbigeye: /j #tmux (very nice channel)05:49
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, Ethernet or Network is all i can think of.05:49
bethanymore specifically DVD's can anyone help me get it working? when i try to play it in movie player i get a error cannot reade source05:49
ZykoticK9darnell, i've never heard of InRelease before... sorry.05:49
darnellits one of the repo packages ubuntu downloads05:49
bigeyeqin: My question is about ubuntu keyboard shortcuts. anyway, thanks.05:50
darnellits having trouble downloading some repo packages, not the updates05:50
qinbigeye: Keybindings are configured in ~/.tmux.conf05:50
JeffsiZykoticK9: would it maybe be CIR or Midi?05:50
qinbigeye: making shortcuts via gnome do not make sens.05:50
imedgulzar, the / partition is where the core system runs05:50
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, not midi that's for sure - don't know what CIR would be?  but i doubt that's a NIC...05:51
bigeyeqin: I mean, Register launching tmux, not in tmux.05:51
imedyou have to keep it if you want to use it05:51
bigeyelike launching terminal05:51
gulzarimed: right but there must be some file which holds configuration about the partitons ?05:51
bigeyeActually, I want to launch tmux when I press C-M-T05:51
imedgulzar, /etc/fstab05:52
qinbigeye: So, you want to lauch terminal with command: gnome-terminal -e bash tmux (more-less like this)05:52
gulzarimed: Ok then its done.........05:52
gulzarimed: ZykoticK9: Thank You!05:53
imedgulzar, welcome :)05:53
ZykoticK9darnell, could you pastebin the output of your "sudo apt-get update"?05:53
darnellZykoticK9: sure thing05:54
JeffsiZykoticK9: well i enabled that CIR but i doubt that will do it, anyway i can fix this?05:54
bigeyeqin: It works!! Thank you :) It is what I was looking for.05:54
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, does the NIC work from a LiveCD?  It is possible the nic isn't supported (VERY rare in GNU/Linux for a NIC not to work though)05:55
littlewhat is jpeg encryption algorithm05:55
littletel me anything related to jpeg encryption algorithm05:55
JeffsiZykoticK9: no, it doesnt work on live cd05:56
littlehello could any one help me related to jpeg encrytion05:56
celthunderZykoticK9: what nic's he got that it's not supported?05:57
qinGood Day to All! Time to rest.05:57
celthunderZykoticK9: sorry just got here05:57
ZykoticK9celthunder, we have no idea - lspci doesn't show it - and they're not sure.05:57
celthunderZykoticK9: hmm is it plugged in tightly? bios see it?05:58
ZykoticK9celthunder, which does make trouble shooting difficult.  It's an onboard NIC so plugging isn't an issue.  They don't see anything in BIOS for NIC either???05:58
celthunderZykoticK9: ouch...network boot an option usually that displays some info on the nic at the least (or motherboard model would be nice)05:59
=== root is now known as Guest97116
Guest97116ccan anyone tell me after installing python in backtrack where do i find it in applications to run it?06:00
bethanyi am having a issue playing videos on my pc06:00
darnellZykoticZ9: http://pastebin.com/MBKqTNts06:00
bethanymore specifically DVD's can anyone help me get it working? when i try to play it in movie player i get a error cannot reade source06:00
ZykoticK9celthunder, well - if you want to go down that road - please do.  As I have nothing at this point.06:00
celthunderGuest97116: python won't be in app's you run it from a command line06:00
gryGuest97116: what would you be trying to run there ?06:00
Guest97116do i just put python in command?06:00
imeddarnell, ping to mirror.its.uidaho.edu is false06:01
celthunderZykoticK9: idk what you've done like i said...just got here...offering my off the wall ideas from the one or two statements i saw as joining06:01
gryGuest97116: generally yes06:01
ZykoticK9darnell, sorry, yes I checked our pastebin before - i don't really see what is wrong - only suggestion would be try changing mirrors.  Best of luck!06:01
Guest97116because i also installed python idle how do i run that06:01
Guest97116basically i want to have a shell for a script im new to backtrack06:01
gryGuest97116: python idle is an dev environment, it's in apps -> programming -> idle06:01
ZykoticK9celthunder, we haven't "done" anything - other then lspci isn't showing the NIC in question and nothing in BIOS.06:01
darnellThanks, but i already changed mirrors 10 times haha, well ill find a solution somewhere... Thanks for you help06:02
gryGuest97116: shell for script is applications > accessories > terminal.06:02
Guest97116gry programming is in ubuntu im talking about backtrack06:02
ZykoticK9celthunder, it also doesn't work from LiveCD (but i think you must have seen that part ;)06:03
celthunderZykoticK9: yep saw that06:03
Guest97116how do i run a python shell in backtrack?06:03
gryGuest97116: you in #ubuntu, try ##linux or #backtrack for that06:03
celthunderGuest97116: Python is ain interpretor not a shell...and you can run it by typing python in a terminal06:03
celthunderZykoticK9: lshw see it?06:03
Guest97116tx but i've seen peeps running a shell like idle python actually is type of shell06:04
Guest97116but thankx gry & celthunder06:04
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, celthunder has a good idea - "sudo lshw" and see if you see further info about this mystery NIC.06:04
Guest97116i just have 1 more ?06:04
saad__hi everyone06:04
Guest97116if i have a script or made a script & want to run it how will that be possible if i just write python & i get >>>06:05
celthunderGuest97116: python <script>06:05
gryGuest97116, Ubuntu's Terminal does that, not sure where you can find that in another distruibution, sorry06:05
Guest97116tx gry06:05
gryGuest97116, there is ##linux for general questions like that if you like06:06
saad__fellow do you have any clue why my vlc player's screen is blue when ever i right click on it?06:06
grysaad__, please give version details to this channel06:06
Guest97116celthunder python <script> ya but how do i actually run it06:06
saad__xubuntu 11.406:06
celthunderGuest97116: ????  that DOES run it....06:07
gryGuest97116, in shell/bash/terminal, try looking for it in your system menu and ask its channel please06:07
saad__vlc 1.1.906:07
Guest97116ok tx gry & celthunder im gonna give it a try06:07
Guest97116tx for all the help06:07
JeffsiZykoticK9: i dont see it, i think06:07
saad__fellows do you have any clue why my vlc player's screen is blue when ever i right click on it? im running xubuntu natty with vlc 1.1.906:08
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, well I'm afraid I got nothing at this point.  Best of luck, hope you find a solutions!06:08
JCiijoin #pmap06:09
bethanyi am having a issue playing videos on my pc06:09
bethanymore specifically DVD's can anyone help me get it working? when i try to play it in movie player i get a error cannot reade source06:09
JeffsiZykoticK9: thanks for trying06:09
ZykoticK9!dvd | bethany06:10
ubottubethany: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:10
=== ricky_ is now known as Guest1223
gryGuest1223: Hi.06:10
bullgard4The package»rtkit« is installed. Why does there not run a process rtkit-daemon continuously in Ubuntu?06:15
Airriscan anyone think of a reason why ldconfig isn't indexing libraries? I have it in -v mode and it'll find two of them, but it'll never actually add it to the cache06:16
deekrI'm running natty on a VM in vista. I just installed ubu and set up unity, but the windowing system is still classic gnome. where would I go to fix this?06:17
tntcdeekr: which virtualization software are you using?06:17
deekrtntc, virtual box06:18
deekrlatest version06:18
tntcdeekr: did you enable 3d support in the display settings of virtual box?06:18
tntcguest tools as well?06:19
deekrbut when it first ran ubu during setup, it said that I didn't have the correct hardware and went into classic mode06:19
deekrafter the installation, I mounted and ran the guest tools06:19
deekrthen did an update, and restarted, but alas, still classic06:20
tntcok. at the login screen, down near the bottom, there should be an option for the session06:20
deekrI believe it was Ubuntu, ill restart06:20
MaxPrtwhats a good VPN client which allows the use of a pin and a pass key?06:20
deekrnote that the unity panel on the left appears06:21
deekrjust the windowing system is classic06:21
tntchuh... that's odd06:21
deekrill post a screenshot once it restarts06:21
gryhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient MaxPrt06:23
deekrI think I'm using the wrong words here06:24
leftistis this the correct version for deb/ubuntu?  Linux x86 - Self Extracting Installer20.63 MB   jre-6u26-linux-i586.bin06:24
deekrthe windowing system is okay06:24
deekrbut some of the menus and the main unity menu look classic06:25
leftisti need this for a server i am configuring06:25
ZykoticK9leftist, if you want java simply add the partner repo and install using apt06:25
ZykoticK9!java | leftist06:25
ubottuleftist: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.06:25
leftistok thanks06:26
MaxPrtgry: cheers06:26
deekrtntc, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=1410006:26
PAB_gpu hung regularlly using i7-2600k, ubuntu 11.04, 2.6.38. tried 2.6.39 and 3.0rc4. doesn't change situation. hanging latest after a few minutes. do i need to change kernel parameters? any suggestions?06:27
rhin0maybe disable compiz PAB_06:27
rhin0compiz -- in my experieence can cause lockups06:28
Airriscan anyone think of a reason why ldconfig isn't indexing libraries? I have it in -v mode and it'll say it found two of them, but it'll never actually add it to the cache06:28
rhin0reportedly "gpu hog" and can be problematic06:28
PAB_thx. i will follow your hints06:29
tntcdeekr: huh. that is weird... I dunno how to explain that. A theme?06:29
tntcnot sure.06:29
gulzaris something there for indicator applet, which tells about the new recieved emails and unread emails using thunderbird. ?06:31
ZykoticK9gulzar, "apt-cache search indicator" i'm pretty sure there is one for Thunderbird06:32
=== ivan2 is now known as Ivan_The_Terribl
rhin0dude - hello06:36
dudehows it be?06:36
dudeanyone here?06:37
gulzarZykoticK9: Thank You! got one for gmail....... 'gm-notify'06:39
ZykoticK9gulzar, glad to help06:40
LuxeNight <306:41
VustomIn Root Terminal how do I create this file? "/etc/cron.hourly/sync.sh" and then gedit it?06:56
gryVustom: "nano /etc/cron.hourly/sync.sh" will open it in nano, you will be able to edit and save it06:59
VustomThanks. C:07:00
gryVustom: "sudo nano /etc/cron.hourly/sync.sh" even -- you don't need to be in root Terminal for that07:00
darkoWhat are some of your guys favorite music players?07:03
deekrI'm having trouble with unity on a virtualbox vm. The classic gnome menu is being used instead of the unity menu. (http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=14100) How do I restore the unity menu?07:06
pRoV7x eone helps.07:06
pRoV7x bwinton_away (bwinton@C672FB49.AB54EB5E.6816E6B7.IP) has quit IRC Ping timeout07:06
pRoV7x sorry07:06
* J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r is back (gone 00:01:52)07:07
* J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r is away: Dormindo, Away from Keyboard, Cagando.07:07
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* J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r is back (gone 00:00:31)07:08
* J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r is away: Dormindo, ausente ou cagando, volto logo.07:08
Test_Is Is it possible to test Unity on 11.04 live cd?  I am on it right now but unity is not displaying07:10
=== PainKiller is now known as pRoV7s
pRoV7s i use thunderbird 3.1.4 on Ubuntu 10.10, and linked to my Hotmail email, how can i get it autmatically download the folders and emails from my Hotmail account, and the subfolders, please someone helps.07:12
neuro_damagewhat's a good/smart way to remove the gnome and gui components on a ubuntu desktop and convert it to a server?07:13
Test_pRoV7s:  I would look into IMAP07:13
pRoV7s Test_: what do you mean07:14
VustomI can't seem to launch Conky with a theme, I try running "/home/.conky/NightDrive/start_conky.sh" in the terminal but it doesn't work..07:14
kennettI'm trying to send some files to another computer I have through ethernet but not sure how to connect to it.07:14
Test_pRoV7s:  Create a IMAP account.  You can download your messages and delete them.  Its basically like your visiting gmail.com07:14
* deekr switching to 10.0407:15
pRoV7s Test_: how about the subfolders07:15
* J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r is back (gone 00:07:14)07:15
Test_pRoV7s:  It does everything07:15
pRoV7s that in my account in Hotmail07:15
deekrwhat a friggin pain, I only use the onsole anyway :P07:15
lotuspsychjeTest_: unity should be default on livecd, are you installing on an older system or logged into gnome classic?07:15
Test_lotuspsychje:  My box is really sweet, I think it may be the fact I have a Nvidia 9800 gt07:15
pRoV7s Test_: how can i do that07:16
lotuspsychjeTest_:did you install the nvidia additional drivers?07:16
Test_lotuspsychje: Can you do that on a live cd?07:16
lotuspsychjeTest_: if the box has an internet connection, yes07:17
Test_lotuspsychje: Yeah I am on the live cd now, but didn't see any restricted drivers pop up07:17
lotuspsychjeTest_: so if unity did not load, are you on classic right now?07:18
=== P34c3_WWW is now known as J0hn_Th3_N3tb00k
Test_Well it seems to be classic07:18
=== J0hn_Th3_N3tb00k is now known as ANONYMOUS
kennettHow do I connect 2 computers together? 1 is ubuntu other is win xp home.07:18
lotuspsychjeTest_: try loggin out and load ubuntu default(unity) and look what error u get07:18
=== ANONYMOUS is now known as ANONYMOUS_Kick
* deekr slaps head... nvidia drivers07:18
Test_lotuspsychje: I did that.  The selction says "Ubuntu"07:19
Test_It's not on the classic one07:19
Test_but I think it still is defaulting to classic07:19
VustomWhen I try and start Conky with the NightDrive theme I get this error; http://paste.ubuntu.com/631649/; How can I fix this?07:19
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lotuspsychjeTest_: i had the same promblem installing on an older system, seems like its switching to default as it does not recognize some drivers maybe?07:20
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grya: hi07:20
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Test_lotuspsychje:  How did you fix it?  My box is actually quite nice, it's still considered top notch at over 2 years old07:20
lotuspsychjeTest_: did you try a clean install or u still testing on livecd?07:21
rhin0hardware is amazing now -- I find myself with 7 processors over 2 machines and 8 gig of RAM :)07:21
karthick87All of a sudden my file contents were missing it is showing as 1.5 kb07:22
Test_lotuspsychje: Testing on a live cd still.  Going to test unity before I decide to try out Fedora for Gnome 3.  I love gnome, so not to thrilled about the unity bit.  But I know 11.10 has Gnome 3..but that's alpha..so no good for me atm07:22
karthick87Is it a bug with open office?07:22
devkorcvincerhin0: i have 8 processor on 1 pclaptop with 16Gb07:22
deekri find myself broke07:22
rhin0crikey devkorcvince07:22
=== Lucifer is now known as Guest80212
lotuspsychjeTest_: i highly recommend clean install with installing additional drivers at boot install, unity is great on high end hardware07:23
=== Guest80212 is now known as _Lucifer
Test_lotuspsychje: Mind if I PM you?07:23
* J0hn_Th3_Ripp3r is away: Dormindo, ausente ou cagando, volto logo.07:24
babu__i want to list the history which contains either apt-get or aptitude....how to list it with the help of grep07:24
grybabu__: Bash history?07:24
grybabu__: "cat ~/.bash_history"07:25
* An0nym0uS_Sec is back (gone 00:01:04)07:25
Loto| grep apt07:25
* An0nym0uS_Sec is away: Dormindo, ausente ou cagando, ja volto.07:25
grybabu__: or "tail ~/.bash_history"07:25
babu__i don't want all.. i have to see only the commands i used with apt-get or aptitude07:26
arooni-mobileis there a way to get a hot key to the workspace switcher?07:26
gryAh. "cat ~/.bash_history | grep apt-get"07:26
gryarooni-mobile: atrl+alt+[right/left]07:27
Lotoif you just grep apt you'll get both07:27
arooni-mobileno i wan t the workspace switcher itself07:27
grySorry, I'm out of ideas there.07:27
cannavistwhen is the next release of ubuntu due?07:27
Noirhi people07:28
grycannavist: See #ubuntu+1 topic.07:28
IdleOne!away > An0nym0uS_Sec07:28
ubottuAn0nym0uS_Sec, please see my private message07:28
grycannavist: I suspect 10th month of 2011.07:28
_Luciferfor some reason my internal wifi card isn't available for use, but must be being seen since the usb one I'm currently on is labeled wlan1. I know it's compatible, I was using it before I hosed my install and reinstalled. any ideas? I'll probably need to give more information, what would that be?07:28
cannavistcan anyone confirm if they have fixed the intel video driver bug in Unity?07:29
cannavistcrashes every 30min and just logs me out07:29
lotuspsychje_Lucifer: did you clean install natty?07:29
cannavistDell D63007:29
ohzieHi everyone.07:30
ohzie_Lucifer: Hey man07:30
gryohzie: Hi.07:30
Blue1cannavist: what version of ubuntu ru using?  hint:  cat /etc/issue07:31
_Luciferlotuspsychje first time, no it was an upgrade. this time, mostly. only thing I saved from the last time was home, which I shrunk and mounted as it's own partition, then did a clean install other than that on a new one07:31
cannavistlatest version07:31
cannavistwell i'm on kubuntu now due to this issue07:32
Blue1cannavist: can I assume that's 11.04 then?07:32
cannavistswitch to kubuntu 11.0407:32
cannavistkde is for the birds07:32
Blue1cannavist: when did this start?  before installing 11.04 or after?  did you do a clean install or an upgrade?07:32
cannavistclean install07:32
marzencan anyone tell me how to disable this stupid disk utility .. i know my 5 y/o hd is bad and don't need a reminder every 5 minutes07:33
Blue1cannavist: smart man!07:33
=== fairuz_ is now known as fairuz
diaanyone know where a usb ubuntu would install a restricted driver?07:33
cannavistwhen natty was released07:33
Blue1cannavist: so the problems started with 11.04 NOT before? have you looked at the system log to see if there is any information there?07:33
diai installed 10.04 off a usb but it doesn't have wireless; when i run it off the usb it finds and installs it (apparently) but i can't get it in the fully installed 10.04 >_<07:34
kubancanyone knows where is shotdown menu in gnome3?07:34
Blue1dia: umm what kind of computer and or video card?  this sounds strangly familiar07:34
cannavistproblem started with the unity release07:34
diaacer aspire one netbook07:35
cannavistgnome 2.6 runs fine07:35
ohzie_Lucifer: Can you pastebin an lshw please? For the wlan?07:35
marzencan anyone tell me how to disable this stupid disk utility .. i know my 5 y/o hd is bad and don't need a reminder every 5 minutes07:35
ohzie_Lucifer: I got disconnected, sorry07:35
ohzieMy internet is on the fritz07:35
diai'm running wireless on it atm when i have it set to the live usb ubuntu07:35
Blue1cannavist: what does the system log say?07:35
diabut the installed won't get internet07:35
diaif i reinstall (rather not) will the driver stay with the new install?07:36
YankDownUndermarzen, Check your startup applications mate.07:36
Blue1dia:  I think i had inssues on that - can you hold a moment?07:36
cannavistBlue1 i cant say07:36
diasure blue107:36
cannavisti havent learnt to reald sys logs yet07:36
cannavistwhere can i ready sys logs?07:36
Blue1dia: this might be your issue, and how I solved it:  http://pkill-9.com/getting-wireless-connect-to-work-for-acer-aspire-on-ubuntu/07:37
Blue1cannavist: dmesg07:37
cannavistwow this is alot of info07:37
jkupcan someone direct me to the server channel07:37
Blue1dia: that was 10.04 desktop I had installed at the time.07:37
diablue1, i don't have internet on the permanent install at all though07:38
YankDownUnderjkup, #ubuntu-server07:38
diaso how can i sudo apt-get anything?07:38
marzenYankDownUnder: where are the startup applications .. i can't find them in any config07:38
Blue1dia: even wired connection doesn't work?07:38
cannavistlord knows how to read this stuff07:38
diai tried that, and no07:38
_Luciferohzie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/631656/07:38
diaidk if its the wired or the router07:38
diawe never use the wired07:39
diawire or router*07:39
diait's all going through an old netgear wireless07:39
Blue1dia: well if it's wired, you'd have a cable out the side going to the router.....07:39
diabut when i tried hooking a cable from the router to the acer it was a no go07:39
marzenYankDownUnder: I'm on gnome 3 .. their is no system > preferences > startup07:39
Blue1dia: private message ok?07:40
YankDownUndermarzen, Um...well, you're going to have to look for your PREFERENCES => then look for STARTUP APPLICATIONS07:40
marzenYankDownUnder: looked through every possible menu ... nothing to indicate you can edit startup apps via gui07:40
ohzie_Lucifer: Looking at it07:40
ohzie_Lucifer: the BCM4318 doesn't work?07:41
YankDownUndermarzen, Being that I don't know (or want to know) Gnome3, mate, my best is to tell you to check the help or the Gnome3 site as the application "Disk Notificiations" is what is giving you the messages about your HD my friend.07:42
marzenYankDownUnder: yeah already tried that ... there's pretty much zero documentation on gnome 3 ... it's basically a big pile of shit07:43
_Luciferohzie: yeah. it worked on my previous install, and on my first boot of this install, but it isn't showing as an available device in the network manager on ever boot since then07:43
IdleOnemarzen: please keep the language clean07:43
bazhangmarzen, watch the language07:43
_Luciferohzie *every07:44
solarswill this mutt-patched bug in 11.04 ever be fixed? :(07:45
solarsits unusable..07:45
Cptn_Sandwichhi, facebook is not working with gwibber. is that only me? twitter works fine, read and write07:45
ohzie_Lucifer: Have you looked at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1470146&highlight=HOWTO%3A+Broadcom yet? It apparently addresses this problem a bit. :(07:46
Blue1nor do i07:46
ohzie_Lucifer: but a lot of people have it, so it's not your fault07:46
ohzie_Lucifer: mostly a hardware thing I believe.07:46
diaanyone know where i can dl ubuntu drivers as files and how to install them onto another ubuntu that has no internet access?07:46
Fishersi read a blog how to use cube with unity. Unity is now broke. I tried restore commands an reinstalled unity with synaptic with no luck.07:47
IdleOnejjovereats: save the lol's for #ubuntu-offtopic please07:48
Cptn_SandwichBlue1: whats with the exclamation mark?07:48
_Luciferohzie I'll check it out07:48
jjovereatsi was saying, well oops! shouldn't have read the blog then...07:48
freqmod_rAre there more people which experience hash mismatches when getting packages and package lists (aptitude update)?07:49
IdleOnejjovereats: this channel is not for making sarcastic comments, people come here to get help not to be laughed at.07:49
IdleOnePlease keep that in mind.07:50
Blue1Cptn_Sandwich: someone had asked a question about gwibber - I have no idea what that is - so thought that ubotto would know - it doesn't07:51
jjovereatsi'm out07:51
anthony_anyone here know how to make folders in plank?07:51
Blue1Cptn_Sandwich: another one I've never heard of - plank07:51
Fishersan the tick boxes are grayed out in compiz setting manager. I cant tick them.07:51
ohzie_Lucifer: Luck to you, sir! You might seriously consider picking up a different mini-pci wireless though.07:52
ohzie_Lucifer: Or I would, were I in your position. :[07:52
kennettHow do I send files from ubuntu to a pc running win xp home?07:52
anthony_the docky launcher written in vala for the elementary project07:53
Blue1kennett: samba share07:53
_Luciferohzie well, I had it working before in 10.04 10.10 and 11.04, but since I hosed the install (I think it was when I changed the partition sizes, made it unbootable for some reason) and reinstalled, I downloaded the install package and it worked on the first boot, now it's not showing up. every other time it's been the firmware issue, it's shown in the network manager as there but unusable as there was no firmware. now it isn't showing at all, which is odd07:53
diaokay, i think i DLed the driver i need; now how do I make it work (it's in tar.gz atm)07:55
_Luciferohzie : getting it working the first time was actually the only hardware issue I've had with ubuntu (other than the communicator puck for the original xbox controller. probably should have checked compatibility before buying it. oh well, it was only three bucks)07:56
leagrishollo. How do I know packaged version within software-center?07:57
leagrisWhile using Unity, How do I enable using <super> modifier to control compiz ezoom I absolutely need as a visually impaired?07:58
leagrisIs there an ubuntu accessibility group/irc/support I can discuss and be heard about the upcoming changes affecting usability as it is the case with Unity and be listened to?07:59
leagrisDoes the Ubuntu teams really care about disabled users?08:00
YankDownUnderleagris, You're joking, right?08:00
YankDownUnderleagris, Even in the mailing list there's question about whether or not anyone is being listened to...08:00
DJonesleagris: There is an #ubuntu-accessibilty channel which I think will be the one you need, although it is a relatively quiet channel08:01
leagrisYankDownUnder, I am very serious about the Unity and compiz Ezoom feature incompatibility08:01
Flannel!accessibility | leagris08:01
ubottuleagris: Information about the Ubuntu Accessibility Team can be found on the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility or by joining #ubuntu-accessibility08:01
YankDownUnderleagris, Bear in mind that "Unity" was pushed from the top, not from the bottom - it was a corporate decision.08:01
wildbatleagris: don't use unity then ~?08:01
leagriswildbat, I am very concerned as it will be pushed stronger in next releases08:02
leagrisI really fear being left in the dark with forced Unity and the Unity stealing <super> modifier key and unable to control Ezoom08:03
wildbatleagris: you alway have choose to waht WM you use, and there is Ubuntu Classic you can pick with the login screen08:04
jmalickianyone know how to brute-force ecryptfs if i lost my password?08:04
ososyou can't.08:05
jmalicki(i changed my password as root, and didn't realize until i rebooted 3 weeks later that it doesn't update the wrap file)08:05
ubuntu__How do I reinstall GRUB for Ubuntu 10.10?08:05
jmalickiosos: umm, i said *brute force*08:05
DJonesleagris: This is the web page for the accessibility team, there may be some pointers on who to discuss things with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility08:05
jmalickii'm just wondering if there are tools or if i have to make my own08:05
leagrisCheers DJones, thanks08:06
=== ubuntu__ is now known as html5
ososjmalicki: http://ecryptfs.sourceforge.net/ecryptfs-faq.html#lostkey08:07
glennhow can i upgrade thunderbrid in ubuntu08:07
jmalickiosos: yes, you clearly don't understand what that means.08:07
wildbatjmalicki: brute forcing take way too long ~ which is impractical  for desktop pc ~08:07
Ricoshadyhow do I resive a partition?08:07
jmalickiwildbat: luckily, i have a gpu cluster almost large enough for the top500.08:08
jmalickii am just looking for tools08:08
jmalickibesides, i know it's a restricted space08:08
jmalickisince it was a password i created08:08
jmalickii understand cryptography08:08
jmalickii am only wondering if there are extant tools08:08
ososjmalicki: manners, my son, manners.08:11
tarelerulzanyone gotten all there hardware working with Ubuntu?08:11
=== seven is now known as beihe
diawhich ubuntu tare? I had everything on my vaio laptop working with 10.0408:12
dpnuxcan I upgrade homebank to latest version 4.4 in ubuntu 10.04?08:12
diatook a while to get the webcam working -_- but everything else was easy08:12
jmalickitareerulz: no. noone has ever gotten their hardware working w/ ubuntu08:12
tarelerulzI have a vaio ?08:12
glennhow can i upgrade thunderbird in ubuntu08:12
tensorpuddingglenn: does it have updates?08:13
diasony vaio tare08:13
_Luciferglenn: upgrade how? the version in the repos is one version, just updating should upgrade that one. there are newer builds in some ppas if that's what you're looking for, you would need to add the ppa as a source08:14
* dia hopes the driver i installed on the live USB carries over to the new intall i'm starting 08:14
tarelerulzI have a sony vaio myself. I have yet to get the mic or web come working .08:15
diathose took me a while tare, but that was back when i first got it08:15
stratisi can't boot from 2nd raid disk (sda & sdb)08:15
diahaven't really bothered since as I don't use the camera and the mic works fine08:15
acp_can any one direct me to a how-to make internal mic for thinkpad edge 11 work in 10.04 amd64? or do I need to update my kernel Im using 2.6.32-32-generic08:15
stratisany help08:15
tarelerulzany tips08:15
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:16
diagimme a min to remember...08:16
AndroidLoverInSFhow can i specify a /etc/fstab cifs mount so that whatever i save into the mount point is rwx by all?08:16
diayou first gotta find out what camera you have lsusb is the command... i think08:16
lifulinghanhello anyone08:16
glennthuderbird have now 3.1.11 asl version but i can't update it to that version08:17
diathen you just do a LOT of google searching for a driver08:17
mksystems-onlinehello and morning all08:17
diatarelerulz; pm08:18
lifulinghannow is pm08:18
lifulinghantime is 15:18 now08:19
mksystems-onlineam here lol08:19
anthony_tarelerulz, did you go into your sound options and see if the mute on your mic is unchecked?08:19
_Luciferglenn: is that a stable version, or a daily build? stable is what is in the official repos I believe, but there is a daily build ppa you can add08:19
acp_any one ?08:19
glenn_Lucifer, its a stable version08:20
lifulinghansorry for my english08:20
rypervencheacp_: I would recommend getting a PPA for a new kernel08:20
lifulinghanwhy not chat by chinese?08:20
grylifulinghan: most of us do not know Chinese, sorry08:21
DJoneslifulinghan: There is a dedicated chinese language channel at #ubuntu-cn if that would be easier for you, this channel is specifically for english language08:21
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk08:21
acp_thanks rypervenche, so I really need to update my kernel. coz I tweak my alsa-base.conf with the 'options snd-hda-intel model=ideapad' but still did not work08:21
rypervencheacp_: I'll see if I can find one for you. I heard someone did it the other day.08:22
acp_rypervenche, I was hoping my last option is to update my kernel, but if there are other workaround that would be great any way I just need it for skype. but if I used my headset it work well08:24
_Luciferglenn: you sure? even the official Mozilla ppa for thunderbird stable releases, which usually gets the stable releases before the main repos, is showing 3.1.10 build1 as the latest stable08:25
rypervencheacp_: I understand. I had the exact same problem, and updating my kernel fixed it as well.08:25
glontui have a computer which i intend to use as a router with 2 wans and 1 lan. It should have a main wan and a fallback wan. When on one of the wans it should continuously monitor the uplinks and when the main wan fails it should go to the secondary wan08:26
glontuwhen the main wan is up ( we determine this by pingign gateways ) it should come back to the main wan08:27
glontuwhat's the best approach to solve this ?08:27
glontui need to run the script as root08:27
glontuand i need my script to be ran when the computer is booted08:27
glontualso the thing that keeps pinging the gateways should run continuously08:27
glontuany thoughts that may help ?08:27
rypervencheacp_: ^08:28
acp_looking at the link thanks08:29
rypervencheacp_: Actually no, it's in the normal backports, I'm sorry.08:30
glenn_Lucifer what is the url to the offical mozilla ppa08:32
test_hi, newbie needing help here, problem with login loop08:32
satyais irc is sleeping?08:33
grytest_: Ask away. :)08:33
grysatya: Hello there.08:33
_Luciferglenn: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/thunderbird-stable for the web based one that shows the packages available08:33
sammmyEverytime I suspend or hibernate all my applications are gone when I come back.08:34
test_using xubuntu natty, 2 days ago everything was fine, and since yesterday i can't login with my original account; tried some so-called solutions i found online but none really worked08:34
_Luciferglenn I'm pretty sure it's official at least. the user is supervising several Mozilla projects08:35
* darmster going to bed08:35
glenn_Lucifer, did you now that ubuntu get upgrade to the stable version higher than 3.1.1008:38
=== arrrrcanum42 is now known as Guest56710
test_gry: using xubuntu natty, 2 days ago everything was fine, and since yesterday i can't login with my original account; tried some so-called solutions i found online but none really worked (sorry, should i address who i want to talk to here or just throw the question to the round?)08:43
ectospasm!ask | test_08:45
ubottutest_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:45
toto654test_: what happened 2 days ago08:46
_Luciferglenn: ah, it is stable, but it hasn't been added to the repos yet. you can download straight from Mozilla and install from source if you want though08:47
toto654firefox 5.0 ???08:47
test_thx; as i said i'm a newbie and since 2 days now i can't really login into my original account; everytime after i put in the right password, the screen goes dark for a short blink (if any help, looks like the logout screen, too fast to read) no splash screen and i'm back to the login screen, and before the problem, i don't think i made any major changes08:50
toto654test_: I meant was it from an upgrade?08:51
test_don't think so08:51
wsagenttest_ may be its graphics card issue08:51
Clerisymy taskbar isn't showing up?08:52
L551Hello. I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and now touchpad scroll no longer works. Can someone help?08:52
toto654I'm still on 10.10 ;)08:52
wildbattest_:  try to change session to failsafe see if you can login ?08:52
Mandrewwhen i do a memmory test with the live cd doest it check the hdd, processor and ram, or have i got it all wrong?08:53
test_well, the thing is i made this new user (i.e. i can get in from ctrl+alt f2 and such) but not into the desktop, and this user works just fine08:54
ClerisyDoes anybody know how I can get my taskbar back?08:54
leftistwhat is an alternative to nano? i forget now. i dont want to fuss with vi forgot the commands now08:54
wildbatMandrew: memtest only test ram08:54
Mandrewdamn :(08:54
Mandrewtnx wildbat08:55
Mandrewwhat can i do to check the processor?08:55
ectospasmMandrew: cat /proc/cpuinfo08:55
ectospasmoh, you actually want to test it?08:56
ectospasmI use mprime http://mersenne.org08:56
ectospasmMandrew: mprime will test both CPU and RAM intensively08:56
wildbat!panelreset | Clerisy08:56
ubottuClerisy: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:56
wsagentclerisy: it seems like your local profile got messed up08:56
Clerisygnome-panel: no process found08:57
farr3lli got a problem here . after i install the ATI VGA driver ,and reboot the system ,all i can see is just a blank , i pressed the enter key then i heard the sound ,i enter the passwd ,it's still blank on the screen.now i can do nothing with that ! what can i do to fix that? can here someone help me ?08:57
Mandrewi get this strange error when i try to update a newly installed distro, i get booted out when i try to update the software in it08:57
wildbatClerisy:  gnome-panel --replace08:58
Clerisythanks wildbat08:58
sammmyHow do I get hibernate to work on my laptop?08:59
Clerisywildbat» .. it gave me back the ubuntu one08:59
ClerisyI had a different one08:59
FloodBot1Clerisy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:59
wsagentclerisy: delete the recently-used.xbel file found in your home directory09:00
Clerisyno such file wsagent09:00
wsagentits a hidden file09:00
sveinseI want to install a package where one of the dependencies should not be followed. I.e. The dependency has been locally installed under /usr/local, so apt should not install this dependency. How should I do that? 1) Install the package and break the system deps or 2) Fake that the dependency has been installed?09:00
Clerisyi know09:00
Clerisyi cant see it wsagent09:00
wsagentdid you hit ctrl+h in home folder09:01
Clerisyyes.. lol09:01
Clerisyit's not a file wsagent09:01
lotuspsychjeanyone knows if natty can be installed on an ipad yet?09:01
wsagentthen you must do the home folder deletion method09:01
toto654lotuspsychje: why would u do that lol09:01
Clerisywsagent» note I'm not on gnome09:01
lotuspsychjetoto654: would be nice to have linux on there09:02
wsagentclerisy then ?09:02
toto654lotuspsychje: is it possible?09:02
Mandrew lotuspsychje its cheaper to buy one with linux preinstalled09:02
lotuspsychjetot654: i know there's a project running for ubuntu on ipad somewhere09:02
Clerisywsagent» xfce09:03
toto654yeah but i mean...ipad is just a gadget...i dont see the use to install linux in it09:03
lotuspsychjetot654= Ios is already linux based...09:04
vparkusing 10.10, with the following msg displayed, the system hangs   -    (process:395) GLib-Warning **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)09:04
Clerisyhow do I kill a process and make sure it doesnt restart?09:05
gryClerisy, depends on which one it is09:05
Clerisygry» gnome-panel09:05
=== cloud_ is now known as duolc
gry!info gnome-panel09:06
ubottugnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5 (natty), package size 379 kB, installed size 1096 kB09:06
gryClerisy, sudo apt-get remove gnome-panel, then09:06
nmesishow can i enable wireless connection?09:07
nmesisin my network manager it said that09:07
dr0idanyone faces weird issues with skype on ubuntu 11.0409:07
nmesiswireless disabled by hardware switch09:07
grydr0id, using that in here, what's happening?09:07
grynmesis, try one line please09:07
dr0idsometimes it won't show on the toolbar09:07
dr0idor Panel or w/e you call it09:07
dr0idthen it won't exit09:08
dr0idhang up09:08
dr0idwhen I force exit it, still some instance remains there :(09:08
grydr0id, not the case for me, did you try to sudo apt-get update @@ sudo apt-get upgrade ?09:08
nmesisin my network manager applet the wireless is disabled by hardware switch09:08
dr0idshall I do so ?09:08
dr0idI upgrade stuff everyday via the update manager09:08
dr0id11.04 @ gnome here09:08
nmesisi dont know what;s that swith09:09
grydr0id, sounds good, can you create a new user and check if that's the case for that user as well?09:09
=== Kol[a]kCC is now known as KolakCC
SLRUANWhat's via09:09
grynmesis, that's something in your computer, try looking at it from the front, back, left, and right09:09
nmesisit is a netbook and09:09
grySLRUAN, where?09:09
nmesisit is a netbook i dont see any switch?09:10
grynmesis, no, no, just your machine09:10
gryyes, netbook09:10
grywhat model do you have ?09:10
nmesiseeepc 1005pxd09:10
Mandrewcan i install global menus in xubuntu?09:10
toto654what's xubuntu i forgot =-O09:11
nmesisat first there is a wireless enabled and i can scan available connections, but it is gone, i dont know why09:11
Mandrewhehe toto65409:11
gryMandrew, try #xubuntu perhaps09:11
Mandrewi did they are all at sleep09:12
glennhow can i translate thunderbird09:12
grynmesis, I'm searching, please hold09:12
nmesisgry, ok209:12
gryglenn: apt-cache search thunderbird language09:13
Fisix_AIXHey, My friend just upgraded to 11.04 and his mouse wont work.... What do?09:14
grynmesis: preff Fn + F209:15
gryFisix_AIX, what model?09:15
Fisix_AIXgry, model of mouse?09:15
grynmesis, http://www.vinu.edu/cms/export/sites/default/faculty_staff/ctl/eee/E3916_EeePC900.pdf is the manual, page 4-2 should help09:15
gryFisix_AIX, yes, I guess09:15
SLRUANwho can teach me english I can teach him chinese09:16
gry!zh | SLRUAN09:16
ubottuSLRUAN: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk09:16
Fisix_AIXgry, intellimouse explorer 3 , microsoft09:16
toto654anyone know of a gaming linux channel?09:16
nmesisgry thanks09:16
Clerisycan somebody help me with my error please?09:16
nmesisi didnt saw that key09:17
glenngry and than09:17
gryglenn, pick the language you like, then run this: sudo apt-get install thunderbird-locale-** where you replace ** with your language code09:18
sveinseCan I fake a package being installed with apt?09:18
grysveinse, you can just echo the lines apt echoes, yes09:19
glenngry how can i pick the language09:19
gryglenn, read the list, find the one you prefer09:19
Fisix_AIXgry, ?09:19
Clerisycan somebody help me with my error please?09:20
gryFisix_AIX, just helping glenn with thunderbird locale, it's not about your issue; I'm searching about it as well09:20
farr3lli got a problem here ,after i installed my ATI VGA driver,and reboot my machine ,it's a blank on my screen! I don't know how to fix it,is here someone can help me ? Please!09:20
sveinsegry, Uhm. I mean, can I setup apt (preferences?) to fake a package is installed but its really not?09:20
gumushi all, does anyone know how to activate start-up sound on Lubuntu ?09:20
gryClerisy, Ubuntu doesn't use Xfce, it uses Gnome, please ask #xubuntu about that09:21
kjellehmm, I am still having trouble finding gcc-4.1-mipsel-linux-gnu_4.1.1-21_i386.deb on the net, as it seems emdebian have remove them. does anyone know any other archive that might keep such files, or a "vip" access to emdebian where they still might reside?09:21
glenngry that didn't work09:21
gryglenn, did you install one of these packages? were there any errors?09:21
farr3ll<gumus>maybe edit the sound preferences09:21
gumusit's not like Ubuntu. I couldn't find the sound preferences09:22
glenngry after is this  sudo apt-get install thunderbird-locale-nl he say the page is the last version09:23
gryglenn, stand by please09:23
glenngry thanks09:23
grygumus, try ##linux09:24
gumusok. Thanks09:24
farr3llis there someone use the 'linux-3.0''kernel ? how does it works?09:25
gumusgry: * ##linux :Cannot send to channel what does it mean ?09:25
grygumus, /msg nickserv help register09:25
gryglenn, in Thunderbird, tools -> addons -> languages, do you see your locale listed?09:26
gryFisix_AIX, please ask at the ubuntu mailing list, I can't find that right away, many posts about that it works but those are like 200509:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:26
farr3llREGISTER farr3ll farr3ll farrowmarthew@163.com09:26
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gryFisix_AIX: add the /msg nickserv in there too09:27
gryfarr3ll, add the /msg nickserv in there too09:27
gryFisix_AIX, I'll link you to the list soon09:27
farr3ll /msg NickServ REGISTER farr3ll farrowmarthew@163.com09:27
gryFisix_AIX: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users09:27
gryfatherjack: no space before '/' please09:27
gryfarr3ll, no space before '/' please09:28
gryfatherjack: unping, apologies09:28
glenngry i see my language and i is able the English but after reboot stil english09:29
gryglenn, is it listed in tools, addons, locales/languages ?09:29
glenngry yes09:30
gryglenn, if you 'enable' your locale in there, restart thunderbird, does it switch to your language?09:31
Stavasudo echo "test" > /etc/hostname gives me a permission denied error, what am i doing wrong?09:31
glenngry no09:32
gryglenn, please hold, I'll search it09:32
glenngry thanks09:32
KuifjeStava: sudo -c "echo 'test' > /etc/hostname" should do it I think09:34
kjellehmm, I am still having trouble finding gcc-4.1-mipsel-linux-gnu_4.1.1-21_i386.deb on the net, as it seems emdebian have remove them. does anyone know any other archive that might keep such files, or a "vip" access to emdebian where they still might reside?09:34
gryglenn, edit, preferences, advanced, general, config editor, click 'i promise', general.useragent.locale, set it to the value you like09:35
chaddyStava: hostname --help09:35
grykjelle, what are you trying to do?09:35
gryMike45: hello.09:35
Mike45i have ubuntu 8.04 and i have problem with php apc install09:36
Mike45can i  ask here ?09:36
glenngry thanks09:37
glenni put there nl and it works09:37
gryMike45, sure09:37
gryglenn, congratulations09:37
gryglenn, enjoy :)09:38
kjellegry: finding an older package that emdebian no longer offer09:38
glenngry many thanks09:38
bekirGood morning everyb.09:38
grybekir hi09:39
=== Richard is now known as Guest43239
glenngry did you now where the files are stored for the lanuage on the hd09:39
Mike45here is my problem http://pastebin.com/74VYduVi09:39
kjellegry: seems I must find the package and build it for mipsel myself, as it doesnt show up anywhere :p09:39
Mike45when i try to install apc pecl install apc09:39
kjellegry: im disappointed in emdebian, to remove such toolchains.09:40
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
gryglenn  Thunderbird's profile folder maybe. "~/.mozilla/thunderbird/xxxxx.default/extensions/ <- is it in there?09:42
aliendude5300Hey guys, I have a Linux hardware question -- looking to buy some new wireless speakers for my Ubuntu laptop, and I was wondering if these would work with Linux: http://www.klipsch.com/promedia-2-1-wireless-computer-speakers09:42
Mike45any idea ? http://pastebin.com/74VYduVi09:42
grykjelle  is emdebian an OS?09:42
=== tmg__ is now known as tmg
nlsthznIs the Official Ubuntu Book available online for download?09:45
glenni fond a site where it is explane thow to get the last version and translate it09:45
glenngry would you have the site09:46
arcskyhello all i wonder if anyone know a simple guide howto install Blowfish for irssi ?09:46
YankDownUnderarcsky, What about asking that in #irssi?09:46
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chaddyarcsky: I found one on google, top link "how to install blowfish irssi"09:47
gryglenn  you want to create a language pack ?09:48
gryMike45  please try ##PHP09:49
Mike45i cant join on #php :)09:50
gryaliendude5300  looking09:50
virgoWhy do i have to reboot my PC many times to get network connection with cable to router?09:50
virgoelse it sometimes shows cable not connected09:51
aliendude5300virgo, you shouldn't. I just plug mine in and it works in seconds09:51
virgosome hardware issue?09:51
aliendude5300virgo: not sure. might want to report that as a bug on launchpad.09:52
chaddyvirgo: I've seen machines that have needed the cable inserted after boot to be recognized, can't recall the fix09:52
virgoi dont wanna report bugs that might not be software fault09:53
ectospasmvirgo: can you demonstrate the problem on different software?09:53
virgoi didnt have this problem with windows09:54
glenngry now is a site where you see how to get more rapitly new versions than in releases and als o the language filres09:54
ectospasmvirgo: is windows still installed?09:54
virgoand also at the beginning with ubuntu09:54
virgosome time ago it appered09:54
ectospasmvirgo: and you've reseated the cable?09:54
gryaliendude5300  I did a search, I didn't find people having problems with this model of speakers09:54
glenngry did you whant the site09:54
gryglenn  gtp://ftp.mozilla.org09:55
virgousually i try replug cable on both sides and do reset to router and restart to computer09:55
gryerr ftp:// even09:55
ectospasmvirgo: this is Ethernet?09:55
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GSF1200Sanyone have dockbarx working with compiz scale in 11.04?09:55
ectospasmvirgo: does the Ethernet have link lights?09:55
Mike45Cannot find config.m4.09:55
glenngry can't open it09:56
chaddyvirgo: built in ethernet or pci? card might just need reseated if latter09:56
Cradamhi i installed nullmailer and it isnt working09:56
virgoi must say, my motherboard is not 100% working and i am using pci card for ethernet09:56
virgoill try to reseat my pci card then09:56
aliendude5300gry: alright, so I guess they work then? :/09:56
aliendude5300says no software required for PC or Mac, so I think they should be standard09:57
cire_workI am new to ubuntu (and gnome). Can someone tell me what the best pdf viewer for this combinatio0n is?09:57
aliendude5300cire_work: there is a built-in pdf viewer09:57
aliendude5300cire_work: I believe it's called "evince"09:57
cire_workaliendude5300, okay, thank you09:58
aliendude5300no problem :)09:58
KOIhow long is tux's penis?09:59
* aliendude5300 ignores KOI09:59
CradamKOI: he is an emperor penguin i am sure you can find out the length of their penuses online09:59
aliendude5300KOI: "Like in most birds, penguins have no external genitalia"10:01
aliendude5300There's your answer.10:01
KOIno that can't be10:01
KOItux must have a penis10:02
gry!guidelines > KOI10:03
ubottuKOI, please see my private message10:03
inashdeenhi, wanna ask, why cant we do a simulataneous install of apps on ubuntu.thanks10:03
aliendude5300inashdeen: you can, using the terminal and sudo apt-get install ...10:05
tanathany scripting gurus around who can help me fix this if statement?10:05
chaddyinashdeen: there's a lock involved in the package manager so that things don't get confused, you can select multiple items to be installed listwise10:05
tanathif [ $(ls -1 $MPATH | wc -l) > 0 ];10:05
securityxxxpertAnybody know if you can un fubar your unity desktop if you were messing around with ccsm and disabled desktop wall?10:05
tanathdoesn't seem to evaluate. looked up if statements and tried everything i could find. nothing works10:05
oCeantanath: try channel #bash10:05
tanathoCean, thanks10:06
inashdeenaliendude5300: it is not simultaneous, they just queue10:06
MikazeAnyone know what makes /dev/dsp?10:06
securityxxxpertI guess I may have to reformat10:06
tanathMikaze, 'makes'? you mean udev? or soundcard?10:07
MikazeYeah, for some reason, audio isn't working, and /dev/dsp doesn't exist.10:07
oCeaninashdeen: I think that the biggest challange for simultaneous installs would be the resolving of dependencies for the various install processes running. When installing a package, there's a lock on the database that prevents other processes from installing at the same time10:07
MikazeAm trying to figure out which package creates /dev/dsp so I can do a reinstall.10:08
chaddyMikaze: http://superuser.com/questions/244173/missing-dev-dsp-under-ubuntu10:10
chaddyMikaze: do you have /dev/padsp?10:10
inashdeenoCean : knew bout that, just talk to my loco team. but, isnt there any solution for it?? coz ubuntu is dynamic. we have gone through many impossibilties, right?>10:10
glenngry thanks  it works10:10
inashdeensecond question, can we have a native debian and rpm based repo?? not using alien??10:10
MikazeNope.  No /dev/padsp10:11
Mike45pear upgrade-all make all thins work again :)10:11
chaddyMikaze: that's good, you shouldn't have; no /dev/dsp with natty either10:11
chaddyMikaze: try "pulseaudio -k" as user10:12
MikazeOh, gods, not pulse audio...       <sulks>10:12
fairuzHi, for Natty installation, the option install alongside Windows, what it will do actually? Install Ubuntu on the same hard disk? If I want to install it to other hard disk, should I choose the option "Something else"?10:13
chaddyMikaze: checked all the sensible things like muted sound sources and such in audio settings?10:13
MikazeAlright.  Seems weird that it didn't get installed in the first place.10:13
MikazeYeah, alsamixer even sees my SB sound card, but no sound.10:14
* Mikaze installs the POS pulse audio stuff, sighing.10:15
koshieFinalRelizinashdeen, I don't think so.10:15
bazhanginashdeen, pardon?10:15
koshieFinalRelizDebian = .deb10:15
bazhanginashdeen, mix debian and rpm repos with ubuntu? no10:16
inashdeenkoshieFinalReliz: why?10:16
koshieFinalRelizWhat is the name of the software to encrypt the hardrive at the installation.10:16
koshieFinalRelizinashdeen, Debian use .deb :o10:16
bazhanginashdeen, too many packaging conflicts10:16
koshieFinalRelizDebian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint / LMDE etc.10:17
bazhangkoshieFinalReliz, you mean luks?10:17
koshieFinalRelizbazhang, maybe :o10:17
koshieFinalRelizI will google it, thank10:17
inashdeenbazhang : heard that they both using diff format to install stuff. but then again, how did alien did the job?10:17
MikazeCrapweasel.  Still nothing.10:17
bazhanginashdeen, never mix different distros repos with ubuntu ones10:17
gryinashdeen  do you want to package something that is not in repos yet?10:18
koshieFinalRelizbazhang, cryptesetup using luks ?10:19
koshieFinalRelizright ?10:19
bazhangkoshieFinalReliz, sounds right10:19
gryglenn  was having a supper, now seeing large scrollback, please hold10:19
bazhanggry pardon?10:19
inashdeengry : no, just to get an idea. coz i know there are manny hard to get get software out there, and sometimes they are package using rpm10:19
koshieFinalRelizOh my god, the documentation of cryptesetup on doc.ubuntu-fr.org is OLD, speak about Dapper >.>10:19
gryglenn  do you still have some problem?10:19
bazhanginashdeen, what package10:20
bazhangLaggg, wrong channel10:20
inashdeenbazhang : i got some back then for my old printer, cant really remember though the name, it is when i used ubuntu 10.10. even the printer now is disposed :-p10:21
AndChatHello people10:21
=== AndChat is now known as Guest28918
gryGuest28918, hi10:21
Guest28918Hello people10:21
KOIubuntu is gay10:21
=== Laggg is now known as RealEyes
asdjaputrait is, isn't it?10:21
bazhangKOI, wrong channel, and not acceptable10:22
KOIoh sorry I meant ubuntu is homosexual10:22
grySpacewalker, hi10:24
Spacewalkerhey gry...10:24
gfhjfcwhats up people10:25
gryhi gfhjfc10:26
glenngry can you help me how to upgrade firefox10:27
bazhangglenn, what version of ubuntu10:27
gryglenn, oh sure, join #firefox and I'll help in there :)10:27
gryor that10:27
glennbazhang 10.1010:28
bazhangglenn, from what to what10:28
maalacanybody can help me work on the citrix reciever?10:28
bazhanghttp://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/  <--- add this ppa for version 5 glenn if that is what you wish10:29
glennform the version that is on de cd  to 5.010:29
bazhangmaalac, /join #citrix10:30
MikazeThanks guys  Found the problem.  Stoopid cable got disconnected from the subwoofer.10:30
maalacthanks ..10:30
gfhjfcglen i dont think 5.0 is out for ubuntu just yet10:30
bazhanggfhjfc, sure it is10:31
=== timDJ is now known as iets
bazhang!fx5 | gfhjfc10:31
ubottugfhjfc: Firefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as an automatic update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/10:31
=== iets is now known as timDJ
gfhjfcbazhang alrigbt my mistake, i dont use ubuntu, here for generql help10:31
grybazhang, have an idea on seamonkey 2.1 repos eta?10:32
slaeyasturggling to get my internet from wireless adapter to work when on lan.  Can anyone help please10:33
glennubottu and what to do next10:33
ubottuglenn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:33
gry glenn, once you add the ppa, 'sudo apt-get update', 'sudo apt-get upgrade'10:34
maalacin what category is #citrix ?10:34
bazhanggry ocelet is still using 2.0.13, perhaps a ppa if there is one10:34
oCeanmaalac: category?10:35
bazhangmaalac, what does that have to do with ubuntu ?10:35
bazhangslaeya, whats the chipset10:35
maalacim using ubuntu4hp and wanted to configure Citrix Reciever which i did arleady ..10:36
FreakishHey... I just got the most screwed up crash...... and I took some shots with my cellphone. I can't make sense of it, and I don't know what, for sure, caused it. I'm using Natty, if the link didn't do it for ya ;)10:36
maalacbut i couldn't get it to connect to the network ...10:36
FreakishThe images are not in the right order, but anyone should be able to read them, and figure which goes first10:37
bazhangsudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable glenn10:37
slaeyaAR928X Wireless Network Adapter10:38
bazhang!wifi | slaeya please have a read10:39
ubottuslaeya please have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:39
slaeyathankyou bazhang10:39
Clerisymy computer crashes and goes to login screen whenever I try to play a video. Youtube and websites do not cause it, only movie players. I have tried more than 1 video file and more than one media player. Please help10:40
book1i cannot install any soft from software-center. when i press install authentication window appears and dissapears immediately(with text "Your authentication attempts was unsuccesful. try again").  i think it is because i ve changed permissions for /usr. How can i fix it? When i type gksudo software-center all is ok. Please help10:41
bazhangbook1, why would you change those permissions?10:41
Freakish@Clerisy VLC should work with ubuntu. I loved it when I was a Windows user, and I'm sure they support the latest ubuntu10:42
book1bazhang:  by mistake10:42
FreakishHey... I just got the most screwed up crash...... and I took some shots with my cellphone. I can't make sense of it, and I don't know what, for sure, caused it. I'm using Natty, if the link didn't do it for ya ;)10:42
FreakishHey... I just got the most screwed up crash...... and I took some shots with my cellphone. I can't make sense of it, and I don't know what, for sure, caused it. I'm using Natty, if the link didn't do it for ya ;)10:42
ClerisyFreakish» it still crashes even with vlc10:42
bazhangFreakish, no need to repost so quickly10:42
Freakish@bazhang: my mistake, i didn't mean to do that10:43
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
FreakishKeyboard error... and lack of sleep.10:43
Freakish@Clerisy: what sort of files are you trying to play, and are your codecs for them up to date?10:44
sudokillstrange that it goes to login screen10:44
book1bazhang: how can i recover permissions. or what to do?10:44
ClerisyFreakish» .avi files. And how can I check if my codecs are up to date? (theres no updates fyi)10:44
sudokillu dont need up to dat codec for vlc10:46
slaeyabazhang: sorry to be a pain, I cant seem to see the reference in the wifi documentation about using wlan for internet and eth for local network.10:46
bazhangsudokill, please use proper english10:46
Freakish@sudokill That's true, but then, I'm a n00b myself when it comes to linux as a whole... but I do know google, and I know what issues I've had10:47
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen10:48
sudokillfor some players you do but vlc has them all built in10:48
sudokilland mplayer plays most files i think10:48
FreakishI had a similar issue is why I suggested to @Clerisy to check ut out10:48
FreakishWhat distro you using, @Clerisy?10:48
sudokillbut still i doubt codecs would kick you out to the log in screen :s10:49
ClerisyFreakish» ubuntu10:49
Freakish@Clerisy: Which version, though?10:49
FreakishMe too, and I'll tell you, I didnt have alot of the issues I'm having with Natty as I did with 10.0410:50
FreakishI'm seriously considering downgrading10:50
sudokilli wouldnt downgrade for that id sort it out10:51
sudokillotherwise everyone would be complaining they cant play videos10:51
Freakish@sudokill it isnt just that issue... i sorted it out fairly quick...10:51
Freakishbut there have been so many minor issues strung together, and I've lost a lot of sleep over sorting them all out10:52
Freakish@Clerisy have you tried UMPlayer?10:52
ClerisyI'll try now10:52
FreakishSeems to be pretty well rounded, and I've had no issues with it since I dl'd it the other day10:54
sudokilli wish vlc had a gtk interace10:54
FreakishThen again, I'm having random crashes that I don't know the cause of...10:54
FreakishBut I've narrowed it down to firefox10:55
sudokillFreakish, ff should run fine.. are you using an unstable ppa10:55
Freakish@sudokill I'm using the version that came with my Natty release10:56
chaddyhi Jonny10:56
Jonnyhow do i get wget to follow redirects.... for example sometimes i wget a file .tar.gz but it is redirected so i get a .html file10:56
Jonnybut on the browser i get the .tar.gz10:56
Jonnydo u understand?10:56
Freakish@sudokill: Here are some shots of the screen when it crashed: http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a282/Daemeon_Arkenyon_Zane/Natty%20Narwhal%20Issue1/10:56
sudokillFreakish, i cant view them10:57
sudokillmy browser isnt working right now10:57
sudokillwell only because im updating10:57
gryJonny, that's server setup, you really can't do that, wget only takes direct links10:58
slaeyais there a firewall rule I can write so any outgoing connection on port 21 would use wlan0 ?10:58
sudokillslaeya, ud have to look at an iptables guide10:59
slaeyathanks, i'll go have a look now10:59
sudokillgentoo and ubuntu docs should tell u10:59
=== dean is now known as Neohasreturned
NeohasreturnedHi all could someone tell me if there is a backup and restore function like there is on mint I can't seem to find it?11:01
brijithmacHi,my sound controller icon is missing from the panel, how can get it back?11:01
Jonnygry ok11:01
sudokillbrijithmac, right click the panel11:01
Neohasreturnedbrijithmac, Right click on panel and add11:01
sudokillthere should be an option to add things11:01
Jonnyso how can i wget a link like http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=42011:02
Jonnythat is a .gz11:02
brijithmacsudokill:i did'nt anything like that in that list11:02
Jonnybut wget downloads a .html11:02
FloodBot1Jonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
sudokillJonny, ud have to get the direct file link11:02
gryJonny, that's server setup, wget won't follow redirects11:02
gryJonny, give wget the direct link, it'd work11:02
brijithmaci did'nt see anything like that in that list11:03
jinkJonny: wget -qO - "http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=420" | zcat11:03
sudokillJonny, cant u just download that particular file in your browser?11:03
NeohasreturnedIs there a way to backup software on Ubuntu like there is on mint?11:03
joshua__can i have  some help11:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:04
Jonny!info zcat11:05
ubottuPackage zcat does not exist in natty11:05
Jonnyjink zcat?11:05
Jonnysudokill:  no its a remote server11:05
sudokillzcat is to read compressed files11:05
Jonnyis the zcat bit neccasary?11:05
tsimpsonzcat is part of gzip11:05
Neohasreturnedbrijithmac, Your right but if you click on system then preferences and right click on sound you can add it to panel11:05
Jonnyfor the wget11:05
FloodBot1Jonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:06
jinkJonny: Do you want the zipped version or the unzipped version?11:07
widewakerandom technical question,  will my interenet speed increase if i replace my modem with a newer one? same model .11:08
widewakei doubt it will do much11:08
sudokillwidewake, i doubt it too11:09
sudokillwidewake, unless your going from an old usb modem to ethernet one11:09
widewakesudokill, nah same thing. ethernet modem11:10
Jonnywhatever it wgets11:10
Jonnyif the link is .gz then get that11:10
sudokillwidewake, what is your advertised speed and what speed are you getting then?11:10
widewakeheres another, if my non wifi moden is connected to a seperate wifi moden, with that slow down the overall connection ?11:11
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
gryJonny, link can end in anything -- what matters is its mime type only11:11
Jonnywell when I normally do it i    'wget site.com/file.tar.gz'11:11
Jonnyso want to do this11:11
gryJonny, if mime type is html and you open it in firefox, it handles that and downloads the file, but wget isn't a browser, so it'll just download the html page11:11
Jonnybut to follow the redirect11:11
Jonnygry:  http://www.egghelp.org/tclhtml/3478-4-0-0-1-add-on-tcl.htm   add-on.tcl11:13
Jonnyim trying to wget that11:13
gryJonny, wget http://www.egghelp.org/files/tcl/add-on.tcl.tar.gz11:13
hammoommahevening peoples11:13
Jonnygry:  no such link11:15
Jonnydo u not get me?11:15
gryJonny, I just wget that, it works for me11:15
SnicksieHi all, I already asked this in ##mac, but they didnt know a solution... I have a MacBook on which I installed (after Mac OSX and windows) ubuntu 11.04, but now my mac osx doesnt want to startup anymore... I got a'still waiting for root device', which can mean ubuntu has done something with my boot record or whatever... Any ideas/solutions?11:16
sudokillJonny i tried it too it works11:16
sgo11hi, is there a plan to release gubuntu (gnome ubuntu)? unity is just slow and ugly. thanks.11:16
hammoommahi am trying to setup home network for me + 5 kidlets, i would like the kids to be able to log into any computer and have same environment every time specific to them. I was wondering if i would be looking at setting up server using UEC using virtual machines or all comps having desktop edtion installed?11:17
sudokillsgo11, classic mode?11:17
grySnicksie, #grub maybe ?11:17
Snicksiewill ask there, gry :)11:18
hammoommah:Snicksie did you use refit?11:18
Snicksieno hammoommah11:18
hammoommahhmm i use refit with imac and works well with both ubuntu 11.04 desktop and server versions11:18
sgo11sudokill, what is classic mode? sorry. I just want to use gnome3 for my default desktop manager.11:18
sudokillsgo11, classis mode looks like gnome 2 afaik11:18
hammoommahonly hassle is booting from usb sticks, doesnt like them sfor some reason11:19
Jonnyhow to extract a .tcl.gz?11:19
sudokillsgo11, i dont think its recommended to use gnome 3 with natty11:19
Jonnytar -zxvf doesnt work11:19
gryJonny, tar -xvf filename11:19
sgo11sudokill, i am just wondering if any plan to release gubuntu, just like kubuntu.11:19
Jonnygry tar: This does not look like a tar archive11:20
sgo11sgo11, really? so how to use gnome 3 on ubuntu then?11:20
sudokilli dont think so11:20
gryJonny, file filename11:20
aeiou_is it possible to install php 5.3 with a package manager on 10.04?11:20
hammoommahany suggestions on network setup?11:20
sudokillsgo11, i think theres a ppa but apparently its buggy11:20
Jonnygry: ?11:20
gryJonny, type that line in shell11:20
Jonnygry 'file filename?'11:21
Jonnyyou said tar -xvf something.tcl.gz11:21
Jonnygry tar: This does not look like a tar archive11:21
Jonnygry:  gzip compressed data11:21
Miontcl does indeed not seem to be tar11:21
sgo11sudokill, ok. thanks for the info. so which desktop manager do people use these days? unity? i don't think many people like it. :)11:21
Miontcl usually are... tcl scripts11:21
Jonnyso how to extract11:22
Mionman gzip11:22
Jonnydidnt extract it11:22
Mionno, but it told you how to11:22
grygunzip add-on.tcl.tar.gz11:22
Mionif you had bothered to read what it said11:22
grytar -xvf add-on.tcl.tar11:22
gryJonny, those two may work11:23
Jonnythis is a .tcl.gz11:23
gryJonny, ls11:23
=== botus is now known as GNUdog
Mionit's just a gzipped script11:23
Jonnygunzip script11:23
Jonnythank u all tho11:23
FloodBot1Jonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:23
Jonnystfu FloodBot111:23
gryhe didn't mean anything unfriendly11:24
jyoorujeis this situation normal http://pastebin.com/eybuv2h9 ?11:35
CycovinceYou mean the awful lot of chromium processes ?11:36
gryyes, thats normal11:36
CycovinceYes it is11:36
gryit has one process for each tab and plugin11:36
jyoorujeok then11:36
gryso one of them crashes, does not take down all the browser11:36
gryit is more safe11:36
jyoorujethats logic, thanks :)11:37
CycovinceI think it uses one process per page11:37
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
u2mehi guys11:43
jyoorujeand this use of memory is normal too? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/198/capturaecraj.png/11:43
soeehi, anyone who is using USC to buy some apps ?11:45
sachinhelp on unity?11:47
gry!unity | sachin11:47
ubottusachin: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.11:47
wooterno one uses it sorry11:47
sachini know but when i log into ubuntu only i can see only my desktop icons nothing else. no unity bar no top panel11:48
ShabbyCatHi, I was wondering if someone could tell me if there is a way to get dkpg or apt to audit the installed packages and tell me if any of the individual files are missing?11:48
glennhow can i change the language of firefox 511:48
ikoniaShabbyCat: that's done at install time, not really anything after it's installed11:49
sachin<ubottu> help??11:49
ikoniasachin: why don't you just ask a question11:49
sachinwhen i log in ubuntu session i know but when i log into ubuntu only i can see only my desktop icons nothing else. no unity bar no top panel11:49
fa_effekttrying to run a command, afterwards the output says Permission denied, " sudo name.of.command11:49
daedraUbuntu 11.04, Unity desktop environment, TwinView: the vertical application launch bar appears on the RIGHT screen, but is activated by moving the mouse to the left edge of the LEFT screen.11:50
daedracan anyone help with this?11:50
ikoniafarr3ll: what is name.of.command11:50
ikoniafa_effekt: what is name.of.command11:50
fa_effektsudo evolution-addressbook-export --format=csv > contacts.csv11:50
daedrathis is VERY annoying11:50
fa_effektikonia, path: /usr/lib/evolution/2.2411:50
ChristianAdamskiHi, FF5: clicking a zip file, FF only offers to open with gedit, despite in Gnome fileroller is default and the FF-settings for zip-files default to file-roller. How to change this? Why is this happening anyway? Such things are very frustrating :(11:51
ikoniafa_effekt: ls -la evolution-addressbook-export11:51
chaddydaedra: you can also activate it with the super key11:51
fa_effektikonia, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 23432 2009-01-14 06:15 evolution-addressbook-export11:52
ikoniafa_effekt: so what is the exact command you are using, exactly, word for word11:52
fa_effektikonia,  sudo evolution-addressbook-export --format=csv > contacts.csv11:52
ArsdeorumHi to all11:53
ikoniafa_effekt: ok /usr/lib/evolution isn't in your path (or the root sudo path) use the full path as the command11:53
ikoniafa_effekt: also you shouldn't be doing that as root, as root won't have an address book, your local user will11:53
d3ngar_Hi there, I know it's not supported, but I installed gnome3 and now I wonder how I can 'unlock' the printer administration? Anyone can help?11:53
ArsdeorumI need help for a stupid thing11:53
ikoniad3ngar_: you know it's not supported, yet your asking for support, bad idea11:53
gryArsdeorum, ask11:53
=== D_N_X is now known as DNX
gryd3ngar_, there's #gnome too11:53
fa_effektikonia,  sudo /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-export --format=csv > contacts.csv <- correct?11:53
d3ngar_ikonia: because I think it's the same rubbish as in Unity11:54
ikoniafa_effekt: no - you shouldn't need to use sudo, as "root" won't have an addres book11:54
ikoniad3ngar_: that doesn't mean we support unsupported software11:54
d3ngar_gry: thanks11:54
ArsdeorumI don't remember my password (I have autologon) and the only procedures I've found are based on grub11:54
d3ngar_ikonia: but you support unity11:54
ikoniad3ngar_: which is supported11:54
Arsdeorumand I don't see grub at the boot11:54
d3ngar_ikonia; sadly!11:54
ikoniad3ngar_: in your view11:55
d3ngar_In the view of people getting ready to migrate to Debian because of it11:55
d3ngar_Nevermind that11:55
ikoniad3ngar_: yes, never mind11:55
oCeanArsdeorum: pressing shift during boot should bring up the grubmenu11:55
d3ngar_so, assuming I would sit in front of a unity deskto11:55
d3ngar_so, assuming I would sit in front of a unity desktop11:55
d3ngar_How do I unlock the printer admin?11:56
ikoniad3ngar_: you're using gnome3 - get support from the people who support it11:56
ArsdeorumTnx Ocean let me try11:56
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:57
d3ngar_ikonia: thanks, you could just tell me how you unlock the printer in unity?11:57
ikoniad3ngar_: no,11:57
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ikoniad3ngar_: because you're not using unity11:57
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d3ngar_I have changed my mind, I am in Unity all along!11:57
=== alnev is now known as natschil
hano-san!vhost babilonia.com11:58
Clerisywhen I put my mouse over the "minimize maximise close" buttons on any video players, it crashes my system and sends me back to login?11:58
ikoniaClerisy: I've seen that before with a bug in some ati drivers and an nvidia one11:58
Clerisyikonia» ideas on a fix?11:58
fa_effektikonia, sorry but didn't quite get the meaning "you shouldn't need to use sudo, as "root" won't have an addres book"11:58
ikoniaClerisy: the obvious stuff, if it is the same problem is look at your video card and the xorg drivers it's using11:59
fa_effektsimply trying to create a csv11:59
ikoniafa_effekt: when you use "sudo" you are running a command as the root user, the user "root" won't have an evolution address book, so there will be nothing to do, as you can see that command has execute for every one permissions, so if you run it as yourself, it will work, and it will also export your address book12:00
Clerisynot sure how ikonia12:00
Totem-Schalteri have a bash question . if anyone here can help12:00
fa_effektikonia,  ok12:00
ikoniafa_effekt: does that make sense ?12:00
ikoniaTotem-Schalter: worth trying ##bash ?12:01
d3ngar_ikonia; that's just plain rude! I do have the option to change desktops!12:01
ikoniaTotem-Schalter: sorry, #bash12:01
Totem-Schalterthere kinda hars over there12:01
ikoniad3ngar_: you've installed gnome3 - that changes things, it's unsupported,12:01
Totem-Schalterbut ill try12:01
danhorniblowI can't seem to get any of the function buttons working on my keyboard? any suggestions12:01
d3ngar_That I don't like unity is not something that should bother you or kick me12:01
Clerisyikonia» ?12:01
ikoniad3ngar_: I don't care if you like it or not, the fact is you have installed gnome3 that changes your desktop support - it's not supported12:02
d3ngar_still, no need to kick me12:02
ikoniad3ngar_: there is if you won't stop asking12:02
d3ngar_I'm not asking you in particular and you shouldn't turn this into a personal vendetta against me12:03
ikoniad3ngar_: I've not, I'm explaining to you - your current desktop is not supported, please stop asking anyone12:03
d3ngar_I run three different computers12:03
d3ngar_10.04 and and 10.10 too12:03
d3ngar_And things changed in 11.0412:03
chaddychange is immutable, get used to it12:03
ikoniad3ngar_: yes ?12:04
Clerisywhen I put my mouse over the "minimize maximise close" buttons on any video players, it crashes my system and sends me back to login?12:04
ikoniaand ?12:04
d3ngar_so it's not necessarily a question to this unsupported desktop12:04
ikoniad3ngar_: it is - as the others don't run unity12:04
d3ngar_It's a more general 11.04 question12:04
d3ngar_oh, I have a unmodified 11.04 too12:04
d3ngar_but it's running gnome desktop12:04
ikoniad3ngar_: wow - so you've gone from 1 desktop running an unsupported desktop to 3 desktops, to a 4th when you get caught out that none of them correct for the question you're asking12:05
ikoniad3ngar_: https://help.ubuntu.com in the printing section expalins how to manage printers in unity12:05
glennhow can i install firefox 512:05
jpdsglenn: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade12:06
szalglenn: sudo apt-get install firefox12:06
glennszal  but than i have them in english and need ducht version12:07
fa_effektikonia, the explanation was clear, the new question is how does one export contacts from evolution into a .csv? every instruction online states it's located in the /usr/lib/evolution path12:07
bleetdoes anyone know if its is possible to add custom compression options - say for example to compress at lzma -4 - to a named entry in the Compress.. dialog when you right click in natilus?12:07
ikoniafa_effekt: what's teh problem with the command you're trying without sudo ?12:08
fa_effektikonia, (evolution-addressbook-export:9964): evolution-addressbook-tools-WARNING **: Couldn't load addressbook NULL12:08
ikoniafa_effekt: do you have an addressbook defined ?12:09
fa_effektikonia, (evolution-addressbook-export:9964): evolution-addressbook-tools-WARNING **: Couldn't load addressbook NULL12:09
pRoV7x hello, does Ubuntu need a protection program?12:09
szalglenn: then install the Dutch language pack along -> sudo apt-get install firefox-locale-nl <- it will even recommend you to install that12:09
ikoniafa_effekt: it's looking like you have an empty addressbook12:09
pRoV7x or firewall or any kinda thing12:09
fa_effektikonia, it has contacts in it12:09
ikoniafa_effekt: check the syntax, do you have to speifcy where your address book is ?12:10
glennszal but how to activate than firefox-local-nl12:10
szalglenn: restart Firefox12:10
fairuz Hi, for Natty installation, the option install alongside Windows, what it will do actually? Install Ubuntu on the same hard disk? If I want to install it to other hard disk, should I choose the option "Something else"?12:12
pRoV7x hello, does Ubuntu need a protection program?12:12
pRoV7x or firewall or any kinda thing12:12
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:12
grypRoV7x, see above12:12
KuzadpRoV7x, You might want a firewall, and a backup program.12:13
pRoV7x i see thank u all12:13
KuzadHello. I am installing 11.04, or at least I will be. I plan to partition it in different partitions, such as /boot having a small partition, / having about a 40-80 GB partition, and /home having a large partition of indeterminate size. While I was doing my configuring in the installer, I noticed that another part of the root existed. /usr/local. I want to partition this as well, and I need to know what its size should be?12:13
ectospasmKuzad: no need for boot to be separate any longer12:14
pRoV7x so there won't be a hacking chance or something12:14
pRoV7x is it that safe just wonder12:14
ectospasmKuzad: it depends on how many packages you'll be compiling outside of apt12:14
glennszal  restat isn't working12:14
ectospasmKuzad: I don't make /usr/local a separate partition12:14
ectospasm...I usually set /home to be my largest, and everything else goes into / (and swap)12:15
Kuzadectospasm, Alright. So my current partition layout will work, /boot, /, and /home?12:15
ectospasmKuzad: wasting time with /boot12:15
alialihey guys. I have problem installing tor on ubuntu maverick. i have search for it and try lots of methods.12:16
ectospasmit used to be you needed a separate boot partition, but not any more with GRUB12:16
glennhow can i get my firefox 5 in a other language12:16
Kuzadectospasm, I know that, but it's easier to repair GRUB if it messes up when it has its own partition.12:16
Clerisywhen I put my mouse over the "minimize maximise close" buttons on any video players, it crashes my system and sends me back to login?12:17
CycovinceGlenn: http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/5.0/linux-x86_64/xpi/12:18
KuzadEither way, if I might be installing a lot of packages within apt, how large should the root partition be?12:18
ectospasmKuzad: I dunno about that... GRUB just defines a pointer to any partition12:18
ectospasm...in the MBR12:18
nophonehow do i install g77 compiler?12:18
ClerisyCould somebody please help..... ヽ(´ー`)ノ12:18
KuzadClerisy, does it crash when you click them, or when you hover?12:19
Clerisyhover Kuzad12:19
oCeanglenn: just so you know, there is a dutch help channel, #ubuntu-nl12:19
ectospasmnophone: do you need a FORTRAN 77 compiler?12:19
nophoneectospasm: it's for physics12:20
ectospasmnophone: I didn't ask why, I asked if that's what you want.12:20
ClerisyKuzad» any ideas?12:21
glennoCean, there is not muth help12:21
nophoneectospasm: ah well yes then. alot of ppl are condecending about the fortran programing language lol sorry for being so defensive12:21
KuzadClerisy, None at all, unfortunately.12:21
oCeanglenn: you have not asked a question yet12:21
ectospasmnophone: aptitude install fortran77-compiler12:21
glennCycovince, what you give me works12:21
Cycovinceglad it helped12:21
ectospasmnophone: hey, my first real programming language experience was with FORTRAN 9012:21
Kuzadectospasm, if I may be installing a lot of packages from Apt or SC, would that be a difference in the root size? What part of the system is the data stored for programs from Apt/SC?12:22
ectospasmnophone: the flat memory model older FORTRAN versions used was quite elegant in its simplicity12:22
glennoCean, i ask there many tims questions no answer12:22
bleetanyone know if its possilbe to edit the Compresss dialog from the right click menu12:22
ectospasmKuzad: I have never needed more than 30GB worth of space for / (including /usr, et cetera)12:22
KuzadAlright, thanks for the help, ectospasm.12:23
ectospasmKuzad: YMMV, but if you're worried about it, put /usr and /var on LVM volumes, so you can grow them if you need it12:23
* Kuzad runs off to his installer12:23
CycovinceGlenn, is your problem solved ?12:23
nophoneectospasm: aparently i have to install aptitude as well12:23
ectospasmnophone: yeah, that's a "feature" of Ubuntu12:24
chaddynophone: apt-get instead of aptitude, if you like12:24
ectospasmnophone: you could use apt-get, or use Synaptic, if you wish12:24
ectospasmnophone: just remember that I found the package you needed by typing "aptitude search fortran"12:24
Cycovinceor software center, which is merely a gui to apt-get12:24
nophonetyvm ttyl12:24
ectospasm...there are similar methods for apt-get (apt-cache search) and synaptic12:24
one-guyhey gues whats the off-topic chanel ?12:25
ectospasmone-guy: #ubuntu-offtopic12:25
gry!ot | one-guy12:25
ubottuone-guy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:25
one-guythanks ectospasm12:25
ectospasmone-guy: there's also ##club-ubuntu for no-holds-barred, unofficial banter12:25
glennCycovince, yes12:25
ikoniaectospasm: please don't advertise that channel in here12:26
Cycovinceglenn, Alright, just wanted to be sure ;)12:26
StavaDid I configure /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts correctly if "hostname" outputs "server1" and "hostname -f" outputs "server1.example.com"?12:27
ectospasmikonia: heheheh, OK.  Seems it strikes nerves.12:27
sachinwhen i log in ubuntu session i know but when i log into ubuntu only i can see only my desktop icons nothing else. no unity bar no top panel12:27
ikoniaectospasm: no, it's just not associated with ubuntu and against it's policies, hence why it's not advertised here,12:27
ectospasmheh, I'm not surprised by that comment ikonia12:28
Cycovinceikonia, what "policy" are you talking about ?12:28
Kuzadectospasm, you said that I could create an LVM for those partitions. How would I do that?12:28
ectospasmKuzad: use the alternative installer12:28
superhihawhat ^^12:28
ikoniaCycovince: jump into #ubuntu-ops and I'll explain12:29
Kuzadectospasm, Is it possible to do within GParted?12:29
Clerisywhen I put my mouse over the "minimize maximise close" buttons on any video players, it crashes my system and sends me back to login?12:29
ectospasmKuzad: I've never done it with GParted, but I don't really know.12:30
CQhello, what font package do I need to install to get Arial in libreoffice?12:30
ectospasmUnless Natty has built the LVM stuff into the main LiveCD installer (which I always thought possible)... you need the alternate install (curses-based installer)12:30
IanPM-Wis there a simple way to return my Ubuntu 11.4 install to the original install state?12:31
one-guyhey, does anyone here speak arabic ?12:32
glennwhat is the best way to upgrade firefox12:32
CQglenn: apt-get update; apt get upgrade12:32
CQIanPM-W: probably not, no...12:32
oCeanCQ: arial is in ttf-mscorefonts-installer, which is part of ubuntu-restricted-extras12:33
ectospasmCQ: aptitude show ttf-mscorefonts-installer12:33
ectospasmoCean: beat me to it...12:33
petsoundsglenn, i think you can run firefox without having to install it, download firefox from the official website, extract it and paste the path to firefox shell in alacarte/main menu12:33
oCeanglenn you have been told how to use the mozillateam ppa12:34
CycovinceMozilla team stable12:36
ikonianot always12:36
glennoCean, what ?12:36
CycovinceGlenn, you're already using Firefox 5, why would you want to upgrade then ?12:36
oCeanglenn: we have been over this before12:36
oCeanglenn: you asked how to get to ff5 and bazhang told you how to use the ppa12:37
Clerisywhen I put my mouse over the "minimize maximise close" buttons on any video players, it crashes my system and sends me back to login?12:37
icioI'm having trouble setting up xorg to use the correct resolution for my monitor. Not sure where to begin.12:37
pRoV7x if i use wine with some windows programs, though im most of the time sure they're safe, in this case could the Linux OS get affacted or dameged in anyway that can't be fixed easly?12:37
glennoCean, i wan't to now how to upgrade in the futher12:37
CycovinceGlenn: follow the instructions: http://bit.ly/l3sN0T12:37
ikoniaClerisy: as I suggested earlier, that was a known issue with an ati driver set and card earlier, and I believe nvidia had a similar issue at one point12:38
oCeanglenn: once you've added the repo, it will provide further updates12:38
Clerisyikonia» are you saying theres nothing I can do about it?12:38
ClerisyBecause it hasnt happened until recently12:38
ikoniaClerisy: possibly, possibly not, if depends if it's the same problem12:38
jnlsnl_anyone have experience with IMCE module ?12:38
Clerisywhat do you propose ikonia?12:39
pRoV7x ubottu: i read it all thank you, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:39
ubottupRoV7x: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:39
CQoCean: thanks12:40
pRoV7x i see thank gry then, hhhh12:42
daedraUbuntu 11.04, Unity desktop environment, TwinView: the vertical application launch bar appears on the RIGHT screen, but is activated by moving the mouse to the left edge of the LEFT screen. This is VERY annoying. How do I fix it? I know I can press Super key to activate it but I still have to mosey on down to the right screen to launch apps :S12:42
pRoV7x thanks12:42
IanPM-W<CQ> IanPM-W: probably not, no...12:42
IanPM-Wshame :(12:42
glennoCean, but how can i see that here is  a upgrade12:43
IanPM-WI suspect I can fix my eth0 problem with a fresh install12:43
IanPM-Wnow wondering if the 11.10 nightly is stable enough for me12:43
Cycovinceglenn = sudo apt-get update in a terminal will tell you12:43
PythonSnakeHi I want to dual boot ubuntu and windows 7. Can anyone tell me how to partition a 320gb please ? 1 ntfs for windows, 1ntfs for data, and the rest for linux12:43
IanPM-Walthough I see they are ditching synaptic :o12:43
oCeanglenn: update manager will tell you if updates are available (in any enabled repository)12:43
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oCeanIanPM-W: 11.10 is alpha release12:44
glennOcean where can i see i update manger is on or off12:44
IanPM-Wyeah oCean12:44
oCeanIanPM-W: then use #ubuntu+1 channel12:44
IanPM-WI like flying by the seat of my pants :)12:44
oCeanIanPM-W: not here12:45
IanPM-Whehe, okay12:45
ohirPythonSnake: your ubuntu needs 8GB at min. It will be enough for games and productivity software if you give it 20-30G. So 100G for Winz + 30G for linux and 190GB for your /home on linux and D: on windoz12:47
craigbass1976What's the rig up in the corner (upper right) of a new lucid install called?  It's got to do with chat and broadcast.12:48
leagrisPythonSnake, you would be good at 50Gb for Linux but safer with 100Gb, reserve also some partition 1.5× or 2×RAM size for swap and whatever size for linux home, really depend your needs.12:48
glennis there a icon that say there are upgrades in the upgrade manager12:48
royale1223how do i add prefix in first n lines using sed?12:48
leagrisglenn, there used to be. Now update-manager window just pop.12:49
daedraUbuntu 11.04, Unity desktop environment, TwinView: the vertical application launch bar appears on the RIGHT screen, but is activated by moving the mouse to the left edge of the LEFT screen. This is VERY annoying. How do I fix it? I know I can press Super key to activate it but I still have to mosey on down to the right screen to launch apps :S12:49
PythonSnake /home and D:/ can be on same partition ?12:50
ohirPythonSnake: during install you should choose separate but small home partition (aka 100MB). After booting to linux you will need edit your /etc/fstab and set your third partition as home of ntfs type12:50
ohirPythonSnake: yep, it can12:50
ohirPythonSnake: so you will have acces to your files from both OSes12:51
PythonSnakehow much linux needs again ?12:52
PythonSnake20gb ?12:52
ikoniaPythonSnake: lets not start this again12:52
ikoniaPythonSnake: people have just told you12:52
chaddyPythonSnake: some sort of scrollback function is called for12:52
TornUpHello everyone, i was wondering if you could help me with a problem im having with apache not starting up on port:80 HTTP but its working on port:443 HTTPS?12:52
ikoniaTornUp: what ubuntu version ?12:53
PythonSnakeso 20gb and 4gb of swap as I have 2gb ram12:54
PythonSnakethat's all ?12:54
leagrisTornUp, check apache logs, then check port 80 not already used by some other process (sudo fuser -n tcp 80 -v), then check apache config12:54
ikoniaTornUp: how did you install apache ?12:54
Clerisywhen I put my mouse over the "minimize maximise close" buttons on any video players, it crashes my system and sends me back to login?12:55
leagrisPythonSnake, 20Gb may be ok now but as you upgrade/install it will show too short and you will end up with a non extendable partition in middle of others. 50 or 100 Gb would be a safer size12:55
ohirPythonSnake: [phys #1 100GB ntfs windows][phys #2 190GB ntfs home][phys #3 extended ubuntu]->[#5 swap; #6 100MB temphome; #7 / ]12:55
ikonialeagris: nonsense12:55
ikonialeagris: a base ubuntu install is 2GB - an over the top one is about 5GB - the reset is user data12:56
PythonSnakeextended ?12:56
ikoniaPythonSnake: it doesn't matter12:56
ohirPythonSnake: you do not need 4G swap nowadays. You need size of ram + 64MB if you plan to use hibernation or some 256-512MB if you do not.12:56
TornUpikonia: we have just taken over ownership of the server so im not sure how it was installed...12:57
ikoniaTornUp: look at the config then see what it's set to listen on12:57
sachinhalf an hour still no reply. can it get worse12:57
TornUpleagris: sorry, how am i able to access the support logs?12:57
ohirikonia: fresh users tend to install tons of apps for try, so 20GB /usr is now a norm.12:57
ikoniaohir: that' massivly over the top12:58
ohirikonia: after year or two they will know what they like so next install will use a fourth of said 20G ;)12:58
Piciohir: There is no need for a regular user to separately partition anything other than / and perhaps /home/12:58
leagrisTornUp, /var/log/apache2/error.log is a good start12:58
ohirPici: read log. He asked how to get best of two worlds.12:59
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ohirPici: so he got advise how to share home partition12:59
ohirPythonSnake: also do NOT turn on home encryption, as encrypted files will NOT be avaliable then under windows.13:00
Piciohir: That has little bearing on how the root partition should be sized.13:00
TornUpGuys, this is the config file for the primary domain in the sites-avaliable folder: http://pastebin.com/7Nxytmvz13:00
hammoommahif im using cheap terminals with itsp server should i put ubuntu server edition on server or will desktop edition work?13:00
leagrisTornUp, actually here 33Gb used for / and 13Gb for home13:00
PythonSnakeohir: Can I put password ?13:01
hammoommahand if i put server edition on can i use as client pc at same time?13:01
ohirPythonSnake: you may do .private folder later. There are howtos on ubuntu forums.13:02
Piciohir, PythonSnake: NTFS as your /home parition will not work.  It does not support the same security as linux filesystems use.13:02
ohirPythonSnake: and your linux will ask password unless told to automatically log you in (what is discouraged of course)13:03
leagrishammoommah, server version install a specific kernel and some different default packages but it is perfectly usable as a desktop or client13:03
hammoommahthanks leagris13:03
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hammoommahand by specific kernel you mean.....13:03
ohirPici: funny said. Works since ntfs gained rw :>13:05
ohirPici: and do read more 'bout ntfs.13:06
Piciohir: NTFS does not support per-user permissions. Sure, you can mount it somewhere, but don't expect to be able to have discrete security per file.13:06
Piciohir: I'm well aware of how NTFS works on both Windows and Linux.13:06
sabgenton--block-size=1 produces different results when used with du oposed to ls13:06
Piciohir: Clarification: NTFS does not support per-user permissions on Linux.13:06
sabgentonwhats up with that?13:06
ohirPici: this is home user with small hdd. And these 190G shared means that he can watch his videos on both systems i.e.13:07
ohirPici: fyi my home is on truecrypted ntfs while os is on luks partitions. And will stay on ntfs until some good team will do visio for linux I need sometimes to do my work.13:08
leagrishammoommah, the server kernel has different optimizations turned on, manage bigger memory sizes, has enabled support for hosting virtual hosts, may not provide realtime interaction with gui because of different scheduler settings. You may not notice the difference by the way.13:09
ohirPici: and works this way for some three or four years now13:09
bazhangohir, dont recommend ntfs here.13:10
bazhangohir, for shared data its fine, but "works for me" for /home is not a good idea in any way shape or form13:10
ohirbazhang: its only option for people who have to or want to dual-boot13:10
dbuggeris there in unity hotkeys for docking?13:10
bazhangohir, thats simply not so13:10
gryohir, i'm using ext4 on linux partition13:10
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TornUpguys, just looked through the error.log.... cant find anything about conflict of port...13:11
bazhangohir, you are free to do what you wish, please do not recommend it here.13:11
ohirbazhang: that simply is13:11
llutzohir: no need to have /home on ntfs when dual-booting. shared ntfs-partition, mounted somewhere in $HOME/data does fine13:11
oCeanTornUp: so there a process actually listening at :80 ?13:11
ohirllutz: yep, thats better13:11
gryohir, I'm using ext4 on linux partition and ntfs in windows partition, linux manages to read both of them fine13:11
PythonSnakeCan WIndows access ext4 ?13:12
gryohir, it's not necessary to use ntfs when you dual boot13:12
jpdsPythonSnake: No.13:12
Clerisywhen I put my mouse over the "minimize maximise close" buttons on any video players, it crashes my system and sends me back to login?13:12
TornUpoCean: how do i check?13:12
gryPythonSnake, if you set some things up, it should be able to, I don't remmeber the names but I'm sure someone did that13:12
oCeanTornUp: run in terminal sudo netstat -tulpa13:12
PythonSnakeso I need 2 separate partitions one ntfs and another ext413:12
ohirllutz: just new user can not in advance estimate how big his or her home will be. And windoz customs prevent him or her from thinking before putting file13:12
Picigry: Thats for ext3/ext2, not ext413:12
jo-erlendPythonSnake, there are ext4 drivers for Windows.13:13
pandotehow i can agree more13:13
jpdsjo-erlend: Have you tried that recently? They don't work.13:13
PythonSnakeWhy not create ntfs for both windows and linux13:13
TornUpoCean: http://pastebin.com/urPewfZp13:13
ohirjo-erlend: stable and rw? gimme a link.13:13
gryPythonSnake, just run the installer, it'll take care of that -- before installing linux, do '"defragment" your windows partition first -- a web search can give you more instructions on that13:13
bazhangPythonSnake, that simply does not work13:13
leagrisFor information. I tried btrfs on spinning disk both for / and /ome partitions. Installation and working ok except some wired message about environment at boot asking to press enter. Other than that, performances where like halves as with ext4. I went back to ext4 then.13:13
gummybearI've got 11.04 desktop on a desktop machine and I'm thinking of setting it up as the server for a vpn setup, do I need to reinstall with server edition or can I just add whatever packages I may need?13:13
gryPici, if you have a command to check ext? I have, I'll check13:13
PythonSnakebazhang: why13:14
jo-erlendjpds, ohir; no I haven't tried them recently.13:14
Picigry: mount13:14
llutzohir: no extra home at all, just let them put their personal stuff on the ntfs-partition and they don't have to worry about /home-size13:14
Picigummybear: Just add the packages you need.13:14
gummybearpici: thank you13:14
leagrisgummybear, no reinstallation needed. No need for server kernel either. Just install/remove packages as needed13:14
TornUpoCean: im not sure... could you look at my pastebin above?13:14
ohirjo-erlend: so why do you recommend it? Its safer to do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourtobepastlinuxext4partition13:15
PythonSnakeLinux can read ntfs.13:15
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oCeanTornUp: sure, check that output for http and/or apache, and it turns out that (line 9) only https is listening13:15
gummybearleagris: thanks!13:15
TornUpthis is a customers server, and its been down since yesterday :( well out of my depth!!!13:15
andregabrielhello where is ruby installed? how do I get to its folder?13:15
jo-erlendohir, I haven't recommended anything. I said there are ext4 drivers for Windows.13:15
ohirllutz: so it equals. My advice was for a linux newbie with home box13:15
ohirjo-erlend: no, they do not exist yet. They are still mere tries.13:16
TornUpoCean: in the intrest of not missing a message from you, are you happy if i open a PM with you? My neck is on the chopping block with this server being down!...13:16
landyproanyone using a w510 / w520 with ubuntu?13:16
oCeanTornUp: no problem at all13:16
ohirjo-erlend: while ntfs support since 2008 is solid rock13:16
neurochromeBeen having video troubles recently... Anyone else?  Basically when I load firefox and there is a YouTube tab open; the video that is loaded is stuck on a layer, so when I open totem or certain other apps that use that layer, the youtube video is still visible - even AFTER I close the YouTube tab/page down.13:17
neurochromeany fix for this?13:18
neurochromeoh, forgot... ubuntu 10.10 with nvidia drivers13:18
ohirPici: for single user ntfs home mount fith uid/gid fixed is enough security13:19
andregabrielhow do I hide this joined/quit messages it gets confusing with the actual converstions.?13:20
bazhangandregabriel, what client13:20
ohirPici: add umask and 0711 on /home inode and you are as safe as on ext413:20
andregabriel@bazhang, didn't understand your question.13:21
bazhangandregabriel, ah the gateway client, not sure about that sorry. perhaps #freenode can help13:21
jo-erlend<ohir> jo-erlend: so why do you recommend it? Its safer to do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourtobepastlinuxext4partition <--- why would you want to do that?13:22
gryandregabriel, left top, click options menuitem, there is an option fro that13:22
demonboysry for caps my font doesnt support lowercase13:23
demonboynvm i guess it does lol13:23
demonboyanywho i need some help finding/installing a driver13:24
bazhangdemonboy, for what13:24
jophish_Hi all!13:24
jophish_I'm running 10.04, if I upgrade to latest, will I get the multiarch /usr?13:24
ActionParsnipandregabriel: what program do you use for IRC?13:24
demonboyhang on i forgot its name lol13:24
bazhangActionParsnip, gateway client13:24
PiciActionParsnip: they're getting help in #freenode13:24
ohirjo-erlend: it was elipsis. To show what "ext4 driver for windowz" will do13:24
ActionParsnipPici: cool13:24
demonboyits for atheros AR815213:25
demonboyits a wireless card13:25
jo-erlenddemonboy, isn't that provided by jockey?13:26
andregabrielsharing my most recent knowledge :) - if you want to hide joined/quit messages click on the top left button --> options.13:26
ActionParsnipjophish_: you can use 32bit apps in 64bit OS with ia32-libs  you will need to manually satisfy 32bit lib deps too.13:26
ohirjo-erlend: there is no ext4 support for windows, there in fact is no reliable ext3 support for windows.13:26
jophish_ActionParsnip: Sure, I understand that. But will upgrading change the directory structure under /usr13:26
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ohirjo-erlend: its "work in progress" and likely will be for years to come13:26
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jo-erlendohir, I don't know why you're going on about this. But in the future, I don't think you should say things like that without making it very clear that you're joking. After all, the consequence would be a total loss of data.13:27
ActionParsnipjophish_: how do you mean "upgrading"?13:28
jophish_ActionParsnip: dist-upgrade13:28
ohirjo-erlend: but ntfs is solid rock supported under linux. And for single user having whole /home under his or her uid/gid is no less secure than having /home/user under full unix acls13:28
ActionParsnipjophish_: do you mean to the next release?13:28
jophish_ActionParsnip: well, to the current one13:28
jophish_I'm running 10.0413:28
ActionParsnipjophish_: you can run:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    and you willnot change release13:28
bazhangohir, please lets move on. what works for you is not supported here. in future do not recommend a /ntfs home13:29
ohirjo-erlend: can you show me ls -la /dev/yourtobepastlinuxext4partition on your system? :>13:29
rnswhat's better for a server - ubuntu 10 or 11?13:29
ActionParsnipjophish_: to upgrade from Lucid you will need to upgrade to Maverick first, then upgrade to Natty13:29
jo-erlendohir, please stop. I have never recommended anything. I don't know what you were talking about. He asked if it was possible to use ext from windows and it is. That's not a recommendation.13:29
jophish_ActionParsnip: that's not a problem13:29
DarsVaedahi, how can I drag not fullsized windows to the top bar on gnome natty without the darn thing going fullsize?13:29
bazhang!ot | ohir13:29
ubottuohir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:29
jophish_but will the structure under usr change?13:29
ActionParsniprns: 10.04 server is supported for a lot longer13:29
ActionParsnipjophish_: not hugely, no13:29
craigbass1976WHere's the best "desktop guide for dummies" out there.  I'm wondering how to use the chat thing up near my clock and can't figure it out13:30
ohirjo-erlend: you'd be right only if said command would be prefixed with sudo. EOT.13:30
jo-erlendcraigbass1976, can you be more specific?13:31
ActionParsnip!manual | craigbass1976 may help13:32
ubottucraigbass1976 may help: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:32
jophish_ActionParsnip: I ws talking about this: http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/13:32
jo-erlendActionParsnip, it won't help if he's using 10.04 and talking about the status text input field. Think that was removed after 10.04?13:33
craigbass1976jo-erlend, it's my isername with a little chat bubble next to it.  Fresh lucid install.  Clicking on it brings a menu down with different chat statuses, a link to ubuntu one, and broadcast.  I've set up my gmail and yahoo accounts to work with it, but can't figur eout how to chat with anyone.  Odd, I just set up nfs and samba shares in record time, but I get kaiboshed with stupid things like this...13:33
ohirllutz: you are right though. Its better to recommend mounting ntfs under $HOME/WINSHARE or like.13:33
ActionParsnipjophish_: ia32-libs will allow you to run 32bit apps on 64bit OS, you could also install a 32bit OS someplace and chroot :)13:33
jo-erlendcraigbass1976, that's only for setting status. Your roster is in the messages menu, with the envelope on it.13:34
craigbass1976jo-erlend, duh....  thanks13:35
meerawhat program for ubuntu and i pod touch g3 matches best?13:36
bazhangmeera, banshee works pretty well13:37
meerais this a good one limbusbmuxd-dev is that also good?13:38
bazhangmeera, thats not an actual application you would use13:39
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craigbass1976Has anyone had good or bad luck with gedit in windows?  I currently use geany for cross platform stuff, but the "hit both mouse buttons to paste" doesn't work very well on my laptop, so I'm looking for something else.13:40
meerabut this is not usabel for photos only for music?13:40
bazhangmeera, shotwell for photos13:41
bazhang!info shotwell13:41
ubottushotwell (source: shotwell): digital photo organizer. In component main, is extra. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu0.1 (natty), package size 1975 kB, installed size 5756 kB13:41
meeraok so i neet shotwell and banshe for ipod. thanks13:41
bazhangmeera, they are there in 11.04 already13:42
demonboysry i lost connection to xserver13:43
demonboyhad to reboot13:43
demonboyanywho i cant find a driver for my wireless card13:43
demonboyits an ar8152 atheros chipset13:43
demonboywhen i run the command #airmon-ng13:44
demonboyit doesnt show the wireless card13:44
demonboywhen i type ifconfig it shows wlan013:44
demonboyand when i type airmon start wlan0 it says its not configured13:45
jo-erlenddemonboy, have you configured it?13:46
demonboyidk how13:46
demonboyit works fine to connect to the internet13:46
meerathanks but tehy are not installed. is there a programm in ubuntu for both photos and music for an connetion to ipod touch i saw amarok but tis is just for music13:46
Daniel0108hi! I have a SD-card reader, but if I insert a card, Ubuntu doesn't recognize it. I have to restart my laptop with the SD-card *inserted* to access the data on the card. How can I fix that?13:47
demonboybut i need it to work w/ airmon for obvious reasons13:47
FloodBot1shutup: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:47
demonboylol flood bot13:47
Pici!ask | shutup13:47
ubottushutup: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:47
koshieFinalRelizI've installed ruby1.9.1 package on my 10.04.2 and when I type ruby1.9.1 in my terminal, after one minute it is still unlaunched. It's a little bit odd. With the --verbose nothing happens, my prompt is ready immediately after.13:49
koshieFinalRelizI've trying to reinstalled ruby1.9.1 but it's not better.13:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:50
koshieFinalRelizcoccus1, hello.13:50
demonboyso does any1 know where to find a driver for the atheros AR8152 wireless card for backtrack5 thats built in ubuntu?13:52
iceroot!backtrack | demonboy13:53
ubottudemonboy: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:53
demonboyiceroot so u told the bot to say tht message right13:54
icerootdemonboy: correct13:54
demonboyso yal cant provide the driver because its backtrack13:54
demonboyand i have to go to their chat13:54
demonboythey are such douch bags in there13:55
demonboythts y i came here13:55
jo-erlendyal? We use jockey.13:55
icerootdemonboy: doesnt matter, this is not backtrack-support13:55
demonboybut its still ubuntu is it not13:55
demonboythe drivers will be the same13:55
icerootdemonboy: please stop it here and ask them13:56
meeraok i try with bunshee and shotwell13:56
bazhangmeera, okay13:56
bazhangdemonboy, not the same. #backtrack-linux NOT here13:56
gryoh was wondering what their channel is, suggested #backtrack to someone today :\ thanks for the name I guess13:57
demonboyno im saying its says my distro is ubuntu13:57
andregabrielhello, after rake db:migrate command, I'm getting: rake aborted! uninitialized constant bundler... would you know what that is?13:57
demonboytherefor the drivers i need are for ubuntu13:57
bazhangdemonboy, lets move on please. its not.13:57
icerootdemonboy: again!! this is not the backtrack support channel13:58
phiVhey, how do I temporarily create a path shortcut and use it in the terminal?13:58
phiVlets say i want to save the current path as the variable "$WORK" so I can cd $WORK at any time just for the sesson13:58
jo-erlendphiV, ln -s target linkname.13:58
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icerootphiV: have a look at cdargs13:59
phiVk i'll look into that13:59
phiVjo-erlend , iceroot: ok13:59
demonboywhats the command to auth to the server?13:59
vparkwhich is the application for splitting and merging files?13:59
vparkzip files13:59
bazhangdemonboy, try #freenode for that13:59
icerootvpark: zip, unzip or split14:00
jo-erlendphiV, that will give you a permanent link. export $WORK=/path/to/work will enable you to cd $WORK14:00
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poponaboHi. Do someone know how to delete a state on pidgin ?14:01
grypoponabo, #pidgin maybe14:01
rnsi fI install pacakges with apt-get, and then I do apt-get upgrade, will it only add bug fixes or will it upgrade to the latest version of the pacakge?14:02
icerootrns: only security-updates14:02
rnsiceroot, so I would need to manually upgrade to a new version?14:05
bazhangrns, firefox?14:06
bazhangrns, firefox is a security update in this case14:06
bazhangrns, if you are on 11.04 simply sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade will leave you with firefox 514:08
rnsbazhang, so if I had django running on my system and I did sudo apt-get update it would only give me security updates?14:10
rnsand if I did sudo apt-get upgrade it would upgrade django to the latest version?14:11
chaddyrns: update updates your sources14:11
rnschaddy, so does that mean it gives me the latest version if available, or just does security updates?14:12
root_____mrtg with ubuntu 10.10 index maker error in line 35314:12
chaddyafaik rns it just updates your sources and recommends upgrades14:13
iceroot!backports | rns14:13
ubotturns: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:13
icerootrns: chaddy is wrong apt-get upgrade will upgrade your packages to the newest version form the repos. and newest version = security update14:13
rnsiceroot, so using firefox as an example - would apt-get upgrade take me from FF4 to FF5?14:14
icerootrns: in 11.04 yes bit that is a special case14:15
rnsiceroot, or for django, from django 1.0 to django 1.3?14:15
icerootrns: with other programs you only get the security update14:15
icerootrns: no14:15
icerootrns: as i said, backports are for that case14:15
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chaddyiceroot: apt-get update does more than update the sources?14:16
icerootchaddy: no14:16
rnsiceroot, so what's the difference between update and upgrade?14:16
icerootchaddy: but we are talking about upgrade, not update14:16
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chaddyiceroot: I answered a question about update14:16
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icerootrns: apt-get update will update the sources-list, apt-get upgrade will upgrade the packages, apt-get dist-upgrade will also upgrade dependecies14:16
icerootchaddy: there was no question about update but lets move on14:17
rnsiceroot, okay, so if I just want security updates, but I don't want to upgrade the version of the package, then I use apt-get update?14:17
icerootrns: no14:17
icerootrns: you use this to get the latest security updates for all packages "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:18
pankaj_sharma how to check video ram availabe?14:18
iceflatlinepankaj_sharma: you can use hwinfo14:19
rnsiceroot, won't dist-upgrade upgrade me from version a to version b?14:19
pankaj_sharmaiceflatline, ok14:20
icerootrns: no14:20
rnsso confusing14:20
icerootrns: see man apt-get for the difference betwenn update, upgrade and dist-upgrade or see what i wrote above :)14:20
PythonSnakeHi is ext4 on windows slow ?14:20
icerootPythonSnake: ##windows14:20
Aikaranyone know why / how i can check why ubuntu 10.10 wont let me update firefox and pops up the partial upgrade dialog?14:21
iceroot!ff5 | Aikar14:21
ubottuAikar: Firefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as an automatic update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/14:21
Aikari think i have the firefox-stable ppa14:21
Aikarweird, Ubuntu Tweak bypassed w/e was blocking it and is installing it now14:22
PythonSnakeis ntfs on linux slow ?14:22
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: everything is slow in windows, except crashing14:23
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: ntfs access is fine in Ubuntu14:23
Aikarjust remember you wont have traditional linux ACL control14:23
sammmyWhere are my system preferences saved?14:25
nerpwn!!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!! WATCH MRMIST DRESSUP LIKE A WOMAN/SEE LILO'S HIDDEN SEX CHANGE OPERATION AND MORPH INTO CHRISTEL/WATCH KLOERI HAVE SEX WITH A SLOVIK BEAR/SEE NIKO'S HIDDEN HARDGAY PORNO. CALL NOW! (405) 949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH, SHIPPING IS FREE !!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!!    blinkyb farmer- anuvrat Jackneill FlySkype dbugger jaypur magical kiwis Shabeer tudalex Spacewalker nothingspecial boolean tieinv ActionParsnip andre14:25
ubottunerpwn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:25
ubottunerpwn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:25
sammmySpecifically, my keyboard bindings?14:25
ubottunerpwn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:25
ubottunerpwn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:25
SpacewalkerWhat the heck was that?!14:26
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tudalexspam :P14:26
PythonSnakeban nerpwn14:26
nopz___can you just shut the fuck up nerpwn ?14:26
chadsubottu, needs fixed14:27
tudalexahh didn't flood bot do smth14:27
bazhangnopz___, watch the language. hes gone14:27
tudalexwhat is mode +q?14:27
tsimpsonplease ignore the spam14:27
nopz___He is yelling at my ear.14:27
daedrathat is quite hilarious though14:27
nopz___So can use any word present in a dictionary.14:27
daedrafreenoders gone wild XD14:28
george__Hello. Is there a way to open download folder with dolphin directly from download manager on Firefox 4 or 5?14:31
gamer1990Right Klick in Firefox Download Manager. -> Open containing Folder.14:32
george__gamer1990:I did that of course. It won't open.14:35
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Shabeer[^(16:26:24)^] <tudalex> sperm :P14:39
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arunkumar413hi, i'm having problem with the 3g mobile broadband connection. I using ZTE K3570-z modem to connect. But it sometimes connect and sometimes it doesn't . I have to dial several times before connecting to internet.please help me.14:47
glenn_how can i get firefox in other language14:48
szalglenn_: other than what?14:49
glenn_szal dutch14:49
* szal guesses that's a function of FF locale(s) installed and system locale set14:51
chaddyglenn_: edit, preferences, content, languages what you're after?14:51
freebsd_fanhi my 64bit ubuntu reports back with only 6.6 gb ram when i have 8 installed14:51
freebsd_fanwhy is that?14:51
szal-10?  is there a kernel update in the end?14:52
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: do you use onboard video?14:52
freebsd_fannvidia seperate14:52
glenn_chaddy, i can't find edit preferences14:53
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: have you tested your RAM?14:53
freebsd_fanszal: dont know what you mean14:53
freebsd_fanActionParsnip: nop14:53
chaddyglenn_: up at the top of the screen for edit, on the menu bar14:53
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: worth a try, it's free14:53
szalfreebsd_fan: I still have kernel -814:53
freebsd_fanare you guys saying 8gb ram is recognised entirely by ubuntu?14:54
icerootszal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s  is not offering a newer kernel?14:54
szalà propos kernels: what's *buntu's default behaviour when installing new kernels, e.g. updates?  does it keep the kernel(s) that was/were already installed?14:54
icerootfreebsd_fan: if using amd64, yes14:54
freebsd_fani have amd opteron 24814:55
dr_willisszal,  yep. it only shows a few of them by default14:55
freebsd_fani think its 64bit14:55
glenn_chaddy, i can't find it i have the dutch version14:55
szaliceroot: I ran the last update on Wed or so, and then there was no new kernel14:55
szaldr_willis: ok, thx14:55
icerootszal: if you run the command now?14:55
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: do you have maverick proposed enabled by any chance?14:55
freebsd_fanhow to check?14:55
freebsd_fanwhat is maverick?14:55
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: look in software centre14:56
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: what is the output of:   lsb_release -d14:56
EndorphinElsb_release -a14:56
EndorphinEIn terminal :)14:56
freebsd_fanDescription:Ubuntu 11.0414:56
glenn_chaddy, if founf preferences but not conent14:56
szaliceroot: no, I don't have a new kernel on offer14:57
gryfreebsd_fan, welcome14:57
chaddyglenn_: is the nl channel dead or something?14:57
glenn_chaddy that is for websites14:57
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: ok, you have enabled the proposed repo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+package/linux-headers-2.6.38-10     so I suggest you reboot and choose the previous kernel14:57
daedraUSB mouse jitters/lags under Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64. Why? How do I solve it?14:57
daedra[10736.082115] usb 2-1.2: new low speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1114:58
daedra[10736.591085] input: PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.2/2-1.2:1.0/input/input1914:58
daedra[10736.591314] generic-usb 0003:093A:2510.0007: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.2/input014:58
daedradmesg output on plugin14:58
FloodBot1daedra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:58
szalchaddy: I've been on the -nl channel for a day or 2, and it looked quieter than the German Kubuntu channel ;)14:58
freebsd_fanActionParsnip: so you say the prev kernel can read my ram ?14:59
daedraFloodBot1: ok sorry14:59
szalah, -10 is a -proposed kernel, that explains things14:59
sammmyHow do I get ubuntu to hibernate on my laptop?15:00
chaddyglenn_: may not be ideal but I'd suggest downloading and installing from here: http://www.mozilla.com/nl/firefox/15:00
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iridiumfreebsd_fan, dmesg | grep Memory15:01
rnsis there a way to switch to a different user from the terminal?15:01
dr_willissammmy,  you got a swap partition of at least your ram size? if not more?15:01
ikoniarns: su - username15:01
sammmydr_willis: I'm not sure.15:01
dr_willisrns,  login, su, sudo. it depends on what you want to do.15:01
sammmyI'm using wubi though.15:01
dr_willissammmy,  time to check i guess. :) free command, and sudo fdisk -l15:01
rnsdr_willis, and that's all I need to do to logoff root?15:01
sammmyMaybe that has something to do with it.15:01
aueroI have a folder of folders. Is there a way for me to run a command to delete ONLY ".jpg" in the folder and sub folders of a dir?15:01
dr_willissammmy,  wubi? i dont think ibernate works with wubi15:02
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: its worth a try too15:02
freebsd_fan[    0.000000] Memory: 6819992k/8388608k available (5941k kernel code, 1312112k absent, 256504k reserved, 5016k data, 956k init)15:02
freebsd_fanabsent? :D15:02
sammmydr_willis, darn. Maybe I should consider a real partition on my drive.15:02
sammmyOh well. Off to bed.15:02
daedraUSB mouse jitters/lags under Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64. Why? How do I solve it?15:02
daedraBus 002 Device 011: ID 093a:2510 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Optical Mouse15:03
freebsd_fandaedra, check the mouse on another os, it could be hardware15:03
daedrait's the oS15:03
daedrafreebsd_fan: I just checked it under CentOS and Windows 715:03
daedraworks under both15:03
velishello. I was wondering if I might have a common issue: when I boot 11.04 64bit livecd, the system "freezes" right before fully rendering the "install" application window15:04
velisThen the screen flashes really slowly (once per 5 seconds). There is *some* responsiveness to keyboard (pressing up/down changes the install app title, but it's negligible15:04
velisSwitching to 32 bit gives me even more pain and it never reaches the "install" app window. Using E8400 on P35 with ATI 5870 and 6GB RAM15:04
FloodBot1velis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:04
airtonixmy enter key only works every 5 minutes, so i am forced to type my thoughts into proper paragraphs.15:05
BluesKajveils , slightly exotic HW sometimes befuddles the live cd , consider the alternate install in your case15:05
BluesKaj!alternate > velis15:05
ubottuvelis, please see my private message15:05
velisBluesKaj: the other ISOs?15:05
prashanthwhere will get  back track related queirs15:06
EndorphinEveils, you can also try to boot with -noapic and -nolapic parameters ...15:06
daedrafreebsd_fan: any further advice?15:06
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:06
EndorphinEveils: Did you try to boot in safe mode?15:06
glenn_how can i see that there are new updates15:06
velisEndorphinE: how can I do that? If I boot from LiveCD, it just boots, no Grub et stuff15:06
chaddyglenn_: sudo apt-get update15:07
chaddyshould report updates available at the end15:07
NoWayJoseIs there a simple way to make a verizon wireless card work with ubuntu/15:07
EndorphinEveils: there is a default menu alway which you can choose.. as far as I remember you need to click F6 button and choose the parameters you need.15:08
velisok, will try, thanks15:08
EndorphinEveils: np ;)15:09
NoWayJoseI guess not.15:10
chaddyNoWayJose: which chipset?15:11
EndorphinENoWayJose: Try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/631816/15:12
glenn_is here a posibility that i can see in the taskbar that there is a new update15:14
NoWayJoseEndorphinE, ok.15:14
dr_willisglenn_,  theres that update indicator applet that should appear.. or just do a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'15:15
chaddyglenn_: did that firefox link do the trick?15:15
glenn_dr_willis, what you say i dident see that15:16
dr_willisglenn_,  theres that update indicator applet that should appear.. or just do a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'15:16
NoWayHoseEndorphinE, That is for usb devices, this is pcmcia15:17
=== NoWayHose is now known as NoWayJose
ChaosSaberanyone around for a quick question?15:18
EndorphinENoWayJose: what device do you have ?15:18
NoWayJosepc770 pcmcia15:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:18
wrek-gareverytime wifi connects the message "Enter password to unlock your login keyring." is there something that needs to be changed?15:18
Guest64151anyone here using a MacBook pro? I want to know if it's safe to upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 or 11.10 as long as I use the correct mactel ppa's for version MacBook pro 7.115:18
ChaosSaberI am waiting to know if it is possible to install ubuntu on a external drive and use that to dual boot?15:19
paul_newbie here. hello. just wanted to know what file i should edit to get things to run at startup. I installed x on ubuntu server but have to manually type in startx everytime i boot. Is there an easy way to get this running at start and also a few other commands after?15:19
wrek-gareverytime wifi connects this message shows up "Enter password to unlock your login keyring." is there something that needs to be changed?15:19
dr_willisChaosSaber,  its doable.. doing it right now15:19
dr_willisChaosSaber,  be sure grub installs to the mbr of the exterbnal hd15:19
rnsso I just did "mv log /linode" where log was a text file and linode was a folder in the same directory.  log has disappeared and doesn't show up on a file system search.  What just happened?15:19
ChaosSaberare they on the site?15:20
=== aaaaaaaaaaa is now known as Dekroerm
ikoniarns: you moved the file/directory log into /linode15:20
edbianChaosSaber: Are what on the site?15:20
rnsikonia, but it's not in /linode15:20
ikoniarns: that's where you moved it15:20
NoWayJoseEndorphinE, Pc770 pcmcia15:20
ChaosSaberI'm not sure edbian15:20
edbianrns: It's in linode (a folder in /)15:20
edbianChaosSaber: ?  It's a question you asked15:20
ChaosSaberhow do I grab the mbr15:21
dr_willisChaosSaber,  the proper dd command can copy the mbr to a file15:21
rnsedbian,  so it's all the way in my root directory?  Not the directory where I ran the command?15:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:21
edbianChaosSaber: The MBR is the master boot record.  It is a portion of your harddrive.  The installs puts grub the bootloader in it so you can boot Ubuntu  (well part of grub anyway, it doesn't all fit)15:21
EndorphinENoWayJose: Did you try to search the internet ? Did not have such device :(15:21
andregabrielhello, I can get past this error: unitialized constant bundler... i read several threads but no success with it... I guess it has something to do with path. One thread told to run gem list -d bur? get the installed folder and at /etc/profile put the lines $GEM_HOME="installed PATH" and export $GEM_HOME but that didnt solve the problem... still getting constant bundler unitialized...15:21
ikoniarns: no, the / puts it into / so /linode = / with a directory called linode15:22
edbianrns: Because you gave it /linode (meaning a folder named linode in /) not just linode (meaning a folder in this folder)15:22
paul_newbie here. hello. just wanted to know what file i should edit to get things to run at startup. I installed x on ubuntu server but have to manually type in startx everytime i boot. Is there an easy way to get this running at start and also a few other commands after? Anyone???15:22
NoWayJoseEndorphinE, Yes I have tried.  I can't find anything to assist me.15:22
ChaosSaberok so I can copy that from my main drive or how would I go about doing that15:22
rnsedbian, ahh I found it.  But it's not a folder - log is still a file but now it's named linode15:22
dr_willispaul_,  install gdm or some oher login manager service to auto start the X login gui15:22
wrek-gareverytime wifi connects this message shows up "Enter password to unlock your login keyring." is there something that needs to be changed?15:23
edbianrns: If there was no folder /linode (a folder named linode in /) then the command would have created a file named linode in root (that is actually log)15:23
compdocI hate that keyring thing15:23
dr_williswrek-gar,  enter yiou rkeyring password... or set it to blank - so it never uses the keyring15:23
paul_is that all i have to do and it auto starts? seems easy. great15:23
edbianfile != folder15:23
rnsedbian, so now it's not letting me delete the file from my gui15:23
dr_willispaul_,  gdm is the X login manager.. thats itsz job.. so yes..15:23
wrek-gardr_willis: how?15:23
edbianrns: The gui is not root so it cannot edit things in /15:24
paul_dr_willis . thanks.15:24
dr_williswrek-gar,  change the keyring password, set the default password to be blank.15:24
edbianrns: I presume you actually run sudo mv log /linode15:24
dr_williswrek-gar,  run the seahorse program,  set the login passwod i think, check the right click menus15:24
rnsedbian, yes I used sudo15:24
paul_and if i want to start other things (AFTER) x has started where would I put those things?15:24
dr_willispaul_,  depends on what widow manager/desktop15:24
rnsedbian, so I have to use absolute paths when using the mv command?  Are there any shortcuts for this?15:25
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot15:25
edbianrns: That made you root when you did it so the new file /linode which is actually a moved and renamed log is owned by root.  You need to be root to edit it15:25
andregabrielany help for me?15:25
paul_i basically want to run a a few aticonfig commands but they need x to start first or they dont work15:25
paul_so i can set the fan speed on startup15:25
edbianrns: You do not have to use absolute paths.  You did just now.  Any path starting with / is absolute (it's starts from /   !!)15:25
viittorinooosomebody can help me with ubuntu server config?15:25
aueroIf I'm running an rsync with --progress on my box can I login via SSH and see it as well?15:25
chaddyif you ran it screen, auero15:26
edbianrns: What you wanted to run was probably mv log linode/   (a trailing slash indicates a folder) but if it already is a folder the system figures it out.15:26
omidpcan anyone help me with Xen hypervisor?15:26
ChaosSaberOk I think I got it now, when I install ubuntu, it will grab the mbr?15:26
rnsedbian, so that would work in my current directory?  It would automatically find the folder linode?15:26
chaddys/ screen/ in screen/15:26
heynowproblem : ive just disabled my default admin account. Now i cant do anything so i wanted to turn it on but it says passwd incorrect15:26
viittorinoooI need run webmin15:26
dr_willisChaosSaber,  whats with this grabbing mbr need?15:26
edbianrns: If there is a folder in your current working directory it would find it.  (yes)15:26
auerochaddy: thanks!15:27
ZykoticK9!webmin | viittorinooo15:27
dr_willisviittorinooo,  webmin dosent work very well with ubuntu. best to use some other tool15:27
ubottuviittorinooo: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:27
viittorinoooahh ok15:27
ChaosSaberdr_willis I'm not sure, you said I needed the mbr, I don't know how to get it to run my external as a bootable drive15:27
rnsedbian, cool that's working, thanks15:27
dr_willisChaosSaber,  i said you need to be sure the installer INSTALSL grub to the external drives mbr.15:27
edbianrns: sure15:28
dr_willisChaosSaber,  you just install to it as you would anuy other hd.,15:28
omidpcan anyone help me with this post? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen15:28
ChaosSaberOhh so it will auto install, I just have to go slow and read15:28
dr_willis'read the directions' is always good.15:28
edbianChaosSaber: yes15:28
ZykoticK9dr_willis, "when all else fails, read the instructions" ;)15:29
heynowproblem : ive just disabled my default admin account. Now i cant do anything so i wanted to turn it on but it says passwd incorrect15:29
dr_willisYou can put grub on the mbr of the inernal hd's if you wanted.. but if you unplug the hd. then the system wont boot right,15:29
daedraUSB mouse jitters/lags under Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64. Why? How do I solve it?15:30
edbiandaedra: Is it wireless?15:30
daedraedbian: no15:31
daedraBus 002 Device 011: ID 093a:2510 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Optical Mouse15:31
edbiandaedra: not sure15:31
daedrait suffers from "lag" - where the cursor jitters and takes a while to catch up with where I want it to be15:31
dr_willisNot sure if it has a wire to it or not?15:31
dr_willisheh or did i missread..15:31
dr_willislaggy answers and questions.15:31
edbiandr_willis: quick answers to questions.  Laggy third party readers...15:31
dr_willisI like it when i see the answer, befor the wuestion gets asked.15:32
JCP123Hello, is anyone here familiar with mono or the ubuntu software center?15:33
ikoniaJCP123: best to just ask the question15:33
vegombreiwhich is the lightest ubuntu out there ? im on a vaio 1.2 ghz 1 gb ram shared with display .. i need a really light ubuntu15:33
iridiummatrix resyncing15:33
gryJCP123, I've heard of both, what's up?15:33
ikoniavegombrei: that's not bad15:33
bazhangvegombrei, lubuntu15:33
dr_willisvegombrei,  try Lubuntu15:33
gryvegombrei, lubuntu15:33
ChaosSaberdo I need to burn this to a CD or can I install it from windows?15:34
ZykoticK9JCP123, i consider mono a cancer in linux - funny that even MS seems to be dropping .NET now.15:34
gryvegombrei, oh bleh, and your specs are better than mine :D15:34
iridiumvegombrei, likely lubuntu15:34
gryvegombrei, (means just ubuntu would run nicely)15:34
dr_willisChaosSaber,  you normally burn a cd and boot the cd..15:34
dr_willisChaosSaber,  'inside windows' = using wubi = not reccomended..15:34
JCP123I am having trouble launching an application in mono previously compiled on winxp.  error is WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.15:35
JCP123Using default runtime: v1.1.432215:35
JCP123** (AMDiag.exe:3103): WARNING **: The class Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase could not be loaded, used in Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a15:35
JCP123The entry point method could not be loaded15:35
FloodBot1JCP123: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:35
ZykoticK9ChaosSaber, i strongly agree with dr_willis' wubi not recommended comment15:35
Lars__hey everyone, I have gapless playback of OGG files but a tiny gap for MP3 in all mainstream players.15:35
Lars__This problem is driving me back to windows as I'm an audiophile15:36
dr_willisOCD sounds like...15:36
ZykoticK9JCP123, i've read that applications programed in .NET in Windows MAY NOT run under mono in GNU/Linux...  But I have no knowledge of the specifics.15:36
dr_willisproberly some plugins/addons for some of the players for gapless playback..15:36
bazhangLars__, banshee has settings for that15:37
JCP123I have the vb dll, how do i direct mono to use it just for this app??15:37
Lars__@bazhang, for some reason the gapless setting does not work15:38
bazhangLars__, thats odd, works great here15:38
Lars__and not when I sync to my MP3 player or my iPod either, even when there should be a gapless tag written into the metadata15:38
stephanmgwhat's the way to install a missing ruby gem under ubuntu? gem install $foo?15:38
user82how can i mux a mp4 (from raw h264 and aac)? (need a tool. cli or gui)15:40
heynowhello, i got this problem. I want to creat user "guest" with very few possibilities and make it default to login & no need to apply passwd15:40
Lars__i'm really missing winamp15:40
heynowi know how to create user but i donno how to make it default15:40
heynowand also disable passwd15:41
glenn_hoe kan ik open office updaten15:41
oCeanglenn_: this isn't ubuntu-nl :)15:41
glenn_oCean, i saw it when i press enter15:41
glenn_how can i update open office to version 3.315:42
Lars__could the gapless playback problem be to do with the fluendo or gstreamer plugins, not the player?15:42
Daniel0108hi! I have a SD-card reader, but if I insert a card, Ubuntu doesn't recognize it. I have to restart my laptop with the SD-card *inserted* to access the data on the card. How can I fix that?15:42
Daniel0108lspci outputs: 0a:00.2 SD Host controller: JMicron Technology Corp. Standard SD Host Controller15:43
green91daniel0108: you will likely need to mount it15:43
heynowHow to set user "x" as default and make it no need of passwd???15:43
Daniel0108green91: I can't, because it's not in /media15:43
daedraHelp! my wired USB mouse jitters/lags under Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64. I've tried it under Centos and Windows 7 and it works, so it's definitely an Ubuntu fault. Any ideas?15:43
bazhangglenn_, what version of ubuntu15:44
chaddydaedra: got a usb>ps2 adapter?15:44
ZykoticK9Daniel0108, /media/* is a mount point - you need to specify the device/partition like /dev/sdb115:44
chaddyif yes, try that15:44
green91Daniel0108: its not in /media because the card isnt mounted. use fdisk -l to find the drive name for the card, and then use the mount command15:44
Daniel0108green91: and there is the problem.. fdisk -l doesn't list it.15:45
Daniel0108ZykoticK9: oh, I thought it auto-mounts ;)15:45
green91some do, some dont lol15:45
reedhello all15:45
daedrachaddy: the laptop doesn't have a PS2 in15:45
daedrachaddy: so that' irrelevant.15:46
Jordan_UJCP123: Mono doesn't support Windows DLLs any more than Java or any other cross platform VM does. If you need to use a Windows dll then run the entire program within wine, after installing the Windows version of .net within wine.15:46
ZykoticK9Daniel0108, if "sudo fdisk -l" is showing it... you do have an issue...  best of luck - sorry I don't have any suggestions.15:46
chaddyjust trying to help, no need to be cheeky15:46
daedrachaddy: I've tried the same OS, same mouse, different computers and same problem occurs - jittery mouse15:46
reedI'm running 10.04 with the official mozilla ppa: Ubuntu official repo is trying to updated XUL-runner 3.6.x while Mozilla PPA wants to upgrade to Firefox 5... is it safe to install both?15:46
ZykoticK9Daniel0108, /is showing/is not showing/15:46
Daniel0108ZykoticK9: sudo fdisk -l doesn't show it :/15:46
Daniel0108ZykoticK9: but it works if I restart with the inserted card15:47
green91Daniel0108: you will likely have to modprobe the device to bring it online to show in fdisk -l15:47
Daniel0108green91: yeah, but how :/15:47
fsdfsdfsmall favour: i'm on webirc and need to know how many users are in the channel, can someone check? <315:47
Daniel0108green91: I have Ubuntu 11.04, btw15:47
ZykoticK9fsdfsdf, 149915:47
green91i would reboot the system with sd card installed and read the dmesg to see hwat module is loaded for the card15:47
fsdfsdfthanks :)15:48
iridiumDaniel0108, extract it, insert it again, and output of, dmesg | pastebinit15:48
Daniel0108green91: okay, thank you, good idea :)15:48
green91would be easier than guessing or looking up the model of the reader15:48
chaddydaedra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1732244 . renicing, might be you need to disable your trackpad, though15:48
Daniel0108iridium: dmesg has no output about my sd card reader :/15:49
doug_I just converted an IPv6 enabled firewall over from slackware to ubuntu-server 10.04.  It had been working flawlessly on IPv6 prior to the switchover.  Now, it will run for a day or two, and it will just stop responding to IPv6 on the physical interfaces to LANs, but continues to work on IPv4 just fine.  In my searches, I haven't been able to find any info on this.  Has anyone else experienced this or know of a possible solution?15:50
iridiumthat's weird, is USB?15:50
green91pretty much all sd card are usb even if they are internal15:50
Daniel0108iridium: what shall I do? :P15:51
iridiumif its USB, lsusb command should show it15:51
iridiumif not, do what ZykoticK9 suggested15:51
Daniel0108iridium: no, just lspci does it :P15:51
xxiaoi run 'update-grub' and os_probe find a new partition with new ubuntu, grub.cfg is updated, however a reboot always shows the old boot menu?15:52
doug_The error message is "ICMPv6 ND: ndisc_build_skb() failed to allocate an skb, err=-11"15:52
xxiaowhy isn't the new updated grub.cfg never shown? is there some cache-saved file ?15:52
bazhang!cn | free12244815:52
ubottufree122448: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk15:52
* xxiao spent one hour on this grub 1.99+ thing on ubuntu 10.0415:53
ZykoticK9xxiao, do you have more then one GNU/Linux installed on your computer?15:53
bazhangfree122448, #ubuntu-cn for chinese15:53
xxiaoZykoticK9: i have one on sda1, one on sda7, one on sdb215:53
CooKieMonsterwhat is ubuntu 11 live ?15:53
CooKieMonsterwhy live ?15:53
xxiaoZykoticK9: it only shows menus on sda1 and sda715:54
xxiaoi even put a 06_mysdb2_ubuntu in /etc/grub.d15:54
Daniel0108CooKieMonster: are you talking about Ubuntu 11.04 Live?15:54
ZykoticK9xxiao, whichever you installed Last is most likely the Grub that is in control - be sure you are running "update-grub2" from the correct install15:54
Daniel0108CooKieMonster: Live means, you boot it from CD15:54
bhaveshIs there any way to configure(add item to)  DEP(Data Execution Prevention)? in wine?15:54
xxiaoZykoticK9: but...it's grub 1.99+ so i run update-grub instead of update-grub215:54
Daniel0108CooKieMonster: it won't modify your data,  just boot. If you shutdown, everything is lost.15:55
ZykoticK9xxiao, actually 1.99 is infact Grub215:55
xxiaoZykoticK9: are you saying i should run update-grub2 after i made those changes?15:55
bhaveshata Execution Prevention (DEP) configuration can be found at the following place in Windows: Control Panel > System Security > System > Advanced system Settings > Advanced tab > Performance > Data Execution Prevention.15:55
xxiaohmm...but update-grub indeed updated grub.cfg15:55
ZykoticK9xxiao, you need to run update-grub after ANY changes to /etc/default/grub15:55
xxiaoand a reboot did not show the updated menus15:55
xxiaoZykoticK9: yes i did that15:55
bazhangbhavesh, #winehq15:55
CooKieMonsterit's 11.04 version available now ?15:55
xxiaoZykoticK9: i also compared the new grub.cfg, the os_prober does find my sdb2 ubuntu15:55
ZykoticK9xxiao, so - are you running this from your most currently installed gnu/linux?15:56
xxiaoZykoticK9: yes15:56
ChaosSaberDo you just format normaly if you want it to be a windows drive again?15:56
ZykoticK9xxiao, then i can't explain what's happening.  Best of luck!15:56
xxiaoZykoticK9: thanks15:56
NowayJoseI don't think pcmcia verizon modems work with ubuntu.15:56
NowayJoseAnybody perhaps use one?15:57
hroiis there an easy way to choose my hostname once i have connected through dhcp?15:57
hroi if I dont like the default dhcp given name15:57
ZykoticK9!hostname | hroi15:57
ubottuhroi: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:57
Daniel0108CooKieMonster: 11.04 is the latest stable release.15:58
=== otherBG is now known as anotherotherBG
hroiubottu: strange that it matters if that the old one is still mentioned in hosts16:01
ubottuhroi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
bhaveshbazhang: WineHQ ppl said Data Execution Prevention is handled by kernal and not wine. So how can I change DEP list in ubuntu 10.10 or is setting permission for execution of a .exe in properties the same thing?16:02
bhaveshI want to exclude an .exe from DEP list16:03
deemjust give it the executable bit? or do i missunderstand you?16:03
bhaveshdoes ubuntu has some kind of DEP thingy?16:03
qinbhavesh: Do you talk of permissions?16:03
andregabrielI've created the gist https://gist.github.com/1044960 if anyone can help me.... tks!16:04
joe__Hi!  I made a C++ program with an infinite loop!  What's the Ubuntu equivalent of 'End Task' in Windows please?16:04
deemjoe__: ctrl+c16:04
bhaveshqin: http://blog.robin.smidsrod.no/2010/05/08/are-you-unable-to-run-the-javame-sdk-3-0 < this website says I need to exclude an .exe from DEP.. So it would mean mostly allowing its execution bit on ubuntu16:04
bhaveshand I guess I did enabled execution bit16:05
deembhavesh: this workaround is for windows 7, not linux16:05
siavoshkcbhavesh: means it has problem with DEP16:05
bhaveshdeem: yes but I used wine and on wineHQ they said DEP is handled by Kernal and not wine16:06
deembhavesh: if you set the executable bit it should work16:06
joe__Oh man!  This program is screwed!  Ctrl + c didn't work!  How do I execute the 'kill' command?16:07
SnowmanX11Does anybody use Teamviewer to remote control ubuntu machine?16:07
gamer1990joe__ have you screen installed ?16:07
tsimpsonjoe__: find the PID and use "kill <pid>"16:07
mneptokjoe__: sudo kill -9 $PID16:07
gamer1990or so16:07
qinbhavesh: Maybe this way, what you trying to run in wine?16:09
saviddoes anyone know of any way to sync my music with amazon cloud drive?16:09
bhaveshqin: Nokia ME SDK 3.016:09
qinbhavesh: A moment16:09
bhaveshqin: It works better than in windows but just it cannot start emulator, ok16:09
gusgI just accidentally moved a file by dragging it in Nautilus. I know I can't undo, but is there anyway to see what the last action was?16:10
bluenovemberany thoughts why my media player isn't playing MP3?16:14
ZykoticK9gusg, do you know what the file was called?  you could search for it perhaps.16:14
L551I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and now my touchpad scroll no longer works. Can someone help?16:14
leftistevery time i plug my iphone in to charge it a command is issued /lib/udev/iphone-set-info nad it hogs 80-19% cpu usage. since the iphone doesnt mount for me what is the purpose of that command and why is it hogging so much cpu resources?16:15
bhaveshwell Wikipedia says Data Execution Prevention is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non-executable memory region.16:16
omabenawhat is the ubuntu channel for spanish ppl?16:16
oCeanomabena: yes16:16
=== fairuz is now known as fairuz_
poptisseI am using Nvidia GTX 260, and getting screen tearing - I cant seem to fix it and have attempted to use compiz too16:17
poptisseUnder compiz I do not get the option to change the refresh rate16:17
omabenai'm not mexican stupid joke16:17
dr_willispoptisse,  compiz has some vsync setting i recall enableing.. and tweaking my video players/games to also do it that way.16:17
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
leftistneither am i16:17
oCeanleftist: that wasn't helpful16:18
daedrachaddy: I tried renicing X and compis.. no luck16:18
leftisti'm puerto rican so i can16:18
leftistanyway what about my question?16:18
Trusardihey folks is there any clean way to install firefox 3.5 or around that in natty?16:18
oCeanleftist: not in this channel16:18
poptisseDoes anyone have experience with Ubuntu 11.04 and Nvidia screen tearing?16:18
chaddydaedra: don't know how you'd go about disabling your trackpad, but it may help, could be conflicting16:18
ChaosSaberdr_willis: when I want to remove ubuntu from that drive do I just delete the partition like normal16:18
daedrachaddy: I have a trackpad and a pointing stick on my laptop, both work fine with eachother enabled16:19
Trusardidaedra 11.11.11 hell yeah ;)16:19
doug_I have an IPv6 enabled firewall using ubuntu-server 10.04.  It will run for a day or two, and will just stop responding to IPv6 on the interfaces to the LANs, but continues to work on IPv4 just fine.  When this happens, the syslog starts filling up with the following error message: "ICMPv6 ND: ndisc_build_skb() failed to allocate an skb, err=-11".  In my searches, I haven't been able to find any info regarding cause or solution.  Does anyone know of a possi16:19
doug_ble solution?16:19
bluenovemberany thoughts why my media player isn't playing MP3?16:19
daedraTrusardi: what?16:19
oCeanbluenovember: what player? Did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?16:19
PythonSnakeYay !16:19
dr_willisChaosSaber,  repartuionb the drive - yes16:19
PythonSnakeI finally done16:19
leftistevery time i plug my iphone in to charge it a command is issued /lib/udev/iphone-set-info nad it hogs 80-19% cpu usage. since the iphone doesnt mount for me what is the purpose of that command and why is it hogging so much cpu resources?16:19
Trusardioh sorry you sounded like a TES fan16:19
PythonSnakeThank you guys16:19
ChaosSaberPythonSnake: I like your nick16:19
L551I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and now my touchpad scroll no longer works. Can someone help?16:20
PythonSnakeChaosSaber: Thanks :D16:20
ChaosSaberI have ball pythons16:20
daedraTrusardi: I do like TES16:20
daedraTrusardi: what is 11.11.11?16:20
Trusardi11.11.11 is the release date of Skyrim16:20
PythonSnakeWHen I installed ubuntu I skipped updates now what to do for getting them ?16:20
dr_willisuse the update manager tools16:20
daedraah ok16:21
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:21
dr_willisthere should be some update icon/notification you get real soon16:21
leftistis anyone having any success mounting their iphones?16:21
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:21
leftisti guess nobody can answer my initial question so i am outta here16:22
Trusardiis there a way to install old firefox in natty?16:22
=== gaspard_ is now known as test_
dr_willisTrusardi,  you could go get the old tar.gz file and set it up i guess16:22
PythonSnakeAnyone know a good irc ?16:23
Trusardineed it for QuakeLive the plugin wont work with firefox 5.016:23
Trusardiirssi ;)16:23
NixGeekI need osme help with a minecraft error.  http://pastebin.com/Vj2j1Ez316:23
PythonSnakeis Pidgin good ?16:23
dr_willisi wodner if the quakelive works in google chrome yet.16:23
tarskianyone know of a good gui for the crontab? that i can install in ubuntu, also id like to be able to manipulate crontabs on a remote server through it on ubuntu, too16:23
PythonSnakeNixGeek: go to #java16:24
Trusardidr_willis: i think it does in win, but i tried in ubuntu and it tries to open xpi format16:24
NixGeekgood point... no dip.. I've been using irc long enough to know that!16:24
TrusardiPythonSnake: all depends what you're looking for16:24
PythonSnakeTrusardi: uer friendly16:25
PythonSnakewith a good gui16:25
TrusardiPythonSnake: pidgin is good is chatting is all you wanna do. If you wanna vintage irc experience try irssi in CLI16:25
userPythonSnake: Huh?16:25
th0rtarski: maintaining a cron list is an easy task at the command line. If you are interested, I will go into detail for you16:25
Trusardidr_willis: what are you running quakelive on?16:26
chaddyuser: can you see that you're going to get a lot of false alerts with that /nick?16:26
ZykoticK9user, you are using a NIC that is probably going to be used in conversation quite often.16:26
tarskith0r: we have hundreds of jobs already the crontab, and a good gui is what im looking for at the moment16:26
eiriksvinTrusardi you can run it in Firefox 4 if you google the how to16:27
tarskith0r: /already the/already on the/16:27
userchaddy: Not really16:27
userZykoticK9: Huh?16:27
Trusardieiriksvin: i will try thx16:27
ubottuwotwj: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:27
eiriksvindoes anyone know how to get a bleachbit that sudo cleans everything, and over writes my freespace and cleaned files so that it can never be recovered by any means?16:29
PythonSnakeban wotwj please16:29
PiciPythonSnake: Hes long gone.16:29
ikoniaPythonSnake: don't concern yourself with it16:30
eiriksvinI have gotten a used comp, and I want to make sure its clean16:30
PythonSnakePici: but ban for not him to come back16:30
Trusardieiriksvin: i was hoping it would work in 5.0 but not :/16:30
dr_williseiriksvin,  theres some zero free space tool you can use after you delete files.. but its proberly not needed.. unless you are paranoid.16:30
ChaosSaberhe was K-Lined theres no coming back16:30
dr_williseiriksvin,  using it to clean a pc you own..  for your own use..  is very paranoid id think.16:30
dr_willisreformat the hd's and be done with it.16:31
eiriksvinyeah, I actually kinda am paranoid, the guy I got the comp from was kinda weird16:31
dr_willisuse dd to zero them out if you want16:31
eiriksvinI got the thing cheap, but I have changed everything on it, I even went so far as to change the mac addy for the wifi card16:32
dr_willisyou are being paranoid...16:32
eiriksvinyes, but its better to be safe than sorry in America these days16:33
eiriksvinI don't want to get put in prison because some other weirdo got rid of his comp cus he was looking at child porn16:33
eiriksvinthe dude sold it at a yardsale, for a very low price16:34
dr_willisI think this is getting beyond paranoid.16:34
oCeanok, let's move back on topic, ok?16:34
ChaosSaberthe chance of that happening is pretty slim unless you're doing things on it that the feds are watching16:34
eiriksvinlet me repeat, I am not, but the wierd old guy may have16:35
eiriksvinwhats dd?16:36
dr_willis!info dd16:36
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in natty16:36
dr_willistry man dd16:36
dr_willisdd = data dump16:36
dr_willisformating the hd is more then enough.16:36
daedraHelp! my wired USB mouse jitters/lags under Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64. I've tried it under Centos and Windows 7 and it works, so it's definitely an Ubuntu fault. Any ideas?16:37
qineiriksvin: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Hardware/Clean_Hard_Drive_zero_fill16:38
andregabrielany help for my problem??   https://gist.github.com/104496016:38
dr_willisdaedra,  try it under the older and newer releases? see if theres some info on it at the askubuntu.com site or forums16:38
ChaosSabercleaning off this drive so I can install this, I know once I install it this will put a boot menu in, if I delete ubuntu wll that remove the boot menu or would I have to format my main drive also16:38
dr_willisformating does not remove the MBR iof the disk...16:39
ChaosSaberI know you can shorten the boot menu time, but was just wondering16:39
dr_willisand  formating drive #3 will not affect drive #116:39
ZykoticK9ChaosSaber, if you think you will be removing Ubuntu - then perhaps you should just use Wubi (install inside Windows)16:39
daedradr_willis: it's Ubuntu 11.04 specifically. I'll have a look at askubuntu though.16:39
dr_willisOr just try ubuntu inside virtualbox.16:39
bluenovemberoCean, sorsy I missed your message16:39
ChaosSaberI'm going to put this on a internal drive but was just wondering16:40
bluenovemberoCean, it's the default player installed with ubuntu16:40
ChaosSaberI was going to use an external but went ahead and cleaned off my internal16:40
bluenovemberoCean, movie player16:40
dr_willisChaosSaber,  if you have one hard drive just for linux. (2 real drives, not just 1 drive partuioned) you can put grub on that HD. and leave the windows hd alone.16:40
ChaosSaberyeah this will be on a single drive16:41
oCeanbluenovember: try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras. Comes with several 'restricted' codecs, fonts, etc16:41
dr_willisChaosSaber,  so you have in fact 2 hard drives..16:41
dr_willisPlus any externals..16:41
dr_willisThat makes it easier.16:41
bluenovemberoCean, thanks, trying that now16:42
dr_willisif you are going to use the whold of the HD. you can just reformat it from the installer.. no need to 'clean' it from windows16:42
bluenovemberoCean, why doesn't it play mp3 by default? seems pretty basic feature16:42
dr_willisbluenovember,  legal reasons16:42
ZykoticK9bluenemo_, MP3 is NOT an open format!16:42
daedraMy lagging mouse has finally frozen16:42
bluenovemberstrAnge you might say16:42
bluenovembervEry StrAnge16:42
oCeanbluenovember: more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats16:42
dr_williswhy use mp3 at all in this day :)16:43
spvenskohi, can evince not be used to extract a portion of a PDF document out?16:43
bhaveshqin: I could emulate my Java ME app with and external emulator (MicroEmulator) :D Thank you16:43
ActionParsnipbluenovember: it makes sense, it allows there to be a single ISO file and users can add the feature if it's needed16:43
ChaosSaberwhat I want to do pretty much is install it on this and play around it for awhile and then pull out that other drive, I was going to use virtual machine but it doesnt seem to like my 64bit system16:43
ChaosSaberother comp*16:43
bluenovemberdr_willis, what format would you prefer?16:43
ActionParsnipspvensko: you can print a single page of a PDF to a PDF priter16:43
dr_willisChaosSaber,  theres proberly no real need to worry about 64 or 32bit setups if using virtualbox.. stick with 32bit.16:43
ZykoticK9bluenovember, OGG and FLAC FTW ;)16:44
qinbhavesh: oh, just getting sdk, too late.16:44
bluenovemberi know OGG... er, I have heard of it, never FLAC though16:44
ChaosSaberyeah I d/led 32bit, I meant virtual machine wouldn't install on this since it's a 64bit system so that idea was out16:44
ActionParsnipChaosSaber: not all CPUs support 64bit guests.16:44
bluenovemberare they both open source?16:44
dr_willisChaosSaber,  virtualbox works on 64bit os's16:44
ActionParsnipChaosSaber: you may find its just a disabled feature of your CPU ;)16:44
bhaveshqin: Installation of Java ME SDK 3.0 does not work, I had to copy my SDK files from windows partition16:45
ChaosSaberI couldn't get it to install16:45
ZykoticK9bluenovember, yes - FLAC is Free Lossless Audio Codec, the files are HUGE compared to OGGs but NO quality is lossed16:45
ActionParsnipChaosSaber: remember to MD5 test the ISO you download16:45
bluenovemberinteresting, so who owns mp3?16:45
dr_willisthe mp3 consortium or somthing like that16:45
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:45
hyliani was wondering why a usb drive would in one session accomplish speeds in excess os 19 mb/s, and in another crawl down to 1.9?16:45
ChaosSaberI don't see a md5 code for this16:46
ActionParsnip!hashes | ChaosSaber16:46
ubottuChaosSaber: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.16:46
=== derp|gone is now known as derp
shishiri am playing .wmv file in movie player but it is searching the plugin and then throws  this error "video/x-asf-unknown decoder" i tried on vlc but it doesn't work there also how could i play this file16:47
ActionParsnipderp: please don'taway like that in future16:47
derpActionParsnip, bite me.16:47
hyliani was wondering why a usb thumb drive would in one session accomplish speeds in excess of 19 mb/s, and in another crawl down to 1.9?16:47
ActionParsnipshishir: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs (will need medibuntu repo enabling)16:47
ActionParsnipderp: its channel policy, not my rule.16:48
shishir ActionParsnip: please give me the command i am new on ubuntu16:48
shishirdont know much about commands16:48
ActionParsnipshishir: you'll find ubuntu restricted extras in software centre16:48
ActionParsnipshishir: you don't need commands16:48
hylianshishir, in case you don't know where the software center is, it's at the bottom of "applications" on top left.16:49
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | shishir16:50
ubottushishir: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:50
shishirhylian i got it thanx for help16:50
craigbass1976How do I see what driver my printer is using?16:50
shishirubottu okay16:50
Dmolehylian: there was once a bug where USB drives would be used as v1 sometimes....16:50
=== pythonsn1ke is now known as PythonSnake
PythonSnakeI'm on irssi16:51
ZykoticK9craigbass1976, you could try connecting to CUPS web interface at localhost:631/16:51
=== m4rcu5 is now known as m4rcu5|away
ActionParsnip!away > m4rcu5|away16:52
ubottum4rcu5|away, please see my private message16:52
craigbass1976ZykoticK9, I didn't see the actual driver there though.16:52
ZykoticK9craigbass1976, Printers tab / then click on the Queue name / Driver is listed16:53
eiriksvinwow, I just ran gksudo bleachbit and it cleaned 70+ gb of junk!16:53
ActionParsnipeiriksvin: you should also run it as user to clear yourprofile some too (watch settings)16:54
eiriksvinActionParsnip: yeah thats next :) thanks!16:55
kermitdo more younger ppl these days use 'ip' instead of route/ifconfig/arp ?16:55
* kickstand nas nas16:55
eiriksvinbbl, going to work on Blender while I wait :)16:55
ActionParsnipkermit: never heard that. I've heard people say "network" when they mean 'file sharing"16:56
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Picikermit: ip has a bit too much information for me. I use the discrete programs, and I see those more in documentation.16:58
ChaosSaberI'll be back, going to start this install16:58
hylianDmole, thanks, i am running 10.04, could this be the issue? I really like using the lts versions, less upgrading on my slow internet... (avg 40-60 kib/s)16:59
ActionParsniphylian: lucid is still supported on the desktop on server :)17:00
perlsyntax_How do i get the broadcom driver to work in ubuntu?17:01
hylianActionParsnip, thanks for the information i didn't need or want! :)17:01
ActionParsniphylian: you're welcome17:02
ActionParsnip!broadcom | perlsyntax_17:02
ubottuperlsyntax_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:02
hylianActionParsnip, i was looking to see why a usb thumb drive would one session be as high as 19.9mb/s transfer rate, and next session be 1.9.17:02
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ZykoticK9hylian, is this a read vs write issue?17:02
ActionParsniphylian: when you connect it, run;   dmesg | tail        and copy it to a text file, compare between the two17:02
hylianZykoticK9, well, it was just writing. no i know read speeds are faster.17:03
ZykoticK9hylian, ok, just checking17:03
PythonSnakehow to detect it ?17:03
hylianActionParsnip, thanks, i will do that.17:03
hylianZykoticK9, thanks for helping!17:03
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bloodscalpHi all! Sorry i've just got a litle unix newbie question. Does it make a difference running a command in a folder through de real path or through a path that uses a symbolic link ?17:07
dr_willisbloodscalp,  it shouildent matter17:07
qinDoes anyone using get_iplayer-2.79 ?17:07
bloodscalpdr_willis, okai thx !17:07
hyliani forgot the name of that service that allows you to post data so people can see it on irc... :P17:07
ActionParsnip!paste | hylian17:08
ubottuhylian: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:08
dr_willisbloodscalp,  unless of course its some command thats supposed tobe working on the link.. like rm, or similer.17:08
kermitPici: too much information? heh the kid i heard about it from said he likes ip because it gives less information.17:08
bloodscalpdr_willis, yep it is17:08
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dr_willisbloodscalp,  so whats the exact command then?17:08
FloodBot1jeba25: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:09
M4TTRhey everyone17:09
hylianActionParsnip, thanks man!17:09
rcconfwhere is adobe-flash package'17:09
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:09
bloodscalpdr_willis, I mean it's ok, it's for running php "programms"17:09
ActionParsnipqin: try asking yourreal question :)17:10
hylianActionParsnip, (and the gang) here is my info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/631872/17:10
rcconfjoel135: I want the one with the adobe shorcut in menu17:10
ActionParsniphylian: ok that's only one, you need 2 to compare17:11
joel135rcconf: I've never heard of it. sorry.17:11
hylianto be honest, i don't see where that information is very helpfull..17:11
hylianohh ok17:11
rcconfjoel135: it's something to configure adobe flash17:11
rcconfnow i cant find it in repositories17:11
KnightsUbuntu 11.10, booted from CD, doesn't use Unity on my iMac Intel Core Duo (1.83Ghz) with ATI Radeon video card. Anybody know what's wrong?17:11
ActionParsniphylian: one from each session....17:11
ActionParsnipKnights: which Ati chip?17:11
KnightsATI Radeon X160017:12
PiciKnights : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.17:12
ActionParsnipKnights: try the additional drivers app17:12
ActionParsnipPici: nice spot, i'm blicd today17:12
qinActionParsnip: --type=livetv 80002 do not get stream (apparently it is some wired flash setting made to prevent steams), since tested in 2.69, i wonder how latest version cope with it.17:12
KnightsAlright, will try.17:12
hylianActionParsnip, the only problem is the very first session i ran this new key on did the speeds (19.9mb/s). after that it refuses to go above 6, and it usually is at 2-1.17:12
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:13
qinActionParsnip: --type=liveradio pid_any works17:13
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ActionParsniphylian: didn't you say the other session was different?17:13
ActionParsnipqin: not something I use, try asking the channel rather than targetting me17:13
L551I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and now my touchpad scroll no longer works. Can someone help?17:14
ActionParsnipL551: what make / model laptop?17:14
hylianActionParsnip, i meant to say the first session was different. after that, the other 3 sessions where all the same speed. I don't know what would make the difference, could it be because i partitioned and formatted?17:14
ActionParsniphylian: then do the same in all the sessions and compare, something will be different17:14
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makayhow does one move the launcher in 11.04 to the bottom of the screen?17:15
hylianActionParsnip, maybe i am useing the wrong terminology. in session i meant times i turned the machine on and off.17:15
andregabrielany help for me at  https://gist.github.com/1044960 ?17:15
andregabrielI'm getting nowhere... :(17:15
ActionParsniphylian: a session is chosen when you login, like gnome sessio or kde session17:15
qinOK, get_ipalyer to not take (not write, complains about mode) --type=livetv, has anyone used recent version of get_iplayer with *live* stream?17:16
rcconfwhere is the adobe flash shortcut in menu :p17:16
ActionParsnipmakay: its currently not movable17:16
ZykoticK9rcconf, I've never seen a Flash shortcut in menu - what would it be for?17:17
hylianActionParsnip, ok then what i meant was the first time i plugged in the device, i had really high speeds. i turned it off, next day i plug it in, capped down to slower speeds mentioned.17:17
rcconfZykoticK9: configure flash settings17:17
ZykoticK9rcconf, can't you Right Click to config flash?17:17
L551ActionParsnip: HP Mini 31117:17
ActionParsniphylian: then when it runs slow, store the dmesg, then when its fast, store the dmesg   then compare17:17
rcconfZykoticK9: ye, but im looking for the other thing17:18
makayZykoticK9: do you know how i can move the "launcher" bar to the bottom of the screen?17:18
ActionParsnipL551: it's a crucial piece of information for your question ;) please give full details in future17:18
ZykoticK9makay, sorry I don't use Unity, good luck.17:18
makaydoes anybody here use unity?17:18
ActionParsnipL551: tried disabling touchpad tapping for click?17:18
ActionParsnipmakay: i do17:19
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dddbmtHey guys, I get this error: http://pastebin.com/mQADRqGr. When I'm trying to check for updates in "update manager" (11.04). I guess I'm supposed to edit my package-list somehow?17:19
hylianActionParsnip, the only problem with that idea is it has refused to run fast since. so since it appears that i will never have the opportunity to run that test when it runs fast, the test in itself is null and void. I will keep this information in a text file and if it ever does decide to run faster, i'll be back with this question.17:19
L551ActionParsnip: It did nothing.17:19
hylianActionParsnip, thanks for trying though :)17:19
ActionParsnipL551: is there a switch to enable / disable to pad?17:19
dstufft2I'm getting _really_ slow internet in 11.04, I have windows 7 on the same machine and it is Much faster, i'm trying to get flash installed so I Can run speedtest.net but synaptic is telling me it's going to take 30 minutes and my speed is being measured in b/s... Any idea why?17:19
L551ActionParsnip: Physical switch? No, there is not.17:20
ActionParsnipL551: can also try: gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled --type=bool true17:20
rcconfthe package is adobe-flashplugin17:20
rcconfwhere is it17:20
ActionParsnipL551: or a shortcut key17:20
ActionParsniprcconf: its a plugin for your browser17:20
rcconfActionParsnip: it's not in repositories17:21
L551ActionParsnip: There is no shortcut to disable the pad.17:21
ActionParsniprcconf: you install it in software centre or with apt-get17:21
ActionParsniprcconf: install flashplugin-nonfree17:21
ZykoticK9dddbmt, it doesn't seem like that PPA exists anymore (lorenzo-carbonell)17:21
rcconfActionParsnip: just did17:21
ActionParsnipL551: does the command I gave work?17:21
ActionParsniprcconf: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf17:22
ActionParsniprcconf: and I'll give a command to sort you out :)17:22
L551ActionParsnip: The command did not fix the problem, no.17:22
rcconfActionParsnip: now I have flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree17:22
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, i think rcconf only issue is they want a shortcut in the menu to configure flash (sounds like right clicking even works for them?)17:22
ActionParsnipL551: ok if you open a terminal and run:   xev     do the mouse keys make events?17:23
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: didn't know flash was configurable that much17:23
rcconfZykoticK9: in maverick 10.10 32bit I have it17:23
rcconfmaybe it's not available for 64bit?17:23
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, neither did i17:23
dr_willisflash is in 64bit release also...17:23
dr_willissame package name even17:23
L551The mouse keys do, but it is acting that there is no scroll whatsoever17:24
dddbmtZykoticK9, how do I remove it from my package? (what's it called?)17:24
ActionParsniprcconf: if you can give the output I can sort you out dude17:24
ZykoticK9dddbmt, i'm not entirely sure but the PPA is question appears to be http://ppa.launchpad.net/lorenzo-carbonell  you might want to research PPA-Purge.  Good luck.17:24
ZykoticK9rcconf, is flash working?17:25
Guest83832 I have two different sources of internet and I want to use both at the same time how is that possible? ifenslave can do this or both interfaces must belong in the same network?17:25
dddbmtZykoticK9, okay I'll check it out. thanks alot!17:25
rcconfyes but that's not the point17:25
ChaosSabersays no root file system is defined. im not sure what that means17:25
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, be aware of rcconf's statement above17:25
L551ActionParsnip: The mouse keys do, but it is acting that there is no scroll whatsoever17:25
ActionParsnipL551: i see17:26
dr_willisChaosSaber,  grub is some how missconfigured perhaps.17:26
ZykoticK9ChaosSaber, in the installer?  you need a / partition.17:26
L551ActionParsnip: It worked on 10.10, so I don't know.17:26
ActionParsnipL551: http://etano.net/2010/02/18/touchpad-not-working-hp-mini-311-solved/17:26
dr_willisChaosSaber,  give more details of what you have done, and what exactly it is doing17:27
rcconfI have medibuntu enabled, i have install ubuntu restrictred extras17:27
Pici!who | rcconf17:27
ubotturcconf: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:27
ChaosSaberalso says. please correct this from the partitioning menu17:27
dr_willisChaosSaber,  if installing to a single hard drive. You can stell the installer to 'use the whole disk' and it will partition it as needed17:28
ZykoticK9ChaosSaber, the installer needs a / partition.17:28
Guest83832btw they arent ethernet17:28
dr_willis ChaosSaber  normally 2 partitons at a minimum,, a / and a  'swap'17:28
ChaosSabersays use as17:28
L551ActionParsnip: That's more for the touchpad not responding whatsoever. It works, I can click, just not scroll.17:28
ActionParsnipL551: might fix your issue too17:29
ZykoticK9ChaosSaber, select /17:29
dr_willisuse as /  and use as swap...17:29
L551ActionParsnip: I guess I'll be back in a few minutes then.17:29
dr_willisThe installer can automate this. :)17:29
ChaosSaberdoesnt give me / i do see swap area17:30
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SilowyiI need a user gitrepo to run the command "git push production" as user webproduction with no password. What is the sudoers entry for this?17:31
ChaosSaberi see / and i use swap area?17:31
Guest83832I have two different sources of internet they arenon ethernet devices and I need to use them together (load balancing) ifenslave can do this?17:31
jaysinsup yall17:32
rcconfI really dont know where adobe-flashplugin is17:32
dr_willis ChaosSaber  normally 2 partitons at a minimum,, a / and a  'swap'17:32
jaysinrcconf, its in synaptics17:32
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dr_willisChaosSaber,  so you need to either let the installer automatically set it up. or manually make a large partiton for / and a smaller one for swap17:33
BesogonGuest83832: yes. I heard it is possible< but I've never done it by myself17:33
ActionParsnipGuest83832: http://www.howtoforge.com/network_bonding_ubuntu_6.1017:33
dr_willis6.10 :) wowsers17:34
rcconfJaysin: i have all repositories enabled maverick 64bit and cant find17:34
ChaosSaberim looking for auto now17:35
issuehey man me is probles me have ati 5750 me install drivers and boot is very long sorry english is bad17:35
mneptok!ru > issue17:35
ubottuissue, please see my private message17:35
mneptokissue: it may be easier to ask other Russians?17:36
rcconf<ActionParsnip> rcconf: install flashplugin-nonfree17:36
Guest83832ActionParsnip:my question is both interfaces must have ip addresses belonging in the same network?17:36
rcconfI see no adobe flash shortcut17:36
* Jaysin has a seat17:36
Guest83832same subnet17:36
ActionParsnipGuest83832: that won't work then17:36
mneptokrcconf: a plugin is not at application17:36
rcconfmneptok: ...17:36
Guest83832So there isnt a solution for that situation?17:36
ChaosSaberim starting over now17:36
ActionParsniprcconf: if you can give the output of the command I gave then I can help17:37
rcconfmneptok: the one I want puts a shortcut in system preferences17:37
ZykoticK9rcconf, perhaps a better question is WHY do you need this shortcut?17:37
L551ActionParsnip: Still acting like there is no scroll.17:37
mneptokrcconf: i have never seen such a thing on Linux17:37
ActionParsnipGuest83832: routing won't work with 2 nics in the same LAN17:37
ZykoticK9mneptok, +117:37
ActionParsnipL551: are there bugs reported?17:37
L551ActionParsnip: I have no idea.17:37
mneptokrcconf: calling me a "noob" is funny for so, so many reasons.17:38
ZykoticK9rcconf, that's not an answer.  Why do you need this shortcut?17:38
rcconfconfigure flash17:38
Guest83832ActionParsnip: they must be different LANS? but I am confused to put which gateway17:38
ActionParsnipmneptok: i thought so too17:38
ZykoticK9rcconf, so right click!17:38
nicofsI have a debian system and would like to install ubuntu. What repository do i need to add in synaptics?17:38
rcconfi dont need the browser to configure I have it on maverick 32bit17:38
rcconfand i installed from synaptic17:38
ikonianicofs: you don't17:38
PythonSnakemy mouse is moving randomely17:39
ZykoticK9nicofs, you can't go from Debian2Ubuntu -- fresh install17:39
ikonianicofs: you get an install CD and install ubuntu clean, you don't add ubuntu repos to the debian17:39
BesogonGuest83832: Why do you need 2 IP from one subnet? Use perfix 30/ For Example, and
ActionParsnipGuest83832: you can only put 2 connections together is tyou have 2 public IPs, like paying for 2 connections. Connecting 2 network cards to the same router will not make the connection faster17:39
PythonSnakes there a way to fix ?17:39
bars0:focus down17:39
ActionParsniprcconf: so where is your issue?17:39
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: is it a mouse, or is it a touchpad?17:39
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z3rohello every one..17:39
rcconfActionParsnip: I cant find in maverick 64bit17:39
ChaosSaberim at the first logo watching balls turn red17:39
z3rohow can i ..17:39
Pici!ask | z3ro17:40
ubottuz3ro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:40
ActionParsniprcconf: there is 64bit flash here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/install-64bit-flash-from-a-ppa-or-deb/17:40
=== Guest26452 is now known as bulabula
poptisseI have terrible screen/page tearing issues - using Nvidia can someone possibly help out? I've not found a fix yet which works17:40
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: what make / model mouse?17:40
z3roanyone help me..how to declare path in ubuntu..then call that path back17:40
Guest83832ActionParsnip:Yes the idea is to make it faster ifenslave can allow me that even if they are ppp interfaces?17:40
rcconfyeah but I didnt use any ppa17:40
dr_willispoptisse,  tearing in videos or games or what?17:40
PythonSnakeRapoo V217:40
poptissedr_willis - videos I've not tested games17:40
ActionParsnipz3ro: you will need to add in ~/.bashrc       export PATH=4PATH:/new/folder17:40
poptisseI am not a gamer17:41
ActionParsnipGuest83832: I guess so, makes sense17:41
dr_willispoptisse,  all ive done to eliminate that is set compiz to sync to vblank (i think thats the setting) and i recall vlc having a similer setting. Actually i dont notice the issue on my new laptop. but did on my old one.17:41
z3ro@ActionParsnip : please detail17:41
Guest83832ActionParsnip:Thanks alot17:41
ActionParsnipz3ro: sorry,    export PATH=$PATH:/path/folder/to/add17:41
z3roi want to tail file17:42
ActionParsnipz3ro: all you change is the folder you want to all17:42
z3rotail -6 /var/log/auth.log17:42
z3rothen call that file back17:42
poptissedr_willis - I have tried using compiz and I have disabled the vysnc and the other option of the refresh rate does not appear.17:42
ActionParsnipz3ro: tailing a file means showing the last few lines, you need to edit the ~/.bashrc   file and it willapply for your user17:42
ActionParsnipz3ro: what does that have to do with $PATH?17:42
dr_willispoptisse,  i dont set the rate. i just tell it to sync/vblank  or whatever the setting is.17:42
poptissedr_willis mine is with youtube and blip.tv and when i move windows around on the desktop17:43
ChaosSaberok im at allocate space. have install alongside windows 7. replace and sumthing else17:43
mattmattehanyone know how to get hardware video playback on intel i3 hd 2000 ?17:43
ActionParsnipz3ro: you can output the outputted text to a file....is that what you mean?17:43
poptissedr_willis Yeh, i did that did not work for me17:43
rcconfActionParsnip: this http://www.edibleapple.com/adobe-flash-103-beta-puts-setting-controls-in-system-preferences/17:43
rcconfbut for Ubuntu..17:43
dr_willisyou are worried about tearing of a miovie playing IN a window you are window?17:44
ActionParsniprcconf: if you right click a flash item, don't you get that setting?17:44
rcconfi do but im looking for the thing to access settings17:44
rcconffrom shortcut17:44
z3roActionParsnip wait..i send you file17:44
ActionParsniprcconf: like this : http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/31231717:45
fellipehi friends. I've made some one-text-line files to simulate big log files and I created a logrotate conf file to put it in the crontab. So, as these test files are so little, is there a option like -f parameter in command line, to force the rotate?17:45
ChaosSaberim not sure which one is auto17:45
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, nice!17:45
rcconfActionParsnip: thank you!17:45
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: I don't eveen use it yet I found it.....go figure17:45
ActionParsniprcconf: does google not work on your PC?17:45
rcconfi did google17:46
ActionParsniprcconf: all I did was websearch and it came up17:46
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, it seems totally redundant to me17:46
jacobfoggI just upgraded my ram to 6gb... in cmos it is showing up... when I type free -m from the shell it's telling me 3274... any thoughts???17:46
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: massively, its part of the plugin itself17:46
jacobfoggDo I have to tweak a setting in linux or something?17:46
ikoniajacobfogg: are you running a 32bit os ?17:46
ZykoticK9jacobfogg, use 64bit or PAE17:46
ZykoticK9ikonia, 3.2GB says yes.17:47
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ikoniaZykoticK9: that's why I'm asking...17:47
rcconfwhat's the different between flashplugin install and non free17:47
janohelol all. is there a list of packages natty ships with by default?17:47
jacobfogghmmm where do I find that?17:47
ActionParsnipjacobfogg: 32bit can only address 3.2Gb (ish) you will need PAE kernel to use up to 12Gb RAM but each process will only be able to access 3.2Gb17:47
ZykoticK9jacobfogg, uname -m17:47
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info17:47
jacobfoggZykotick9 ^^^17:47
poptissedr_willis - Videos are tearing and if i move a window is also tears - the window it self17:48
jacobfoggOh, nice... reading17:48
rcconfim gonna flashplugin-installer..17:48
ActionParsniprcconf: if you use 64bit OS then 64bit flash will run cleaner17:49
afeijohi folks17:49
afeijoI have a fresh install of ubuntu 11, banshee is not playing any mp3... no errors. How can I fix it?17:49
ZykoticK9afeijo, install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:50
ActionParsniprcconf: also you can add:   OverrideGPUValidation=1    to /etc/adobe/mms.cfg17:50
afeijowow, 105mb :)17:50
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot17:50
rcconfActionParsnip: when I enable hardware accelaration in adobe flash it messes up17:51
rcconfI use metacity17:51
rcconfdont know why17:51
ActionParsnipz3ro: use a pastebin17:51
rcconfActionParsnip: I dont have /etc/adobe17:52
ActionParsniprcconf: make the folder17:52
dstufftMy internet is _really_ slow in Ubuntu 11.04, dual boot windows 7 is 10-20x faster so I know it's not my network or ISP17:52
rcconfActionParsnip: whats that setting for exactly'17:52
ActionParsnipdstufft: different drivers in different OSes17:52
PythonSnakehow  to use multi touch on my touch pad17:53
z3roActionParsnip can u accept my file17:53
ActionParsnipz3ro: no, use a pastebin17:53
ZykoticK9!paste > z3ro17:53
ubottuz3ro, please see my private message17:53
ActionParsniprcconf: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguinswf/2008/08/secrets_of_the_mmscfg_file_1.html17:53
rcconfActionParsnip: oh k tks17:54
dstufftActionParsnip, sorry it takes me forever to respond. I assumed it was a driver issue, is there a way to use a different driver in Ubuntu without getting a seperate NIC17:54
ChaosSaberok so / is the install and part2 is swap?17:55
rcconfActionParsnip: does that setting work with any graphic card17:55
z3roActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/631900/17:55
ActionParsnipdstufft: run:   sudo lshw -C network     you will see the network chip and the driver used and you can hunt for guides17:55
ActionParsniprcconf: I use it on intel and nvidia here17:55
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ChaosSaberor is that the other way around17:55
jacobfoggOk, I have the 32 bit version of linux installed but I have a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E4500  @ 2.20GHz installed... according to intel website that's a 64 bit proc. Is there any way to "upgrade" the version of linux to 64bit?17:55
afeijoZykoticK9, it didnt work17:55
poptisseDoes anyone know how I can edit xorg.conf in ubuntu 11.0417:56
rcconfActionParsnip: the package adobe-flash-properties-gtk isnt available in synapitc17:56
jacobfoggugh... looks like I am going to be better off with a fresh install... ugh...17:57
afeijomy banshee doesnt work :( 11.0417:57
Rigorm0rtisI managed to lose my SSH *public* key. How can I export a public key from my private key?17:57
ActionParsniprcconf: read the link I gave you earlier17:57
ActionParsnipz3ro: http://pastie.org/211691917:58
rcconfActionParsnip: flash for 64bit?17:58
ZykoticK9afeijo, sorry i was afk - what isn't working?17:58
ActionParsniprcconf: the one you were super thankful for17:58
ZykoticK9afeijo, oh MP3?17:58
ActionParsniprcconf: little hint, think about "partner" ;)17:58
ZykoticK9afeijo, did you restart Banshee?  Do MP3s work in other players?17:59
Rigorm0rtisFigured it out. ssh-keygen -e17:59
afeijoZykoticK9, I had banshee off, after I installed what you recommended, I open banshee and it still does nothing17:59
ZykoticK9afeijo, and other players?17:59
afeijoZykoticK9, I didnt test with other players, what do you suggest?17:59
rcconfActionParsnip, i have that repository enabled..17:59
afeijofor now I'm using jango.com lol18:00
ZykoticK9afeijo, see if Movie Player (aka Totem) can play them.18:00
jacobfoggis ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso compatible with intel proc? sorry if I sound dumb... lol18:00
ikoniajacobfogg: it is18:00
ZykoticK9Does MP3 playback now require more then u-r-e?18:00
jacobfoggThanks ikonia... the name inferred otherwise in my head... =)18:00
rcconfthis' http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/canonical_partner18:01
afeijowow, it just worked now! with banshee18:01
afeijoZykoticK9, I reopened it and its running, thanks!!!18:01
ZykoticK9afeijo, glad to help.18:01
CyberCoolhow do i update Firefox using pre-downloaded archieve??18:03
sourmaybe anyone got a quick hint for me. I want to uninstall firefox, which actually works fine, but it will be downloaded again with the next update through update manager. how can I remove it from the update process completely?18:04
ZykoticK9sour, fx is part of ubuntu-desktop metapackage, not sure it's a wise idea to remove.  Good luck.18:04
sw0rdfishis there a recommended program thats the equivalent of photoshop for linux/ubuntu?18:04
ZykoticK9sw0rdfish, gimp is the closest18:05
sw0rdfishwill grab it, then18:05
Abhijitsw0rdfish, you can try aviary too its browser based18:05
ZykoticK9sw0rdfish, good luck with The Gimp - it's interface is very "strange" at first - but don't get discouraged (or try not to)18:05
sourZykoticK9: got no problems after removing it, well.. till it shows up again with the next update that is :)18:06
rcconfdamn electricists18:06
sw0rdfishI remember once having a cool program on my previous ubuntu that looked JUST like photoshop...in some ways18:06
ZykoticK9sour, right - it's more or less built into Ubuntu18:06
sw0rdfishit might have been The Gimp, ZykoticK918:06
genii-aroundPerhaps gimpshop18:06
ZykoticK9sw0rdfish, no one has ever mistaken "the gimp" for a photoshop like environment ;)18:07
sw0rdfishthere is one called gimshop, genii-around ?18:07
ZykoticK9sw0rdfish, The Gimp was a default app at one time18:07
genii-aroundsw0rdfish: Yes, it's like a photoshop skin for gimp18:07
sw0rdfishnot another program then18:08
sw0rdfishwell what about ImageMagick18:08
ZykoticK9sw0rdfish, IM is clie18:08
sw0rdfishahh nvm then18:08
KuehlschrankI was wondering, what you could do, if e.g. arpwatch detects an ARP poisoning attack, to avoid being sniffed by the attacker.18:09
Smilexif I install boost with the package manager, where would the files be placed?18:10
genii-aroundSmilex: boost-build package?18:11
AbhijitKuehlschrank, ??? offtopic in #ubuntu-offtopic18:11
genii-aroundSmilex: If so, http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/all/boost-build/filelist shows what files it contains and where they end up18:12
KuehlschrankAbhijit: Sorry, I didn't find a better channel to ask this question.18:12
pythonirc101can you connect two machines with a USB wire and use that as a network? :)18:13
Abhijitpythonirc101, no18:14
genii-aroundpythonirc101: Not directly, the cord needs to have a communication chip somewhere in the middle18:14
iridiumI have done that with firewire... but USB... no idea18:14
dr_willispythonirc101,  seen special usb cables for that.. but i think its faster to use normal network cables18:15
genii-aroundpythonirc101: With something like this, it is possible: http://www.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=27556118:16
ChaosSaberok its installing. hope i didnt kill my main os lol18:16
DivyQUESTION: Is there a know issue with virtual box when you upgrade from 10.10 to 11.4? I had windows 7 installed on my virtual box on 10.10 and when I did an upgrade, it fails to load windows on virtual box.18:16
ZykoticK9genii-around, assuming that Belkin device has drivers for linux.  pythonirc10118:17
ChaosSaber./ needs to have the lowest space?18:17
dr_willisChaosSaber,  this is why i normally just delete the partitons on the hard drive i want to use - then tell the installer to 'use unallocated space'18:17
DynamicFailis there any commandline method to figure the "live" amount of traffic going to particular IP's or Subnets in linux?18:17
dr_willisChaosSaber,  you need / to be big enough for you do to your work ion..   10gb+ as a min i suggest18:18
sysop-workhey can ne1 help me with a minicom issue?18:18
ChaosSaberoh ok so swap is for 2gig or so18:18
sysop-workiptraf is a good tool18:18
ChaosSaberhaha got to do that over18:18
iridiumthe point is that TCP/IP over firewire is a standard, but maybe even a wifi is faster and more reliable to transfer files than a usb18:19
ChaosSaberlesson learnt lol18:19
sysop-workif you are going to transfer files between two machines just use a crossover cable18:20
sysop-workand a private network.18:20
sysop-workand sftp18:20
ChaosSaberstartin over again lol. ill get it sometime today lol18:21
dr_willisChaosSaber,  delete partitons on the hd you want to use.. tell installer to use the whold hd. and be sure to select the right hd..18:23
dr_willisit will auto partiton.18:23
DynamicFailI'm trying to work on some bash script that do various things when bandwidths to specific devices (IP's/subnets) reaches a certain level. Any ideas on how I might accomplish this. I haven't been able to find any sort of commandline tool that I could easily run and have a bash script read from (IE grep etc on the output of the program)18:23
FrestormsHello, on Windows I used a development stack called XAMPP, I noticed it's also available on Ubuntu 10.04, but I'm wondering if there's anything more suitable for Ubuntu, or is XAMPP fine?18:23
dr_willisnight all.18:23
ZykoticK9!xampp | Frestorms18:23
ubottuFrestorms: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.18:23
FrestormsI wasn't asking about XAMPP specifically18:24
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loopdiggadoes anyone in here know how to control the cpu fan18:29
loopdiggai just installed ubuntu and the cpu fan runs at full speed for no reason18:29
z3roActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/631915/18:30
poptisse:( I have just done ctrl alt backspace to restart x - everything refreshed and now all i can see is two items on my desktop and no menu or title bar so cant run any programs or terminal - HELP!!118:30
z3roalso can help me18:32
poptisseDoes anyone know what has happened, I don't know what to search for to fix it.18:32
z3roActionParcnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/631915/18:34
poptisseAnyone able to help with my restart x issue?18:34
poptisseAnyone able to help with my restart x issue?18:35
leoodldlim a bit thick. ive downloaded various files from the internet..eg bitdefender for debian and a game or two and in the download folder they look like they are in boxes. i extract them and they change to folders. my question really is how do i get them to run18:35
leoodldltried autorun18:36
z3roanyone can help me18:37
flametai1Hey guys can you have a slideshow for your wallpaper in Ubuntu 10.10?18:37
leoodldlapps from the ubuntu window run automatically but some just dont even after extracting im trying to search for the equivalent .exe files in the folders18:37
th0rleoodldl: you don't run them, you use dpkg to install them18:37
leoodldlwhat is dpkg18:38
DynamicFailI'm trying to work on some bash script that do various things when bandwidths to specific devices (IP's/subnets) reaches a certain level. Any ideas on how I might accomplish this. I haven't been able to find any sort of commandline tool that I could easily run and have a bash script read from (IE grep etc on the output of the program)18:38
ActionParsnipleoodldl: its the program which installs packages18:38
exalthello this are my systen specs:  http://pastebin.com/kA6k6LtB  i run ubuntu 11.4 , i ran unity but it was verry slow so i installed KDE but its still slow, i run top and see xrog comming above 70% cpu usage once a while, mostly +50% cpu usage when moving a window18:38
exaltanyone know a fix ?18:38
jazzyjefcan anyone answer a question about ath_pci and maverick18:39
leoodldlwhy dont they just autoinstall?18:39
Picileoodldl: What extensions were the files that you downloaded?18:39
icodeany question to answer!18:39
leoodldlhold on18:39
leoodldli have to try and find downloads folder18:39
ActionParsnipexalt: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a18:39
ActionParsnipleoodldl: there needs to be a program to install with, windows uses Windows INstaller18:40
z3roActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/631915/18:40
z3roicode http://paste.ubuntu.com/631915/18:41
chriswrwhat channel should i goto for help with ubuntu?18:41
ActionParsnipchriswr: right here18:41
ActionParsnipz3ro: i'd ask in #bash18:41
leoodldland tar i think18:41
ActionParsnipleoodldl: tar doesn't tell us anything18:41
leoodldlhold on my screen flashed and now sidebar gone18:42
blip99hi, i'm trying to install the latest nvidia 32-bit linux driver from the Nvidia website, as I've done in the past.   Ubuntu 11.04.  When I run the installer (after X is closed), I get a message that the "distribution pre-install scripts failed, do you want to continue"18:42
exaltActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/J6xPdQtf18:42
poptisseActionParsnip - Can you attempt to help me with my restart X issue?18:42
Picileoodldl: .deb files you should just be able to double click to install.  .tar files are like .zip files on Windows, you need to do something with the files within them to install.18:42
leoodldlok thanks18:42
blip99any idea what that is caused by ?  I need the latest nvidia drivers, the ones in the repos aren't working on my NVS 4200M card18:42
leoodldlso extract with archive thingy then run18:42
visorhey guys, how are you? :)18:43
poptisse:l is anyone here able to actually help me out - so one seems to be able to18:43
leoodldldeb aint running. how useful are antivirus for linux. you are all too complacent according to avg and avast etc18:43
M4TTRgood visor18:43
Picileoodldl: then read the README or INSTALL file within there.18:43
visorglad to hear it18:43
M4TTRso what you think of gnome 3 coming out visor18:44
leoodldlok will figure it out neway ta18:44
chriswrI have an .iso file that i wanted to open but when i try it give me "cd-rom is not in iso 9660 format" so i searched and downloaded iat but clueless on what to do , any ideas?18:44
visoranybody has a thinkpad edge and have trouble with external display? I bought this intel based thingy since it was even certified but somehow the external display just flickers18:44
oCeanM4TTR: chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic18:45
visorM4TTR: Gnome 3 has come out long ago, hasnt it?18:45
jeffspeffwould a dmesg tell me if a unit had a dvd drive or just a cd drive?18:45
ZykoticK9chrisw957, open or mount?  see !iso if you want to mount one.18:45
Abhijitchrisf, see the man iat18:45
chriswrzykotick9, i need to open it to extract the files18:46
xxiaoZykoticK9: r u still here18:46
ZykoticK9chriswr, what are you trying to do?18:46
xxiaoZykoticK9: i 'fixed' the grub problem,18:46
ZykoticK9xxiao, how did you fix it?18:47
chriswrabhijit, already done so , i typed "/home/user/Desktop/D2LOD.ISO" and it started giving me tons of odd characters for about 30 mins and then did nothing18:47
footfetishI can not run Java applets in my browser Firefox 5. The applets don't initialize. Any idea?18:47
xxiaoZykoticK9: natty used its 1.99 grub which caused all thesee trouble, i force installed the lucid grub and now it works18:47
xxiaoi have lucid natty mixed on partitions18:47
ZykoticK9xxiao, nice.  Glad you figured it out.18:47
chriswrzykotick9, trying to extract the iso so i can set it as a drive on wine to install the game18:48
Abhijitchrisf, just do not give full path cd to the target directory and just do iat file.iso18:48
xxiaothanks for thel help18:48
Abhijitchriswr,  just do not give full path cd to the target directory and just do iat file.iso18:48
ZykoticK9chriswr, don't extract it - mount it.18:48
ZykoticK9!iso | chriswr18:48
ubottuchriswr: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:48
blip99hi, I found this post on the ubuntu forums which talks about installing latest Nvidia driver for 10.10, the PPA gives 404 Error.  Also I have 11.04, how can I get PPA for 11.04 nvidia drivers ?18:49
footfetishI can not run Java applets in my browser Firefox 5. The applets don't initialize. Any idea?18:49
z3rosubottu http://paste.ubuntu.com/631915/18:49
ZykoticK9chriswr, once it's mounted just "wine /path/to/iso/Program.exe" should work18:49
exaltmy natty setup with KDE is so incredible slow anyone knows whats wrong ? sys specs:  http://pastebin.com/kA6k6LtB  , log: http://pastebin.com/J6xPdQtf18:49
chriswrzykotick9, alright will try18:49
footfetishI can not run Java applets in my browser Firefox 5. The applets don't initialize. Any idea?18:52
ZykoticK9!repeat | footfetish18:52
ubottufootfetish: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:52
chriswrzykotick9, i just tried mounting using "sudo mount -o loop D2LOD.ISO C:" is that correct cause it gave me D2LOD.ISO so such file or directory , the file is on my desktop btw18:53
ZykoticK9chriswr, C: is NOT a valid mount point!18:53
ZykoticK9chriswr, you'd also have to be in the same directory as the ISO!18:53
chriswrzykotick9, oh , what should i use as a mount point then?18:53
ZykoticK9chriswr, "sudo mount -o loop /full/path/to/blah.iso /mnt" should work18:54
anemusblip99: remove18:54
MrMichaelHillanyone here play UT2004 in ubuntu 11.04... or any ubuntu to be honest?18:54
lolmaticMrMichaelHill: yes i do18:54
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, i certainly played in on 10.10 and earlier.18:54
MrMichaelHillI can't get the sound working ZykoticK918:55
MrMichaelHillI've tried loads of different things!18:55
MrMichaelHillbeen reading the forums for a few days too now! nothing seems to work :@18:55
chriswrzykotick9, k tried that and it gave me you must specify the filesystem type18:56
ZykoticK9chriswr, is it an actual ISO or some other type of image file?18:57
supituxHi everone, i got an error from kde partitionmanager when magnifying the extented partition (geometry) any ideas? i would be very pleased!18:57
jaberwokey"FloodBot2 invites you to join #ubuntu"  ???18:57
chriswrzykotick9, supposed to be an actual game iso , the folder it came in included 3 more which worked perfectly fine18:57
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, have you tried "pasuspender /path/to/UT2004"?18:58
DynamicFailI'm trying to work on some bash script that do various things when bandwidths to specific devices (IP's/subnets) reaches a certain level. Any ideas on how I might accomplish this. I haven't been able to find any sort of commandline tool that I could easily run and have a bash script read from (IE grep etc on the output of the program)18:58
ZykoticK9!tab > chriswr18:58
ubottuchriswr, please see my private message18:58
MrMichaelHillZykoticK9, no I have not18:58
ZykoticK9chriswr, sorry - i don't know.  Best of luck.18:58
roadfishhow do I change KDE background from command-line?18:58
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, that pasuspender turns off PulseAudio temporarily for the given program (worth a shot, not sure it will work)18:59
supituxHi everone, i got an error from kde partitionmanager when magnifying the extented partition (geometry) any ideas? i would be very pleased!19:00
mattmattehsupitux: are you partitioning or fixing ?19:00
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, i regret removing my alucidfs site right now, it had directions for UT etc.19:00
mattmattehsupitux: what is the use of this disk ?19:01
MrMichaelHillZykoticK9, no luck I'm afraid :(19:01
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, sorry - i got nothing then.  Good luck.19:01
mattmattehsupitux: data and/or operating systems, and which operating systems ?19:01
chriswrZykoticK9, alright can you tell me how to direct my terminal to a certain folder?19:01
supituxmattmatteh: win7 booot, win7 system primary each, ext. partition: 2ntfs +swap+2ext419:01
footfetishI have installed sun-java6-plugin via apt-get. However, Firefox says that no java plugin is installed.19:01
supitux+freespace at the end19:01
ZykoticK9chriswr, "cd /path/you/want"19:01
footfetishANy idea?19:01
chriswrZykoticK9, thnx19:02
ZykoticK9footfetish, did you restart firefox?19:02
footfetishZykoticK9: yes19:02
supituxmattmatteh: kubuntu did - during installing - change the ext partition: tossing free space at the end of partition19:02
MrMichaelHillZykoticK9, thank you anyway!19:03
supituxmattmatteh: i am 100% sure that i did the right setting during partitioning process!!!19:03
footfetishThe Java plugin is also not shown in the plug in list in firefox. But sun-java6-plugin is installed for sure.19:04
mattmattehsupitux: i was going to suggest gpt ( guid partition table ) instead of dpt ( dos partition table), but you want windows on that, and windows and anything modern does not work well at all.   does your computer have efi ( i assume not since you are tring to use dpt and windows 7 will not work with that and efi ) ?19:04
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
nophoneis this byoub terminal pretty popular? i notice it has some interesting information on the bottom of the terminal window19:05
mattmattehsupitux: i have only used primary parititions when i used dpt, i never wasted my time with extented or logical19:05
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, if you start UT from cli do you get an error "open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such device"19:05
supituxmattmatteh: sorry but what is efi?19:06
blip99Hi, I've been trying to set up NVidia driver on my laptop for several days.  I just added the PPA http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu  and I installed nvidia-current and nvidia-settings, and restarted and also selected/activated the driver from the "Additional Drivers" tool.  but it doesn't work19:06
blip99nvidia-xconfig isn't even installed... how can that be ??19:06
blip99it should be inside the nvidia-current package19:06
nophoneblip99: maybe there's an apt-get for the driver you need?19:07
mattmattehsupitux: intel firmware, replacement for crappy-pc-dos-bios19:07
nophonei love apt get19:07
green91apt >>> rpm19:08
nophoneapt >>> rpm ?19:08
mattmattehsupitux: mainboards with efi are popping up all over, i see alot on newegg with it now.  its nice, i dont have any computers with it, my brother does, booting is sooooo much easier now ( except with windows, very difficult and a huge PITA )19:08
chriswranyone have any idea why my sidebar on the left is only half the size as normal (ubuntu 11.04)?19:09
Aj_is it possible to inject data using air-ng in ubuntu 11.04 using ralink rt61 chipset??19:09
supituxmattmatteh: i dont know if i have efi, i just want to magnify my ext partition :-)19:09
mattmattehsupitux: how old is the computer ?19:10
mattmattehsupitux: have you used windows on it  ?19:10
SicilyBoyHi all19:10
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, i found my notes -- try "sudo apt-get install alsa-oss oss-compat" then try again.  Good luck!19:10
supituxmattmatteh: wanna know mainboard cpu?19:10
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supituxmattmatteh: its msi 770-c45, and phenom 2 x419:11
exaltmy natty setup with KDE is so incredible slow anyone knows whats wrong ? sys specs: http://pastebin.com/kA6k6LtB , log: http://pastebin.com/J6xPdQtf19:11
supituxmattmatteh: sure i use win719:11
=== anotherotherBg is now known as blueghost
mattmattehsupitux: i am going to make lunch in a moment.   i think you would know if you had efi, might be more like a gui boot screen.  and would be a pain to install windows on it with linux, because windows does not support gpt well19:12
PoptisseAnyone here have extensive knowledge on fixing screen tearing in nvidia?19:12
gohdani grabbed the 'live-magic' pkg and was wondering if there was an alternate gui based builder similar to this available that allows me to specify which custom pkgs to include in the build19:12
ZykoticK9Poptisse, enable vsync in both nvidia-settings and compiz19:12
iridiumexalt, glxinfo | egrep -i "direct|device|opengl"19:13
supituxmattmatteh: but how can i solve the problem now? :-( i need free space and im annoyed of testing linux because it has switched the order of free space and partitions19:13
PoptisseZykoticK9 I have enabled vsync in both and that does not fix my issue :l19:13
ZykoticK9Poptisse, ? dunno then.  Best of luck.19:14
Aj_anyone using rt61 chipset here???19:14
chriswrZykoticK9, just thought i should let you know i had to "cd /path/to/desktop" then use iat , now the iso mounts fine , thnx again19:14
ZykoticK9chriswr, nice - glad you figured it out.19:14
MrMichaelHillZykoticK9, just sent you a PM with what my console displayed, didn't seem to do the trick I'm afraid19:14
mattmattehsupitux: not sure i can help, i dont use extented or logical dos partitions.  i might be able to try to help after i make lunch19:14
PoptisseScreen tearing issue turning on vysync does not fix the issue - HELP!!!!!!19:15
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ChaosSaberanyway to copy n paste in Ubuntu19:15
ZykoticK9MrMichaelHill, guess the solution in 11.04 is different, sorry I've got no further suggestions.  Best of luck.19:15
supituxmattmatteh: okay i will look what my windows is telling me with the partitions and coming back and wait :>19:15
ChaosSaberi killed my main drive but i can still access it until i format19:15
SicilyBoyDoes anyone have switchable graphics and Ati driver installed?19:16
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thunder1212hi, i want to install nvidia drivers but the ubuntu screen always gets distorted.. so i thought of installing experimental dri supportinf 3d for nvidia but i am not able to install it can someone help..19:16
exaltiridium: http://pastebin.com/Np9sCdLT19:17
ZykoticK9exalt, how much memory does your system have?  you are aware that KDE has the heaviest requirements of any DE/WM.19:19
ZykoticK9exalt, Unity/Gnome3 excluded19:19
penlat_what command is used to change ownership of a folder AND files within19:19
ZykoticK9penlat_, "chown -R USER:USER /path/to/folder"19:20
ZykoticK9penlat_, be careful with that!!!19:20
penlat_zykotick9, ok.19:21
The_Pugilistis there any way to repair bad blocks with ubuntu... sort of like chkdsk /r for windows?19:21
exaltZykoticK9: im aware that since 2.4 KDE has less requirements than gnome, which in 10.10 ran fine19:21
thunder1212i want to install gnome 3 on ubuntu 10.04 lts what should i do?19:21
ZykoticK9exalt, i find that difficult to believe (but possible i guess)19:21
exaltZykoticK9: and i asume when you looked at my specs my system could run KDE with ease19:21
ZykoticK9exalt, everything but memory19:22
nophonequestion: kde>gnome?19:22
exalt2 gigs of ram not enough ?19:22
The_Pugilistnophone, that is a matter of preference i think19:22
ZykoticK9exalt, 2GB "should" be fine19:22
IdleOnenophone: neither, pick the one you like19:22
penlat_zykotick9, how do i change the group and its permissions19:22
nophonewhat default installs with ubuntu 11.04? gnome right?19:22
ZykoticK9penlat_, that's two separate issues.  change the ownership first, then the permissions.19:23
nophonei'm installing "gnome with extras" right now19:23
penlat_zykotick9, yes i changed ownership. now how to change permissions?19:23
nophoneim' intersted in making my computer look like osx or windows 719:23
nophonejust for something to do19:23
ZykoticK9penlat_, "chown -R :GROUP /path" then "chmod -R ugo+rwx /path"19:23
Poptisse$80 to the person who can fix my screen tearing issue - and yes I have tried turning on vysync19:24
nophonei seen themes, but is there a simple way to install themes?19:24
ZykoticK9penlat_, the ugo+rwx is only an example!19:24
x404xHow to replace a bad drive in a mdadm raid6 on a 3ware 9500 controller ? If i just replace the drive then the new one will not attach19:24
nuke_you have to tell it to rebuild using the new drive19:24
ZykoticK9x404x, if you don't get an answer here you might want to try #ubuntu-server (they usually have more RAID experience)  good luck19:25
x404xah thanx zyko19:25
nuke_I just replaced a drive in my 965019:25
iridiumThe_Pugilist,  do an fsck -c -c -f /dev/sdb119:25
m1chaeli upgraded my ubuntu, and my screen is flickering/black, i drag the mousse around and click, and things become kind of visible, it's very random and weird.. i dont know what to do to fix this.. it's a dual boot with windows xp...19:25
iridiumbut be aware that it will take hours19:25
oCeanPoptisse: please calm down19:25
IdleOnePoptisse: drop the caps please19:26
x404xit seems the new drive will not be a part of the raid , do i need to setup in 3ware bios first  and then rebuild ?19:26
x404xmaybe I can clone the bad drive first , then it will have raid info on it and then pretend I didnt replace it ;=)19:26
penlat_zykotick9, ok everything worked. except that "others" not have read write. they should have no access19:27
sparky1hello all! Using Ubuntu 9.10- works better on my Gateway Tablet PC than current Ubuntu - except screen rotation.. pen won't align.. any site to help . Thanks19:27
x404xexcept the os wont even recognize it19:27
penlat_zykotick9, *now19:27
mattmattehsupitux: back19:27
thunder1212or anyone explain how to fix boot screen after nvidia driver install, it never gets back to normal19:27
supituxmattmatteh:     yes19:28
ZykoticK9penlat_, "chmod -R o-rwx /path"19:28
iridiumexalt, you also might gain performance disabling compositing in kde... but is almost "last resort"19:28
mattmattehsupitux: you said you are resizing ?19:28
supituxyes magnifying19:28
arch_nmeanyone here from new zealnd?19:28
thunder1212Hyperbyte, Hi19:28
oCeanarch_nme: hi, do you have a support question?19:29
supituxmattmatteh: adding free space to the ext. partition19:29
LuckyYDoes anyone have any issues with ubuntu + iceweasel/firefox and tcp windowing issues?19:29
penlat_zykotick9, that all worked! thanks alot19:29
mattmattehsupitux: not sure i can help honestly, 1) i dont use exteneded or logical partitions 2) i dont resize ( i have but not with dos partitions )19:29
CoreyLuckyY: No, what are you seeing?19:29
IdleOnearch_nme: might try #ubuntu-nz19:29
LuckyYCause when i wireshark the connection only the ubuntu/debian clients suffer from tcp windowing errors19:29
mattmattehsupitux: pastebin your partition table19:29
arch_nmeoCean, only if you are from new zealand, I have a NZ specific support question19:30
LuckyYfedora and backtrack (recompiled firefox) dont have any issues19:30
arch_nmeIdleOne, yeah no ones in there19:30
oCeanarch_nme: the best is to just ask your actual question19:30
IdleOnearch_nme: if it is Ubuntu related, shoot.19:30
arch_nmeare you guys from new zealand?19:31
mattmatteharch_nme: why are you asking that ?19:31
gohdanwhat is the most simplified manner of creating a custom live build without rematering an already existing iso?19:31
IdleOnearch_nme: what does it matter. if it is an Ubuntu related issue we may be able to help19:31
IdleOnegohdan: remastering would be the easy way.19:31
arch_nmemattmatteh, cus I need to talk to someone from NZ19:31
IdleOne!remaster > gohdan19:32
ubottugohdan, please see my private message19:32
CoreyLuckyY: What does sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling say?19:32
Coreyarch_nme: #ubuntu-nz19:32
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
mattmatteharch_nme: i thought here was ubuntu support, not find friends in NZ19:32
thunder1212IdleOne, Hi19:32
IdleOnethunder1212: hello19:32
arch_nmemattmatteh, well you thought wrong19:32
Coreyarch_nme: Enough.19:33
Aj_does nayone use rt61 chipset here???19:33
guesthello, my mouse stoped working! Can u help? It was after changing grub setting but i got them back and mouse still doesnt work!19:33
LuckyYCorey: let me check i need to ask someones root perms19:33
CoreyLuckyY: You don't need root.19:33
IdleOnearch_nme: no, he is right. Please stick to Ubuntu support questions19:33
x404xhm I guess all in ubuntu-server are sleeping and nobody here knows how to replace a drive on 3ware 9500 series or ?19:33
thunder1212IdleOne, I need some help with installing drivers for my nvidia card 8400GS19:33
LuckyYCorey: 119:33
LuckyYyeah i found it19:33
x404xI just found info on using the cli interface that i havent installed19:33
=== guest is now known as heynow
arch_nmejsut stop talking to me if you are not from new zealand19:33
CoreyLuckyY: Okay then, not a window scaling issue I suspect. :-)19:33
IdleOnethunder1212: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:33
LuckyYbut its not my laptop i use fedora and dont have any issues :)19:33
arch_nmeit's that easy19:33
=== heynow is now known as heynow2
supituxmattmatteh: i used diskpart http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/diskpart.png/19:34
heynow2how can i reboot and fix my mouse? donno why isnt working19:34
Aj_air-ng with rt61 chipset???19:34
mattmattehsupitux: i think fdisk will give more info19:35
mattmattehsupitux: and thats fdisk from linux19:35
sparky1hello.. I have a question :-)19:35
heynow2how to get info why mouse istn working?19:36
thunder1212IdleOne, after that the ubuntu splash screen gets distorted or goes away..19:36
IdleOnethunder1212: not sure why you thought I could help you. Please just ask your question in the channel and if someone knows the answer they will give it to you.19:37
Paulo39hi there19:37
ZykoticK9thunder1212, proprietary nvidia is know to cause issues with the Plymouth screens - is that what you are talking about?  does Xorg work properly?19:37
Paulo39i'm having a problem: some of my applets dont appear when i do Add to this Panel...19:38
makayim having trouble installing pyopencl19:38
heynow2after reboot my mouse doesnt work it starts working after replug! Canu u help?19:38
thunder1212IdleOne, I thought u were the IdleOne thats why ; ) thnx anyways..19:38
Paulo39i dont know why. how can i fix that?19:38
LuckyYCorey: when i set the value to 0 its instant win19:38
aristidesflHelp with wireless please: http://peg.gd/1A019:38
arch_nmeIdleOne, you see your PM19:38
heynow2after reboot my mouse doesnt work it starts working after replug! Canu u help?19:38
supituxmattmatteh: okay then wait please, i have to boot from the livecd, here you can see the windows "sight" on the partition table http://imageshack.us/f/202/diskpart.png/19:38
szal!repeat | heynow219:38
ubottuheynow2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:38
heynow2sry i thought i had dc19:39
=== richard_ is now known as richieuk
makayhi guys, im having trouble isntalling "pyopencl"19:39
makayanyone have any experience with this?19:39
chriswrhey i just mounted an iso file in the terminal with no errors or anything but nothing pops up , do i have to click on something to run the cd?19:39
thunder1212ZykoticK9, yes i want to enable compiz in ubuntu 10.04 but i dont want an ugly splash screen at boot up..19:39
ZykoticK9chriswr, cd to where you mounted it19:39
oCeanmakay: details?19:40
oCean!info python-pyopencl19:40
ubottupython-pyopencl (source: pyopencl): module to access OpenCL parallel computation API. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.92-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 529 kB, installed size 2384 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)19:40
ZykoticK9thunder1212, it is possible to fix - there is a script at webupd8 for that.  Why bother?  is my opinion - good luck.19:40
oCeanmakay: package python-pyopencl is in repositories (multiverse)^19:40
ChaserHi is there anything that can be used to highlight and make comments on PDF files ?19:41
chriswrZykoticK9, k i used "cd /mnt" still nothing , do i need to do something else?19:41
makayoCean: im trying to run Phoenix miner, and i need pyopencl to do it, but when i "make" i get this: configure.py: error: no such option: --boost-thread-libname19:41
ZykoticK9chriswr, and is what where you mounted it?  if you "ls" does it list things?19:41
richieukhi guys, turned on my ubuntu 10.04 today and it will not boot into graphical mode without using xstart, any ideas19:41
oCeanmakay: never build it myself. Try installing from repository19:41
chriswrZykoticK9, yep lists all the files in it19:41
arch_nmeanyone from new zealnd shown up yet19:42
ZykoticK9chriswr, so what's the issue then?19:42
Smilexwhen I install boost with the package manager, where are the files placed?19:42
chriswrZykoticK9, i need to run the setup.exe in it19:42
ZykoticK9chriswr, "wine setup.exe" then19:42
LuckyYhmm now i have no youtube issues but still some gmail issues19:42
IdleOnearch_nme: Last time I warn you. Ask a Ubuntu support related question or I will ban you.19:42
makayoCean: installing via synaptic now, ill let you know how it goes19:43
=== richieuk is now known as Richjuk
chriswrZykoticK9, cool thnx again19:44
arch_nmeIdleOne, please don't make comments to me in this channel that are not related to the channel topic19:44
ZykoticK9chriswr, glad to help19:44
Richjukhi guys, turned on my ubuntu 10.04 today and it will not boot into graphical mode without using xstart, any ideas, also on xstart its not letting me connect to wifi to so cant try to reinstall the DE incase thats the issue19:45
thunder1212ZykoticK9, thnx :)19:45
ZykoticK9Richjuk, does "sudo service gdm start" work?  and the command is startx19:46
supituxmattmatteh: here is the kde partition magaer partition table http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/8/bildschirmfoto1c.png/19:46
Richjukit says job is already running gdm19:46
thunder1212Bugs-Bunny, Hi19:47
ZykoticK9Richjuk, can you ctrl+alt+f7 (or f8) and see a GUI?19:47
YukinorohI need help! ubuntu minimal CD install doesn't detect either LAN or wifi... is that normal?19:47
mattmattehsupitux: how about fdisk -l /dev/sda  ( assuming your disk is /dev/sda)19:48
YukinorohI've checked the LAN, it is up19:48
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, i had an issue in minimal where it wouldn't see either of my NICs on an EEE 100519:48
country0129Using Ubuntu 11.04.  Trying to set up Brother MFC990CW all-in-1 printer/scanner/copier/fax.  Went to Bro for the driver.  Followed instructions, but the printer set-up can't find the driver when I try to use it.  Any experience here with that problem?19:49
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, there was a different result using 10.04LTS vs 10.10 BTW19:49
RichjukZykoticK9, nope :(19:49
ZykoticK9Richjuk, "sudo service gdm restart" would restart it - sounds like it's not going to work though, but worth a shot19:50
YukinorohZykoticK9: really? it's weird, I guess I'm going to stick with mandriva then (last version is more recent than ubuntu 10.04)... at least the minimal install works there :/19:50
b44I started a file-downloader with wine and couldn't change the download directory C:/Temp  ..... Where to find the file after finishing download ??19:50
LuckyYcountry0129: it seems to be only @ google ssl signin now19:51
ZykoticK9b44, have a look in ~/.wine/drive_c19:51
Richjukno, just brings me back to the same tty1 screen ZykoticK919:51
dw_can anyone recommend a word processing or presentation program with fancy borders?19:51
b44ZykoticK9: ah ... cool ;) ty19:51
country0129I didn't understand you, LuckyY...sign in where?19:51
ZykoticK9Richjuk, sorry i don't know then.  Good luck.19:51
Richjukno worries thanks for your help andy way mate, ZykoticK919:52
LuckyYcountry0129: nah at first had issues with dynamic windowing to youtube and gmail19:52
LuckyYon the ubuntu client19:52
supituxmattmatteh: http://imageshack.us/f/848/bildschirmfoto1bl.png/19:52
LuckyYbut they had some cookies for youtube (which is a google account)19:53
LuckyYstill debugging ( i blamed ubuntu for the wrong reason)19:53
YukinorohZykoticK9: I was using 11.04, was it what you tried too?19:53
country0129Everything else works well.  Brother is a little late with drivers for Linux, and there's no workaround that I can find with Natty that works.  When I followed Brother's instructions, ...oh well.19:53
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, i've never used 11.04 (10.04LTS is the last Ubuntu I'll ever use, i've switched distros now)19:54
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, because of experimenting with Minimal actually - led me to Debian19:54
edbianZykoticK9: I use Debian :)19:55
country0129I came to Natty from MEPIS.  Another Debian that worked well for me, but the repositories aren't as full.19:55
ZykoticK9edbian, you're nick doesn't give it away ;)19:55
YukinorohZykoticK9: well what I was looking for with minimal is an install that allowed me to only download the packages I need - I happen to live in one of the three places on earth where internet connection is billed by the gigabyte19:55
edbianZykoticK9: I would have guessed you used Zykotick GNU/Linux (version 9.0)19:55
country0129<--------<<<< command line dummy19:55
mattmattehsupitux: ok, now that i can  see your partition layout, explain what you are trying to do and what is failing19:56
Yukinorohso downloading a huge DVD is not an option for me19:56
supituxmattmatteh: i want to add some free space to the extended partition19:56
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, FYI the ubuntu minimal install is basically a Debian Netinstall, only using ubuntu repos.19:57
edbianYukinoroh: Well Ubuntu is rather large (about 700Mb) to download and 2Gb installed (small for a modern OS)19:57
Yukinorohedbian: yeah but I want to minimize my download to just what I need, to pay less money...19:57
edbianYukinoroh: But the minimal install won't really save you in downloading data.  It just downloads during the install rather than before19:57
makayoCean: i installed pyopencl just fine, but now its saying it cant find "libopencl"19:57
country0129Maybe want to order the full CD from Ubuntu...probably cheaper install than paying by the gb19:57
edbianYukinoroh: Either way you  have to download 99% of what is on the install CD.19:58
supituxmattmatteh: it should be sda3: before installing i configured the partition like: the two ntfs, then the one for swap then 2 different ones with ext4 and some free space (quite 200gb) and some free space after ext. partition19:58
supituxmattmatteh: after installing, ubuntu used the correct partitions but the free space was added to the rest at the end19:58
YukinorohI'm going to try burning the mandriva boot, see if it detects my network card19:58
edbianYukinoroh: The live CD is Ubuntu with a couple tweaks to make it run on a CD.  The install differs little.  Does this make sense?  You have to download ubuntu to install it.  Whether you download it and burn it to a CD or download it during the installation you have to download it19:59
ugaritI have 11.04 running on a dell inspiron e6400 running well and resolution is at 1280x800 but when I dock it the resolution on the docked display monitor is only 1024.  In windows it's much higher resoluiton when docked.  How do I get ubuntu to go to high res?19:59
country0129Using Ubuntu 11.04.  Trying to set up Brother MFC990CW all-in-1 printer/scanner/copier/fax.  Went to Bro for the driver.  Followed instructions, but the printer set-up can't find the driver when I try to use it.  Any experience here with that problem?19:59
supituxmattmatteh: now i need some space on one ntfs, but i cant expand the partition due to the minimum size of the ext. partition19:59
mattmattehis pastebinit on the livecd ?20:00
mattmattehsupitux: try  fdisk -l /dev/sda | pastebinit20:00
ZykoticK9mattmatteh, doubt it20:00
mattmattehsupitux: that image site is horrible for console output, and i cant see all of it20:00
makayhi people, im trying to run Phoenix miner but i get a "ImportError: libOpenCL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" error20:01
ugaritI have 11.04 running on a dell inspiron e6400 running well and resolution is at 1280x800 but when I dock it the resolution on the docked display monitor is only 1024.  In windows it's much higher resoluiton when docked.  How do I get ubuntu to go to high res?20:01
makayany suggestions?20:01
ZykoticK9mattmatteh, you could try "fdisk -l /dev/sda | less" to get it a page at a time.20:01
supituxmattmatteh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/631953/20:01
mattmattehZykoticK9: how does that pastebin it ?20:01
nophonehey i'm running 11.04 and i just went to "ubuntu software center" and typed in "gnome" and installed the first thing there and i would like to undo that without completely uninstalling gnome, am i safe to click "uninstall?20:01
ZykoticK9mattmatteh, sorry got confused on who had the problem and who was the helper.  my bad.20:02
nophonewill i go back to the gnome as was installed by default with ubuntu?20:02
mattmattehZykoticK9: :P20:02
m1chaeli upgraded my ubuntu, and my screen is flickering/black, i drag the mousse around and click, and things become kind of visible, it's very random and weird.. i dont know what to do to fix this.. it's a dual boot with windows xp...20:02
edbianm1chael: Do you have a graphics card?  (How much ubuntu experience do you have btw? :) )20:03
mattmattehsupitux: you are trying to extend partition 3 ?  i was thinking you could just make a 4th primary partition ?20:05
m1chaeli dont have much ubuntu experience20:05
nophonehow do i install kde?20:05
edbianm1chael: Do you have a graphics card?20:05
supituxmattmatteh: no i extend sda3 (the extended partition)20:06
m1chaelno, no graphics card20:06
edbianm1chael: Can you boot into recovery mode?20:06
m1chaelive never tried.. what would i do once i boot in to recovery mode?20:07
supituxmattmatteh: so i removed the all the partitions safely during livecd for full access and tried to resize it20:07
mattmattehsupitux: if your partitioning tools wont let you then i dont know why.  what is wrong with using makeing a 4th primary ?20:07
supituxmattmatteh: i need the space at the partition ;)20:07
Core_UKwhere are deleted files stored?20:07
mattmattehsupitux: you removed all the partitions, you know thats a risk of data lose ?20:07
edbianm1chael: Well I'd need you to tell me what driver you're using (by running sudo lspci -k) which will give a good chunk of output.20:07
mattmattehsupitux: oh, you need to extend the the partitino in the 3rd primary ?20:08
supituxmattmatteh: i mean i ejected all safely20:08
supituxmattmatteh: unmount ;)20:08
Core_UKwhere are deleted files stored?20:09
country0129Using Ubuntu 11.04.  Trying to set up Brother MFC990CW all-in-1 printer/scanner/copier/fax.  Went to Bro for the driver.  Followed instructions, but the printer set-up can't find the driver when I try to use it.  Any experience here with that problem?20:09
slackaholicCore_UK, if you remove it using rm you cant recover them20:09
mattmattehsupitux: if you removed the partitins you could and probably will loose any data on the disk20:09
Core_UKslackaholic: i deleted via GUI and i want to remove again to free the space for something else20:10
slackaholicCore_UK open nautilus and go to the trash20:10
mattmattehCore_UK: there is an undelete for ext3 but requires that you umount the disk right away.20:10
supituxmattmatteh: i mean unmount, sorry under windows it is "remove safefly" or sth like that^^20:10
slackaholicCore_UK, they will be there20:10
mattmattehsupitux: hope you have a back up of important data20:11
supituxyes but i dont want to delete the partition and set up new20:11
supituxmattmatteh: what does the geometry error mean? i can harly find something on the web20:11
=== guslan is now known as gustu
Yukinorohplus the ubuntu install assumed I am in Asia as soon as I picked up Japanese for the install language :/20:13
country0129Using Ubuntu 11.04.  Trying to set up Brother MFC990CW all-in-1 printer/scanner/copier/fax.  Went to Bro for the driver.  Followed instructions, but the printer set-up can't find the driver when I try to use it.  Any experience here with that problem?20:15
mattmattehsupitux: sounds like something does not add up with the disk.  how old is that disk ?20:15
supituxmattmatteh: 9month20:15
claviusmondwho can help me with kphotomanager? I cannot import any jpeg file, there is no error message, Am i doing something wrong?20:17
claviusmondI cannot import any folder20:17
mattmattehsupitux: did you do a bios update on that computer ?20:18
supituxmattmatteh: before linux install yes20:19
boomboorumHi guys. How can I add flash plugin to chromium (cannot download due to some internet issues).  I have firefox 4   and google-chrome 10 installed both have flash support20:19
nit-witcountry0129, did you down load the debs or rpm20:20
mattmattehsupitux: what brand mainboard do you have ?20:20
nit-witcountry0129, how did you install the softwarecenter?20:20
country0129dpkg -i --force install (deb)20:21
ZykoticK9country0129, are you using 64bit ubuntu?20:21
supituxmattmatteh: msi 770-c4520:21
country012932, and the deb was 32.20:21
kate_rdoes anyone know how to connect a bluetooth headset? i'm following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset but when i do20:21
kate_rpactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=btheadset20:21
kate_ri get an error saying module initialisation failed20:22
mattmattehsupitux: give me a few min...20:22
nit-witcountry0129, personally i just use a gui gdebi, so the drivers are not in the setup list for printing?20:22
cyperbgAnyone know why Team Viewer shows a black screen when connected to Ubuntu 11.04 when using 2 video cards. With 1 video card everything is just fine20:22
kate_rwhen i run "pactl list" i don't see a module called "module-alsa-sink". is that module still in natty?20:22
country0129Actual deb was mfc990cw$$$$.138620:22
supituxmattmatteh: every time you want, if you get my problem i will feel like lotery winner :>20:23
nit-witcountry0129, I found the driver through the Ubuntu Forums seems pretty straight forward, maybe the force install is not the besrt install method for a 3rd party driver.20:23
country0129No, they aren't.  Other brother stuff is, and I read through the list, installed all the brother stuff from the repository, tried again...no joy.  Unloaded all but the brother driver fromtheir sight.20:23
country0129er, site20:23
ZykoticK9kate_r, what version of Ubuntu are you using?  from 10.10 on it "should" almost work OOTB with Pulse20:24
kate_rZykoticK9, i'm running natty20:24
claviusmondi find that all my K applications fail more ofthen than the rest, DO I have to download any patch?20:24
country0129I'd followed the instructions at their site....but you may be right.  Do you have an url for that driver?20:24
kate_rZykoticK9, i can pair with it, but just that i can't find it under Sound input/output20:24
ZykoticK9kate_r, you're following directions for Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 -- see the very top of that page for 10.10 ON20:25
metoiroHow can I know if there is a keylogger in my ubuntu 10.4 ?20:25
kate_rZykoticK9, yeah, do they not apply to natty as well? i can't seem to find documentation for natty, that's why.20:25
edbianmetoiro: Well if someone was really good at what they were doing you would never know.20:25
ZykoticK9kate_r, do you see the very top of that page?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset20:26
edbianmetoiro: One smart thing to do would be to watch outgoing network traffic.20:26
edbianmetoiro: using wireshark or tcpdump or nethogs20:26
dellIm novice20:26
quixhello, how can I have system-wide CMYK simulation on Ubuntu?20:26
nit-witcountry0129, http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html#MFC-990CW20:27
kate_rZykoticK9, yep. i've clicked on it and took me to the BluetoothSetup page20:27
metoiroedbian: thx20:27
kate_rZykoticK9, in it, it says "For Bluetooth Headsets specifically refer to BluetoothHeadset" which points to the Jaunty instructions20:27
ZykoticK9!es | dell20:27
ubottudell: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:27
nit-witcountry0129, I use gdebi as it will notice missing dependencies.20:27
country0129That's where I went, Mr. *-wit...that's the instructions I followed.20:27
edbianmetoiro: Sure.  If you install things from the repos only you have very little to worry about.  most people don't even run virus scanners or malware removal apps (like malware bytes)20:27
kdllsoieli cant access rkhunter log file in console says permission denied. in log viewer says impossible to open permission again. how to open pls (/var/log/rkhunter.log)20:27
ZykoticK9kate_r, and on that BluetoothHeadset page at the top it talks about what to do for 10.10 ONwards - it's all Pulse now.20:28
country0129I'll try gdebi.  It's in the repositories, right?20:28
kate_rZykoticK9, though it says for 10.10 and later, i can just go to Sound and find it. unfortunately it's not there.20:28
nit-witcountry0129, I figured it was, it is difficult to tell who your talking to if you do not tab the nick of who your talking to.20:28
ZykoticK9kate_r, ummm, if it doesn't show up, I really don't know what to suggest.  Bluetooth was always a nightmare until 10.10, which on my system worked perfectly for two headsets.  Best of luck!20:29
country0129Mr. Nit-wit...sorry about the protocol and many thanks for your suggestions.  I'll try to install gdebi and see if that helps.20:29
metoiroedbian: No, I use a machine in a home of someone And I open my gmail, I think he have a keylogger in here machine20:29
kisplitdoes anyone know of some software for linux that would allow me to run a command such as, 'open filename.ext' and depending on that extension 'open' will run the correct program that can handle this file?20:29
kisplitI'm not on ubuntu btw, so gnome-open or whatever won't do20:29
kate_rZykoticK9, hmm ok20:29
edbianmetoiro: This is an Ubuntu machine?  (what do you mean 'no') ?20:29
mattmattehsupitux: hdparm -N /dev/sda | pastebinit20:29
kdllsoielne idea have tried sudo20:29
kate_rZykoticK9, thanks anyway20:30
kdllsoiely cant access log file stupid20:30
szymon_it is English forum20:30
quixHello, does anybody know if it's possible to have system-wide CMYK simulation on Ubuntu?20:30
ZykoticK9kisplit, extensions are basically meaningless on GNU/Linux - it relies on the actual file type, rather then some arbitrary extions - but I'm not aware of a program that does what you are looking for.  Good luck.20:30
Dulakkisplit: gnome-open works similarly to that20:31
metoiroedbian: No to say that , it not sure to send a mail to her addresse, I stock information in machine20:31
kisplitZykoticK9: They aren't meaningless if you have software which interprets the extension. The other option would be looking at the magic header. I know this and is why I'm asking for software20:32
edbianmetoiro: I don't really understand20:32
kisplitDulak: What I'm looking for except a more general alternative xD20:32
kisplitDulak: I don't run gnome nor ubuntu20:32
kdllsoielalso i clik on a .deb file to open after download i get message impossible to open gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding. how to get around this pls20:32
metoiroedbian: it ok, I install chkrootkit20:32
kisplitAh just found the answer on #archlinux, xdg-open20:32
edbiankdllsoiel: gedit opens text files.  a .deb is not a text file  gedit cannot open it  use gdebi20:33
edbianmetoiro: ooooook20:33
Dulakkisplit: there is no generic one in linux, it's tied to you implementation,  even the windows one is for windows only20:33
kisplitDulak: Look into xdg-open20:33
kisplitDulak: already found the answer20:33
kdllsoiely is gedit trying to open it and not gdebi are file associations wrong somewhere20:33
Hestonis it normal to see a whole bunch of /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start instances in ps?20:33
kdllsoielnot that i know what im talking about but there you go20:34
gohdanmetoiro: you may also want to boot a debain forensics -- or your favorite choice of -- live cd and run the tools against the drive outside infected system20:34
mattmattehsupitux: ok, i was checking hpa.  i dont know the details of it, i got bitten by it once.  so that is not your issue.20:34
supituxmattmatteh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/631967/20:34
supituxmattmatteh: thats pity :(20:35
mattmattehsupitux: i dont think i can help more since this looks like an issue with dos extended or logical partitions, and i have no experience with those.20:35
metoirogohdan: a debian forensics like what?20:36
kdllsoieli cant access rkhunter var log file permission denied also how do i make myself root admin all the time to access anything20:36
supituxmattmatteh: you know any1 i can ask?20:36
daviUbuntu hardy release = Ubuntu 8.04 LTS ?20:36
gohdanmetoiro: an alternative you should also consult is rkhunter, and clam-av20:36
Picidavi: yes20:36
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
davithanks Pici20:36
gohdanmetoiro: debian foresics is a set of tools maintained by the deb forensics team20:36
meganerdHeston: It is normal if you are doing some sort of webserving with apache20:37
kdllsoielthe text in the log file viewer has gone all strange. lines through it like a bad printer20:37
Hestonmeganerd, so it's normal for apache with no mod's running?20:37
mattmattehsupitux: you could ask in the forums20:37
nit-witkdllsoiel, you can install nautilus-gksu and have a right click admin access to the log files20:37
Hestonmeganerd, i current just have an empty directory listing20:38
skfaxI keep getting grub errors when attempting to install Ubuntu, so I'm attempting to partition my drives manually. I'm setting up a 100 MB boot partition (ext4). It seems like there's a limit of 2 GB per swap partition though, and I read that you should have twice as much swap space as physical RAM. So should I set up 8x2 GB swap partitions if I have 8 GB RAM?20:38
meganerdHeston: Yup.  On my box I have 11 of those20:38
gohdanmetoiro: is the machine suspected of infection a windows or *nix box?20:38
nit-witskfax, why the boot partition?20:38
Hestonmeganerd, hmm ok, thanks20:39
XerozHey, I like nautilus showing me previews of thumbnails, but is there a shortcut to stop their loading? The problem is when I navigate to a directory with 1000+ images and it starts loading all those thumbnails files keep jumping on screen for five minutes making it impossible to do anything. I tried googling and hitting ESC; no solution  :/20:39
stercorHow do I get apps to not come up filling the whole screen?  I have 10.04 netbook-remix.20:39
centHOGGskfax: gawd no on those swap partitions... swap space is overrated20:39
kdllsoielah thanks. how do i open bitdefender download (.deb) wiuth gdebi then. it seems to want to open using the text file viewer20:39
meganerdHeston: It should spawn more when it needs them, but it starts with a couple when idle20:39
skfaxnit-wit: I just read on some forum posts that it would fix my issue. The error message isn't very detailed20:39
Hestonmeganerd, that's good to know20:39
nit-witskfax, do you have a link to that ?20:39
metoirogohdan: ubuntu20:40
BluesKajok the depences are solved now , but it seems the desktop effects are still enabled but not in effect..suppose I should have expected that20:40
hypercityin 11.04 where can i add the options that were usualy added in xorg.conf, i needet fo r a radeon 9200 card20:40
skfaxnit-wit: It's something like "Executing grub install sda failed"20:40
KindariHello folks, what should I do if unity just crashed (well, locked up completely) but I have ssh access. I'd rather avoid rebooting, got a few files open.20:41
nit-witskfax, can you run a script and post the text in a pastebin.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/20:41
kdllsoielgedit has not been able to detect the character encoding. Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file. Select a character encoding from the menu and try again.20:41
ZykoticK9Kindari, "sudo service gdm restart" might work20:41
gohdanmetoiro: you should also check your /var/log , run a diff against any backups you may have and stop running untrusted code from ppa's or outside the main repos20:41
nit-witskfax, are you able to boot into the OS you want to control the boot?20:42
ZykoticK9hypercity, if you NEED an xorg.conf it is possible to generate one, Xorg will use it.20:42
KindariZykoticK9: no luck, thanks though.20:42
skfaxnit-wit: Well  my disks are formatted. I'm in Ubuntu booted straight from a flashdrive now. Sec, running the script you linked20:42
KindariIt says it restarted and give the new pid but its still locked up.20:42
=== Manticore is now known as Guest5355
metoirogohdan: ppa's ?? what is this20:43
hypercityZykoticK9: xorg.conf is deprecated , xorg --configure wont work20:43
ZykoticK9hypercity, actually it will!20:43
nit-witskfax, the script and the text that it generates will help thanks.;)20:43
gohdanmetoiro: ppa is a personal pkg archive. a way for devs to give easy access to precompiled binaries and updates of their code to ubuntu users20:44
bil21alhow can i come to know that which unity i m using 3d or 2d?? tell me the command? plzz20:44
kdllsoielhow do u open a deb.run file20:44
androidbrucehey guys how can i mount a media drive with fstab so that all anyone can rw20:45
skfaxnit-wit: http://pastebin.com/H5vD0VBt20:45
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ZykoticK9kdllsoiel, what is the actual file you are trying to install?  deb.run is highly suspicious.20:45
hypercityZykoticK9: just tried-it ,it will give an error about the number of managed screens, i'vd red something about kms and configure files in /usr/share/X11 but i need a template for the video configure file, the ones for mouse and keybord alredy exist20:45
androidbruceright now my drive is mounted at /media/files/ with rw,user and it's owner is still root20:45
kdllsoielits a bitdefender for linux antivirus file20:45
Richjukbil21al, if you log out and get to the screen where you choose your environment you will see if its 2d or 3d there, if ure not sure which it is then i guess ure on the default 3d20:46
ZykoticK9hypercity, "X -configure :1" might work for you (if you already have an xorg running)20:46
hypercitythx i'll trieit20:46
skfaxnit-wit: If it matters, my 256 GB is composed of 4x64 GB in RAID 020:46
bil21alrichjuk ; is there not any way.with out logout..and it was so fast that  not read able there20:47
gohdankdllsoiel: consult the BD support site, or try ./foo . you may have to mark the program as executable20:47
kdllsoielok mark it as executable..20:47
safirein inetd.conf, how do I specify arguements to programs?20:48
kdllsoielright ne quick way to do that pls20:48
safirekrb5_prop stream    tcp  nowait    root /usr/sbin/kpropd (here)?    kpropd20:48
nit-witskfax, I suspected somewhere in this  was raid or gpt, I'm not familiar with setting up booting with those, just regular partitioning, hold onto that script link though it will be a very needed tool.20:48
gohdankdllsoiel: easiest way is via the right-click context provided by the GUI20:48
kdllsoielright ok thanks20:48
Richjukity only takes 2 seconds to log out and get to the password login screen bil21al  its prob the fastest way, when you click on you user id it will let you switch between 2d and 3 d20:49
kdllsoielwill download nautilus gks somehting to access rkhunter log file in log viewer console too20:49
skfaxnit-wit: Ok cool. Thank you :-)20:49
gohdankdllsoiel: you do not literally run './foo'. $foo is a general naming convention. so you would './insert_your_binary_or_script_here' ... possibly20:51
Vinomy opengl application is just a black screen. any way to kill it without access to a terminal?20:52
ZykoticK9gohdan, foo you --- that's "thank you" ;)20:52
kdllsoielah. this is offending antivirus file   /home//Downloads/BitDefender-Antivirus-Scanner-7.6-4.linux-gcc4x.i586.deb.run20:52
=== dave is now known as Guest41927
HellgineerHi, I'd like to have help with makefiles... anyone can direct me to the correct IRC channel?20:52
ZykoticK9!virus | kdllsoiel20:52
ubottukdllsoiel: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:52
The_Pugilistis there any way to repair bad blocks with ubuntu... sort of like chkdsk /r for windows?20:53
gohdanZykoticK9: i believe the correct syntax is 'thank foo' :P20:53
OnotoleВсё равно монитор неизвестный...20:53
kdllsoielit looks like a square not a box as others are. according to antivirus companies you do. there was an instance of a gnome app that was infected apparantley20:53
gohdan!ru | Onotole20:53
ubottuOnotole: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:53
ZykoticK9The_Pugilist, the chkdsk equivalant in linux is fsck20:54
aleprovenciohello everyone, is there a way to change the mnemonic (accel key) of the gnome/nautilus's context menu ?20:54
Guest41927I have a pretty retarded question, but it must be asked... Is there a way, with Natty as my primary OS, to then install Windows alongside it, and edit GRUB so that it chainloads Win7? I used GParted earlier, and could not boot into Ubuntu afterward, only Windows, no matter what I did.20:55
nit-witskfax, here is a link check out the fakeraid link within it as well, with one hd I wonder what the best way to go is. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Raid20:56
edbianGuest41927: It is possible20:56
DJonesGuest41927: You can, but you need to reinstall grub you've installed windows20:56
DJones!grub | Guest4192720:56
ubottuGuest41927: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:56
DJonesGuest41927: See that link to restore grub20:57
ayambitAnybody tried Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud?20:57
edbianGuest41927: I am not sure how to install windows along side linux when windows comes second.  I konw that it is possible.20:57
=== GauravButola is now known as Gaurav___
edbianGuest41927: And grub is the reason you couldn't boot anything.20:57
bil21alrichjuk ; i have restrt my pc there is no any option of 2d and 3d..so what type m i using now???20:57
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skfaxnit-wit: Yeah, sounds like I have a "FakeRaid" solution. Thanks for the link, looking into it :)20:57
nit-witGuest41927, install W7 then boot the Natty cd and use the commands here to reload grub2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy%20LiveCD%20Files20:57
ZykoticK9bil21al, 3d probably, did you install the 2d version?20:58
GalvatronGuest41927: After you recover GRUB, you can use Startup Manager (sudo apt-get install startupmanager) to set Windows as a default OS, if I've uderstood correctly.20:58
kdllsoielwelll lets work it out from common sense. alot of nasty little programmers, a program that could infect siemens control mechanisms for nuclear industry, i mean you even hear of stuff that could infect hardware. so i think your all a bit ccomplacent. not paranoid enough. unless its linux users that write all the viruses. he heh. or antivirus people themselves heh20:58
nit-witskfax, no problem this is an area amongst others I am weak in, it helps me as well.;)20:58
ayambitNobody tried it?20:58
Richjukbil21al,  i didnt say restart i said log out... on to the screen that alows you to switch users, once you select your user there is an option that appears to change environment20:59
Piciayambit: This channel is more for desktop support, for more info, try #ubuntu-server and #ubuntu-cloud20:59
BajKwhere do I get makedepend for natty?20:59
gohdan!tell kdllsoiel about selinux20:59
ubottukdllsoiel, please see my private message20:59
nit-witGuest41927, grub2 has the OS-prober it finds all operating systems and puts a stanza in the grub menu for your pleasure.20:59
ayambitPici: thanks20:59
Galvatronkdllsoiel: This channel is not dedicatet for discussing subjests other than Ubuntu support. You may use #ubuntu-offtopic for this.21:00
=== GauravButola is now known as Gaurav___
bil21alzykotick9:  no..i have not installed it.there is no option of 2d or 3d..is there not any other  way to find out.like from terminal command21:00
kdllsoieloooh a private msg. i didnt know u could get one. what is selinux when at home21:00
ZykoticK9bil21al, by default (it is my understanding) that 11.04 has Unity 3d and Classic installed by default -- with 11.10 you will have Unity 2D and 3D installed by default21:00
HellgineerI need simple help with a Makefile... where can I ask my question? (IRC channel? Here?)21:01
ZykoticK9Hellgineer, what are you installing?  seek the programs support channel.21:01
bil21alyes when i click on user name than the option come beside  logof button is present.there is no 2d or 3d now what is m i using???21:01
kdllsoielthanks for msg have opened support page ta21:02
HellgineerZykoticK9: Not installing anything, I'm developping21:02
ZykoticK9Hellgineer, ahhh, ? dunno then.21:02
HellgineerZykoticK9: no problems21:03
GalvatronHellgineer: Go on21:07
HellgineerGalvatron: My program is divided like this-> src/ obj/ lib/21:07
lonixi hate scripting21:08
HellgineerGalvatron: src/ for *.c ; obj/ for *.o; lib/ for headers21:08
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???21:08
HellgineerGalvatron: Here is the makefile so far21:08
gohdan!ir | The_Kingdom21:08
ubottuThe_Kingdom: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.21:08
Hellgineer  1 CC = gcc21:09
Hellgineer  2 CFLAGS = -Wall21:09
Hellgineer  3 LIB = lib21:09
Hellgineer  4 BIN = test21:09
FloodBot1Hellgineer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
Hellgineer  5 OBJ = obj/main.o21:09
The_Kingdomubottu : Arabic ^_^21:09
Richjukis there a way i can connect to a wifi network without a desktop environment as my 11.04 will not boot up correctly,  and it needs to connect to the net to repair broken packages in recovery mode21:09
aleprovenciohello everyone, is there a way to change the mnemonic (accel key) of the gnome/nautilus's context menu ?21:09
HellgineerGalvatron: I don't want to depend on writing all the sources/objects... is there a way?21:10
ZykoticK9Richjuk, yes - by using /etc/network/interfaces (but don't ask me how)  Good luck.  Actually wicd also has a console option - but without network that probably doesn't help you.21:10
jscriptcan someone help me answer some general questions about ubuntu and windows21:10
LuxeImpact almost makes it impossible to read anything -.-21:11
The_Kingdomكيف أفعل تعدد اللمس في لوحة اللمس ؟21:11
PythonSnakeis there a way to access ext4 with windows 7 ?21:11
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???21:11
lonixi want to make a a file that has this format http://pastebin.com/UUuK0Qg7 i need to use for further scripting21:11
Richjukthanks ZykoticK921:11
PythonSnakesabakon kaira21:11
* Luxe racks his brain for his translating.21:11
LuxeI used to speak Arabic fluently.21:11
LuxeIDK where it went.21:12
GalvatronHellgineer: Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help you with this.21:12
The_Kingdomluxe : yes21:12
Galvatronjscript: What is it?21:12
HellgineerGalvatron: No problem21:12
EgyParadoxThe_Kingdom #ubuntu-eg21:12
ZykoticK9PythonSnake, ext4 i don't think so.21:12
gohdanThe_Kingdom: i tried !ar but its argentinian21:13
razuphello , i downloaded ubuntu-11.04-dvd-amd64 , i burned 2 discs and then when i want to intall i got that error :  Can not mount /dev/loop0 (cdrom/casperfilesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs21:13
Guest41927wrong window, my bad21:13
PythonSnakecan swap be logical ?21:13
ZykoticK9PythonSnake, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1181698 seems to backup my statement.21:14
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ZykoticK9PythonSnake, yes swap can be on a logical partition!  very common actually.21:14
BajKman why the hell does natty NOT REMEMBER ANY POLKIT STUFF -.- this PISSES me off, seriously.21:14
PythonSnakeZykoticK is logical better than primary ?21:15
BajKwhere can I set the time policykit remembers an authorization? it seems its set to 1 minute or so21:15
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ZykoticK9PythonSnake, no - they are basically the same (it's just BIOS has a 4 partition limit that extended/logical gets around)21:15
nophonemy ubuntu now thinks it's osx leopard haha21:15
nophonei'm such a badass21:15
razuphello , i downloaded ubuntu-11.04-dvd-amd64 , i burned 2 discs and then when i want to intall i got that error :  Can not mount /dev/loop0 (cdrom/casperfilesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs21:15
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???21:16
Galvatronnophone: What do you mean?21:16
bobdillanismybitSays you.... What proof do you have, nophone? :P21:16
ZykoticK9nophone, your Ubuntu is now proprietary freedom-hating garbage?  I don't think so ;)21:16
gohdan!arabic | The_Kingdom21:16
ubottuThe_Kingdom: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:16
PythonSnakehow to dual boot ubuntu windows and mac osx ?21:16
aguitelwhat the best way to install flash in 64-bits system?21:17
bobdillanismybit@PythonSnake.... Are you using a PC or a Mac?21:17
PI_314aguitel: the current flash plugin from the standard repository works fine for me21:17
Galvatronaguitel: Have you tried "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"?21:18
aguitelGalvatron, it crash many times21:18
PI_314aguitel I have had the same problem. but after an update everything is fine.21:18
bobdillanismybit@PythonSnake.... Are you using a PC or a Mac?21:19
ZykoticK9aguitel, i believe flashplugin-installer is probably installing a 32bit version - there is an alpha/beta 64bit flash available from adobe somewhere.21:19
razuphello , i downloaded ubuntu-11.04-dvd-amd64 , i burned 2 discs and then when i want to intall i got that error :  Can not mount /dev/loop0 (cdrom/casperfilesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs21:19
aguitelPI_314, i am in 10.0421:19
PI_314I have 11.0421:19
PI_314dont know if they have the same flash versions21:20
aguitelZykoticK9, i see but where to put it?21:20
Galvatronrazup: Try Gnome Baker instead of Brasero junk.21:20
ZykoticK9aguitel, i've said it before but... "adobe = fail" except for as mneptok pointed out last night - Adobe WanKenobi ;)  Sorry I don't use Adobe's flash anymore - so i have no ideas.21:21
nopz__I have a problem with mu ati radeon 6870.21:21
razuphello , i downloaded ubuntu-11.04-dvd-amd64 , i burned 2 discs and then when i want to intall i got that error :  Can not mount /dev/loop0 (cdrom/casperfilesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs21:21
nopz__aticonfig: No supported adapters detected21:22
aguitelwhere to copy the file;libflashplayer.so in the system?21:22
PI_314razup: are you shure the CDs are ok? have you checked them?21:22
ar0war0wI recently got a laptop, and installed Ubuntu on it, but it crashes randomly.  Very often it will be during an install with apt-get, and after restarting it will crash again, unless i finish the install in a recovery shell21:22
razupPI_314 : how to check them ?21:22
ar0war0wbut it also crashes for other stuff as well21:22
dlumbergany gnome-shell folks around, my GDM stopped working after an update from the PPA today...21:22
PI_314razup with your burning program21:23
razupits nero 10..21:23
razupslow speed 4x21:23
Galvatronrazup: Why DVD, since packages get outdated fairly quick? Use normal CD and drop Brasero for Gnome Baker or something else if you haven't yet.21:23
ksinkarhi guys, what is the channel that can help with ubuntu ppa21:23
PI_314there should be an option. verify disc or something like that21:23
PI_314nopz_ have you installed an X server?21:24
razupcd version its better ?21:24
jimmy_the_aski got ubuntu livecd and have no idea how can i run my internet21:24
Galvatronksinkar: Simply ask21:24
jimmy_the_askcould You please help me to configure it? [wifii]21:24
szal!wifi | jimmy_the_ask21:24
ubottujimmy_the_ask: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:24
Galvatronksinkar: At worst you'll be redirected to more appropriate place21:24
skfaxHaving some troubles installing Ubuntu on a RAID 0 setup. Getting the error "Executing 'grub-install /dev/mapper' failed. This is a fatal error.".21:25
PI_314skfax maybe you have a wrong raid driver?21:25
ar0war0wCan anyone help me out?  I got a new laptop, and ubuntu is crashing at random (although more often when I install via apt-get)21:26
ZykoticK9skfax, are you trying to use a LiveCD - I believe you need to use Alternate to install onto RAID21:26
lafonis there any particular reason why i cannot type with empathy in unity?21:26
Galvatronrazup: Unless you have a fairly slow internet, or no internet at all.21:26
andregabrielafter installing gem install heroku, terminal does not find the command heroku neither bundle exec heroku.... anyone can help me out?21:26
skfaxPI_314: That might be it. I haven't selected any manually though21:26
skfaxZykoticK9: Yes, I'm using a LiveCD (on a flashdrive). I'll look into the Alternate thing21:26
razupGalvatron : i have 12mb21:27
razupand my computer its i721:27
ZykoticK9!alternate > skfax21:27
ubottuskfax, please see my private message21:27
=== bobdillanismybit is now known as IShotJesus
IShotJesus<- Jewish21:28
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???21:28
Galvatronrazup: I have 10Mb. You can definitely fully depend on repos.21:28
philipballewwould anyone recommend a good terminal based music player21:29
Galvatronrazup: Even with 2Mb you don't need a whole DVD21:29
PI_314random00: why do you need that?21:29
razupso what to do..21:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:30
dob1hi, why ubuntu connect to the lan only when a user login ?21:30
ZykoticK9dob1, nm-applet only runs when the user is logged in21:31
edbiandob1: By default wired connections are active before anyone logs in.21:31
ar0war0wjoin #wicd21:31
edbianar0war0w: Is that a command?21:32
dob1edbian: it doesn't seem like that21:32
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MoimliOMG the IE9 add!21:32
ar0war0wedbian: yea, sorry typo21:32
claviusmondkphotomanager help please21:32
aleprovenciohello everyone, is there a way to change the mnemonic (accel key) of an item in the gnome/nautilus's context menu ?21:32
MoimliTHAT SUCKS21:32
=== ceed^ is now known as ceed^`away
oCean!afk > ceed^`away21:32
ubottuceed^`away, please see my private message21:32
edbiandob1: mmm, you an also add auto eth0; iface eth0 inet dhcp   to your /etc/network/interfaces file (that's two lines)21:33
ZykoticK9dob1, if you don't use nm-applet and use /etc/network/interfaces instead it will happen on boot, before your user logs in - not so "easy" to config21:33
edbiandob1: We are talking about wired right? Wireless is not as easy.21:33
skfaxZykoticK9: Thanks for the info. Is it possible to rewrite the contents of the flashdrive I'm currently using as a LiveCD?21:33
dob1edbian: yes wired21:33
edbiandob1: Then add those lines :)  (the auto is what turns it on and connects at boot)21:33
dob1thanks guys21:33
ZykoticK9skfax, not sure sorry21:33
edbiandob1: sure21:34
IShotJesusTwas insult that lead to injury, twas injury that lead to more insults... Twas these insults that lead to Microsoft and Mac....For years this circle went 'round and 'round, but now Ubuntu's come to town... With Open-Source, we'll rule the world, UBUNTU LINUX BOYS AND GIRLS!!!21:34
macoIShotJesus: thats not related to tech support. take it elsewhere21:34
IShotJesus::bow:: Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week :P21:34
extraclassicdoesn't really rhyme either21:35
oCeanIShotJesus: not with that attitude, you won't21:35
IShotJesusWasn't supposed to, that's what endlessly working on my natty install and losing sleep has done to me21:35
trupheenixhow can i find out where the files of a .deb package were installed?21:36
oCeantrupheenix: dpkg -L packagename21:36
bthorntonIs anyone else here (who is running Natty, Gnome Classic) having a problem with the Sound/volume icon just disappearing randomly? I also lose the ability to adjust my volume. Any idea how to get it back?21:37
bthornton(without logging out)21:37
ksinkarGalvatron: is there any irc for ubuntu package maintainers?21:37
ksinkarGalvatron: i guess this is only for end users21:37
gohdanksinkar: youre better off posting to the mailing lists than irc for ubu devs21:38
lafonavi playback works but wma does not in ubuntu 10.04 any idea how to fix?21:38
ksinkargohdan: thank you21:38
IShotJesus@lafon if I'm not mistaken, you should be able to use VLC to play damned near anything21:39
WXZif I want to install a version of a package that isn't in the repositories, how do I do it without blowing up my computer?21:39
gohdanlafon: or install the codecs for you player21:39
lafonahhh but isnt vlc huge? 80 mb or something?21:39
gohdanlafon: its like 18-25 or something like that21:40
ZykoticK9lafon, if you've already install ubuntu-restricted-extras try w32codecs from medibuntu21:40
IShotJesushaha. VLC is tiny as hell21:40
ar0war0wDoes anyone know why my computer is crashing randomly?  It happens more often when I am in the middle of installing something with apt-get21:40
szal!language | IShotJesus21:40
ubottuIShotJesus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:40
lafonnot on a 28 kbps connection21:40
oCeanWXZ: there might be a PPA for whatever software you need. But that's 3rd party repositories, and thus not supported here21:40
WXZok, thanks21:40
IShotJesus@lafon: Why such a slow connection?21:41
IShotJesusJust curious.21:41
lafonIShotJesus: location21:41
lafonZykoticK9: ill keep that in mind21:42
Kyle__What's the proper ubuntuish way to set a system-wide proxy.21:42
lafonis there a reason why chromium doesn't stay defaulted?21:44
gohdanlafon: another browser is probably competing with it21:45
lafontheres only firefox on here21:46
lafonbrand new wubi install21:46
spc_in_plcinstall chromium then21:46
centHOGGdon't you get tired of desktops here... go cli21:46
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???21:46
lafonspc_in_plc; i did21:46
lafonwhy would i ask otherwise?21:47
lonixquick one, how do i manupulate output tor remove 1st. char21:47
gohdanlafon: FF has an option to become the default automagically upon startup. uncheck it in prefs21:47
ZykoticK9lafon, you might want to try "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" in a terminal and see what it is set to (or change it) - there is also gnome-www-browser option21:47
lonixi presume sed would be nice but i never understood how to use it21:47
aleprovenciohello everyone, is there a way to change the mnemonic (accel key) of an item in the gnome/nautilus's context menu ?21:48
spc_in_plcis wubi any good?21:48
poopstick01hello all21:48
lafonspc_in_plc: its ok, allows for easy uninstall21:48
ZykoticK9spc_in_plc, making GNU/Linux rely on Windows is a terrible idea IMO21:48
szalpoopstick01: you might want to change your nick to something more appropriate21:48
lafonits really just a test21:48
poopstick01rofl i agreee21:48
poopstick01ubuntu 10.10 user here21:49
gohdanlafon: thats what a live cd is for and that way it runs on real iron21:49
spc_in_plcI know. Windows itself is a terrible idea21:49
centHOGGonly 95% of the desktop market21:49
Coreypoopstick01: Change your nick, please.21:49
centHOGGonly 95% of enterprise21:50
poopstick01eh i find more and mroe people switching to bubuntu21:50
ZykoticK9centHOGG, "tyranny of the majority" doesn't make it right21:50
spc_in_plcI guess people are not used to free stuff21:50
lafongohdan: didn't have any external media. I did have hi-speed internet21:50
szalcentHOGG: enterprise desktops, to be precise21:50
nsahoohi .. how can i add a service to auto start everytime the system boots?21:50
szalother than that, this is not the place to discuss Windows market share ;)21:51
gohdanlafon: pixie boot for the win21:51
lafonso where is that auto-default option in FF? chromium still fails to default21:51
poopstick01any music producers in here ueing the ubuntu?21:51
gohdanedit> prefs >advanced > general21:51
lafongohdan: have never heard of it. :P21:51
gohdanlafon: https://boot.kernel.org/21:51
ubundoes anyone know how to install  EASYCAP on ubuntu 10.04 32bit21:52
lafondid that and it did not work21:52
spc_in_plcubun: what's EASYCAP?21:52
spc_in_plclafon, uninstall firefox21:52
gohdanlafon: try the Ultimate Boot CD. it has pxeknife and all that stuff on it already. easy grub navigation too21:53
lafongohdan: i have absolutely no external media (cd, usb, floppy)21:53
ubuneaycapture to connect video devices and record directly to pc21:53
gohdanlafon: derp21:53
spc_in_plcubun, is it a windows app?21:53
ZykoticK9ubun, you might be interested (if you haven't already see it) in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66253121:53
ZykoticK9spc_in_plc, hardware21:53
lafonbtw chromium still won't default21:54
ZykoticK9lafon, you might want to try "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" in a terminal and see what it is set to (or change it) - there is also gnome-www-browser option21:54
spc_in_plcZykoticK9, oooooohhh21:54
ubunyeah...  @ZykoticK9 ill look thank you21:54
=== richard is now known as richiejuk
centHOGGchromium.... wait for it....21:54
mattpfeif9Hi, I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and when it booted up the graphics were extremely distorted. Now it's running in Ubuntu Classic mode which is a little better, but it's still distorted. The screen in shifted over, so a few centimeters on the bottom of the screen is on the top and a few centimeters of the left side of the screen are on the right. When I want to click something with my mouse I have to aim a centimeter or so above i21:55
mattpfeif9I have tried enabling the additional drivers as well21:55
mattpfeif9Any ideas?21:55
centHOGGv11.04 = misstep21:55
richiejukmattpfeif9, what graphics card do you have21:55
mattpfeif9why is that?21:56
mattpfeif9richiejuk, it's nVidia I think, how do I find the exact model?21:56
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, "lspci | grep -i vga"21:56
qincentHOGG: You bot or something?21:56
ar0war0wMy computer is crashing semmingly randomly.  Typically after I login.  It often crashes in the middle of installing something via apt-get.  Can anyone tell me why?21:57
spc_in_plcar0war0w, wow...that's one heck of a computer :P21:58
lafonZykoticK9: didn't work21:58
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mattpfeif9richiejuk, nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce 4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)21:58
ZykoticK9lafon, ?21:58
szallafon: "didn't work" is NOT a precise error description21:58
Dulakar0war0w: do you have extra visual effects enabled in System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects?21:58
lafonsorry, chromium still won't default21:58
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ar0war0wspc_in_plc: The computer is new, and the specs are fine enough.  When it crashes, it flashes to a terminal, and things are getting "sigterm"'d so I think It's a sw problem21:59
spc_in_plclafon, go to System Information >> Default Applications21:59
richiejukif you go to Additional drivers and do a search there it should come up with the driver, otherwise go to the nvidea site and look up the driver for the nvidea card you have there, thats what i did, works fine now21:59
ar0war0wDulak: Nope.21:59
Dulakar0war0w: is it set to none?21:59
ar0war0wDulak: The visual effects menu isn't even showing up, actually22:00
lafonwhich i find how in natty?22:00
svnissen__@mattpfeif9: might be a stupif question, but did you Auto-Calibrate your Monitor?22:00
Dulakar0war0w: nifty, it's a tab across the top of the appearance prefs, it's been there for a very long time...22:01
spc_in_plclafon, should be able to find it in that search menu22:01
ar0war0wDulak: Theme/background/fonts are all there. but only those 3 tabs22:01
lafonwhat happened to gdebi?22:01
ar0war0wDulak: I've seen the tab you are talking about on my other comp, but it's not showing up here.22:01
spc_in_plclafon, I am using GNOME 3 instead of UNITY22:01
Dulakar0war0w: well it's not what it was on my computer then, I had problems like you describe and turning off those effects stopped the crashes22:02
doug_I have an IPv6-enabled firewall using ubuntu-server 10.04.  It runs for a day or two, then stops responding to IPv6, but continues to work on IPv4 just fine.  When this happens, the syslog starts filling up with the following error message: "ICMPv6 ND: ndisc_build_skb() failed to allocate an skb, err=-11".  I haven't been able to find any info regarding cause or solution.  Does anyone know of a possible solution?22:02
ar0war0wDulak: So it might just be too much running on bootup?  Do you know how to turn off nautilus-icon-caching?22:02
lafonthanks spc_in_plc22:03
spc_in_plclafon, did that work?22:03
chrome_the side bar in unity does not hide itself? why? how can I change this beahviour?22:03
spc_in_plclafon, woohoo Chromium it is :P22:03
lafonspc_in_plc: yup22:03
coz_hey all22:04
Dulakar0war0w: you mean thumbnailing?  The icon cache would cause weird glitches in the appearance of icons, I don't know that it could even cause intermittant crashes unless the problem is your hdd maybe22:04
ubun@ZykoticK9 ive seen a more up to date one, but i think its me. i really dont know what im doing22:04
ar0war0wDulak: Might be my hdd, but it's new so idk.  any way to check?22:05
ZykoticK9ubun, sorry I'm no help - i certainly don't own that device / never used it.  Best of luck.22:05
goodbyemrevansMy Asus EeepC 1015p has a problem with the keyboard - it is as if the numlock key is stuck even though i've disabled that key with xmodmap.  Before I log into Ubuntu, the keyboard works normally, but once I've logged in, the mapping changes.  This persists in the virtual terminals.22:05
chrome_Dulak: some icons are not showing in my ubuntu. Like the Konsole one. Why?22:05
ubunZykoticK9 thanks for the help22:05
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???22:06
Dulakar0war0w: look in /var/log/messages for I/O errors, if its sata, look into the smartctl command for checking the drive health22:06
aleprovenciohello everyone, is there a way to change the mnemonic (accel key) of an item in the gnome/nautilus's context menu ?22:06
Kyle__Is there a way to disable all keyboard shortcuts systemwide?22:07
ZykoticK9aleprovencio, ok you've asked enough, I'll bite - what is a mnemonic or accel key?22:07
Dulakchrome_: I have no idea, but I don't use kde, if it's like gnome there is a way to force it to recreate the icon cache it uses, though no idea how to do that for kde22:07
coz_Kyle__,  well,, possibly22:07
coz_Kyle__,  may I ask the reason for this?22:07
chrome_Dulak: I'm using unity22:07
wolsZykoticK9: alt+f for "file for example?22:07
chrome_How can I repair my whole ubuntu installation?22:08
james_1313My microphone isnt working on my acer netbook when Im using skype, can anyone help??22:08
ZykoticK9wols, thanks - what are you doing in Ubuntu ;)22:08
Dulakchrome_: konsole is a kde app, so I'm gonna guess there is something causing kde icons not to show?22:08
Kyle__coz_: Because I have a bunch of vms and the default keyboard shortcuts are interfering with vncing to them.  And from vnc, I never use any of those shortcuts anyway.22:08
wolsZykoticK9: slumming? :P. checking something22:08
coz_james_1313,  did you already check alsamixer in terminal,,,yes?22:08
spc_in_plcchrome_, how is your hdd partitioned ?22:08
wolschrome_: there is no answer to such a ridiculously broad non-question. state the actual problem22:09
chrome_spc_in_plc: just one partition22:09
james_1313coz: right now it is pulseaudio that is controlling everything22:09
wolsZykoticK9: may I PM you for a short question?22:09
aleprovencioZykoticK9, :) mnemonic is the letter with a little line beneath it so you can press that letter on the keyboard in order to access that item22:09
coz_Kyle__,   I see,, did you look to disable most of them under gnome-keybinding-properties ?22:09
ZykoticK9wols, of course!22:09
chrome_wols: that's why I'm gonna reinstall ubuntu. There's a lot of icons that do not show. And the unity bar does not hide itself.22:10
lesleyHello, I seem to be having an Authentication problem in Ubuntu Studio 10.10.22:10
spc_in_plcchrome_, next time you install Ubuntu or any linux distro. make a seperate partition for / and home22:10
Kyle__coz_: want to disable them systemically, not just for the current user.22:10
coz_Kyle__,  just click each and hit backspace to disable them22:10
coz_Kyle__,  ah hmm,, hold on let me check22:10
aleprovencioZykoticK9, these are localization dependant, i mean you change gnome's language, they change too22:10
chrome_spc_in_plc: ok. I will do that22:10
wolschrome_: then next time, ask for why icons don't show (tell which icons) and ask about the other problems you have with unity directly. your initial question was to broad to be answerable22:11
spc_in_plcchrome_, but if Unity is giving you hell, then logout and chose GNOME Classic as environment22:11
tiagodoes anybody knows how to scp a file from a remote server to my local machine, given that I have to bounce from another ssh accessible server to access  it22:12
chrome_wols: you right, sorry22:12
james_1313anyybody? My microphone isnt working on my acer netbook when Im using skype, can anyone help??22:12
tiagocommand-line and nautilus way22:12
wolschrome_: unfortunately I can't help you since I don't use or like unity :)22:12
mattpfeif9I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers and it says i must exit x server before installing. How do I do this?22:13
Dulakit's horrid, I agree22:13
james_1313My microphone isnt working on my acer netbook when Im using skype, can anyone help??22:13
maxellHave you checked that its not muted in sound preferences?22:13
OY1RQ: any software for ubuntu than i can use to make video/image album dvd's with graphical user interfaces ?22:13
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, "sudo service gdm stop"22:13
spc_in_plctiago, I guess you can install openssh on your local machine, and scp files from your remote server to your local machine through SSH22:13
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, installing nvidia using the Ubuntu method is certainly recommended however22:14
mattpfeif9how do i do that? i checked the experimental 3d drivers and restarted but it isn't helping22:14
james_1313My microphone isnt working on my acer netbook when Im using skype, can anyone help?? the issue is only with skype, everything else on my zystem works.....22:15
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, are you trying to install nvidia or nouveau?22:15
coz_Kyle__,  I am finding nothing on disabling all systemic keyboard short cuts , but still looking22:15
goodbyemrevansMy Asus EeepC 1015p has a problem with the keyboard - it is as if the numlock key is stuck even though i've disabled that key with xmodmap.  Before I log into Ubuntu, the keyboard works normally, but once I've logged in, the mapping changes.  This persists in the virtual terminals.  I'm running 10.10 netbook remix with the Ubuntu 2D (Gnome 2) Desktop.  I've written a script to reassign the affected keys, but I can't get some of the keys (p, 0, ;, 22:15
Dulakjames_1313: I have that problem on my acer d150 unfortunately I had to move to an external mic, never did figure out how to get the built-in mic working correctly.  The external mic port worked out-of-the box for me though.22:15
Kyle__coz_: Thank you.22:15
mattpfeif9Don't even know what nouveau is, just trying to install nVidia drivers because I just installed Ubuntu and the graphics are all messed up22:15
tiagospc_in_plc: I have no problem doing scp between my local machine and remote server, unless this remote server is only accessible by another ssh server, which is the case22:16
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, what do you mean by "all messed up" exactly?22:16
james_1313dulak, yeah the jack works. its just skype thats being crazy.22:16
Dulaktiago: use an ssh tunnel to the first machine to tunnel through to the second one22:16
mattpfeif9I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and when it booted up the graphics were extremely distorted. Now it's running in Ubuntu Classic mode which is a little better, but it's still distorted. The screen in shifted over, so a few centimeters on the bottom of the screen is on the top and a few centimeters of the left side of the screen are on the right. When I want to click something with my mouse I have to aim a centimeter or so above it22:16
wolsmattpfeif9: nouveau is the open source driver for nvidia chips22:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:17
centHOGGmattpfeif9: get a livecd of an earlier version22:17
michaelPwhats up22:17
coltUbuntu 11.04 is by far superior to 11.11... 11.11 is just... Eww.22:17
Dulaktiago: for instance a tunnel on port 2222 on the first machine redirects to 22 on the second, so you can use the -P option with scp to set the port22:18
oCeancolt: 11.11 is still in first alpha release22:18
mattpfeif9centHOGG: i had an earlier version of ubuntu but my new printer isn't compatible with it so i installed 11.0422:18
james_1313does anyone know how to get skype to work with my mic?22:18
tiagoDulak: hum ok, I remember trying that a long time ago and not being very successful, but I'll give it a try, thanks22:18
coltYeah, and the GUI is just plain hideous.22:18
oCeancolt: so it's offtopic here22:19
wolsjames_1313: check first with other programs if the microphone works22:19
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:19
Dulaktiago: np, it's a bit tricky but I use it all the time at work to open a hole in the firewall for ssh22:19
spc_in_plccolt, what GUI is it?22:19
saulotoledoHello! I have 2 problems with ubuntu here:22:19
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, do you know if you are using the nvidia driver right now?  Have you checked if "Additional Drivers" (or whatever it is called these days) is recommend an nvidia driver for you?22:19
james_1313wols, everything else works but skype22:19
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: yes I have22:19
centHOGGmattpfeif9: did you try another DE22:20
wolsjames_1313: start skype from a xterm and check if it outputs something about the microphone.22:20
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, yes you are using nvidia?  or yes one is recommended?22:20
saulotoledo1) My web interface shows me "invalid state" at LAN, but I can navigate at internet. Ubuntu-one stopped working and told me I have no internet connection.22:20
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, what card is it?  "lspci | grep -i vga" to find out specifically.22:20
saulotoledo*My LAN interface22:20
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: yes I am using the experimental 3d support for nividia cards, the one that was available in the additional drivers section22:21
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, "experimental 3d support" sounds like nouveau not nvidia22:21
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: its an nvidia geforce 4 mx22:22
mattpfeif9integrated graphics card22:22
goodbyemrevansIs there anyone who can help me with my keyboard? I've tinkered with this problem on my own for quite awhile22:22
coz_Kyle__,  no luck at all with this,,  you could try ##gnome or #gnome on the gimpnet server22:22
mattpfeif9old, but has had no problem with earlier versions of ubuntu/windows22:22
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: how do i install the nvidia drivers?22:22
saulotoledo2) Gnome metacity (with icons at left side of the window) atr running in KDE. I'm unable to remove it22:22
wildbatanyone know tools for ubuntu that can reindex the asf i recorded from live radio show , so that the file have correct total time and seekable ??22:22
ovnicrafthello i am using v 10.0422:23
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, is it a GF 4 mx 440?22:23
ovnicrafti lost my windows border22:23
PythonSnakeHi guys :)22:23
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: all it says is nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)22:24
clcto|workovnicraft: did you check under your bed?22:24
oCeanclcto|work: not helpful22:24
spc_in_plcclcto|work, LOL22:24
centHOGGmattpfeif9: you could always try upgrading to ATI Rage Pro22:25
goodbyemrevansMy Asus EeepC 1015p has a problem with the keyboard - it is as if the numlock key is stuck even though i've disabled that key with xmodmap.  Before I log into Ubuntu, the keyboard works normally, but once I've logged in, the mapping changes.  This persists in the virtual terminals.  I'm running 10.10 netbook remix with the Ubuntu 2D (Gnome 2) Desktop.  I've written a script to reassign the affected keys, but I can't get some of the keys (p, 0, ;, 22:25
szalcentHOGG: lol22:25
IdleOneToo much unhelpful commenting going on. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for sarcasm22:26
szalmattpfeif9: install nvidia-96, run 'nvidia-xconfig' and reboot22:27
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, LOL i just found that yes it's nvidia96 as szal just posted22:28
oCeanovnicraft: have you tried running  metacity --replace (in terminal) ?22:28
chriswri was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way to set up a direct transfer connection with an ethernet cable from this laptop runing ubuntu 11.04 to a desktop running windows 7?22:28
ovnicraftclcto|work, yes and is not there i restart and continue the problem22:28
=== snuggleCat is now known as otherBG
spc_in_plcchriswr, SSH22:29
chriswrspc_in_plc, is that a program?22:29
ZykoticK9chriswr, crossover cable if it's direct computer to computer - set static IPs on both machines22:29
ovnicrafti restore with metacity but i want to know why compiz is crashing ? where is the problem22:29
mattpfeif9szal and ZykoticK9, thanks for the help. It says nvidia-xconfig: command not found22:29
=== otherBG is now known as SnuggleCat
ovnicraftoCean, yes i did it22:29
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, you need to install the 96 driver first22:29
oCeanovnicraft: and did that restore windowborders?22:29
ovnicraftoCean, i want to know where is the problem with compiz22:29
szalmattpfeif9: did you run w/ privileges?22:30
chriswrZykoticK9, does it matter what the static ips are as long as theyre the same?22:30
ZykoticK9szal, "command not found" not a privilege issue22:30
spc_in_plcchriswr, yes type "apt-get install openssh-server" with sudo22:30
ZykoticK9chriswr, NOT the same!  that's important.22:30
oCeanovnicraft: oh sorry, I don't know. You might try to find known bugs at launchpad22:30
spc_in_plcchriswr, there are plenty of documentation on Google on how to setup an SSH server with OPENssh.22:31
chriswrZykoticK9, lol alright22:31
ovnicraftoCean, apparently i found it reporting my crash thanks22:31
chriswrspc_in_plc, alright ill try to search one up22:32
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)22:32
mattpfeif9szal and ZykoticK9, trying to install nvidia-96 in synaptic but it can't because of broken packages?22:32
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, "sudo apt-get -f install"22:33
Brandanogood evening. i just made an ubuntu install on an old transmeta netbook, but I only installed a very basic setup. I got the gdm installed, but most default applications are missing. I am installing desktop-base right now, but is there some metapackage that will pull all the "default" packages?22:33
chriswrspc_in_plc, btw is openssh a terminal based program?22:33
ZykoticK9chriswr, once openssh is installed you can use Gnome's GUI - Connect to Server to connect to it22:33
spc_in_plcchriswr, typically yes, but I think there is a user interface .22:33
Brandanoor install putty22:33
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???22:33
ubunI need help... i was trying to do this command "cp -p ~/Desktop/easycap_dc60.x.y.tar.gz" but this was output "cp: missing destination file operand after `/home/tobe/Desktop/easycap_dc60.0.0.tar.gz' Try `cp --help' for more information. "22:34
chriswrZykoticK9, spc_in_plc , alright just got done installing so ill reboot and give it a try22:34
spc_in_plcchrisf, no need to reboot22:34
mattpfeif9at ZykoticK9, it says depends on xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable22:34
spc_in_plcchriswr, no need to reboot22:34
oCeanubun: the desktoplocation is where you copy the file.x.y.tar.gz from. But where do you want it to copy to? (destination)22:34
Brandanoubun: you didn't specify a destination?22:35
ZykoticK9ubun, if you want to copy it to the location that you are in "cp -p ~/Desktop/easycap_dc60.x.y.tar.gz ." but i'm not sure what the -p does to copy22:35
chriswrspc_in_plc, oh alright22:35
spc_in_plcso have you got the other computer on?22:35
IdleOneZykoticK9: preserve permissions?22:35
Brandanochriswr: the only time you really need to reboot is when you update the kernel, and even then there's distros that work around it22:35
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, this may be due to something i'm not aware of - but "sudo apt-get update" then try again22:35
ZykoticK9IdleOne, thanks22:35
IdleOneZykoticK9: I didn't look but sounds right :)22:36
chriswrBrandano, cool is ubuntu 11.04 one of those?22:36
Brandanochriswr: not that I know of22:36
BertoHi - I have a window running at home, and I'm SSH'd in - is there a way to send the window to my SSH screen here on the road?22:36
spc_in_plcchriswr, type in terminal "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start " to start the service22:36
ZykoticK9IdleOne, you are of course correct ;) "-p     same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps"22:36
BrandanoBerto: tunnel vnc over ssh22:37
ubun@oCean @Brandano @ZykotiK9: I want to copy it to a directory.  i did this "mkdir ~/EASYCAP"22:37
goodbyemrevansMy Asus EeepC 1015p has a problem with the keyboard - it is as if the numlock key is stuck even though i've disabled that key with xmodmap.  Before I log into Ubuntu, the keyboard works normally, but once I've logged in, the mapping changes.  This persists in the virtual terminals.  I'm running 10.10 netbook remix with the Ubuntu 2D (Gnome 2) Desktop.  I've written a script to reassign the affected keys, but I can't get some of the keys (p, 0, ;, 22:37
oCeanubun: so, use   cp -p ~/Desktop/easycap_dc60.x.y.tar.gz ~/EASYCAP22:37
BertoBrandano, Yeah I had VNC running but can't get into that port or something.  Thought my router was setup right22:37
BrandanoBerto: most likely the VNC server is set not to listen to the internet. Rightly so, since it's an insecure protocol22:38
ZykoticK9ubun, just FYI the @ signs you are using are actually preventing highlighting (which makes it more difficult to see)22:38
BrandanoBerto: now, there's a couple of issues. Vncserver normally starts its own X11 instance22:38
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: no help :(22:38
ubunZykotick9 thank you22:38
chriswrspc_in_plc, alright cool but just doing that confused me to beyond so imma go do some googling22:39
BertoBrandano, hah i thought i configured that.  I'll see if i can set it up from the command line22:39
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, could you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy xorg-video-abi-8.0"22:39
BrandanoBerto: look up ssh tunnels22:40
spc_in_plcchriswr, Sorry mate. googling would be a good idea22:40
BertoBrandano, thanks!22:40
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: Installed (none) Candidate (None) Version table:22:41
BrandanoBerto: they are incredibly useful. I use a Linux server to tunneol in to window machines on a remote network22:41
s0u][ighthi, how can I enable 3 finger swipes in ubuntu?22:41
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, are you getting this during the "sudo apt-get -f install"?22:41
openflydear ubuntu.  thanks for blowing firewire away in natty.  that was some exceptional work.  cheers.22:42
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: no it just says 0 upgrades, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded22:42
brando753Guys I have installed a fresh set of ubuntu and It cant decrypt my home folder. The password hasnt changed. I have upgraded and reinstalled just fine before but its not working this time22:42
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, and nvidia says something about broken packages?22:42
Alexanderjbs0u][ight: what machine is this finger swipe thing going to be on?22:43
mattpfeif9yes, I am using the command sudo apt-get nvidia-9622:43
s0u][ightAlexanderjb, samsung nf-210 with elantech touchpad22:43
mattpfeif9and it says Depends: xorg-video-abi-8.0 but it is not installable22:44
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, are you sure the package is called nvidia-96 -- and you need an "apt-get install..."22:44
goodbyemrevansCan anyone help me?22:44
mattpfeif9ZykoticK9: yes thats what the package is called, how else would I install it?22:44
ubunIs this command suppose to have an output? "lsmod | grep easycap"22:44
Kyle__Don't know what openfly was whining bout, fw works fine on my natty desktop22:44
ZykoticK9mattpfeif9, the other option in through the "Additional Drivers" thing22:45
skfaxI'm having some issues with the GRUB bootloader while installing Ubuntu on a RAID 0 setup. I keep getting the error "Executing 'grub-install /dev/mapper' failed. This is a fatal error." - Even when sing the Advanced Ubuntu setup (which I was told would contain more drivers etc)22:45
buzzmandtIn kubuntu blueprints it says create plasma unity template, anyone know what this is?22:45
Alexanderjbs0u][ight: Just looking about the solutions now, might be a minute or two22:46
ubunIs this command suppose to have an output? "lsmod | grep easycap"22:46
clcto|workubun: lsmod shows your installed modules. grep filters lines. so if no line has "easycap" then it wont have output.22:46
chegrunhow to set up sync mail dir22:46
clcto|workubun: calm down. down keep posting the same thing. people will help if they can22:46
ZykoticK9ubun, assuming there really was a module called easycap (and it was loaded) then yes, that should list it.22:46
s0u][ightAlexanderjb, 2 finger scrolls work fine, 3 finger taps too22:47
ZykoticK9ubun, does "sudo modprobe easycap" do anything?  Try it, then the lsmod again.22:47
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ubunZykoticK9: ...smh... it showed this "FATAL: Module easycap not found. "... thanks for the help... ill go search for more forums22:48
chriswr_is there a difference between and ethernet cable and a crossover cable?22:48
Alexanderjbs0u][ight, have a look at the 'synclient' tool. It probably wont work with your touchpad bu it is worth a go22:48
spc_in_plc chriswr yes22:49
ZykoticK9chriswr, yes Crossover is for direct computer to computer22:49
chegrunhow can i configure sync mail dir?22:49
Alexanderjbs0u][ight,  check this out: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-touchpad/index.html22:49
s0u][ightAlexanderjb, synclient works fine22:49
ZykoticK9chriswr, if you have a router/switch/hub in between, you don't need crossover22:49
spc_in_plcchriswr, the tx/rx in ethernet cable are straight, in the crossover they are crossed22:49
Alexanderjbs0u][ight,  under the 'Swipe gestures' heading, it specifically talks about the three fingere swipe22:50
s0u][ightAlexanderjb, thanks, i'm looking at it22:50
chegrunthanks clto22:50
chriswr_ZykoticK9, would i go about setting up a transfer with the router in the middle the same way as with a crossover cable?22:50
BrandanoOki, found my answer. I have a theory about that, and apparently I am right22:51
ZykoticK9chriswr, you probably wouldn't need to set static IPs if using a router22:51
ZykoticK9chriswr, start by verifying you can Ping the other computer22:52
spc_in_plcchriswr_,  PC 1 - > Router - > SSH - > PC222:52
coz_guys.. would some take a look at this,, it is consistent with each fresh install,,, classic gnome,, metacity compositor,,,, trying to save book marks,,   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screencasts/bookmark.ogv22:52
BrandanoZykoticK9: depends wheter the router also acts as a dhcp server22:52
chriswr_ZykoticK9, is there something i can type in terminal to do that?22:52
chriswr_spc_in_plc, so i still need the openssh program?22:53
clcto|workchriswr_: ping <ip address>22:53
spc_in_plcchriswr_, no dude if you have a crossover cable. You can connect it directly from one PC to another22:53
ZykoticK9chriswr, you need to find both computers IP addresses - use "ipconfig" on both systems, then from one "ping IP_OF_THE_OTHER" like "ping" from the computer with (example ONLY)22:53
Brandanospc_in_plc: but if you do that either one pc works as DHCP server or you must configure both  with static configurations22:54
spc_in_plcchriswr_, If you want to transfer the data over the network then one way would be using ssh server22:54
anothersync mail dir22:54
chriswr_ZykoticK9, alright22:54
Brandanospc_in_plc: most modern machines won't need a crossover cable either22:54
chriswr_spc_in_plc, yeah im going to have to do the router thing or something besides the crossover cable22:55
Brandanoif you just want to transfer files you can use scp, or mount a network share... there's plenty of different ways to do it22:55
anotherhow can i configure sync mail dir?22:55
Brandanoyou really need SSH only if you are on an unsecure connection22:56
wildbatanyone know tools for ubuntu that can reindex the asf i recorded from live radio show , so that the file have correct total time and seekable ??22:56
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
Brandanowildbat: mencoder is the only tool I know that manages win32 formats22:56
Brandanowildbat: and you have to install nonfree codecs for that. Perhaps VLC as well?^22:57
edbianI have 2 machines.  One is wlan and the other is wired.  The wlan machine cannot download torrents.  Can I use the wired machine as a proxy?22:57
Brandanowildbat: try transcoding it to another format22:57
chriswr_Brandano, what would be the easiest way without a crossover cable (i only have dial up internet at the house if that matters)22:57
Brandanoedbian: I'd look for the problem with the wlan one22:57
wildbatBrandano: thanks i will dig into it22:58
Brandanoedbian: proxying bittorrent doesn't seem optimal22:58
edbianBrandano: The problem is that the school I go to does not want torrents on the wlan022:58
edbianBrandano: If I connect to wired it works fine22:58
anothersmd applet is running but it gives me errors22:58
Brandanoedbian: the way I work around that... I have a sheevaplug at home22:58
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Brandanowith wtorrent on it. when I want something I ssh into it22:58
edbianBrandano: What the heck is a sheevaplug ?22:59
Brandanothat way the actual download goes on on my machine at home22:59
Brandanoedbian: plugcomputer22:59
saulotoledoHello! My networking is running ok, but my system informs me my lan has some kind of problem. KDE told me "invalid state", ubuntuone-client told me "you need an internet connection"22:59
Brandanoedbian:  minimalist linux server22:59
theregoesmyeyehi everyone! quick question.. i'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and I only have dist upgrades for LTS and it's been trying to bug me to upgrade.. wtf is it upgrading to?22:59
ZykoticK9edbian, you might want to check out Deluge which runs as a service with GTK/console/Web interfaces on your wired connection22:59
saulotoledoI don't know how start solving this, somebody can help me?22:59
spc_in_plcchriswr_, are you using dial up?22:59
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:59
edbianZykoticK9: I will.23:00
Brandanoedbian: anyway, have bittorrent run on the wired machine and just control it from the wifi23:00
chriswr_spc_in_plc, not right now , right now im at the church23:00
edbianBrandano: I want to watch them on the wireless machine.  I need them on the wireless machine :(23:00
EgyParadoxtheregoesmyeye: Its upgrading to Natty Narwhal 11.0423:00
spc_in_plcchriswr_, so you're trying to connect church to home?23:00
theregoesmyeye@EgyParadox: 11.04 isnt in LTS is it?23:00
Brandanoedbian: just share the download folder23:00
chriswr_spc_in_plc, actually i dont even have the dial up installed at home on my computers cause its so slow , kinda a thing just for my mom23:00
EgyParadoxmy bad 10.1023:00
Brandanoedbian: I mean, use a network share or sshfs23:01
EgyParadoxno 10.04 is lTS23:01
edbianBrandano: I think I'll do an ssh mount but it's annoying to always be mounting it23:01
Brandanoedbian: you can't watch them until they are completed anyway23:01
themarktleri have got a question23:01
edbianBrandano: Yeah I know23:01
themarktleri am not sure if gnome3 etc23:01
chriswr_spc_in_plc, nah i can do it at home to home , having dial up would take it way to long doing it over the internet23:01
theregoesmyeyeah awesome.. I was just wondering. I forgot about 10.10 =\ I didn't want an OS using unity or gnome 3.. it constantly messes up =[23:01
ZykoticK9!gnome3 | themarktler23:01
ubottuthemarktler: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.23:01
themarktleris the ppa good ?23:02
EgyParadoxtheresgoesmyeye: Unity is default for 11.04 not 10.1023:02
edbianBrandano: The problem is complicated by the fact that the wired machine does not have as much space to store the files23:02
themarktleror is it not good23:02
edbianI think NFS might be the way to go23:02
EgyParadoxIf you like LTS releases then dont upgrade23:02
Brandanoedbian: but that's another issue. I'd get an external drive23:02
ZykoticK9themarktler, it will break Unity for starters (possibly more)23:02
edbianBrandano: I'm too cheap23:02
spc_in_plcthemarktler, I am using GNOME 3 on 11.04 ubuntu. runs sweet23:02
Brandanodisk drives are dirt cheap now23:02
centHOGGLTS is like the anti-upgrade version23:02
oCeanthemarktler: it is not supported, since it's ppa. Read the warning message above^23:02
themarktlerZykotick i dont want unity23:02
Brandanoat least the older platter kins23:02
edbianBrandano: I could just buy an ethernet cord and be done with it!23:02
themarktlerbut if it is not safe23:03
theregoesmyeye@EgyParadox: in your opinion is 10.10 as stable as 10.04? Can't afford another data loss after my natty's gnome 3 and unity decided to flop out23:03
themarktlerok well23:03
Brandanotheregoesmyeye: I have run 10.10 without issues for a long time. But support for it will end before support for 10.0423:03
themarktlerwhat is now ?23:03
spc_in_plcthemarktler, It's been running sweet since for a month now23:03
themarktlerokay well23:04
EgyParadoxI am using 10.04 I dont know23:04
themarktlerno i do not use because 10.04 do not have got trim23:04
Brandanotheregoesmyeye: it's not which one is more stable that matters here, it's wheter you need to keep it patched for a long time23:04
ZykoticK9themarktler, i'm not entirely clean on what "trim" does (on SSDs) but I know it's possible to accomplish the same thing without it.23:05
theregoesmyeye@Brandano: It's just that I don't want to get stuck with using unity and gnome 3 because it's constantly crashing on my HP-G60-230US23:05
Brandanotheregoesmyeye: for a desktop it might not matter much, if you need a vulnerability patch that is not available for your distro you can just upgrade. But for a server it is essential23:05
themarktlerdo you like23:05
themarktlergnome 3?23:05
* Brandano is using unity 2d on his netbook and getting used to it23:06
themarktlerhey i need help23:06
themarktlerwhen i use unity23:06
theregoesmyeye@themarktler I can't stand it. I will be using a program like firefox and suddenly the computer freezes and can't do anything except a cold reboot.23:06
themarktlerand i will try to23:06
themarktlermaximize programs23:06
oCeanthemarktler: try to describe your issue in single line23:06
spc_in_plcGNOME 3 is awesome23:06
centHOGGcheck ram23:06
themarktlerthey  maximize23:06
themarktleron the other desktop23:07
theregoesmyeye@centHOGG.. don't need to check RAM.. with Windows 7, XP, and Ubuntu 10.04 it never freezes like 11.04 did.23:07
themarktlerthe programs maximizes on other desktops23:07
Core_UKis there a command to temporally disable compiz ?23:08
theregoesmyeyewell if it's just going to 10.10.. might as welll start the dist upgrade so it quits bugging me =P23:08
themarktlerthe programs maximizes on other desktops23:08
BrandanoCore_UK: you can go in the Appearance menu and reduce the setting23:09
saulotoledospc_in_plc: after last updates, My gnome3 Adwaita theme stopped working on Gnome 3 (runs only inside KDE for applications). This happened with you too? I tryed test in an empty new system account, but do not worked too.23:09
themarktleron the other desktop23:09
themarktlerthe programs maximizes on other desktops23:09
BrandanoCore_UK: set visual effects to none23:09
BrandanoCore_UK: I normally don't run compiz at all23:09
theregoesmyeye@themarktler gotta remember gnome 3 is actually gnome 2.3.. it's known to be buggy.23:09
Core_UKBrandano: i do not have the option (only theme, background, fonts)23:09
themarktlerno it is unity23:09
spc_in_plcsaulotoledo, not sure, I am using classic themes23:10
BrandanoCore_UK: ah, 11.04?23:10
themarktlerthe programs maximizes on other desktops23:10
Core_UKBrandano: yes sorry23:10
theregoesmyeye@themarktler.. atleast you didnt have as many problems as i had with unity =\23:10
spc_in_plcsaulotoledo, could be a bug in the theme that's causing it to crash23:10
oCeanthemarktler: stop repeating please23:10
BrandanoCore_UK: I think you can install "unity-2d"23:10
themarktlerhello well23:10
themarktleri start at the beginning23:10
themarktleri am using ubuntu 11.04 with unity23:10
BrandanoCore and select that as the desktop environment23:10
themarktlerbut if i want to maximize some windows23:10
oCeanthemarktler: describe your issue detailed  in *single* line23:10
themarktlerthey move to another desktop23:11
oCeanthemarktler: stop23:11
themarktlerok i will try23:11
themarktleri am using ubuntu 11.04 with unity but if i want to maximize some windows they move to another desktop23:11
Core_UKBrandano: i am using gnome classic23:11
theregoesmyeyeWTH? I just realized that dist upgrade was just the update manager installing firefox...23:11
saulotoledospc_in_plc: unfortunately, Gnome3 do not log this problems, I'm unabled to solve... another themes aren't working too. They never load the images23:11
coz_themarktler,  ok do you have ccsm installed?23:11
coz_themarktler,  if not  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager23:12
themarktleryes i know i can set the desktops on 123:12
coz_themarktler,  no thats not what I mean23:12
coz_themarktler,   open ccsm and go to the window management category23:12
spc_in_plcsaulotoledo, log in with Classic GNOME env. and remove all the themes you installed23:13
skfaxI'm having some issues with the GRUB bootloader while installing Ubuntu on a RAID 0 setup. I keep getting the error "Executing 'grub-install /dev/mapper' failed. This is a fatal error." - Even when sing the Advanced Ubuntu setup (which I was told would contain more drivers etc)23:13
themarktlerand then23:13
coz_themarktler,  firs thing,, make sure these are all enabled in that category,, grid,,,move window...place windows..Put...resize window...scale   and one of the switchers23:13
themarktlersure that they must be all activated ?23:14
BrandanoCore_UK: hmm, looks like the option has been removed from the configuration menu. But I am sure there's some command line switches for it. Let me dig23:14
coz_themarktler,    yes  although grid is not necessary23:14
themarktlerokay i activated all23:14
themarktlerand then23:14
coz_themarktler,   then click on the Place windows  plugin to get into it's settings  and in the  Placement Mode" pull down choose  centered23:14
saulotoledospc_in_plc: let me try23:14
coz_themarktler,  tell me if that makes a difference23:15
themarktlersorry i dont understand this23:15
coz_themarktler, ok which part23:15
saulotoledospc_in_plc: I need exit here, I back soon23:15
spc_in_plcsaulotoledo, ok23:16
themarktlereverything sorry i am in the window settings thing now23:16
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
coz_themarktler,  under window management category,, do you see the Place windows plugin?23:16
themarktlerand now i activated all23:16
themarktlerno i do not see its all german23:16
Core_UKBrandano: thank you :)23:16
Core_UKBrandano: maybe if i enable metacity? i dunno how though23:16
coz_themarktler,   ok  close ccsm  and open a terminal  type   LANG=C ccsm23:16
coz_themarktler,  that will open it in enlgish23:16
coz_themarktler,  then go to the window management category and click on the words  "Place window"  to open the plugin preferences23:17
themarktleri did23:17
coz_themarktler,  under  "Pladement mode "  choose centered  and under  "Multi Output mode"  choose  "use output device with pointer"23:18
m3lvinHi, is the palimpsest read/write benchmark destructive? Do I need to worry about it ovewriting data when using it on a mounted HD?23:18
coz_themarktler,  now test to see if the windows open on the primary desktop23:18
themarktleryes i will try23:18
themarktlerbut i have a question why have i to activate all ?23:18
BrandanoCore_UK: perhaps this still works? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160888023:18
coz_themarktler,  well I am not sure why these are not enabled by default  ,, they are all important in my opinion23:19
themarktlerokay thanks i will try23:19
coz_themarktler,  especially Put and Place windows23:19
themarktlerand if it works i have to reinstall it23:19
coz_themarktler,  you uninstalled it?23:19
themarktlerno no but23:19
drake01hey, any of u facing/faced the problem with application-switcher compiz plugin using ati (fglrx) driver. It causes a window playing video to freeze. Once I select the window playing video it continues. Any solutions23:19
themarktlermy ubuntu has many erros23:19
themarktleri want to do a clean install23:19
themarktleri wrote down all what you told me23:19
coz_themarktler,  ah yes that would be a better way to troubleshoot with clean install23:20
themarktlerokayt hansk23:20
themarktlerokay thanks23:20
coz_no problem   gah !23:20
oCean!cookie | coz_23:20
ubottucoz_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:20
coz_oCean,  thanks guy  I love cookies ,, Oreos  I hope :)23:21
notNicolasI have multiple versions of ubuntu installed on my laptop, and now I want to replace one of the two with another third version23:22
notNicolashow do I delete just one partition?23:22
coz_notNicolas,  well you may not have to delete it,, just install the newer version on that partition...yes?23:22
drake01damm only me facing the problem with this application-switcher compiz-plugin. No one is able to produce this bug..23:22
coz_drake01,  applications switcher?  what is the issue?23:23
malecricketthey all23:23
coz_malecrickett,  hey23:23
malecricketthi coz23:24
drake01I am using ati (fglrx) driver on ubuntu 11.04 amd 64. app-switcher causes a window playing video to freeze. Once I select the window playing video it continues. Any solutions23:24
UbuntuSlowDownloThe iso download from the ubuntu site is horrendously slow23:24
UbuntuSlowDownloI had to go to a mirror.23:24
drake01sound plays all the time.23:24
coz_drake01,  does this happen when compiz is disabled?23:24
CoreyUbuntuSlowDownlo: That's why we have mirrors.23:24
chaddyUbuntuSlowDownlo: might be even quicker off a torrent23:24
centHOGGyeah get it from a university23:25
malecrickettneed help trying to join a channel ?23:25
chaddy /join #channelname23:25
drake01can i use application-switcher plugin with compiz disabled23:25
coz_malecrickett,  which channel , and is your nick registered?23:25
notNicolasactually how the heck do I even tell what information is held in which partition?23:25
coz_drake01,  no23:25
notNicolasall I'm getting is "device: /dev/sda6"23:25
coz_drag0nz,   try one of the other switchers23:25
spc_in_plcnotNicolas, use gparted23:25
malecrickettyes i have a registered nick with icq23:25
notNicolasor other random numbers23:25
UbuntuSlowDownlobut corey, is it supposed to be that slow?  And I've seen posts on AskUbutu advising people not to use mirrors since they aren't always up to date23:25
coz_malecrickett,  is it registered on freenode?23:26
malecrickettnot sure if im on the right server23:26
ZykoticK9malecrickett, icq?  really?23:26
CoreyUbuntuSlowDownlo: The ISO changes maybe three times a year. :-) You'll be fine.23:26
ZykoticK9!register > malecrickett23:26
ubottumalecrickett, please see my private message23:26
spc_in_plcZykoticK9, LOL23:26
malecrickettno coz_ its not23:26
random00hello, I need a client of vpn with this function http://bit.ly/kRkBZb, could anybody help me???23:26
coz_malecrickett,  which channel are you trying to join?23:26
coz_malecrickett,  and you are doing this with   /join #nameofchannel ,,, yes?23:26
malecrickettjust_friends its on icq chat23:26
drake01@coz_ its working fine with other switchers. But still, I am addicted to this plugin. So trying desperately to fix this.23:26
coz_drake01,  is this a clean install of 11.04 ?23:27
notNicolaswhat is a swap drive?23:27
ZykoticK9notNicolas, virtual memory23:27
UbuntuSlowDownloCorey:  So is canonical even working on it?  Shouldn't they um... post something so people know to go to mirrors?  The non-tech savvy audience ubuntu is directed towards may not know what mirrors are23:27
BrandanoCore_UK: any luck?23:27
coz_drake01,  ok,,, open ccsm,, go to Preferences...Hit the "reset to defaults" button,, of course you will have to reset the plugins again23:27
spc_in_plcUbuntuSlowDownlo, maybe it's not the ubuntu servers, it could be your WAN gateway23:28
coz_drake01,  I have to break here,, so I will leave it to others for this,, I will return in a bit23:28
notNicolaswhat about an extended drive? is that probably something I don't want to delete?23:28
drake01@coz_ tried already by creating a new user!!23:28
ZykoticK9notNicolas, extended partitions hold Logical paritions inside it - probably not wise to delete!23:28
UbuntuSlowDownlospc_in_plc, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/30567/is-there-a-mirror-for-the-daily-natty-iso-daily-live-current-in-asia23:29
chriswr_drake01, have you updated all your drivers?23:29
notNicolasright now I can't delete one of my two partitions because one swap partition has an sda number higher than it23:29
mneptokUbuntuSlowDownlo: use a torrent. far fatser, checksummed by protocol design23:29
notNicolasif I want to just get rid of it, do I delete both the swap and the partition of the installation?23:29
UbuntuSlowDownlomneptok:  That's not the point, I already got the image off a mirror23:30
spc_in_plcnotNicolas, you can google optimal partitioning for Linux23:30
UbuntuSlowDownloWhat I'm saying is that the people ubuntu is directed towards wouldn't know to go to a mirror or to torrent it23:30
mneptokUbuntuSlowDownlo: so the issue is "Cananical datacenter bandwidth is not fast enough?"23:30
ZykoticK9notNicolas, you might have to turn swap off in order to modify your current partitions!  "sudo swapoff /dev/sdX#"23:30
UbuntuSlowDownlomneptok:  is it supposed to download at 15kbps?23:30
mneptokUbuntuSlowDownlo: there's no "supposed to"23:31
mneptokUbuntuSlowDownlo: show me a software vendor that offers bandwidth guarantees when downloading their free stuff. bet ya can't. ;)23:31
UbuntuSlowDownloLet me put it this way23:31
=== grekkos is now known as Guest17474
UbuntuSlowDownloHas canonical even acknowledged there's an issue23:32
mneptokUbuntuSlowDownlo: have you considered the issue may not be Canonical?23:32
notNicolasOkay, now I have some random unallocated memory. good enough.23:32
itsme_hi coz_23:32
UbuntuSlowDownloHave you looked at the thing where other people are having the same issue23:32
=== itsme_ is now known as itsmee
chaddytis Friday, lots of people getting the linux bug for the weekend23:32
spc_in_plcUbuntuSlowDownlo, I am downloading Ubuntu right now 800 kb/s23:33
YankDownUnder"Linux bug" => yeah, upgrading machines, updating machines, installing software, tweaking servers. Lovely that.23:33
mneptokUbuntuSlowDownlo: "the thing" is a bit ... non-specific.23:33
spc_in_plcGoodnight everyone!23:34
cesc39Hi there. I just installed ubuntu 11.04 on a notebook and currently I'm on my desktop pc with dual boot ubuntu 10.04 and win7. I think I like more the GUI from 10.04 rather than the new 11.04. Don't like that left sidebar on 11.04. What do you guys think? What are your thoughts.23:34
Huffameghello! i have trouble with my spotify (through wine) installation. my problem is that every time I go into wine configuration to activate the oss driver it deactivates itself when I press okay so that spotify doesn't have any drivers to run from. i don't understand how to keep the driver activated. can someone please help?23:34
ZykoticK9!classic | cesc3923:35
ubottucesc39: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".23:35
chaddycesc39: if you don't like unity try logging into classic ubuntu, not compulsory23:35
ZykoticK9cesc39, #ubuntu-offtopic if you want discussion23:35
chaddypersonally I generally like unity23:35
qincesc39: Classic session in Natty have same gui what 10.04.23:35
YankDownUndercesc39, Hehehehehe...on my 11.04 installs, I completely remove Unity and the scrollbars and set it up to just use Gnome2 (Ubuntu Classic) so that the machine(s) at least WORK the way I prefer them to work.23:35
alphamanatisoHi. I'm trying to run silc on ubuntu 11.04. I have installed the package, but I can't figure out how to get it work in irssi.23:35
cesc39oh great to hear you can switch between both.. thanks a lot.23:36
drake01@cesc39 Dude, try to reduce the launcher icon size from unity plugin in ccsm. Say to 38-40 or less whatever.23:36
ZykoticK9drake01, FYI using a @ actually prevents highlighting - this isn't twitter/identi.ca23:37
drake01zykotick9, thanks23:37
ZykoticK9!tab > drake0123:37
ubottudrake01, please see my private message23:37
mneptok9TokiczyK: nice trick23:39
ubuntu__can somebody help me23:39
ubuntu__i try to maximize a window bvut then it maximizes oneliner another desktop23:39
ubuntu__i try to maximize a window but then it maximizes oneliner another desktop23:39
chaddyalphamanatiso: might be best to ask in #irssi23:39
ZykoticK9mneptok, :P  ;)23:39
ubuntu__i try to maximize a window but then it maximizes oneliner another desktop23:40
bazhangubuntu__, dont repeat so quickly23:40
ZykoticK9oh no, coz isn't here for ubuntu__ ;)23:40
cesc39I haven't joint this channel for a long time... I used to chat with a guy whose nickname was ilovefairuz. Have you guys seen him recently? he/she was very friendly.23:40
chaddy!seen *lovefair*23:41
ubottuI have no seen command23:41
CP-KnoxNo matches were found.23:41
cesc39because is ilovefairuz23:41
bazhang!ot | cesc3923:42
ubottucesc39: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:42
ubuntu__i try to maximize a window but then it maximizes oneliner another desktop23:42
chegrunsync mail configuration23:42
bazhang!repeat | ubuntu__23:42
ubottuubuntu__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:42
chaddyubuntu__: a oneliner is a short joke, do you mean "on"?23:42
cesc39!seen *ilovefairuz*23:43
ubottuI have no seen command23:43
bazhangcesc39, please stop that23:43
cesc39ok sorry23:43
CP-KnoxNo matches were found.23:43
ZykoticK9ubuntu__, see this pastebin of a conversation just before you joined between coz and themarktler http://paste.ubuntu.com/632067/23:44
ubuntu__i try to maximize a window but then it maximizes oneliner another desktop23:47
Guest123456Can someone explain what a keyring is?23:48
ZykoticK9Guest123456, saves your passwords23:48
bazhang!details | ubuntu__23:48
ubottuubuntu__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:48
Guest123456Oh.  How do I access this23:48
bazhangGuest123456, using wifi now?23:49
The_Pugilisti am trying to fix partitions on a 11.04 box which has a lvm, i am trying to do fsck from a live cd but i cannot for some reason can anyone help me?23:49
Guest123456yes, bazhang23:49
Guest123456it goes "make password for a new keyring called default"23:49
ZykoticK9Guest123456, "seahorse" perhaps23:49
Guest123456I just left it unencrypted23:49
bazhangGuest123456, did it not prompt you for a keyring password?23:49
Guest123456It did prompt for password23:49
Guest123456Eh, I'm just recovering files off a dead disk, I don't really need one23:50
bazhangGuest123456, put one if you wish23:50
bazhangGuest123456, then leave it blank23:50
The_Pugilisti am trying to start eh LVM group from the live cd but i am getting 'daemon is inhibited' as an error... what does this mean?23:50
Guest123456Ok.  But for future reference - how would I access keyrings?23:50
bazhangubuntu__, dont repeat the exact same question, with so few details; you will get zero response23:50
ZykoticK9Guest123456, "seahorse" perhaps23:50
Guest123456oh wait23:51
Guest123456seahorse is a program?23:51
ZykoticK9Guest123456, yes23:51
Guest123456I thought you were suggesting seahorse as a password23:51
bazhangZykoticK9, thats for gpg23:51
ZykoticK9Guest123456, sorry - my bad.  Listen to bazhang23:51
Guest123456hm.. there's something built in to ubuntu.  nvm23:52
C_Smithhey, I'm stuck on an error in Ubuntu Software Center, I have the error in Pastebin already here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/632071/ , what I'm trying to do is install the Kubuntu desktop, and I'm installing the package "Full Kubuntu Desktop/Netbook system", and if someone could either A. help me with this error or B. point me to the right package if I'm installing the wrong one, I'd appreciate it.23:54
Guest123456Wait.  How do I see the passwords I have stored in my keyrings in "Passwords and Encryption Keys"23:54
C_Smithman, a longer post than the actual pastebin contents....23:54
neurochromeok, so I left a script going to install a load of packages... got back and it's errored due to running out of space.  I can't uninstall anything before running sudo apt-get -f install, but that wants to install and can't23:54
neurochromehow to fix this and break the loop?23:54
bazhangC_Smith, how about from the terminal, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:55
C_Smithneueochrome, maybe a hard reboot?23:55
C_SmithVbazhang, I'll try that.23:55
neurochromeC_Smith, last time I did that it got seriously pwned and booted into low graphics mode with the same issue23:56
C_Smithlooks like that is working.23:56
C_Smithneurochrome, well, I'm out of ideas.23:56
C_Smithbtw, what's the Ubuntu general chat channel?23:57
neurochromeC_Smith, I fixed this last time by resizing / and then removing packages.... I don't want to do that again23:57
ZykoticK9!ot > C_Smith23:57
ubottuC_Smith, please see my private message23:57
neurochromemust be a way to force remove23:57
bazhangC_Smith, I believe the netbook package for kubuntu is plasma netbook, but you might try apt-cache search plasma to confirm23:58
ZykoticK9neurochrome, may i ask how large your / partition is?23:58
C_Smiththanks for the link.23:58
ubuni found some instructions that say to do this "sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.38 cd /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.38 sudo tar jxf linux-source-2.6.38.tar.bz2" the person is on NATTY im on 10.04 (lucid?) can i still do this?23:58
bazhangC_Smith, #ubuntu-offtopic is the chat channel23:58
bazhangubun, why would you ever want to23:58
neurochromeZykoticK9, you can... 15gb smaller than I thought it was23:59
ubunbazhang: to install EASYCAP... part of the instructions...23:59
ubunbazhang: what does that do?23:59
bazhangubun easycap for natty?23:59
ZykoticK9neurochrome, well, that's at least "reasonable" - obviously not large enough,  but reasonable23:59
flowbee__i need to sign a PDF signature page;  is there a fast & easy way to do that23:59
bazhang!test > Alexander23:59
ubottuAlexander, please see my private message23:59
ubunbazhang:  no for 10.0423:59

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