
saidinesh5holstein: how did your gig go?05:40
holsteinsaidinesh5: fine :)05:54
holsteinhow did you do today?05:56
saidinesh5just woke up :P06:00
saidinesh5today i m somehow determined to burn another whole day in this Amarok bug thats plaguing me......06:00
saidinesh5(after that Amarok will have music visualization!! :D )06:00
ckontrosAnyone seen Scott lately?12:39
ckontrosThats odd. He hasn't commented on the list and I haven't seen him in here when I've stopped in.13:02
ailo_ckontros, He has only been logging in from work recently. Said something about being very busy lately and that he might have more time soon. 13:14
ailo_ckontros, How's the work going with the xfce stuff? I haven't followed the progress very well. Is the US daily build installable/usable?13:15
ckontrosailo_: I've asked mr.pouit from Xubuntu to review my changes. I haven't heard from him yet.13:44
scott-worki see that ubuntu is not installing synaptic by default anymore, although it will be in the repos still14:31
* scott-work doesn't find this unexpected but is a little saddenned by the delta from where he started with14:31
scott-workohai ckontros :)14:31
* ckontros waves14:31
scott-workyou off fridays14:31
ckontrosFor 16 weeks now.14:32
scott-workjust on fridays?14:33
ckontrosYes. I hope it changes soon.14:33
ckontrosie: Going back to work on fridays.14:33
ckontrosscott-work: I'm gonna poke mrpouit again about reviewing our settings pkg later today. Im still trying to formulate something for the art. Izo leaving really threw me.14:37
ckontrosbbs. Gotta eat.14:37
scott-workhi charlie-tca :)  how are you today?14:44
charlie-tcaStill going14:45
* ckontros is seriously missing Nautilus and might go to ElementaryOS at some point.15:49
scott-workckontros: you mean the distro?  i do not know much about elemetaryOS at this point15:58
ckontrosYes. Its a WIP but they are doing cool stuff. I'm just finding Thunar a bit lacking. As good as it is.15:59
holsteinnautilus is what takes me back to gnome everytime16:00
scott-workwhat particular features are you missing in Thunar?16:00
scott-worki must not have been using nautilus as i could have because i am not currently missing anything but want to learn16:01
ckontrosscott-work: Folders remember their own view settings and tabs mostly.16:01
holsteinits not so much that theres no alternative really16:03
holsteinits just the little things16:03
holsteinand im just used to it16:03
ckontrosPretty much16:03
scott-worki wonder if those features are on the roadmap for thunar16:10
holsteinprobably not16:10
ckontrosTabs will not happen last I read. I'd bet persistent folder views wont either.16:11
holsteini would imagine keeping those other filemanagers really lean are a key featuer16:11
ckontrosSpecifically: http://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.10/roadmap/thunar16:13
ckontrosWhat ever happened to the cool preview thing thunar had going on @ the bottom? Like Explorer in Vista/Win7.16:16
scott-workthat's sad, especially the way he answered the question16:29
* ckontros shrugs16:30
holsteinwhat are the chances we could have nautilus with XFCE ?16:31
ckontrosLast I saw, it pulls in a TON of GNOME deps16:31
holsteinlol... 'i'll disapoint both of you' ;)16:31
charlie-tcaI would go directly to jannis, since he is the developer maintaining Thunar now. 16:32
holsteinbassburner: hello fellow bass player16:32
charlie-tcaI thought he had plans for tabs in thunar, but I might be wrong again16:32
ckontroscharlie-tca: Sure, but he ain't gonna add tabs for us. :P16:33
ckontrosOh. :)16:33
charlie-tcaspecifically, no, but I thought he did announce plans for that already16:33
charlie-tcapossible in Xfce 4.10, but at least at a later date16:33
ckontrosFYI, with GIT installed: "git clone https://github.com/shimmerproject/Ubuntu-Studio.git .themes/UbuntuStudio-Oneiric" to keep up with the theme changes.16:37
bassburnerHello.  How's it going?16:38
ckontrosI'm away for a bit. PM if needed.16:42
holsteinbassburner: going well, are you new? or have i just not noticed?16:44
bassburnerholstein: I'm new. I'm a developer and thinking maybe I'll try and help out.16:45
holsteinwelcome... thats exactly the kind of help we need too :)16:46
holsteini play upright bass, mostly jazz16:46
bassburnerI just sold two of my basses and ordered an electric upright.16:47
holsteinwhat did you go with?16:47
holsteini ended up making one out of what was left of an old kay neck and fingerboard i had laying around16:48
bassburnerI got a Palatino. I figured if I really get into it then I'll hunt around for a standard upright.  Living arrangements are currently questionable so the portability is a necessity.16:49
holsteincool... yeah, the price on those is hard to pass up16:52
bassburnerAnd of course there's my electic: http://artingerguitar.com/images/gallery/001/001-024.jpg16:54
scott-workis that semi-hollow?16:54
scott-workbassburner: ^^^16:54
bassburnerscott-work: yes16:54
scott-workinteresting, does it add some top end to the bass or affect the sustain?16:56
scott-workthat might be the first semi-hollow body bass i've ever seen16:56
scott-workit's beautiful though16:57
holsteini havent had an electric bass for like 15 years16:57
holsteini found a mexican jazz bass on craigslist i couldnt pass up though16:58
bassburnerAdd's a little to the top end and the sustain goes on forever.16:58
holsteinthe neck is trashed, so i can get a really nice fretless neck 16:58
scott-workbassburner: what type of development work have you done previously?17:00
bassburnerFor my job, I've been stuck in the Microsoft world since 1993.  So from VB2 and MSSQL4.2 all the way to C# and the current ilk.17:01
bassburnerBut I've done plenty of hacking in Java, Python and PHP as well.17:01
bassburnerMy main side project is Exit 66 Jukebox which is what is now being called a cloud music player.17:01
scott-workbassburner: ever done work on a drupal website?17:12
bassburnerbassburner: Yes. I've set a couple up for people including myself.  Although my site's now just running in blogofile.17:13
holsteinbassburner: good to meet you... im out for pancakes17:13
bassburnerscott-work: ^^^ - and that's a sign I need more caffeine17:14
bassburnerholstein: good to meet you to17:14
scott-workbassburner: what is a sign of needing more coffee?17:20
bassburnerscott-work: The fact that I responded to myself instead of you17:20
scott-workah, lol, i didn't see that ;)17:21
scott-workmaybe i should have some coffee too17:21
scott-workbassburner: the reason i asked about drupal is because we are trying to rework our website17:21
scott-workwe were half-way done when the person helping needed to leave the country for business purposes17:21
bassburnerI could definitely help out with that.17:23
scott-workbassburner: outstanding!  that would be a great, great help currently17:57
scott-workthere is the added dimension of difficulty in that the install is not as clean as it typically would be for normal servers....i shall explain17:58
scott-workpart of the website code is maintained within Launchpad (i presume you know about it, please tell me if you don't), which is validated by Canonical security, and then uploaded to the server17:59
scott-workyou can view this here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-resources/website/files18:00
scott-workthe database stuff i believe is a single instance that resides locally on the server 18:00
scott-worksorry, i'm getting ahead of myself18:01
scott-workbassburner:  when would you like to discuss helping with the website?18:01
bassburnerSorry.  Had to step away.18:53
bassburnerYes.  I know Launchpad.  I'm bassburner on there as well.18:54
bassburnerscott-work: I'm fairly flexible in meeting times as long as I have a heads up.18:56
scott-workbassburner: we could do it right now here if you wish, or later if that is a better time18:57
bassburnerNow is fine.  It's a slow day.18:57
scott-workbassburner: did you read some of the explanation of the how the code is kept and how the install works for the ubuntustudio.org website?19:11
scott-workokay, then you basically got most of it then :P19:14
scott-workthe person who was developing the new website gave me the drupal stuff in a tarball and then a mysql (i think) dump as well19:15
scott-workdo you have a place to host it for development?19:15
bassburnerYes.  I have a webfaction account.19:16
scott-workbassburner: would you like for me to email what i have to you so you can play around with it?19:18
bassburnerSure - andrew@exit66.com19:19
bassburnergot it19:21
bassburnerI'll get it up this weekend and start checking it out.19:24
scott-workcool :)19:27
scott-workour tentative goal would be to get this released in for the Ocelot release, which should be late October19:27
scott-workif we can19:27
scott-workif we can't then we do what we can19:28
bassburnerThat should be doable.19:29
bassburnerIs there a to-do or wish-list for what needs to be done?19:31
scott-workbassburner: oh, yes there is :)19:50
scott-workalthough it's not in that great of shape, organizationally that is19:50
scott-workbassburner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TaskWebRevamp#Original_vs_Planned_Site:19:51
scott-worksorry bassburner, do this one:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TaskWebRevamp19:51
scott-workbut mainly i suppose we will need to discuss what is next to effectively make a plan19:52
scott-workbut we probably should wait until you get the website up again so we can see where it stands19:52
bassburnersounds good19:54
scott-workto be forthcoming, i'll need to refresh myself on where we were going as well20:00
bassburnerno problem20:01

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