
=== _Hyper__ is now known as _Hyper_
ochosihey charlie-tca 19:02
ochosido you have a minute?19:02
charlie-tcanew trackball, might be a mess for a day or two, though19:02
ochosiso, i really spent a lot of time on the scrollbars this week19:02
ochosiso i wanted to give you a heads up on the outcome19:02
charlie-tcawhat did we get? Should I grab the git?19:03
ochosinot yet, maybe in a minute :)19:03
ochosii'll tell you first19:03
ochosii realized that firefox has a problem with scrollbars without arrows19:03
ochosithat simply breaks all horizontal scrolling19:03
ochosilibreoffice also doesn't like scrollbars without arrows19:03
ochosibut that's less of a concern to me than firefox19:04
ochosiso now i created a scrollbar layout with a tiny tiny arrow19:04
ochosiit's basically a light-grey dot19:04
ochosii think it even looks kinda nice19:04
charlie-tcaI was really liking the arrow-less scrollbar19:04
charlie-tcaBut, if we must...19:05
ochosiyeah, i think then you might like this too19:05
ochosiit's rather subtle19:05
ochosion bad screens people might not even see the dot19:05
ochosibut it's usable19:05
ochosimeaning you can click it19:05
ochosiwhich is also kinda nice19:05
charlie-tcacan't click what you can't see19:05
ochosiunless you know where it is ;)19:05
charlie-tcatrue, or it is a mistake and you don't know why something scrolled19:06
ochosiwell, if you click the trough, you scroll anyway19:06
ochosibut if you click where the arrows should be, it scrolls less19:06
ochosiscreener: http://imagebin.org/15982519:06
charlie-tcaHm, I wonder if we will get bug reports for them being too hard to see?19:07
charlie-tcaIt's fine for me, I know what it is, but I don't want users screaming at us for them, either.19:08
charlie-tcaWant to try it?19:08
charlie-tcaI am willing to see what happens19:09
charlie-tcaHave you pushed anything to oneiric yet?19:11
ochosik, sure, i'll quickly push the most recent version19:11
ochosione sec19:11
ochosibtw, i made the scrollbar 1px wider so it's easier to grab (and in fact somehow murrine renders it nicer)19:12
charlie-tcaIt would get more eyes looking at it, and more feedbck.19:13
charlie-tcaGreat! I like that idea19:13
charlie-tcaI was thinking about that this morning. It seemed a bit narrow to me at times.19:13
ochosiok, just pushed it19:14
charlie-tcato git or to bzr?19:15
ochosihm, about user-reports and the arrows, i guess it would be an option to show some early screenshots on planet.ubuntu.org and see whether people start shouting early19:15
ochosito git19:15
charlie-tcaYeah, that would be a good thing to get out in front, wouldn't it?19:15
charlie-tcaI am going grab it19:15
ochosiactually in firefox the arrows are a bit more visible than in other apps19:16
ochosibut tbh honest firefox's xul scrollbars really don't work very well (no offense micahg ;) )19:16
charlie-tcaThat's because firefox insists on having them, right?19:16
ochosibtw, i tested midori's bookmarks migration19:17
ochosiit's really super-easy and works well19:17
charlie-tcablame micahg, then. We haven't blamed him for much yet ;)19:17
charlie-tcaYeah, neat, huh?19:17
ochosiyep, i think that was one of the big blockers for midori in xubuntu, no?19:17
charlie-tcaThe only issue I saw with midori was opening multiple tabs at once.19:17
ochosihow do you mean?19:18
charlie-tcayes, not being able to transfer bookmarks is a big deal19:18
charlie-tcaI couldn't get it to let me open all 40+ tabs at one time19:18
ochosi40+ tabs at once sounds more like a stresstest than an every-day usebase :)19:19
charlie-tcaIt wants me to open each one separately, but it might be something I did, too19:19
ochosihow did you open them?19:19
ochosii'd like to try aswell19:19
charlie-tcaI open those everyday, for bug triage19:19
charlie-tcafirefox, it is just a right click on the folder in bookmarks, open all in tabs19:19
charlie-tcain midori, I couldn't find that option19:20
ochosii'll have a look19:20
charlie-tcaand, it is not fun, doing that many individually, daily19:20
charlie-tcabut, if that is all there is, shrugs19:20
ochosiactually it works for me19:20
charlie-tcaThen it is me... I like midori, too19:21
ochosii just right-clicked a folder in bookmarks and there is an option "open all in tabs"19:21
ochosiand it works19:21
ochosiat least for the three websites i had in that testfolder19:21
ochosimaybe you have an older version of midori?19:21
charlie-tcaI will go try it again, then. Maybe it was old19:21
* ochosi has 0.3.219:22
ochosimidori doesn't have the scrollbar issues that firefox has ;)19:23
ochosian in general it's a very pretty app since it's all gtk19:23
charlie-tcaimporting my bookmarks, let's see what happens. It looks like I tried it back in May19:23
charlie-tcaI still would like to see us using it. I even suggested both midori and firefox, but I can't get an answer I like on that.19:24
ochosiyou suggested it to whom?19:24
charlie-tcamicahg and the meetings19:26
charlie-tcaMy midori is 0.3.6, and I can't find the bookmarks in it19:26
ochosiso when you're showing the sidepanel and switch to bookmarks, there is nothing?19:27
charlie-tcawhat sidepanel?19:27
ochosiclick the menu-button (the gear) and then show sidepanel19:27
ochosithat's similar to ff's sidepanel19:28
charlie-tcafound it19:28
charlie-tcawithout that, there are no bookmarks to access19:28
charlie-tcaOkay, we would need that on by default, I think19:28
charlie-tcaIt is opening my tabs now19:29
charlie-tcamicahg even agreed to midori, if we decided to use it this cycle19:29
charlie-tcaThat could be a space saver, couldn't it?19:30
ochosiguess so19:30
ochosibut i don't have the numbers anywhere near me :)19:31
ochosianyhow, if you just start typing in the address bar your bookmarks will also show up19:31
ochosilike firefox's awesome bar19:31
charlie-tcaYeah, I never have learned how to use that damn thing in firefox19:31
ochosiso it's not completely hidden, rather trying to save screen estate19:31
GridCubelubuntu uses chromium19:31
ochosihey GridCube 19:32
GridCubehey :)19:32
ochosiso i added tiny almost invisible arrows to the scrollbars, hope you're happy now ;) http://imagebin.org/15982519:32
ochosibut they're functionalö19:33
GridCube:D nice19:33
ochosifeel free to grab the latest version from git and try them live19:33
ochosi(and don't switch back to albatross immediately!)19:34
charlie-tcaGridCube: yes, but we don't19:34
GridCubeok ochosi will do when i'm on my pc19:34
GridCubeyes i know charlie-tca, i meant that if we want a small (functional) browser, chromium is a choice, not my choice, but a choice19:35
charlie-tcaochosi: if we have a chance for midori, I will start using it again19:36
ochosicharlie-tca: yeah, i'd say let's start testing it a bit more19:36
charlie-tcaI can do that19:36
charlie-tcaGridCube: We want to test midori, too19:36
ochosithere are enough arguments to at least discuss it again imo19:36
charlie-tcachromium been knocked out everytime, for a lot of different issues.19:36
charlie-tcaThe only reason we did not switch to midori for 11.04 was the bookmarks could not be imported.19:37
GridCubeok, good because i dont like chromium19:37
GridCubebut then again, in the last weeks it has been the only browser unafected by the facebook/hotmail attacks to firefox19:38
* ochosi is wondering why his midori version is so old compared to charlie-tca's...19:39
ochosiyeah, guess so, i'm still on natty19:40
charlie-tcaor am I pulling from the ppa again?19:40
ochosibut i decided to add the midori ppa now19:40
charlie-tca!info midori19:40
ubottumidori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-0.1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1014 kB, installed size 3556 kB19:40
charlie-tca!info midori oneiric19:40
ubottumidori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1073 kB, installed size 3704 kB19:40
charlie-tcathere it is19:40
ochosi!info firefox oneiric19:41
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 16484 kB, installed size 35832 kB19:41
ochosi~30mb size difference19:41
GridCubeD: thats a huge difference19:41
ochosiin just that package19:41
micahgochosi: both natty and oneiric have Firefox 519:41
ochosimicahg: yep, i know19:41
micahgGridCube: chromium in Lubuntu is counterintuitive as it's larger than firefox and uses more memory19:41
charlie-tcaThat is a lot of disk space, isn't it?19:41
micahgcharlie-tca: what's the issue with let's see if we have space? :)19:42
ochosiwell, it's not killing us i guess19:42
ochosiit's "just another argument"19:42
charlie-tcaWE are way oversized, and have to keep gtk2 and gtk3, right?19:42
micahg!info chromium-browser19:42
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.0.742.91~r87961-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 16069 kB, installed size 55964 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)19:42
ochosifrom an artwork point of view i'm all for midori, because it's all gtk :)19:42
micahgcharlie-tca: yeah, I'll fix that after alpha 2, the platform rally is next week and idk if I'll have time before that19:42
charlie-tcaWe still have hopes for midori, micahg 19:43
micahgcharlie-tca: my guess is I can get both on the CD, but let's see what happens19:43
ochosiwow, midori's new speed dial is pretty fancy19:43
micahgmidori won't take up much space it's just ATM we have none :)19:43
charlie-tcaI got to keep hoping, right ;)19:45
ochosicharlie-tca: have you tried "menu" > "customize toolbar" and then add the bookmarks there?19:45
GridCubequestion. what if, just what if, once one downloads/installs xubuntu a "choose your browser" app appears and lets you choose what browser to install?  like some windows installations have (OEM) that let you choose a browser on startup19:45
micahgcharlie-tca: I think we can make it happen19:45
ochosicharlie-tca: it gives you a nice star that shows all your bookmarks as a menu19:45
charlie-tcaI can add it to a menu I don' t even have?19:45
micahgwell, kubuntu has a firefox installer, but it makes sense for them as they don't want a GTK2 stack on their install19:45
ochosiGridCube: i think that edubuntu has something like that19:45
charlie-tcaWhere did you get this "customize" ?19:46
charlie-tcaGridCube: we just throw them both into the menu and let the user choose19:46
charlie-tcaIt makes midori more visible19:46
ochosicharlie-tca: http://imagebin.org/15983219:47
ochosicharlie-tca: what you'll get is the star next to the pressed menu-button19:47
charlie-tcaochosi: I don't have that option19:47
ochosii think that's a lot less obtrusive than showing the whole sidebar by default19:48
ochosithen my midori is newer than yours ;)19:48
ochosianyhow, will go for drinks with a few friends now19:49
ochosifeel free to ping me when you have greybird-feedback19:49
ochosii'll read it in the backlog tomorrow19:50
charlie-tcahere - http://imagebin.org/15983419:50
charlie-tcakubuntu offers both konqueror or something and firefox on the finished install19:51
micahgcharlie-tca: kubuntu has rekonq by default with an installer for Firefox19:51
ochosiedubuntu's choice happens in the ubiquity dialog iirc19:51
micahgochosi: that PPA has the same version as oneiric19:51
ochosimaybe we should look into that if there's enough space19:51
ochosimicahg: hm, the screenshots kinda tell a different story19:52
charlie-tcano, firefox is installed in oneiric, at least19:52
charlie-tcaMaybe I got my options wrong in preferences, ochosi 19:52
micahgochosi: maybe they have customizations or something, I just took what Debian had19:53
ochosisry, i think i have the "toolbar customizer" extension installed19:53
ochosiit should be a part of midori iirc19:54
ochosiwith that you can add the button19:54
ochosi(i guess)19:54
charlie-tcafound it19:54
charlie-tcatoolbar editor is an extension in midori19:55
charlie-tcaI haven't played with the extensions19:55
charlie-tcabut I will. I will start using it in place of firefox19:56
* ochosi hasn't really either19:56
ochosii've only tried the adblock19:56
ochosiand that seems to work ok19:56
charlie-tcaI block ads with dnsmasq19:56
ochosik, now i really g2g19:57
charlie-tcaSince it is on my server, any machine I connect gets the ads blocked automatically19:57
ochosisee you around everyone!19:57
charlie-tcaHave a good weekend19:57
ochosithx you too19:57
charlie-tcahm, You can't export bookmarks in html from firefox?20:34
GridCubewait, yes, you can20:36
GridCubei dont have it in english, but is >bookmarks >manage bookmarks >import and save >save as html20:47
charlie-tcafirefox 5.0; no manage bookmarks20:49
charlie-tcaMaybe it just isn't my day for browsers :(20:50
GridCubelet me do some research20:50
charlie-tcaI haven't found a single option yet today when told it was there, midori and firefox20:51
GridCubewhat if you type >about:bookmarks20:52
charlie-tcalosing battle.20:56
charlie-tcaThe URL is not recognized20:57
GridCube:P take the long road20:57
GridCube>help >information to solve problems >open containing folder >manually copy bookmarks.html20:57
charlie-tcaahem, there is none21:00
charlie-tcathey are now json files21:00
charlie-tcaI can't win today21:00
charlie-tcaEven the backup files appear to be .json21:00
charlie-tcanow... :(21:01
GridCubecan i see your bookmarks menu display?21:01
charlie-tcaso, is firefox getting like IE, lock the users in and forget about letting them do anything with any other browser?21:01
charlie-tcaThis one? http://imagebin.org/15984221:04
charlie-tcaThat shortcut doesn't work, either21:05
GridCubeis "show all bookmarks" ctrl-shift-o21:07
GridCubethat should open a window and the last menu should be "export & backup" or something like that21:07
charlie-tcaThat's the one I lost. Thanks for being so persistent21:09
GridCubeso its there, correct?21:11
GridCubeits fun because even in spañish the names change if you use the "spain" or the "argentina" localization21:12
charlie-tcayeah, it is there21:15
mr_pouitochosi: I can't find Bug #636532  upstream (it was reported for other plugins though). Am I blind tonight, or was it forgotten? :P22:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636532 in xfce4-timer-plugin (Ubuntu) "xfce4-timer-plugin uses "gtk-paste" as app-icon" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63653222:46
mr_pouitalso, I got a mail from LP that gridcube wants to join ~xubuntu-art22:48
mr_pouitmohkay, it seems actually neither knome nor you are in this team =]22:49
mr_pouitbwarf, that's a mess22:49

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