
xubuntu678God I installed ubuntu 11.04, my god i will never make that mistake again01:31
xubuntu678thanks for making this!01:31
charlie-tcaseems like a bad night for most people to be connected... :)01:32
solomonicHey, so there is a little doc at the bottom.. anyway to get that off?05:46
test_hi, back with the unsolved problem from yesterday, help anyone?06:14
test_using natty, and since 2 days ago, can't log in to my original account, stuck in a login loop06:18
Clerisymy taskbar isn't showing up?08:53
Mandrewcan i install global menus in xubuntu?09:04
Clerisycould somebody help me with my error please09:17
Mandrewcan i install global menus in xubuntu?09:39
mogitaffIs it possible to use fai-server for xubuntu installation ?13:58
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zielkqhey, i have a small problem - when i had xubuntu 10.10 all's work, but now i have the latest version of this linux... ;-)16:42
zielkqwhen i plug my mobil phone (nokia e51) to laptop by usb cable and i choose a 'transfer media', linux coudn't open memory card from this phone...16:43
zielkqerror is: (i try to translate it, because i have other language, no english)16:44
zielkq"it isn't possible to open catalog BC3D-C910"16:44
zielkq"Error of input/output"16:45
zielkqany solve of this problem? ;-)16:45
Aicasnwhat's the point of the LTS line of ubuntus?  are they supposedly more stable?  i get that they offer "long-term support" but don't users have support by staying updated anyway?16:53
charlie-tcayes, but normal releases are supported for 18 months, LTS is supported on desktop for 3 years, server for 5 years16:53
charlie-tcaFor those not wanting to upgrade every release, LTS offers a lot of stability for a longer time16:54
Aicasnand there's nothing more to it other than not having to upgrade as often to maintain support?16:54
Aicasni wonder what the demographics look like for LTS users...? my guess is that it would be more popular in business environments vs. power-user/developer/home-user machines17:00
charlie-tcaheh, most power users will upgrade every 6 months17:02
cal__This may be a stupid question: I recently installed Xubuntu 11.04, but unlike my other install, the "Aero-snap"-type features aren't working, and I can't find anywhere to enable them in the settings manager17:02
charlie-tcawhat is "Aero-snap"?17:03
cal__when you drag a window to the top panel, for example, it will maximize17:03
cal__or to the left of the screen, it will take up half the screen by auto-resizing17:03
Wizardit works like this in gnome317:04
Aicasnbleh. not a fan of that.  don't like MS assuming that by moving a window up I want it to be maximized.  if I wanted that, i would click the maximize button  -.-17:04
Wizardbtw, where did you get then name from?17:05
cal__I'm mostly used to it by habit; but am I mistaken? isn't this supposed to be enabled by default in xubuntu?17:05
cal__that's what MS calls it, people sometimes recognize it by that name17:05
charlie-tcaThat has never been in Xubuntu.17:05
cal__alright. my mistake!17:06
cal__thanks, adios17:06
charlie-tcaIt is part of Unity, in Ubuntu17:06
Aicasnwhat do you guys think of Unity?  does it feel more like Aero for people that a switching win7->ubuntu ?17:07
charlie-tcaWe don't use it17:07
charlie-tcaUnity is part of Ubuntu, not Xubuntu17:08
Aicasni'm aware.  figured some people have played with it17:08
charlie-tcaI have never used win7, and I have not used Unity enough to know if I like it, since Xubuntu is and has been my primary operating system since 200617:09
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WizardAicasn: i don't know how does unity look fcomparing to windows, i haven't used it for ages17:39
Wizardbut i've been using unity, it sucks17:41
Wizardit is really really bad, bad designed, bad thought up, bad coded17:42
Wizardit's bad for both experienced users and for newbies, for people used to windows 98, xp, 3.11, kde1, 2, 3 and 4 gnome 1 and 217:43
Wizardevery single person will miss some function or be annoyed by some bug17:44
elros"it was an interesting experiment, yielding important user data to make our product better"17:47
Aicasnguess i'm not surprised.  think unity will stay around for next ubuntu release?  get cleaned up and such17:55
nicofsHas anyone got any idea how i could get a xubuntu chroot environment to work from within maemo?18:06
elrosmy guess is that unity and gnome 3 will coexist in oneiric, and mr shuttlewirth will ponder heavily on the preferred desktop for 12.0418:23
poptisse_I am having an issue with restart X - i think i just broke xubuntu lol18:35
Aicasncan you provide some details, poptisse_?  where does it fail?  have you checked the logs?  anything conspicuous in them?18:41
poptisse_Hi Aicasn18:44
poptisse_I just enabled ctrl alt backspace to restart X - as I had edited the xorg.conf to fix a screen tearing issue. I pressed ctrl alt backspace - everything went black and came back and all i can see is my desktop with two items i had on my desktop previously, I have no menu absolutely nothing so can't run terminal or any piece of software....18:44
Aicasnpress Ctrl+Alt+F2 and tell me if that gets you a terminal18:44
poptisse_Yes it turned my monitor into a terminal lol18:45
Aicasnlog in and fix your xorg.conf18:45
Aicasnrestore from backup if you made one18:45
poptisse_I don't think it is the xorg.conf which did it - i was simply following a tutorial which everyone else had no issues with18:46
poptisse_so cant see why it had affected me18:46
Aicasni think it's very possible that your current xorg.conf is making X unhappy.  if you have a backup I strongly suggest you try it18:47
Aicasnif not, change it back. no harm done18:47
poptisse_I cant seem to be able to do that18:48
poptisse_Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display18:48
poptisse_Soon as i do18:48
poptisse_gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:48
Aicasnuse nano, vi, joe, or emacs18:48
Aicasnyou can't use apps that need X18:49
poptisse_You've lost me18:49
poptisse_I literally installed xubuntu an hour ago18:49
poptisse_God all this to try and fix a screen tearing issue - makes me wanna go back to windows lol18:50
poptisse_Nothing seems to work for me at all..18:50
Aicasnlog in and type    nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:50
poptisse_The line i entered was18:51
poptisse_Section "Extensions"18:51
poptisse_Option "composite" "disable"18:52
poptisse_I got that off a tutorial - it seemed to work for everyone else with no issues like i had reported so a bit dumb founded18:52
poptisse_How do i save it lol18:53
poptisse_it says ^o for writeout but i dont know how to execute it18:53
Aicasn^ is control18:54
poptisse_says permission denied18:54
poptisse_ill log into root and try that way18:54
Aicasnor add  sudo  before nano18:54
Aicasnsudo is a better habbit to get into18:54
poptisse_After this can you help with my screen tearing?18:55
poptisse_I have tried everything18:55
poptisse_configz or w.e its called does not work for me18:55
poptisse_I have nvidia drivers installed I have tried selecting all vynsyn etc18:55
poptisse_no luck18:55
poptisse_I have managed to write the file, we'll see if that fixed it18:57
poptisse_Now to solve screen tearing :(18:58
Aicasn2d or 3d tearing?18:58
charlie-tcaum, Xubuntu doesn't have 2d/3d. It only has xfce, instead of unity with 2d/3d18:59
poptisse_Thats the tutorial i am following18:59
poptisse_To tell truth I am on ubuntu no one is helping on that channel so was told to come here18:59
charlie-tcai see19:00
poptisse_It tears on videos and when moving windows etc - i have not tested gaming as i wont be gaming on it19:00
poptisse_The tutorial says to add this to the end of xorg.conf - Section "Extensions"     Option         "Composite" "Disable" EndSection19:01
poptisse_I did that and that gave me the previous issue which is now fixed - but still screen tearing19:01
Aicasnwhere did you get your video drivers?19:05
poptisse_I tried directly from nvidia but that did not go so well19:06
poptisse_so i did the other way thru19:06
poptisse_hardware driver software19:06
poptisse_I just did a google search - and allot of forums say that works so i cant see why it wont work for me19:06
poptisse_The addition driver software - is where i downloaded the nvidia drivers19:08
poptisse_You able to help me at all?19:10
Aicasn i'm looking for similar reports19:11
Aicasnwhat is your video card/chip?19:11
poptisse_Nvidia GTX 26019:11
poptisse_This guy - http://wildebeestplain.blogspot.com/2011/06/tearing-screen-even-with-vsyncing-on.html has the exact same issues as me.19:11
poptisse_He even mentions how he fixed it - so i thought i would try that and it did not work just gave me the error u helped fix19:12
Aicasnare you certain there weren't any typos in the section you added?   i'm reaching but I can't imagine why turning off composite would bork your 2d video19:13
poptisse_To the best of my knowledge no.. but than again I don't really know what am doing19:14
poptisse_How about if i send u my xorg.conf and u edit it and send it back via pastebin.com19:14
poptisse_and ill try that?19:14
Aicasnif you just added that section to the very end of the existing xorg.conf you should be fine19:14
Aicasnthis time don't do c+a+backspace. just log out and back in again19:15
poptisse_ok two secs19:15
Aicasn*** make a backup!!!!19:15
poptisse_produced the exact same issue19:17
Aicasnm'kay.  i really don't know man.  i might try the official nvidia drivers again19:18
Aicasndo you have a CRT monitor?19:18
poptisse_It's connected via HDMI19:18
poptisse_I have also tried connecting via vga19:19
poptisse_It's a samsung lcd19:19
Aicasnmight check that the refresh rate is 60Hz.  again, reaching19:19
poptisse_I can't get the official nvidia drivers installed19:19
poptisse_According to nvidia is it19:19
poptisse_*it is19:19
poptisse_It says its 60Hz19:19
poptisse_I try using the runpackage and it gives me some weird X is running error crap19:20
poptisse_two secs ill re-produce it19:20
poptisse_Its an irritating issue because i cant be the only one and there has to be a fix surely19:22
poptisse_I might even offer a cash reward for fixing it ha ha19:22
poptisse_You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.19:24
poptisse_Thats the issue - if i can get around that it would mean i can install the official drivers19:25
Liv-hello, anyone uses pidgin by any chance? was able to update it?19:26
CDeliaHello people of Xubuntu19:28
CDeliaI am seeking some help.19:28
poptisse_ok once i edit terminal via ctrl alt f2 and stop X how do i get back to desktop?19:29
Aicasnpoptisse_:  how did you stop X?19:29
poptisse_sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:29
poptisse_I am following that19:30
charlie-tcaCDelia: please state your problem, all on one line, and if anyone knows an answer, they will respond19:30
Aicasnso   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start  ought to do it19:30
Aicasnif you have any nvidia packages install I would recommend removing them before installing the nvidia version19:30
Aicasn*website version19:31
CDeliaI just switched from ubuntu 10.10 to Xubuntu 11.04. I have been looking all over for the keyboard shortcut manager so I can set up my window switcher, volume control, and application launcher keys. I found it earlier today when I was running Xubuntu through virtual box, but now that I installed it as my main operating system I have no idea where it is.19:31
poptisse_oh is this fucking kidding me!!!19:31
charlie-tca!language | poptisse_19:32
ubottupoptisse_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:32
poptisse_Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the services(8) utility, .e.g servide gdm stop19:32
poptisse_charlie-tca sorry i am having an issue with screen tearing and nothing seems to work not even turning on vysync19:33
charlie-tcaCDelia: either menu -> settings -> keyboard or menu -> settings -> appearance19:33
Aicasnokay so   sudo service gdm stop19:33
poptisse_unknown instance19:33
charlie-tcaWe still keep our language clean, even when we are getting frustrated.19:33
poptisse_Sorry, have you got any idea how it could be fixed?19:34
Aicasnpoptisse_:    ps ax | grep gdm    is it running?19:34
Liv-I can't remove packages under residual config in synaptic as the "apply" button does not work, how can remove those packages? is it ok if I use apt-get autoremove?19:34
charlie-tcaI don't, no. Aicasn seems to have some help, though19:35
charlie-tcaI don't use Ubuntu19:35
charlie-tcaLiv-: yes, that works, normally19:35
poptisse_aicasn no idea if it is running no idea what it is19:36
Liv-should I do any backup just in case?19:36
CDeliaCharlie, I tried navigating to where you told me, but it is not showing me the options I am looking for to re-asign the different keyboard shortcuts.19:36
Aicasnpoptisse_:   what was the output of that command?19:37
Aicasnps ax | grep gdm19:38
charlie-tcaLiv-: not needed. If the packages are still needed, a simple sudo apt-get install fixes it19:38
charlie-tcaCDelia: in Keyboard, application shortcuts are the shortcut keys for the system19:38
Aicasnpoptisse_:  if all you get back is the grep command (or nothing at all) then gdm has already been stopped19:39
charlie-tcain Window Manager, Keyboard tab, are the shortcuts for the window manager (xfwm)19:39
poptisse_it just kept saying19:39
poptisse_basically it was not recognised19:39
Aicasnwhat was not recognized?19:40
poptisse_when i did19:40
poptisse_sudo service gdm stop19:40
poptisse_it did not do anythng19:40
CDeliaThanks Charlie19:40
Aicasndo  ps ax | grep gdm19:40
poptisse_ok two secs19:40
Liv-thank you, charlie-tca19:40
poptisse_ok did that19:41
poptisse_It returned some lines some of it in red19:42
CDeliaI have a cat on my back19:42
Aicasnhow many lines?19:42
poptisse_I cant copy and paste it as am talking to u via a windows 7 laptop lol19:43
CDeliaI don't understand, cat's just think oh look there is Chris, I am going to turn him into a couch by laying down on his back while he is laying down.19:43
Aicasnpoptisse_:   /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/service gdm stop19:43
poptisse_CD - What they're actually doing is displaying they're dominant over you and they're in charge - dont let them lay on u or they wont ever stop it19:43
CDeliaIts too late for that.19:44
Aicasnthen feed one to your dog.  the rest will get it19:44
CDeliaShe is like 6 years old. Far set in her ways19:44
poptisse_gdm stop/waiting19:44
Aicasnpoptisse_: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/service gdm status19:45
Liv-lol CDelia19:45
poptisse_gdm stop/waiting19:45
poptisse_I think it has stopped lol19:45
Aicasnhit up arrow until you get back to the  ps ax|grep gdm  line then hit return19:46
Aicasnhow many lines now?19:46
poptisse_ok two secs19:46
Aicasngrep --color=auto gdm?19:46
poptisse_2037 tty2  S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto gdm19:47
Aicasnnow go sudo run your nvidia installer19:47
Aicasnfollow the directions carefully.  when it's done do   /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/service gdm start19:48
Wizardgood evening19:48
Aicasnhey wiz19:48
poptisse_what do i do now lol19:50
poptisse_just enter19:50
poptisse_sudo run19:50
poptisse_sudo run your nvidia installer19:50
poptisse_the installer is on my desktop19:50
poptisse_I cant run it from the terminal19:51
Aicasnlol. sure you can19:51
poptisse_I have to go back to the desktop19:51
Aicasnthe desktop is a folder in the filesystem19:51
poptisse_I gotta find out whats it called :l lol19:51
CDeliaNow aparently I need a bath. My cat is licking my head.19:51
poptisse_two secs19:51
poptisse_cd again dominant she is marking her teritory as she does not like the smell of u19:51
CDeliaI guess so19:52
poptisse_Its called that19:52
poptisse_so how do i make it run that19:52
Aicasnso let's find it.   do    find -type f -name "NVIDIA*" /home19:52
Wizardwhat are you doing?19:54
Aicasngiving poptisse_ some tips on CLI linux :)19:54
poptisse_paths must precede expression /homne19:54
Aicasnbah.   find /home -type f -name "NVIDIA*"19:55
poptisse_Wizard - basically ubuntu 11.04 is a pile of BS and gives me awful screen tearing and no turning on vsync aint working19:55
poptisse_simples lol19:55
poptisse_it just gave me19:55
poptisse_which i alreayd knew....19:56
Aicasnit didn't give you the path?19:57
Aicasntype out the entire line please19:57
poptisse_ok /home/blackberry/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-275.09.07.run19:58
Aicasnso do    cd /home/blackberry/Desktop; chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-275.09.07.run; sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-275.09.07.run19:59
poptisse_:l what on earth are u19:59
poptisse_some linux nerd lol19:59
poptisse_ok two secs19:59
Aicasnthe  ;   mean separate commands.  either type it with the smicolons or do each command separately19:59
Aicasncd ...20:00
Aicasnchmod ...20:00
Aicasnsudo ...20:00
Wizarddammit, i shouldn't stay here any longer20:01
Aicasnare we bothering you?20:01
charlie-tca!language | Wizard20:02
ubottuWizard: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:02
Wizardno, i installed gnome3 for test and i really like it20:02
Wizardcharlie-tca: sorry again20:02
charlie-tcaYou know those language police ;)20:02
Aicasnpicky picky picky. live in a police state.  chat in a police state.  it never ends....20:03
poptisse_Thats that installed20:03
poptisse_what now lol20:03
Aicasnso   /usr/sbin/service gdm start20:03
Aicasnand /usr/sbin/crossfingers20:04
Aicasn(^^^that was a joke)20:04
poptisse_Back on the desktop - now do i test to see if its tearing still?20:05
Arpad2my Network Manager doesn't show DSL connection, can be this error resolved?20:05
Aicasnmove a window20:05
poptisse_Tears like a mother-plucker still20:06
Aicasntry the xorg.conf modification again with the new drivers  (backup first. it will have changed)20:06
poptisse_Strange i found a thread with my exact issues lol and they're alll saying 10.10 works perfectly lol20:06
poptisse_How do i backup? lol20:06
Aicasncd /etc/X11; sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup20:07
Aicasnagain, can be separate commands20:07
poptisse_Aicasn - u able to pm for a sec i cant pm on the webchat irc client20:08
poptisse_took me to20:10
poptisse_take it that it backed up20:10
Aicasnls -l xorg.conf*20:11
Aicasndo you see both the original and the backup copy?20:11
poptisse_ok now lets do that composite crap again20:12
poptisse_two secs20:12
poptisse_Originally Posted by Eromatic   I've seen video tearing while only running under "Ubuntu Classic without Effects" & VDPAU. I had to follow the guide (Disabling the Composite Extension) at:  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/VDPAU#Dis...site_Extension  ...as that corrected the issue with my 9500 GT & Video Driver 270.41.06-0ubuntu1. If intending to use Unity or Ubuntu Classic with Effects, you probably will not want to do this though...20:13
poptisse_That is seeming to work now for everyone who has my issue20:13
poptisse_I am going to log out of ubuntu and log into ubuntu classic without effects20:13
poptisse_and run these commands20:13
poptisse_I pray to god this works for me20:14
poptisse_or am gonna die20:14
poptisse_:o well i managed to do the composite20:16
poptisse_and restart x20:16
poptisse_without the whole error i had before20:16
poptisse_lets test this out20:16
Wizardstudies prove that praying have no influence on probability of success in any case20:19
poptisse_still screen tearing20:19
poptisse_not as badly as it was before20:19
poptisse_i still say its broke20:19
poptisse_10.10 sounds like a good option ha  ha20:19
poptisse_Thanks for all the help - like i said fixes it dramatically but still tears...20:21
poptisse_a bit20:21
poptisse_I am a perfectionist20:21
Aicasni'm happy for you :)  grats20:26
poptisse_Yeh it tears a little which it should not20:29
poptisse_but its not as bad as it was20:29
poptisse_so am happy20:29
poptisse_If it irritates me too much "it probs will" i can go to 10.1020:29
poptisse_Everyone seems to complain that ubuntu 11.04 is not stable and is basically an alpha :l20:31
poptisse_I just wanted to stop using windows 7 as i had no real reason to use it and wanted to try out linux20:32
poptisse_Wanna help with my next issue ? ha ha "being serious"20:32
Aicasnplease deposit 25c20:33
Wizardi'm from central europe, i'm cheaper ;P20:33
poptisse_I have two montiors20:33
poptisse_my samsung which is infront of me20:33
Wizardxrandr is your friend20:33
poptisse_connected via hdmi20:33
poptisse_and the other vga20:33
poptisse_the VGA monitor which is mounted seems to be the primary20:34
poptisse_where i want my samsung to be primary20:34
Wizardi would recomment installing lxrandr20:34
poptisse_i dont want it to tear my screen20:35
poptisse_i would kill u literally20:35
Wizardno no, don't worry20:35
Wizardit's driver independent20:35
Wizardit operates on different xorg layer :D20:35
poptisse_better fucking do20:35
poptisse_sorry it has took me literally 14hrs to fix it lol20:36
Wizardrotfl :D20:36
Wizarddo you haqve lxrandr installed?20:36
poptisse_cant locate it20:36
poptisse_I have installed it, but not sure what its under or called20:37
Wizardalt+f2: lxrandr20:37
poptisse_it displays a monitor of20:37
poptisse_which is my two monitors together20:38
poptisse_and a refresh rate of 5020:38
poptisse_I have nvidia20:38
Wizardok, so i have no clues for you20:38
Wizardthere is some nvidia specific tool, nvidia-settings or something like this20:39
Wizardit allows monitor settings too, but it of course does not understand xrandr20:39
poptisse_gonna go on my ubuntu machine on irc two secs20:39
* Aicasn cheers @ poptisse_20:39
poptissecorrect channel?20:51
charlie-tcaWizard: dealing with Ubuntu, no Xubuntu20:52
Aicasnsomeone needs to wrangle #ubuntu.  it's been useless for a while now20:53
poptisseThis is the xubuntu channel tho?20:53
charlie-tcanot really correct for Ubuntu. We don't work with it everyday in this channel, even if you get someone that might be familiar20:53
Aicasnpoptisse:  yeah20:53
charlie-tcaXubuntu, yes20:53
poptisseUbuntu is crap20:53
poptisseThe channel that is20:53
poptisseIt has about 10,000 people connecting to it at once and u cant have decent chat and no one helps or replies20:53
poptisseThats why i came here20:53
Wizardcharlie-tca: you mean i should rise any questions about gnome3 and related stuff here? :>20:53
charlie-tcaYou can raise/ask any question you want. That doesn't mean you will get much help with it20:54
charlie-tcapoptisse: sorry, thought you were on Ubuntu instead20:54
charlie-tcamy mistake.20:54
Wizardactually i came here to give answers20:54
charlie-tcaWizard: He really is using Xubuntu. Would xrander or arander give him what he wants?20:55
Aicasnpoptisse:  i'm not a channel elder by any stretch, but i have no problem with people coming here for help just so long as it isn't ubuntu-specific... if you have xubuntu and need help with video drivers, we can probably help you out20:55
poptisseSo what is the major difference between ubuntu and xubuntu20:55
Wizardsoftware set20:55
* charlie-tca going to go hide again. Seems like he is full of errors today20:55
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:55
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:55
poptisseWhats xfce?20:57
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:57
charlie-tcaXfce is a much lighter desktop environment than Gnome20:57
charlie-tcain linux, there are three major desktop environments to use, Kde, Gnome, Xfce20:57
Wizardyou've forgot about fvwm ;)20:58
Aicasnand fluxbox20:58
charlie-tcano, I did not say window managers20:58
charlie-tcaI said DE20:58
Wizardso add ede, cde, lxde :D20:58
charlie-tcaGnome is what Ubuntu is based on20:58
charlie-tcaMajor DE?20:58
Wizardthe point is you can compose your desktop of whatever you want20:58
charlie-tcathere are many minor DE's, but three major ones20:59
poptisse:l I set up my vpn - and i can see it when i go to configure vpn20:59
poptissebut when i go to20:59
poptissevpn connections20:59
poptisseit does not appear20:59
poptissetill i restart the pc and shizzle20:59
poptissekinda annoying20:59
poptisseoh ffs!! It fails on ubuntu constantly21:00
poptisseIt always says connection failed - but the details are 100% correct21:01
poptisseso much so it works on windows and mac os x21:01
poptisseI am using pptp and it wont connect21:02
a001hello. i updated 10 LTS to 11.4 and now my machine won't boot21:03
a001it just sits at the grub prompt    sh:grub>     help please21:03
a001yes sorry. 11.0421:04
Aicasni don't know grub well enough to help...maybe someone else?21:04
a001ok thanks21:04
poptisseAble to help with my vpn issue?21:05
poptisseI can also see its an issue with ubuntu lol its defiantly not my vpn21:05
Aicasni don't do vpns, just basic networking stuff.   check settings, check firewalls, etc.21:05
poptisseThe settings for the vpn are correct21:06
a001any ideas on the grub problem?  machine is useless until i can get it to boot21:06
poptissethe firewall no idea lol how to access that21:06
Aicasnpoptisse:  go through menus. try settings.  look for firewall-related stuff21:07
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:07
charlie-tcaIt works if you did not install windows, too21:07
a001will read. thanks, charlie-tca21:07
poptisseIt seems others are having issues - i wonder why it wont work21:11
poptisseEspecially on linux21:11
poptisseFound a work-around just dont know how to do it21:13
poptissepossibly help ai21:13
poptisseYour the command king21:13
poptisse:o 2 secs21:14
poptissei could do this myself if i try lol21:14
charlie-tcapoptisse: hint for IRC... type the first couple of letters of a name, hit TAB key21:16
charlie-tcait will complete the name for you21:16
poptisseoh ok21:16
Wizardjust like in terminal21:16
charlie-tcaGets our attention better with the full nick21:16
poptisse:l no could not get that to work21:17
Aicasnwon't work without an acutal irc client.  web chat doesn't count21:17
poptisseI have noticed people are saying they can connect fine using terminal but the gui wont connect21:17
poptisseHow on earth do i connect to a vpn via terminal21:17
poptisseI found a tutorial on my vpn's site but i cant make sense of it21:18
poptisseaicasn pm me and ill copy and paste it21:18
poptisseYou can all view it here: http://pastebin.com/c4ZntMXp21:18
Aicasnpoptisse:  i really can't right now. it's almost 4:30 here and I need to get wrapped up for the week.   sorry :/21:19
poptisseWizzard or charlie could u help me make sense of the tutorial?21:19
charlie-tcaWizard: ???21:23
charlie-tcaBrand new user to linux and Xubuntu ^  ^  ^21:24
Wizardcharlie-tca: ?21:24
charlie-tcapoptisse needs some help with the vpn tutorial, running it in terminal21:25
poptisseI need to extract a file on my desktop to /etc/ using terminal21:25
poptissestuck at that first21:26
poptisseI think i have done it lol two secs21:28
poptisseok worked that out21:28
Wizardpoptisse: thi is your first day on linux?21:37
poptisseI managed to follow the tutorial correctly21:38
poptisseand i did the21:38
poptissepppd call server command like it said21:38
Aicasnyou'll be fine.  most people give up on their first day21:38
poptisseit does not appear to of done anything21:38
poptisseIt has not connected or anything21:39
Wizardyeah, if you survive first week you'll be fine21:39
Wizardafter 2 months it's too late21:39
poptisseYou able to help with this issue?21:40
Wizardwith vpn?21:40
poptisseI need to connect to my work VPN - i work from home so its a must21:40
poptisseThe issue is linux not the vpn21:40
poptisseso its working out how to connect21:40
Wizardpoptisse: my wife had cisco vpn working on xubuntu21:40
poptisseNah its not a cisco vpn21:40
Wizardopenvpn works ootb21:41
poptisseopenvpn on linux?21:42
poptisseHow do i install that - i tried kvpnc and had issues asking for keys and shit21:43
poptisseWhere i dont have any of that info21:43
poptisseand did not require it for openvpn on windows21:43
Wizardthe only issue with openvpn i had was under windows :d21:44
Wizardmaybe we come from different worlds21:44
poptisseYa able to help me install it?21:44
Wizarddo you have configuration file for it?21:44
Wizardinstall this: network-manager-openvpn21:45
poptisseYou'll have to tell me the full command21:46
Wizardapt-get install network-manager-openvpn21:46
Wizardthis should enable importing ovpn config files from network manager21:47
poptisseE: Option -openvpn: Configuration item specification must have an =<val>.21:47
betamarkanyone having trouble getting autofit guest to work in vmware workstation after upgrading to 11.04?21:48
betamarki reinstalled tools, reran the setup script and still no autofit21:48
poptisseWizard my bad got it working21:48
Wizarddunno, i boycott vmware21:48
Wizardcommand or vpn?21:49
poptisseOk terminal has installed it what next21:49
poptissethe command i got working21:49
Wizardclick network menu, select vpn, add connection21:49
Wizardclick import, choose file, done21:50
Wizardif it fails, you can allways use ovpn client from termina;21:50
poptissenetwork connections - vpn - import?21:50
poptisseok done that21:52
poptisseit says it failed because of no valid vpn secrets?21:53
Wizardsorry, poptisse, i'm really tired and sleepy :<21:53
poptisseThese are the exact files i have used for openvpn on windows21:53
poptisse:( lol21:53
Aicasnsigning off. take care guys21:54
Aicasnhave a good weekend :)21:54
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