
elvisdHi all, could someone help me. I'm a beginner in bug fixing. I'm trying to fix a bitesize bug in unity but i'm blocked following this guide http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/packaging-guide/html/fixing-a-bug.html00:53
elvisdat the point where i should do a bzr bd -- -S.... I have an error: debian/changelog not found00:57
elvisdsame after the dch -i00:57
elvisdcould i simply commit branch and request for merge?00:58
elvisdI have checked out unity branch as follows: bzr branch lp:unity01:02
elvisdanother thing that i don't understand is why i have 2 unity projects: unity and ubuntu/unity01:13
elvisd(in launchpad, of course)01:14
=== Omega` is now known as Omega
andyrockgood morning07:38
andyrockcan someone help debugging Unity?13:55
andyrocki cannot debugging from alt+ctrl+f114:13
andyrockbecause if I start from alt+ctrl+f1, devices, volumes are not read...14:19
andyrockand i'm debugging this kind of thing14:19
andyrocksomeone can help me?14:19
simbiozunity-window-decorator hangs all the time14:31
simbioz(unity-window-decorator:18872): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_get_data: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed14:31
simbiozFailed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so14:32
simbiozI am not sure where I can find more logs14:32
simbiozubuntu 11.04 using gnome classic14:34
simbiozor how can i replace unity-window-decorator with something else14:37

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