
=== cpatrick08 is now known as cpatrick008
cpatrick008i know your are getting 4.6.90 ready for oneiric but why you wait for it to get ready i think since you have 4.6.4 already in natty you should put 4.6.4 in oneiric so it is as up to date as it can be02:37
markeyare there any plans to ship a fixed Nvidia driver for Natty?07:10
markeythe default one has the infamous freeze-on-konsole-resize07:10
apacheloggermarkey: as in porprietary nvidia?08:41
Quintasanapachelogger: Yes08:42
Quintasanproprietary one has the freeze-on-rezise bug08:42
apacheloggerI find that unlikely08:42
apachelogger(to get a fix)08:42
apacheloggermarkey: #ubuntu-x is where to ask though08:43
apacheloggertraditionally they do not update binary blob though08:43
apacheloggerexcept for like 2 cases where ABI was not fixed in time and one security release or something like that08:44
markeyapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/76063208:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 760632 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system" [High,Confirmed]08:54
markeyseems like pushing the new driver would fix it08:56
apacheloggermarkey: you'll have to ask the people in #ubuntu-x nicely 08:59
markeycan I ask in my usual rude fashion?08:59
markeycause that is one major blunder that should never have passed any testing09:00
apacheloggersupposedly you can09:00
markeyok some of the idiots should be fired09:00
apacheloggerwhether it helps is a different question though ^^09:00
markeyit breaks kubuntu and ubuntu on many platforms. if I were their boss, I'd be fairly upset09:01
apacheloggerQuintasan, persia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/iMX53QuickStartBoard I added all I know about the EGL issue at the bottom of the page10:02
* Quintasan looks10:02
QuintasanThis sure sucks.10:04
Quintasanapachelogger: And we can't possibly do anything about this?10:04
Quintasanapachelogger: Can you try that one -> https://github.com/genesi/xorg-video-imx ?10:04
apacheloggerI have no idea how to debug it proper10:07
apacheloggerin particular it would be good to know why the egl init fails10:07
apacheloggerimx_drv.c:114:2: error: 'PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR' undeclared here (not in a function)10:11
apacheloggerimx_drv.c:114:2: error: 'PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR' undeclared here (not in a function)10:11
apacheloggerimx_drv.c:114:2: error: 'PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL' undeclared here (not in a function)10:11
apacheloggerall hail the autotools10:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: kaputness remains with the gitty clone10:14
Quintasanapachelogger: Hmmm, back to nothing I guess10:23
* Quintasan looks for a USB drive and purges the hell out of the card10:23
shadeslayer_there was a new soprano release btw11:43
shadeslayer_anyone working on that?11:43
* apachelogger really thinks that pbuilder is pretty crapzy12:18
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I'd argue that getting flipping 4.6.90 done is more important than package a new soprano that might not be needed right now12:18
shadeslayer_apachelogger: but upstream advises to use new soprano for KDE 4.6.9012:29
shadeslayer_which is why i've packaged it12:29
shadeslayer_oh did i mention that i can't access most kde sites including but not limited to ftpmaster :P12:31
apacheloggerseeing as we do not have a .90 I doubt a usage advise holds much value12:49
shadeslayer_apachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/632342/ << can you review this ?12:58
shadeslayer_huh ... where did those weird chars come from12:58
apacheloggerI do not believe that is valid dep512:59
shadeslayer_apachelogger: whats the issue?12:59
apacheloggerwell the whole markup is wrong13:00
shadeslayer_i was following the complex example from : http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/#index7h113:00
apacheloggeryeah, so, why does yours look different?13:00
shadeslayer_apachelogger: uh ... it doesn't ?13:01
apacheloggerif you use dep5 then read the spec13:02
shadeslayer_i did, but it seems i missed something13:03
apacheloggershadeslayer_: what is formatted text in the context of this spec?13:04
shadeslayer_you mean, its description is missing?13:06
shadeslayer_right after upstream author?13:07
Quintasanshadeslayer_: Question: Why are you bothering with it being dep5?13:07
shadeslayer_i shouldn't ?13:08
QuintasanWe will merge with Debian at some point in time13:08
QuintasanIf Debian will make it dep5 then we will use it, if they don't then what we do?13:09
shadeslayer_so, not worth the extra effort?13:09
shadeslayer_alright then13:09
QuintasanIMO? Not really.13:09
apacheloggershadeslayer_: read the spec13:10
shadeslayer_apachelogger: yeah will spend more time on it13:10
apacheloggerQuintasan: we might as well upstream our copyright file ;)13:10
shadeslayer_^^ why i was doing it13:11
QuintasanAre you actually implying that they might take it?13:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: also in favor of dep5: it is much more readable than the other non-specified mumbo jumbo ou there13:11
shadeslayer_well depends on you guys now, do you want me to finish off kate or spend more time on dep 5 :P13:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, they already do dep5like stuff all over the place IIRC13:11
apacheloggershadeslayer_: right now your debian/copyright is invalid.13:12
shadeslayer_apachelogger: yeah, i'm fixing it13:12
shadeslayer_well best to go the dep 5 way13:12
shadeslayer_i also need another example from KDE packaging, know of any package which is dep 5?13:14
apacheloggerwhy do you need an example?13:15
apacheloggerthere is one on the dep5 spec13:15
apachelogger>one actually ^^13:15
shadeslayer_ok, i'll spend more time reading the spec then13:17
* debfx prefers kernel-like copyright files13:24
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
CIA-52[oxygen-icons] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110625123621-gtnwbmwcurz68xj8 * debian/changelog New upstream release13:36
apacheloggeryofel: so, we are using the non-monolithic tars?13:37
shadeslayer_apachelogger: btw can you give me the ftp link to kdevelop? i can't access ftp.kde.org13:41
apacheloggerwhy kdev now?13:42
shadeslayer_apachelogger: new bug fix release13:42
shadeslayer_i can build it while i read on dep 513:42
apacheloggerwgrant: can a launchpad project be renamed pathwise?13:42
apacheloggershadeslayer_: couldn't you build another 4.6.90 thing too? :O13:43
shadeslayer_apachelogger: sure, but then i'll have to fix the copyright and other things for that too13:43
apacheloggerby which time you will have everything built and dep5 read so everything is faster13:44
apacheloggersounds like an awesome idea to me13:44
apacheloggershadeslayer_: where do you have the project-neon kde-runtime import?13:44
shadeslayer_apachelogger: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon/RecipeStatus << bookmark eet :P13:45
apacheloggermy dear friend13:45
apacheloggerI am uploading oxygen-icons right now13:45
apacheloggermy irc is lagging seconds13:45
shadeslayer_hahaha :D13:45
apacheloggerdo you really think I could use the silly old wiki13:45
shadeslayer_https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/kdebase/kde-runtime || bzr branch lp:~neon/kdebase/kde-runtime13:46
shadeslayer_whichever you prefer13:46
apacheloggerboth sounds bogus as kdebase is not the project :S13:46
apacheloggershadeslayer_: did you move kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts for the renaming or create a new project?13:46
* apachelogger wonders what to do with kdebase-runtime13:46
shadeslayer_iirc kde-runtime is listed under base13:47
shadeslayer_can't check since projects.kde.org is down for me13:47
apacheloggerwell, we could not replicate this on a launchpad level I suppose13:48
apacheloggerwould make scripting a bit of a PITA13:48
shadeslayer_apachelogger: iirc i created a new project13:48
shadeslayer_apachelogger: https://launchpad.net/kubuntu-web-shortcuts13:49
apacheloggerI thought you wished for a rename and acke'd it13:49
apachelogger*I ack'd it13:49
shadeslayer_apachelogger: ah yes, there's that lp bug13:49
shadeslayer_but iirc txwikinger was supposed to fix another meta package which had a rdepends on k-k-s13:49
apacheloggerand jjesse13:50
apacheloggerhow do we do the launchpad project setup13:50
apacheloggerwe cannot do kdebase/kde-runtime/ubuntu13:50
apacheloggerwhich would really be most appropriate, even if a scripting pain13:50
apacheloggerthen again on git they are all flat anyway, right?13:51
apacheloggerso from a branch POV kdebase/kde-runtime might be bogus13:51
apacheloggeryofel: pling pling13:52
apacheloggerdebfx: ping13:58
shadeslayer_so like14:04
shadeslayer_question, in dep 5 will  [LICENSE TEXT] automatically replace "[LICENSE TEXT]" with the corresponding license text?15:03
shadeslayer_or does [LICENSE TEXT] mean i have to paste the license text there15:03
shadeslayer_from what i understand its the former, but i still need a bit of clarification15:05
shadeslayer_i also found this btw http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/cdbs.git;a=blob_plain;f=scripts/licensecheck2dep5;hb=HEAD15:11
shadeslayer_^^ pretty much kaput15:16
skfindoes default kubuntu provide glib python-dbus mainloop or does it ship only Qt mainloop16:26
skfini dont have a pure kubuntu installion to test16:27
skfincould somebody test?16:29
skfinfrom dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop16:30
skfinin python shell16:30
yofelapachelogger: pong16:31
yofelI would say use a new project? If there is already one discuss it with the launchpad folks16:31
skfinbecause qtmainloop needs pyqt416:32
skfinand nobody gnome or other user dont want it16:32
apacheloggeryofel: well, it is a general question of kubuntu really17:19
apacheloggerdo we create new projects or migrate old ones where possible17:19
apacheloggerso 17:19
apacheloggeryou know that issue where dput fails all over the place just to annoy you17:20
apacheloggerit happend with oxygen-icons17:20
apacheloggerall hail the fail17:20
yofeltrue, but I have no idea how to rename projects. -> #launchpad17:20
apacheloggerwell yeah17:21
apacheloggerjust need to file a question17:21
apacheloggerbut first I should know if that is the path to take :P17:21
yofelmaxb did move an obsolete project out of the way so I could set up okular, so *someone* can rename them17:21
yofelfor kdebase I don't see why not, it really is  just a rename17:21
shadeslayer_yofel: you're familiar with dep 5 right?17:23
yofelwell, in the I read the spec sense17:23
shadeslayer_yofel: the part in the spec where it says  [LICENSE TEXT]17:24
shadeslayer_does it mean i have to substitute the license text? or does it do that automagically17:24
yofelyou need to substitute it afaik17:25
shadeslayer_hmm ..then why would it say  [LICENSE TEXT] at one point but substitute the actual license text in the same language later on17:25
kubotushadeslayer_: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"17:26
shadeslayer_( i have no idea why i said language .... @_@ )17:26
yofelgood question, ask the debian folks :P17:28
shadeslayer_yofel: its suppossed to be replaced with actual license text18:26
apacheloggeryofel: ping19:35
apacheloggerScottK: ping19:35
* bambee is red, he got a lot of sunburnt19:36
apacheloggerbambee: /nick drzoidberg19:36
bambeeapachelogger: ?19:36
apacheloggeryofel: what exactly is the plan WRT renaming?19:36
apacheloggerkdebase-runtime does the source become kde-runtime? do the binaries become kde-runtime-*? 19:37
apacheloggeretc. etc.19:37
apacheloggerbambee: if you are red like a lobster you better change your nick to reflect that ;)19:37
yofelrename both source and binaries19:38
apacheloggeryofel: with breaks replaces?19:44
yofelofc, or we'll get a mess. Keep any binary name that doesn't have kdebase-runtime in it though19:45
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shadeslayer__apachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/632524/ << still has issues? 19:56
apacheloggerstill not valid19:56
shadeslayer__apachelogger: whats the exact issue?19:56
shadeslayer__from what i can see, i'm doing it right19:56
apacheloggerfollowing my question from earlier, that you apparently did not investigate further...19:58
apacheloggerdep5 defiens formatted text fields as such:19:59
apachelogger"Formatted text fields use the same rules as the long description in a package’s Description field, possibly also using the first line as a synopsis, like Description uses it for the short description. See section 5.6.13, “Description”, at http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Description for details. For example, Disclaimer has no special first line, whereas License does."19:59
=== fenris_ is now known as Guest55070
apacheloggerreading on the license field is defined as:19:59
apacheloggerSyntax: formatted text, with synopsis19:59
apacheloggerIn the header paragraph (no Files specification), this field gives the license information for the package as a whole, which may be different or simplified from a combination of all the per-file license information. See also License below in the Files paragraph section."19:59
apacheloggerLicense: LGPL-219:59
apachelogger  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or19:59
apachelogger  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public19:59
apachelogger  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either19:59
apachelogger  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.19:59
apachelogger  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,19:59
apachelogger  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of19:59
apachelogger  Library General Public License for more details.20:00
apacheloggersince those are 2 paras the only valid way to represent them as such is a period20:00
=== Guest55070 is now known as ejat
apacheloggeradditionally all of the pludner should be indented by ONE whitespace20:00
apacheloggerALSO the period20:00
shadeslayer__apachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/632572/ << period like this?20:01
apacheloggerjust write them fields like a debian/control field if you are not willing to read the spec20:01
apacheloggerThe lines in the extended description can have these formats:20:02
apachelogger* Those starting with a single space are part of a paragraph. Successive lines of this form will be word-wrapped when displayed. The leading space will usually be stripped off.20:03
apachelogger* Those starting with two or more spaces. These will be displayed verbatim. If the display cannot be panned horizontally, the displaying program will line wrap them "hard" (i.e., without taking account of word breaks). If it can they will be allowed to trail off to the right. None, one or two initial spaces may be deleted, but the number of spaces deleted from each line will be the same (so that you can have indenting work correctly, for 20:03
apachelogger* Those containing a single space followed by a single full stop character. These are rendered as blank lines. This is the only way to get a blank line[39].20:03
apachelogger* Those containing a space, a full stop and some more characters. These are for future expansion. Do not use them.20:03
apacheloggerDo not use tab characters. Their effect is not predictable.20:03
ScottKapachelogger: pong20:03
apacheloggerScottK: yofel answered my question already20:04
apacheloggerapparently kdebase-runtime is becoming kde-runtime all around20:04
ScottKBTW, I think DEP 5 is a PITA not worth bothering about.20:05
shadeslayer__ok scrap it then, i'm only getting even more confused20:06
* apachelogger finds debian/copyright in general a PITA and not worth bothering about though :P20:06
apacheloggershadeslayer__: then make it not invalid20:06
shadeslayer__^^ that is so true20:06
shadeslayer__apachelogger: yeah, i'm going with whatever format we have for kde4libs20:07
apacheloggernot necessarily necessary though eventually useful20:07
apacheloggerknetattach needs love20:09
CIA-52[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110625193604-ruxklif77diwfbba * debian/ (15 files in 2 dirs) * New upstream release * Refresh: - kubuntu_oxygenify_knetattach_icon.diff - kubuntu_phonon_forget_option.diff20:36
CIA-52[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110625193743-bfoycnjrbijl23c3 * debian/ (changelog control) merge20:37
CIA-52[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110625195125-d3vvaq2p9eou7a1d * debian/changelog fix entry20:51
CIA-52[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110625195534-plsa4ojs9kygk636 * debian/control Build depend on libqtwebkit-dev20:55
CIA-52[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110625200136-peohl06equjtijew * debian/control fix markup21:01
shadeslayer__aaaaannnnn done : http://paste.ubuntu.com/632601/21:02
CIA-52[kdebase-runtime] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110625201229-9z0g9q6y72ba305k * debian/ (kde-runtime-data.install kde-runtime.install not-installed) update files21:12
apacheloggershadeslayer__:     + part/script/data/lilypond.js21:17
apachelogger    + part/tests/completion_test.cpp21:17
apachelogger    + tests/completion_test.h21:17
apacheloggerwhat is with the +?21:17
shadeslayer__yeah, have to clean that up a bit21:17
shadeslayer__apachelogger: also, i just realized i'm missing authors for those files21:17
shadeslayer__can i say i hate copyright files21:18
apacheloggerbulldog98: not helping with 4.6.90?21:18
bambeewhich packages installs kdeclarative.h ?21:19
shadeslayer__!find kdeclarative.h21:19
ubottuPackage/file kdeclarative.h does not exist in natty21:19
apacheloggerit is in kdelibs-experimental21:19
apacheloggernot even sure we package that21:19
apacheloggerprobably not21:19
apacheloggeras it is experimental ^^21:19
shadeslayer__^^ :P21:19
bambeeso kde-workspace depends on kdelibs-experimental...21:19
apacheloggerso we probably need to package it21:20
bambeebuild failure "kdeclarative.h : not found"21:20
shadeslayer__oh yes21:20
shadeslayer__apachelogger: iirc this was on the plasma ML21:20
shadeslayer__that workspace depends on kdelibs experimental21:20
shadeslayer__can't open mail.kde.org @_@21:22
shadeslayer__ok so it was decided to statically include required libraries in libplasma21:23
apacheloggerbambee: poke notmart21:23
shadeslayer__or plasma-devel ML21:23
apacheloggerhe should have fixed that like first week of june or so21:23
bambeeapachelogger: ?21:24
apacheloggerthe linking against experimental is a policy violation of sorts21:24
apacheloggerif it is linking against it21:24
apacheloggerat any rate notmart is the person to talk to 21:24
bambeearrf... he is offline 21:25
shadeslayer__could someone check if kde-baseapps has kwrite?21:26
afiestasshadeslayer__: it doesn't21:33
afiestaskwrite is in a different repo iirc21:33
shadeslayer__well .. it's in kate21:35
shadeslayer__afiestas: i can't connect to projects.kde.org so i have to route traffic via a proxy site21:35
shadeslayer__afiestas: oh, bluedevil question, is it possible to bypass the bluedevil wizard and call my own KAssistantDialog ?21:36
* apachelogger fails to compute that question and decides to go to bed21:39
shadeslayer__apachelogger: nini21:40
afiestasshadeslayer__: bypass?21:44
shadeslayer__afiestas: well ... like instead of using the Bluedevil wizard, i have my own wizard21:45
shadeslayer__custom made for my app21:45
bambeeapachelogger: apparently only plasma/generic/tools/remote-widgets-browser uses kdedeclarative. Until it's fixed on  upstream we could probably disable it... no?21:45
* ScottK thinks he may have Qt on armel figured out.21:46
afiestasshadeslayer__: use libbluedevil then21:46
shadeslayer__afiestas: ah ok21:47
shadeslayer__could someone review this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/632630/21:49
apacheloggerbambee: perhaps21:50
shadeslayer__kate -> licensing hell21:50
afiestasshadeslayer__: report it please21:52
shadeslayer__afiestas: report what? 21:52
afiestassome time we don't care about these things... 21:52
afiestasthe licencing mess, some times it is unintended21:52
shadeslayer__afiestas: i'm merely saying that there are a mixture of licenses all over kate :P21:52
afiestasand I'm merely saying that if you find it a problem or you feel that it could be amistake, report it21:53
afiestassince some times we don't care enough about that things21:53
bulldog98apachelogger: acctually I’m watching TV atm but tomorrow I’ve got time21:54
apacheloggerafiestas: it is more of a problem with shadeslayer__ being lazy :P21:57
shadeslayer__i'm not lazy anymore21:58
shadeslayer__apachelogger: you're being lazy with your talk of sleep :P22:03
apacheloggerwell, I finished 2.5 packages today, and you :P22:03
apacheloggeralso I am not in bed apparently22:03
shadeslayer__you got the easy ones without copyright issues :P22:04
apacheloggeras far as I am concerned you could just have extracted the relevant portions from kdesdk/debian/copyright22:05
shadeslayer__couldn't find a better word22:05
shadeslayer__apachelogger: i did, but it was pretty outdated and didn't have loads of stuff22:05
apacheloggerexcuses over excuses :P22:06
shadeslayer__like other used licenses22:06
shadeslayer__also, libkipi is done, and i just need to fix the copyright file in that too22:07
shadeslayer__^^ can't take copyright stuff from kdegraphics in this case22:08
apacheloggerlike building a copyright file takes a day22:09
shadeslayer__i like to take my time and go over stuff and make sure i don't mess it up22:10
ScottKAt least exams are the excuse.22:27
* shadeslayer__ just made a huge jump in his GSoC project22:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelnow smokeqt is fun from a licensing point of view:http://paste.kde.org/8771522:35
* shadeslayer__ can't see any more licenses today22:36
ScottKQt uploaded again.22:36
yofelI'll talk to dpalacio when I see him, he didn't fill out the copyright file there yet22:36
yofelshadeslayer__: the licensing for smokeqt is fun. Well, the missing one rather...22:37
shadeslayer__ah 22:37
yofelnone of the files have any copyright...22:38
* shadeslayer__ just did a entire PIM sync via dbus \\o/22:38
yofelcool ^^22:38
shadeslayer__yofel: yeah, all of my contacts are now sync'd with google22:38
shadeslayer__now to figure out the correct keys to write a config22:38
shadeslayer__i still have to write configs by the command line tool22:39
yofelmeh, what am I supposed to set as license on LP for the smokeqt project if there is no license...22:39
* yofel chooses I don't know yet22:40
ScottKyofel: IIRC you just pick some random, but Free license and it doesn't matter.22:43
yofelwell, I uploaded smokeqt to ninjas for now so we can continue to work, I'll put a note on the wiki re copyright22:46
LinkmasterI'm just going to leave this for you guys to think about: "When a programming language is created that allows programmers to program in simple English, it will be discovered that programmers cannot speak English. -unknown"23:44
tsimpsonthere is a natural english-language programming language "out there", someone using it to program robots...23:47
LinkmasterHm, I deem that I'm incorrect then. Good thing I didn't make the quote up23:49

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